HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-11, Page 2NO1 41tecotl LrLi ,1Itb, <C910 1i'ot fitglievi.end 7'vc9 ybody :)Il Oe auto Ir)lows ;.Feted Iyer), registrar nL t e goltnty of Yor141 chi the hall lit his office may be seen fsirrinted sign iso more rnoney, tel lend --Dead 13ro1 e " ' a Onrecent oc, easiort 1I visitor notice. the sigil and, asked Mr. Ryan of it' 'ataswerd i purpesc and saved him ftonl:'those 'friendly touches to which a tiau of leis genial nature is so'( Posed.: "Nos, 'air, no," hearted 1171•.: Ryan. "You will: be surprised ,to ,learn that men oanseome in that +hoerwitheut seeing 'khat . sign, but they do This is a wicked and perverse ¥en'eratden, and :little respect :`is paid to signs ` �, 111011 PRICES 41.GRAIN' With the ,peevailing prices flor. grain thu farmer roust i un Itis Bogs; and cattle into condition, in as short time as possihte orheel:All he using up. his profit in extra. feeding, DOUGSTOLAS' CK`; INVIGORATOR Will condition, :km animal with: leas feed,and in a shorter tune) titan any other preparation on ,the„ mare The Best F'ariners ilise It. Trtj a 25c Package. W. 8. R. HOLIVIE8 DRUGGIST. SEED GRAIN, WE HAVE A COiIPLETE STOCK OP SEED GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING : —TIMOTIIY CLOVER —ALSIKE —PEAS —MANDSC'HEURI BARLEY WE PAY THE HIGHEST MICE FOR CATS, PEAS • AND BARLEY, ALSO.'ITAY FOR I3ALING. FORD&McL EDD X ) X X X. X \' X 3f. x S X CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. x CLNTRAT, BUSINESS COLL- x x EGE STRATFORD, ONT. x • (Jug elasses are new larger,thaa x -ever before bite we have enlar x x ged our• quarters and too have x x xoom for a few ,more students. x x: You may enter at any time. x 'et We have a''star£'of nide eaprr- x x fenced instructors and our cour- ,x ses aro the best. Our grad- x a: uates succeed. This week three x x recent graduates informed us 'x x that they have positions pay- - x • ing $65, $75 and $125 per x nonsh. We have threc'depart- x x. orients,--Ce,tnmercial, Shorthand x x and Telegraphy. Write for x sr our free catalogue now. x a. D. A.MeLACHLAN, x Peincipa1 x e x x x: x x x. x x X PCoal C u U 1.1? YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT D,1'L1V- ERY SECURE;' YOUR SUP' t'tV 1 ROiI tJS ORDERS LEFT AT DAVIS h. ROWLAND'S IIA.B.DWARE STORE .PROMPTLY A'L' ...TENDED TO. the Cris e Vine (fYom pointing by Ar 7,1 t iflt) S evOnson T.11.0,M.A.S. W.A.T.T.S. For Boot and Shoe • p, e .airin . P g STOliell 'CPPOSTTE 113E POSTOF FICE', se - AN EMINENT SCHOLAR. Distinguished 'Professpr Is Principal • ' of Macdonald, tloilege ° Prof's h Cr Fiarrisnn,li S;e1.,'D S.C., who hos been nrtti)a1ly ap podted principal of Miidonald Col - leg Ste Anne de '13ellvvol, Quebec, is ••Of l uglish parltitage: and was born at, Gibraltar, whore his fisher was •5 military officer, Ho conte to. Canada when he was about k:8 yelan of age, entered the Ontario Aoricnitural Col- lege at Guelph,Ont.,`a•ibd completed his (teem, for the degree of ILS A. in 189 Ido began professional. duties. by corking nip the traveling: dairy campaigns in eastern- and western t:)nta"r•ia, For l) time he acted as as- sistent to the Into Prof..1. H. Pen- ton and had charge of the •iOntario Agi•ioultural: College' library In 1896 Ino was appointed bacteriologist end•a '.few years later professor of bacteriol- ogy. He took post graduate work at. the Universities of Wisconsin and Cornell and during the year 1900' studied dairy baoteriology'tit the, Uni- versity g•f Berne with De Freuden- reich, and veterinary bacteriology with level, also studying six months at the 'University of Copenhagen. Fre was a post graduate student at Cam- bridge university and visited many other institutions of learniog and re- search in Europe and America. He took the degree of: MLS;C. at McGill in 1908 anda year later the degree of Doctor of -Science. He represented Canada int: the International Dairy Conference, Budapest in' 1009. In the feliowing year he was :appointed ga fellow of the Royal Society of Can- ada and lies been an active member of the American _Public Health Asso- dation and a membe) •and 'Councillor of the Americtin. Society of Bacterio- logists. Besides his research work eitcl lectures he has contributed arti- cles to sc.