HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-03-28, Page 2vni 4 oA. emmemetmew gt at "You'll find it's so`" Labatt's London Lager Now Perfected— Best Bupable TRY IT JOHN LABATT LIMITED 28 LONDON, ONTAILio rm • fj^a NB HAVE THE AGENCY, FOR Sageine Hair Tonic, ` 1nT Lirie. I'rlls, Rheumo for Rheumatism all genuine, B. V, Marion preparations bear that name and we can (3ia11y reconintcnd and guaranties• them —J. Al; Hovey, Druggist. TheJ'rincess }.case has presented to the Dominion a portrait, ct the l)iike of Kent. !IGH PRICESGRAIN 'W'iWith the prevailing prices for grain the farmer must run his hogs and male into condition. in es, short time as possible or he will he tieing tep hie profit in extra feeding: DOUGLAS' STOCK VI T IN GoRA R 4Vili• comition an animal vsitb lees feed and in a shorter, tate than ttny other preparation ern the roar. .ket. The Best Farmers. Use It. Try a 25c Package. W. S. R. HOLMES DRUGGIST. SEED GRAIN t� WE HAVE A CO3MPLRTE 'STOCK UP SLED GRAIN OF ALL .KINDS, INCLUDING: ---TIMOTHY - CLOVER —ALSIKi:,1 --PEAS - MANDSCIIEURI BARLEY Y WE: PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR OAT'S, PEAS !1N1) BARLEY, ALSO HAY POR BALING. FORD&MoLEOD S x X X X- X X. X x X, X X CENTRAL STATF0RD. ONT. x CENTRAL. BUSINESS COLI • ;~,IGE7 STRATFORD, ONT. x z Our classes are new larger than x b, ever before hub we have enter- x • :ged our quarters and wt's have x as. room fon a few more students. x a• You may enter at any time. x T' We hate a staff of nine exper- • ienced instructors and our Cour- x • ses are .the best. Our grad-, x X nates succeed. This week three x :x' recent •graduates informed 05 x x that they, haise positions pay- x ✓ ing $05,' $75 and $125 per rx! s mento. We have three': depart- x 7.' m• eats,--•,C&•inniercial, Shorthand x x and Telegraphy. Write for ti :x our free catalogue ••naw. a D. A. McLACYILAN, s. Prtinc!pal, 'x 5- x R X s. X' x x x, x News -Record Marc 28th, 1412 ron County News Gatherer or News -Record Readers Exeter Grey Township Mr . C 1'. Hooper has movedinto • tks; house he recently purchased"t'rom Dr. Bright. The members a Cavcn church aro preparing for very special• services on Basrer,Sunday. The choir will bo assi'stcd by Prof. Brown, Galt, form- erly ,organist in Triyitt ehilrclee and L. 0. Fleming, also of Galt, a fore mer principal of the Public school here. ', The rema;m of , \tercet L. Hardy,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Launcelot . Han- dy of town, who died after a hr.e:f illness in Denver, CIol, were brought homefor interment' last week.. ' Miss Lucy Bawden bar returned to her home in L wean after a visit of several weeks with friends here. Miss Bertha .. Iallian . Cobbledick, daughter of -Mr: and. Mrs. David Cob- blediek, and Me. Albert W. Etteng- ton of Unborne ,•wtlre united its mar- riage last week by Rev. 15 G. Pow- ell, On their return frun 1[heir'erti- ding journey the yonag pea le icill settle on the groom's farm in les- t borne. Mr. James Walter nee his elan, Miss Mabel Walter, have gone to the: Canadian Soo. ?dins Walter has ac- cepted a position teem and wilt re- main. The young lady friends of eliss Cobbledick gave her a kitchen shower. previous to her marriage. THE POOR OLD LADY. She had suffered with rheumatism for years and the constant pain load' kept her in constant agony. The. least damp affected ker. Many an old person has been cured by Rheu- ono and when all else failed- Rheu- m() strengthens and builds up the whole system, it purifi'es and enrich- es the blood so that the most en- feebled circttlatcon is made et+rong.' Rheum is so great and so sure