The Clinton News Record, 1912-03-28, Page 8News- CCord GET READY FOR SPRING FARr1ERS Getthem your hprses -ready for spring work by feciling DR. HESS' STOCK FOOD Ie gives life, vigor and energy, and produces a fine glossy coat, and is ti wonderful flesh producer. In bags and packages 65c and $1.0p, You can also make them ready by using a; STEWART HORSE CLIPPING MACHINE Every horse should be clipped before being put at the hard spring; work, Clipping as most beneficial and humane. The price of this machine is only $0 75. We have the hand clippers from $L00 up. CYCLONE SEEDERS This seeder is guaranteed to dls• tribute seed directly and evenly ov- er the ground. This, is the best hand seeder on the market, $1.75 each. SAP BUCKETS and SPILES We bave a large stock and our pekes are right. HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods. W. S. tHARL'AND W. J. HARLAND o•..•••••••.......,......................... ., 1 • A.SUIT CThat fits well, looks well and wears well at', a ,�. moderate price is what we promise from our Tailored- to -Measure men's clothing department. ' This department •of our business is growing very • •_" rapidly. `there must be a reason ! There is, and this reason is "perfect i erfect satisfaction,"• • •• • i"One Satisfied Customer Means Many More" • Come in and see our beautiful .new range -of spring 2 icloths and let us quote you Some prices. It will sur- i • prise you how moderate oar,,prices are fur such ;,,high- s , class work. Easter orders should be in at once as the depart- ,ment will be rushed' to its utmost at this time and I some may be disappointed. 10 SMALL PL�..i S 1 EE MORE i 44 44 .PROFITS BROS. BUSINESS i A ' • • 0 NN41Ne•••v®OPN••••NNON♦`444 **+N.+44* 81111114111111=11 itlIMENZIMMII411111111211144111111111111111111111, 1 Exemplify in a marked de ree thereremarkable nava n cement made in the n+iinufacture of fine Shoes, Here one ,can readily appreciate the exceptional styles :Cud fit of Canada's best made shoes. We have spent much time investigating and studying the merits ofall teglomh different lines of glom that have a re )ut- ion for quality.lity 1{e have choses thegoods th at we know will boost our reputation for good shoes— shoes which, cenobitic quality. Workmanship and style at the right price --shoes that will insure for • ns your permanent,patronage and lead yon tat nil times to associate our store with the best rnerc'han- dise. JACKSON'S STORE TORE DISTINCTIVE IVE SHOES � UN11Tl OUR SIIOES '. FOR SPRINGAND yIS' D 191Zr SUMMER N �r JACKSON FRS � SV A lesmas our us-1sr.. s 4444 0444 4444 44414 44/4. .44444•••••••••• ♦MO 44 f a..N ♦♦0 04k J. B Hoover Nelson Ball UNIQUE DESIGNS O • ♦ 1 L house, furnishings•: are in demand by those of artistic tastes. A visit • fere will disclose • UNIQUE FURNITURE . THAT IS DECORATIVE but not overly dear. Merit is what wins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage e. ♦ MERIT IN P1,JRNJTURE Al RIT IN PRICE ♦ i The tinea est soot in Huron County to bay all kinds of furnitufe, ♦ I' p ,i pp r _.oover 2"tJ•isTi`1 1.713, 4.1"ZID Pt.7'24"m :. .Z,D2 t2zC'SG ^S *4.4&1,14M4•O' t.s.90*G4400$+490es.. at,$0444G4 4.4OOO.4447 HOUSE CLEANING' TIME IS WALL PAPER TIME. WIIEN PICTURES: COME DOWN WALL PAPER GOES UP AND TIIAT MEANS TILE •'CHANCE , TO I•HAVL' SOME OF OUR NEW DECORATIONS IN PEACE OF THE SOILED AND TIRE- SOMF PAPERS THAT MARR -TIIE APPEARANCE OF YOUR I•IOME. OUR STOCK" WILL SOON BE COMPLETE) +IT 1S' NOW NEARLY SO, AND THAT MEANS A LARGE 'StLEC- TON OF • PATTERNS AND PRICES FROM WHICH TO MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE STY'L'ES PRICES AND QiJALITI•ES OF OUR MED- IUM GRADES SHOWED •IN.' DEED INTEREST YOU. W:. Q. FAIR CO. .k" Often Cheapest - Always the Best Dr. Woods of Bayfield was in Clinton on Monday. Mr. Ogle Cooper of Collingwood was, in town over the week end. • • Mr. J. C. Armour is recovering nice- ly after an illness of a fortnight. Miss Densmore of Stratford is the guest of her sister, Mrs. I3. 