HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-04-04, Page 1No. 1125 ---32nd .Year ;CLINTON, ONTARIO; THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 19I2 THE HOME PAPER Che News -Record to Dec. 31st 1912 for `50c. re is A=. SPEGIAL 'for -= orse Show Day 1.00 Alarm Clock s for 75c guaranteed for orae year. We have also Alarm Clocks at higher prices. the " Bi Be sura you see g Ben," We sell it. W. X. �Eellgar jeweler and Optician Clinton The RoyalBank OF ANADA. Capital $6,250,000. - Reserve $7,000,000. The Annual Statement, shows the following Increases for 1911. 1. 10 19 Deposits $72,079,607 $88,294,808 Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072 •Total Assets • 92,510;346 11e,528,512 207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. 1 ° R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch. wmawmac Isom HEAR :I NEAR ! Clinton kas a house building cim- mibtee'and tho:citizene of that town have sept themselves to raise the pop elation to 7,000, in ten years,—Ilen- sall.^Observer. . RE -ORGANIZED. A well -attended meeting of the R,oard' of Trade was held in . the council chamber on Tuesday evening. The following officers were appointed: President, John Itansford.' Vice, : W. Jackson. See. -Treasurer, C. E. Dowding, Tho meeting was quite an. entthus- iastie one and, several resolutions having for their object the better- ment of conditions in the town were adopted. The Board has become re- juvenated arid results may be expect- ed during the coming season. inmeneacavesionnesianieMolsonsBank 1 INCORPORATED 1855, Record of Progress for Five Years -1906-- 1 1000 1911 CAPITAL . . , $3,000,000 $4,000,000 RESERVE 8,000,000 4,000,000 DEPOSIl:S .. 23,07.7,730 35,044311 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 38,854,801 • TOT3.e ABSETS .. 33,090,192 48.237,284: itas 8313ranohes in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in: all the Priueipal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TKAeSACTED .SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT- at all Branchia, Interest allowed at highest cur'+nt rate. Ciiatan' Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager WESLEY CHURCH. The League held their roll call meeting on Monday evening with Miss Cuntnghame in Charge. An interesting program was given, sev- eral, members taking part by quoting helpful ]nits of literature with a few words of "introduet:.on or explanation. The roll was answered by quoting a euripturo promise. Missl Greene sang a solo very sweetly and Miss Bowlhy gave an appropriate reading. Rev. Mr. Miller, representative of -the Children's Atd Society„ gave an address on Sunday morning last,giv- ing some outline of the work accOm- pk.,hed by the society and commend- ing it to .the sympethy and support of his hearers. Next Sunday the 'pastor will oc- cupy his own puloitt both morning and even'ng when sermons approp- r;ate , to the Easter time will bo de - ?leered. The choir is alio preparing special Easter muse. The subjects of the morning dis- course will be :-'I'The Five-Fo1d,Cat- astrophe of the Death of Christ Un- crowned by Resurrection," and in the evening, "A Program of treat Things." Pamotmearammeereetenrasonamenspolinicase Tteaticer-ao-Weesc °ma msta A BIG PURCHASE donor Onnrnr:u Curraniu E have just madea big purciase'of Boys' Clothing of c'tIr- Glothng from The Jackson llTan a t in ' Co. The quantity was large, but the price was so Manufactur- ing tempting we couldn't resist the opportunity of secur- ing such big bargains for our many boy customers ; and just the time when the boys will require a suit for :aster. HE. reason for' their big sacrifice was to clear them out before they retro stock on "April lst.9G' begin couldn't be in to handle the quantity if we sold them in the regular way so we are putting them all in at price, which will mean or the Price Two Suits f � Ot One SALE STARTED %%�� �.,yy Saturday, March 3Ot iE You can have your choice 4 _ , 7 ' , . , of the entire lot for a A n tuber n 6.50. a. worth ss: t�ia Theta is nota suit le are worth 88:50 ,and $10 00. ' ONTARIO ST CHURCH. A'11IG- INCREASE. - Rev. Mr.Jefferson of Lecknow The customs co12`etions at Clinton preached both morning and wening office for 'the year ending Saturday On Sunday. , Last were $31,776.88 and for'' -the pre-' The monthly consecration meeting vlous twelve months: $4,788.28 less. was held in connection w, th the Lea- THANKS,', gue.on Monday eventing. Tho pasttar occupied the ehair,. and Miss H. The News-f-ecoed ie,. indeed, a