HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-11, Page 4posomialsorpnwrannosompfsisissarde
Cliton News -Record
rye 'filth 19'10
` London Road. Sunnttlerhill
Mr. and Mrs. 1f'retl, 1VAItiroiW wet:e 110 '•t, IVId3rien spent +Stulday at his
Toroioto : for a few' days this home bore,
aimeire Mr,'; A. McLaughlin of Sca1o1;11',1
@Miss 'Violet large of eihalon Is spent the P„aster ltalidrays at' his lion's:
-epeadiug 111 Easter week wi.,1h ells here,
Pleby , Wise, Itir, le Jolinsboo, who ,has cit moth
Mr. 'Ainos Townsend hasmoved out with Trate 11 .1. 'Watkins for the sum
arcux Clinton to the farm which he mor 5011 1s, started to` wore 0/1 gee.
s'ecenttiy purchased from llIr, Charles clay.
klontedgo. A'Ir. and Sirs. el ('litsrclidll of chin
The Lea ue meeting en Jilotr] ly ev- eon spent Sunday :it the old home of
citing teas of 011 Easter nature and at the latter htsre.
ats'concltteien .tilie Stanley peapl'r 1/r. Ciaroiz+ I(i!ty .of" CI)ntuti hu,
'set:veli hn)eh ant. 1t ryas so lrrli put been speeding a feat cloys 0 itli friends
r)p that there dove nht appear to lac on the BUSS Lino,
:set inunedlate danger of the Slan'sy
men transferring that firieetions be Mr. 1la)old t1iyfy.n of the C. lir C.
theladies of `I'uclicrsmi+th. 'rhe et.ixt is i10mc 10 tdie holidays.
meeting of the aeaguc will be • held Nfr..10he (1liftcln spent: a few days
fin Tuesday everi,tg next lit the ]home as the ;,liest of his brother, i1'lr. Chas.
of Mr. Will Stalibury, td)c topie, to be 014[1on.
'taken by ah George W. Layton. Sc a'ice wilt be Lehi iii St. Peter's
Miss Jenne (trent, is spending the church at three' o'clock next ' eunitay
holidayswith' JIiatoil and Stanley 111stea(1 of at 'set'ce o'clock.
trietds. r' Miss I<:iic''(iovicr is epScilase the
liar. and MS:s, Dough7; Wite.kr vvete holidays under ionpaa'ental roof.
•yap from London this w"'ek,.
d I' si , rvetiii re
41hSSCS Maple ,in 1G 4 L ()
til fon 'Temente.
sat,to borne this wt, t
11Yr. and :Mrs. Thos. Lee of Clinton'
it 11'.1 11) l 1
spree"' 1 Friday tt Mime Se Good i }
Ma Will Stariiniry underwent a and Mrs. trariie•
stlrahtl operatiou on . _ Saturday last, Mr. and IlIrs, led 11(iltianis of -tee,
hut is again able to be about. forth trete sup attending the, wedding
While the chl+id,'•en were playing of the latter's sicker, arise 11, col.
'-with h 141r. John Ilavhdsoit s collie dog borne. '
on' Monday It bit Master Jack three lair, C,eot e liuyes Dahl a fine horse
or four.times. While' there is no the other date lb a7r James 'area-
1r iRear of rabies, is was thought best bald and rbcck'ed tor i1 ti handsome
abet to take any chances and the colli~ figure. ,
teas &rent to the happy hunting
Porter°s Hill.
Miss Edith Jenkins is spending the
Easter vacation at her home in Myth.
Miss Luella Tichborne went to De.
Twit to 'spend leas.lr with her. sis-
3liss Pearl Puttee and her brother
Harvey- have been 1t s:ling 1vlitehell
friends and rclntives for a few days.
Miss Annie. Weston is spending a
new days with. Miss Flditih Vancktr-
Miss Freida Sterling is visiting
Miss Marton Stec:1.ig.
Mrs. S. Dawson of Sprtngbank is
~;siting for a few days with her
mother, Mrs. John Cox, who has
been raid up with a broken bone.