(entifie jourliais' and pre- sented to the Royal Society of Canada. many valuable papers which they have published. Prof. Harrison is one of the best informed men in Canada and is splendidly equipped for the important position to which he has been called. that of develop- ing the great agricultural and edu- (510ttel institution eontniitted to his, Charge. , Canada's Jubilee, A most attractive proposal line been country. by Mfr. C. R. McCullough in an article in The Canadian Courier, which is already being received with marked approval, The suggestion thanes with particular appropriate-. 11010 frmn Mr. McCullough, who was the urgenizer of the first Canadihn Club in Canada, the Canadian Club of Hamilton. In 1017 the Dominion of Canada will celebrate its juiblee, 11111 M o. 1\LeO:nllougll's proposal is that; preparations be made to cele Mate it by the holding 01 a great patriotic Festival at Ottawa, as well as holding a special celebration of Dominion Day throughout' the whole country Mr McCullough proposes that the m, surviving fatherof Ca,niederation and TN FOUR to John, :Mary, seeing' the stone rolled VERSIONS away,rau back to Peter and "the E other disciples whom Jesus loved" and h been had tnId them thatthe body tukee oat of, the sepulcher. Then tirese two disciples ran to the tomb, "the other disciple," who ran the fast- er, arriving first, but be did not go in until Peter arrived and went in first and verified the absence of the body. Were John mentions that Peter and the other disciple found the cloths in which the body had been wrapped, but John. says, "-As yet they knew not the Scripture, that he must rise again from the dead." After they had gone home Mary remained, according to John; weeping at the mouth of the sepulcher. Looking into it after, a THE OF TAE RESRRECTION laraSTIA.T theologfnns hol)1 It to be strong proof of the resur- rection rection of Christ; that l bc four evangelists' accounts of that transcendingly important event differ greatly in detail while agreeing exact- ly 'in xact-ly'in the great central declaration, which is the foundation stone of the Christian religion. Matthew tells us that at dawn 011 the first day of the week Mary Slag- dalene and "the other Mary," whom we Gine, she saw two angels in white know to be the mother' of James grad Salome, went to see the sepulcher.. ' within who* spoke to her, asking why "And. behold, there was a greet she wept. And she answered that earthquake: for the angel of the Lord `they have' taken away my Lord, and descended from heaven, and came and I know not where they -have laid rolled back the stone front the door, 'tont" Just then, turning around, she and sat upon it. savv Jesus standing there, but she did 'F1is eoteetenance was like lightning, not know him. John declares that and his (•aliment white as snout: she even :supposed he might be the "And for Fear of him the keepers gardener, who might have removed did,sliake, and became as dead amen. - the body, She asked him for it. But "And the angel answered and said .be revealed himself to her, prophesied unto the women, Lear not ye: for I his immediate ascensionand bade her know that ye seer% Jesus,. which was 'announee• It to the disc ples. erucitied, Wehave seen that Matthew'has the Saviour Arst appearbag after. the res* ` -ll. is not here; for prisen, aa.he ri rection to Diary Magdalene.. Audi's er • the r .e•. he place where c sa d. Gnu see i 1 Luke declares T ocd it aospPt metates the same. 1ey two of tlt 8t a Ca .red to that he lir Ms iSci 113. pp "And go quickly, and tell ri s d disiplwho were on the reads 10 