a remedy tbat J. E. Hovey sclle it with a guarantee to give eneire sat- 1sfaction,or money, back. A month's treatment only costs $1,00 sold by J. E. Hovey or direct all charge pre- paid front 13, V. Marlton, 13ridgchurg, Ont. • The Whelihaa block at St. Mary's was burned, and the town of '\cine. Alberta, . almost *pod out by Ors last -:eok- !Elisa Lizzie McKay of Leamington is i1:Shing Mrs, .John Howard. Mr. Arthur Ward has moved to the John Elliott farm which ho recently; bought. sitr.Alexander herr oI the 3rd line has gone to Fielding, Sastre, where be 'Will join his brother in his farming operations; ,Miss Jennie Rands was hotne front 1ieigrave for Sunday week. ' Mr. Archie llyslop has returned from the west, his brother William who recently underwent an operation„ making favorable progress. Mr, Will' Evans has been visiting relatives and friends' i'n the vicinity of Bright anis Woodseeek, Mrs. Stevenson of St. Mary's was here last week visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Barron, before leaving for Zion City, Illinois, where she purpos- es taking up her residence. Mrs, Charles Bozell passed away, On Friday week, aged 58 years. She was born in Haysvillo, Waterloo county, and was married at Trow- hridge nearly forty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. RoSell made their home in Rima eownship for a while, Meer-- wards lber-wards residing in Morris toweship and then it Grcy. Two years ago Mr., Itozcll died and now the mother of the home is called. LINES ON Tun DEATH OF JOIUN ENGLISH, DIED OCT. 16, 1011. Aged 46 years. Gone but not forgotten The voice'we loved' is still. .k place made'va tsnt in our honed- Which omeWhich never can be filled. The cold and chilly blast or death Swept o'er his feeble forth, Ile was like a summer flower Fioricet 'neath a sweeping storm. Each day goeth, i.he aged are dying, Hurried on to the .Judgment Seat S Unprepared or unlor;ivcn, They muse go their God to meet. And Oho good that Thou has taken And laid low beneath the sod, In this way the Lord is saying, "Prepare to meet thy God." Oh, that we like him when dying, 'flint shill conscious we ma.y be, ' Would be on tate Lord relying And our faith all placed in Thee, For to all his pale, Lice smiling, :ss4 no to the shortness of his breath. It would press upon each memory • • Women In All 'That we all must taste of death. I May Cod comfort the. bereaved one Parts of Canada ` For with grief her hart is sore. Tell of the health Uodd''s Kidner fills Bring. They Stade a. New Woman o4 Mrs F31ie Amirault, who was a, Victim of Kidney Disease for over a Year. Amirault's Hill, Yarmouth Co., 5. S,, " Mar. 25, (Special)—"Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me." These are the words of Mrs.-liilie Atnirgult of this place. They arc words that have been used again and again by wo- men en all' parts of Canada who have suffered, and who have found re- lief and cure in Dodd's Kidneys Pills. "I suffered for over a year from kidney ;disease,"' Mrs, 'Amirault con- tinues. "Nothing I tried haloed mc. At last some one Vold me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Before I had finished the. first box I ,felt• bel, - ter. Four boxes made a new wo- mao of Inc." No remedy aver given to the public hos brought health and happiness in- to ne rives 01 so rnany woman as Dodd'S` Kidney Prete. This. is to. nine tenths of the ills to which women are subject come. leer des eased ,lcidnc's. No woman whou. 5 S es Ik)tld 5 Kidney can have d,s eased kidneys;They always crtre. Us IF YOU WANT Ti 1Z 1;1:51:` kidney's. t{JAL 1NI) 