Ier intends hope that she may speed -
]Ire. Mex. Cox,' who has been 'suf-
fering with a very- severe cold, is
Mr. Wm. Mair of Bryon ins been
speeding a few days with Mr, John
Mrs, James Cox was called to
ilIr. Jt. Colborne was hehlhe Del
Thursday attending the wedding of
his sister.
The following is the resblb of the,
1'r'o)ihotlm"exammatiion hold a 7;t 13, 1,
\'0, .3 (toderfch toVSllshi n':
Jr. 4111 to Sr, 4th,'totai marks 700
-;li;lva l'ruetur 428, Verna Jervis
:123, Harold Lav is -123, Harold Cole
699, Roy M7tineings 372, (berg;, living
372, C'laaorcl-Holland 361,
Sr, 3rd -to` .11"e16h,toll.e1 700 -Nivel
Leonard 553, Daniel' (iliddon, 4314,
Sttetvar.t Mair 377, 15111ton I -Tolland.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Janes Medd 5;&'10'1
at Mr. WiSliam Lawson,'s last week.
Miss It Trick is spending the ,east -
gr holidays at the homestead ou - the
100 concession, 1odereh towusula.
The water in the Maitland, -iwn-
merlul'1 branch, is rtinn,nr heher time
10 has been lrnowh to for many years.
The following is the report of the
leastet examinations in S S No. 12':
Froin Jr. to Sr. 4th, total 72,5, to
pass 360 Setor1 111e13rien 505, Maher
Harvey 402, Florence Lawson 398,
Sr. 3rd to Jr. lth-Nestllc ISortme
191, May Saville 471, Fanny Lovett•
,ir. 3rd to Sr. 3rd. total 700, pass
300 -Cline Wright 44.1, Joan Lindsay
411, Elda Mair 3,15.
Sr. 2nd to Jr, 3rd -Cara Jervis
4.73, Darothy ' Marquis 445, Fred.
Johnston 103.
lr. 2nd to Sr. 2hd, total 584, pass
280 -Bessie Lindsay 433, Joh'tny
Townshend 388, James Johnston '75,•
Amy Mcllrien 358.
;Fart 2nd to .Ir, 2nd, total • 350,
pass 175 -Mary 5[cl3rion 232, Nellie
Ihengannott on account of the death Beacom 225, Hilda Forbes 224.
her Mrs, John McLean. total 400 35151
n to n ora
,Jr, t S .i
ilrs, C'it,m Newton t., now able to 150 -Jean Farquhar IGO, Edward
- be around:spiel after an 011.01 or Johnstou 158.
.pleurisy. -II E. -Trick, Teacher.
Will those wishing' to send new
pupils please do so on Monday next.
The News-Keeet l leads for Town Mr. C Tyner sold a horse f000.11ly
to Mr. •It. Ti7iSady fon• a good egure.
ead Township News.
D1 Laraslou v
D1v 0s0b:vis1,:40
INA rev
'IA' EA tt
Couch CO.
• Our Millinery Opening'was'so successful from every
stand point that we could not possibly have hoped for
better results, We thank you.
•Prins st.ore4-sells high class Millinery,
Visit Our Ready-to-wear Debt
We are showing new long
coats, new embroidery dresses,
new gingham dresses, new silk
dresses, new tailored and Lil'ig-
ie waists, new House dresses,
new silk and satin underskirts.
Women who recognize the
advantage of early choice are
sure to be impressed ,filth our
excellent showing. dome and
try on some of our New Gar,
All ready to put ors and a 1
bewilclerail•g assortment to
choose from, made in gingham
chatnbrey bloidery,'' All neatly
trimmed.; We have thein, all sizes
from 1 to °718 years: Now is the
time to look after the o'hildren's
wear white stocks are' complete.
Sr. lend to Jr. 3rd; total 6011 -Em-
ile Ford 491, cl,ltalinil aldOartncy 450,
Harry 'Ilord 311(1, Fred Levis. 3730
Norman • :hair '115, William Alcock
,ir and to• Si end,. total 700-L'rece
liolland 405, Elsie Ferguson 336
Pare 2nd to .1r. 2nd -Willie Milner„
Wilfrid k•rvis.
