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The Clinton News Record, 1912-03-28, Page 5
1 ( a Ttev , Tettkiwel'1' `` i . Ai tl o ,I)oiin ....Alliance; aYco, Iugac ad an troc t rnperanee sermon in tbo 11TetitociJ. antra n un i1 S der •inorniilg last. tae `.evening'; ti serti lice. of 'soli Cii1C tit Lia * 6 the' ninet -sero d bis-- ida Y p ranivc rsari ovanity: • Gl t,h 'Blind byinn-tvritex, Was. hold.; , s 'Mrs Siarkerwife:of pastLt .:. La nixarge of lit eser vco, wh'tunsverS leass tandup}ifti�" The 'Oho( hsCcomposed of ladies of he: ' .con •l Mti_r,ow,i,_i ▪ kf▪ '' q j:sgo 'pr'a l• ni blnet t ltils.y'l•at sssir GP reracao-k foi lT01C,a 1 {:, bhas tlo � IS: Witt tlsabjng bei piandnothei, • •Mtn,. has, 31'', hooted jtolier.herae AY.r.". 'nard ti n 'and 1.4na.h.avotheir louio Ayr:' d`" East street•after spending endit lio 4intor•' a at'„Windt ok' and Cle\!cland. Mt Y Mos.'I+'rankX A §s th de; and :MSS Audarl'' Bachus of",'x onctotihave been vdsitiii!a _ , Mrs ,Iyaltra It: Ha rrison. gzngation and' young ladies from lilt Sunday•scot and all the .Y hmn snag: wore those written l y : ; \Ili f)rosby, miring the .evening :' 117♦, ',Barker read a letter: freta the .sge llynin-svriiktr sent in reply to one of oongratulation written her ,by ,Mrs 'Barker. A ;very large eongrogati)i uteri Pr0Sont 'h'c• Ladies' Aid of. the Metliodiit r,'liureh gave a very 'successful:Irdsh 'ect >x r 1 on the evening of e Moaday week, The town• lire brigade, aceordii,g to a rocent 'test' diming the visit , of the :inspector made an excellent 'showing. From tyle tient the alarm sounded un - ID 250 feet' of hose was attached and ready to ?throw water at the Royal hotel corner 2.l Snintites.' only had elapsed. Mr. Wm., Elder, a zioncerr•residont , 1 n3. Tuckersmith, died on Friday week, Mr, John Murray has 'retired from his farm' in Tuckersnitth and , has token up hitt resiidonce in Egmond- ville. Mrs. Win'. Thompson is ori a visit. to friends in the State of Kontuckey. The .Public Library board has •plaa d a bookcase in the reading' room in i a till: will be kept books of troter- enee for the convenience 'ofreaders. The • firm of Chesney cC Archiibald have dissolved." Mr. Archibald 'intends going to 'British Columbia.' Mt, Geo, Patterson was 111 - Tor- onto last week representing the loc- al'odge,of A. 0. U. W.. at thrGraml Lodge tnecting, • Mrs.. I. S. Welsh of Hamilton Inct been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Welsh' • Dr. 'Geo. E, I,oakc, .Chief Librarian :ii the Toronto Public 1 5:lrary', gave an address before the Canadian Club :Are ever ing lash week. Ills subject was, "Openness 04 ATtnd. and B P rcadth The seed show on Saturday , week was gutty a success in spite: 01• the storm the previous day which' itlock-. ed up several •r f the 1 a u read', 'rite /allowing were successful prize wie- ners : Buckwheat, James Carlin ; Oats, 'Iobt. Morrison, Jas.Smith, Jas, Carlini Darley,Robt;. Morrison;. Peas, James •McQuaid ;' Roans, \Vin,. Chapman ; .Early Potatoes, :James Smith. , Mrs, J. C. Greig was in •Two outo 3ast1 amok, Mr. John bullas of Sault Ste. Mar-, as has' been visiting his .aunt,: ,Mrs, .lames• Gavin?;, Miss Jean Kenny of Dubl':i has been tile 