The Clinton News Record, 1912-04-25, Page 3Akit 85th, 1912
Clinton News -Record
o 0. incTAGOART
McTaggart pros
en- - T. RACE. - -
opoinE— Sloane Block --CLIN'TON.
Conveyancer, Notate Public
Coratmissioner, Ete,
Issuer oi Marriage Licenses.
Dr, W. COMB, L. R. C. P.,
L. R. C. S. attn.
Dr. J. C. Gandier, B. A-, la 13.
Oftlea-Onterio St., Clinton. Night
calls as residence, Rattenbuty St.
or at Hospital.
parsiciAN, SURGEON, ETC.
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eases of the Eye; Ear, Nose and
titles carefully examined and suitable
glattes pretmribed.
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the Connuercial Hotel, Huron St.
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Specialist in Crown and Bridge
Work. Graduate of C. C. D. S.,
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Hayfield on Mondays from May to
GRA ()TRU RsVs`r
Trans will artive at and depart
nom Clinton station as follows :
Going East
-Gong West
Going South
Going North
41 t
7.35 a. m.
3.07 p. na.
5.15 p. m,
11.07 a. In.
1.25 •p. in.
8.40 p. in.
11,28 g. in.
et 13RUCE DIV:
7.50 a. m.
4.23 p. fn.
11.00 a. al.
6.35 p. m.
TRADE Memel -
Coleramars &C.
Anyeaeseoklay r Man and description may
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litvention lis PrObabb; Attn.ltSaLls. ,PboUtlanica-
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$2.60 rra 'nee: 25 OM A 00M-
' Mantra Inelteger t. Temeever,
ha a illauittrooted the curious
pion Of elTI ticket* aceeralog to
tele 'Mature of the, pu.reneeeps. By
thla .ehast seoit and neellunneized per -
eau" are' tut seated in frobt .of the
tRer seembere of •the -,atudienee. '
A Novel Meal= of prevenidng drunk-
en/lose ben -been de'viined by the Catent
hagen police,. who ,conecy any •person.
teund intlIncanoti .11/ the el.TPOt AC: lole
home in a eels, the fare being charged
to the eetabliehment.'weere atheliquor
litne served.
,Maniteha, Saskatchewan, Alberta
Special Traisa leave Tomato 7.00 p.m, pa ,
APRIL 2, 15,26 MAY 14, 311 .1858 11, 25
JULY 5, 23 AK 6, 20 SEPT. 1, 11
Seooad oh. data hoot Ontariwoodagi to otioolool
Narthwat points at
Winnipeg and roma $34.00i and,Vurh
stet*. and to Ober paints is Prolsarlim. ,
good to recant within 60 day Iran gaits date.
through to Edmonton via Saskatoon, Ay toWiratipea
Vrila ll.ticart‘1"1! frtheoltroed aVarj:4174, caCona.
secured al moderate rates duellablecalesent.
Early application must be made.
contaialairates and fun info:magas.
Apply to neaten C.P.A. AYY ar
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of the writer.
W. J. MITOU'Etle
• Enilsot ,and Pro rioter
riltiaNsi, 7
IV Alec 'JOnes
Witten twelve 'miles of CantarY,
clty of $0,000 Pentte, and vstth tel.-
abotie comratualcaton with that cite,
the Saeceie Indians mem* their lives
and observe exactly se their fore-
fathers- the ancient hebits and elle-
loans of their tribe.
Two yeara ago there was a, great
festival, at w'hieh seven of, the oldest
cadet's Inlet= the, stories of their
exploits, which the painter of the
tribe preserved at the office of the
agent of the Sexcee reserve, '
• Virile the history of the palefaces -
hoe ineoi in the daily newspaper, the .
magazine and the Getreinmenn ar-
Olivet., the Indeents nave na Ouch
meant of collecting, preserving and
dieserainating informetion of their
• great Men. The lutlia,n lad, writes
Ethel Ileydea, in .a • Magazine
reties on OSTIllifire ON:triee and s. Well
tanned steer, hide covered wl•th queer
toltertethrs painted crudely wlth
sore of, ink, made of the ' ildtme of
These record e are not haphaz-ard,
'Ina they are not anegether regular.
