HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-03-28, Page 1No. 1724-321nd Yea
YOU are inviteduto The Huron County StockShow to be held in Clinton Thursday Next
for ----
Hoi•sea Show
1.00 ,Alexin C1oeka for 75c guaranteed for ole year.
We have also Alarm Clocks at higher' prices,
Be aura you see the "Big Ben." We sell it.
W. '(eI14ar
meter and Optician - - Clinton
The. Royal Bank
Capital $6,250,000. - Reserve $7,000,000,
The Annual Statement, shows the following increases for i911.
lelo . 1911
Deposits $72,079,607 $88,294,808
Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,512
207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
N Y.
ti R
'A quiet wedding oceured on Mon-
day at the Rattenbury House whdn,
Mrs. Glendon and Mr.:Joseplt Town-
send were united in marriage by Rev.
C. E., Je4akins, Mr. and Mrs. Town-.
send` will :continue to reside in town
and their friends *offer congratulations•
and ,good wishes, -
A:meeting of the Temperance work-
ers. of ,the country cin be :held in
Wesley church on -Friday of this ween.
The,'etteatien will be gone ever : and
plans laid for the coming -Local Op-
tion 'contests in the different municip-
alities which will vote on the quos-
tion, next eleotion day. In the event -
nn open meeting will be held'
which., wilt be addressed by Rev. Mr,
Power to weld together all the
independent 'telephone; systems 01 the.
province was given to the Ontario
Railway board yesterday afternoon in
the legislature, 'when the "telephone"
bill introduced by Hon, I. B. Lucas
was passed in committee of .the
whole. This important piece of leg-
islation not only permits a joining
toge?her of the tmdependent telephone
systems, but also provides for an in-
terchange of communications between
the differen? systems connected.
The hill also makes it clear that
no munielpai ity can grant an ex-
clusive franchise to any telephone
system without a vote of the people,
and this clause, it is expected, will
be objected to by the Bell Company.
The Salvation Army had a grand
rally on Saturday evening and . Sun-
day last, when Col, 'Pugmire, field
secretary for the Army in Canada,
was present and conducted three ser-
vices The meetings in the Army
Citadel Saturday evening and Sunday
,uesossmarraans ese morning were very well adtendcd,
r while the mass ineeting in the town
hall on Sunday afternoon called out
a large crowd. Col. Pugmire, who
has done mos? effective work among
INCORPORATED 1855, the prisoners of the Dominion, told in
Te Molsons Bank
Record of Progress for Pive Years -1906--1 i
OAPITA.L . : $2.000,000 $4,000,0001
RESERVE 3,000,000 4,00 (11000
DEPOSITS . 9-3,077.730 • - 35,042,311
LOANS AND INViISTMENTS' . 21,457,090 38,854,801
TOTAL ASsJ1 S , 33,090,19'3 48.937,284
Has 53 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents itt;all
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branch's. Interest allowed at highest cureent vale.
elicitor& Branch - E. Dowding, Manager
--- for the --
by buying a Raincoat
which is' the `° Jack-of-
all-trades." If it looks
misty, you slip into your
Raincoat. If it turns to
snow — well 'and good ;
and if it clears up all
right, Your Raincoat is
as dressy ' as any ' light
weight Topcoat you could
wear. The Raincoat of
today is a different propo-
sition from the coats of a
few seasons ago. Our
Raincoats are made by a
maker with the reputa-
tion for making the best,
We bave a splendid
showing of correctly, cut
coats in new fabrics and
Colorings at
$6.50 $7.50
$12.00 $I5.00
picturesque language some of his ex-
] periences with "Human Derelicts,"
Iand explained the work being carried
on so successfully by the Array among
this class. In the ,.evening Tao Col.
I conducted another service in, the town
Col. Pugmire is the father of Capt.
Pugimtre, the energetic' office now ine
command of the local corps. IIo has
had a long experience in Army wort:
and good results will no doubt follow
his volt to Clinton.