Part 1 sl, to Past' 2n(b--1 iolet-Nltllc,
Marion 4leocdi,
1''art let (a) -Willie Jervis, novo-
thy Jervis„ Charlie Potter, Cyril
Proctor, • Willie Larder.
fart 1St (b) -Ted Sthith, Albert
L,arder, Harold' Larder.
-lathes D1e\ )cnr Teacher.
alias Acheson visited Clinton Weeds
for a few : days durmf, the holiday
'i'he regular meeting of 'tee Wore
cm's Institute. 55;•11 be held on I'Luus
clay afternoon t next at tee- home of
Mo e, he
rp. Mulholland, Mrs Adam Can:-
telon will give 0 paper on. "The xab-
it of Aesismulating.,'' and there will,
as :e11 be other features on the pro-.
grain, As It will he the annual
meeting for the election of officers.,
a full attendance of the members is
our :worthy postmaster ' is stint sul'-
fering from tee. effects ,of grippti, but
With the advent of wean . weather
we expect his speedy and complete re-
A special Easter song, service was I
given by the Methodist clhotr . on
Sunday evening, being in the form of
ihe.captata, The Triumph of hove."
It was very beautifully rendered. Mr,
W. D. Codzens bad charge anrd read
the prose and intlroductory parts.
The liollowing are the newlyt,lected
officers of the 55'. M, S. :
President, Miss IIo3,nes.
\'iee Mrs. Jenkins.
,}tee: Sercretary, Mrs. C. C'. C'ouscns.
C'or.-Secretary, Mrs. W. Pickard,
Treasurer, Mrs. Carr;..Tebbuttt
Rev, J. II. Csterhout of Londes-
boro wi'r', give an illustrated address
-in the Methodist ehttr1111 on. Moudaa-
evening on the „subject of, "The 3m -
migration Problem in Canada," air.
Osterhout is an instructive as well
as an interesting speaker and his
address will be worth hearing. 11
Will be illustrated by over one hue -
tired stereoptttcan 'views. Everybody,
wet be Made welcome
At an adjourned meeting, of the
township council on April 5th, the
clerk was instructed to write the
Colborne Comical that the (Fodcrlch
ptownship cotdncll is prepared to pass
a by-law giving the Colborne Tele-
phone System a right of way to
build a trunk line to the eorporatc
limits of the town of Clinton, When
they present a copy of by-law re
questing the foresaid right of
way, and also a copy of their agree-
ment with the Bell Telephone Com-
pany regarding connection at Crenton.
The following pethlnaster changes
were made'a-George Elliott inaoad
of John Woon, and Gitanes Vlniters
instead of Charles Fuller.
The emsnall agreed to meet as a
body on April 15th at the small Col-
borne ` bridge to arrange Sur , the
erection of a new bridge+ in place of
the one destroyed by the freslet..,
Adiourrc d to meet first Monday ja
May tit 1.30 p. nr;
N.11', Trewa.ridln, t']crk.
Stanleg 'Township'
Miss _Pearl Taylor is, spending . the
FlasP!r ,holidays 'under the ;. parental;
;hiss Anna May Stephenson' &'(rent a;
ew dayspllast, 15001; at t4*t home of.
Nt, Ralpli : titepliclison of ;rho i'arr
' 3llss Plea Se -semi is spending a eiw
days in lroridon.
NIr! .James Delgaty's sale tehioli'
took place on Thursday, lasts was
dente a success, lie purposes leas-
ing g for ate west.. The family will
be utucl.'ritissed.
Miss Mabel Clarice is holidaying Be -
der the parental roof. • ,
Mrs. Walker of Exeter, who spent
the past two weeks around' here, lies
gone to Ilrucetleld to visit, her. 115105,
Mrs, ,lolnr Armstrong. ,
Mrs. .1, W. Reid is spending 1'Easter.
week at the home of het brother -in
law, Mr, ltoher:h Re,d of Windsor.
Miss .Agnes Johnston has been spen-
ding a few days'i'n Louden.'