wel- Courtiee gave 'an exposition of\;' the cone weekly isitor: L.' C, 'Fleming,. tropic.. Several new members were Gere, - roceived, The News -Record reaches us , every ANNUAL MEETING. Monday a. m. and is as welcome as the morning sun, it: keeps' us so well The annual meeting. of" the Ciinton posted in the happenings of the old' branch 01 tee Lord's Day Alliance home town and township. .We have was held in Ontario street church on had a fine winter nue here on the. Tuesday evening. The attendance prairies. -W. C. hierbisoe, Glasston,' was good and the address by Rev. North Dakota." W. G. Hanna was an interesting out-`,. line oi: the work aa:oreptished by the ON ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSO- , Alliance in the past_ and that 'aimed The 'members of the Travel Club at, The following officers were aP- invited a numlierltof theta: friends' to pointed :' listen to ar. interesting and delight President, Rev, W.:W • Wylie. ful appieoiation of the character and Sao. treasurer, Rev. J. Greene,works of, Robert Lotuis Stevenson, with the resident pastors, as vice 4o1 c Bred by Rev. Mr. *Milian of presidents. Representatives from the Toronto, on Monday evening. The ga- difforent churches are : Postmaster thering was held in Court Maple Leaf Scott, W. 11. Hellyar, J. Tiplady, D. hall and Mr. W. Brydone acted as K,. Prior and J. Bartley. chairman, The lecture' was very TIIE TOWN COUNCIL. much appreciated by all who heard. fa. The town council on Monday night WILL RECEIVE. Mrs, D. K. Grant w,t:ll be. At Home at the manse, ;Ontario street, -an Tuesday ,and Wednesday next;, and atter that every Friday. DOING GOOD BUSINESS• The Princess theatre is growing h popularity under the presenit capable management. Wednesday sty hts are "Amateur Nights" when prides are given. Last night first peize ' was won by Herbert, Macdonald, second by Donna Mulholland and third by Fart Cleghorn. A PRESENTATION, debtded ou April 18th asthe date of MRS. JAMES HEARN AT REST. the meeting to be held in. Clinton of On Friday -Morning last, after a the representateves of the muneeipali- weary illness and much euffering, tll.rs. ties which have adopted! Hydro-Elec- James Hearn slipped away unto rest. trio bylaws. In speaking on the sub- - Mrs. Hearn, *hose maiden name Jed; Mayor ,Gibbings said that the was Sarah - Tree, was born in Som- I15dro-Elactric Commission is doing ersetshire, England, enough her par - everything in its power to diffuse ents were Devonshire and: she spent knowledge concerning Hydro and els her early life in the latter shim. She. possibilities and that it would send married. in England, 'u Mr, i•Iavill, one of its best men to the Clia,m whose death occurred in the Old meeting Country. Later she came to Canada 'The n'mncil knocked off w charge of with her two little sous and here she five dollars made to the Salvation met Mr. Hearn, They were, married Army for use of the town hall on a in Lorclon, this premiere°, forty-one recent Sunday. The Fathers reason-ason- years egos and immediately. settled cd thus : The Children's Aid Society in Clinton where they have ever since had it last Sunday without charge, continued to reside. then why impose a fee upon the S. A.N. Mrs. Hearn has been Wrote or less when tC•ie prime object of the late i ter's meeting was to, listen' to an ad- T6f dress dealing with prisoq orr. T THE AN ADDITIONO Mr, C. W. Whitmore of Toronto; has streets to be oiled or watered this purchased Mr. John McLaughlaris in- year in order to keep the dust down. terest in the Cbhitwn Motor Car The cost for the season ei said to be Compare), and will move with his ,about the same. Some towns use family to town to make his home oil and others don't. In talking it here. over his worship said that watenleg. Mr. Whitmore's advent with the or as be pili 11' "soaking the streets" road - Motor Company makes a valuable ad is injurious to the, nmam dition to the already efficient organ- way. Dr. Thompson took the op- izatq'on at the head of this progress- pes[te view, stating that rho roads ice corporation argil the directors have wear more when dry than when wet. been fortunate in securing a man of , Chairman .Ford intimated that the h;; ability to be one of them. drag would be used upon the back For six years Mr. Whitmore was streets as soon as poss;<.i10,- and with superintendent of the Tudhope Motor its ess[stance lee, hoped to keep the Car Company of Orillfa and for thn. roadways rounded and smooth, Mr. Ford has set out to beat the record past