'guest of Mrs. .i). Shanaliaii, Miss Elliott has returned to • :her' 'home' at Beamsvi}le after a pleasant. Oily in town the guest of her sis- tcr, Alrs. Walley. a, V •;,,ria:'efigeetI chutta♦ had a •. v viii, , Cy. p1taSant con'gi•e ational At Hone • on • s i 1Veduesday':evening of last Attie; 1 cproscnt time its seems do i t, tb Rd whether', -or.. not the 1912 ailitar% t ) camp will he Kehl ,1'0tlericli:: Those It9'OT&FIi:RS RECOMMEND 2A131: -'S OWN TABLETS. ,Baby's Own,Tablets arc' recoinmend- nd• by tllousancls of thankful mothers who have used then for their little ones and have found thein a safe cure for constipation, indigestion, worms, simple; fevers and all stomach and hOwel.troublcs. Concerning then ldra. Augusta Blies; 5t. Damase;, Quo., writes "Please send me anotti- et box of BOby's Own Tablets. I `i'sve already used Priem and have found them an excellent remedy^ for little ones. I would strongly re- commend then, to al, northers." The Tablets are sold. by medicine dealers or, by mail at 25 Coats a;hox from the Dr, Williams': Medlcne Co,, 'Brockville • Ont, holdingthe property 011 which the carp would be located aro - as?rang spell- a high rate,. Or its use that tie, gotiations,a05 at a,standstill.. , A number b of the •cittiens of 'totter, ich will probably share in trite: grant. Which is to be , given' to the,' :Fenian' raid veterans.. ' Mr. 3,: G. Kuntz has opened it gar- age on I{ingston street,. Mrs. .r. G. Sickles of Port Hilton, on, who has been e.visidting'her mother, Mrs. Elliott, has returned home: • Mr. John Small, for sonic time con- fleeted with tilte pinnuig'ml3.a, ,has gone to Fort William .where, lin • .has secured a position, „; Rev. Donald McGillivray is expect- ed to be presont at .the missionary banquet to he given' this evening in eoanectism with Knox church. Live Stock Market. Receipts of lie .st'oer at ,the ion Yards were 1.24 Carloads, com- prising 2460 tattle, 454 hogs, 3I sheep, 00' calves and 51 •horses. The quality, of .cattle was the best of the season float is -there.' were more of 11ic good to choice classes on, sate: than at any two previous markets' ljeid since the new year comnioneed. A goodly'” number Of outride buyers were' present from Montreal, Ottawa,' Hamilton Chicago, as well as Northern Ontario., There was a diversity of op?,oton' as regards ' e trade from start to finish .. menu s i g •Cell titian it an • improvement over ast week. • Outside of tie eastsrat duality cat - Ile, (' which are r» criterion to gq by - in purchasing 8nd. selling cattle in the country, trade In general t 1' F, g a 1 of is steady,to strong at the previous Monday's quotations; Aird had ft . not. beten for tato "outside demand, . I. there would have :been a bile of 4tcavy losset to have Been tolyl, and, :is it was, we heard many drovers i4. state that they had worked for th Mg.,while'others said they had lase ' money on .thein „Easter Market. WI 'Geo. 11. Campbell 'bought for Mor- ns & Co, .2011 Liverpool steers, 1200 to 1300 lbs., each, -at- a range of $0.75 to 17.20 in prices,' 00 an; av- (wage of ` 50.01} W.1. IIoward '•bought tor. Swift and Co. 36 expotnt steers for Liver- pool, 1200 lbs. each, at 51.70. The S. tk. 5. Company 