HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-25, Page 6litaasiaseimestermemeilanomesiimiiitems
Clinton News-Recprd
April 25th, '1912
Breezg Hayfield Happenings. l,Varna Sags Good, '• Bge to
and Mrs. Harnweill.
Ed. Merrier, who bought the Our worthy eitmen„ 3elm Whiddon,
who recently returned from. a visit
of severa.r weeks in :Old 'England,
paid special attention to the apple
situation while in e.te Old Land.: he
English apple, says Mr. Whiddon, do-
es not for a'mornent;eompare for
flavor with that grown in Ontario
and ill our -orchardists; could entry be
induced to prune and spray more nee -
orally and pack with greater care,
we here in Ontario could bele the
world or toothsome and good-,ceep-
ing' stock, Mr. Whiddon also says
that the. British Columbia apples ern
packed with more caro than those of
this province and arse as a rutc ori
boxes holding ane. bushel. The rIrlt-
ish dealer prefers the box to the
larger Barrel.
Capt. John Ferguson left on Tues-
day for Chicago to take charge of
his boat; the Rockefeller.'
1 Sturgeoe and � 1fU
Air. 1t 11 am t t 1 w
1 i
have moved into the Queen's
Misses. Ethel and Irene Lewis of
England aro the guests of, their un-
cle, Mr. John Whiddon.
Rev: Mr. Ryan of Fairn'iount was
in the village this week on busi-
Mr. J. Steinman, who conducted a
barber shop' in the village for the
past year, left on Noonday for Tav-
istock q+herr he has purchased a bus-
The'News-Recotr.l excels for idles of
Clinton, Bayfield, Stanley and alt the
other townships. •
on store. property some t,lnhe
has had it refitted throughout
and made into two stores, one for
dry goods and groceries and tlie.otlr
er • for boots and shoes. -..:The back
and upper portion he will: use as a
Mr. Arthur tYluott has returned
from Toronto, where he spent the
winter with his sister., Miss Annie
Elliott, Ile still thinks there is no
place be --would like to abide the,
year around as well as balmy flay -
lel d. •
Mr. Robe Law left on Friday last
for Duluth: ea join ;tis boat.
Mr. James Sturgeon and his son -
tin -law and daughter, /Dir. and ;,Irs.
Wigle, returned, last week from St,,
• Fhomae. •I3ayl'ield' during the a hitig
season and. especially' along the. .alcr
front would not seem the same vith
out the genie:. jimmy 5
t t 1
C l 1
g l 3
glad to get ba e. too.o.
Miss Nora Ferguson has rented- tke
Marks resiclenos for a rive year termr
and ` will use it during the surname.
months for the accomodation of ' is
itors, 11 has been refitted through -
rut and its use :in this ivay, es-
pecially under the capable manage-
ment of Miss Ferguson, will help to
further popularise breezy, balmy i3ay-
The following fronh our village at
tendered the hydro-eleetrie meeting vh
Clinton on Thursday last Reeve,
Lindsay, Treasurer. Whiddon, C1:rk
Erwin, Dr. Smith, ;Councillor Thonhp
son and Mr. Janees.Gampbeli.• They
beard much Of iaterestt in regard to
hydro -electric, particularly in rota-
tion to the power the Maitland Riv-
er will furut;h, but it is quite evid-
ent that the .cosh at Bayfield for
'Maitland energy would he too graat
to use it profitably. Outlet this
discussion has again arisen consider-
able r-
stle toilc of the h ydio-sect i
c that
be. developed on -the Hayfield
river at this point bat itis doubtiess
the cost of a dam would, be
prohibitive. Power might also be
a ffelrl
on the creak on B t
developedl E. 4
Road north, where there is great
head but not too much water. At
• time of writing it looks as it flay -
field wll have to content itself
with 'stiaarn power for a while Ion -
Mr. J. Elliott hascut his douse:
in two so will now have one to rent.
We would like 'to suggest that the
hotels and those who take boarders
and roomers for the riot months
should co-operate 'es advertising the
manifold attractions Bayfield _has as'
su er resort..: 14e have a ;e 1-
ubrious air, drinking water -that
sparkles and is health -giving roads
that are unexcelled anywhere, goc;cl
fishing, splendid bathing and boating,
La fact everything that a decent,
health ,giving {naktng esort
tt h6d6sa It would nett be a
miss if out village council chipped in
1 with a small grant to the advertis-
ing fund,
GitP r
d e itch
The annual Easter Vestry' Meeting
of Se.' John's church, tlobnesvillc
was held on Thursday evening of last
week. The financial report. tor - tire
i t r The es
past yearwass cote
at s
cction of Officers for the corning s eat,
was as follows. Mr, W Johnston
Jr, was re-elected ministe'r's warden,
and Mo. Bert Flotiues people's warden.