1'1I0:dP'i' Di✓L•1.V-' 'ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY 1flP-I'LY FRONT US 0Ep,RS LEFT A1' tJ,!iVIS alt ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- ,..TENDED TO. J. W. Stevenson T.11.0:M.A.S. W.A.T.T.5. Practical Boot and Shoe, T';i perirer'' Repairing ;dope promptl3' Sliatycs pub on white you ShaltStraps af Siltst l,uaY r ri .0 ant, length desired. Suit: (_ tsc,s, had 'l mores repaired.. A 'trial , will convince you of the Nentniees anti"1'rom t n E t css with hie)) 1 e_xettire inv 1.rau3.. Open Every i,c'enisg STUR1 OpPOSTC`l '111.11 POl-;TOl rIC}�.. 1 '� TT S;1soes made'11) 05de5, Bitter .Lick ARL.\OI)13 STOCK IN B13ST CONDITION FOR '11115 GFT; BITTER LICK FOB THEM ANI) IUSEP' TIIISM, .• ko1i. LESS TITAN' ONia CEN', P1511 IPEA1) PER BITTER 01Cfi IS Pi ATUEE'S' .OWN 'REMEDY.. ANI). IS 7IADE OF:' EV11 \:'MIING fIC)J'151)S CAf IOE AND r ,: �, ' F fi 1``b' 5111'`l,l L,LD C J � ,P " TI31^.M I ITUFLCTLV IIP)AI.,- ` N TII'ti, _C41Ay11WtiOT).Jh a, i}bp0 Cki(., Il`hi Suhtler( CLG'L9B 1l QNom! 9 I di. a t was a ant 1 dry for her tfhen death came to their door, Ile oaok the one who fiJied A drooping heart with cheer, So. blame her not for weeping She loved her husband nd dear. My husband, how I miss hint Since his face from me is hid, His loving eyes arc closed in death 'Beneath the coffin lid. Yet some day 1 hope to suet etu When this spark of life has tlod, -\ndntd Iteav,,t y joy to greet! him Where no farewell (sears are shed, —By His .Wife. An enquiry into the causes which brought about the Farmers' Bank failure is now bcin'g held, The, Waterloo County Foard of Agriculture has begun •8 campaign for the protection of reelway crossings. J. J. Lauzon of Wiunipcg was' sen- tenced at Montreal to three years as the pcuitontiary for dcirauding tate Dominion Bank, A force'of Turks and Arab& engaged the Italian troops ,at Tripoli on day last week, the fight lasting 'five Hours. The Australian Arttartic ex.pe,dirrion r ship i r. \t eta- roto red' to ,Hobart last week; after laitOMR fisc South Polo oxplortrs• \'telt% 1,04\' RATES AND SPECIAL TRAINS FOR 1IOM'L;SElOKERS, Those taking advantage of the llontoaee!tere'' rseursions should bear. in mind the ni:rny evclueive features oleered by tile Canadian 1'acf1e, Rail• wee in connection with a trip to the Wast, It 15 311(0 only . alt -Canadian route. Onlylined operating . through Standard and Tourist Sleepers to Winnipeg .and' Vancouver. MI cglaip- meet is owned and,operated -by Can- adian l'acitic Railway, em-di'ng ,., the hilrht!st form of efficiency, Dining car s.rvtce t9 nneurpassed. Homeseeks.rs' rates wele be in effect April 2 16, 30, May 14:, 2R, .June 11, 25, :July 9,:23, August (3, 20, Sept. 3, 17, and round,t,rip ticketS will be issued via Cahic»cis ,Paelfic 11811way from •Ontario p0rutS an very lea' rates for ceatupde : lb'anipcg and return, $34, I dtnohtini and return 642, and other points in proportrou. .tele! it lunit e0 de -';i. For the aeYcntttl in •lrte'n l r c 1 5 1 ar itton i (a . lta Pacific llnrlway p issenget'e a, dpeeial train will litre 'Toronto on above (Meese composed of Tourist and ()nest Sleepers. Colonist Sleepers may, be ;occupied frau or charge. Passen- gers, however, must, pro ode their own 'bedding, [ouritif s!riop:lnt; als' will lie operated through to Edmonton via, SSa3katomn, oleo t.ltsouett to Winnipeg and, I,algaiy, 1, n elereto charge •is tirade; ins beethe in 303 ri'1 care. Both 'roiliest teal -Colonist care aro 1coviird vitt Woking t2t ew which trainmen have instr cion' 1) keep in conclitien, Felt parte—mine tram any Canadian Pate ,lie int t elle, Ask lar cap, ql 1Xon,c,,r;ter,',Lan':let. HAS CAPT. SCOTT REACHED POLE? It Sebedule. P,Ianned by Scott Was Carriei - Out the South Pole FYas Reached Last Week .le , Old Year. , (Pniitithere r'reee Newe Servide) Londan. Did either Capt. $eott 'or (3apt:" A,mune1 en reach 'the South Pole au theirs day in 'the principal !topic In Loudon' st the present inc- anent, Tlhat. 