HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-11, Page 7G. D. MaTAGOART
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the 'World?. The queetionileane.taan
easy oanto, answer„ but there.eati be
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A FAMILY- lallitRAleif a a
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14,63601PLETIC NtOecta'Yinistif
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Clinton News-RecGr4
"?C"Ing—finalt;" etrnick in th.n de- eXMigltble 00intiaering-Whe'rFent;iitif
teetive, "end many people were been looking et.
wounded, while a few are dead. The Fedi!) took no notice of tne insults,
girl Merker carnied off was rescued' but producing "It" from his breaet
and went with Mr. Carver, to whom Pocket, held it up and called to the
she is engaged, to her aunt in dwarf in the native dialect. What' he
Brighton. Now we have come to lay ,eilhaeidy no reveedpih'eAene wLascouexideretsguesinag.
hands on Merker — if he is here, the
that is." , Dower of the stone In some way. The
, "Ile is here," said Podia, dee/Mealy. effect on Ng'weaan was inunediate.
"I was told that he had a motor -car ...numbered rapidly down the mast and
in the wood so 'that he might escape. lilting himself on his knees before the
sertirell„ ed for the car but could not 011101. :
fia.d It, so .1 alll mire 010 e.00ttped from "W.hat's the stoner asked Trent,
the kerning house and fled here." swifitlY.
"Bat why here?" mersisted the de_ 1 "It's a sacred stone," returned the
teethe. who had been arguing the detective, and. started forward to lay
point all the way down in the tmin two hands on Ng'wam.
with the negro. I But the moment the creature felt
the 'double grip on his shoulders and
"He chartered tine steamer for him -
sett and Ms natives to go to Lagos.", saw the two policemen corning to
"That's true," put in the listening seize him, he sprang to his feet with
mato, "but the natives haven't ar- • a shrill yell: sprang also into die atr
•,1 towards the fetish, which Fodio st111
"Has Merker?" held at arra's • length. • Before the
nee mate looked at his skipper, young chief could guess his purpose,
Who was rapidly runnin.g his eyes Ng'wani. had 'It" in his grasp. Then
over an article setting faith what had ' dropping' on all fours be wriggled iu
happened in Sussex in a most lurid a strake-like manner through the legs
ananuer. An explosion of oaths came of ,those wround him. Everything was
achieved so swiftly that he was poised
dangerously on the bulwarks before
anyone could draw breath.
"Stop! Stop!" shouted Fodio,
making a bound towards the dwarf,
The PleKillap Mutual PITO
Insillance Curnpanil
—Farm and Isolated Town Proporty-
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ans, Beechwood 51. Met' :wen, Olin -
ton ,P. 0
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ley, Seaforth ; James Otfmtnings, Eg-
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So any of the above officers addressed
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inspected by the director who lives
nearest idim same.
from the moaner's lips, as he grasp-
ed the eituabion, and he flung down
Ole newspaper on ,the desk. "If I'd
known Mr. Merker was a wrong un
of this scat I'd have seen him f ar
enough afore rd have captained this "one thousand pounds for the man
blamed boat. I don't care what my who gets that stone."
Everyone made a dash at Ng'wean,
whith had the effect of sending the
creature overboard. With a cry of
owners say, I won't—",
"Ch, come to business," interrupted
Fedi°, sharply. "Is Merker here?"
The skipper glowered at the au.da- delight and ,olasping his god to his
eious black man, whose straight breast, Ng'wam drooped line a stone
speaking he could not sto.madh. I•low- into the water, Whether he intended
ever as Fodio was -backed by a plain to swim, or whether, hapless of es -
clothes deteritive and a couple of cape he intended to drown *leaping
policemen he was forced to be civil, the fetish, it 'is impoesible to say.
Aliso, in honesty to the captain, it Butlonging as were the looks east
must be admitted that he was new up and down the river, and large as
anxions to assist justice. The hasty were the rewards offered by the
reading of the report had startled and frantic Fodio, Ng'wam never appear -
amazed bom. "Mr. Merker is here,
gentlemen," he said shr.viy, and with-
out Ills usual swearing, "he come on
board at daybreak looking pretty sick.
thought bent been i the spree
myself, but I guess WO this trouble
in Sussex as made him seels a corpse
Clinton News -Record
ed again. He sank like a stone, and
evidently like a stone remained in the
mud at tlie bottom of the stream.
