HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-04, Page 4Clintalt" N. ewl-Record
April lith:, 19112
,r t ai• Sorinan SM]inlet a
cal of fij < horses to the 'wet ' last
vv cb,ir.
The. Fot .Scouts int;^]d giving
a c3ir-
ro,rt Friday evening of week,
.This being. "Holy Week' urchins
etre being held each avMning in St.
Paul's church.
Leslie Young of. Winnipeg has been
tisiting relatives .in the .town and vi
chitty. turned home -after" tiisitin* ad t I •r
Miss inial .1„'halt his heat visiting R tt u
trier ds in C'hesley, Owen Sound and
mils,, 11 5caforih.
.i'Yliss' (:lobe Mac bbhur left; last
H elnsaill
Miss (,.t .r. S St
vis -
ted friends- in town last n'enk.
Mrs. Aikenheatl ''vorit'6o Lou'ldoti to.
visit her parnttti
i r
An anyab> le t- lanes was given, iu
'he Opera Please on Friday weak,
W. Caldwell, win, has been herr for
some time, has returned to his boom
in the west.
Mrs. Charles Mc'11lis`r r has "re -
Tara. to spend some time in 7:orondo she
Me. Joseph Ei'cdtwiiod has disposed
of his 'bouse in Lower Wingham, was ar- o.nl>afned to G5-5nd<in by her
e ,k rt to Mr. simrs,. lisp Afina.
Itnoan as the Sillic props Y, kits, It, Case of the rntou ,t aI
'William 1'indlay. L,o. I o t
.had the misfortune 10 tall, last week,.
:Mr, James F'osti? (mill:`near. White, break:m g her arnr between the wrist
church was in;itiwn the other flay' and the elbow,
and purchased' a set el fine double' liIr. Nat Wei:ee iec h C purchalsed
bermes..•etc intends, showing the the
iFf Cs sr
fifty• acrefamii
. f ai at the Clinton Spring Lair, Clowns and will use it, ofoe
McGee and Can bell arah aa and oats fee his livery. stable.
decorating' t 1r.lr store, which was
pretty badly damaged the night of the
The Idpworth League .of theme MTetho Exeter
dist church held their election of ME- me, Charles Lindeeretdt bas pure
1 r ke •i] -•t 1 the lot
<crs the other e xu., gv.'wt 1 chased Bless Polly Fisher's house on
'bowing result : William street and gets immediate
Prosideste fe, AHammond.
let Vice, . . ll. Baird. . •
:led Vise, 13, Cruickshank.
3rd\tcc frank IIons
4th ,'ice, Mies Cottle.
5th VIec Miss Burwasle.
'treasurer, Mi..; Graham
' Secreta! es Miss Tibbs. and Y. Kerr.
May : '.toti.
7 League Supt., bliss M y i y
Platelets, Misses Hammond) and L.
Mr. George Crawley ' has0 0 •e
corg, ra - y 1 t .,d til-
t() theresidencewhich li . ecentl •
d z
bought from the Misses {lull or e
n t on
Albert s •rent:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hankins have
moved into town from lel i•nvillc and
have taken possession e the house
recently purchased Irons lyllss• t%inn
Fisher Ori Huron street,
Kerr, Miss Margaret A. Brows of Park -
Delegate to D.istrict C onventti'ois, hill and Mr. Edwin Piper of Wallace -
John Kerr. town„ son of lItrs Piper of town, were
Mr. C. A. Piatoul has returned quietly married. last week by Rev.
froth •the west'. Richard Robbs.
Mrs, J C. Kincaid of Chicago. has Mr. A. 1e. Hodgeri and family have
been viiiiting friends in Wiagham and 'saved to Toronto, Mr. F. Hernia
lrtoundi K dtsttict. ton of Cromartyha5per
hatrid the
Hud •ere re I dente
nrf. • A R Graham, formerly con-
A GOLDEN WEDDING noted with the Exeter branch of the
Bank of Commerce,. was a visitor in
IYlitehell, March 290.—Mr. and Mrs, town receuttly and left last week for
W. Davis celebrated the fiftieth an-
of their wedding to -da '
g }
They were married on March 29th,
1862, by Rev. W. B. Rally, Chet first
rector of Trinity church, Mitchell, and
with the e,eoktion of two or three
they are the oldest residents of our
town. There were born to this
couple eleven sons and two daughters,
.and their large family are all flying.
with the exception of the first born.