13•' Combe. Peras611a1s. Mr. Horace ,Wiltse left on Tuesday tor'.feaslcatoon,. Sask._ Mrs 0. H„ Pugh and children were in London last Week. , Mrs. 7'. Jackson, Jr,and master Billy, returned on Sa,tutnay after: a lien days visit with 'Toronto .fri- ends, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coats have be- come comfortably nettled in the house lately vacated by Mr, and Mrs, D S. C'ook on Princess street, Mrs. Shier returned on Monday front Kincardine, where she had been at- tending the funeral, of her tndther, Mrs. Cole, and spending a few days with her sisters who reside there, • Mr. T. Jackson, .Jr,, leaved -this evening on ,his semi-annual trip ' to the Coast in the interest of tills, Jackson Mfg, Co, Mr. Jackson hears, the record for speed and will, in all probability be home again ie three weeks. " t&. and Mrs. " John Derxy purpose leaving in a few weeks fon' ' tlteie native town in Old England with the expectation of remaining there, but we all hope they won't. They have already bookedtheir passage on the Royat Georee'ofi which Mr, W. Jackson el the local agent. Mr. John Snyder went to Waterloo yesterday no be present at the fun- eral of his uncle, Samuel S. Sny- der, who deparded this life on Sunday at the patriarchial age of ninety mins and five months. The deceased was one of the pioneers. of that district and at one time owned most of trite Iand upon which the thriving town of Waterloo now. stand's. He also owned the first grist mills there. The Snyder connection is a numerous one in Waterloo county and at a re -un- ion a couple of years ago there were alinost two thousand pre- " sent. There are not many Sny- ders up this way, but what we Miss Isabel Johnston of Godoridh have are good citizens in every res - visited at Mrs. Leppington's onj Peet' Monday. -kir. and Mrs, J, B. Lingle attended the funeral of tho former's sister at Blyth on Tuesday. Dr. Garrett of Toronto spent the week end in town., tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. IT W. Conk, Major and Mrs. McTaggart have re- turned from a pleasant month's trip to sunny Bermuda. Mr. Russel Woods has resumed his studies at the Business College af- ter he•ng ill for some days. Prose of her own family and elders in the home town. Her many friends in Clinton aro glad to wel- come her back again. Ida. and bars. R. Sweet and little' Miss Myrle loft on Tuesday for a vise of ac couple . of weeks with Ilensalt and Exeter friends, Purrs J. Billings of Winnipeg spend a couple of days the beginning of the week the guest of her brother - in -taw, Mr. C. E. Dowding. Mrs, (Ifev.) McMiPan and daughter, of Miss Jean, of Toronto' have beau the guests of the lady's ; sister, Mrs: (Dr.) Gunn, during the past week. Rev. Dr: Stewart and Mr. Robb Ste- wart of Toronto have been ire town this weak, having come sip to be present at the reception given, in Willis church on Tuesday evening' Mr, 0, re. Dowding, local manager of Maisons I3ank„ leaves today on a trip to the Coast and wilt pro- bably be away for a month. Mr. K. Erskine, accountant,'will be in charge 1 g� during his absence. Rev. J. Ie. Frd and Itov. JGreene were in Laudon on Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the late,. llev, Dr.