A pretty wedding tookotlaco at high.
noon on Saturday last at the resid-
ence of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley,
:,ran Mary street, when their youngest
daughter, Ruby Jean, was united int
marriage to :Mr, William Bryan Buck
of Jacka'on, Michigan,
The ceremony was performed by Rev
1), K. Grant and was witnessed only
by 'immediate friends and relatives,
the bride's :.esters : Mrs. R. J. Duns
more of St. Thomas ; Mrs. D. H. C.
Bowen of Washington Courthouse,
Ohio ; Mrs. Pau' Bowen, Tecumseh,
Michigan., and Miss Isabel Paisley of
Ithica, Washington, ail being present'
for the happy event.
The bride, who was given away by
her, father, wore a handsome gown of
white broadcloth and Irish lace and a
dainty. Juliet.eap and carried al beau-
tiful bridal boquet of lily-ot-the-valley
and roses.
The maid of honor, Miss Isabel
Paisley, wore a frock- of white satin
veiled teeth pea green chiffon, a white
aigrette in her hair and carried pale t
pink carnations.
Mr. Stewart Paisley, brother of the
bride, was bes' man.
.The bridal party stood In front of
a bank of palms and lovely yellow
Mrs. Paisley; mother of the bride,
wore a' handsome gown oil black chif-
fon, Mrs. Dunemore was daint-i'y
gowned p ink satin,_rs D. H. C.
Bowen in brown satire w:th apricot
trimmings and a corsage. boquee of
violets, Mrs. Paul Bowen in pink
satin veiled with grey chiffon, and
Mrs. L. 0. Paisley in aliee blue mes-
When the ceremony was concluded
and the newiy-wedded pair had 'ire-.
ceiveB the congratulations of the,
assembled guests, they led Um way
to the dining •roomwherb a • dtthaly
wedding feast was spread.
The decoration scheme in the din-
Ing room was very effectively carried
out, pretty pink spring flowers, and
their delicate green foliage being used.
The center of the bride's ,table was
.c' beautifully arrangeh basket of flow-
The toaeb to the bride was proposed
by Rev, Mr._ Grant and responded to
by the groom,
Besides the immediate family those
present from a distance included;
Mies, Macdonald of Galt and - Miss
Zieman of Preston, girl" friends et the,
bride, and Master Clinton Densmore
'01`58. Thomas, a nephew.
Mr. and. Mrs. Buck left' amid show-
ers .of oonietti on the 4.20 train the
same afternoon for their home in'
*Jackson, Michigan, the bride wearing
' a handsome travelling suit oP green
and .loan :corded silk with .hat to
The bride is followed to het new
home:' by the good •wishes of her
many friends le Mitten, in which' The
News -Record very heartily joins.
Children's school •umbrellas, self=openers,,
special at, 75
Huron's Largest CIothliers
"A quare Deal for Every Man"
Wheat 950.
Peas 90e,
Oats 480.
Barley 70e to 80e.
Butter 30e to 31e.
Eggs Ile to 22c
Beans prime white 81.85 to 51,95.
Live hogs 87.35.
Mr, J. G, Cram, who went, west
with his parents thirty years ago and
located iii Pilot Mound district,'
Man., has rented his farms, sold his
effects and iast week arr.`a'cd with
his wife and family in Clinton, He
has rented One of Mr. Snyder's hou-
ses. on Huron streets where they
have taken up , their .abode. 'Huron
andClintonlook good to this 'worthy
family and they will in all probabil-
ity continue, to abide here or in the
vicinity, Mrs. Cram.' end Mrs. T.
McCartney of town are sisters.
Mr. A. A. Barton, whose death re-
eenely occurred in Bretnerton, ,State
of Washington, was born in Clinton
and spent his boyhood in Kincardine.
He went to Seattle iri 1888. Later
he was elected 'presidentof the iron
moulders' union in. that city and also
served as president of the Western
Labor Union and,as a city councilor
during the nineties. Mr, Barton died
at' i'he age of fifty-three years. 42e is
survived by a widow, a brother living
'at Seebeck, two sisters, Mrs. Anna
Gillies, oe New Denver, B. C., and
Mrs. E.'(1. Knowles of Seattle, also
a niece, Miss Bessie Ferguson.
