HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-11, Page 8•••••••••••••••••••••«..4...•••14.44••••• ciai Values'. Vin, l u aild, LiHoieuni Fo!•' Apr•ia Never before has our showing of lugs and Linol- elms beenas large , or attractive as the are this' sea-'"" and never have our values been greater. At present we ale showing a beautiful assortmentof '. Squares, in Tapestry,Velvet and Brussels' and our prices on these, you will find are away'ltelo'v what are usually asked for these goody. Come in and let us show you these goods and quote you our prices, See our`New Lace Curta'irrs—` rices front 25c to $5:00 1 SMALL PLUMSTEEL 1BUSINESS • • 44••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••40: PROFITS BROS. PREPARE FOR ROUSE CLEAN INCA Below we mention a few articles that you will find useful season, ew at this MOPSTiCKS--•Self wringing complete with sloth Old fashioned mop sticks SHRUB SRL/USES-AO fresh goods prices , HOUSE BROOMS -A new stook just in CARPET BEATERS --Suitable for rugs and carpets DUST BANE -A sanitary srveeping;tbmponnd in tins WASH TUBS --Made of Galvanized iron fight to handle no hoops to lessen three sizes . WASH BOARDS -We offer an extra quality LIQUID VENEER -For polishing and dusting furniture 2 sizes .15 10e, Ise, 20c 30e, 4Ur 50e 10e, 15e :15to 75e. 135e, 95e 2a"e 50e Agents fora Sherwin-Williams Paints Best on earth ask ffor,Color Cards. HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods. W. S. HARLAND W. J. HARLAND 1 ■--- wasumwswimausnsmowsimmssunowarens OUR snos FOR SPRING- AND SUMMER 1912, Exemplify in a marked degree tbe'remarkable advan- cement made in the manufacture of fine Shoes. Here one can readily appreciate the exceptional styles and fit of Canada's hest made oboes: We have spent much time investigating itnd studying the merits of all the different lines of shoos that have a ieput'- tttfon for quality. He have chosen the goods that we know will boostour reputation for good shoes - shoes which combine quality. Workmanship and Mlle at the right price --shoes that will insure for us your permanent patronage and lead you at all times to associate our afore with the best.,ntsrehen- dice: JACKSON'S SHOE STORE SHOES SHOES FRED. JACKSON 1 �p••M04N•1t•O444N1•Of•11.444,44,41.044,40444,••••••a+.44,4,4.4, k . L B Hoover Nelson Bel• •• UNI UE DESIGNS . 1 A fx house fu i i rIa sh rl s 4 - i r0 3 _.,�tillf+ � r ar in • ede ma b nd t hot3t w r y 2 t<, , ,, .. ..'of arts -•-""- �,.`�ai� artistic tastes. :�.� sant p� sere Will disclose 54261 U,, � � � FURNITURE i. UR 3 THAT IS DECORATIV but not overly ern. dear. ,.Ai .. Zer t I4 what wins these days, , and it's only", nxerit that gives us our liberalpatronage, Inel.IT IN FURNITURE s R TLJF�E1'��RI7"fhr.)<RICE Tlbm one pest 4pot,lnm i tint n C4atrdy to • buy sit kinds of furniture/. rEi rrt oover t5ccBall r'cr C ext.:,1,711 ,a±r To'taSa , 3iRAiiTR O CC"Ise 4 tPN's.$!44 a **s4lilta+04A+...A44,1,.. ..,p.M.N News -Record tit,' 161, [910„ HOUSE " CLEANING TIN[E,IS WALL PAPER TIME. WHEN PICTURES' coat DOWN : WALL PAPER,, GOES IJP AND THAT MEANS TIIE• CHANCE TO !AVE' SOME OF AUR NEW DECOtiATIONS IN PEACE OF TETE SOILED AND TIME - SOME PAPERS THAT MAMR THE k PE ARANC5i :. 'OF YOUR 110155. OUR STOCK WILL SOON BE COMPLETE, IT IS NOW NEARLY SO, AND THAT MEANS A LARGE 'SEL'EC- TON, OF PATTERNS AND I itICES FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE STYLES 'PRICES AND QDALITIE1$ OF OUR' MED- IUM GRADES ' SHOWED) IN- DEED INTl)REST Y011. W. D. FAIR CO: Often Cheapest —• Always the Best 9.11 hl . Frank Sloman has retarnedI to Pinto Creek, Sag. hi'r. W. W. Higgins, Bayfield, was in Clinton au Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil went to Buffalo for the holiday. Mr. John Flynn of Beachwood spent a few days in