Mrs. Davis was born is this vicinity
and is a daughter of Thomas Worth.
Mr. Davis is a native of Kilkenny, Ir -
land, where he spent: his early child -
and. he conies from a 'long lived
'family. He has four brothers l:lev.
Dean Davis of London, Raw, Canoe
Davis of Saritfa. Mr. R. R. Davis of
:Toronto and Mr - H. 'Davis of Wing -
ham. Mr. Davis has been editor and
tinpublisher of the Mitchell Advocate
for 52 years. The 'family are smatter-
ed d all over Canada and the United
Wi' 1'
where he will receive e in-
to' take charge of one of the
western branches of the Bank.
The choir of Cavan Presbyterian
church arc preparing for a special
song, service on Easter Sunday. They
will he atedited by Mr. C. C. F'Iemndng
and Prof. Brown of Galt. A pro-
gram' of Easter mdse, will be given
on Monday evening.
Mrs, Samuel Passmore of •'Thames
Road has purchased Mr. R. Row-
clilfeee residence on Sanders street
and is getting settled in it),
Mrs. Powell, who has been visiting
Woodstock ftdends for several weeks,
has rel':erned home.
Miss Elliott of Norwich has cetern-
ed home niter lisiting relatives in
Mr. W. II. Collies; manager- of the
ideal branch of the Bank of Cohl-
merce, has been transferred 80 Brock-
ville. Mr. G. L. Waugh of 1"aronto
takes charge here.
MrcLaxrn v
Couch & Co.
Our Millinery Opening was so successful from every
stand point that we could not possibly have hoped fcr
better results, We thank you.
' This store sells high class Millinery,
Visit Our Ready-to-wear Debt
We are showing new long
coats, new embroidery dresses,
new gingham dresses, new silk
dresses, new tailored and :Girig
ie waists, , new house dresses,
new silk and satin underskirts.
Women who recognize the
advantage of early choice are
sure to 'be impressed with our
excellent showing. Come and
try on some of our•., New Gar-
men ts.
All ready to, put on and a.
bewildering assortment to
choose from, made in gingham
chambrey baoidel'y. All .neatly
trimmed. We have them all sizes
from 1 to 18 years: Now is the
time to look' after the children's
wear White •stocks are ',complete.
el .
i i
t 1 Tuesda afternoon tie R, MI:
Y 1
S. of the 'Methodist' church -''held
heir sowing circle ''and tett 'at the
.1 meeting of the Lord's Day 'Al-
K }
dance Was held in ' St, • John's`chtirelt
on Monday evening, which -was ad--
dressed by Rev. W. G. Hanna.
Mrs. Draper and Mies Lulu ITch-
holland of Godcrich ,viibted ' their
parents,. Mr; and Mrs. Win, • Mel -
holland, last week,
Capt. Johnson and Mrs, Johnson
aro guests of the tatter's parents,
kir, and Mrs. S. Sturdy, this week.
Mrs. O'Dell sand. children of Mid-
land are the , geests of tile• lady's
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland.
•v '
1tc J . E. Ford prcacYterl in the
Methodist church on Sunday morning
last, and .the lad ss of the W. M. S.
gave their Easter 'thank -offering.
Next Sunday evening there will he :a
song vcrtferwhen the choir will have
suitable Faster music;
The council met oa Monday with
all the members present.
Two colnneissicners of the Colborne
Municipal Telephone' System waited
on the council With request est a
uthorit to make an agreement for
reciprocal exchange of business be-
tween the telephone systems of poi.;
and Gtiderich townships. :Alter
duecon6'd ra oof
r e tr n the mat)
tar .,r t.
cd ei
n5 derafflc t'nticuss`ol it wasde-
i t
to leave it over untie the ed-
journed meeting:
A petition notifying, the crniecii to
have the road made"tour ' ole' wide
between lot part 15 n 7, 'rid lots
24' and 25, Con, 5 was presented.
