HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-04, Page 8News -Record April 4th, WIZ Special 'values I Sp In .lugs and Linoleums .2 For April it :Y Never before has our showing of Rugs and Linol euros been as large, or attractive as they are this sea-' and neverhave our values been greater. At present we ale showing a beautiful assortment of. i + Squares, in Tapestry, Velvet and Brussels and - our. • prices on' these, you will find are away bolo,. what are iusually asked for these goods. ► Come in and let us show you these goods and quote you our. prices, See ocir New Lace Curtains- races from. HOUSE CLEANING TIME 1S WALL PAPER TIME. 25c to $5.00 Z 1 SMALL PLU 11S"EL MORE B ROS. BUSINESS a PROFITS V NNN�NN�N�NN+►N 1 PREPARE FOR LEAN ING HOTJ'SEC Below we mention a few articles that you will find Useful at this season. 1KOP5TicKS—self wringing complete with cloth Old fashioned mop sticks SBRUB'BRUHSES—Ail fresh goods prices HOUSE BROOMS—A new stock just in CARPET SEATERS—Suitable for rugs and carpets DUST BANE—A. sanitary sweeping compound in tins WASH TUBS—Made of Galvanized iron light to handle no hoops to loosen three sizes WASH BOARDS—We offer an extra quality LIQUID VENEER—For polishing and dusting furniture 2 sizes • .15 1Qc, 15c. 20c 30c, 40n, 50e 10c, 15c 35c 75c. 85p, 05c 25c 25c 50c Agents for " Sh� n,,Willl1iams Paints Best on earth ask for Color Cards. W. HARLAND .BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods. 5. HARLAND W. J. HARLAND 0 WHEN PICTURES COME DOWN WALL PAPER GOES UP AND THAT MEANS TIIE CHANCE TO HAVE SOME OF OUR NEW • DECORATIONS IN PEACE • OF THE SOILED AND TIRE- SOME PAPERS THAT MARR THE APPEARANCE OF YOUR HOME, OUR. STOCK WILL SOON BE COMPLETE, IT 1S NOW NEARLY SO, ANI) THAT MEANS A LARGE SELEC- T.l T, OF PATTERNS AND PRICES FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR, SELECTION. THE STYLES FIRICE,S . AND QUALITIES OF OUR MED- IUM GRADES SHOWED INS DEED' INTEREST YOU. Personals. President John Craig paid a' -business visit to Toronto yesterday., Mr. Will L. Johnson has returned from a visit with.Lendon •friends. Mrs. I Taylor of London last week visited her father,' Mr. James Stev- ens; Miss Dell O'Neil of Toronto 15 spend ing the holidays at her home rn Mr. G, II Mitchell, editor of the Hanover Post, was in town over Sunday. " Mr. John G. Medd visited his bre., ther, Rev °Dr. Medd, Goderich, yes- terday. Miss L. "Gibbings of 'Toronto will spend the Easter vacation at her home Di town, Mrs. Joe Match and her little daugh- ter, Delight, will spend the holi- days at Wingham. Miss Florence Smith of Walkerton is the guest of Miss Florence Ounidg- halve for the Eastertide. Reeve Glen of Stanley was in Geder- ieir this week attending a meeting of the board of criminal audit. Mrs. Gardener and little daughter visited the lady's sister, Mrs, Frank Carr of Blyth, last week. Mr. Thos, Cott+.e waa in Toronto bast week attending a meeting of the executive of the Ontario Horticul- tural Association. Misses Ida and Lena Holmes of Tor- onto expect to spend tlhe+ Easter holidays with old friends at Olin. ton and Seafoitdi. Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Ford of Tees- water -were the guests of the for- mer's brother, Rev. J. H. Ford of, town, on Wednesday. Mr, James Doig, who has been some- what under the weal►ler, is now able to be about again, his friends will be pleased to hear. Mrs. S. E. Andrews, who spent ` the winner the guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mayor and Mrs. Gib- bings, loft yesterday for Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Iiellyar and family leave 'today for Bowman- ville, where they will spend the Eastertide and in addition be pres- ent at the Diamond Wedding an- niversary of the former's parents. Mr. Albert' Turner left yesterday for Rosetowu, Sask., where he expects to spend the summer months. The News -Record wishes the genial Al- beat success in his joutuey and will be ready with a welcome when he returns. The following left for the west this week, being booked through by Mr. W. Jackson, local agent of the C. P. R. ; Mrs. H. Andrews, Winni- peg ; Albert Turner, Rose town. Sask. , Ab. Doherty and W. Mona- ghan, Saskatoon and W. Oantelon,, Maple Creek. Dr. Garrett o4 Toronto was a week end visitor in town, On his re- turn tothe city on Monday he was accompanied by Mrs. Garrett, who has beenthe guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Cook, for some months. Mrs. Garrett's many friends will be pleased to hear that she has nicely recovered from her recent serious illness. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Twitchell of Edmonton, Alta., and Miss Young of London are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. " Twitchell were called from the west by the ,illness and subsequent death of tho latter's father, the lata; Mr. Young of Lon- don. They will leave shortly for Edmonton .and wilt.. be accompanied by Miss Young. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - . Always the Best Mr. J. F;,- Daly 01 Sealorth was _'re town4in Tuesday. Prof. W. Glen Campbell is to Aylmer visiting Ms mother. Miss Retta Cook will spend the East- er holidays with friends in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) Deihl of Paisley has been visiting her mother, Mrs. McGarva of town. Mr. G. M. Elliott of Goderich was the guest of Mr. James Stevens over Sunday. Mrs. L. Greig left yesterday for Tor- onto for a few weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Clark. Mrs. 11. Raynor and babe intend speeding the holiday time at the lady's parental home at Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Southcombe of Fort. William are the guests of the former's sisters, the Misses South- combe of town. Mss Anna Jenkins of Woodlands) Farm intends spending the Easter- tide as the guest of her brother, Mr. E. J. Jenkins, Toronto. Nlrs. Howard Humphreys of Jackson- ville; Florida, arrived on Monday, being called home by the death of her mother, Mrs. James Hearn, Mrs. Eason has moved from Heron street, where she has lived for seine years, to the cottage on: Orange street just vacated by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Furniss. Misses Ida Holmes and Edith Hodg- ens are expected up from Toronto today and will spend the Easter holidays visiting relatives and old friends iu Clinton. Mr. Eddie Shepherd has been in town this ,week, having come up to be present atithe funeral ,of his lather, the late James Shepherd, winch took place on Monday. Miss Kate McNaughton, lately of Seattle, Wash., has been visiting old friends do town and vicinity. Oa Tuesday' da sY.a Mt to visit her sister, Mrs. Johnston at Goderich. Miss. Dorothy Cantelon went tip to Orillfa last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Weatherwax, who has been sof fibrins from an attack of tonsilitis, but who is recovering again. ' Mrs. Andrew Porter of Goderich spent a few datys 'East week at the hone of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Tyndall, hav- ing come to visit her father, Mr. Fred. Rumball, who is ltd poor healt'S at present. Rev. J. E. Ford went down to Mitch- ell on Tuesday morning to sea Rev. James Livingstone, who is serious- ly fii. Hie many Clinton friends are hoping that he may speedily take a turn towards recovery. Rev. Mr. McMillan of Toronto spent a few days in town the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Gunn. He was accompanied home on Tuesday by Mrs. McMillan 'and Miss, Jean, who 'have beeavis- iting in town for a fortnight or so, Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Cooper intend paying a eieit to England .t'his - spring and have already hooked their passage on the Royal George, With Mn, A. 0. Patteson, the Iocal agent. They sail on the list of May. Mr. Karl Winen who has been in Calgary for some time engaged in the merchantile line, has entered the service of the Maisons Bank and is connected with the Aylmer branch. He will spend .Easter ab his home in town. • Mrs: R. E. Manning received word on Friday of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Fisher of Denver, Col. Mid left nest+ day, for that city. Mrs. Fisher will be remembered by many in Clinton, she having been at one time a resident of this town. Miss Amy Hamshete, who has neeu taking a course In ,the stenography department of the Clinton Business College, left yesterday for her home at N•stgara F'alis.' She intends tak- ing a position at Port Arthur and will leave fn a few weeks for that city.. Mr. A. M. Torrance, who was for some time a member of The News - Record staff, but who was taken suddenly iil an had to be operated on at the h'ospifil, has sufficiently u s ablereturn rn to his recovered to he to C home at Walkerton which he dsd on Thursday u sda last, ht Mr. David Dickenson of Brantford, an old-time citizen of C1intlanris, his manyifrietvls be sorry to h.ear,so seriously ill with pneumonia that but .little, hope Is held "mit for l,i recovery. Ile was retrieved to the hospital by the doctor's order as the beingalso under Mrs. Dickenson, medibal man's care, was unable. to nurse him. The memhetts of . the C. O. F. have shown themselves very brotherly towards him, which Mrs. Dickenson very much appreciates l �t. �� lc StES iH FOR SPRING ' AND. SUMMER 1912, Exemplify in a marked degree the remarkable advan- cement made in the manufacture of fine Shoes. Here one can readily appreciate the exceptional "styles and fit of Canada's best made shoes. We