'of Cliicags also bought 13'1 exporters, • Easter', quality butchers eaOLLie. sold al from 17.25 to 18.55,.bat onlyr two brought the .latter figure in fact.. only - four cattle , are i'cpor0'd }; 11ItD-At 901 -10th Ave, W., :'an- qutility steers, 1100 to 1':00 lbs„' eaeli; 40.775 to -$7 ; prime butchers, 1000 to 1100 lbs.,' each; at $0.50 to 46.75 ,, good, •10 to 10.25,; medium, 45.00 to 15.90.i,eommon, 15. to $5.50; inferior, 44.50 to 14,90 ; cows, 13.75 to 15,50 ; canners, 41.75 to $2,75 ; hulls, 14, to $3 50. . Milkers and springers were quoted at $30 to •150 each: About 00 veal calves avero, ,veld at 11' to 18.50,'y • Sheep, ewes, sold :at 4.50 to 15.50, and two or three stand} \veight•ewes at 10 ; lams, a41 to 14.50 yearling 11inlis at 17 to 18 her 0011.' one Mi John Synder of Clinton, aged BUCK Pa1ISLIW ,.A ,Laity >l>hi ,diene; of Wi'e;'♦wide"s'' r""ts b pa. �n ., ;toti,cp ,1Vltireli:_ Y 23rd,. ,b ,heti ,, ;,,(araat•,; ' goy Joan, youngest daughterof 1431;, W,J, ''Paisley, 'to ` William B �at1 13ucic of Jackso �S tt, 14Jieji. ' ice:-, P,G ibTCIIAR13u?01- `>iu tetra?,,, Co>;d on Mareb 20th.:, Martha elitist- i of 'lhc aero Joseph Rioj •,.ardson, pf:;Stanley to Richiti:tt I 1 ,eek, a ;'�. ea rdlt, �• f,S o DU-hICIN-1tI01I ' U ' ;'ii- A'R SUN- In Lo ri-oI.'M. are11 27th'La ura•(lnt. ghtcd. ♦ate J4se' h Richard - sem to " Herbert, Dunkin, all Of . Stanfey. rey. • lNSIN,- GRP NDO\= ton, on. Marcl,25th, by , Rev. C I lGit- Jeakiins, Airs. Grendon to, Joseph ' h'Townsend, apbott1F town,A }KILF'ATRICK .- 1\ 01'F'ATT. -r At•, Moosejaw,' Sask., on: March. 10th, by Itev...r Wilson, W. W ,ion, hilt' May, eldestl daughter. of Mr. and Mrs,' John Moffatt of the London Roatl, , Tuekm:smith, • to Daniel:, Kilpatrick of: Tusford, Sask., for- inerly. oh Kippen, Ont.. GLASSIER' - McNICFIOL At Brussels on ♦March 20th, by Rev. Dr. Qaiten,, Mabel McNichol o[• 'Brussels to Daniel C. Crlassier -'of Grey, township. ETHERJNG'TON •-, COBB'LEDICK- 1 n Exeter on March 20th by I evi Mr., Powell, Bertha Lillian, dough - tet of Mr. and Mrs. David Cob- blediek of Exeter North, to .A1 - best Willis Ptherington. Births ' w.49.'TS—In Clinton on 111aleh 23rit,, 'to Mr. .and Mrs, Thomas Watts., a MARSIIALL-In Clinton on Morels 23rd, to. Mr. and Mrs. .William 3. Marshall, William: street,a daughter. ' PICOCTOR-In Clinton, on March •27111, kU Mr. and Mrs. \Vm.;ProC- tor, 0 son. VODDEN-In Lon e -shorn on March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. ,Albert Vodden,' a daughter. EIAWKINS At Chisholm, Minn. on A'Iarclt 14th, to Mr. and Mrs hector W. Hawkins, a .daughter. I31 NNETT.- At Port Albert ora March to lir. and Mrs. ,T ohn Bennet t� )r,; a sort.' RAWFORD At Port Albert on March 213it, to itIr. and Mrs: Will .r, Crawford, a son, P.015 CH -In Gocicrfch township sla o n i, n 1 0 :March 22nd,. to Mt. and Sirs, l+reugb, a son. L'1''1JIO,T13'O.N.,--;in Morris, on hIarclt iJth.. • to ,Mr. SOS Airs. James Iiendersok, a son. AI KER-In Brttsse1S, on 'Satoh 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tien Wats- her, at= ker, of Toronto, a son, II.TTARD,-In Brussels, on March 13th, to Mr. I and Mrs, Benjamin SVhittaxd, a son. 5YcEINLEY-In Stanley, on itarcb lith, to idr, and Mrs, Robert Mc- Kinley, a daughter. b INDSNF'1:LD- In Hrnsall on Mar, 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Linden- — thS Ito ,Ge.