HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-11, Page 6hri‘i
The Britin Goveertment, while re-
411sing tO subsidize', an Atlantic cable
-ter Catiada, announced tbroughi the
4ilostameter-Getueral that the Marconi
scheme of imperial wireless state one
eroeld Place the British Erimitia in ad-
'etancet of all 'Other countries.
Captain • Seott'e party discovered
eoat and marble rn the Anteretic rt.
Bions and achieved valuable scientific
Coestipation beings many ailmenee
It its train and is tbe primary
-e-Atise of much sickness, Kept regul-
• • madame and you well es -
„tape many of the ailmearbe to which
women are subject. Conettipation is
ttery simple thing, but like many
etimple things, it may wesd to see-
-fowl conseqeencee. Nature often
weeds. a little assistance en -ft wheit
Patamberlain's • Tablets are given at
ttr filet inciteeition, mush distress
etr' suffering may be avoided, Sold
tay Alt Dealers.
140g. J. D. Hazen stated at Mon -
Ikea' that the Government hart mid-
-r considerattion the establishment oi
a. Canadian Lloyds, owing to law high
✓ ates of marine insurapee on the St.
Ileav3• tosses and. much distress tine
14,an caused by tete floods in the t ut-
ter'. States, particularly in the; Valley
nf the Mississippi.
The only through tine
For. scubas Usvelling
moth livestock and
Special Trains
WH lodve Toronto
10.20 P.M.
Settlers and fnmilics
without livestock
Regular Trains
Leaving Toronto
10.20 P.M. Daily
Through ColoulaT,
and Tourar.Slooporo
Colonist. Cars on all Trains
No ch orge for berths.
Through Trains Toronto to
:Winnipeg and West
Ask say C.P.R. Anent for <CID). ”
JACKSON', AiCENT, cr.mrroN
FOB 1111-12
Much good reading
for little money.
Newe-ltecord and blail:and
'gamin., .. ... . . , .. , .... $1,50
News -Record and Globe . - 1.00
News -Record and Family
Herald and Star with
I?remiunt.. , .... „ .....
'Cepa-Record, and AlritneSS 3.75
News-Reeorcr and Sun, , . . . 1.75
Neivs.Record and Free
Press, ...... ..... . .. . . 1.75
News -Record and Adver-
tiser • •
Now.-lIecord and Toronto
Saturday Night - ... . 2.30
News -Record tend Farmer's
Advocate. .. . .... ...... 8.25
News -Record, and Farm
and Dairy ....... , , . , , 1,75
News -Record and Cella- '
(lien Farm , .. .... , . . 1,75
News-Recerd and Voittli'e
Companion ...., ..... 1.75
• New s-Reeord and Mail end •
larepire 4.25
News-Recoed and Globe. , 4.25
News -Record anti News , 2,30
News -Record and Star 2.80
News -Record and World • 3.25
News-Beeord ad Morning
Free Press a . '3.25
News -Record and Everting
Free Press 2,75
News -Record and Ad.ver-
. , • 3.00
News -Record tend LiPPin-
eott's Magizine 8.25
News -Record and Canada
• Men,ShlYi Winnipeg., 1.40
ifwhat you want Is not in
. this, list let us know about it, ,
We can supply, you all less than •
tiewrinideeet you'to Send direct.
' • :Ibereirdliting yileried 'sth by
Poet -office Order, Poeta' , Note,
Epsess Order or: Registered
Letitia/a/lad address.
W. J..IVIttchell
fieWeeReeerd CLIN'I'ON
Many Of otir favaiters have beee
Mg .11.1ap1e sugar.
,• • ,
Messrs.: Williate and Albert Ithiel ay-
irr• ad Illrea and Mise
tended' thefuneral, of the late .Misi
Graliaei at feadorieltreeeirtly.,
rtaPtlidr F3o11 of„.E.eat tittrotteeall-
• ed ?Went ,nur village' teacher recsnt(y,
Miss Maud-Morileciii entertained a
few' of' her 'teielitle •the : t.ciler evening,
has retuined lee her
home • al ter epending a terta at • the
S tee:6feet' Not( • Sehoef.