Mr, 'Ralph 'Stepheesota, 'who has
' tl we'glad t0
bFFit tifT)O 511 1113 IS are b a
report, quiff a bit bet+ler,-:
Miss Claudia Cochrane of London is,,
visiting lit the hlme of her father for
a rota- days,
Goderich Township
The marriage of Hiss E eel M.,
eldest daughter of Mr. John Smith
of the 1611, con., to Mr,. William
John A erriil, took place on W'ednes
day of last week at St, Mary Mag
da1ene's church, Lioydtovrn, Ont.. The
bride was very handsomely attired
in her travelling suit of navy blue
with hat to match.: The ceremony
uses performed by I'Rev. .1: H. Col-
clough, B. 'A., cousin of the bride,,
and 'teas witnessed only by immed-
iate friends, ' After: a few day's
sojourn at the rectory as guests of
Rev. and Mrs, Colclough, M. and
Mrs, Merrill returned home,' arriving
on Monday evening. Their many
friends i'lnitc in wfshipg' the young-
oungcouple prospeuity and happiness M
their ..married life.
:V very prettty wedding was.celebra-
ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Colborne -of the ,t6tlh concession . 011
Thursday last when their eldest
daughter, Charlotte, was united in
the holy bonds of matrimony to Syl-
vester Allen of Sealer th. ' t '
At four O'clock the bride, enlisted
the parlor to the strains of the wed-
ding march played by Miss Ellison
Sinclair, and Iooked very charming in
a gown of white embroidered lawn,
and carrying a sheaf of 'Iridal roses
and fern. .
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. C. E. ,Jealcins, ream: of Sit.
I'ani)s chinch Clinton
The bride's travelling ;tuft was of
brown broadcloth with hat to match.
310. and Mrs. Alien took their de-
liarhure for ctlheit: home in Scafortlr
amid the good wishes of their ;bane
May theft married' life he .long and
Mr. Thos, Webster, a respceted res
ident of A:shficid township, died ,ohs
Wednesday of last week, aged seventy
five yoare. IIe was a brother-in-laW
of Mr. John. O. Elliott of.thie, Bay-
field Road.
McKillop Township
Mt. J. J. Irvine spent; a coupes of
days in Seaforth.iiu business mattere.
Miss Minnie tvleuaty of •Cranbrook,
was visiting rclatintes and friends
here las?, week,
111&5 Albina Richardson is spending,
the Swniher with her sister, Mrs
D. Anderson of Wyoming
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peck of Sea,
forth spent a few days the past week
at the home of the Matter's brother,
Mr. Joseph Richardson.
141r. • John Turner. Jr, of the Pat::
Line visited the Clinton Fair oh
Thursday and from there went on to
Lueknow to spend a week among rel-
Br uce field
1 pleasant time was spent„ on
Friday afternoon of last week, at
the home of Miss Emily Morrison,
when a number of young ladies of
the vieioi'ty assembled, and presented
their friend, Miss Grace Murdock,
with a shower of many beautiful and
useful presents in aaticipatiou of her
marriage, as, a token of their high
esteem and best wishes.
Mr. Edwin Kells and Mrs. D. M.
Johnson of. Drayton and Allis Anna
Kells of Hamilton,- were guests of
tbeir sister, Mrs. E. W. Morrison,
over the holidays..
The ",hovers" of.I3ruceficid have
to -organized with the following offi-
cers :
Icon President, t A. Mustard.
Presatenk 1'. howay,
1st 'Vice, J. baser. '
and Vice, J. Snider,
Sec. -Treasurer, W. D. Swan.
Manager, J. Mustard.
Captain, W. Lay toil
The "Rovers" for several seasons
had the crack football team of Huron
and the friends are confident that for
the season of :1912 they -rill repeat
3001 successes.
Stanley Township
The following is. the report, of S.
S. No. 3,'based ou regularity of at-
tendance and' general proficiency
Tr, dt•h-Iiuniiie Reid 81 pet -ant.,
Jessie Meelee 62,: Sam Lawrason 48,
Ninian Heard 14, Itusssi fl'aylor 'b'0.
Sr, 3rd-Rliliy 'Taylor 71;
" Middle 2nd -Garnet 'Taylor 70, Car-
rie Laserason 60.
Jr lad -Willie McGee 81, ' Wittu„tr
Reid 75.
Sr.' 1st -Fern Taylor 65.
,ir,' lsl-Arthur Peek 70.