When • several chiefs and medicine
'2Itth of the tribe are growiug old an
ateserebly Is arranged 'where a famous
Indian erterpteter and painter meets
the' aged zuen. One by one the old
men etaad forthbefore the people
and recount the stories of their llama.
They dell Online tales of tbe
battles in wbech. they have fought,
of the scalps they hive taken and the
horses they have stolen. These three
athievements are regarded as the
three most honorable and various
exploits of the great men, Compared
with these the white man's election
to Partiament, hie appcdntment to
high offiee and his great commercial
achievements are as nothtrig.
Sometimes their meetings last sev-
eral days. The old men a 're en-
thautbastio in their descriptions of by-
gone days; they recite rapidly and
gestleulate much. The merabers
the tribe, sitting about them, listen
eagerly, storing the details ,to be told
over and over again to their sons and
their Ben's sons, until they are tribal
traditions of the long past. As they
ta-lk the painter sits upon the grog=
with hie steer bide spread before
him and paints with his dyes rude
pictures to illustrate the incidents.
. A circle represents a barricade or
encarnpnient; awkwardly drawn pie -
tures of animas stand for the horses
he has stolen; a ganaping horse witio
mea en its back suggests the story
of wild flight across the prairie be-
fore pursuing enemies; a flag may
mean a bloody battle won a tad-
poleike mark a seeped Indian, The
figures are veal' crude, the drawings
no better than those a four-year-old.
•thild makes on its state. • But some
ingenuity is exercised in the grouping
and each sketch is, in a way, a km'
to the thrilling tales whieli in time
become history.
Bull Head, the last greet chief of
the Samna, died on the reserve last
sista'. He was ackaowledged to be
the Twat cautious and farseeing of the
and always represent ;them hi
any dealings WM the whites. The
ladle= are anti hi fear of nine sad,
think that his , epirit haunt's the re-
serve. HU record is pictured on the
skins.. The interpretation is fleets-
sarty brief.
Circle and figures in the upper part
of the =Imam tell the story of one of
the bloodiest and most disastrous
battles in Saw= history, when the
Sarcees were cunbushed by the'Crees
land lost over lifty verve:arm Looking
closely one may clisceru a Cree who
has been allot by Buil Head; Bull
Head's squaw crawled out and car-
ried him in and the chief =biped
him. This battle occurred at the
Vvneattlion Creek, near Battle Diver,
In 1868.
Another • group i,liustretes a sub -
Sequent battle with the Crees, vthen
Buil Head pulled a Cree warrior aff
his horse and scalped him. Two hori-
zontal figures near the solitary horse
an the =gond group depicts:his thrill-
ing deed. The splotch of tents be-
low stands tor the scene of another
battle with the Creme Dull Head and
bie tattooers are In deePerate re-
treat Bull Head's, squaw falls from
her borse: the chief stops and helps
ber onto ha own horse:
To the left and a Ilttle below- the
ciente whieh represents a barricade,
BuR Head is seen shaking hands; with.
a Cree whose life he faired; Cree and
Sarcee were friends In peace but foes
in war. Immediately after this de-
monstration the (Mee returned to his
bta,ricatie and the Sere= thief to
his tribe to rename the fight. Buil
Head's record, 'width follows, ehows
four men Itiited and sealited, five to-
mahawks, two spates, ftve hews and
two war elube captured.
M1 the enellIng elaborations of
these details are told to the chltdren
ot the subdued redskins even now se
they assemble around their vane -
tires within night of automobtes
paesinir from Calgary Wong the new
government road through the reserve.
Nalley came to. total for the Hee-
Stock thew and dropped in on Charles
Berryman, a barber, for a shave, a
(shave N 5 cents la Clarence, Iowa,
but Nally was t a operettas mood,
so he platsed e dime on the .counter
and climbed into the chair. When he
came out from under Berryman's
open, ite was handed the following
Head massage...
Hair . . . . .$ .25
Shave • ,. .15
Shampoo . . .75
Hair singe
Head massage .
liwatie massage .