two years has been in -business this year in the inertia i of road sui- tor himself and assooaates as vice- provements. Ile will have to - go president and manager of the Toranto some to `beat the record set by Mr. Auto Top & Body" Company; Ltd. Ta: committee. This is a large` and welt -established - Company :wii.e two factories ie Tor- A DIAMOND WEDDING-. onto and makes bodies and tops '-for hfr, and Mrs. W. H. Hellyar most of the Canadian motor car and family leave this aftM.:rnoon companies. The Toronto Auto- Top and Body Company made the !land- for Bowmanville wheec to -mor - some bodies put on the Clinton show row they will be present at the Wedding Diamond we ofthe i m celebration g c used them to be the •:entre cats that a of ate:action at the London and Tor- anniversary of Mr. Hellyar's parents, Shaws, The actual date comes a few clays' ontoMrWhitmore Is a pract.eal and. later, but for the convenience of the all-around automobile main and whoa family an getting fihxed for the event the celebration is Seed for the holiday associated 'wit';t such able automobile time. Only the children and grand - men as Messrs. Craig and Clegliorn, children are to be presetut. the' success of our local itluste i ton were born in Cornwall, -England, Mr. Whianore must certainly !lave and came out to Canada with their great confidence in the Clinton ielotar respective families by the same ship Car Company and the men at the in 1850. They settled in .Coeourg head of it . when he sqld out hi:;' in- and two years . later were married by terests in ars old -e ablLshod compafivthe Bible Christian minister in ` the be to come here and join forces with - parsonage, the old - house being still the popular mea at : the head of 005 to tahe fore. Later Mr. and Mrs: 1ie11- yar moved to Tyrone, where they- O>V ANL' el COMPANY our rine question are p The nes to S P q This is a grand;opportunity to buy the boy a suit for. Easter at half price p a PUT • US TO THE TEST."' Quickly. 4�-- L6ok. or Buy,But Act p iC .come. Q Y IME GLOTNiNG CO- 1-himron's MOfiISH Clothiers Largestf',I® IA��a' Deal X01° EveryBoy" � 1U qty (l "' y John Hellyar and Catharine Bren- assured local! Company. It is the intention of the Company, continued to live for several years now that they have, secured Mr. Nhit- more, iu build, upholster and paint fire bodies for their pleasure ears and trucks in Clinton, which, in ad- dition tie saving them a lot of money on bodies' will enable them to using in some high-priaid mechanics, in the drape bf hody makers„upholsterers and painters'. In severing his connection with the Toronto Auto Top &. Body Com- pany Mr. Whitmore was made the re- cipient of valuable presents as tokens of esteem. The Toronto News had the -following in reference' to the event : • `Sorry necadse he is goengaway and glad because be is going . ahead, about seventy-five employes of the Auto , Top and Body Company Peale possesiton of the residences of Mr. C. W. Whitmore, 150 Sit. 'John's' r': ad, much to the surprise of Mr. and Mrs, Whitmore, and made the 'occasion a memorable one. ItTr Whitmore has' resigned the position' of vice-pre',idene and superintendent of the Auto Top and Body Company to join the fortx a of the Clinton Mottle Car Company, Clinton. Ontl. He enjoys an envie- able popularity with his former as- sociates who expressed 1'cieir regret at his departure by the presentation of a 'handsome rola-top desk, a chair - to 'fit it, and a travelling baja while Mrs, Whitmore was made the recip- ientof a gold -mounted umbrella. lla, Al- though the rand upon his shade was a bitE o a shook to Mr: Whitmore re he Was equal) to it and responded heart- ily to the warmly expressed good wishes for bis future success. E ae1s of the visitors was presented by fairs. Whitmore with a ,boquet"of ,area Clone-" The News-leecard liids. Mr, endears. Whitmore welcome to C'1'nton and hopes they will find residence Isere pleasant and profitable.' "5'.