The good Citizenship department
had charge of the League meeting Mon-
day evening and the program was
given by the young men. Welling-
ton Cook ?Jolt the chair, Carl East
gave an interesting reading explain-
ing some points of law, Robert Ir-
win gave a short and pithy address
on the responsiibilities of ei'tizeuship,
and elle boys' choir sang a clioree.
Rev. Mr. Miller, representing , the
children's'Aid Society will occupy the
pulpit next Sunday morning and give.
some outlaw of the work accomplisk-
ed along this tine. The pastor will'
conduct a special service at Holmes-
ville in the morning,; but will occupy
his own pulpit in tee. evening.
Now that the spring. is almost here,
at'leayt it is duo to arrive, it is trine
for the members of the Horticultural
Sooie5' and every Householder in
town, to begin to carry, out what-
ever plans have been made For, a
campaign of town beautification, And
If no delirdte plans have been made
it is high time to formulate some.,
If there is bttt a concerted offort'along
this line in a very few years Clinton
be the pride of Western Ontario,
This town as entering upon an era
of material progress and while our.
e, "ic fathers are busily engaged in
boontingits business interests let
the part of beauty not be forgotten.
There is no reason at all why com-
mereial progress and civic beauty'
should not go, hand in hand.
'Phe planting of, extra poles along
our main business street by the Bell
I'elephone Company does' not add any-
thing to the scheme of beauty;, and the
time is coming when such unsightly
blemishes will not he allowed, and
those already up gild be ordered
down, but that is in the future. Much
can be done, however, if every loyal
ciitieen• will but take of his coat and
do .lisown little stunt elle a wicl.
On Tuesday evening the congrega-
tion of Willis church held an A 1.
lloine, which was largely attended.
The gathering' _ was for the two-
fold purpose of welcoming the new
and farewellfng t'he late pastltr, Rev.
Dr. Stewart who was present for tate
occasion. - Rev. Col is Fletcher, of
Thames Road, Moderator of the Pres
byp„ry of Huron, an old eless mate
o1 Dr, Stewart's and a iffe long iri
e:el, occupied the chair, filling the
.position with great tract and accep
dance.' •
After the opening exercises , Dr.
Gunn was called •upon and• in a rely
wall-turnedphrases spoke of, the long
pastorate of Rev. Dr. Stewart, of
his raithfnl work and the regret felt
by all at his enforced rotirernen•t
.from ?:se active, ministry, and asked
him to accept the accompanying gift
as <a slight' token of rospeet. and es -
teens from his old congregation .and
friends in Wa'lis church. The gift
was a cheque for 2800.
Dr. Stewart replied with his usual
calmness and grace, though Ito was
deeply moved by the kind words and,
this Sangibie .;-nark of appreciation
from his friends, to whom he 'th-
inned hearty thanks.
Mr, Geo, D. McTaggart then being
called ,upom, road .an address of wel-
come to the new paster, Rev: Mr.
Grant, who replied in suitable lang-
The choir 'rendeted Several selec?
ions daring the eyening and Mr. Ray-
nor contributed a solo.
,At the concius'on' of the program
all, repaired to the lecture room,
where the ladies had prepared abun-
dant rolreshmentts which were thor-
ough,y' enjoyed. During the pro-
gresst of the lunch i'leese present had
an opportunity of meetitg again
their late pastor and, those who had
not yet ':dons 'so, of becoming ac-
queinted witch the new' one. The
evening was very pleasanttly spear
Major Shannon of London was in
town on'Monday transfetr'ieg the
arms of Clinton' Company 'from Cap-
tain Rougv:re of Godeu•iclt township
to Captain Henri Jordau of Brant-
ford. Capt,. Rougvie goes on the
staff as musketry instructor.
The fifth .annual Iluron Cotint.y,
Stock Show u111 be held in Clinton
qn Thursday of next week. The
whole countryside is talking"" about'
`this coming event arid, beyond a
doubt, it will be the biggest and
'best yet. The best horses and eat
tie in the whole county wilt be here
on' Thursday,' April 4th.