"'It' is gone. `It' is gone!" wailed
Fedi°, eallieg on WS knees. 'It' will
never, never be seen on earth again."
He was quite right. "IL" never
to look at. He's in his cabin, and said • returned from. the Mud of the river,
be wasn't to be, disturbed, telling me Down there lies the distorted body
to get up steam and clear, rd have of the dwarf, and in his death -grip
is the sacred stone of Atlantis, which
for centuries was the curse of all
who possessed it. And its last evil
deed was to bring Paul Merker to it
terrible death.
etrefffolle'. With ee 'bow
;Sad 00 eXPresslon, of all...Vaal. Wishes.
. "Whet'. la: BUS?" asked the ahrine,• '
'"One, Jt., 11.114 Pee, Seld
rlle, groom, Who was equally as 'eurlone.,
, Alison did so .ancl then ,attered- an
'[terclia[matiOn" of , astonishinent.
•'Jim, it ion cheque Made out to Aileen .
Carver rim- ten .theueend Pounds.- I
-cant- take so large a suna, natio:
';-really I eannot,"1
sIt 1 not'a gift," naid, the best -mans
. ,
nmiling, "but your own, earnings,'
."My own earnings? . What itis You
done It long ago, only I couldn't get
my papers."
"I managed that," said Fedi°. ',if
had a wire sent to step the boat."
"And it tame from Scotland Yard.
captain. Now take us to this man's
cabin. Mr. Fodio, you are right and
I Was wrong, though how our man
escaped from that burning house
beats me altogether."
he got away right enougk,"
said the skipper, coolly, "and one or everywhere. The old maid was even
bito niggers got away likewise." happier than usual, because this very
"Ng'wam," cried Fotlio, starting and
looking desperately anxious.
"I don't know what you call the
blatued thing'" growled Trent, "but
he's a small, black, crooked—"
"Ng'wam! ,Ng'wam!" interrupted
Fedi% stamping. "I guessed he would
follow. I had hoped -to be beforehand
with him. Hell kill 121e. man."
"Well, be's gone to Mr. IVIerker's
cabin and has been with 1nm for
Fodio waited to hear no tuore. Push-
ing the mate before Min down the
stairs, he ordered him to show where
Merker's cabin Was. The detective
end the policeman followed rapidly,
together with Captain Trent puffing
and blowing lilte a whale. The skipper
-was tremendously excited.
"It's here," said the mate, uneasily,
rapping et a narrow door. "Mr.
Merkel'?" •
There was no reply, and the de-
teotive inislbed past. He turned the
handle of the neer, and etepped into
Ole oablm As he did so it small
creature rushed past him, 'wriggled
through the legs of those 'in the
saloon, and was up the stairs and, on
deck .before he could be stopped.
"Ng'wam! Newanil" shouted Fed io,
Bet the dwarf took no notille, al-
though -the -mate ran in seatch of him.
Nodio peered ovee the detective's
shoulder and retreated with a shed- mare terrified than ever, because she
der, tot is .es I thought.. a() ,,add, had foretold ed much, and Mrs. Bot-
boarsely, "Ng'wein has eyed wee» tort still Masted upon riecribiug every
him," stutteeed the detective event to Miss Pyne's philanderings
falling book into the saloon, "why with occult matters. It was all weird
and as everyone Said,
wiled pho:rtudlenvedil hdeeembelyenpeatilet. to pleees."i «UtI'
That, wee the last
word of condemnation which could
What remained of Merkel" certainly ;
. . ..... .
One month later Mies 'Yardley's
home was decorated, Miss Yardley
herself was molly deessed, and there
were signs of festivity and, rejoleing
cr.awroN ONT.
Terms of subscription -1l per year, in
advance $1.50(053' ho'eharged if
• S0 t so Paid. No paper discontin-
ued untll all a.rreaws are paid, un-
less at the oPtion or the publish -
Mr, The daft to which every gib-
soription is paid is denoted cm the
A dvertiei n g ra tes—Ttansient ad v ots
tisoments, 10 centa Per honpariel
line for 6714) insertion and 3 cents
per line tot eack, subsequent ' inners -
ion. am'Small advertisements net to
red one Molt, such ass "Loet,''
','Strayed," oe “Stelon." etc, in-
setted onee for 35 Manta mid. each
su,bsequenti insertion 10 emits.