` and where thein children were born. Twenty-nine year's ago they moved in- to Bowmantulle, where they have ever since resided. Six of 'their childrengrow to ma- turity and four are still living : hits, (Rev.) 5. T. Bartlett of Toronto, John and Eva at home and our re- spected townsman, W. H. Hellyar, Ten years ago on the on'.asion of their Golden Wedding, Mr. arid Mrs. Hellyar had a" happy family gather- ing. No break has since occurred in the family and there are three more grand-cl1'idren than there were at that time, three of them being the daugh- ter and two sons of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Hellyar. The members of the Methodist church at Bovernanville, on the ecce- sion of the Golden Wedding, present- ed Mr. Hellyar, wlto was an official . atch. with a handsome. member, goldw Rev. W. J. JQHidie, formerly pastor of Wesley church, was pastor' at l3owmanvillo at the time. When Mr. and Mrs, Hellyar were married sixty years, ago the majority of their: friends thought it a foolish venture as both were considered rath- er delicate and it was thought nether would live long, They have weath- ered the sterns of life together, how- ever, tor three -score years, and have outlived all the companions of . their youth, 'tieing the only survivors of the little compare/ that carte to this country together. They are eight y- three and eighty-four respectively and arc .ensoying tale hoaM h especially bit. Hellyar who is sail in busyness. Ile is known to many in town, hav,,n,s;. From time to time vlsited lite yob here, his last visit being thee autumn,' The News -Record, on behalf of e lttiton citiMns, waits good wishee. and congratulations on the happy °well in to eree parents• of a, fellow; townstuan. Mr. C. F•I. Longley,. who has for several -'menthe been baggagemaa at the G. T. R. station, but has retired to engage in gardening, :was on Sat- urday last made the recipient of a handsome silver cake basket by a few of the leading local stippers who look this way of, recognizing hes; unvarying promptness and courtesy. Che pres- entation took place at the office . of the Jackson Mfg, Company with the following present: W. Jacksons Mr. Brown of the Knitting Company; Jas. Fair and D. Cantelon, mei oft .vlronr - made., kind remarks. concerning Mr, L ongteet. . - WILLIS CHURCH. On Sunday evening Rev. Mr, Miller gave an address' on Children's Aid work, The noir rendered a fine an- them at the evening service and Dr. Gander and Miss McCorvio sang a duet. The services fn the Presbyterian Church on Simday next.' eel. be ap- propriate to Easter: The clear will make a special effort to meet the oca'.sion. o Amongst other special numbers the , "Gloria In Excetsis" w, l be given. of an invalid for about eighteen years t and at times was a great sufferer. She was of a quiet though cheerfu:t disposition, sftiou shrinleing a htie from contact with sl':angers but delighting in Intercourse Wath friends. She was a member of St. Paul's church and in earlier years before her health failed, she was one of the foremost an , its work, iltit for many years site has been unable to engage et its activi- ties and has been obliged to Vac very quietly. , - Two sons, James llavill of Fair- view, New Mexico,. and Alexander, also of the Western Status, and one daughter, Mrs. Howard. 1Anphreys of Jarksonvllle, Florida,. survive, also her sorrowing husband. To these goes, out the sympathy.of the comtaunttyi in their loss. One sister, airs. Wheaton,- and one brother, ,allies Tree, also survive In London, England. - The funeral will team place on Sat- urday afternoon being delayed to allow her son to reach borne from New Mexico. ' -It will leave the house on Joseph street at half -past 'one for St. Paul's chutch, where service will be conductor, thence to the ceme- tery. y BACK FROM ENGLAND. Mr, A. Wilkin returned on Monday from a six -weeks'' tiilp .to England, looking at least six years younger than when he left here. It is thistly-elgitt years since he fust came out -to this country . and this was his first ;visit back. Time works many changes an appearances as well as otherwise, and yet several of his relatives, although they had not known, of his arrival, recognized him at first glance., Mr. Wilkin says that rurab Ertlland is not holding its own ---to be sure his remarks apply particularly to his own shire of Easee, but is no doubt equally applioablo to"'otber parts of the country, The..houses,of the work- ing classes are, as a rule, going,ttom bad to worse, not being renovated. Tho wages paid farm. laborers are miserably low and he instanced an able bodied man of about thirty scars of agewho received bort ten shill- ings a week and had to pay'' three `shillings for rent. On Mr. Wilkin asking him how he kept his family on that pittance the answer was that he had to•eutl his garments according to the quantity of cloth. This man is looking forward to emigrating to Canada, There ate three brothers, The first out sent for his brother as soon ae he could save up the passage moneyand the two purposes elubl.nag together to bring out their