4ls dire ambition of-" Capt- R 'F. Sooty, of :the British navy, Ile has had' expereens s In An'tarotic ex- ploring before, hs'ing headed cthe Discovery expedition in 1902. Scott started b'r'im London in June, 11)10, lying by at New 'Zealand unroll Nov. !1, 1910,.when the beginning of spring down there gave hug a C'hanee to items hila vessel, 'the). Terra .Nova, . CAPT. II. P. SCOT:C • 'elraaght south through Ross sea rode �IHc,4nrdo sound, near which he es- Sdabltehed hies winter quarters duse i)I3y ail summer -- winter, down there l Scott's party awaited -the coming lot' 'November — of suznaner -- when ;the journey over .ice and snow was begun; tltrouglt the most - fearful storms that rage .anywhere on earth the explorers went. Ii they .foldo'wed the schedule planned by Capt. Scott, Ile with four picked men, deft the 'pat'ty •at the beginning el December for the l'as't Hiatt &mil for ?Are dopie, hoping to reach it Det:, 25, which cor- responds to cite -norther'n .rune 25, when the sue lasts the •longest and 45 ie tote warmest With time he aseendrel the huge Beardmore glacier, going up 10,000 feet. above see,level where crevices thou„ande of t'cet sleep yawned 101' the itnrepid explorers. With dog sleds and motor sledges the five crept along, ten tables a day, et bear. ' Scotes last word when lie eels? "goosby" 10 the world at, port ...yule - ton, New Zealand, was: "I'll crit eieH .t: _ (':A.rr.:ILOALai AI(UJNI)SEN Christmas dinner Si 1911 at the pole!" The dinner w.itl be eaten on Ole movers! ‘thousand feet. of dee eat. flee over the pole. The dinner might well be imagined t'rarn Sir Ernest Shackle - ton's desori-ptdbn of his Christmas din- ner 111 miles from the pole two years ago \\ c sat around .the conker," he wrote;"waiting for our food, a thin -hocsh — a tetew of everything avail- ale except loather; when it was' ladled out we ,turned our backs on rt:l and each 'man picked his pan. That! we olid .fcr itt some of he pants 13h re', was .possibly littleto more dabah than, , ha ilio others and everybody wanted! the most. 'then a' Mlle wcsatt tee anal' a. bisctuilt finiwbed elle meal. Flow we p!5 the biscuit to make st Iset Imager! li�heu one. dropped 1 crumb )(31a1'e ese a eeralllble for 0." CAPT. ROALI) A111UNDSEIi They may have company .at their, (else isldaaa dinner. Capt 'toned Aniseed rptn Molle 'taro, Is leading ea heave,' May breed o£ Noeweeians into'tlte Antart t4r Last bit v Aanuudsan mailed into, Whales dray en the h'ram. Dr. Nas,-, son's vessel, and stoned t1ri's fail on Isis hunt for the souebarn extremity of the globe, An Auaerien expedition,: 51114er Capt. Dangles Ms.wson, is also la Vie A.t[baretde, but its chancres of: getting' to -tbe pale are slimmer thee, the clothiers'. if either 'Seale r,r .5(ns(ssdsen is ret' t•,he pole today, 'lee won't ;ha.vo any tints to waste, for 'dile deadly whiter, ar i:1[e Anta:retic w•i1,1 bar-;ln 1n' a monde. or so and ''then no ltrIng being .miry get but, anal 'coul'd nut live mall a recning panty' oosl( arrive. After obtorslt,tiolta b81e 13800 merle. the parity will have to tali back into their arlesis abr1, delve bike fury 1n get; back to their base Or sl 331'105, where !,hey will stay until ucvi: anitnatm, 'When WO tripcivfllpaiioan :wi1S colt)- me iteC `, ellea know it !bore's .t 13 ah r we'll el !.hen w or Norwegian flag flattering on the ',bottom et. thee splxore. O ; ] elei ielt :Y. !Australian Labor Party 'l'akes at !leo •Stand. lleibourtte, Aus'tr'alia..