Sloes Cl'it,d'eSto or.1er, • pies that lie is risen. Irma the dead; llmmanatr, but they did nOt knave Galile ebotd, he goet:h bef'or'e you Into. Mark tolls of this appearance also and Galilee; there chill ye set 111tH lo, T have t- you, eleeeu es they .sat at meat, presuma-. • "A d they t t tett l' dls aletn mull him. the twobad says he afterward appeared. to, the n as Uey' wen 'o a tis - bly in Jerusalem. .Luke tells of this; elates; behold ,Jesus 111:1 their,. say- slattug that It war> in Jerue ing; All hail. And they came :tint that it happened the same day atter 11910 `111114 by the feet, 110,1 vw•0rs11(pl)ed returned from Emmaus; also that Christ ,it,, with the disciples "'Then said ,Jesus unto 1,hem; Be not .ra piece of a broiled fish; and of it honey - afraid: go tel ley brethren tltata )ey comb:" „o Into Galilee, and there shall tbey But at that Shutas well as Drat see one." Matthew goes on to say that tee eleven disciples went to Cxa111eo' as bidden and -saw' and worshiped, Jesus There .Phe there though some (blunted, 'vliile the ;oepel. of John says that ti their 1s \a to go Porth sod teach and. AD baptize a agate, on which occasion he allowed tlati@ns, Titonvs, the doubter, to touch his. iiiot One of the other three 0 011 0 701 - thew (hops the narration, while Luke goes on to .tell of his leading the die. elides ont to Bethaby and thence In timer presence ascending lid •o heaven, and .then he ,save them 'ore o11 sm.c ufitor eight '1'1 7s, he visited the eleven b t' 11' wounds and put his fraud Into his all the Parliamentarians who have sat in the Senate and Commons since 1807, should renesen)ble at the capital, van? Geer - r' h he su(v ( together \ 1l i nilst dtstin- s a and he 1111 1st tnet<I t llU t guhilted rep eeentetives (it the valiotre branches of the country's aictt+ivities. And 11)11 these should be thenucleus of a great gathering to receive and welcome. Their IIn)usLies )(ing George and Queen dell Also that repre- sentative statesmen of Britain and Outer liritains, he invited as the na- tion's guests..'1'Ite 1 itizen contributes the suggestion that i0 the meantime the Government of Canticles should erect a fitting tneetci'lal to Confeder- lion, in Ilia t.01115i, and that it should be 11110eilcei by 51(0 1(1030017 on Dominion Day. 1017, • Building In. Canada. Tt rmit in is a.cn Thr permits te 1 it 1 98 odors in Canada during the month of January amount, 10 $3,071,041, an increase of $773,710, or 21.3 per cent, The gain in the, eat equals 45 per cent and 15.9 per cent, in: the west. The largest individual increase is recorded by Fort William; Toronto is second; followed by Victoria, Winni- pc e and Hamilton. . x h - figures for .1.duiont0n' om1rnOh SLia.lLdona, the aro a l amalien of 111001 two places hiving taken place during 11(0 last month.' Tn 11444 case of Montreal t1, llgures (:e' not inciude. the municipali- ties of Verdun, lluisouneuve, Oulre-' 11011E or WosintoUnt, ralthough, all of t of 'v tc ra ars 111 1 those m•r in iealll p g greater Mhau1tc 1L ° 1)0 ancon. also noted that \ 1L Will , vrl has begun the yearunder a, 50 per Cent,g4uu3dicn11. hat the month of January" i, never of such importance in the, �nuttier of building_ as to war- rant on (mutton, fav0fable or unfa.vor- t lde, regarding any of the cities. Phe outlook -) far is exeelleut for a reit rPkal>ly Im y year, in which: the cast will probably take n, larger. 1)ait than It has in recent years. 4YESTERN COLANEL'S FEAT.•' How COI. Gwynne Overcame Red Tape In Militia Department.. ()at in Western Canada thorn is, a lieutenant—colonel 0! ,cavalry , by the ranee i f. Caw vane,;, tvho has also or- ganized 0 corps of mounted. cadets, the only one of it:, kind in Canada. At the: Militia Conference; at Ottawa YAcehtlyhe told the story to the as- sentbled udicers. >The either , ei • 'The ,For All Spring Brod Diseases '' and : Ailments' Possesses medicinal t ierit Peculiar to• Itself a11c1•has an unequaled record of cures. . Take it this spring Get it today. Sold by all druggists.evrytvhere. ammo 'Ottawa Citizen thus desm't,heh \1b:ttr@p�9r{,1'k:J Aft l4 3 Ikl"1i8' 6 Rd 6`GC•.9' 110089E ACD Ile pini e eded 'to oxplifily that one 1ID�l.li1 squadron 'is seven l 1)411es •flolu the pikestraining ';pe,lut pial aiotect ra ftftv 01 � � � miles. 