The council appoyated the reeve to
procure legal advice front the town-
ship solicitor as to how to proceed
in the ' matter and report at the
May meeting. 'the counrel adjourned
to meet again on April 5th at two
o'clock,—N. W. Trewartha, Clerk.
Gederich Township
On Sunday morning last death en-
to d the home o f Mr, and l'i r...
J m - . Cox of the 8thn, and
A Go
took away their youngest) child, a
IitA.e girl of fifteen months. The
child had only been. ill a few days
and it was thought that' she would
soon be all right again: The erou-
hie was bronchitis: Little Olive
was a bright anti winsome babe and
her loss is deeply felt by thasor-
rowing . parents, to whom the' cyst-,
p.'cthy of the eonuuunity goes out.
The funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon to Maitland cemetery,
Rev,, 'C'. C'. Comas of Holeresville
corducting •liar. services.
A wedding it which many Goderi••ie
township people will be interested
took Place at Ninga, Man., gn March
200 when Mr. Homer Johnston of
Macklin, • Sask., formerly of this
township, was united in marriage to.
bliss Annie Grace Hewitt, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, William Hewitt. of
Ninga, There were about oils hundred
guests present at the wedding and the
young couple start their married life
under the most auspicious circumstan-
ces. • Mr. Johnston, who is farming
in' the vicinity, of Macklin, is a broth-
er of Mr. William Johnston, Mrs,
George Cook and Mrs. John Marshall,
all of .this township anti hies. J.
Grassiek of Stanley. , IIe has been.
fn the west about six years.
Mrs. R. II, Ehliotit and Mr. ,lames
Elliott wishes to 'thank the many
kind friends and neighbors through,
the columns
d for,
their kindness and lei,/ when they
were moving to their new home and
also at the time of Mr. 'Elliott sale.
And also the " Orangemen and neigh-
e gh-bours) for the supper and address giv-
en to them prior eo their leaving for
their new home where they have got
nicely settled. Will be glad to see
their old neighbours as usual and
they Will, always have, kind thought
for the old Sth con.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stewart, of Traf-
algar street celebrated the fiftieth an-
niversary of their marriage on Mon-
day of last week. 'A numberr of their
friends gathered to help in the cele-
bration of the happy event.- Among
the many gilts which were pretested
was a hanusome gold watch from Mr.
W. L. Eliot,. manager of the ' local
branhg of the Bank of Montreal, with
which he, has been connected Car, some
At a recent meeting of the. Board
of Trade the matter of haling a sand-
bar removed irate the harbor and of
thetown obtaining control of the
and north of the river was diseus
Goderich is to have another' fifty
thousendi dollars for harbor improve
gents this year.
Mr. Jas. ,Scott Shipped a car of
ashes tea New ,York last week.
Mrs. Kirkpatrick of Mount Forest,
who, has been visiting in town, has
gone on to Auburn to sojourn 'with.
friend's for a time,
Mr, Jas, Curring shipped a car of
cattle to 'i'orontti last week, mostly
of his . own feeding, which brought.
top prices,
Mr.- Adam Maek'eilie visited his
parents at Teeswater: recen'tIy and
has loft again for the west.
Mrs, Frank Bennett and little dau-
ghter of Cornwall have been visiting
Mrs. John klennettw.•
Mrs, John White of `iteegham• • has
been visiting in town.
Mr: and Mrs.• Win. Craig left `-last''
weer: for Provost„ Alta., where they
intend in future to reside.
Heavy fines have been•, imposed on'
the suffragettes in London, Eng,,
Mr, Shiveroclr of Hamilton was
given a verdict for $5,000 against the
Imperial Russian Ballet Company
fox injuries sustained) by the sword of
one of the dancers` slipping and strlk-
•seg him. •
-Btanleu Township ,
• For some entes' it has been un
terstood- that• Mr. J L'.' Harnwell,.
who hat': been the most courteous•
and efficient Clerk',;of the-. towush'ip tqr
the past decade, purposed retiring
)saving decided to`''o- went. '='Tis
decision has been received with univ-
ersal regret for personally as \villas
a clerk, lie is 0. At last Sat-
urday's 'needle; of the council •lie ten-
dered his resignation 'in the following
Gentlemen, --It is With nttrcih Wise-
tanee that I tercier:my resignation as
Clerk of the township 'of Stanley.