The house building committee has
"been 'active. and !tas.
gained much f
formation. which it will present a?
a meeting of citizens to be held is
the town hall tonight. 'There should
be a great big a'tendauee for every
citizen will hear much that will
beneelt Trim. Your presence of it-
self will be encouraging and it Will
imply that you have become interest-
ed. We can all. Help more .or less.
Hanging in the big butcher shop
of R. Fitzsimons aiid Son thee° may
he seen any day several carcasses of
beef from the Swift abattoirs, Tor-
onto. To a curious 'one, who_ want-
ed to know why was this thusly,
Mr. harry Fitzsimons said :, "'Phe
tact of the matter is it 1st almost
impossible to buy beeves in this
section at the present time, at stay
rate those who have cattle to ell
are asking such a price that i t rays
us better t";) buy from Swifts. 'That
is practically all ; there is to it."
The 'Clovernment's hill to create a
rural free mail delivery branch of the
Post -office Department was passed in
the house of Commons oft Tuesday.
1 oshmast r-Generalexplained
that the 'new hxanclt would be maty
aetl by a superinttendent to bo aa-
ieeted from the existing department-
al staff and entploye,s in the inside
service and the post-otfce inspectors
and their staffs in the outside ser-
vice. 'This plan met; with no op-
position, but a lengthy debate took
place 011 the section authorizing the'
rest -master -General to employ per-
sons having special skill and :vestal
knowledge of local conditions to as-
sist iu the 'laying out of rural mail
On Monday °vetting the League.
gave .0; contest program, 'Inst on by
the captains of the two sides w1t0.
are working for an Mee:lee of mem-
bership. The "Rods", captained by
11, Pickett, put on a patriotic pro -
grant' of half an hour. 1t was op -
toed by the singing of the "Maple
Leaf", as a boys' ' chorus. Mr.
Hawke gave a short address, Miss
Carrie: Sli ()ley gave an exeotlene
reading and Miss Maud \Viltse sang
"0 Canada" in her 'sweetest voice,
,1 trio and a quartette were also giv-
en ani the singing of bee national
anthem brought this part to a elose.
'Phe "Blues", captained by Dewitt
Comets, opened chair part or the pro-
gram with a "Spring gong' excell-
ently rendered. Mrs. Oibbiegs sang
a charming solo, Misses Grant and
1`ourtica each contributed a reacting
and Mrs. Couch and Miss Lobb sang,
a duett. A quartette followed and
the program was concluded by the
singing of a chorus. Messrs. Hart-
ley and Tucker' were the judges and
gni e their deeleion in favor of the
"Reds" though it was genera5ly ad-
ntit'ad that honors were about ewe),
Owen Sound Times :—"Death' came
suddcnity, to Mrs. Charles E. Dowding
of Clinton on Tuesday morning, after
a comparatively short illness. The
sad intelligence carte as a terrible
shock to Mrs. Dow ang's numerous
Owen Sound fttiends, the ma'nrity of
whom diel not know that she had been
ill. The immediate amuse oft death"
Was heart; failure; folloivlrf; three
weeks cif Minces, whieh had not, how-
ever, beep ' thought dangerous, until
about four days prior to 'l'ueeday,'
The end came very suddenly, Mrs.
Dowcdng, nee Lilian LePan, Parker,
was born at Owen Sound thirty,nlno
years ago, being the second' daughter.
of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Parlxer• Tenth
street west,. Twelve years ago she.
was married to Mr. ()Naples E. Dow-
ding 'low Manager of the' • Clinton
branch of the Moesons ,Barie. • Mrs.
Dowding had a verttable host of
friends in Owen Sound. Unassuming•
and of a singular 'kindness site could
hardly fail of ' gal/ling' a high: place in
the esteem of all' with whom site came
rei contract. She was particalerly ac-
tive in church Work, being a member
of the Anglican ChUttelt. The remains
Were removed to Owen Sound yester-
day, and the funeral taken 'place to-
morrow afternoon from the residence
of Mrs. Dowding's Jlarets?,,; Mr. and
Mrs, S. J: Parker. Surviving Nets. ".