The siYos en were re-elected,
. 1
Messrs. W.5 and Hicks
Johnston r at t I ,
Mr. Gould \vas unanimously rcieiected
as lay representative • to the Synod.
Votes of thanks were passed to the; or-
ganist and choir, also to Mr. J:
Marshall for his faithful cervices as
people's warden for the past year,
The annual Easter Vestry of. St.
James' church Middleton was
held In the basement of the .church
on Friday' evening' last. Satisfac-
tory reports wtrre presented. The
church' wardens, Messrs. J. R : Mid-
W. t n J J Elliott were
d''e o r. and A . . la] i
electad�fnx the ensuing. year. r
do' lin Middleton Sr. was elected lay
representative to the Synod. The
sidosmen were also-ro.eiecll:d viz.—
iz—Messrs, F. Middleton; Wnh, Middleton
Milton Steep and W. Wise votes of
thanks w eto unanimously passed , to
the Superintendent and teachers of
the Sunday School. Also to the
organist and members of the choir.
Couch & Co.
Ladies' -'Suits, Coats
Skirts and Dresses
In a stock like ours continually being refreshed with.
new goods it means that every visit to this, store is •
- marked by some new
feature of interest. This
•'week, we are showing
many new garments from
some of the best makers
in Canada, and we em-
phasize t
pias ,re he fact ,that it
is a pleasure to show our
Three specials -for
Saturday in our
t, Special No. 1
• Two dozen only black
silk underskirts very fine
quality silk would be
goad value at $5.00 Sat
only. $3.98,
Special No. 2
o dozen Cream Nett
waist, silk lined abort
and long sleeves very
special $2.99.
That is Always
There is always something new to be seen in our
show room because we Ore always "n close touch, with.
the markets and when anything w appears it; is not
long before it appears in r si • cltam.
This Store• tc l Class -
On Friday; evenlisg last the members
of the Methodist church, and as wall
many from the oilier congregations,
gathered in the town hall,, the pur-
pose of the gathering being to bid
farewell to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fraen-
well, who leave next week' for the
west. The hall was pretty well fill-
ed and Rev. T. J. Snowden, pastor of
the Methodist 'church,: was called, to
the 'chair. After an opening chorus
by \ 1e. choir and a few introductory
remarks from the pastor, Mr.. Kin.
Rathwell was called upon and read
an address to Mr. and Mrs. Flarnwe:l,
setting forth the regret felt at 'their
intended d -e p a r t u r e, appreciation
of their many good qualities. and choir
active' service in association with the
dnlberen1 departments of church .vork,
and as neighbors and friends; also
they were asked
C to accept as a H111,yTht
token of this a ecciatu ri a handsome
pp z
gold, watch and a beautiful' gold
broach set with pearls and amythists,
Mrs, James Mealeonont presented the
watch to Mr, Barnwell and Mrs, ,W.
Ratlhwell the broach to Mrs: IIarnw•ell
Mr. I-iarnwelt was -deeply moved by
the expressions of friendship and ,rood
will from his tr en:is 'and in feeling
terms thanked thein hearSily in be-
half of Mrs. Barnwell and kiansolt for.
their kind words and for the hand -
'some gifts.. }Ie -assured them that
they would both always remeiihher
with: pleasure 'their association with
the people of Varna and with the
congregation of the Methodists church.,
He thanked• them for their kindnees'
in the past, for the present' express-
ion of friendship he
and for cant -
t b t
fel gifits which would serve as pleas-
ant reminders of their sojourn at Var-
Addresses were then given by .Mesas
W'. Ratihwell, recording s..war"t, and
James McClymont a er
s e lntehdt•nt of
the Sunday school Ree`e Olen, who
has been intimately associated with
Mr. Ilaruwel➢ in township business,
Ikea. Mr. John1tou of the Iiresbysor
ran churchRev. r
and i 1• I Snowden.
These were interspersed by selections
by .the choir, recitations by Mr. V.
.11'I. Deihl, and violin musie by lir.
Wan. Stephenson,.