mar- ried brother. Mr. Bail an believes ne ea b t�liei;el s would be a largo i seinthe em- igrateon. of farm laborers it they could only, get money enough ahead to pay ,their passage. lint while fanning England finds it a struggle to make .ends inqst, the manufactures aro prospering ^ W rat- ing to be able to hold their'"" against the world. Everywhere . Mr. Wilkin found great interest, taken in"•Gonadic :and he looks for a steady Cow from 110 Old- favid to,the New, that is the Laud 01 tlie. Maple Leaf. THE LOCAL MARKET.; Wheat 950. Peas 90e. Oats 48c. Barley 70c to 80e, Butter 305 to 31e. Eggs 22c to 23c. Means prime white $1.85 to $1.3'5., Live Hogs $7.00. A TALENTED MINISTER. Rev,'' T. W. Neal, pastor of Sydera* tam 'Street Methodist church, King - stow,, has accepted an invitation ' to Bathurst St. Church, Toronto, 11c•.; Neal, who is a brother of Mr. Atr bort Neal of ttie Base Line, is one, of the ablest preachers in Eastern On- tario and wail be quite an acquit - ition 4o- the Toroeto force. Ile will be remembered by some of • the Loa- desboro people as having served aa apprentirship with Mr. John Brune - don, It has been said, possibly more in jest .that carnes?, that (nee a preacher gets at appointment in Toronto, he neverleaves the dee, but goes the round of the churches. Whether this is true or otneri -ise . it can' be truthfully said that Mr. Neal's abilities would be recognized in any of the Methodist churches of the city, aiid the probabe;ities' are that when he Finishes his pastorate in Bathurst St. there will be other- churches to Toronto quite anxious to got him. FOURSCORE AND TI7N. Gn Friday. last Mrs. Murray, a long - Gide resident of town, celebrated her. ninetieth birthday. birthday. Such an event could not be allowed to pass un-notie- . ed by her many friends, a number ot. whom geeetered to offer congratula- tions, and the afternoon was pleas- antly spent in bright entercouree and the enjoyment of the social cup of tea. A birthday cake was - provided having ninety candles, aryl a couple of those present whose natal day happened to be the satpe assisted in blowing. teem out. Of necess;ty there are but few f;aends of hot youth, but on this occasion Mrs, Gilchrist, who is five pears the nodes of Mrs. Murray � and who waa dis f the bridesmaid at the marriage o t g latter seveny years ago,' was preo- ent, The little gathering was plan- ned by the friends and Mrs. Murray was taken entirely by surprise. The rooms verb ' made fragrant by 'an abundance of flowers sent by frie..tule, lit and out of town and many were the messages of love and congratula- tion received. To live a score of. years beyond the allotted span of life with faculties un- impaired is given to but few and is, indeed, matter for congratulation. THE WORK OF THE C. A. S. On Sunday special thought was given to the work of the Clti'idren's Aid Society, when 'Rev. Mr. Miler of Berlin and Rev, Mr. Ferguson of S,' atford,,two olficials of the Society were in town and gave addresses is two or three of the churches.' And in the evening after the chureht ser- vices, a mass meeting was held in the down hall when addresses descrtph:ve of the work were given by Revs. Fer- guson and Miller, illustrated by sev- eral lantern views. ]Ir. 0-.'01. Fil- iott, agent for Mats art of the coun- ty, occupied the chair and also gave S010.0 useful information on the sub- ject. The work of the Socieee, which by the way, is a Government organ- ization, is to look after all neglected children. Nut only in homes, -where poverd, reigns, hut in many where the moral :c:fluence i.; bad, or, as- one of the gentleinett put 11: "Wherever children are not getting •a fair chane,” • A local society was Formed with John Hartley as pre sldenf, R, le. Manning as treasurer and Dr. Thomp- son as secretary. , The resident mini- sters as pini-sters"as vice-presidents, 'Otic poll- ection amounted to 810 and as well between $30 and $40 was subscr:_e.1. Anyone inay become a member on tile; >a oneoilar to of the d payment e fee of I y the ereasurer. Larger donationss wall be still more thankfully received. The funds w111 be used' in :forwarding this good work wllieb makes better citizens and .lessens came, wn On being asked) by The News -Record how heswould like to again make his homeEngland, in •iVtr. Wlkiri s saver came prompt and deo[srvo : "'It's ail right to go; back on a visit, hitt to reinain there permanent'• lye not ,for. me.. Here. we haven't a(,e mass and class',and pare s a future, x0 DEATH OF JAS, SHEPHERD. Mr. Jas. Shepherd,.who departed this life on Friday last altar several months of illness, was ars old resid- ent .ci Cleeton. He was horn at Saintfield, Count'/ Down, Ireland, eighty' years ago, coming at,o this country when about sixteen years of age. For a time lie laved' at Smith's Falls, where a sitter resided. But carne ''on lager to Clinton where he eri7aged with:, Mr: , Shale, builder, with Whom be worked for several years. In 1866 the Clinton rOil Company was 'formed and Mr, ,Shepherd ' was chosen to go to Potrolra and Both- well to look after the Company's in- terests, a position, he held for some Arne, Returning , ea Clieton he for - Med a partneritliip with Mr. D. 