Shoes shined . . . .10
Hair tonic . ' . . . . 1.05
Nalley paid the $3.20. went. out and
got a policeman and Berryman Waill
fined $10 bit the Municipal court.
• NVontan't4 views o11 woman's worth
take on varied end tatereeching turne.
• WAIL men here a -tense of satis-
factionin lacing able to attract the
zunthe of nig persons.
•nrOlneta generally regard their wo-
tom associetes with a feeling akin to
uspielen ,
Moniere died while performing, a
Part in one of his own plays, The
Anclabieho,p ef Parle would not allow
his body to be inhumed in coneecrated
ground. Thereto -re the Icing sent, for
the archbishop mai expostulated with
lean, but Ile was obetinate anal' would
net tellingly comply with' Ills me,-
leety's request. The king desired to
know how many feet deep the holy,
ground seethed. The bishop replied,
"About eight." 'Well," replied the
king, "I find there ts n0 getting over
year scruples' let his grave be deg
ettelleireeteee• (Int is four .feet below
riot "Relhr Je Wreeked jest Whea
1)14bl' IS )444 ?Ode the taPital
and Other amazing
Another of the' reinarkahle coal-
eidencee of histtary hes tuken place in
• the 'concuereneet of ,the tolding of ete
Durbar in India at leelle eimultane-
ously with ,the wreck of the v. aad
0. finer Delhi near 'tangier, on the
e,crasat of Alorooco, et white'. tie 'nein-
ceee Royal and hem husbiaii, elie Duke
of Fite bad such a narrow escape
from drawndrig. At the moment the
Delhi -became a wreck •the other Delhi
watt being created the capeal of In-
dia ,
"What's in a Newt"
Bliekespeare has relllillded Ile that
there ate more things in -heaven and
earth than Are fireitIIIL Of 411 OUT plate-
• aophy, and bt may be that -the name
given a men, olty, or ship at birth
may heave some occult Menet-toe upon
their tututh eareert. Ott the day
Lord ;Salisbury died a vtheel called
the Lord SalleeutY Was posted sa
missing at Lloyd's. The Czar's eau,
the Czarewitch, wee born within
fortyaeght hours a the ttme when
the Russian battleship the Czarewitcls
had her disastrous bottle with Ad-
miral ,Togo's 61et oft Japan, and the
was the only battleship heavily en-
gaged. On the very day that the
present Queen of Spain was married
- King Edward's nitace -- & fieltabe-
tonging to King ndward, bearing the
eame name, Victoria, won hira Ire
fleet ea= of the year.
The death of the King's aunt, ,the
Pedncess Ante, happened within a few
weeks of the dreadful accident to the
veseel Prineess Alice in the Thames.
It may ,be argued that multitude of'
wellnknown people have died or been
;brought Into prominence by some
great ciecumence without anything
happening to thetr namesakes, but,
on the other hand, ,the stom-e coin-
cidences may have happened without
their being publdoly known. And it
may be said that Pure chance ex-
plains the most extraordinary simi-
larities - the poil,ce-courts give no
numerous Instanoes. Bid what of tite
cases where the sinelerlty is twatold
or theeefold?
Fact Beats Fiction. •
Most people remember the Hielcuean
',poisoning case. A lady doctor e,alled
SoPhht Ilioltrean diaarppearied eight
Years ago from a aospleal, an wee'
found poisoned In a wood some days
atter. The 'Law Touraar found that
Ithinty-aevezt yeses before a lady had
vanished in a very abater way and
never =en again. Ties lady's
name wee also Sophia likeemant
No• wonder the superatittious
gambler rushes to back the number
or DARIO witalch ht In some WO' famed1
on hie nottlee. The racecourse has;
suaptied us with venous curious coinn
eines:ices. A horse caned itego beat
Big Gun alttooet at the boar that oat-.
side Port Arthur, and another called,
Stolen, Jewel won a race at Hurst
Park wetten twenty-four tours of one
of the moat iseneationiti jewel rob-
beries of recent, Years. When hfre
Chanifin, the British ex-Itindater, lest
his seat in the House, the Same day
innte named Chaplin test a race.
Staging It.