At the conr+'usion of the program
the ladies served lunch, which fully
came up to, 'and perhaps a lii'lvlo sur-
passed,- ?he high mark of excellence
for which the ladies of' Varna are
famed. When this had been .inn-
p':y enjoyed anda pleasant hour
spent in social entercourse the gath-
ering was brought to a closer by the
singing 'of, Cod He With Yat
Mr. and Mrs. Ilernivell have been
deservedly '',popular and their inteed-
etl departure from the neighborhood
to 'reettesi by one and all,
Fo1Yogrw•ing as tic' address
Mr. John P1. and ,Mrs. 13arn:4+0ll :,
Dear, Friends :-We,, the members end
adherents of Varna Methodist church,
hereby desire to express to you' our
deep regret that yeti purpose leaving
us to follow: the gleam and call that.
comes you .Prom the distant west,
and we most heartily assure you of
our appreciation of your 'genuine
Christian manhood, and of the help
you have; given us in every depart-
ment of church work, in the class
and prayer meeting, in the Sabbath
school, as Bible class teacher, and
especially in the church choir as it's
leader sparing neither time nor pains
to make possible the best service of
son for the a � r And y e
sncta A v
g Y
shall miss •your help and counsel as
our friends and neighbors,' in the in-
numerable ' ways both by influence
and act which : contributed to the
moral and Christian atmosphere of a
comnhunity. We will follow your
with our prayers, best wishes and
deepest inserest into ,your new Chir
koundings and shall always be . de-
Righted to hear .o1• your prosperity
should you locate in the Sunset Pro-
vi'nee, and should y'ot1 decide to CJslee
back Reye our hearts and. hands-r`-ro-
main open for you to •reepei c your
places amongst ps in eche old way.
We 'wish y'1u 10 accei,.ti' this geld watch
find _ gold ;broach,as expressions of
our esteem' and beet wishes for your
fu ter Shn-
t c ti u ' n hal ' of he t.o
o behalft
re a
g � trori:-T. 'J. Snowden, William
Rathwell; James McClymont,
StanleB Township
A wedding that willbe of n
uch in-
terest to the people of Stanley took
'place on April /6th at Moose .Iaw,
Sask., when Me. F. 0. Seotchmer,
sonof Mr. d Mrs. cotchmor,
an A.S
was united in hymen's d bonds with.
nt e
Miss Isabel Drysdale, formerly of
Lanark, Ontario. The happy couple
will reside at.'Tugaske, Sask.; where
the is engaged in business. Pine
very many • friends In Stanley " and
other parts wird unite in wishing
Mr. and Mrs, Seotchnier a long and
happy ma0cied life. '
Mr. and Mrs: Jos, Gellinas mouse
the death of their infant child which
was but a few days old.
We learn that Blake hotel 'license
has been cut out, the land lady be-
ing given a few monitths to sell out,
"The Presence of Flies is a
DirectEvidence iE dence of careless
—J. W. Shaw, M. D., Medical
Health Officer.
AS this ,leas been a' long and severe by his hunger •, place a dish of p015055 -
winter a great deal of rubbish lhas ed water in rho stable and a greater
been thrown, out into the yards and !part of the flies' hatched there will he
much has accumulated, rendering killed.
the ,premises _more unhealthy than in
an , ordinary ,season,'' Extsa caro
must be taken in gleaning up and an
early start begun.
See that your collars are rid of all human dwellings and by contamina-
rubbish, well ventilated, dried and tion af food,
whitewashed. The presence of flies Is a direct ave-
Examine your drains after the Trost donee of careless housekeeping and of
has disappeared and where plugged ithe existence of filth in soma toren
up have cleared out as soon as pox -
Flies are naedre's scavengers, 'fulfil-
ling , the same function that some bac-
teria do, tint become an intolerable
nuisance and danger when entering,
Pile all.r 1 canst
rubbish, old and rotten
vegetables in a heap and burn them.
Remove all manure, early so as aro
avoid the breeding of flies.
Provide dry earth or asides for the
closets heretofore this has been se-
gliected so that the sanitary.offhcial
can do his work cleaner and quicker.
Those having septic tanks observe
that all chemicals used as disinfect-
ants must ;not be 'continued: in-
stead .use soap as anything case in-
terferes with the process .of,purifica-
tion and renders ,the tanks- almost
Wells this, season are more apt to
be contaminated with sewage and
filth due to the frost going to such.
a great depth into the soil, very little
water: being absorbed. Olean then
out early and avoid typhoid fever. '
The united and persistent efforts of
all will do much towards conserving
THE FLY.—tt is bad enough to
thinkof the fly es a nuisance, bet
science has taught us that they, carry
disease of typhoid, Tuberculosis and
dysentery from 'house to house.
1—Prevent his coming into exist-
2 -Kill him as soon as he is born.
3—Keep then otrt of the house al-
4 ; neseroy then atter they get.lnto
the house.