- The.l a'bos' reculeree e here will plemme empties, edgy the 'patl(rnlCts ar•y Lebo* party !with the reitas to recall nlcrnbort of ,e,,,,e lanienirwee have been enragetent I•50 thele pledges, 1 p>oitea airc d1x,o d tro tc sstni e an. Statute 10 antonu-lkcaliy unseat tiny Member who imeepee un 183981inl title Constable ,iosoplt Delorme of Ot- tawa scar caught: robbing a hrek'm.y. SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Llnscott for the International Press Bible Question Club. (Copyright, 1911, by Rev, T. S. Unseat, D.D.) March 31, 1912. [Copyrlbht,.1911, by Rev. T. S. Lens • colt, D.D.] R'EVIEW.: - •Golden Text -Tile people which sat in darkness saw great light, anti to them, that sat in the region and shad- ow of death light sprung up. Matt. iv:16. The following questions may be used as an original lesson or as a re- view of the „twelve preceding lessons.. The date and title of each lesson, where found, Golden Text and one question from each lesson follow. Jan. 7. The Birth of John the Bap- liet Foretold. Luke 1:5-23 Golden Text, -Without faith it is impossible to please him. Heb. xi: b'. (1.) . Verse 7—Which is the greatest blessing under present day conditions a large or small family, and why? Jan. 14 The Birth of John the Bap - dm. Luke 1:57-80. Golden Text— Blessed be the Lord God. of Iarnel, for be hath visited and redeemed his people. Luke 1:68. (2.) Verse 59 ---When should the re• llgious education of a chtld commence and how le it best accomplished? Jan, 21. The Birth of Jesus. Luke 11:1-20. Golden Text—For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 11:11. (3.) Verses 11'13 --Why was the birth of Jbsus good tidings to the shepherds and to all men? Jan. 28. The Presentation in The Temple. Luke ii,:22-89. Golden Text —'!''or mine eyes have seen thy sal- vation, which thou hast prepared be- fore tiro !'ace of all peoples. Luke i1:30.21. (4.) Verses 22-24—Why would it not be a good practice to formally pre- sent in the church all children to the Lord? Feb. 4. The Wise Men Led by the Star. Matt. 11:1-12. Golden Text-- I.00k unto mo and be ye saved all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there Is none else. Ism x11:22. (5.) Verse 2—What evidence is there, if any, that God has revealed Himself to other peoples besides the Israelltea?, (This Is one of the ques- tions which may be answered in writ- ing by members of the club.) Feb. 11. The Boy Jesus to the Tem- ple. Luke 11.40.52. Golden Text-- Mow text- M3ow Is It that ye sought me? Wiet ye not that 1' must be In my Father's ? douse. Luke 11:49. (6.) Verse 40—Was this experience nt' tate boy Jesus or growth, spiritu- aiity and wisdom any different from what, any other boy might have? Feb. 18, The Ministry of John the Baptist. Matt 1:1.8; Luke 111:1.20. Golden 'Text. --Repent ye. for the king- dom of heaven is 'at hand. ' Matt. 03:2. (7.) Mark 1:4.8—What die. John's baptism stand for? Feb. 25. The Baptism and Tempta tion of Jesus. hark 1:9.13; Matt. iv: 1.11. Golden Text—For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted. Heb. xi;18. (8.) Mark r:9—Repentance was a condition of John's baptism, Did Jesus have any freed of repentance'' Give your reasons. March 3. The Call of the First Disciples. Mark 1:1.4.28; Luke 1':1.11. Golden Text—The harvest truly le plenteous, but the taborets are few. Pray ye, therefore,: the Lord of, .the harvest that he will send forth la- borers into•his