• A leading theatrical manager told
a drarnseic etritie Aortas as he strolled
in the bright, cold weather down the
"There was one ehap," said he, "I
eouldret get rid of. Dear me, he was
perentera. I refused hit farce seven
tistles and he 01111 kept turning up
with it, re -written here and there.
-"The eighth tbne lte oar= I tole
lent firmly it wits no tete.
, "'But, sir,' he said, Is there no
possible way you =etti put my farce
on the stage?'
"Weal,' eald I, 'there's one way,
but I don't .know If you'd submit-'
"'Oh, I'd submit!' he cried. 'I'd
submit to anything!'
'"Then,' satid I, 'we'll grind it up
and stee it as a enoweaterne "
•,Amazing Combinatious.
Take the BUIllbelt OnSe, The PSTia
'Figaro,' during the Humbert tent,
diecovered a play in which the nrin-
, cipal character was se Therese Hum-
bert (the same Christian name and
su,tnanie AS the diethigaistned em-
bezzler); the plot 'retreated the palace
of the ruined propniethess, whieh was
sold. up; there were sheath •piiee Of
"dossiers," and a weal -thy nobiemaa
la introduced into the ,house very
much like Mr= Humber -t' e "Mr.
Crawford." Yet this piny was pro-
duced in public thirty years ;before
the Humbert fraud Was perpetrated!,
gene as reinterkable was a ratty =la-
, mitt= welt -known London
thesencal manager eight months, be-
fore tthe Goodie bank . fraud. It fore-:
stalled an actual events of that eolee
larked cede 40 no fewer than four;
pertioulars: (1) the robbing ole bank'
for etre sake a' gambling debts, (2),
a =gnat named Burge. (3) 'a, that=
actor maned Marks, and (4) a JeckeY
named Kely. How many millions or,
trInione ot odds egablet Mich open-
Grenville Kleiser sans to public
speakers: "stand pp, ee that you will
be seen; epeak up, so that you will
be heard; shut up, so that you wilt
be liked." Far theta last injunction
Mr. Kleiser shall be numbered among
"Tf non-Christiae Feces do not re-
eponti to the o le a ono' ts of ruis-
sionene organizations the eause is to
be sought, not in the superiority of
othee religions to Christie:11e', 1)130111
the inferiority cat the adventurers. the '
colonists and the ottleiails of Christian
European powers, dlio have, for gen-
erations, exploited the weaker races
a "mankind." ,
yeast: "He's spent a fortune, yon
know, on irrigation,"
Dlbovrinfter: "ft that o
or throae?"
Airing the' Furniture
When a gentleman with eectided
tondenclee towards seeking tatter
everybodyta ,bueinete but his own saw
a furniture van being loadini. near
nes horse he sallied forth latte 'the
et:thee 'eh' luvestigation bent.
• "1 say, eenetern he began, bumpti-
pinny, "are the -people moving,?"
The vertmen looked at him scorn -
rainy, then he wiped nib& perspiration
fr,e1 his brow. /
"No, sir," he eeteeten, tirely ; "we're
Just talea,g !he furnirre ter a dens."
Mat the Hero 'Wished
The hogle-spauded, into die -barrack
Square marched the mg -lamina then
Sealed a lioldiew square And waited.
For . was. an import:int occeetion..
Petrick. Dolan, a ecareed' altd sun -
tenant watirer, was to l'eceine eome
litne token of Itie ot:autreee gratitude,
A notelet: act ot bravery 'lead brough,t
Petnglolf, Into the Usuelight, '
"Men," said tee officer com•mand-
ling, "1 am /mond to pea 'ado medal
on lite breaset of Petrick Dolan - a
Bitten ,and a Nero! Aed,, under a epee
nal order, I shall Plnee five pounds
to his credit iii the bank, as some '
reasiard for WS 'gollentt eon -
duct." ,
Pittrick ,ateptied 'fol'oate • and; as
lanthess donlooked =comfortable. Stitt,
there was oee yeetiest lie :wanted ,to
"If -if It's all the tiame to you,
tone' he blurted oat, "I'd rather yeti
Oin the tive-pound note on ,Me chbat,
anti pees the medal to me mettle at
the bank, scar!"
