HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-25, Page 8It is arutouliced that the Deectinion. ',• •SSoyernnientswilt make a grant to 1,130 . • vernkner,it 117,'..i‘i Intake a ',grant. to the • •end for tho, a....fvAtanco or .0 ens. . , slies bereaved' by „the Titanic disaster: „„, • .• 'Ilia Montreal, 'Stock, lelintio;e has "se ',toted $5,000 to the, ,ftiad. THE ELDERLY • GENTLEMAN is just Moist ten'ste twenty years • Oder than he looks when heis a rheumatic. • suffeeer. Rheumatism sacks. the whole system. The con-. slant dull pain pulls the face out of shape and a man with rheumatism is eat at lcirty. Rheumatism can be tesized• Rhcurno will curo it quickly sold Permanently by en:Selling thy Wood and driving out the uric acid' poisons, •' that wear out the system. Shim Rheunio became known we have ,S1Steett, ,sunable to .ment sm. the names •. f the nufnerous persons .from o-hom .sie hese received testimonial a. • itheumo ss positively guaranteed hy J. E. Hovey who will tell you just )oss good it is and what every one :la town thinks of it. P.lactimo is $1 'nes bot•tla at .1. E. Hovey's or dir- set, all charges prepaid, from 13. V. Marion, Bridgeburs, Ont. Mr. Wittiant 'Wainwright has been appointed acting head- of the Grand Truck Railway and Mr. E. J. Cham- barlin acting heed of the G. T. Tee- ' ific by the directors. . • CANADIAN • PACIFIC RAILWAY SETTLERS' TRAINS -TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA !SASK ATCHEWAN The only through line LOW ,COLONIST RATES Itirit:t:cra7g ' effects ' Special grains Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 0.20 P.M. Sacra and families without livestock should use Regular Trains Leaving Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and Tourlot Weepers ionist Cars on all Trains No charge for berths Through Trans Toronto to Winnipe1,5 and West Ask any C.P Agent for cony of "Seeks.' pads" -V. JACKSON, AGENT, CI,INTON: MISSIZE1121===gerifitimii=ennip, THE NEWS-RECORO'S ,CLUBBING 'UST FOR 1111-12 Much good reading for little money. .1)V1.1E1i1411.10 News -Record and Mailand Einpire $1.50 News -Record and Glebe . , 1.60 News -Record and Family lieraid and Stan, with Premium..., . • .... ..., 1.75 Nesva-Recoed and WitneSs 1.75 Newe-Reeord and Sun 1.75 Ns -Record and Free • Press • 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser L73 News -Record and Tovonto Saturday Night .. :. . ,. 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate..... • . . . .. 225 News-liecord and Farm and Dairy.. '. 1.75 News-Reisord and Osna- 1• dian Farm ....... .. .. . . 1,75 News -Refined and Youth's Companion • 1.75 Damns 6 NeWs-Reitord and Mail and • Erripirc ' 4,25 News -Record and Globe... 4.25 News -Record and News ... 2.30 News -Record and Star' .... S,30 News -Record and. World:.. • 3.25 1YeWs-Becord and Morning Free prese- . . 3.25 News-Reeded send livening , Free Precis 2.75 Newe-Reeord and Adver- T,Lale i7i:111elrt! r ittniintioearrieY II e1011 Na{ , toLng - Thugh 1)110 tl Down tas vsilos „,,,,o,,0,11,1, • , lscil a , cjirt o .111 sJi r i'ottgh bj-f; The loss of the Titanic' has caused all .the ,liners nlitcrease. the, etun- ber 00 lifebnata. 13A.LI) HEADS'S:0T WANTED BilidlleSS 18 Too (i =rally" Conside et' d• a Sign of Advanced Age. A ban -headed Orsondoes not Save an °gnat chance with one blessed ,w,th a healthy heqd of hair, bmiause bald- ness iS .)0D generally accepted' as an j.idication of age. Many, latge .000 - aerations have established an age limit, and •recuse to take men over 35 years of age as new employes. Probably 65 percent, ot bald-headod people may regain a good head ' of healthy hair if they wile Sosow nur advice and accept out offee. We have a remedy limit we positively Gutman. - tee to grow hair on any head, unless the . Soots of the ahir ate entirely dad, their follicles closed, 'and 'the scalp has become glazed' and shiny. We want people to try this remedy at out risk, w-ith the distinct under- standing that unless tt does exac,3,y what we claim it will, and gives sat- Safaetion 