harvest. Matt. 15:27- v$. ' (9.) Verse3 19-20—'Witt 414 Jesus ,clave a preteieuco tor unlearned fish- ermen rather than scholars to become kis chief apostles? March 10. Jesus the Healer. Mark ,4:29-45; Matt, iv:23.25. Golden Text r --Himself, took our indrmlties and hare: our sicknesses. Matt. vitt:1T. (10.) Wltat reason is tbere to'ex-" God d t will heal .. ectt that o.l n these deem b y our sick i t anyway r' semblln tJr. C t e $ N. Manna to which Jesus healed latch people? March 17. The Paralytic Forgiven 'gond Heated. Mark 11:1-12, Golden '.text—Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget not' all his benefits, who - for giveth- all thine iniquities, who heal eth all thy diseases. Ps, ciii:2.3. (11.,) Verse 3-0f how, much bene- fit is it in' Iltese days 50-- bring 'Our sick ones to Jesus? • March 24. Feasting and Fasting Mark 15:1$-22. Golden 'Text- I came opt to call; lhe;rlghteous, but`siuners. Mark 11:17. (12.) Verse 15 --What'' geed oP bares is done tke cause of God by flaring banquets 01' other, festive,gatherings in connection with Christian work? Lesson for. Suuylay, April 7, 1}112. The Appearances of the Risen lord. (Vaster lessou.),, 1 Coy, r :111. ,5135110 FIRST. Abdve all things bake' ears of your hair, your appearance' depends on the care you give 3105tr hair, The heal- thy hair you have seen and wished tor is yours if you will use Sagciue; There is no drrssiag so nice and so rnvigoraeing to the scall!: Soft, thick luxuriant byes 45 the result of v ,Sagefne 'treatment. 3s'dur hair is the first!' aed greatest tie your:hoau ties, nothing well look half no beaut- iful as your hair. .Sageine 'Imo grown beautiful flair for glen and women• overywhoee and Sageine is guaranteed and sold by J. E. i Hovey to give you a clean, healeeey scalp, free irons dand etre Sagelne grows trio hair. in 'thick and sofa; ie e not •stinky or greasy and is ubt ado(et. a large bottle, today it costa only vide ata ,J. ly, flovey's or direct, all charges prepaid trans 12. V. Marion 13ri'dgs-' bltrg, One; MOO Sa r a •aril1a is The Ideal Spring Medicine Alterative and Tonic Pleasant to take, agreeable in action, positive in effect-. Purifies the blood, strengthens thebuilds nerves, 1 ds up the whol-e 'system,'Get it today. Sold by all druggists. leteuistie' of ene Saw "01 case see rod eo'wses b'looln,itet" eaiig lite Htreet vosalist, avd hr: was about to broach the second spasm: when, a carpenter's apprentice beck- oned firm to hie', side, • "I'll give you tuppence," are de- clared, "3t you'll stay in this s'liecl lend sing '011 S come back. I'm dying, for a drink of milk." And the song - ester assented. :Soon the apprentice reappeared, and paid over the twopence, "1 b''pOee," said the vocalist, "that 'my voiee is about the same as yours, au' you 'thought your boss wouldn't ksaow 'the difference—eh?" °^ The other Looked at kiln indignant - fly, and then replied:- "Your voice the same as mine! If you wetnt to know, it's the same as my saw's, and I wanted the guv'nor to thinit I'was working hard an these HOMESEEKER'S EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN' CANADA-. Via Chicago, including all points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, April , 2nd, lath and 30th e May 14th and ' 28511 ; Juno Ilth and 25fh e July , 91li and 23rd ; August 6th and 20th ; September 3rd and 17th ; Winnipeg and return 334.00 ; Edmonton and re- turn 342.00, Tickets good for 60 days. Proportionate rates to prin- cipal points ' in Manitoba, Saskat- chewan and Alberta. I11omoseokere Excursion Tickets will also be on Sale on certain dates