'Buell anan and together they carried' 00 buildup; for some years. Later bit. Shepherd accepted a position as mee- hanical manager of the Climlen Foun- dry, a position which he held for over twenty years. Mr, "Shepherd met with a serious' accident several years ago which necessitated ;his re- tirement from active work for some time. When the Ooderich Organ Factory was built lie -took shares in it and assisted in the erection: of the, building, but since, his retirement, from the foundry Mr. Shepherd bas taken little part in active work. His wife and a family of ;eight, [s and three daughters, sur- vive, J..11. Shepherd of the' C. N. R. J. A., of Gilbert Pains, Man„ 0. P., of the Molsons Bank, Iroq- uois ; J. E.,' of the Cordon -MacKay Co., Toronto i `1'.11, (Chum) of the Royal Bank, Calgary ; Mts. A. J. Henderson of Toronto, Mrs. 1). 'S. Kemp, of Ottawa, and Mite Qrace Shepherd of Lambeth, • The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Clinton :ocmetery., Rev, J. le. Ford and Rev. J. arcane con- ducting, he services. d g. t Mr. and Mrs, A. J. kenders on and Mr. Eddie Sbephcrd of Terouto, Clarorre of Iroquois,. Miss 0 -race of -Lambeth, and Mee. Parrjt of 'Paris, .the latter fatter a sister of Mrs. Shepherd, more 6r+ less'hriglnt for'.every . masa .wete,'here for. the 'obsequies,; The and woman. And our elimate, 'too, is pallbearers were :, J.. Cuninghanie, ST. Pi11.1L'S CHURCH. Easter is the day of days to the Christiana •It is the greatest festival of the Church. In consequence- the services itt St. l'aud's church wel par- take of a festival' character 'and wlei be as follows : Holy communion at 8.30 a.m. Morning prayer and holy conunun- ion at 11 a. rn. Processional hymn 171 `'Welonie Happy ?ironing." Ens,' r chane Iiuniphries, To DeeutW u o dward. Jubilate Goodson: Hymn "Jesus Christ is Reser. to -day." Hymn 162 "Lights glitteriree inorn bedecks the sky." Sermon by the rector, 2 Tim. 1,10, Offertory anthem, "They have taken away my Lord. Stainer. Recessional hymn 1110, "Alluluie, Hearts to heavou and voices raise," Evening prayer at 7 p.m. Processional hymn :103, "At the Lamb's High Feast eve sing." Magnilcat, Burnett's. Nitric Ditnittlsl Klitz.,' Hymn 100, "The Strife is ovor, the battle''s done.:' Hymn 592, '1'00 the Resurrection Morro -a' Sermon, Rev. 22,13. Anthem, "Christ our Passover is sacrificed Etat us." ,Schilling, Reoessional` hymn 27, "The Day, Thou gayest, Lord is ended.' At three o'clocis in the afternoeie- there, will, be a Chalaren's • service when the rector sill give a short ad- dress to the little folk. The children and members of the Sunday school trill present their Missions'. boxes. A Children's choir`. will lead in sing- ing Easter hymns' and carols. The church will be suitably decora- ted 'with plants andflowers aril the choir will render special music at both services. •Ali` are cordially In vidted, espereally.'tbose who haye no church home. There will be service on .Good Fri+ day at 10.30 a. in. and 8 ,p.m. ltev,. J. E. Ford of Wesley church will read the lessons at the morning service. Bayfield • batter, Canada Is the tountrys for, Chas, Hovey, R. J. Ctoli, Wm. 'Max. fried' land, D. McCorvie and ,Jos, Smith, Mr. T. J, Marks has returned from spending :the winter with his (laughs for at Oberlin, Kansas. We all glad- ly welcome him back for,Bayfielti. life hardly seems the •sane when the genial "Tudor" is absent. Ile is looking welt, Mr. Madden and Mies Ruby nave returned' from a sosourn of several`,. months In the old hand, Mr. W hid- dOns nativehealth- One and wo are glad to have our genial towns- man back among ups once more. a The servos •i it chu•rh will e es in Tr n y t tot the spring and summer be held at 11 o clott a. eaoil Sunday, ceu- mencing on Laster Sunday. Vliaage'Clerk H. W. Erwin is era - dor the weether. More hayfield news page, 4.