-Eva 147. Stinson), Teaeber,
Misses Annie ..Jackson and Jctnimn
Fipgland of Toronto spent Easter at.
their ' respective homes,
We aro glad to 'hear that Dora
'Scott 15 abt,1 to be about abate.
The spring flood rook away about
fifty feet of the mill dam. It is
twenty years sfnee the; dant was
wished out before.
Miss Clive Patterson and Mrs, 11,
Sprung spent Easter at Cuemunnock,
Logan township.
Quite a number from here and here-
abouts attended the Sprang Fair at
Clinton on Thursday last.
Mrs. M. Sprung has returned home
alter visiting' with her daughter .below
Clinton. ,
, Mr. A. Scott had a wood bee last
NIr. ,lanes Jackson has, disposed of
a team to lift. John Ileflron of rllyte
for a handsome` fig(rre.
Here are the results of the pro-
motion examattons in the two rooms
of the Bayfield Public School.
}ZOOM 1,
First Toxin part 1, Dunean Camp
boll, Noranan Tonis, Willie,. Heard,
Neil EJA:ott, Brown Higgins, Dor-
othy Ward, Aima McKay.
Part 2 -Wallin Parker; CFlady's
tlandcll, IOIthe1': 'Genvinhardt, Jauhee
J)'reinantl, ,Charlie (Feminhardt, Ethel
Jowitt'., Jean) Woods, Mary Oa'1}brai.1li,
Leola - 11liott, Robbie Blair, ,Jambes
Catling,, ];'rank Erwin.
11 ORM .2,
Junior'.-11utih McDonald, May
Fields, Harry Baker, Willie'BtoWn,
Harold Weston, Russel Davison, Nor-
ville Geminhardt, Roland Reid Al-
fred Clopeland.
Senior.-Trye ;ta` Mcrner, IJtlhel Dre
hmann, 'George Blair, Willie Sander-
son, .Alexander Btoivn,. Lucy Woods,
Leslie . Elliott, Shirley I<irig, Greta
-Margaret' PCtgueon, Teacher
Third tnt:nt ,jto oo-14:e'.ired Tones,
Side Westlake,- BertIha Westlake,,
Beulah Parker, Rota 'Tippet, Nina
Heard, Lula Davison, Melvin Davison,
!acne Catling, Mary Currie, Beatrice
Brown, Halm !IJressier, Ruby- Matfett.
Senior. -Irene E14iottt, ..Lola ,B1010,
Sidney .Castle, rttfss51 Heard, Muriel'
Icing, Wehner Blair, Jack Atkinson,
Fourth form junior.---JIb hen Fowlic„
Lula Baker, Irene Currie, Frank Icing
Lillian Catling; Florence : Ed1iottt,
Abe, Ilrandon, Wi'llaral Dxessex, 'Kelh-
neth Currie.
Senior.. -Isabel Woo914, Bessie k l-
}iottt,'1� Ede Elliott, Dorothy Fowile
.113 3sorguson, Dolly Ross,, ximivill
Atkin'on, Fdoy Edwards, Bella Pat,
ker, ,.,Kenneth Smith Kathleen;
Fifth' Form --Lula King, Florebce
Martin''8lbur Erwin. <,,
-Jesuit: F. i+orbes, `Pi:eater.
4iiss 'Maggie Smith, who has been
attending the'' Normal School at
Stratford is home for the Easter
holidays, IMiiss' Snaith hes always
been suocessful,inher examinations,
Miss Maggie Hulley, who has ' .beep
ill for Several months,,.is somewhat
improved. «
Edmund 13011 of Mitchell was calling.
friends here la'st week.
Miss Maher "harrows has been tesit-
ing her uncle at Walton. '
The vote on Church L'niou on the
Circuit 1 Gu c, it stood 134 for and
21 against.