Commutications intonded for publica-
tion must, asea guee arantof, good
fititle,,, be accompanied by the name
of twriter,
, W. J. 11111eLs1-1EL1e, — ,
Editor and '
day ter recovered niece, Alison Wel-
don, had been transformed into Mrs.
Carver. The best man. was Fedi°,
and when Jim's friends expressed as-
tonishment Abet he should chose a
nigger for such a ceremony, the sol-
dier retorted that there were few
white meh whom he respected es be
did the Commissimier of the Orach
country. And those who knew radio
well, -agreed with Lieutenant Carver,
For Fedi° lead now gained Isis
heart's desiee in spite or the loss of
the fetesh in the Thames, Merker's
story had been pu:blished in Um news-
papers end was a nine daye' wonder.
His identity with the ruinous Ibeno;
his connection with'the Spanish lady
who had murdered the celebrated
missionary; his defence or Granger's
Grange; his esea.pe and dreadful
death at the hands of Ng'wern. —
these things startled, amazed and
horrified everyone. Lady Warby, es-
pecially, was terrified to think that.
her dearly -loved nephew was such a
monster of iniquity, and refused to
believe half that was published, But,
-as a mutter of fact. Doe worst of
Merker's doings eould not be told.
And the glamour of "It", the famoes
sabred stone of tbe Umbidi tribe,
brought an air of romance into the
whole strange happenings which had
started with the arrituti of Marker at
Bun House. MisS Fyne was
"I offered that reward for the re-
covery ot ,"lt". You 'recovered Ole
ifetish for me in Granger's Grange,
therefore you mast have the reward."'
"But it Le impossAble," said Jim,
oervoualyt 'I told you,the.sum was
too big, 15'od10. It i:st imPessible,
say,. for illy Wife to take et." ,
The negio frowned. "je that be-'
'cause 1 ei,m a ,black man?" he Raid,
"Her/foolish yeti are," cried 1.8
petulantly.- "You know' hew 'Intteh
Jim aene 4 think oe you. • tr me di55.
pet wield Jim has alted .Yoe to oe
his beet man?" ,
F'edio smiled when elee.had finished.
"No. I am quite Confident that your
friendeltip is genuine. Let mina he BO
aiso, and take the money:" •
"But it is such a large suan."
"Not .to stne. The Umbidi tribe has
more gold than you think, and as
chief, I can get as mechets I require.
I eould not spend the money 'to e,
better purpeee than tn ,givieg it to
her who restored the fefieh to me."
"But the fetieh is lost." '
• "Yes," adniitted the negro with
sad air, "but thatais not your .fault.
I commanded NgTwain to come down,
by the power of the sacred, stone. I.
never thought he would dare -to touch
it However, 'IV is gone, worse luck!'
Jim clapped the negro on the back.
"The best of luek, Fodio. Since the
stone disappeared you have got the
Commiesiceership of die Oraoh coun-
try, and 'I daresay you will get the
Apkam country also. Since Merker's
death all the missionary societies are
• on your slide, and you ere expected to
do greet things toWaede civilising
your people. The stone could not
have done better for you, now eould
was not a pretty Mght, hig'Saftin lied; Wirso Ibe„t,1„mitikko law niter,
brought an the learatthi; with villa), bridegroom and bride rettosth4 along
ibeno hud uplied hiln to tortasee the with Miss Yardley end the 'best man;
miserable Mee. Having gagged 11110, the"old muldis house. Owing to Oa
ho had stripped him and then had; 'late death of Amseys tattier, thel
slowly cut hint to platee. The two' 'wedding wet a very quiet one. In-!
I 1 ty '
this borrib e 4 It LOI ne doubt ee<, I eou
11 <1 1 '1; • Id not have taken plate Bei
hours taus,. hare been ocelipied
regarded It alt a duty eleee .41. 331 'bt tht” 3'1"1'.6 leaVe WILk UP.
t/ ad u0 return to Lagos, dtud te-i
110 0I3* avenging his Demented sister.