- Hannon, a pioneer Methodist minister tt7 I5tC well k l R tYI ' t O 1 in Western On- tario, tario, whose dean.' occured in St, Mary's. Mrs Wood and her two childrea, ''leo have bean visiting 'the lady's mother, Mrs. Turner o t town,for the past iew mantis, lilt on Saturday mortt- ing for BellesCi'.e where they will vis;' for a low weeks before return- ing to their home at Maple Crack, Sask. Air, Waiter Ragmen, who has '• been spending the winter. !noel. hs at his home o e in town,that of big: and Mrs. c. . E. Rat:hwell 'with and c.tth relativo> in der' Co rch township, loft on ,'a'tur- P, S day for. Wilkie, Sask., where ,he has bought' a farm and purposes making' his home. Mrs. Dunsmore and Master Clinton Dunsmore oi,St, 'Phomas, 33Irs_ D. II. C. Bowen • of Washington Court- house, our t house, Ohio. and Mrs, ,Paul Bowen of Tcoun seh, Michigan, who 'were home for the wedding ,gf.thcir sister, Miss Ruby Paisley, last :weeks left Joe their respective ,homes ,oil Mon- de..? morning. Mr. L. C. Fleming; mathematical master in the 'Collegiate In 3tuto, and Prof: Drown, Organist vin Knox church, both of Galt, former resid- ents of Clinton and previously of .Exeter, will assist in the service of song at the special services 'iia Cavan Presbyterian church, Exeter, .o Sunday. n. Easter ,, Miss. Nettie Wasman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J, R, CVhsmar , or Down, returned last week from Npl an„ •'• State of New Mexico, Where she ,had been for about a year and a half with het brother who was in business there. While liking tee' people, "condi'tions .and climate eh, der the sunny skies of New Mexico, 1;They Remembered Her Yesterday evening the staff of the Knitting Factory for gathered at Hilo home of Mrs. James McInt.}re and gave her a• pleasant little surprise by presenting her with a petty gold broach and blouse set!. - It was the eve oe the anniversary of her natal day and some of her friends being aware of the fact, the affair was thus arranged. A feet hours were spent very pleasantly and soefably by the company ere liney departed, af- ter wishing their hostess many happy returns. Suinrrnerhill Mr. James Rapson has bought a three-year-old colt from Chas. Tyner. for which he paid. 3180. Miss Leta McLean is ,'10 guest Mrs 11. J. Watkins this week. Mrs. W. Biggins and family were the guests of Summerh•dl friends last week. Mr. Alex. Sionian of Clinton is 1lsiting friends is the neighborhood. Mr. Mil; Jordan of Porter's Hill was t isi•tin,• friends lure. Mr. and Mt,s Jordan intend going west next well Mole Clara I3tggin spent Sunday at her home here. Miss' Fern Beacom spent a few days last week, with Clinton friends. Mrs. Chas.c LO eft is the guest ' of her daughter. Mrs Gordan, John- stone, Wat-anosb, ;nis week. Miss II. Trick spent Sunday at her home. Mr. A. hlcLaug Ulla of f78afortll spent Sunday under the paeenta3 roof, Mr. Alf. tareBrien spent Sunday at his home here. Bluth Mr. Win: Gray" shipped a fine car of cattle to Toronto last week, Mrs. (Rev,) Cooper of Milverton came up last week to visit hen bro- t r [le , &Ir, D. Floody. On her re- turn home she was accompanied by her mother, who has been the guest of her son here for several months. Assessor Cowan completed his work last week. 'MI. Jobe. Price, who recently. sold his farm McKillop, has taken up Ms residence in -town. Mr, C. Burling 'had one of his legs badly injured is the mill the other day by a wedge flying out and '• striking him with groat force. ale was confined bo the ‘house for several days . oyving to tic accident: • .:Mr. and Mrs. T. ha, Iiarshell of Uxbridge, who have just returned: from a visit of several months in Florida, • visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Willows last week, Mrs. Tennant and- daughter, 3fiss Florence, have gone on to Acton to visit friends. ' 'Mr. I105' purchased the "resid