Nervous Diseases
in the Spring
P g
Cured by Totting the Blood and
Strengthening the Nerves'.
it is the 'opinion of the best uhedi-
cal authorities, after .long obsetva-
tion, that nervous diseases are more
common and thele Serious in the
spring than at any other time during
spring weakness and weariness from
year. Vital changes in the system,
after long ','Inter months, may cause
muck more trouble than tee familiar
which most people suffer as the result
of indoor life, in poorly ventilated
and of ton over -Beefed buildings. Off-
icial records prove that in April and
May neuralgia, 4t' Vitus dance, ep-
ilepsy and other forms of nerve i'rou-
bies are at their worst, : and Ghat
there, more than any "other time,
a bi'vod-makin.h[ nerve restbr9ng
tonic is needed.,
The antiquated custom of taking
purgatisescin the spring is useless,
for the system really needs strength-
ening, t'hilc purgatives only gallop
through the bowels leaaileg you weak-
er. 1'1r. Williams' Pink .Pills are
the best medicine, for they actually
make the •new, rich, red blood that
feeds the starved nerve's, and thus
cure 110 :Many formss
of nervous s dis-
orders. They cure also such other
forms of spring troubles as head-
aches, poor apuetite, weakness in the
litnbs, as well as remove unsightly
pimples and eruptions. an fact., they
unfailingly : bring, new health and
strength t,0 weak, t:sred and depress-
ed men, women and children.
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for 82.50 -from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
Wind-up Sale.
For a wind tip to our wint'ar
sale we have placed on the table
goods at unheard of prices, Mere
are few prices
$4.75 rain coats for 53.75. ,
86.50 rain r+oats for 84.60.
75c and 1$1.00 blue overalla for SOe,
56 inch navy serge for 400 a yard.
silk waist's at half price 83.00 tor
81.50 black or white.
Boys and youths sweaters 50c and
750 for 25c and 350.
56 inch heavy cloaking for 25c yd.
82.50 rain coats for 81.50.
F. A, Edwards
Why not . use Foritilizer dnstead of.
barnyard measure ? It is easiier to
apply to the land and gives better
sathsfaotion bis every way. It is
used' for. all grain crops and also a
good cdtoh of clover and poor mea-
dows. Give yofir ]'and a good top
dressing of Fertilizer before, planting
your pota4oes and also when hoeing.
them and it will double your clop.
It is good fon beans and for all
Triads of root coops. it has been
tested and found to be better than
other fertilizers, Give it a trial.
Over three hundred tons sold already
The National Fertilizer, which is
placed on the market by the National
Land, Fruit: and Peeking Company,
shows the following analysis compar-
ed with barnyard manure :
Nitrogen ' 3.50 equal to 4,0 .aip-
nloniae ,
Phosphoric. acid 5.75, equal to 12
soluble phosphates.
Potash 3,50.
Sold' by ' Frank W. Evans, Sole
right for the County of Huron. See
our agents,
Frank W. Evans
Phone 101, Clinton
Constipation brings many ailmetil
in its trait; and Is the primary
cameo of much sickness. Keep, regul-
ar, =Wane, : and you sell no-
rape many of the ailments to .which
women are subject, Constipation is
a very simple thing, but like many
simple tbdngs, it may lead to 'ser-
ious coesequences. Nature often
needs. a little assiastance and When
Chamberlain's Tablets) are~ given at
the first indication, much distress
and suffering znay, be avoided, bold .
by '171 Dealers,
Now, in the spring season, is'the time when the
beautiful new creations in Tall. paper tempt
the home. cover to re -decorate the rooms and
give to the whole hoi.ise a hcauty .atld fresh-
ness that fulls'' transforms it,
We invite you to the finest display of 110 re' •
wall paper we have eve, tishown,
Then wall papers have been carefully selected
for our trade, from, the choicest. productions of
the season, and we klaow that no finer goods
he secured anywhere.., The price .will be
found exceedingly reasonable,
The neso papers are now ready for ;y eta' in-
t' ti DO not know much about the lard,
but 1
do know this much : when we
buy goods abroad, we get the goods and
the foreigner gets the money; when we
-buy goods made at home, we get both
the goods 'and the money." -
-Abraham Lincoln.
25 ,tuhen ,you do. ,yo rr hot sefteepiiag that you.
find 4,ever t, pieces ofour furniture ha
become 'wont and shabby.
The Store'.
of Qiiailty.
Phone 28
Come in and see our slue
lSSreittsre Dealer. ai d'! leale'astaker'
The News ,I ecord goes into the
°Treat majority of homes within a
radius of eight to twelve ,miles
from Clinton.,