As Merker lued sown te) had lie'
reaped, and tixoSe who looked it the
nitybilated remain% shuddered to think
what the 1110511 roust litre endured tit
awed to do so without Alison. He.vIng
so nearly lost her, lie dreaded lest he'
Sholdd lose herr altogether, no Alisonl
assented to his prayers for an ismne-
dilute Mart: aae.
the hands of the httle savage benne Auother thing was, that Mrs. CaTver,
greatly desired to get awaY fr-gio* the
he finally yielded llp the ghost. Pm
was quite dead, and Ilan gone to aery oilp.wmiant imaaaaly ac,„ wallah
render his actiol,mt, in the next world, „the wa11 subjected, as the beroind,of
both as Deno and ail Puld Meeker, •
But the moment the men grasped,
what Nenvuta. had done, they' gave a
simullaneoue shout awl started ill
pursuit. Who) thee' gained the (leek
they behelel, ,the mate, et the foot or.
'the fatuous siege et Grainger'e
',Grange. 'llre papers interviewed her
,aud published her portrait' sookny
people bothered ber -to come lo
Homee" and dances, seri Phologrunh-
.ein wrote incessantly for ner to pose
the meat, op whieh the dwarf bad tm. aer weelee, WOKS YardItY kept
"No." Fodio was cennpellad to agree
with what his friend said. '
"For my part," cried Alison. po-
sitively, "I am glad Ng'wam did take
away the fetish. .You are a Christian,
Fodio, and it is not right to wash
things like 'It' even in animal blood."
"Quite right," sell(' Mien Yardley,
emphatically. "Blood sacrifice always
implies the presence of some evil
power. I should like to have seen
that Stone, but I should never have
allowed it to remain la my bouse, as
I ain qutie sure from tell I lia.ve heard
Mr. Fodio Bay, that 'It' was evil."
"And when 1 went to sleep with it
in my hand, as I did at Grainger's
Grange," said Alison, wrinkling her
brows. "I 'enlist have nod horrid:
dreams, 110 2 ivolte with such a bacl
headache. I am sere the thing WAS
evil. It is :Mat as well that it is
"Well," said Frodle, laughing, "T
shall agree venal you on one coll-
"Wthat, is that?"
"Yon must take the elteque."
Alison lOok.ed at Jim, and Jim look-
ed ,at Alison. They both knew how
seneitive the negro was, and were
aware how hurt he woeld tel 11 his
offering were not accepted. Besides,
Alison bad re/3,11y recovered the stone
and earned the reward: that was cer-
tain, Finally the sum well invested
would make a splendid acklitiou to
their very limited income. Therefore.
Under the circumstances, Alison shook
hands with Fedi°. "I accept," she
said, thankfully, "time so does len.
You iteve made us quite rich,"
"So long as I have made you happy
r have no More te Say," said radio,
'with a look otrelier that be had man,
aged to get his Own %my. "You don't
feel the dark eletols round you now,
MTS. Carver, do you?"
"No," said the girl with a bonen
expression, "everything is golden." .
"Dark clouds," echoed Miss Yard-
ley, with a look of intereet. "Did you
feel tuor dark clouds round you, Alisoo
dear?" '
"Yes. When Mr.' Merker came to
Bon ,House. But that Aright; bow...,
n'lembed• in l'eap°"° 10 "de" ne 'everyone at nayhowener, Plen
reifllsed t 0 descend, hut Tenni-111nd !that ber ine,
where he wes <honoring like an ape
and • brandishing a etuel looking
native knife red with:the Wood or the,-
aralsenable malt lyto.g , dead' below.
Many of the crew had now ,gathered,
‘and some tried no ceinvb np, .bet
Ng'wam threatened them '0,1111 the,
knIfe, end- they deeistai . Then 'the
• detective, who was foliate; st am: es -
(nape of, Ms pristaier and herrilled
111,5 alyttrl,dearth, drew a. revolver.'
shall shoot the . little neast;"
he cried fiercely. "Such a thing
8110014 1101 he Allowed to live," r
Fodlo struck up the revolver !URI
Ike shot extyloded baeutlessia. , "Wait.
a moments" he said, coolly, "1 eat
bring 'him 'down."