,Jtisti think ,how much • yon weitiult
ask. If ydd • were asked.„ to sell,, •s -et
there aro who rover., realize the
value of ,their hair runlet too 'etc.,
• They let, • the little dwell:utile gertns
dig lido hair reette day and,aight
until the aiie and 'eltality 1 apped
otril of the hair mut it bcteontes, dry
and. harsh andcomes out zenub
A -large bet tiet-of Sagoiee costs bub
50e and your drugeist guarantees
it •to stop fallirr; hair and debit% of
lc seal) on money back. Get rid of
the dandruff and make' your itairlical-•
thy, SAGEINE, will doat for you(
Get a. bottle • today and make y out
hair just as clean and healthy as
should bet. J.. E. Hovey the druggist
guarbetees it.
The British labor leaders have de.
cleared the coal striae at an end.
• se
• socesmonummumm•Ronguilim
April 24, 102, 30th and every
second Tuesday hereafter. until Sept,
1711, i 11S1 tYs.
Winnipeg and return $31.00.
Edmonton and return 042.
Tickets good for 60 days. ' Pro-
poetionate rates fei other points in
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Tickets will also be on sale on cer-
tain dales via Sarnia and Northern
Navigation Company.
1.011' RATES TO
Tickets on sale daily enhil 4 lid/
'ro Manitoba, Saskatchewati and AL
berta on sale: every Tuesday in
March and April
Secure tickets, full particulars and
illustrated literature from any Grand
Trunk. Agent or write A, E. Nit,
District Passenger • Agent, Toconto
Any person who is the solo head 01
a family, or any male over 18 years
old, may homestead a quarter sec
Lion of available,' Dominion land All
Mad toba. SaSkatchewan or Alberta.-
IIic applicant must appean it per-
son at the Dominion. Lands Agency
or •Sub -agency tor the distnict. En.
try by proxy may b, made at any
agency, on remain conditions, by lath-
er, mother, son, daughter, !mother, or
sister of inilencling homesteader.
Duttas.--Six months' residence up-
on and cultivation' of the 'land in
each of three years, A homeateader
may live within nine tulles of his
homestead on a farm of at least 80
acres sielely owned and occupied by
him or by his father, mother, son,
daughter,. brother, or sister.
In certain districts a homesteader
in good standing may pre-empt a
quarter -section alongside his home.
stead. Price $3.00 per acre.
Du ties,—Musli reside upon the home-
stead, or pre-emption sit monthis in
each of six years from date of
homostead entry (including the time
requimd to earn ,homestead patent
and cultivate hi Py acres extra.)
A honiestead,er who has ethauste
his homestead right and cannot ob-
tain a pre-emption may. enter for
purchased homestead in' certain dis-
tricts. Price $3.00 pen acre. But-
!e. --Must reside Sjic months In each
of 'three years, cultivate fifty acre
and erect a house worth $300.00.
• W. W. CORY.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior.
• N. B.--Unanthorized publication of
this advertisement will nod, be paid
ist to A.pril 15th to
Spokane, Wash., Seattle, Wash.
Vancouver, 13, C., Vietortia, 13. C.,
l'oxtland, Ore., Nelson, 13. C., lox
San Franeisee, Cale Los Angeles,
Cal., San Diego, Cal., Mekieo City;
Mex. for '
— 141.75. ----
Peoportionate rates (tom other
points ba ()ataxia.
The I'opular Route to
,via'9hinsg9-: •
•, 'The Geand Trunk peciiile 'Railway
sinner:Et line, 'fastest time, finest ba -
Vigo between WinfriPeg, Saskatoon and
Eiimontoe, •
3000 fell pe,rliculara and bielasts call
TA. 0 Pa.ttesen Depot Agent
'13/ansIord, t,lp Inwn
11 have beMi a Pnlliipis CondUctor dii
the C, P, 11, and Mitilt3g4n Central
• during the last three years. About
four years ago, I Was laid, uP, with
iutense pains iii.tho groin, a Very sore
back, and Suffered meet severely when
3 tried to urinate. 1 treated witlt rely
faucily pitysiciati for• two' mouths for
gravel, ia the bladder but did not
receive any benefit. About that trete,
met another railroad man ?Nho had
• heen similarly affected' • and W to had
• been cured by, taking Gin Pills, after
having been given up by 1 prominent
physician who treatedhini for Diabetes.
He is now running on the road and is
perfectly cured. He strongly advised
me to try 01 Pills which I did, --with
the result that the pains left tne entirely.