111 eSery respecti, WO shall inane no cheese for the remedy used Miring the trial. We know exactly vhat tvo are tailc- Sag about, and witra this offer back or our statements no one should scoff, doubt our word, or hesitate to put our remedy to an actual test. • We want every one in Clinton who is suffering from any scalp or hair trouble dandruff or 1:Si 103 hair, or balciii,ss t try our Recall "SS" Hair Totf.e. We wrnt them to use it ressiS rly-say entil three bottles have tean seed- nd if it does not eradiCate dandruff, cleanse and. a- fresh the scalp, 1)1 htan the hair in its roots, and grow new hid', n'c return every cent pati us for the le - reedy for the men, asSing. There is no formality expected, and we exact no ()litigation from the user ; hat - ever, ‘ Ye are established right here in Clinton,' and make this offer with a full 'understanding that our bunnese success entirely depends upon lbw sor3 Of treatment we accord 0111)1.115- tomers, and we would not dare tis make the above offer unless we wee° positively certain 'that we could mils- stantiate it in every particular, Re- member, you can obtain .Rexall 13eni- ediett, tisjpescomennfty only at , our store, the Resat S tre, 10. S. it. Holmes, draggist, stssIA% • SYNOPSIS CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the :sato head of a family, or any male over IS )Oats old, may homestead a 1111o111tOr See - tion ° of avaiSable Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency 00 Sub-ag,eney • for the distsice. En- try by proxy may be made at any agency, on cestain conditions by fath- er, mother, 1130, daughter, bamther or Sister of intbading homeateader. 11/htirs.-Six months' residence up- on and eultfeation of the land in each'of three years. A homesteader may live within nine, miles of his homestead. on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or• by Ins father, mother, son, daughter, brother'or sister. • In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his home- stead, Price $3.00 per accts. Duties•-Mustf reside upon the home- stead. or pre-emption nix monthfs tin each of six years froth date of homestead Amity (including the time required to earn homestead patent and cultivate fifty acres ectsa.) A homesteader who has echatiste his homestead right , and cannot ob- tain a pre-eniptioil may enter for purchased, homestead in certain dis- tricts. Price $3.00 pelt acre. !Jut- ies.-Must resiite sys months, in each of three yearn, oubtivate fifty acre and erect a bons° worth $300.00. W. W. COISY. Deputy of the Minister of the Intericir. N, B. -Unauthorised publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. • 'OR AND REED GIN PILLS 094 0011.T)ON 30. StArtAroto, 01.90. " Willyou kit3dlyinfornt are sold in New York City ? I learned about them last Bain !net, My • daughter went to Kingston, • Ont., r, ssrfl." and spent the summer there. She got some of your Gin Pills and sentthem to me and. I tried them and found them to be the best medicine that I ever used for Kidney and Madder Trouble, 011! they did 1210 50 much good and I ant so much better I hope you can fix it so I eau get Gin Pills in New York"„ CITARLES COLLINS. Sold everywhere in Canada at see. a box, 6 for $2,50. Sample free if you write National Drug and. Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. • If you need a gentle laxative or some- thing to stir up the liver, take National Lary Liver Pills, zse. a box. 106 The Dominion Steel Corporation is issuing $7,000,000 of 6 per cent., pi e - tarred stook, •in London. and, /Sinatra, dam. An official investigation into the disaster to the Titanic was opened yesterday. To cases of rheumatism rebict from pain makes sleep and rest possibl:. 'this may he obtained by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. For sale 1)7 All Dealers. The Goverentent steamer Earl Grey is reported ashore between Charitit- toilswn and Picton, N, S. The Mel- lo has gon(1 to her assiatance. Clayton Bickford and his wife • are on trial for manslaughter at Corn- wall,in connerition with the deatit of their young 0 oce. The girl is al- leged to have been abused. MIOn eWir , Voreincrfetitys at; KS,a0stritynx- oniirated•',,,MrS.S,,HCOugdSP... 