--It has formerly been believed 'that
the fly does not range over a groat
deal of territory, but experiments'
made by the Dominion Entomologist
prove connittetivedy that this Eheory as
far astray, Marked flies ole Porter's
Island near Ottawa were liberated,
about the premises, and are more
dangerous than the good housekeep-
er's terror r r Found in bedrooms,:
Remember that wherever absolute
cleanliness prevails there will be no
flies, Look after the garbage cans.
See that they are cleaned, sprinkled
with limo or kerosene oil, and •closely
Remove ail manure from stables
every iniree or four, days„ and when re-
moved keep in a tighit pit or vault,
so flies cannot breed Wit
Lye, cloride of lime, or blue vit-
riol water,' crude carbolic acid, or
any kind of disinfectant may be used.
Kee ie,
Keep flies away from the kitchen.
Keep flies out of the dining -room aud
away from 'the sick, especially from
those with contagious diseases.
Screen all food. Apply this rule:
not only to food'prepared at home,'
builto foodstuffs offered for sale, and
especially fruits, salads, and all other
things which do not require, to be
Prevent consunlptives from expect-
orating where flies can feed upon it.
To clear : e,00nhs of flies, car-
bolin acid May.' be used as 11
follows: Heat- a shovel or
any similar article and drop there-
on twenty drops of carbolic acid.
The vapor kills the flies,
A cheap and perfectly reliable • fly
poison, one which' is not dangerous to '
human ,life, is hieliromate of potash
in solution; Dissolve one dram,'
which can be bought atany drug
stilet in two outres of water,' and
add a li,;,tle sugar. Put some of this
soluti.,,n in shallow dishes, and dis-
Irsh+;ite then about 'tire house,
Sticky fly paper, traps and liquid
Tai glefoot papers were placed 700 ,1hofsons are among the things' to use'
yards away and many of the marked' in killing ,flies, but the'Latest, cheap-
estdies ivero captured showing thatyo `i and best is a solution of formalin
must clean ybur own back yard so or farmalcfelhyde in. water. . i1; -spoon
that no infection will be carried It,y, ful of this liquid put into a quarter
the fifes to your neighbors of a pint of water and exposed in Phe'
: roorih will be onougli to kill all the
Fires breed in horse manure, de- To quickly dear the robin whore
saying vegetables, dead animals¢',' and there are, many 'flies; burn pyrethrum
all kinds of filth. } powder in the room.' Tillie stupefies
No less than 95 per cent. of Hie the flies, when they may, be swept
pests' are bred in the stable. ; up and burped,
All stables should have a i inure If She citizens•Evill observe the
bin with a door at the aide i rid a above directions tnd advice; much
wire sermon at the ten, that th larva progress ,can be made in securing our-
deposited in tMrio manure before ,it was selves against disease, besideshaving
•ort light
, tthcy
placed' in the bin will be a'town , cleaner than any other in
Ontario, ' •
All 'that it eolufres is it united
r,' Itespeatfally Tours,
when hatiched ; ,and as fixes'
1 and cone to the top of the
can be easily killed by burns
or some other device.
The 11 as a- thirst only
, rix. II. ,.
miss Mary Wall, W110 has been the,
guest of her uncle, Rev. T, J. snow -
den, at the Methodist paasonage coil-
ing the past year, left on Tuesday
For Toronto, encu siext week intim-ids
returning to the, west. Miss Wall hos
won many rriends during her sojourn
in Varna who, while regecttileg her
departure, follow heir with good
wtishes to her new place of abode.
The Ne's--Recosnl excels for news of
Clinton, Baylield, Stanley and all the
other townships,
Scatting is now on and a rush 01
work Is 'promised for a few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs: Wm.' Douglas and
Mr. and Mrs, G. Sparks aul5,ndod the
funeral of the late Joseph I-Iudsoii
of Flensall on ,Tuesday.
Mr. H. Zanies 'neighbours' are kind-
ly turniesg out and helping him plough
his fieMs which 'he unable
to' coo
last fall, This shows a generous
spirit. .
Mr. Veggie Grieves of London is
visiting bf;, uncle Mr. Janlehp ,MeOly-
Miss Iiells, Yp „nur's'e' of Hamilton is
vrsitingrXlhl' slstcr, Iters. Edmund tiler-
1ison. •
Miss Eleanor Hood is spending her
Easter holidays with friends' in slrount
Mrs. :Gibson and son, Murray, have
been visiting in, Blyth.
Dir. Collinsand ittiss Ethel have
been yis visiting friends in'Parkhill.
Miss mva Epp; of Varna has ecen
visiting friends in Mr. T. Raithwel'l's
home, .