111, all 01y1p014 clirecYlon (af ) Course,' -say the odiocl •sitnply, "1 e001)1'nii get tl IIlS)ortati(lt tie these — stluadr'inlh by rail, 1 the liey5'nratel)- Loral' hili lIlII Advocates Irish 'oily' ed• to- camp. 'White, tool.' :Them two -1s Tr: ns-;ttlentle fart far ' dies. -`ill•. P10 elupping places the people 01 the townbilleted there in their , lyquses free 01 charge, and the iarrrlers contributed forage for the kforgses, which : was carried along by t1'3 boys in their oven transport wag- ons. On, arrival at the training ground the people• there provided the boys with food; a farmer would bring in a ton of '• hay .and others contributed oats, so that the whole outfit practi- cally lived without any expense dur- ing 111e training. The only real-difti- calty 1; hall was in scouring tents ftlr lye during the training. However, last year I overcame, this by getting. an Outfit of tents from Winnipeg. A11 this was toll in an unaffected w ty, as if was all itl the day's work. and the ennferenect listened to 1t, with intense interest, until filially somebody called 0011 "What does the Militia Department do for you?" To this the gallant young officer replied in a tone of sincere appreciation: "Oa, the teuertermaster-general was 11 .41 011 (711 to pay, the express ou the tents from Winn peg:" At this the conference Krol e into load laugh- ter. which kcnerally grew into a storm of hand 01al)ping and cheers that It nod two or three minutes andeven the 01)100 of the headquarters staff could scarceSy forhoar to smile. The kindly old general who is at the bead of the ilaarternla teres department blushed guiltily 00 1l1oue9 he had been eoed do 0wrOilglafng, :u01 protesxptesd iliac 110 0)410 olou l should not have given hint Away, and the fact snb:eequently caner out that a great cleat of trouble had been ersesrienced in tin0neleg even• this noraf1 expen- diture en aceont of the red tape reg. striations in tint Department, fists memtians the ea:(;tbnrrake.. but all side. Anti a third appears nce,:10 seven tell of the coining of Idary Stagslaleue to the' sepuicbet and of 1114, being her by the Lake of Tiberias, whela0` (1137 ,v discovery that (10 body was not tlhere aln18 fi5lun Herr, 1s 10111 of the mi Bet Maris says that she was aorom rletitous draft of O'sbes and here ft ponied by Nat's'. the 11-10the, of Jxinr8 vias according to John that hist and Slilome. L4ike say's there were with ale with his disciples atter. his 1108111- • - al the eleven 1s related by John, this bei•% title other Ochry and ,Toa,pnsa end the other women who Heel come writ bim Swan C a:li;lee, while John de:ieribes her as being :clone, Mark's Veinier) ds' that the women foetid the stone rolled au' 1y', '(uterod f d ; t the sepnlch0.r mid • sawa white robed;: ieetion, brit John •closes his 7Ospel without a vrord -et the asrettsinu ex- cept at) it may he-000ramcd 10' ,this: "And there Ivere 0(80 many Other things which Jesrrs did, the which. if thee shnnlii Ise written every otte, 1 suppose 11'eat even .tire.1verlrl it5rvlx, you ,�7 11mail sitting within. who bade ,tenni not eenta1n the Meets that 5114)1114 a them telt fire disciples -that ,Jesus ivas bewritten.” risen ;cod gene to Galilee. Initiv's ver - Sion Is that :'while tile" ssem511 stood voices. rhriaron.. enn a 1 t 0- Bode . .neaten! i calm the steeple 10 shinsied En. tare empty o u U SV �, emi r• clear: shining. ICs r)reul1)6 -thi'e appear0yl t0 .Farris a1 - p 1 n y "FUr- mini u- ir. • eil G). t =n of thr, t [l �. iriK�' there awl htfnrnie Por l))ecbkcttirias• h't cue . r 6, rectiot3 lr'otb(ni 1a &nld 14f 311lnst)•)SC' 440 Crete tion to' go to .013111 04 B(lt, according Tee happy 005ter da)s:" • Pity the Press Agent. Ihen1rieal press agents •It.ssert that I010tntri �nowspspers ale the hardest e propositions Litey encounter 111 .the lint of ;01111 advance :stories for their houses of attractions. fn 17d8 connection 11105 1r)0 (iron-, about the dramatic 1; term 0 story1uh) 1 C (iditor of 'rho Globe, It(. 