• ltRANIa- S. IDIt Bereeer,o, N. Y.
eoe. a box, 6 for $2,5o. Sample free.
Write National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto.
If you suffer with Constipation or
need a gentle laxative, take NATIONAL
LAZ-V LIVER PILLS, 050. a box. 105
A British joernalisa lust returned
from Tripoli reports that the Italian,
forces are bottledup in Ririe titencle
es and unable to advanee.
Lame Shoulder is ready always
due to rheumatism of the muscles,
and quickly yields to thet free ap-
plication of Chamberlain's Liniment.
For safe hy All Dealers,
Capeain Scott in a private fetter
before his depaiture for the Antarctic
said he had no intention at competing
with Captain Amundsen in a, rare fob
•e:te Pole,
When e medicine must he given to
young children it, should he pleasant
to take. Chamberlain's Cough 'Re-
medy is made front loaf sugar, and
the roots used in its preparation
give 'et a flavor similar to maple
syrup, making it pleasant to take.
It has no superior for &Ads; croup
and whooping cough. For sale by
.111 Dealers.
Ireteme, his .1 -ton and daughter-
in-law were struck by a train at a
crossing near Three Rivers, Que., and
"Our baby cricie tor Chatnhereain's
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. 13.
Kendrick, Rasaca, Ga. `"It is the
best' (+nigh remedy on the. market" for
coughs, colds and croup." For sale
by All Dealers.
Stephen Kyoalik, an Lathan, was
found guilty oi murdering John Ad-
ams at the Sarnia Assizes and sen-
tenced to be hanged on June 6th. The
murder took place on Walpole Island;
10 eases of rheumatism relief 'front
pain makes sleep and rest possible.
This may he obtained by applying
Chamberlain's I,initneet. For sate
by Alt Dealers.
The Duke of Connaugh,t entertained
the delegatee from the West Indies
it Government House and addeessed
them on trade enatliere,
The most 'afflicted peop1C on cartel
arethose who euffer, from raeuniatient
and about one-fourth of our people.
are afflicted wiele anis terrible nerve
racking, bone crippling (Meese. S'o
many people neglect themselves and
theumatiern follows in one form and
then another until they are an • ex-.
ample of the tortures of rheumatism,
Rheum° has gained the greetesterepu-
tation through being a quick and pm-
manenti cure fox rheumatism in: its
many forms. Rheumo is so good we
guarantee it even in Chronic eases
and J. E. Hovey stands back of our
guarantee and Will refund your mon-
ey if Rheum° is not lust the best
rheumatic cure known:. Don't put off
getting a bottle of Rheum° today, it
means your health and happuncss. ,
New Telephone
The Belt Telephone Company Of
Capeda is soon fo print a new,. issue
of lbs. 0,11101al. Telephone Directory for'
the District of Western Ontario
I NT 0 N •
Parties who ,contem,platO beecimieg
SlthAol'ibees,• ,or these -who wish
gea ili their present 61(4' should place
!flick', meters -teeth the Local Manager
ilon to 105(5 :insertion an tints
issue, .. • • -1. , • .
' •
'Should 'alert ripterb. additiOns • and
Mbangeseiii thole lisi s1 slibscribetei
either to the 'beoaa Nanagor.„ . or;, din -
cat to. the Speeial Agent'e ,Donarb-
inente .1yfonteeal. ,
• , , • ..
Thealfolffretliagla ,..01MerepOet Mr. ""'„,C.-
000, 0. NIbh1do.
Mitytra,r:•,1;.*Okerl k
, (30. McaerSe.,,L. Oesehl 01,
Part IS MeYers,
• Teaeher..
•,/fakiin.g 'Maple ayenp, has .the•
circlerhe- of tday ; and , ninny have' been
Johneten eater a.heree. : ,Iast
week: anti 'deliveted•it at 'thishetoolia,
. • ,
NO 11,101N -13Y'
Our Ileputatien Atre Hack
of Tide Offer. '
We pay for all he medicine used
diming the trial, ef our 101051(3 faits
to completely re'evo you of constipa
tion. We take- all the risk. You aro
no e obligated to us in any way what-
ever, if you accept on offer. Could
anything tie more fair for you 1 Is
there any reasott why you should bes-
tetr4rput our claim tha pratte
A most scientific, coronion sense
treatment is Itexall Ordalies, which
are eaten like candy. They are very
pronounced; gentle and pleasant in
action, and partleidarly agtecable in
every way. They do not cease diarr-
hoea, tinasea, flatulence, griping, or
other inconvenience. Rexall Orderlies
aro perfectly good for children
ad , ag-
ed rd delicate persons.