Clinton. Mrs. el. Elliott visited friends ivy town over, the week -end. Air. .Wilmer Wallis went west last ' week with a carload of horses. ifiss Maude Livermore) was the guest of London friends over the holiday. Miss E. Meliwaln spent the, week -end • at her home in Goderich township. Mr, and Mrs. David Crawford spent from Friday until Monday in Lon- don. Misses G. and C. Kennedy spent Easter with their brother in De- troit. Mrs. Eckmier spent the Eastertide the guest of London and Stratford friends. Miss S. Cowan visited at her home in Detroit frons Friday until last evening. Mrs. Agnes Warner„ Hamilton, is the guest of her brother, Mr. John Neddger. Miss Mabel Williamson visited over the holidays at her home in God ericb township. Mrs. J. Irving of Detroit was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Grigg, this week Messrs. Frank McCaughey and Harry Twitch& l spent the forepert of the week in Toronto, Mrs. Bond accompanied, iifss Gibhfrgs from Toronto. They went book le the city on Monday. Mr. Cyril Acheson, St. Paul, was the guest this week of his aunt, Mrs. S. S. Cooper, Misses Lila and Eileen hoover of Toronto were holiday visitors at their home in i'own. Mr. Brown, manager of the Clinton Knitting Company, spent Laster at his home in Toronto. Miss Carrie Shipley spent Good .Friday is Wingttam,, the guest of het sister, Mrs. L. 'avis. Miss E. Chicltey and Miss E. Tor- rance were guests of Toronto friends during the holiday season. Miss Dell Taylor of Alma College, St. Thomas, spent the Easter Teem.tion at her home in town. itisss „Daisy Nediger, Hamilton, was the guest of her brother, Mr. John Nediger, over the week -end, Mr. A. MoKowh visited his daughter Mrs. Doupe, and other friends in Toronto over the holiday time. ' Masters Harry and Douglas Ball vis- ited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, H. Ifill of Mullett, over the holiday ,tithe, bliss Lahore Ratherford and her bro- ther Warriner, of ,'Galt were Ens - am guests at the home of their. aunt, Mrs. J. hien, Mrs. S. Gardiner and two children of, 13enmiller and Mr II'oward' Porter 01 Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. 0, Hellyer ovbr the week -end: Mrs, Paul Pilling, Toronto, wife of the manager of the Princess Thea- tre,, was the guest of hirs. John Craig for a few days of the pasts week, Mrs. Stewart Macpherson and two little sons of New Liskeard were the guests from Monday until Wed- nesday of Dr, and, Mrs. Ball of gown. Mr, George Masini of New Mexico has been In town the past week, having come home to attend the funeral of his Mother, the late Mks. James Hearn. Miss MatzkeHamshite, who has been in London, England, for some time 'is expeeted this week and will visit her sister, Mrs: W. H. Hellyer, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kyle and their two intens sons of Kippen visited the lady's mother, Mrs. J, hlitrr9elil of Albert street, last week, Master Wds elite i. s roma' in � ' 8 over thehol' - t S Misses. State and Willa Ford are home from i11rna College, Se. Thoinas,for the holidays. They were accom- panied by Miss Leaman, one of the staff; of teachers, whois also a guest at Wesley !parsonage., r Mr. James C. Laithwaide eame, deem from G oderich oh Thur ,It to Y at, tend the CTlintote Spring Hair. Whsle Mr: Laith a' w Sto was greattY-• 'inrrtr- ested int e h splpndsd• horses .and cattle on exhibition, it was :Still a greater _. pleasure for hltn to iic'et scores of old-time friends be; had' nat' Seen for :many moans, rtr watching the 'stock sed ,,aikting, over, IVO -gleams the afternoon sped away all too quickly. , ergonals i rs, S11Aer is spending the lolid in Goderich. ' ', - Mr:Berry Hunt,, Galt, was In to SaS'urday -and 111onday, Master Fred, Pugh iS visiting grandmother in :London. - Mr. W. T3 Wasman of London sp the haladays at hie liorum in tow Miss Flossie Pearson is spending • holidays with rela'ti'ves in laredo Mrs. Jos. Etnulerton of kiervle the guest of Mr. and Mrs. It, gruff. • Mr. Donald .lions is home from •, Medical School, Toronto, for • holidays. Mrs. I3., N urnies has assumed charge) the packing room at the ani;t( faopory: Mr. John Wisernan Jr. , of the 13 of Montreal, G•uclph, was home ov the week -laid.. , Mr. John Rice spent Easter at 1 old home in" Bowmanville retdrn Monday: night. hlr. John Menneli, Stratford, was guest' of his sister, Mrs. Jobe Se rias, on Good Friday. ` Mrs• L,.Renk•, of Seafortlt ape Friday as the guest pf Mr. and :til J. F. Wasman of town, Mr. James Oriole of Brussels has b spending a few days with his dau ter, Mrs. S. (1,. Castle. Messrs. J. and R. Hanna, M5ilverto were week -end guests of thur s ter, Mrs.' S. S. Cooper. IJ,4es. Fair Sr. is in Detroit tiisi+tf him daughter, Mrs, Campbell, a her sou, Mr. Percy Fair. • Mr. S. Kemp visited his parents a his brothers in London Thursda Friday and Saturday last, • Mr, and Mrs. Harry Smith of Stra were guests ,ever the week -e of Mr. and Mrs. It, A, Downs. Mrs.'Iluddell of Berlin was for few days of the past week the gue of her sister, Mrs. G. M. Yaees. Miss 'Stevens of Streetsville return home yesterday Men' a few da3 resit with Mr, and Mrs. Jot Guest. Mrs. James Young has returned her home at Coplestone atter a fe days visit with her nether, Mr E. Moore. Mr. Chas. Hall of the Bay etre branch of the Masons Bank, To onto, is home on his vacation three weeks. Mrs. Will Harland and her daughte Miss Bess, visited her mother, M Read, London, from Good Frida until Tuesday. ' Mr Cliff Andrews of the lloyat Tian staff, Oshawa, spent the bank :lel days with his parents, Judge an Mrs. Andrews. Mr., and Mrs. C. McKinnon of iii cardine are spending the week wit . the latter"s parents, il•Ir. and Mrs, John Johnson. Mrs. T. E. May has returned to he home at Listowel after a couple o months' stay with her daugnter hirs. G, i11. Yates, Mrs. George Roberton; Miss Ileict and ' Master Kenneth have nee guests the past week of Mr, Jam Ballentine, Brussels. Mr. Bert Johnson, Freelton, and Mr Knox Mair of Seckerton, progress- ive and successful Psaehers,, ar home for the holidays. ' Mr. and Mrs I3. Wilson returned to Stratford on Monday afternoon af- ter having limn the guests for a few days of Mrs. D. Connell. Mrs, lVm. ?Vermeil and her sons, Bert, Ray and Jack, London, wore guests the latter; part of the week of Mr, and Mrs, John Serutoti, Mrs, F. McCartney of Goderich spent a few days of the past week with friends el Clinton, on the ' London Road and in Goderkah tlawnship. Mrs. J. F. Wasman and' daughter, Miss Ethel, are spending the week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Pollard of Brussels. Mr. George A. Rorke, manager of the furniture factory in Markdaio, was the ,guest of his brother, Mr, Hugii Rorke, over the week -end. Mr. W. Fluker was out of town for a few days' of tote past week visit ing chis daughter, Mrs, E. 111oLaul;h- lin, Guelph, and relatives in 'Tor- onto. Mrs. Alex. Leitch of Hullett was the ghost! of Mrs. Luke Lawsdri of sown and also of Stratford friends for 1to'. past weak or two, 'returning hotue. on Monday. Mrs. Jan Rice entertained a num- ber of young leases on Monday at- ternoon, " in honor of her hence, bliss Rutherford of Galt, who is spending the holiday week here. Mr.. iittgh Gr:ag,.ot Molsans'Bank, Simcoe, and Mr, Roy Grigg 'of the Bank. of Montreal, Goderill, were guest's of 'their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grlgg, Sunday and tion-. day. Mr. Clarence Shepherd lett' on :Vlore - day for Iroquois to resume his dut- ies as mernber of the MoisonsBank