"Do then," said Treat, Who looked •
sick erkth hOrror. '"Whatever Merkel-,
din, I want to strangle ,swhie. who
austriiim up. And you're another nigger:
ce was Ill. And, indeed,
,Alisou had to remain. in bed 1'01
e. weac lintel she recovered her. spirits
And ,stren,gth: Fano told her ae Dttle
its he mild about the death of Merker
,,stul the suicide ae. as 1 tray
.01! Ng'\Fain, thinking very .trulY, :that
lthe recital Would horrify her. But
,'ne Old everything to jinn and, al-
'Ithongh that -pahrig man shuddered ,at
the fate waseh 1104 ov,ertalteri WIs
it °Mild not. help feeling 'end
that such a, dengeroue person had '
,be,ensi'Vept out of ids. Pnth. Now ha'
larid had emerged trout the
clouds, and before' then1 stretch -
led a golden path of hapPluess. and
,And Ole petit was 01010
-golden one than either of them had
'boiled., for atter the modest wedding••
'breakfast Mul when Mr.,,,and
learTer were' prepared ' tpff.start for'
Entered Iiito tI COntraet, :With a C0'1-
•'041310 ty to Supply' Him With .
Ate IRIS In 'Exchange for Ills
• Ilemt Rooks
El.,;te is a tree' stoey of Um great
Dentas ttel his liking for Melons.
Alexa idre, Dumas, vire, Was 'x-
tremcly lenel of melees, Ala an tette-
graph letter be ails has just euhe into
the possession of the' librery oe 1.1.1e
town of Camen.tras, by legatee w Men
Proves the, fact. It 151peehape One
of the straugest.eontracts ever eitatle
by ;ti men of let.ters. The Icteor 61
addressed to lvf. Seguin, the depety
mare 01 Clavaileort in the liatelase,
in Auselet, 1864, by die author Of ',Les
Trois Moeseizetatees," Who was then
tieing at St. Oration, neer Enghien.
. lie says: "On receipt of youi• letter,
I have i,meneeleately arranged with my
publisiter, 1411. Michaud Levy, for Illin
to send you the two or three hundred
volumes whieh have already appear -
06 my works, and tha,t intim futut‘e
as -they appear -he will send you the
others, end I am very pleased ,to be
able to reply to the greet honor welch
you do me. Dui, eleaee have the good-
ness to tele your ;honorable attire, M.
Tourel, tthat 1 impose cite e<mtlition.
If .the town' and lb° authorities of
Cavaillon like my books, 1 1.1,1te their
melona, and I desire that 40 estebange
•or iny three or four hundred. volumes
eheref 0110,11 be .constitated for ;them, by
sintmthipal decree,' a yearly etteurne'
at twelve melons pee year. cost
of carriage wtll naturally bc, at my
-Nem] one 1014 that the coetract was
faithfully kept. o11 both sides?
The Box -Office Clerk's Power of
Iniagthittion and Description ,
Severely Taxed by 'the Many
Cranks Who Boy
A theatre box-office repel; hes a
great deal to do besides iesuing
tickets, observed a member of the
fraternity to the present seribe.
bee to answer many aesurd questions,
and frequently act as guide, p11i10-
sopher, and friend to poteutial
patrols. For inetenee, jt-- le no. 101-.
coalmen thing foe some old lady or
gentleman to refuse to book seats
until 1 have furnished it brief ftlOt Of
tbe play. If the plot contains any-
thing moiled er sad, 11. 61 ten to one
that no seats are sold, and 1 there-
fore have to emproy considerable tact
In my task.
Ladies very frequently 111 quire
whether the play has a `happy
and here I have -10 be very care-
ful, coy 11. 10 impossible to tell whether
the questiouer is one or those 0111
11110610 - persons who Mast on cheer-
ful finales or whether, .eho is nn
"thsenite," who prefers realism to
senthneut. Once I Made an unfor-
tunate Inlet eke. My questioner hap-
pened to be a dear old lady with rosy
cheeks end a eharmingly beige t ap-
pearance. 111 reply to her query I
answerer) (state truthfully) that the
ending was a most happy one, W1101T-
up011 Bale frowne01 irritably, declared
that she 01405 "eitilt of happy endings,"
and ' marched out of lhe vestibule.