1. 11. Park- hurst, end ark=hutst,end the publiity promoter for 1Ld J101131 Alaxandra 'Theatre, Alr•. Ildwi.0 Codmbe. There was a small 1)101.5 , at the Royal Alexandra one day'. and into rho Globe einem rushed Vietcrr o; tuemb9l' 111 tlr, staff, .with' the ex- I elanudu)u that '"the 1 o1,1C:,lr\antira burnrl: (10011,." lir 1' n•tth1n(st 1he11 d r1p .rren Ale .wgrh with a wearied esiareisinn o{i 11 i ince,, • `I. don't, <aro." he ata„, "Udtlie Cootnbe has one notice in i0 -day' al - • l a r io f emarkdb a sero D mo t r, t n. A unique religious rlentointrati0I( in: ()eon (Onelluictl 'in L)rat)iforrl,_ 1)44..: 1111' er»L11bl+tir17 (01114 the Men 31111 1('eli710tt 9;+'urp•arr1,• \Tuve ua N.. mit. hundreds of men and d•eni h 1(,n4e of them cup 0,•c}i• in faetci'i0 s, anter, ed upo1ra 50.1 i0(4 01 Continuous pray- er tot twout }futrrlluu3s the stitipii- all its prayed (n relays hit. tiTteen 111111 kite• encli. To Curb the Wildcats. 1t looks very muclIt((4 if the newer provinces,of Canada were out to throw. overboard the effete and "tradition - a1” methods of the' east, and to strike out for themselves in the matter of placing. restrictive and punitive legis- lation on their statute books without troubling to ask the Privy Council whether 1107 are acting irreverently or otherwise. A\ despatch from Ed - mouton, Alta.. say's that drastic leg- islation le meet the situation produc- (Ir) by P1ldi'51 ia.nd ventures is pro- p0;ed by AI'r. Gnome P. Smith. 1( the bill to be in(roduecd by 1Ir. Smith passes the House, it will be- come. •tn to use e algal LhrOu 1r0ut r1 1 stmt , h whirl) 11fl 1101 my subdivision map v1 it s hist been certified by an Alberta laud stlrreyur, aud winch .(14)48 lint 1)011r it One corner a key 1111)) showing dis- tance of the subdivision f(ut0 town r u• oilic1 indicating in '80ni0 u city pt 11111 eel' not iOnly. its position in rela- tion to the ln101(10ss and residential section of the, municipality, but the topographical characterist.ic•s of the l.(- rality as well. .11 is proposed that the subdivision of properly located inure than a 111114 frotn the limits of any city should ((1 made' illegal, that in all (IOW rt1')- ilivisiODS, the smnllost lots ;1(1,11 i50a frontage ,,f not less than tiEly feet, In new't0wnsites only eighty list; market '1t t upon the 1 t vbe placed i Ina l } terms c. any. one I our , •tceorditlS t) the of the b111. Lots to original tuwtrsites must be sold before any further sub- division re 'undertaken. No eubdivi- 5inns'whicli are not included within boundaries of the town or tillage, or within one guile of the Bents 111 city ns mentioned above, may bu placed u; nn the Market Steamship 10 Mery Issue 4)1 Empire Review. T,ondon: `--- The establishment of Calway, J1•elanil, as a trans-Atlantic port is advocated by Lord Klllanin in the forthcoming issue of tile Empire leeviiea' Ire predicts a revival of the trade 0f the Trish port, which was at one time :second only to , London as it port oC tile: United Kingdom. The writer m'i'nce that there are reap;= coir ideratioes of a patriotic and 511(1)1)1401111 nature, imperial, national and Meal, favorites ' the opening of a unit there, but he eeeten115 that its oarnmcacr,u aspects are of p11(118rs importance. 