have spent; muelr time investigating and studying the merits of all the different lines of shoes that have a repot- ' ation for quality. He have :chosen the goods that we know will boost our reputation for good shoes— above which combine quality. Workmanship and style at the right price --shoes that will insure for us your permareut patronage and lead you at all times to associate our store with the best metehan dise, JACKSOTS SHOE STORE �` DISTINCTIVE SHOES FRED. J ACKSON 1 J. l3 Hoover. ," Nelson Bell • herrn,.:• r , UNIQUE I DESIGNS I In house i'urnishings are in demand by those of artistic tastes. A. visit nere will disclose 14261_ 1 1�UNIQUE FURNITURE R■•■ • DECORATIVE THANIS DECO 1but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage, MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of Furniture. 1 BalI' . I,Hoover- • i 1 • ,2,..L3' D T�°L71+7 E1RA.L.DI 1Dq sOFiRs �, 4.60 04.• lief1,14114.'O+i 0.O. 0044 O4S40'S404.114*****464A484.➢.**** Carpets, Rugs; ilattings, Uatts Ciirtahis and Horse Fiirnlshiiigs. Married in London An interesting, event took place on Wednesday of 'last weeki when Mr. Ilerbert E, Duncan and Miss Laura Richardson of Varna were united in the bonds of holy matrimony. • The ceremony was performed 'in St. Andrew's Presbyts.rian church, Lon- don, by Rev. Dr. Ross in the. presence of a number of itninediate friends and relatives. The bride' looked chariming, daintily attired in a grey travelling stilt with hat to match and wore the groom's. gift. a sunburst of pearls. After congratulations and good wishes, a spanks: is span of whif.;s conveyed the wedding party to the Grigg House where a sumptuous re- past graced the occasion. Tho bride and groom bolt on the cvantng train for Wyoming to spend a few days with the bride's sister, Mrs. A. D. Anderson, • Their ultimate destination is ; Sask- atoon, Sask,,, where they will be . at home to their friends after, May first. .The good wishes of the whole coin - merits, will follow the happy couple tU their 'western home. Mrs. Duncan will long be remember- ed in the beighborhood, not only as a gifted soprano of unusual talent, but as a personality of rare and singular attraction.' Marna BRUSSELS SQUARES ' We were very fortunate this 'week in clearing out a manufacturer's range of Brussels rugs and we are putiing them onrjsale Saturday at the usual cast of tapestry as follows 2 .yards by 3. yards $15.00 3 11 0 4. i, 18.00 Other rugs in tapestry andwool from $6 up, The time for house -clean-< ing is near at hand. This, year we are showing a larger range of house furnishings than ever, It will ,pay you . well to look through our stock before pur- chasing, f Tiber Jap Rugs Just to hand our spring shipment of Jap matting and Tiber rugs, printed on both sid- es in the following sizes: 1 yard by 2 yards 60 2 u. " 3 a 2,00 3 s1 a 3 " 2.50 3't1 " " 4 ,i 3.25 Twenty new designs. 20 P. C. OFF CARPETS 'This week starts a genuine sale' of piece carpets in Brussels, tapestry - and' wool, in all the popular colorings, green, red, brown and fawns, two t6ne effects; During this sale we will allow a straight 20 p.c..off all patterns. rri ails This Wee New vat laces and edgings, new all -over -laces, new trimmings, new waists, new prints and ginghams, new hosiery, new gloves, new lace curtains in all the latest designs. Make this your headquarters during the horse show, leave your parcels and wraps here. Mullett Happenings Much regret was felt on Wednesday ten o'clock, thence to the R. C. cern- when it became known that Francis Louis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blake of the Gth con., had died sud- denly in Toronto at the early age of seventeen years and rive months. The young man a week age com- plained of feeling. a pain in his side,' but neither ho nor anyone else thought+ anything serious of it. It continued to trouble him and grew more severe but he was not thought to be in a serious condi Lon ,unt;l Tuesday evening, from which •time he steadily grew worse until death camo on 'Wednesday morning. The troubba was ha acute attack of rheu- matism which reached the heart. Frank, as he was familiarly called by his friends, was a promising young man and his early death is much regretted by the many friends of the famiily. The remains were brought up :rota Toronto Wednesday evening . and the funeral wail, take place on Saturday, leaving the family residence and pro - reeding to St. Joseph's church, Ciin- ton where service will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Duncan leave k 40 their r' ohm Thursday of this wee new home at , Nutana Sask., bearing with them the sincere good "Wishes of the 'whole community. ' Miss Pearl Duncon will accompany her ;brother and slater -in-law to the west. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harnwetl vis- ited' Clinton friends this week and are now guests of the former's bro- ther at Port Colborne. The services in Sit. John's church, Varna, will during the spring and summer months be °held at seven o'clock each Sunday evening. Appnopniato Easter services will bn held in the Methodist church on SUS - day. The Easter Thank -offering of the W. M. S. will be taken at the regular service. etery in Mullett, where interment will take place, The sympathy 'of the community goes out to the bercavod parents and family in their sudden sorrow. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Clark, after several weeks visit with friends in the western part of the township have returned to Nutana, Sask. Mr. Thos. McMillan of Hullett, well known to the majority of News -Re- cord readers, mei/with a ,serious ao- cident on Friday last. While en- gaged in his own barn crushing' grain a belt came off and Mr. Mc- Millan attempted to re -ad -just it without,:. stopping the machir+ary. The result was that his left) hand be- came entanglLad and before he oould be released his hand and wrist were very badly crushed, The Doctors were immediately summoned, when it was found that . the injury was so severe that the hand had to be am- putated. It was a mostregrett= able accident and Mr, McMillan's many Mends throughout the county sympathize with him. Londesboro. Knox laresbyterian church has ar- ranged for rranged>for an Easter concert to be Seaforth Mr. J. F. Daly has purchased the residence of Dr.hle.Ginri.s oil Vic•toria held on Monday' evening, when the street choir of Willis church, Clinton, will Miss 13. Morson, - who has been furnish the program. As this choir not only exams fu ohorus singing but also contains several fine: studying music in Toronto alts winT.n,- has returned home. Mr. J. M. Best has purchased: the soloists and part singers, the enter- Lawrence farm in McKiillop adjoining tainment is re o be high-class. ho,tawn ba the aorta side. fame Mr. N. T. Adams of Constance, who is retiring from the farm and movr,ng Kippen into town, delivered a heavy draft marc to Mr, James Archibald last On Monday the 25th lush miss at. ;week for which he received $300. E. Johnston left ,for Weyburn Sask., Mr. Ed I4Iole, the efficient dans- where she bas secured a school at $70.00 a month -until October when she returns to edllege in Toronto. On the same day an equally happy couple were united for Ole in the per- sons of Mr. John Workman and bliss Mary Anderson by the Rev. Mr. Richardson. of St. Andrew's church., They willreside on the farm rented bythe groom from Mr. John 1 au - dors. Mr. and Mrs. William Murdock an- nounce the wedding of fioir- youngest daughter Miss Grace, who recently resigned' her school on the Bay- . aY. field Road, to Mr-, John McNiei on Thursday, April '11th. SEAFO:RTH, been Henry, ee Mr. C. N. Il y, who has accountant in the local branch of the Dominion Bank for some time,has been anno'nted manager of the Hunts - vine branch. SEAFORTH. iotas Iislcn'Larkin has fern` vfsiTag friends in Chatham and also her brother in Dctt�iit. • Mr. W. P. Thompson and family have moved into town Grum MoIlUlop. Tuckeremitit• ger of the electric bight plant, recant- ly recciveid a tempting Stier from the town. of Listowel to take charge of their light and water plant. But he has decided to -remain to Sca:ortb w, are glad I'n say. Mrs. (Dr.) Ireland of Harristoti visited her mother, Mrs. John Turn-, er Sr. last week. Mr. Adam Me2tay has been appoint- ed market clerk in place of. Mr. .i. p, McLaren who retires. Mrs. James W. Lawrence' and son \Matthew 'have gone to Edmonton,. Alberta, to visit other members of the family resident there. Mrs. Veal' was a delegate from. the W. F. M. S. of the First Presbyter- ian church here' to the annual meeting of the Western Ontario branch held in Windsor last' Week. • Word waslast week received here of the death which occurred at Tal- low Crass,. Sask., of Robert Hanna, a former resident of the township of LAST. CALL FOR `FUR COATS Monday next we put away our Men's fur coats, before doing so we offer you your choice of our entire stock of coons, Mosgow calf, galloway and dog bkin at Cost. Remember next stia- son all classes of furs are up in price and °it will pay you well to buy. now. 1 NEW SHIRTS We are showing the season's newest in m's and boys' shirts, soft)', . d; stiff fronts, with or with- out collars, starched and soft cuffs, ties to match, all sizes. NEW EASTER HATS The new Easter hate for men and boys are uosv in stock in hard and. soft shapes in all the new- est styles. We would be pleased to have you call and see them. :ozer AND ftOWll OUR. MOTTO: "Quality first then square profit "