{.v of t5 a 1rAI l, x s-�.., lip n err, 15th ar,11 J ne 1 1 , S ..'t h P u n relict .of the 1pto :'Charlet41t tell ed 58' 4 ' V g, A lts and " X16 . months, 1 B3ROCK'-In ': it 1 anl,on W n , March a''lth g `Clara,' ddu httet of?141+rs,: I;. 13� ckz 13. rA r agetl•18 years J ]yS : - >t` In. East . as s t rva Saunsh' rile Iatt. 1i?th `.•'Beit a in Jetties i i Itis<7 tit' , Jai? i,. ,0 ricer M T7R � - A1 R ii- or :., 1 M ti Match ''3 rti.o il:lth Jean 11Zitoholl ;infant,'daughter ,ot„ Mr. incl 's. Alexander radar Mur- ray, •- Ir tut ray, aged 4imoltths, li-' C N NINCa]IAR' -= I In 9 1l,n ran . ;on Alga •15tih` Nr ir,y Aims Madigan., , wife of Mr. 3, 3: (lu i',ngham ' aged g 4� years and 5 months. °' TAYLOR -In Wingltain oil Match -16th ' Thomas 1I.' Taylor, :'raged 81 *ears, 4 months and I1 days '. GOD RIOIt Mr.. ohn. 'Cl" q 0 ornitassre'urn to 3a est returned Dettbit after '''spendiggv some °tithe with,'Croderiei, friends: ,:.. SITUATION SVAN'y11D-Ali', EY perienced faani''1mnd, lately, arrived. front' England,. would..like 'situation an farm. -Apply 13bv 156 Clinton. 24-1. FOR SALE, ONE 0001) GENERAL +Purpose; I-torse,' weighs about 1'250- .7. 13 Miller. • 21. FOR S ALA,. SEVEN TWO-YEAR-' old ,,Steers, -John I�tolmes, Huron Road. --24,' FOR „SALE.-IltES l4,r 3Lr; .Co'i'< TT - age on- Joseph street, town water, electric light. -Apply' 110 James Mcelacherty, Goderich, ,or 'to J. (1. Medd, Clinton. , -2.1. • FOR SALE - Br 1311,' BARRED PLY - mouth Rock oggs, $1.00 per 15 eggs, Also a fair While Cochin Bantams, eggs $1.00 pet 13,-.7aben Rands, Clinton. -.-,24. BARRED ROCK 'EGGS FOR Sale. -I won on Barred Rocks at Clinton 4 first., 3 second, 1 third, and special for best col:ction, Pen 1,Pullet matdn�,.IIeadod by Millard cockerel Limited num- • bet settings, Eggs $2.00 per 13. Pen 2, Cockerel mating, headed by Mil- lard cock. Pellets in this pen are good layers.• Eggs $'2.00 per 13. Pen 3, utility pen, . beaded by a cockerel bred from one of the best laying strains in Canada. The pullets( in this pen , ''were bred from 17 '.of my pullets 18111011 layer! 436 eggs in 31 days, klggs $1.00 per 15. ' I guarantor a good hatch or, replace setting free of charge. -II. A. Hov- ey Clinton, -21. a aug et, CART4ER - In Goderioh on Mardi 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, E. .1. Car- ter, a son. • Deaths 'as sell -111g fol Ozer 68 Best couvor, 13, C., on March 10th Harold Dalton Baird, infant son' of, Mr. and bars. W. J. }Baird, aged, two Clays, S'l'I,liART-In Brantford, on March 24t3h, Mrs. SRobt, 4ic'wart, form= arty of Ulintou. '• C'C71 I In " Clinton, on Match 11th, Julia Anti Schoolcraft, relict of the late. William Co1e.Af K♦tales towmhfji, in bet 80-1.11ear. IIAGGIiT-In Myth, on . March 2 rd Anna. ,I,. Little, w110 of Ii(l- ward Iiagiitt, SNY Dl II. -In Waterloo,. loo„ ' On March 24tlr Santuel S. ,Snyder, uncle of spring lamb sold NI ,55 5a. • ,• • u - 90 yowls and 5 months,. 711111111111111111111i0•i➢464�'�•e-ce: G?•�Wci,91.4449'c1•W'Q,OV.�•Cim•r,►Gi.Q.