"Whitt started the rite at the per-
Pernialterts of laie ninat?"
"Why. Hamlet held Om skull and
'Aias! lama Yoricit. You ere not
lite °nay deadhead in the house,'"
Although an editor is expected to
OW everytaing, and although Mir
Wore Of Infltogndodlefettli itiOortoto.tion iii
Inman)" lane, yet there 93-0 tiOnle
things et which he --• if he is ant
average editor -- etas never heard.
nisch. evidently, wee the ani.9ta watt.
ar.r.ies Payn, the well-known noveit,
alien he 'was Weber of "Cornbille
One day en =announced caller who
had managed to evade the porter
downstates opened Paynet door. lila
bair was long and his clothes were
,Shabby and untidy. He had a roil et
papers in ais hand. Payn, sunnislug
poet and au atrate eeverat thoesanet
lines dons, /coked up.,
"Well, sir?"
"I've ,brought you something about
threw= and carcinoma."
"We are overcrowded with ochltry
couldna accept another bine, not
it it were by Milton."
"Poetry!" ehe c01lar flashed. "Do
tou know anything abowt sera:nue, and
"Italian 4ovens, area% CleY?" said
Payn, imperturbably.
The caller 'retreated, with a venter -
Mg glance at the editor. tinder the
teen roof as DID 'Covalent' wits eahe
office of a medical and surgical
foment, and it was there that the
caller sought for the ddspoeel of a
treatise on 'those cancerous growths
watt lthe euphonious names wheat,
with a layman's ignorance, Peri as-
cribed to poetry.
"That friend of yours never tomes
around unless he has an axe eat
grind," geed one politician.
"Worse thaa that,' anewered the
thew. "I not may have 'to turn the
grindstone, but I bate to tend. laim
the axe."
"Whatever is the matter with
"Ole tent it horrid? I gave 'him to
the daundreas 10 waeh, and .she starch-
ed him."
Encourage Courting
A =vele plan et that of .the water
ste a Meitheidisitt church In lateen 'te
toduce young syreethearting couplet
to do' their courang In the elitist*
peals, instead ot repenting elsewhere,
He wilt allow young people to "stay
late, with a Mg room and :piano in
ague of the church, MA a hundred
news du wane& they can sit at lacer
An old lady of eixey-four, olio says
that taer friends call ;her "the
vrornan with the enuting bon" would
ithe us to mint Ler altupia reeipe tor
happinees. "I have never known it
fate" the writes. "1 have induced
hundreds ot sny arlands -- young and
old - to -try cilt, and it always has ,
been a aucoess. If even , hal you
enormous number of readers would •
take et as than motto for 1912 and
act up to it, they woued do more good .
Lt/ OUT beloved Canada rthan all the
potitletans who ever eat and wasted
time at Ottawa. Here is mY
Rate recipe: 'Hitypinese? It's the
easiest hing in the world to find. Just,
tty to make someone eists happy."
Bravery Itt the face of the elements
is not usually placed in the long
Bets a wemanly elating, yet tome of
the most famous heroes hare been.
Women. 'Ida Lewis, the only women
who has ever been an official light-
house keeper on the Aniericart coasts, •
died recently at Newport, R. I. She
Ind passe= Practically her whole ille
at her post of honor, and eighteen
ecaule have been bidebted to her tor
life. Many thilltIng atones an hair-
breadth escapee and daring rose:tea
are Wid ;ot this :woman, and site re-
ceived medals, Wale, insignia of
various sod, etlea and purses of money
in recognition of her ability and
courage. Ta 1907 she celebrated her
geldtm anniveratiry as keeper of the
lighthouse, aud Andrew Carnegie gave
ber a peasioto ot $80 a month. The
name of Ida Lewis will be written
beside taut of Grata Daring In the
finnan of effective heroin:a,
at teat, and by 10 o'clock tile two
truant Chine= returned. They had
eeen Atayels, bunwere terribly fright«
ened when ehey learned wha! Ind hap-
"The superintendent returned the
next day. Be, too ;PIGA censiderebly
alarmed, and stela the Chinese off te
the village fee a detechnient of .clis-
tfict guards. Had I been hie own
brother, thts Japanese gentleman
could, not have &ken better care of
me, or enpreessed more empathy for
the lass of my eyebroeve,
, Would Find Thein Useful
A faemer wait the °titer clay Pahl
for the first, time in his life by cheque,
thia?" be said.