aVemrge you to tiry liexall. Orderlies
at ottr Three sizes, 10e, 25c.,
and 60e. Remember. • you can get
Resell Remedies in tells community
only al ouir store --The Renal! Store,
W. S. It. 1101ineei drug store.
Brockville ratepayers wilt vote 'Oa'
the propose"! to take Hydro-eleetrie
power on the 25ea Met,
Resiilts He Got
Were Perfect
;MM. Mallette's Bright's Desease
Cured by Dodd's Kidney. Pine,
fie Suffered Torture.% and the Doctor
Failed to. Give Relief but, armee
I3oxee Otmed
-Rutter S'tation, Ont., April Mb.
(Speel'al).—"I got perfeaa results
from Dodd's Kidney Piles." So says
Sam alallette of fale place, And he
has a reason. •
'aftly sickness started from a etraitt
and for a year 1 did not know a well
nay," said Mr. Marlette, 'my
eleep was broken and unrefresirit g and
my limbs would well,
"'Hien rheumatism set in and weur-
algia, backache, headache and nSart
trouble added to mi tortures. 'I was
attended by a dootor but he did nte
no lasting. good.
".Finally when, Bright's Disease had
inc in its grasp, I decided to try
Dodd's Kidney Pills, and. after ,taking
three bottles, I was as welt as ova
in my life. I have had no peen sMee
and I advise all tny frier& 'Who euff-
er from kidney disease to take. liodirs
Kidney Nils and be mired."
Mr. Mallette's ease shows what.
neglected kidney dieease will reside
in and what splendid rctsults Dodds
Kidney Pills give.
. '
airs. Hannah McGuire of Crookston
committee(' , suicide by .1101,901Am; tittle
in poor health,
Worthy the attention of Peel*
Miss Kruger's Tonic. •
floe your own brush. and comb at
home and at hair ciressere.
Never; mete a brush, or comb. in pub-
I,ie plac-es, they are usually covered
with dandruff germs.
Wash your hair brush once a seek
with soap and warm water to which
is added a dis.infedtant. •
Shampoo the hair once a week with
pure soap and water.
Use PARISIAN SAGE every day,
rubbing thoroughly into scalp,
• PARISIAN SAGE is guaranteed 63'
W. S. R.- 'llohnee, to destroy daudrull
gurrits and abdlash dandruff or money
• 'ro stop bair (10113, fallieg, and Stain
from itebing, or money back.
'l'o put life and beauty into dull
laded hair, ar motley, buck, Price 50
Mr. A• ndrew ,Haryey, a farmer of
Shedden -wee killed on the M. (1. ie,
track at ,Sa. '1'hortlas,
State el Ohio, City or Teledo,
friathos ea% thali
he is. senior ,partner of • the filen of
J. Chewy & Co. doing business
in lilic Oity of Telbdo, Ceertliyi and
Stat aforesaid, anii that said 'Diem
will pap iihe, sum, 072 fatAIldragd
tialliarg inn reach and every 0600 Ort
Catibrrh that canerot be meted last,the
use of ' Catarrh.. Cure. Frank
•.SWoen betel:ante mid subseribed,
itesi preetelea, this 6-th' dap of Dec-:
ember; A. D. 1800. , •
A, W. Gleason,
Notary Publiu
.Cialneilt Ciao it; 'taken inter -
pally, a actsdirectly the blood
and 'mucous stirfartee of the -syStein.
Send' for tosttieloniale free,
•'It, J. Obecie3.4
• Toledo)0
• Sold bye all Druggist. 75e. '
The pen Telephone Company Take Hall's Family! Prilit ter eata.
• • of canado ' 4Vipnl4o. ,
' • '
• ',` •
'asp .boiho
ot,,BIr; Afar:: me13eatli, [vas tlhe scene
of,S, vex*, ploasafit event *thee itis o14-
'544 datightor,. lartheL was uteiteel...tct
the holy bonds of •inatrimoay With
George'Eintlld of 1V1' pOsuja;w.