Doweling, besides' her beret t' husband
and parents, aro 1110 siseors, T1rs.
John Billings, Winnipeg, and Mrs. 11'.
McClung, at present at home, Mrs,:;
Billengs in expected home this evening
to bit present at tee ebsequ;es. The
pallbearers will be : Moses. • J. R.
Watltwrir;bit,21.13'''rnitit, eV. 13. Ilam
shave, J. IC, McLauchlan and W. ,N.i,
Chisholm of Owen - Sound, and .. W,
Jackson of Clinton:
The special general meeting et the
Board of Trade, that was adlous:ted
on account of the inclemency on the
weather, will be hell Tuesday even-
ing next at 8 p. tn. sharp, A lull
attendance is especially requested;
The town of Seaforth has a good
insurance rating as the result of a
fire alarm system some time ago in
stalled and very highly spoken of.
It has so speeded up " elie 'brigade'
that :,t has beaten all previous runs.'
The system was installed 1 y 14 er,,sr9'
Forbes, sons of Mr, Arthur ' le e bes,
-Mr. Wm. Routledge has nought
what has been known as the Steep
on street, of wvhrch
he has been a tenant for some time.
He purposes improving ie and when.
the carpenters, pas -eters wad William
himself have finished the tasks al-
lotted, Nem the residence will ` he
Hardly recognizable, Citizen Rout-
ledge is geing to have a nice pro-
perty, wethoutt a doubt.
•Mr. James Sheppard, who has not'
been enjoying good health for some
time, during the past few days
has been' very low and at time of
writing small hopes are entertained
for his recovery. His son, Clar-
ence, of the Royal Bank stall, Ire
quios, and daughter, Miss Grace of
Lambeth, have been .' called home.
Another daughter, Mrs. Ilenderson,
has been assisting her mother in.
nursing lent fol some time.
On Saturday last the death occurred
aC Blyth of Mrs. Edward Haggitt,
who was a sister of Mr. J. B. I t t-
ile and of Mrs. K. Whitehead of
town. Deceased leaves her husband
and a Mutitly of five sons and ono
daughter ; Edward, John, Lew";,
George e and '
Alfred, and h're. Wm.
Doubledee of Southampton,
Mama -took place on Tuesday of
this week to Union cemetery, 131yt11,
endfwas largely attended. The ser-
vices were conducted by Rev, Mr,
Farr and tate floral trihittss were
very beautiful, expressi,tg as they
diel the esteem in which tele deceas-
ed lade was held and also sym-
pathy 'tor tite bereaved family.
Mrs. Stewart, a former resident of
Victoria street, Clinton, died on
Sunday last a.t the home itf her
daughter, Mrs. Walter Townsend of
Brantford, The deceased lady had
been ailing for some tlrnc and she
spent a few weeks in town LL:s win-
ter." in the hope that the charge
would benefit her: She did not re-
gain her strength, however, and re-
learned to Brantford early title month
and from that time gradually sank
until death claimed her. She was "a
woman of kind and cheerful disposi-
tion and had many friends in and
about Clinton who will: hear with re-
gret of her ticking off, Several from
the vicinity and from Colborne,
where , she formerly lined, attended
the funeral in Drantlord. Cue dao
ghter, Mrs. Walter; Townsend, stir-
The special subject for next Sun-
day's services are : morning, "The
call from the Cross" and in the ev-
ening, "'Judas Iscariot",
Next week being "holy week" -a
season of special endeavour in the
spiritual life -there will be. service in
the :church each evening at 8 p. m.
when a series of devotional addresses
well be given on the "Seven 'Last
words from the. Cross," ns follows
Monday—"Father., forgive them, for
they know not what' they • do." Tues•
day,—"Today shalt thou be with Me
in Paradise," . "Women ' behold thy
son l- Son, behoj3 thy • mot"acre" Wed-
nesday—"My God, My God, why Bast
Thou forsaken Me 7" "I thirst,"
Thursday—"It is finished", "Into 'l'hy
hands, I commend My spirit,"
On 'Good Feiday there will be ser-
vices at 10-30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Fur-
ther details of the Easter services
wird appear next week.