'BeOrSisikia"', and treat hjS,- sPeelill trail Lame •Shoulder „Is nsarly SaywayS, dtie tho,sOi,oieleS• ApAquifeidy 'yields, to' the „ tree' ..aps. Plication of Chamberlain's, Linintent; For sale. by, All, Deelers, The King and Queen, Sent donations, for the relief of those in distree through the catastrophe to the Tit- anic. • Funds were Opened in London' and, NeW Yorit. • • An investigation into t'ao of the Titanic disaster in being held at hilss Mary Mar -kit, aged sixteen shot • herself whiles squirrel hunting north of NorIth Bay and is in a scr,. bus condition. State of Ohio, City or Toledo, Lucas, County. • Frank J. Cheuiw malts% oath that he is senior partner of the firm of Is•. J. Cheney & 00,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pep she sum of One hundred Dollars feir each and every esse of Catarrh that cannot be culled by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of Dec- ember, A. D. 1500. A. W. Gleason, Notary Publio Catarrh Cure Is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces' of the system. Send for testimonials free. Is. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 • Sad by all ,Druggist. 75c. Take HMI's Family Pills for 0010 - PURE PREPARED INT TIORIESEEKERS' EXCURS1')NS -to- • WESTERN CANADA ,• Via Cnicago .April 2rid, isith, 30th and every second Tuesday licieeafter nnilit Sept. 17-th When a medicine must be given to young chilchem St should be pleasant to take. Citamberlain'S Cough Re- medy is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making.. it pleasant:, to take. It has. no superinr for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by All Dealers. Look for this Trade Mark when you buy paint. Quelph street eat ran off the tracks and was making' for an old marry when it collided with a 'ale phone pole. Several passengers re- ceived bruins.. ' Mr. J. W. Alexander has .presented Rowinanville with a Sine house and grounds for a hospital, and the tit- izens beets subscribed the heads equip the bt(Iding. It means painting as it should be -- painting that will look the best and wear the longest under all weathers and hard usage, This Trade Mark is backed by 76 years of world wide paint experi- ence --it's the sign of MINERVA 'RISA DY PAINT Perhaps the last job blistered, cracked or peeledsbeeause the paint was not perfectly made. • Try Minerva Pint this time. The Perfect incorporation of the Minerva ingredients produces a paint wit Wife of the P.M. Talks to Women • TELLS WHAT DODIJ'S KIDNEY PILLS 011.3 FOR frb18, She Suffered for Toro Years and Found a Cure for all Her Troubles in a Single Box. , Lower Caraquet, (iloncester N. B., April 22, (Spo0ial.)--41rs. Joseph Chiasson, wife of the police magis- trate here, who for two years has been practically an invalid, is' au/ n in the .best of health, and she is tell- ing hef freinds lieu; 'quick and t010 - Mete was her cure when she took Doll's Kidney PSIls. "My illness," Mrs. C'hiasson says, 'was caused .by a strain,' and 1(0 two years 1 was a, Sufferer. My back ached; 1 was always tired and ner- vous, arid there were dark circles un- der my eyes and after sleeping I had a bitter taste in my mouth. '"I had a pressure and sharp pain on top of my head. I was always thirsty and my .skin had a harsh, dry feelStig. I was often dizzy. I per- spired freely and my persptration had an unpleasant odor. ."Almost from the tirst dose Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me and,by the time I had finished, the first .1)0X I Was 14 well woman.!' Mrs. Cliasson's symptomsshowed that the trouble was her kidneys. That's why Dodd'a Kidney Pit's: ctss el her Od quIckly, W. -0; 'tt. 'for 'pandsnit• Th4tit of it',dea:i reader; M P•A•PitS- A.N.SAGE isn't. the Most '' invigosat- ingsasid. pleaea'ilt heir.' dressing' ever ,nsetbs-rtioney, 'bank „ If it doesn't,. Iinirish dandrulls ,Stop :Safe 'limn fallings cold, dp away • scith scalp.,litchinotiy 'back, 50 cents. at W. S. A.' home '04 ,druggists everywtmrc , "PAIRISIAN • SAGE. ", as p hair geptver and scalp, oleaner is An -10Irs.'