:only tbd'iterutilliite, friends wore pred-
eadiShe' happy eCuPle, tvi11 • tualre
their 'inhale home at Vat:lei:timer 130,
°A1IPT.14111tja('t• itii.tel11041WA'' 1151 I :• I• .:le-tie' boathl
of $...S..100,14,'t-Staal.,ItYi Lite nartles',
he*ig in ,ordee of merit
5141.,elass--111, 10. I.:.
We'llele ea .•
• ' j,
Jr. dthe-G. Floss,. Wasrnan, ' N.
Sr, 3rd—C. Joiistoa, A„ Fisher, 1e,
• Colline, W. Collins, M.
St. and • Part—N, WoOda, , sea Ross,
F. Fisher. ,
.letr8-11 Part—Agnes Nigh, /nC, Heeytiv3y,,
, The, best spellers in t on.
spsllbhg inatches, Were :
5111, Sr, and Jr. ,4th—bfser4 1-leod..
Sr. ard—Clecei Johnston.
and—Maggie ,Clooper„
lila I 0 Pr LLS,
We have the agency tor the.
Anti-liric Pills, Sageine Hair Ton-
ic, Rheume the GREAT theumetic
Cure,. we guarantee these prepara-
tions on a money -bask basite—J. E.
Home druggist.
Mr. Samuel . Laura', Registrar of
Deeds for Simeoe county, died at
Barrie last week.
Men and: women alike have to work
incessantly with, brain and hand to
hold their own nowadays. Never were
the demands of beeiness, the wants of
the family, the requireinewts of. 'so-
ciety, more numerous. The first • eff-
ect of the praiseworthy effort to keep
up with aid these requirements is com-
monly seen in a weakened or debilita-
ted condition of the nervous system,
\Oriel' insults in dyspepsia, defective
nutrition ot both body and brain, and
in extreme eases in complete nervous
prostration. It is clearly seen that
what is needed is what will .sustain
the syetem, give vigor and tone to
the nerves, and keeP the digestive and
assimilating functions healthy and
actiee. From personal knowledgo, Wo
can racornmend Hood's Sarsaparilla
for this purpose. It gets on all the
vital organs, builds up the whole 53's -
tins and fits, men and women for these
'thigh pressure days,
Spring work has commented is the
southern part of the western pro, -
PI A I li II 1 N T S
Worthy the Attention of People Who
Wish ?a Preserve the Hair.
Have your own brush and comb at.,
home and at hair dressers.
Never uric a brush and comb to pub-
lic places for they -are usually covered
with dandruff germs.
Wash your hair brush oucc a weeli
with soap and warm water to which
is added a dielnfectanit
Shampoo the hair (MCC 0. week with
,pure soap and wafer.
Use 'PARISIAN SAGE evezy flay,
rubbing thoroughly "rite the scalp.
PARISIAN SAGla is guaranteed by
W. fe. R. Hanes to destroy dandruff
germs and abolish dandruff or your
money back.
Td keep. hale from falling anl scarp
from itching, or money hack,
To put lifd mail beauty 990 dull fad-
ed hair, or morl; back, Price 50c.
l'homas CeDis, aged seventeen, was
an his fathers mill near 'Chess -
'don by being caught in a shaft:
11 Has Been Proved That Microbus
Cause Baldness,
Professor Unna of Hamburg, Ger-
many, and Dr. Sabourand; the leading
French dermatologist, discovercd that
a microbe. causes baidness. This the-
ory has urne and again been amply
verified through teseatch experiments
carried on under the observation .ot
eminent scientists. This microbe lod-
geosuriiestiltbe Selim, 'which is the nattier -
al hair ail, and when permittedi to
it destroys tbe hair follicles
and in tunertlie pores en.tirely. Dios°
and the scalp takes on a shiny app-
earance. When this happens itere is
no hope of the hair being reviiyed.