We have formed very intimate rela-
tions eluting the several terms of our
government together when endeavor-
ing to improve our municipality and
advance its interests,
I take- tie's opportunity of e):pross-
lag my appreciatinn of the honor so
long conferred uoon me by your hon-
orablc body
and ask you to accept
In} t
rtP great 8ratftol
e for the
ner which you have upheld and sup-
ported me •in the varied experiences
and operations of my work since this
responsible office was tendered to, mo
wen l e yeare ea8o
esteem very greatly the colaidenea,
you have so long reposed in me and
though I quite admit o• my errorai
and imperfections; nevertheloss•I have
endeav•am d
. to discharge my co
ret sea',
7 P
to the verybeet e'St o f my Know-
ledge and abrllty
My earnest) desire that your hon.
orable body may long be spared to.
continue iii the upbuildn8 of the noun-
iclpality, reform. of its laws, and the.
administration of ifs internal gov-
ernment so that your rule and reign
may be universally endorsed by the
ratepayers of the township as sur-
passing all records -ince its )inaugur-
Again, 1 heartily thank you and
wishY ou' every success,
s cs
I ant, Your obedient servant,
The council unanimously expressed
its -regret at loosing Mr. Harnwehl
and wished him success whenever or
in whatever callingbe may engage.
en ag .
R washosen
as his successor. This es indeed, a
popular choice and- the council is
certainly to lie congratulated upon
securing his serviette.
(Intended for lash issum,i
Mr's, G. A. Turner has returned
from a pleasant visit at her old home
at Leamington,
Mrs. R. T. Dunlap anti babe are
the guests of her mother, Mrs. W. II•
The, many friends of Mr:
Big -gins will be sorry' to bear' that he
recently met with, an, accident, break-
ing a small bone in hoe log.
Mite Agnes Beattie was recently the
guest of London. and Watford friends.
Mr. Angus Beattie of Pond Mills
visited his sister, Mrs. Wm. Scott,
Miss Acheson of Hoitnesville was
the guest of Miss Ellen Macdonald.
The many friends of. Mr, James
Ross will be pleased. to know that he
is getting better after his long and
severe illness.
Miss Annie Armstrong spent a re-
cent Sunday at her home on 'the '.10811 -
en Line, Stanley.
Mrs. Bowey has returned from Sea -
forth 'where she was visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Jack Grainger.
Mr. Jack Grainger has purchased a
fine s
evvp rano
Mr. Dan Ross 1s recovering from
his recent severe illness
The ladies of the ,Methtdist church
bad a very successful Fanny, Crosby
meeting' on Sundays week. Mrs Bark-
er of Seaforth took part. It was the
anniversary of Miss Crosby's ninety-
second birthday. She' is one of the
greatestt'hymn writers of the day.
We, are all pleased, to see htr. Robe.
Watson on our Streets again anter
having recovered from ii severe attack
of pneumonia.
Mr. Lorne Wilson, who spent a
week or so in Auburn, has returned
Miss May Moffatt Becomes
the Bride of Dan. lit
'A. very pretty 'wedding book place
at highs noon on March 16th at the
manse Mooseja-w, Sask., 'wheal ' the
Rev. W. V. Wilson performed the cer-
emony which united; in the bonds of
matrimony Lily May, eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffatt of the
London Road„ Tuckersnilth, and Me.
Dan, Kilpatrick of Tuxford, Sask,,
formerly . of Kippen, -
Tho bride was veyy becomingly at-
tared in cream seikoline over silk
draped with .silk K n] b r o i der y
and fringe, wearing lily oil the valley
'a her hair and. carrying a boquet of
whi `e roses.
The bridesmaid was, her sister, Miss
Vista, Moffat, gowned' in lemon colored
silk with crystal trialminge, and car-
y y pink roses.