- Dora M. Daniels,' WiSliamsen, I'PATHSTAIS SA(1.111 t 'cured, .01.0 01. terrible, itiching et , the ecalrei•Ss-MIs. C'sP. Popp i 'OXIOrd, • A nice legal • battle' is being A/Agee; between D. Qeattie Nesbitt and the - A C.P. R. train leaving HamiSton oh Thursday 'night last collided with an engine, in the Mimic° yards, Tbtanic Memorial service was held in Massey Hall, Toronto„ which was alittpded by an immense audience Five thousand people are said to have been' enable, to gain achnission to the Hall. STISISSALL. Nelson Reinbart, who left here eight years ago, is home on a visit. He is now engaged on structural steel emits for an Indiana Company. Which makes a, speniaSty of sky -scrapers. The Irving Dramatic Club of Hen - sail gave "The Troubles of the New- ly Wed" on Monday night and eS1l repeat it at Stella on Friday night, Some ot the mischievous boys MIA; been annoying Miss V. Smith by throwing her store door open and by other pranks, The Chief has beea instructed to make an example of the lads unless lacy stop the practise. Hensall people aro noted far their ambition in taking hold of difficult thingsakci making a success of, theni. For instance the oratorio ."Olivet to Calvary" ,was presented ib Carmeb church successfully 'on Friday evens THE EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Tastes Like and is Eaten Eike Candy In our, experience in the handling of drugs and medicines, • wo bekeve we have never had experitmee with any Remedy that gave such great satis- faction to our customers. as do Res- ell Orderlies. This Remedy is not like ahy other, laxative or cathartic. 11 oentains all the good features, of othr e' laxatives, bet none of'their • Our • own faita in lir/stall Orderlies iti SO Svrong that WC offer them' '10 0u HEART TROUBLE Men, uric acid is dissolved in the blood it thickens the blood alhaos? to a jelly. • This is what causes the heart to flutter and seems to ' stop because Wig weakened by the strain laic acid ,put,s on it.' 13010 Auid Pills drive out all uric acid poisonst from the. sietens They are quick and safe and are guaranteed by .5. E. Hovey. See that the, name 13. V. Marion. Is on the package. The. big T. Eaton Store„ Torouto, was closed 011 Saturday afternoon last out of reopecs to the memory of Mr. 0. E. Gmaharn, who died on :be Ti tanic. "Our baby cries for ChamberSain' Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. 13. Kendrick, Ramica, Ga. ',It is the best cough remedy on the market' for coaghs, colds and croup." For sale by AD Dealers. , ' ' sk• ss re.;! 06' 11'- 107 00:' 107 re Pet et, Goderich Airfss r,thly 1. Whitman and Mr. Sl - bort Shore were married on Wednes- day of last week, Rev. Geo, IS. Ross officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Shore have gone 'So reside in Calgary', • Messrs. F. W. McDonough ot Car- low and A. S. Gledhill, of town have purchased the, Holmes' coal and wood yard and enter into possession about May •1s t. - Mrs. John Killoran, mother •s, pi Mr. -J. L. K Moran, died middenly in Toronto last week. •She had been spending a time with her daughter there. The • remains were 'Troughs home. to Seaforth for interment. Mr. 'IS Oundry iintenhs selling out his livery and sale stables and in- tends later to take a trip to the west. W .s. II. . Ball hasiarrived home from thit west where she spent sever- al months visiting her children at cli Item t points. SA (UTNE GIRLS. There are ninny of them ; they are always noticeable and distinguished becausa of their hails Thick, heavy tresses of soft, silky and luxuriant hair ; free from dandruff and glowing with all the radiance 'and beauty of health is the greatest adornment of women, SAGEINIS is the only preparation known to science that will make the hair so noticeably beautiful s SAGE - INF; is now sold in Clinton. by J. E. Hovey who with each bottle gives his personal guaratitem