•© 4"c'ti�'(ip'31• � ENTIRE $9000 STOCK TO BE As we are going mit of b,usineS in Seafort.h and going i ,e � a g � of �, west \\;e are putting on +t at once a pig sale of our: splendid stock of hardware,t,i'aniteWare, tinware, paints, ,S, .- fencing, stoves; etc. This will afford 'every one an opportunity such as has never • -been .seen ';in,Seafol'th to,purchase liard'wal•e at sacrifice ,rices. . in gnarl;'' lines es cost M no consideration i'hey'must go,. we mean busilaess, . Come and save money. Buy for future use. ' • t3 Woven wire, fencing and',,,potl7try:`nettirng, Spades,•shovels an'd garden tools; t tislaing,m(2chi nee,' wringers and. galvaltised • Sherwin Willi -ants- Pain t,r, giaes' .ud' putty., White learn. aud'li'>a'seeci;bil. .A.splendid line of hand 1310110 pular attcl:'\\ala boilers C:rannte11�are aicl alvan:iced iter♦. \rare; Stoves ad•rallies. U'Ctrse•cli,ppe12, Dlani1la,•reale Wire 'tnd_'natla Cai'peuters:,tpels arid 'ail s'helt"harc] wat•e;= EV RYT tNO ;•.,R, DU:GE•D FOR A•; QUICK • SHARP SLE;• EAFORTI r�ttc'cesgor'to Ohesney r Ar'ebibald ) to te+o•01b0-a 0I i,04taeolt.:e ONTARIO eateavffiaae,0,0 a160 ma LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT- od -Permanent employment awl a Splendid income assured rigit't man to act as our representative In the sato of our fruit and ornament- al Nursery Stack„ , Fotnier exper- ience unnecessary. All that is re- quired is honesty, ambition and a willingness Po work, A handsome .EN LEl EJN KINDLY' TAKE n ie c 0 o the •', e j r ek f lc'hI o it t 'a' . i • ' wi,l 1 0 .,fl Ye tip, d 1.ti me knew : is sAonr'sab possible J,' � 33.'bl11ip7: t =24,` FOR sA;ti�l"t.,',11.'4' ,u R I:.. •13 R r n Shorthorn'' T3u11 ei lr§,,montjis' 'old; . flail: ro an `In color a'Price; ntodaratc- .-D, 0. Golbxaith'c13ayf1eld,„ .--22-3 n. R L S.' x hili , , G O t D N« 'us. s � f ... 11., Ja . 07th ::S 1J..T0. -The.und t els n d ';: �'n' , g a ,-.vrsbi g,,, 4q. • en- gage' in other• busthess olio, s' his Grocery business Far sale; -H.: Wiltse, -22 'TARRED ROCK -EGGS. FOR SLT=, ting. Utility, stook., (food laying strain.'My 34 . heifs; laid 325 eggs ' in th A .'tion of veld - at i r t;l. 1 •y t., d awe 7 e of January .this year, and 4126 in Feb- ruary, ;Eggs, 11.0'0 per 13:.- 1•'[. Gotild, High Street, -22-3 FO1 SALE, TIHRla']p, SH0R(TIIORN Bulls, two weans•and one red. Front imported 'stock' on both sides, All ready for:: ecrdt:ee:-'Jaipes Seel?. -16, FOR SALE. -SMALL'. ' FRAME house,. 18 a 30, four; -rooms, only up fu short time and well finished,. all pane. - To be removed♦ _ Fenwick Stewart, phone 5 on 117,' Sy�aniey, Clinton P. 0. '-19 FOR SALE. -A, GENERAL STORE with Postotl'ice• and Rural Telephone in connection. !For further partic- ulars apply to The News -Record 12 FOR SALE -S C. R, ISLAND ,RED Eggs - for hatchibg.-$1,50 per set- ting. These are great Winter Layers, Stock also for sale, - J. Rice. -20- HOVV ABORT MIRMILIDE *HAVE yOU T!111 GRAN- GES AND - LEMONS FOR YOURS YET ? DON'T FAIL TO SEE 01111 STOOI{ OF CI'TOICE ORAN CIES BEFORE ORDERINGY'OU'RS, FWE,5T ORANGES, 57^31- kIST" NAVELS 20c TO 50o, BITTER MARMALADE 011- ANG13S 25c PER DOZEN. PHONE ORD.LiRS CARE- FULLY FILJ,UD: otttfiit furnished free. Full ip• - struclions given as to management of business. Write al once fair full particulars. -The Chase Broth- ers Co.