via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. Full partirrilars, tickets and ilhsstraeed literature from any •Grand Trunk Agent, or write A. E. Detf, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont, A MOI)RRI1 WIZARD. Love Analysed as a Disease, au;i`. ;tledieel Mau Offers 'Treatment for "Misplaced Affection. ,A. London doet0rhart been analysing the disease 0J3led 1ove. From a pay= etiologist's standpoint he defines what is -popularly known as "falling kl. love" as a mere eryetallbeation of •, whole set of emotional tendeaetes met ideas round coin object. 'i'hee "nucleus of ideas may beeotm. eolidilied and grow in strength," and to see that It dies so is the 'tacit of the psychologist, alw:aya providing, or eouree, that the remuneration makes it worth his while .to gall into olive lire weird and wonderful powers. Granted a generous reward on an cash basis, our psychologist a:dvese" well "unravel our mental tangles and cure our bad habits," But tires., trifles are merely dealt with by the way, when trade is bad 'andlovers possibly luny be scarce. Uuder or- ; dinars circumstances the task see himself by the psychologist is "par- tieularly to remedy cases of ogre - gaited love or jealousy." This gentle than will "educate and divert these ideas — provided the subject is wilt- ing — so that the loved- object time .,scone„ a were annoying incident in ¢tee's lute." Further good Mewed l eontagn d in the deciararOon that "husbands sis&l rives who get borae with - each other may be made Kapp:+' and contented in each other's so- ciety." It Is altogether a glorious - vista that liber modern warlock open., Up to humanity, ilia subtle- spells and magically acquired powers wit: give us — at a certain fee per head a Mete or the fearful joys of a." eharlatan s elyslum. We smugly pride ourselves that we live ire an enlight- cued age; but the appearance or tier psychic treatment for misplaced al- feCtlOss and other Ills to which we ant heirs suggests some doubts on the HER HAIR GREW. That's Why a Thankful Wotirasi Recommends Parisian Sage. W. S. R. Holmes will sell a fifty cent bottle of PARISIAN' SAGE and guarantee it to banish dandruff`, stop falling ' hair and itching scalp or money back. It's a deligheful )lair dressing that makes hair !Pa- trons and fascinating. "In the spring I was reriover10g from a severe attack of erysipelas, which lett me almost 'bald on the front of my head and next to my ears: The hair kept coming out rapidly ane! nothing I used stopped my getting entirely bald, until 1 us- ed two bottles of PARISIAN SAGE, The; tonic made my hair start to grow in and, in fact grew' me a good fair amount of hair, and. it: has entirely stopped my hair falling out. 10 is with pleasure that 'I give a public recommend to PA'RISIANi SAGE, which I know is a wonder.", Mrs. Ella 'Gilchrist, W. Pitt St., Redford, Pa. They Are Guaranteed A guarantee goes with every one of our Watches so you take .no risk. The price too, is right. If you need a watch let's show you ours. R. COUNTER CIi boon., Jeweler, ISSUER OF MARRJAGII LICENSES. utter Wrapper Iyer Good Buttsritbere is always is br(itk'rimmed 5,(he toe' price Cha market pays, liven 4n.td utt 1 . -q) 85en dnrte't iu a neat; er0ap- C i3 rr bok, acgt tp so r . liar whir olio maker a na[vt', hosl',niTiee and nava f dal y 15115 stiao advertises the maker and brings more eustomors. If or are not now using the printed wrs fere. tryone lot.. ' you e O tug 1, pl. If you etaartusing thern, you win contemns eo-welt )rleic,eel will,you be. There's 1a' ream io Ir (iackelipe and Mae cost as m: 1 �fOrdera 'Supply at the Office of Td. News ecord..