to refund the mon- ey if Sageine does not do all that .is claimed 101 1)1). Sageine Is the kavoriii3 in, every home ; it merits its popularity be- cause it is not sticky or greasy • and it is not a dye. J, E. Hovey sells a large bottle for 50 cents. andlerich Messrs. Bert AliNer and Fred Galin have gone to the Moose Jaw, Sask, Mr, Bert McLean has gone to Mfd- land to join his boat, the Midland Queen. Mr. A. M. Polley has gone to Tol- edo, Ohio,. for a little visit, re- turning with his daughter, Mrs. Ma- jor, who has been visiting her `home itlitIftro"sN.21e,e'b has returned to her home' at Deer Lodge, Mars, after a visit of some. weeks, with het father, Mi. Wm. Mrs, J. J. McElwee.' passed away last week after a few, illness. Much Sympathy is felt for her husband and two little daughters. Owing , to a scareity oS wheat the Big Mill 'has been idle during She past week, The • water and sli'ght oommiSsion have deeided to purchase 1500Tuns- ston tamps which will be supplied by the ITyclria-Electric Commission at cost, Constipation brings many atiroon!ts in its train and Is the primary cause oE much ,Siekness. Keep regul- ar, madam, and you wall, ' es; cape many of the ailments to wbic women are stibjeCt. Constipation is a ,very simplesthing, bt lam 110117 slrnpto ,thRilgs, it may lead to sea- lottumtmotoollts ,Did you ever make a, Phonograph Record? Didyoueverhearyour- self talk, sing or play? Talk about entertainment - there is nothing that approaches the' fun and fascination of making records at home on the Edison Phonograph 174E EDISON toil record what you or your friends say, or sing, or play, and then instantly reproduce it just as clearlir. and faithfully as the Records you buy are reproduded. This is a feature of the Edison Phonograph you should not overlook. You can send your voice to a friend, preserve the sayings of children, record your progress as a speaker, a singer or a musician. Anyone can make records on an Edison. It requires no spcciai machine. The blank records can bc used over and over. Gra to nny Edison dealer today rind 1c1 hi Z11 .lenunatnIetlltsp,',,(l'ea5,ircot'Lltel3lin0fl l'honogorph rand schen you tiny maliesure you gee rin Edison, the instrtiment ithat Uicen 0011 not only the hest renditions 01 1)110 world's aest valet -tat nem taut rds0 tim oPthirtnnity for l' -pole reeord'husking, liber,, ere Eslinen deniers euer5'y0tere. (1) la the nearest and hear the EMS,,,/ Pho- nograph piny lath Edison Standard and Edison dusberol Records. Get complete ealatoiss fryers your daleor front us. Edison Phonographs. 516.60 tu 1)E.10.00. leeliooradSst.a40c.nal rct ii litlis00%Ali(ibewarravlr twice as long). (Jo Gelaters- ::::Greed Opera &78451:: 100 Th'Ls7cen:idmo'fiTvEl'on mt. 52.90. Orango, N. J.. LI, E. A. A gompleb lino of Edison Phonographs .awl Records will bo found at V4,I" 11 WALKER OVER i13 MILLIONS OF ASSETS THIS WEEK? Start that savings account this week. Start where you know your savings will be safec-----with a com- pany that has a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capital. Stare with a company incorporated in 1864 -that has already paid over five million dollars of interest to depositors and debenture -holders Call or 1;1/rite tis to -day. llneorportited 1864 19 Xoaq 4 Savings Co., .Condoq cuid Sit Ihonicts. rasegam SPRING TIME With house cleaning time is at hand, every woman ' knows all about dust but some don't know that DUST BANE. Will make sweeping a Joke, just a few handsfur at oeginninc, point is that's required. Dustbane is the Sanitary tiViethod of eliminating the dust nuisan,ce. It kills germs, makes carpets look like new', Don't take our word for this but order 'a tin from your grocer, • Try it out, fok• one week and return the tin if' not satisfactory, i1:021X1601111111511011WitS141=1/-02/APM., DIJSTE3ANE 18 MADE IN OTTAWA 'PROTECTED BY (CANADIAN PATENTS 1 t 10915 ,0a0J1S01.11401.ellease1itstaN:cetllya:07ittIOI,ItOie111; ,ter Clhaniherlain's '• The News -Record leads for tirst :, iIrceddua', .8;11 7711and To .w'zisiiip‘ .s.s1