We have a 'remedy which will, um
honestly believe, remove dandruff, ex-
terminate 1010 microbe., promote gOod
cireulation it the scalp and around
the hair roots, tighten and revitalite •
the hair roots, and overcome 0a1&
• noss so long ne there is any life left
in the halt tootle
11te back up this sflatement with our
9Wn personal guarantee that this
remedy called Rexall ',03' I-Iaie Ton-
ic will be supplied free cti- oast to the
user ail fails fei du as we statee
et; will frequently help to restore
gray and faded bait to its original
celoi. providing loss of color has
been caused by disease yet it Si in
no sense a dye, Rexall "08" flair
Tonic aecomplishes those results by
aiding in making every hair root
folliiele, aad piginent gland strong and
active, and by stimulating a nattaal
f116tewhoalir ece°111°s33.11g Pi1;
ln°11 Thiroughoud
We exact) no obligations or promis-
es—we simply ardc you 'to give Ramat
"03"• Hair Tonic a thoeeugh trial
01(1 if' aatiarlati Ltill 119 and, vie will
Two eizea, prie.ep 50 tien't and 31.00.
, •
-refund, (3e inennie you peed 'title!: it.
Remember 3'000 54) obtain it in Che-
t( ':lcily at tibe O4�lollI --W
.April nth. i9113
• ' Al:others Who have tise4 Ow how it, c1.11.°0
"Spring Sian Troubles in Children or Adults. Mothers'
Who have net yet tried it should note these 'facts:—
Zam.rdnilt was Unknown tett 'years ago, yet snail' is its
rtierit that Tardlay ft has become the standard salve 3m
fh‘'ItunilOs 04 four colititioots! Zatin-Bukis purely herital;'
contains no poisonous colouring matter; is used by leading' •
Medical men; used in the I3rltEeh Army and 'Navy; used •
by 'all hest fitted -to knew the needs of the skim BSalse
J. C. Dates, of Burks Plane (Ont.}, says Zatu'Ltrk canna nlY
• three children, who were all broken out in sorest() such an esteni that it
was pitiable to me them, These sores had defied all remedies previously
$applied, but I' am glad to say Zarn-Buk healed them."
Mies S. I-Iarailton, of Allistost (Ont.), says :—"My face endbeede
•-iee. were one mass of pimples, and blotches.. These would itch, and when
` rubbed, broke out into sores, Whenever I put water near the affected
parts it caused a stinging sensation and much pain—just as if I had .
been scalded, Nothing that I applied seemed to do me any good until
I tried Zarri-Bulc, That gave Inc relief, 9415.5 few weeks of the
Zam.Buk treatment resulted is a perfect sure"
Zonvvauls sures fiindqes, skin sfulannin. onis. burns, 6rniosof
piles, festering sores, eskers, Islood.isaisoning. eigyenta, rtagFoornr,
bra tee, diseased ankles, and on skin diseases and inturito.
giaked well into the Parts ativerett, it cures ucurulare.F.
thennealisne, and sinaeioa, Ail Druggists cane
id; , Stores sell ae Oa. bres, three for 81.25. or Parse
▪ free from Zum-Duh Co.. Ted one°. for Prise,
1.5'.'50'50i'.5m,vVrAtri•C'e,aO 4545,*
The E Non
$16.50 to $240.00
VOU get in an Edison Phonograph a
1 perfect instrument, one embodying
everyimproveinent which Edison has devised
The Volume of Sound of the Edison Phonograph—just right
for the home—perfect in its reproduction, giving just the
right value to each kind of music, but never loud, strident
or noisy, is an Edison inprovement.
The ReproducingPointof theEdison Phonograph—a smooth,
highly polished, 'button -shaped sapphire that never scratches,
never needs changing and that brings out all the sweet, musical
tones of .the sensitive wax Edison Records, is an Edison
The Amberol Records for the Edison Phonograph—records
of wonderful clearness and richness, playing four -and. -one-
half minutes and offering all of the best music without cutting
or hurrying, are an Edison improvement.
Home Record Making on an Edison Phonograph—that, is
talking, singing, or playing into the horn and getting a clear,
lifelike record of the voice or musk of anybody, for the Edison,
to reproduce, is an Edison improvement.' '
There are Nilson dealers everywhere. (40 .1,, the nearest and
lmar the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and L4 CarhOrrs,
ittliso» a mberol Records. Oct complete catalogs from your •
dealer or num its. Edison Standard tteeeitht. 40c. Ed iSOD 2I000ICIKIR MD
Arnhem, iteoorris Wray twice aslong), 65e, Edison Grand. 150 Lolcceole Avenue,
Opera Itecorda, 85c. 00 42,30, Ckange,P1, J.. U. S. A.
A coronloto line of Baum Phonogropt,o And Rosortio sal ha &midi of
1(.1 Yes we want you as a customer. Ask us to
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