',Wily, 'brass for tile beats," said
the cattle-dealen
nnelateetheesee 'eau stre going -10
refuel* young Mr. Muffinstou?
I am taut* he's a model young man!"
"I don't think 'the.i12 ever prosper,
auntie. lie earls too low; ale only
kissed my hand when lie proposed."
"Yes, sew bas released me." ,
The moody man shrugged ht
"Otte has spurned -my suit ,She is
per-rond, per-roud. Also hatightiy. But
I tell you I have seen ,thet penroud,
hengety ' piri• on -her knees. Aye,
,provellitag.. When? When =embody
dropped a matter on the floor of the
tramcar. She' WAU one of the fifteen
women. wee eettatag ha int"
1004 Flannel for Pike and Vitioed
Salmon for limas Are the Baits
of the
The .01d1 description of tintipg Till
thelVratt at o Or:xige,enrd,ataplika,afbowol at4,
kind 'hue .found tout that them are
many other dellcuenes beeittes the
W/1i attract itee, and
ivery year tee int of tette grow,
Go suudp ittaveytehrithvo: taann kananAgiuegruaEni
eursue of the wily chub.. li.e bee
ire 'taken by this spotting, coaree
.iirsh. A little .barlier An the year Me
thab will notd, ledain a ripe cherry,
won wit= the•n:rart of a fine hook
alcillfunly held= in Rs juicy flesh.,
- Green Peas and l'Otttioes
On.13 Off the best baits for the thy
lad sluggish cleat lea ,partimited ,p0-
iato, Woe= on a =Mil triennia by
tne,ans et -a balting-hook. Omen peas
are ano appreciated by this fat, and
peste of flour, mixed tette heney,
0021 zoneetimes ,tempt a tasty ten -
pounder. '
Boiled wheat, wasp gaps, and
tbeete ail malts -good carp -bait. 'temp
truth are liked by most fish, They
tee too tragge to place cin a. -hook
Ithile fresh.. They should ,be steamed ,
M the .comb, and then slightly beta- I
ened In a warm, oven before use.
Tench have a 0nri0118 +preference
no congealed blood. late tenth is al -
mast as shy aa lite esrp, and the hook
inust be so 'baited +that none .oe it
Tin nutch ee the pet quarry of most
If 'the Saturday attemoon fie:berm=
In and' around the cites. Reath well
lake elmost any kind of paste, also
nabs 10 endlees variety, se welt as
gentles. One of :the oddest baits used
ter roach la "aiiik weed," a sort. of
water plant found greeting tn. many
a"Greaves" ,the techntere name for
ire refuse of the fatty materials from
rhIch tallow Is made. It ts a good
late for ,barbel, bream, and chub.
Nth 10 the spina marrow of the
'tutiock or cow, and must be bolted
tor Lebo= three minutes to mepare
ti.; ter Uee, ns' out into pieces about
ibe' Ake Of a hezel-nut. • • • • a
The Sporting Sea Fish ;
i'Dhe greadiest 'ef all our 'fresh -
Water fish is -the pike, and there00
leerdlY ma' bait which a pike 'aria not
Strike tut, obeli hungry. A. pike -has
before now -been eauglit on a piece
tf sad flannel trailed upoio a triasigle,
see age go oarogOly tOir any small
fish, aud one of the very beat things
for -live buten; Is a amen goldfiele
e creature whfeli the pike, of =lathe,
tan never seen before.
Sea Stith ' have -tastes almost na,
Varied as their fresh -water toughie.
The favourite sport of the Auetrallan
tea =glee '34 tailing for the • lene.k
bream - a very sporting, customer. I
It is found ita elated all inlets on I
the east and south coasen and 'is taken
Wits a smell shrimp. But, before be-
ginning operations, the fisherman al- ,
ways ground :baits the spot with aj
Initture el -cheese and tinned salmon
known as "berley."