Ladies' Guild Tea next Monday.
On 111daY- evening f^]as) the choir �
5t,. Aiidrew's church toot at the Roma
ei Mrs, Jas, . Ferguson,, the organist,
to spend a social evening with Mies
Laura Richardson, on the eve of her
approaching' marriage, Miss Rieh-
ardson has been ee soprano soloist and
her chair wet. be difficult to 1111.
The possessor . of a splendid voice
and at willingness to use ft made lieit
services always in demand; The'
choir took this opportunity- of pre-
senting Miss Richardson' with' severei
pieces of silverware as a slight tok-
en of their appreciation, Rev, Mr,.
Maefarlanp in a few well-chosen and
pleasing words addressed Miss Rtpls,
arclson and Mrs. Ferguson made Feu
presentation, Afterwards dainty tem
fresitments were served and at 't the.
stroke of midnight all joined betide
and sang, "Auld Lang S -pee." Heart c
congratula'lons and good wishes wilt
Sol3w Miss Richardson to Nor neve
home in rho west and it is the
wish of her many friends hereabout?
,':eat she may long be spared' to use.
her: sweet voice for the pleasure ani
the help of many in bee new place
of abode, even as she, del here.
Mr. William Balkwell has returnee
lie the village after spending the past
two months at London.
Mr. Thomas Myers of Blake spent
Sunday and Monday in the village.
Mr. J. Steinman its spending a few
days at Zurich this week:
Mrs. A. E. Erwin left last week f„!
Wier Lon to visit her parents, rbIt.
and Mrs, S, Beattie.
Miss Richardson and her brother
Mr. Robt. Richardson, sang a duet at
the, morning service in St. Andrew's
church on Sunday last which was
much appreciated.
Mr, and Mrs. George Acheson lefe
on Saturday for Medicine Hat, Alt r.,
where they inbend to remain for .:e
Grippe has been getting in some of
its finework aroundiere f
or ,aepast
few weeks. Almost every person you
meet is just taking or 100 recovering
from art attack. Among those who
stave-iteen suffering from its effects
are both our. genial merchants. It it;
hoped that no serious results wilt
follow and that this cheery burg wilt .
soon he able to show a clean bill o;
(The W. M. S. .of the Methodlet
church will have their usual F,astr.•r
thank -offering on Sunday next whin
Rev. J. E. Ford. of Menton wilt
preach -a ,special sermon in the mor:-
Ilohnesville Council of C. C, C. 3'.
held their annual supper a3 that home.
of Friend. Geo. Holland on Tuces a
evening last. A. good time is se-
potted, ,
The Cheese and Butter Co is mak-
ing preparations to start manufactur-
ing cheese, With Mr. Ted Williams as
maker ?lie success of the company
Godericli Township Telephone Sys-
tem is installing a nunmer, of -teen
phones which means the work of that
Systfem is satisfactory.
The auction sale of tows mei
young cattle held by Holland am
Conneh was well attended. Good
prices were realized, Mr. Holland has
again gone south to get another
load of stock steers, heifers arta
cows 'and if. procured will they e'.
put on sale in the near future.
The Sterling Bank has made its
branches at Baypeld and Verne entit-
o5y; separate, a manager being ap-
pointed at :each place. Mr, Robert
Beatty will be in charge here, tea:'
Sterling people thus making art excoll-.
eat and `popular choice. Mr. Beette.
has been with the Bank for several
months, •principally on relief work. .
Ile has moved his fami'ry hero
they have taken tip their abode
the Davidson resid0nce an Male
Bring Good Resets,
I•Iave you ttti^.fl our small
Ad, cols. on page 5. They
coat little but bring good
Heads of the Clinton Motor
Car Compang.
John' Craig;
President, ”
E. D. cleghorlln