Otte cannot always be guided by 'rubi-
cund cheeks and optimistic eyes.
'Many people have a morbid horror
of draughts, and actually insest on in-
specting the seals T propose selling
them before cempleting the purchase.
011001',, make anxious inmerlos about
am distance from tile stage or the
seats offered, seeming terribly afraid
that they will be too close to the
"make -ups."
T am also.expeetre to know overy-
thing about the private lives Of the
latlies and gealemen hi the' com-
pany. Is Mese married' or e11 -
gaged? Does 'Mr. -- 10010 115 young
off the stage ae he looks on it?' boos
Miss really use tlie dentifrice
litre ,r,oft,a(zi brplpy Era:. 1,1peprive•A;;11,1tsn. fftt1110. . 6'20' Ali.BOR'81,
, theirshoeteymoonle,Devons#the,,Fott o ,
frubeY 11•0111 the landlady
lilt oboist her friend'a fortene
"That, eame true, anyhowc' said
Jim, dryly, 'Although I don't ,sei
store by such things eayself"
"You are a sceptic," Said Mete Yard;
ley, in it tone od rebuke. "Bat fro's(
Whet Alison says, I am sure elle woeld
10 asclairvOyant it aim cultivated -a,"
'Na," cried Sint so loudly that
everyone.fdlarted.. "Aileen end 2 havd
bad enough of suctanveled things in
'conneotton with Now that the
confoueded thing is -M the bottom or
Ole Thames, let tits leave all psychic
matters 'quite to themselvee.'`''
l"I agree with Sim," tiara. Carver hastened to say . "I dotot care tor
'occult details of that kind. I did feel
line clouds, and they were extremely
oagreeable, aunty. 21355 everything
bright and -golden."
1 "A happy omen of the future," said.
Vardley," approvingly.
"I hope od, and indeed I am sure
of it," said areas; lightly. ,you
must go now., my dear friends,. We
meet in Lagos, mad when my
country. is setfleietitly eivilised, yoe
shall come eud *thy with me!" -
So matters were settled, end Alison
departed. tar Devonshire with 51101'soldier busband. When they left Pads
din.gton. Station, having lavishly en-
gaged a .vslude ferret -cease compart-
ment 1,0theneiehres, Alison threw
Iterself into her beloved's ,p17138 With
a' sigh of relief,
• "I believe that -alt the bad is oVer
,aini, all the good is coming."
"Amen to, than' [said JIM kissing
• her. -Don't let 1.00 0.11K anY ' mere
eleet4 the t 1015(1100 348 hoe had.
Merger lo dead, Ng'vism 111 dead, your
father. is dead,. and Donna, Christina
es deed. Letethern all rest."
k Alison riedded and nestled in his
0,510(1. "W.ell, our eroublee have
panned 11.6 fp undenstand one another
',better, dear:'
"Thank God, dearest. And now we
ishalil be happy for ever, and ever,
and "ener."' . ,
"Juse like a fairY tato". replied
"Exactly," x41(0,1111% Carrver, °with
,tirls as fint10," site& he Maned her tleien,
and thrice, and again. '
• Porter' "blips' 55)501 tram is--'!
l'repise.,P,aeseegeet "My meta wily.
60 ;yeti eaY.'yeat' traria' when ybu
113061 145. 110101153 rilidWaY
, Pbritn't "Dittnic;:lni"M. ‘'Why toy.Ou
:. bo-•'
nesoeiated with her name? And so
011, 511(1 so On. To all these nuestions
I am .100)11050(1.100)11050(1to return intelligent
and sntisfactory answers, and it is a
good thing, perhaps, .tinit I poSsess
a I lyely imagination, •
1Vlitia I was in a provincial box-
office some years ago, and We had a
ntelodeetna v,isittng the theatre, ladies
wo old frequently inquire whether
tame wile "any shooting,in the piece,"
deele,ring their nerves would not
slansi such ehocks. On the other hand,
a rough collier once inquired of me
11-019many "inlirtters" were. committed
in a :certain drama •pthielt was` visiting
the theatre that Weelteand on. My lit-
fOrtning 11410 that if believed there was
may ono, 5112 Mumbled . sonMthing
uhOnt the previous piece' having• eon,
911-10-06911-10-06tive, end .quitted the box-office
'without buying...a hiCliet, liMidently
wented a let , tor .his 11101)12)'.Til,' Problem Of pasS-Olit cheeks Vas
aucousefully solved, at thecae:lily 110e
10K1301150, 10 themselves, • by some ill-
gonfous entertainerS whe11! they de -
aided to Mark Mill to 1105)1100', stamp
the hands of ' IhOsc X.,Is• their patrons
who, (('111110111 110 ge6)1195 the show during
the estervelle. Tee Mee Poesesses
Many • adyantages, illeityllns the
oeelbill-l.v (11 transfereneb.,,,.;
of the same beastly breed, you. --a".,, : •
A Decided . Novelty
Ottani. ,
'Pie 3loi,1 CliSforil Siften, 59 teo,e‘e*
010WL1 tOF 011 0 lt) peruse itis craivitC
ieve. There le no doubt Lisat 5.5110000.75.