The most sporting •of BibUh,
sea fish is bhe east,. a nue, •alltnnY ;
tellow of elite peroli tries'which is
found alt round out totie4, beta on
Inky and made gr.:luta
By E. Thomas
- I
It often falls to tlie lot of those.
"who go down to the sea in ships"'
to pick up some •cuniosity with an
Interesting, and comettmes -tragic ,
tory surrounding It. To Captain;
James Norris (now decease(2) 'there
befell Ati =venture In whdch lie be- n
eaone the 'possessor et a very quaint
rosewood case elook,' auel the Meta
dents attaching to its seizure, and its
ultimate' possession by Captain Nor- .
ris, form an interesting retrospect
bf the Indian Mutiny. I,n the year
1857 Capt. Norris was la command.
of the Chinu trading ship Waterville,
winch time our Indian Empire -was
In the throes •of inutiuy. 'Phe British
Government, anxious to rendet as-
-4th all possible baste, hur-
riedly commissioned Coot. NOMIS and
others to convey leritigh troops who
were stationed at China to the seat
of war, Delbl. Great exettement pre-
vailed amongst the 'troops, and the
Brinell population in China, When the
matey became known. Capt. Norris;
had node control and power given to
him by the owner Of the Waterwitch,
end the very words, as expressed to
him in his introductions, were, "Go
where you like and do what you like,
ao long as you make the job pay."
Succees attended .his eoramission, as
a result of which the clock mention-
od came intd his 'possession.
lila account of -the looting or. the
Palace Of Nana Sabib at Delhi is a
vivid Impreesion of the state of 51 -
lairs exiatingat, that tinie. The flight
of Nana Sahib was signalized by an
exciting raid on his palace, 'which
was koown to contain rare and price -
Sem treasures. One -can conceive of
the avaricious desire on the pert of
the looters tael the avidity' and deter-
zninatiou 4'l -played to seite anything
of value. 'They set to work in a wild
fury, tram.pliag over one another in
their effortto seize the many tree -
sures oaten' met the eyes et every
point. Gold and silver ornanients
were heaped togethev in a pavane-
cuous mass. gems of all kinds; and
sizes were littered about; chests con-
taining t.reasures representative of the ,
lavish wealth Of tile East were reck-
lessly squashed.
A Decided Novelty,
'The problem of pass.out checks was
tauccessfony solved, at practically no
expenee te theunelves, lay, some in-
genious enterteiners when they 'de-
cided to meek with a rubbe,r stamp
the .1tan4e or those of, their patrons
who wished to leave the show during
the holtervans. The Idea. posteeses
Many advaatagees leciuding the am -
(possibility of transference.
"Come, plevase acoommodate ane, lel
give you ray ward that you taint' be
Staid back in fled wendsi a week. Ye011.
know lan Is -honest es the day is
long, don't you?"
"Weill, yes, I've heard you Were,
but the days are growls* very thort
"i donee how Bele asgenn to vote
In tee eleetioan 0=1 the cumpaign
Worker. "I'v,e heard tea lo' s ou the
"lic wet thee" :replied else Inliffh-
bOUr "hull one 6' 'the cauderaletee
let fait at 55 bell en ritape otf '
n the athee, Biel get dizzy an
For regulating the
bowels, invigorating
the kidneys and
stirring up the lazy
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills
aye proved for over
half a century, in
every quarter of the
world absolutely safe
and most effective.
25c, a bot
• . • -
'HIE Intl:END/US- Gent3TAN
G'Ornitta iugenuitly has emlved
tiuit engineeriag Prablein at a DOli`i
easter (=tory, where, in sinning el
Shaft, tor air A•othue Atericham,, M.P.; ,
aveter wee encountered: It woos being1
pumped out alt .the Fate Of 7,0800
gallons a minute, amd it looked ae
thaugii tile siultera would be beaten.
Then the Germans tissue to the reams,
with their freezing process.