epee of Mrs. AtmsLrang in the. • south end of the t ilage.and has moved his family Seto it; Mrs. Armstrong; has moved in to aJ. Moody's house.. '. iVIes, Wickwire of 'Iexeter has been v,siteng her parent's, Rev. and Mrs. LA. Fear at tire Method,el, parson - Mins Wasman was 'not sorry td " age, again set foot upon her native eon Ree: W. T. Pearcy of Losleshorn preaclzed, in the Presbyterian church on Sunday week, Ret J L. Steel' taking the work on the l.onde'boro charge. and to green the familiar daces or Mr. George Harland, after having been,' the guest of his brothel', Mr, Will Harland,' for a Inc days, re- turned yesterday to Detroft where hods head of a big printing 'estisb lishmeten Mr. Harland is a, C6.n- adian by birth, to' which he polo's with as much pardortabf, p1i;de'as • others doto an ancestry' dating hack to the Mayflower or the Boston. tel party, But, how'treer, Pike the good citizen that he is; he t7hinkc more of genu;he worth than- of ped- igree, indeed, heebelieves, await, in the littoral rcnderin; of that ref -noes declaration which maintains Port ',Albert Mr. John Shoeuhals was a,delegat0 tete the Orange Grand, Lodge in London recently. h Mrs, Alf.` Sinai° was a vistlor wit Goderich friends for a few days fast week, The infant. son cif Mrs, .Hugh Me Claire of Ciodcrtee. has bepii very ilii that "alt men are horn Inc and at the home of the lady's father, Mr.'. equal,'' • Tlioznaa V'iason, March •28th.,:Ilii wremamiLineemi Pieces Dress Goods Greatly Reduced. FRIDAY and SATURDAY we are Inying ° out for quick selling' twenty pieces all wool dress goods, panamas, venetians, fancy Berges, tweeds, etc. in brown, blue, green, greys., red an i blacks, splendid cloths, stuitable for any kind :of wear, regular 6.5c, special per yard. , • - . 4 42C New Prhits and Gingharns We have just passed into stock cur new import English prints and ginghams comprising the very latest designs. We will be glad to have you call and see them, New Lien waists We have just received our new linen and lawn waists, tailor made and right up to the minute. These are without doubt the smartest range we have ever shown and a call will 'convince you. Carpets, Ruigs, Iiuoleum, Jap Matting We are showing a complete range of carpets, rugs, linoleuuis, oilcloths, lap mattings, Jap rugs, curtains, etc. at reasonable prices. The News From Londesisoro A song service was held in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last which was listened to by a large eorreregation. Thin church has an excellent choir with Miss, Mary Brog- den as organist. Mr.. J. W. rord of London spent a few days at ..tzc home of Mr. Shaddick ttus week. ML. D. C 'an e}ot+ shipped led a car load t of hogs from this station on Teen - day. James Brown, a life-long re- sident of this ii esge, leas moved his household effects to Minnie, when,: his mother will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Gibbs. Mr, Brown intends taking a nein to prairie land. Mt. Thos, Cole was ftp from Wat erase the past week exhibiting a pat- ent device of his own, an autcmaeic steering machine which is for ad" traction enefnes, ate. Ise has had ', It f.ied on one or our alexia -nes. T+Ir ('ole le 'quite sanguine that the eon trivanee .will works out successfully, 1 i Wo will all be. pleased to bear of e Min making a good' thing of it The tdggest log •that we have .seem this winter was drawn into the saw, mill of Weymouth% cC hill of Blyth the other day. It was, a soft anis and. measured over thirie..n hundred tees. It was out some distance north of Blyth: , The moving or lar. Jaimes, Brown and his family to Clinton leaves an- other vacant 'house in the tillage. Not just yet a wis:le