SIthon lyes the greatest asset ire
return., of the Conservatives to eonianf
Without lxis powerful deinmelatiee 01,
the re.eiprocity papt, during the ;mita
campaign, there would be 110 teete
servative Co vernment to -bay.
The Bon. Clifford SifF021 Wat bainv
In the LO W11511i11 ef London 111 1 90
6110 ri'lnee of Walos iviedill 11- 16M,
11114 1)111, callsd to tIle Mitltobs 111s16
Man, and in 1985 was ereatod 41e13e
in: 1888, 'and' contlitudd repeat
senting 5.15115.constittiency 1111 1 89t,..1k6
1891. he Nyas merle Attorney-Cie:elf:rat§
0 -ltd Minister ci4! Education &Ida' tna
tO"nn. 1‘1'1.BSY. redtinrieitnni:allitivtfir°011.
111 the latiSalt
Idea Gcoornllient, he on tured Slr '316.6e
fret amyl er's Adreinistratioe
Minister et the Interior and Si:peat:a
MtuRst• S• ' .
Genea,l anti bas 'boone
the Pepe with the Pedal' of' SI: Vtoe;
gory and the military order of' she
1110, 5.155(1)11112171)c3;Li217111rst1elit01,tnzo:
bee , CeSsereeti re Ased tion'
for Montnagny In die From of
Mons N410.1878 to 1887, nineyeata.
Una was Klled to the 114' the
Earl of ,Derey i 1352
S 19101' i,1111111',11''5 wife Sa do denIer-
01' *ale ,•1 1e LImac, Ceti ternet
0069iS, aue,, Yflow he Tiarriett
1868, llis home IF tt Candies,, One
01711 174131;13' SONGSTRVSN'
Thr best knownor he pests orro
Canalitte ludians is MiteI'atiret
Johnson, deearter of the Thief
M011Wkg, 11111' 516540 name ie
lOnMke, aed Ster (1(12(113-61', tZ.,
Grand River Indian Ie5e190• 1101251'•Braniford. OntarioThere f r15110
bleed in her veine Vet hers Freenre
heritage s, her prideand hases
right to be proed. Grani,' Itres
reserve was the gift bfGeorge 119. Ices
the Six Nation inelers, whoreinainee
loyal during he American revolatizi.'
stape91:tcnita thou apd.
Lady—"liiit fishisn't heete"
Pielimengele-"And whosefaults
tbat? I Offered it to yon "the
ginning of the Week MA 6011iltVe beet"i'l$A113's Illasners
1\rUFMK FOVB 011 0104110 WV401111
6114 011 varied nd far-thaelling turns,
men have a sense of .satie-
Sateal in bang 0 ble 10 81111100 .1115
nollee of big persons.
Women generally regard their 550-
111-altAh. sa,sociatios With aef
.tenderth General of Indian 11-511115.a
resigned from that offiee In 190
Account of a disagreement with Saysaen
'Wilfrid regarding educational ehrese
orblls 10establish he Provin7n aAeor
, Mr. Sifton ateil 115 aget of
iirStilb CoySimnent Befere the AtaslA
Boundary Tribunal in 1903111ee
.Chairman of Comnssion or nturaeell
rsourcof Ctaada in 130e,
snnmer months aro usm312aSw-me-
spnt at AralorytoWn Ont.but ditrixr
seSsion time Mr. Sifton Isalways O>.
duly 11 Ottawa.
lION. 0. A. LADRY,
Speaker of Senate
When the Senate selected lion.