• Tiny bored liolee round the amtt!
to a depth of 400 ft. l'Itese holes I
were then with steel tubes, an50.,
nu inner tube wns Inserted, down;
wadi bane was pumped from then
freezieg plane, converting all thei
eater, sand, and bad ground into :14
frOZen block of ice. The .sinIting was
then continued through the ice wail.
When the bottom of the ice
been reached iron tubing plebes were
fixed, and -the water 'thus fastened.
back. This ,:belin-g complete:), tatrael
Itater,was pumped down the tulms to
thew the ground geastuelly. The frost 1 ,
wall was .50 strong that it has ree
(tuned three months In thaw it. .
After Three Operations Zama%
Ruk was Tried and Proved
If people would only use Zansi3oule
for chronic sores, blood -poison, ete„,
before permitting an operatiou, seared
of limbs would be saved.
• Mr. Robt. Patterson of North Pal.
ham, Welland CO., Ont., writes: "MIA
daughter, Annie, had blood -poison te
her finger. The doctor operated tvriam
on the finger, but did not obtain the
desired result. and a third operative
Was considered necessary. •
" Three deriors were present at thltal
operation, but after it had been per-
formed the wound did net heal. Tax
as we would we could mit get
thing to dose the wound.
'We at last tried ZarceBuk, and 104
was really wonderful to watch how Das
balm healed the wound. Rath deo'
there was a marked improvenmaila
First the wound in the palm of dee
hand closed, and then the Anger wbielV
had been bad so bong began to beetle
The diseased flash seemed to rise mei
of the wound and then drop off, and
new healthy flesh formed from belaiN
pushing oft the diseased tissue. Ia
short time the wound was complete*
healed. Had we applied Zam-Bk at
first we might have saved the finger.
"We had another proof of Zazat
Buk's power in the case of my sora,
When two years old he had his tame
badly mangled. One finger had to ba
amputated and it left a running sore
for some months. This wound, alas,
was finally healed by ZamMilk." I
For ampule sores, blemapolson, ten.
abecesses, 'scalp sores, piles, eras -
tions, interned patches, eczema, outg.
buims, bruise's, and all skin injurien
aud diseases Zana-Buk is 'without equal:,
50e. box all druggiste and stores, co
post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronte,
for price.OHave you tried Zan -Bane
Seals; nkt *Watt.
New Ground foe Ilisoree.
Mute, Marie Krisott, a we-linown
e.e.treiss a.t Viana, to
peCtIoning for n, divorce from her
linslyand -- a noted --
on, evaluate \theca et is sAif.e' to 's.aF
have never before been urged, The
(tidy, tt seems, es partina -to the wear-
ing. er high -heeled 'boots, end she al-
leges that , as she ta,kes her walkal
InUnil her guidon 1101, Itueband' has'
been exeroleing his marksmanship by
shooting ,olf the heels!
eitiad Plias to Follow
Deters io Prance aro sUbleoted 'to
,certalm ' equated_ rules mid regulations
In large forint= towns; for Instal -we;
they mast alwaya bate a taut -tau SLOS.l:k
ill nand,in case of war. Not tante
tale, • bee .everywbere they Ion Ve to
deposit a. 91101 of money in the hands
of the inintic1Pan aulhoritlea ss a Pe-
conity Of good ecuanot; and the low,
not contest \vitt: merely loolting ,after•
their weights and nicesereil, actutaidy ;
derides the price at which breott
Whooping Cough
A simple. safe and ellectivo treatment for bron-
chial troubhm, ovaiding drurre. Vaporised Crete,
leho utopn the pereayema of 'Whooping Cough
and ralittitell WV119 at once. 00 1, a boon to cen
fetter Irons Asthma, Tho nir rendered atronebt
antiseptic blanked With every btemth, ,00055linadthimiseey 10000tI,ontbo sore threat and Popo
the cough, aseuring restful nights. It is layoffs.
able to mothers with young children.
Dead tei Pots! for descriptive booklet. iTS
ley oreeacta Anti -
Nanette Iglarteat Tab-
lets 5,, the irritated.
throat. They aro eimple,
effective end entieeptie.
Of your druggist or
from 01, 10,0, he stamp.
'gape Cresoiene Co.
L000ming.tniloi Bldg.