` of 'Ontario, Limited. Col- borne, Ontario, •Established 3157, C1 " 23 --1. Phone 111; S. BARR You are• cordially invited to attend our OPENIN of SPRI56 AIILLlNI�RY URSDAY EVENING FRIDAY . AND . FOLLOWING 'DAYS March 28th, 29th and 30th. ST LJS}I,1y[JLJ NER . POP V EARLY PRI,Jr.1 --.0000000 1'cOR SA'T,FT SGLD FYOTATOES, • u, reef) Mountain; one of the° besfii ,varieties'f t , for inarkpt and a good; yfi+lder.'; OrOwn,by the IIuron Pro dila ;pm• .an , ';Price ,.451. , r Y i oo ' pet. bushel. �'r ti , fAx the r nexta0'o weeks; Jam A'` St e � e nese , 'Steep; ,t6 Ford ' and: McLeod's store, 22 h0" 811 `ia c], FOR S_�LfJ-O HURON •YUKON street; 'west, a; desirable residence, well siti,ted and in 'pori � roPai.rr. Nine • rooms, `� pantry, .cl ' ] y, oseLs and baba , room, fi oud cel';i ar w.th 1urhaee, electric light tonin water, good cistern. Stable garden aril law , One-quarter ;n 1 ar acre of land, Tertns `seasonable,-Appl : on the ptotnisegaor to J 5 , B. hitldsay, Chin - ' CUSTOM ' rr USTQM" SAWING WANTED. --AT ., R. Trick's, Bayfdeld Road, and at Thos, =Wallis'. hush on the 4th con., Goeoricb Township. • 13.00 per M. McEwen Bros,;, rtapfield, '-2}-3 FARM LAI30RERSAND DOMES tics,-Phosc requiring Old Countr farm help or domestics should corn nunicate with me, A party ex petted out the latter part of March -Wm. Patterson; Immigration Agent, Auburn P. 0. Blyth Rasa Telephone. -21• LOGS WANTED AT THE FACTORY -AIt kinds 01 logs, Maple, Soft 1131m and Basswood prof vred, Highest prices paid.-Tbe Doherty Piano S Organ Co. - 05 NOTIC:G -TRESPASSING FOR hunting or any other purpose Whatsoever on lots 12 and 13, con, 0, Mullett; is hereby forbidden. Trespasserlr• will he rosecuted- John Iresseiwood, Owner. --06 FARM FOR 5.11.1:: -LOT '31, CON, 4, Goderich Township,. containing 80 acres, all cleared five acres good hearing orchard.. Good hank barn Well watered \ tever and well fen- cetl. l; mile from school, three mil- es irons Porter's 11111 P. 0., four miles from Bayfield, -For Further par iR'cul ars apply to Wm. " D: 'Harrison, Bayfield P. tJ. -14 P'ARM FO,R SALE -Lot north. half 26; con. 12, Hullett, consisting of 50 acres:. 301 seeded down except' 10 acres. Small orchard. M+zain° house and bank barn with stabling. On Gravel road 1'mile north of Londesboro, mile from school. -Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londcsboro P.O. -75 PROPERTY FOR SALE.--d3ardware business for sale in Bayfield. Two- story building, store, workshop and dwelling combined, also stable 26 x 36. Three lots with orchard and small fruits. Term's attisonable-Ap- ply do R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcomite estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lob 28, con. 0, Mullett. This is a fcrsp-class farm, well watered and improved and with .good litaildings. Also 1bc undersigned Mims for sale i `lot 29, con. 6, FIn11etP,- consisting of " 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately .- Apply to R, J. Southcambo, Clin- ton P. 0, -30 EASTEH posTcgoos • 5e; 10, file AND 25c STORK: FOR :EASTER POSTCARDS. W3 NOW IIAVE A FINE VARIETY AND AT PRICES R 1\C11N0 F34071 lc 1;P. G-. PROPRIETOR. We Have It 1\L 91 AVE , T I' JUST 1 R,C'L1t D A CARLOAD 010 BRAN AND SHORTS ,ALSO ANOTHER ,CARLOAD OF CORN. 3111151 C'OMII lrrrs'1" SEE-' ' ' ED. i.p $+Lf TTEO GO. Telephone 64 T'I'E ELEVATOR GOAL WOOD CEMENT YARDS 4 Opposite tate 0. T. .R.' Station, A11 kinds of coal on hand CHESTNUT SOFT, COAT:, •STOVII' ' CANNEL COAL FURNACE • 003.'1 ARTHUR FORBES Phone 52 Success°• "to ,las. II'atn.fltng, A11rT:G1 c' SALE •OF'''1 c ,o ,� I J11 of' ' -horses ,lil3.cs ,`nd"f'rdldin , � '3 s leave 2 . ' 0 hi' 0 years'..:: old-,lloactstocs, Pen:- / .r ,he:o hs, C,} cfnsti;tlesand Shires fres i he .11e111 at tat� 27, cOnye,1.1, Flibbe •7.1 ' t 5wnslzi _ o' Saturda P, n Y, Maths 30111, Terms, c.ms t, � ront1ise,.�i't- .... rit'o` n approved U'n', J ,p1 cent: per antritis disocturi t for wash. -John C9iam1 c , a ' i t4,, Ghtsplhutst, ro0riato • ; C'' p , x T. •ttneron, auction- eer 'Phone , C J: 0 ni?13' a � , 3eafortll:, 1,. Are you a News-Record.Subscribor'? • o •. • • • • ®;.. p� N s LII 1Y : MDT D 50A P • • • • Will help you to do • your• house •cleaning,•• •. . which is hard enough at •: , • the best • • 'Why = don't you try o some of our Labor Light- d. eners? • • • 48 • 00L1) D,IJST s YF;AhLIN I • AMb10N59 NAPTIF3UN UAARIPONVDERf a "• N0 R1J13 SOAP 0131PS e w w • 0 a 0 0 o AND L'UN: • • Then there is comfort b soap for ten days' we 'are e •° selling6 bars -for 25e, da i COMFORT SOAls • CANADA'S 33111)1 e AND. CLINTON HOPE .st • sa • p • "Tate Hub Grocery:" • •, a o• e ,00••*e• W. T. O'N I a % to Winter Special r IIjL Path to Health PARK i.TE CLOSETS Parkyte Closets are perfectly 'san- itary and odorless and a comfortable system of inside closet. No plumbing necessary $10 to 135, Call and see for yourself, BYAM & SUTTER SA'N'ITARY PLT+'1'IBERS. 5 The eyes are wage earners. Mnything short of perfect vision di,nin- ,thecnrnind po ars, We perCectreursld$t ,Our diasscn as nn 1n- L-.Vllnent yield Yon :oubstnntiul •turns, t A. J. GRIGG ;Scientific Jeweler and Optician b CLINTON. ONT. 0e Thousands of ambition' j•o are being hist] noted in ChoirICH by our. me Study Yom plyl y tiara 8• Celloneif you desire. Jl,when • er ynishThirty Years' 1,cPur• isms. Largest' trainers in Canada. Anter any dna, Positions guaranteed. 2 if you ♦+poli to Nava board- and learn w hile you corn, ,V,'ile for purl:io0110, NO VACATION- . OLI1'I •V3N BUSINESS COLLEGE CEO, SPOTTON, PRESIDENT wanumateassessormansommasu r , TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT THAI , WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OF THE ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH WHICH 7 HAVE BEEN CONNECTED 'FOR SEVERAL ,YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED, TO RECEIVE ORDERS FOR THE Hr0LA' FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROUGI1IN04, PUTTING UP STOVES AND Rl:•1?AII1S OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF ' WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A CONTINUANCE OF TIME PAT- RONAGE GIVEN 115115 DE-' PARTMENT is RESPECTFUL- LY ESP {CCT' UL -Lx. REQUESTED. PROMPT ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO 01102,RS LEFT Ar ROLAND'S ° IIA RDWAtU1t . STORE. T. D. J O 1j h ', N•_ ,,