staff, and Mr. Eddie Shepherd wen;• back to Toronto and to his place on the staff of Gordon. Mackay Co. Mr. and Mrs. John 'Jackson had as. f+hetr guests over the hol'idad's, their, daughter,' Mrs. H. Steep, 'Toronto, their son, Mr. Walter- Jackson, Brantford,. -� and herr venose t n Mr, g Murray Jackson of Nie Lfueen :sty, M. Mr. A. D. Beaton enm e v home from' Toronto for over the ,week -end, Ile has been unti'ergoing ined sal treat- ment in the city for seine ',week;:. and his numerous friends were mush a • pleased Lia note the mpravemcnt that has taken place, hll$s Laura Khag, .daughter of _Mori and i t s. . �C J ICI , d net:, tight g, noriy, of Clsston but now of the west, has been -the guest for sonic days of Mr. and Mrs. D. ` ' Cook. •lilies King came. east :, some mouths ago and is taking a course of study et Alma College St. Thotnas1 ' Mr: James Connolly. risme, down item Goderich L Soil ou ;Thursday to sanest In the day's events. In moving 'about: be had to have the assistance f a' c Walking Stick ITU each hand . to ilio great surprise of snores of old eitne friends who had not heard that a few weeks ago he had the misfortune, - to Ball 'and -sustain a fracture of the fag. Batt he has made quicks'reeov-! ery tied* shortly will be moving about 111.3 spry as ever, aye•, km hist cat' n. the, A, is r, the the of anx er tis the: re- n rS. een bh- n, is - ng nd nd Y, at- nd a SG od ys 01 to w s• et r - of r, rs. Y d n h r n Jame, r e IIF $400.00 WORTH OF LADIES' •SPRING COATS - TO BE CLEARED AT COST AND LESS Fifty inthe lot in black and fawn, striped and plain covert cloth. Come early and get first choice at a great saving. Sizes 32 to 44. 1 $10 COATS FOR $6.98 Ladies' plain and striped covert top coats in fawn and black, plain or .patched pockets With 'flap,, good length, trimmed with covered buttons, all sizes, reg. alar $10.00 for $6.98 $7.50 COATS $5.75 Ladies' plain black and plain fawn' covert spring coats, striped and plain seams, long lapel, trimmed with covered buttons, all sizes, regular $7,50• for $5.75 $5.06 COATS $3.78 Ladies' short spring coats made of good qualitybroadcloth, suitably trimmed with buttons, plain. seams, all sizes, reg- ular $5.00 for . - $3.78`. legal Taffeta Petticoats Under- priced for Quick Selling Two dozen only Regal taffeta underskirts in black navy blue and brown, deep flounces and dust. frill, splendid wearing quality, length 39 to 42 inches, reg- ular $2,25, clearing at Odd Sizes and Qualities in Corsets Three dozen D & A. corsets in white and drab, assorted lengths and sizes, reg- ular $1..00 to $1.75, clearing at 69c each. Come early. The News From Londesboro Miss Beacom of Goderich spent a few days this week visiting ,at the home of lilr, and Mrs. Jas. Camp- bell. Mr. Val. Townsend spend Easter with his brother Will of Strathroy. Rev. Mr, Ferguson, a former pas- tor of the Methodist church' here, bas been renewing old friendships in the vicinity, his old friends being de- lighted to see hien enjoying such good -health. Although superannuat- ed, he Is just now fn charge of the circuit of Mildmay, Mrs. (Dr.) Hamlin of Detroit and Mrs, Macdonald anal Mies Oral Mac- donald of London have berm spending a few days at the home of Mr. Jam- es Lanham. Mr. and Mrs. D. Floody of ]Blyth visited for a• few days with IMr. and. Mrs. Gro. Brogden. During the flood on Saturday night the abutment on the north side of the dam was washed away and other damage done to the dam. The mill was closed an Saturday as it was flooded wails water. bliss 0. F. Brigham of Highgate is spending the Eastertide at her home. here. Mrs, (Dr.) Young and her daughter„ •Miss Clara, rebarned from Brantford after spendeug three knonthts with an- other datcghter. -: Rev, J. II. Osterhout, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. QEticy' and !Mrs. Hiles and ]Miss Annie spent the Easter vacation wile London friends, Misses E. Lyon and E. Mains of ,London we're hero over .the'weekend., Misses 5 , and J. Steinhoff of Blyth spend Good Friday with Miss Lyon. Miss MoQaarrie of Blyth was the guest' of Mrs. R. Adams on Good Friday. Mrs. Stackhouse and Miss Seaek- house visited 71 Ir. and Mrs. William Brigham on Friday last. Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton Del - dressed the S. S. of the Methodist church last Sunday, nrorn',ag. His ad- dress was very much appreciated by thosc'•present+, Mrs. (Dr.) Allison spent a few days this week with London friends, Rev. W. T. and Mrs. Foamy ' and Miss Reeb are making a teaday's stray with Port Colborne and Toronto friends. Rev. J. II. Osterhoue preached at Burns church on Sunday morning and Rev. Jc L. Small of 'Blyth took charge of the service in Knox church in the of v'rnoon. The pasem preached a very ex- cellent Easter sermon in the Method- ist church on Sunday evening. John Lee is under the care in tho rnedieal man just now but w e hope his recovery fai11 be a rapid one, Mr. `Thos. 4fiiI t teceived a ear of soft coal this week, and. Mr. John Hutton a car of flour and feed. Mr, A. II. Radford sold hlr. Jas. Cumtng of Blyth a carr of hogs the other day, which were slipped to Toronto. , Mr. John Hutton, our eeteeprising saw mill man, has gotten his mill, tato shape after the damage done by the'. flood 'so that it is running again, Hullett' Happenings Mrs, Thos. McMichael Sr. and Mrs, Thos. McMic + hast Jr. have both been on the sink list the'past week, but the many friends aro •hoping for a speedy recovery for both of them. Mr. Joseph Shanahan of the Royal Bank ,stall, Tillsonhurg, spent the ;~raster holidays at his home in this tawnshi n. Mr. E. J Tighe of Keneicott .is at present vis'it"ng under theparental roof, , The following '.s the result of itis 7aster Promo -bion. x ni atin s of S S. .No, 4, Ilullett : Jr; 2nd to Sr. 2rrI-Arthur' Og- bourne, Toni Appleby, Kathleen Alt - en Willi. Briggs. . 2nd toJr,rd-IC ' • am'ttot Sr r„ e,tli II S Islay Hamilton, John Leiper. • Jr 3rd to Sr. 3rd-1.,illic Connell,. Leonard Sr. 3rd,'t'o Jr, dtb-Florence Cart- Wright, ,Jr, -nils a Sr. ethr-Warren Roger- son Chakiic Stindercock, John Adalne First el,•issee, Mud, Part Ind classes also promoted. -R.• baak„ee I r, rt, Teacher, Constance Miss NeII Sutherland of Se0forth spent Um bEasterholidays with her Mr. h a parents, r. nd Mrs D. Suitherland. Miss Alma Me:Merie of • Warwick is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Brit- ton. Mrs. John Dutton and family are moving to Seatotth this week.' We are all sorry to : co Mein leave our village. to Miss U c u 1 0l glt spent maser Sunday with friehds in 'Stratford. Mrs, Nelson .Steep and children of Coderiah1 are visiting' their uncle, Mr. Henry ;ColeIqugh. Mrs. Farnham and children spent Sunday'and MondayY-mitis her parents in Seaforth. Mr; Hiram ' Proctor of New Lis- keard is visiting his mother, Mrs James 'Praetor•;'and other friends, NEW SPRING HATS AND GAPS FOR MEN, AN BOYS . 0 CNIL ORE N This week we pass into stock the very latest in Hats and Caps for. Mon, Boys and Children. These are well worth a visit to the store. They comprise the nattiest range it has ever been our pleasure to display' pieces 2.5e up to $2.50. NEW SHIRTS FOR MEN 'ANO BOYS We are showing a,very swell range of spring and summer lrhirta for Men. and boys in ';plain and F anay colors. We are particularly anxious to slaew �T ofl through our stock _ of 5 summer flirts withf so t cuff and detach- ed ed cellar from -$1..0,0 up: Come' in and look .them over; AND OUR MOTTO YL Quality fi rst;,tlxetl :> square profit." ataaasaaamormaaaamanaaamaaaamaa 7