The groomsman was Mr. thigh
Fowler of Ttaxford•
The groom's g'let'to the bride was
a handsome wishbone broach set with
pearls, to the bridesmaid a harvest
moon ' set with -pearls and to the
groomsman a tiepin set with pearls.
A beautMmully prepared lunch await-
edi the arrival,oftthe bridal party at
Mrs. Stinson5's where they .received
the congratulations 'of the friends"
and were 'presented -with numerous'
costly gifts.
' Meet a short visit "with 'mends arid'
relatives the young couple will re-
side at Texford. Mrs. Kilpatrtek will
receive its up gown of blacks sille decor-
ated with French kno!tits.'
Thu, huirterous old friends •on' the
London Road and aleaut Klippen wish,
Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick a long, hap -
an prosperous hap-
py , d prospcto s married life,
Canadians "a`tteeded at Washington
MZr;' ,James Rouatt returned to Lon:
doh, -'titer spending a week at 'his
home in the s'hlage:
Mr. Mrs and 'r
n Troyer Df II)Ilsgrccn
Were, 'here Monday to: see the lather's'
Mother Mrs. Greenslade, who is
quite ill,
Mrs. ,. I. f, Darrow retained home last
week after spending_ Sleeve weeks with
her tester at Saginaw.
A large party of the young people
of the village drove to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ;Janiles Moose on Friday.
evening last 'and spent ` a very en-
joyable few hours.
Miss Flossie Attwood left last
week for Virden, Mae., to visit her
brother William.
Charles Toms left on Monday for
Fort Stanley to engage in Fishing.
'The annual bazaar tinder the easel=
ens of• Trinity church wtill be held iu
the town]al
h 1 on Thursday next. The
have busy bean b s3 an
d have y
very fine lace of goods for all kends
of people.,And. there will as well be
ice Bream, home-made candy, a fish-
fag.,ground, et -c. And then to wind
up there will be a high-class program..
New Strength
In The Spring
� g
vatwre Needs Aid fn Making elew -
In e n thesystem•e
the spring }tett -needs
tonic. To be healthy you muse have
new blood just as the trees must have
#ew sap to renew their vitality. Na-
ture demands it and without this
new blood you. will feel weair and
languid. 'You any hake twinges 'of
rheumatism or time sharp stabbing
pains of neuralgia. Often there aro
disfiguring pi
les or orupeions on
the shin, lit other cases there is mer-
ely a reeling of tiredness and a vari-
able appetite. Any oithese ere. signs.
that.. the blood is out of order— that
the indoor life of winter has lessened
your vitality. What
you need in
spring t
1 8 iS a tonic o medicine toI
ut cu
right, and inallthe world of medi-
cine there is do tonic can equal Dr,
Williams' Pink :pills, These title
actually make new, rich, red( blood —
your greatest need in spring') This
now blood delves out the. seeds of dis-
ease and makes easily tired uten,vio-
men and -children brighta active end
strong, Mrs. Murray. yiar.:bnli,
Zephyr, Ont., says "I do not believe'
I would ever have been well and
strong again but for Dr. Williams'
Plink Pills, 1 was so weak and r:er
yeas that I could noir be left in the
house alone. I would take weak
spells with my heart and think I was
going to die, i tried doctors " and
electric belts, but they did me no
good. Then a friend urged. me to try
Dr. Williams' Pail; Pills, To my
surprise I soon noticed my appetite
improving, and from that' ttirde on I
improved rapidly until I 'was enjoying
the best of health, and I have not
been ttroubled wilt weakness or her-
vousn.ss since."
These piles are sold by all medicine
dealers or can be had by mail at 50
cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Mt'd'eine Company, Brockville, Ont.
Mr. Memel Williams of Tucker-
smith passed away last week. He
had been a resident of the township
for sixty-four ty fo lr years• Mrs, Thomas
Geary of Se north .'s a daughter and
Mr. M. Williams a brother. of the de-
Rev. Dr. Murray, Superintendent of
Home Miss -Cgs in the west, has been
visiting Mrs• Andrew Govenioei of
McKillop township.