will we need a housebeildiaig campaign such • as' is on ink, Clluton:. A goodly audience aslembied in Pfeffer's hall on Monday evening vo hear the, "Temple of Fame,'pre entered by the young ladies of the „W, C. T. U. at Blyth. It was Y exceeding 1 'dines wail to and'' as well as being much enjoyed by al'+ preseet et reflected much credit upon the performers. The norfornianee was given under' the auspices of 'the Methodist cherch. Tire proceeds amounted to' about twenty-five dol - bars. I'01u • I,o des1 corn news The read l c a News -Record - 'flee regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday af- ternoon next at the home of Mrs. Mains, 'Phe subject will be "Candy making 1 g and demonstration" by Mrs. (Dr.) • Alhaot,. The ladies aro rill cordially invited to attend: Mr. 1`. Miller, our coal dealer, will handle cement this coning season s0 It' Lert,sn 0 need t 0oto Bl tl g Y i when you need a supply. Mr. and Mrs. 11.. Fraser visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Coombs, for a few days last week, Theyalso paid a visit t to Blyth friends, and have gone to their future home at Cornation, Alta. rlir,• Frank Wood had the minter - tune • istertune• to ger' one of itis horses down " ics tate snow the otter day;wilis the: result that one hind leg was so injured that ho will be• unfit workfor some time. 'eMrs. B. Mason of Blyth itisited her Inti z,�er, lIrs. L Manning, last _week," Mr, M. Armstrong shipped a car of hogs on Thursday last. , Mr. ll C' elo t ant r hi r s ell .ho hogs this Pl 'Week. Hogs are a, good prim this week, 37.35 per cwt. Bo11, our 'chopping mills are out. of ooal andeare obliged to -mill it from Clinton: T. Miiler, our local dealer has had a ear' of soft coal 00 the way for a couple of weeks but at time of writing it has not arrived, Nig.. Win. Bell DeMonday on ouday for Pilot "Mound, Matt., where he intends to spend the summer.' Mr: Geo. •AIcVittie spent a few days in Goderich this -Neel[. Mr. Blatchford spent: Sunday at bis home in Centralia. 'gibs Barr and Miss Cowan vita: ted Clinton friends on 'Monday, Miss G. Black of Winghans visited at the home' of lir: James Wood- man 'en ood-man'en Tuesday. 'Mrs. G;•, Brogden vilified her dal gh ter,' Mrs. D. Floody of'Blyno, last week. Miss 13. Webs{er spend a few days with her sister, Mrs, E. Saville of Clinton, this week, Brogden has been delivering Mr. W. Irogdc h .been delfveruta bay to several villagers this week. Hullett Happenings Mr. James Snell solei 'two' of his Shorthorn bullsthe "pi sti,weele, one, in Mr. John II.' Ilotnes of the Her - en. Road and the otter to Mr. John Shannahan of this township, • Mt. Win. Snell left •on Tuesday for Saskatoon. Snceess to hips. ' Mr. Geo. Mann Sr., had' the pleas are of giving an oyster supper to -+a few of his friends last Frid.cy night the occasion belegethincelebrateen of his grandson and •grananangliter1, birthday; A few of the neighbors gainered at the home of Nie. L, Peacock' Wast Monday night and an 'enjoyable time. was spent. The musfe was sepplied the Bayley Bros, and 'George _ Mann,' Mrs. John Bayley'rendered a' solo, while' the res,' spent their tt no in social chat, 1',Ir. and Mrs. Jas, E. Reynolds and family; leaves next wain for Mani- . tobh. nonsninsoriaannaacanaci NEW NEGLIGEE SHIBTS SPRING CAPS SPRING NECKWEAR W t' a., showing 1. owi1 a complete range of men's furnish ings.in every par- ticular :Shirts, ,� rt COa r I 1 rS, cuffs, ties, sox, handker- chief's, andkelr- h i f''s belts, C e1DV q > S e , hat* caps, etc. for spring wear at easonablep p rices. Ordered Clothing a In ca Ready -Made Clothing' ' for men and boys. ,AND rows ()nit MOTTO ' 7 Quality first then• square parofit, it