,A, P. ID. Landry as Spker, t01.85514.'
a man fthat position who has best
a distinguished ember of
11141101 Chamber tor 151 years.
Senator Lndry 15 Man or errete
mind, or wide interests and of irra-
pronelmble eharacter. e is, rs
representatiae of he Province 0:
Quebec, for be was born In the 510-
,cleut Capital 65 years ago 411F
rceived his odlI entiOn md eXperleatr,,
in affairs in his native nrovinee Th
Senator's father was Dr, .1, 1.
a well known Quebec 1)l17'510111111. Irene
sent his eon to 1,55111 UniVersity
Ute prellatinttry shoil course.
future Speaker obtains' his fle 'de-
gree in 1869.
When Mite a lad. F011 1150 Ninth?
had \you [ie gold modal offered by lazt
00110101) Ct AgricUlture for the 13011505eet
treatise on agrieulture in theoer 1111)111practice. So he was 'sent to stoEv
agrimiltm•al science at St.Anne's,untl
devoted himself to farming. Not '0011-
101)1 with utilisinwhat lir11011 1ear0-
06 1110,10(151, 5e005101'111161')' htts, heel)
for Years an active worker hi •o -
lades which seek to prontOte the rat -
eras or aerie:attre, Ile lins
twretary of the Cdlonleation SObletr
presisten t of 111 Montmaguy Agiicul -
tura! Society, president of the COVE-,
ell of AgrIcultare. President 61'
Qtebe155:1111155:1111(11)1011, nd vice-104014011-4or thUnion A5110010 Natirmare
Senator Landry has been 1011141 It/
militia matters. For 11 years he woe
Lieut. -Colonel of he tilet Moixtuttgaryh
and eislet Dattaliou. wasMete
Commander et th10111 infanty- 854-
gade. Ile possesses a medal
\ice .in the Fenian raid11e, s
botoyay- to the Cleverree,-
DUCES FOR 111111:"Wy s it, 41n, ehe 110)11-55.young Wentan'S tansy ie SO alt 11
tu3110.cuecins hens? isast year one
11I3' best fetrls abandoned ihe
4001165515-61e end ought theaotor'S oft-
dreatmed-of irarlitilse, a Iletle liorne in
Llie country. -
a aeoreatioe she deided to
StSlt 15peitry farm, irIlb Site did
it lethr,etar-ho, and thirten
egee fom store. Net,
eaiet.g. even the most el einenta 13
Itiowledge a poultry, ec Inquired
ata teigither how Mugeggs generally
took to hath Se .reeeivd the re-
e'rere,e weeks efer ,c"sic'
liens and
106 )'ordreks:. • '
• "T130550(14105' ler sorie time
atterward, std, oil being aslted how
Ute 13011112155 ooming was going on-
she 1050+11211, ith 11 10Wering eoue
I've. thfelt<With 55. At lbc
end weelis Here` wore so
chi:kens,. so 240010 the Leoff, as I
waai ",
51155 '0055
IOitW 0111011 3011 1(0001 1 1101) 0 prietor Pe New,s.Record LEADS for TOltiN AND TOiNNSIIIP NEW ic}ng to mY 0111 0°01511'
Whooping Cough
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A simple, ludo ead effective treatment rorsatfee
child baubles, aveldind drug.. VeyetLtederatt,
lone 01000 tho paronytuna of 'Whooping 61101011
and 011e0en croup at once,. It la inhoola IAN mut-
furore from Ahtlena, Tho nit rentleeed ;droner
antiteptie, inspired with every breath, nmENam
breathing tuoy ,eedhos, be, ogre tgirmit *IVA
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Able, to etothereWitli young etaldren.
8000 00 postal tor descriptive booklet. .
Try 04MOI011* Alatio
neva.° ti! hr,,o at Tab.
lots tor the Irritated
thl oat, They are simple.
bifeetive and antineetie.
011 your thee/Oat oe
froyn oa, age, in inernnn.
Yap() Cresoteneeo.
Leensing•Miles Btalr.