Wind-up Sale.
For a wind up to our winter
slue we have placed. - on the table
goods at unheard of prices. Here
are few prices
$4.75 rain coats for $3.75.
$6.50 rain runts for $4.50.
75e and $1.00 blue overalls for 30c,
56 inch ravy serge for 40e a yard.
silk wakes at half price $3.00 for
$1.50 black or White.
Boys and youths sweaters 50c and
75c for 25c and 35e.
56 inch heavy cloaking for 25c yd.
$2.50 rain coatla for $.1.50.
A, Edwards
Why not use Fertilizer instead of
barnyard measure'? -Itis easier "Co
apply to the land and gives better
satisfaction In every way. It is
`used for all grain crops and also a
good' catch of. clover and poor mea -
lows. Give your land a 'good top
iressiatg of Fertilizer before planting
-our potatoes and also When hoeing
help and it will double your crop,
It is ;, good fon beans and for all
kinds of root clops. it has been
tested and found to be better than
other fertilizers. Give it a trial.
Oven three hundred tens sold already
- The National Fertilizer, which is
placed on the ntarjtet by the National.
Land, .Fruit and' Packing Company,
shows the following analysis Zinn -par-
ed with barneard manure
Nitrogen 3,50 equal to 4,0 are-'
Phosphoric acid S,75, equal to 1.2;
soluble. phosphates.. .,
Potash 3.50.
Sold by. Frank W. Evans, Sole
right for the County' of 1?airon, 'Sec
oily agent s,
and protested agaitust the loweriig of •• Fre-n .' ns
nig,. Icsel-of 'the lakes, by .time Chieago, t
Drainage Ccivai. i'h{a>rSe 1�[, G1111T 1
A verdict of not
Baas return-
Phe5ato as
e a h
ane m ntrou'
ed by the jury lathe trial -of'.the ten
Giza go packers for; violation of the
- law. . '
'Sherman aotietrust alt` i
The West India delegates, who 'hate'
conte to arrange a .trade agreement-
with Lana,da, are new at Ottawa,:
Dorothy _Rogers, the Winnipe g
girl who married Mr.- Charles Watson
a joke, has applied to Parliament
to' have the marriage t nnuileda,
Four of the five men mooted to the
Sound town soused are Wmi-
to Local Option.
The sale or 'Fort Osborne barrack
at 1V` nnhpug to the Manitoba Goy-
orameet wes irntilated in the House
of Commons„ •
boundaries bill without amendmeat%
. Robert Dr sda .- and J e
bili ever 'somas
lige .were l end, :and several ether)
injured. lu ed in a .fire ' that' gutted ,tit
Thistle cafe at Prince Albert, Sask,
Al, course -in a riculture Maybe cit.
tablisbecl at Grueen's iJ'l,tfvarsity; 'h„
eve, E erlmentaf ;Parte at Ottawafor
in im sued a o a toes, ,against eanke)
in imported potatoes.
Ernest B R leyaLa d to ()stalkohten
from Chalabs by waling the will
during a abort ahstncof the- guard.
Eugenesite Banvitic Was found guilty
.at shooting Mr. Dudhn= Causton at
Rimouski, ue: end sinaten'oed le
' bieetbe'n montlis in jail.
>i• aute iteivativan arawrs aansitetigt
• ..i
qa 14
,,,-.- e
the home
We invite
• for our
the season,
eau be
in the
to the
that, fully
paper -we
new papers
re -decorate
the rooms
no 'fineroods
• raill
;' our
of ricer
of t
' is DO not know
i. at I dan►much Q J1ft t 3'C bell'(( ,
w i : When we
buy goods abroad, We get the goods and
the i t:: rei!,oner gets the money; when we
buy goods made at -home, we get both
She goods' and the money.'' �
—Abraham' Lincoln.
T 1
IS IA en ,,oa do your houseiceptray that you
find several' pieces ofo. urne
your furniture #naw ha'be
become shoe and shabby,
Come in and see our stock,
Pine Store',
Plhelle 28
W. Walker
• aitl'lhdslmare Dealer asul U5(di p&pRarr