Mr, and Mrs. Johnston arils family
or Drayton wore visiting at the home
theirobrother-in-law,r r, L
f 0n l l 1
Mrs W. II Iohnstion aud son Leola
spent Easter -week with friends in
' -
:1ir: and Dirs. Aldend ,boil
A e flR
ren of London visited recently with
friends here,
Messrs, A. i4tcllfurtric and T. Nyle
had a pleasant trip , to Toronto last
The sad news has bete; received here
that Mrs. Beech or New 'York, a sis-
ter of .Mrs. Jas, hlcC•Pymont succumb-
ed to cancer on the . lord
inst. She had heee ill al tliris dread.
disease for a long •tlnhe:
The funeral of the late William
Ross, of Orilla, brother of Mrs. Sim.
Murdock of the 21d con. St and
took place from Brumfield station on
the arrival of the. train on Good Fri-
dayineminent being made in Ross,
Spring' Reminders
of Rheumatism
Raw, '`Damp -Weather Startu the
Pain, but the Trouble Lies
In the 'Blood.
Spring weather is bad for rheuma-
ic, sufferers. The: changes from nh'•id
to Bold, the raw, damp winds t::eart
the aches and twinges, of in the
more extreme cases, the tortures of
the erectile going. But it must be
borne in mind thee it Is not the wea-
ther that causes rheumatism, The
trouble is rooted In the; blood -that
changeable weather merely starts the
patios, The only 'ray to reach the
trouble and to cure it is through the
blood. The poisonous rheumatic ac-
ids mustbe driven out. Liniments
and rubbing may givea
u g temporary re-
lief, but cannot possibly cure the
trouble, The sufferer is only 'wast-
ing time and money with this kind el
treatment+ and the " tri'oubee. is be-
comir.a more deeply rooted—harder • to
oure. There is just one speedy cure'
for rheumatism—Dr. Williams' Plink`
Pills. They act direceiy on the
pure,`acid-taunted blood. They pur-
ify and strengthen it and thus root
out the cause of the rbeuniatlrlm,'
Here is strong proof of the above.
statements, Mrs. Robe: Luffman,;'
Midland, Ont., says : About threer
years ago my grandson, Robert Luff
was alttackedt with inflamma-
tory rheumatism. Ha became so bad
he could only walk when someone
helped harm about. One arm he had
to carry in a sling, and we felt surd
he wound be a cripple for life, The
trouble also affected bis heart, The
doctor said his blood was turning to
water and we had little hope for
recovery. The medicine the doctor
gave him did not do more than soothe
the pain a little, then he would be
as bad as ever. On a former occag-'
ion Dr. Pink Pills had our -
ed my daughter Williams',f rheumatism, and
we finally, decided to try then in
R'ebert's •;case..' ,After the use of
three or four boxes there was •a
slight improvement and he continual
taking the Pills until he had esed 12
boxes when the trouble had compiet-
ely disappeared, and he has not been
afflicted with ail since."
Sold by all medicine dealers'or by
mailat 50 cents a box or six boxes
for: $2.50 from The 'Dr, Williams'
1ttedirtno Cao•, Ilrocicellle, Ohl,
Boot &. Shoe Business will be sold on terns
to suit Purchaser. Rent of building
The undersigned, having , decided to dispose o
their Boot cC Shoe Business will p
APRIL 20th
to sell theirg r
at great reductions. "Shoes s mint
of voet. Now is the time to get bargains:
when the shrewd Buyer •
er 'b
sS Shoes.
Now, in the spring season, is the time when the
beautiful new creations in wall paper tempt
the home lover to re -decorate the rooms and
give' to the whole house a beauty and fresh-
ness that fully transforms it.
We W v e you to the -finest display of new
wall paper we have ever :shown.
These wall papers have been carefullyselected
for our trade, from the choieest productions of
the season, and: we know that no finer good
can be secured anywhere. The price will b
found exceedingly reasonable.
The new papers are now ready for 5 our in
�i lection:
Thal you have day in and out,
whether you wo'r'k or not is a titad
beeline •that .hca'lthy people don't
It is most common at this time of
year. -upon the return of, Warm wea-
tiler—bug it conies from a run -clown
condition of the system in which the
blood is impure or improverished.
It is burdensome and discouraging,
Hood's' Sarsapilla and Pills posit
ively remove it; they .purify and en-
rich the blood, tone the organs, aril
build up the wholc'system,
Thousands of people know; this Hy
Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills will
make you tees better, look better,.
eat and sleep better: Accept no ;,ub-;
T 2S when you do yourhousekeeping
that you
find several pieces of your furniture
become worn and shabby,
• rr
Come in and see our stock.
The Store
of Quality.
"One 28 ii,l,utnitule Dealer and Lliiartalse