13.v starting tram sunit a terminal port a "through -1 retried" route to, Newfou d and .and Canada, from lncland will greatly shorten 111(5051 route w11 Ile for travellers and moil:. to I e [tri'itc l Stat05 the tulle will he out dowhtconsiderably fn the cast winrs winC:utnda was nn- dere:01 '1. nli t''re_ reguiromoats ot• 1111' U•au A05l)(ic tl lvnrn + •.nig. by L:to 1)re etit service from ltn;land to the Seined Steles, het wit 1 t 110 1r0w•ilt (f 110 1111)1st) De n n r" r, is'North AI -erica lb Y (10(ns„r V far a. 11101.0 mal ri•r ,a10,+ d hrrr'n:ng- ereent. .1t. taut 1ntperial Con fere-leo hold this 1r ,r 1t was 1•neolde'1 that a I3)Ore im<g+rt route to Canada and NelefOnud- land \fns neeessary. and the only 0)'l('ileahle shortening of the route Is 0e sero of J1 r.'L,u1. The village of Si., : Damage, C,ucbeki, was w•.ped 014 by fire, Labatt's Loudon Laagex, Selling fast because ma le right Tr tE TIME FLAVOR --AND Puar. TRY IT 1 LABATT'S INDIA PALE ALE XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way 3110 IDEAL 137.1:01)0005 JOHN, LABATT LIMITED LONDON, CANADA 30 An Imperialistic Sentiment. Miss Agues -Deans Carnett 0, \vi0 s ni10' m \ alla 1tl10, 1)cfnre 5114 1011 England, expressed some thoughts cu 111011(81111ron--•rather eloquently, ton: this is n'iy first visit to London, 9s 1 noLiCr•Lite'hent and hmen eel Ln [ t1tc t 0 the aha s iuo embankment and rhe 1 sta,rvinl people in tic East Ind as 1r fol to 1110 picture: there Comes float- ing b51ore toy vision ever triose yellow fields of wheat nodding to the liar- ) est. liar-)est,: the s31)113rht faces t I' thereap, cr,, the :mug home , the iittle prairie school houses, r ctr.ch surntottnted lry itg flag of 11e, eht,t2red. crosses. This 11114111)11 or 011r= 1 110711 enough,fer- tile eneuei1. s11lfiliently, diversilicd do its (.reducta to auppert 111r teeming 11,111411 uulhons, ,111 we Haul ie at more equable ilisi01baLio of Our Ern- pire-eitircne. Souse one needs to ex- punge irorn (ii)r speed the 180re1-''01111-.'. _radon' and substitute fur it the oaore plea :ng phraac, migration withinthe 1'40111 . A Prophecy by Bul!atin, 1)1tily p 75(4(4 uccasiunal ant 0111 s0nle' nest 115(11reirig1 1ell:Mi118 for the benefit of the pu Sri; -by, l'ornaps the Deet exam.* of how it h 111et>n Should not be writtelr was' gicemhy 'L1110 'Peron to ROWS 1116 01.1101. day alter the annnnneetueut of 1!1n1y Pelllrt1's c ireni -nt from) the. (lice)', O1an Rifles,' with 11hrrh he beer been identified rat 30 liars.,, Thiswrs 11'ie\TOt 11011011u, "tir-llcnr,'' Pel14)11 \v11 (el.rre 14680' 111,6 Co 0, llf altar 4(1 7enrs." Barrs, .Cil on . Sheets. As flee re,1u1t of comtlaints hy 03011 - are ((1 vehicles; ((3) 1110701011 1)01,; 1). irri of 005119 will no longer use, oil on 11)e sheets.` Tie' 'Water Wagon Will in future 11010 to hold down the dust, 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY,'. H BAC — — E—LA— THE—LIVING 14 TOTHN D OF A C Met PlItIVOMINNINIMINSIR KIDNEY EY G PILLS 14" DROPSICAL SWELLING A URINAR-Y AFFLICTIONS h N EURALGIA—URIC ACID POISONING E. A -.Fine Head. '1"hree hunters retent.l:yhrnu4ilt i(tte lldInOnirnY 000' of the "fln4eL 0te)ose Ilead1 ever found to (tie prof lime.:, a tread of the Antler( 1110castrt'ad:.eerie1 1 lea amosimiNsiman Gu,aIaIltee4I A guarantee goes .with every one of our Watches so'y ou take. ri t • is ti price too, ► o risk. The 1i� u If you need a watch let's show you ours. , W. R. CQUNTER • Jeweler, r - �to I,e r �•Ixt � � ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. ButterWrappet'S For .1$met IS14(R'idys a hrtak de104101 l:alL the I:op price the uiur kl t ll:ayg .1'ven Gotiel 13utr.Pr lrit,,lss 1 1.+sh lithrn )1 111)' (111 in 41 brat, wrap - re • 14.1111 call' 1l,kerr 110'Ii0, )0ax 11:1 0110 MI 1111, or111rn•y, I t I 1 5 This also adt)31 recur 1)41(1)11 04 ))((11 i)1ii( 5 reelte i•tisl)ttter8: r I 7 t - a•' 0118 lilt: - 1 �.n ,. now ris'h � tln•+rintcrl 1v;np et•e, l ) 11'ytuar0 Mat i � T I�, If. crostartn..nin'ttwi,,•youawin tun,i,hi11e 'i+r, well irlil,ised y l e • I••° 1 „ 11'1 • art(togd +nd the co,t (r1 will von lie. 'Slim i)'. rt• r gilt l 4 L 1 n . Order a -a> tf�e lice �� .7 • 1 The News1". ecc rd.