HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-03-21, Page 8NewsRecot6 • GET READY FOR SPRING. FARI'IERS Get yorxr horses' ready for spring work by feeding DR. HESS' STOCK FOOD ives life vi or and 'energy, and produces a fine glossy coat,' at g g and is a wend©rfal flesh producer. In bags and packages 65c and $1.00. Your can also stake them ready by using a STEWA1i2T HORSECLIPPING VIACH,INE :very horse should, be clipped before being put at the bard spring work. Clipping is most beneficial and humane. The price ot this ,machine is only $9 75. We have the, hand clippers from $1,00 up. CYCLONE SEEDERS This seeder is guaranteed to dis- t tribte seed directly and evenly ov- er the ground. This is the best hand seeder on the market, $1.75 each. SAP BUCKETS and SPILES a urp eare right. woar HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods. W. S. HARLAND . W. 1 HARLAND •••••••••••••••••••• ••0 A SUIT That fits well, looks well and wears well at a moderate price is what we promise from our Tailored - to -Measure men's clothing department. This department of our business is growing very. rapidly. There must be a reason 1 There is, and this It reason is tr perfect satisfaction," " One Satisfied Customer Meahs Many More ZCome in and see our beautiful new range of spring cloths and let us quote you some prices. It will sur- prise you how moderate our prices are for such high:- class work. Easter ordters should be in at once as. the depart - went will be rushed to its ,utmost at this time and some may be disappointed. THE WRITE=AWAY FCUNTAIN PEN Its the best 25c Pen, wehave seen. It wont . blot, clog or leak. New points are easily put in place When required. It is made in a new way 'and we think a good way, The pen. 25c Extra points lc each. Personalis.`. Mrs. W. J Fyle of 131y01 vas in Clinton. Yesterday: Miss Taylor„ who has been! spending the winter in London,' was to town" for a fey,'' days this week.' Ilev, W. W. Wylie asststed Rev, G. Victor Collins of Wingliam fn ' ev- angelistic seritiees v_angelistic"services last week. Mrs. Robert Dunsmore.of St. -Thomas, Mrs, I). I3owon of'Teoumseh, and Misses 1;sabel and Ruby, Paisley; of Ithioa, N. Y,, are guests this week of their parents; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley- ' 114r. W, Jackson accofnparsed the po- mains of Mrs., Dowdipg to Owen Sound on Tuesday evening,, Major. Rance and Dr. Ball going as far as Stratford. Mr. Jackson will go back to ;Owen Sound for the funeral, which takes place Friday afternoon Mr. H. P. Evans, prominent In the insurance and financial circles of Toronto, and Bir. E. Lewis Evans one of the leaders in the labor movemeut in the United States who were here for the funeral of their mother, have returned to their respective place of abode.' 4 4 • 42 SMALL 1 PLUMSTEEL MOREZ PROFITS BROS.. BUSINESSZ 4 4144•••••••••••••••••••111.11+1144.4-41144••••••••••• ■momm. �� 1 �.1 •vim• •��aw 7.1 •��►� � 7••� ^►•� �• OU1I SHOES i tOR , P°RiNG AND SUMMER 1912 Exemplify in a marked degree the remarkable advan• oca made inthe manufacturethe exceptional styles fluShoes. ere one 11 o readily appreciate and of Utinada's best made shoes.. We have spent • much time investigating and studying. the merits of all the different lines of shoes that have a reput- ation for quality. He have chosen the goods that we know will boost our reputation for good shoes shoes which combinalill that will an shire anf d style at the right price—shoes us your permanent patronage and lead you fall all times to associate our store with the best;;naerchan- dise. JACKSON'S SHOE STORE DISTINCTIVE SHOES FRED. -JACKSON W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Mr. J. B. Hoover is in .Toronto this week. Mr. James Flynn was in McKillop on Tuesday. Mr. Barry Fitzsimons was fn Sea forth yesterday. Miss S. Haley visited Mrs.. Quigleyi of Mullett at the week end. Miss Rumba51 of Ilolmosville spent the week end the' guest of Miss Rudd. Miss Ethel Wasnban has resumed, her school dut,as after several days' illness. Mrs. Dowding Sr. arrived from, Chi cago las'd night and is at the resid- ence of her son, AIr. C. 10. Dowding. Messrs. Indo and Onslow Welt were in Seaforth on Sunday, having gone down to see Mr. Isaac i iodeland who is very 111. r Mrs. E. Rodaway went to Midland on Saturday for an extended visit with her mother, Mrs, Bri i.;ondcn and her sister, Mrs. C. Adair'. Mr. R. J. Chuff was is Toronto this • week attending the annual *meeting of the A. O. U. W. Grand Lodge as the representative of the Clinton brethren. Mr.,Johu Rlnslord was in London on Monday and Tuesday, from thence going to London where he attended a meeting of the erect' lire of the Diocese of IIuron. Miss Luey Steens was oft duty, for a few days this week, suffering from the prevailing grippe. It is hoped her 'Indisposition wiU he o5 short duration. Mr. and Mrs. Latter will take up their abode in Sergeant ' Welsh's house on Rattcubury street .oast. Mr. Lat•ar is a member of the stall. of the Motor Car Company. Bir. Frank Gibbs has 'rented Mrs. G. B. Ilanley's house on Frederick street and has 'moved his family thither. Mr. Gibbs intends leaving fer the' west to spend the stem. IVliss M. Dale Weds Wm. J. Ross. An interesting event .occurred yes- terday afternoon at the manse, Sea - forth, when Rev. Mr. Larkin, pastor of the Presbyterian churdh, perforat- ed the ceremony wl'.tieh`unitedl in mar- riage Marionette, youngest daughter of Mr, and .Mrs. John F. Dale, of Fairview Farts, 'Hullatt township, and Mr. William J. Ross, son of. Mrs. Lucas Ross a prosperous young farmer of McKillop. The bride was very becomingly at - tined in her travelling suit of navy blue serge with 0 bodice of white embroidered silk. The; ceremony was witnessed' only by immediate fri- ends. A grand reception awai ted• the, ar- rival of the newly -wedded pair at 'the home of the bride's parents, where a large number of invited guests had. assembled. Alter re- ceiving the congratulations of their friends the bride area groom read the way to the bountifully spread tables, where a sumptuous least, consisting of ail the delecacies of the season, was partaken of. The remaining portion of the even- Vag ven,1g was spent in games, music and dancing, which was kept up until a late hour, lunch being serval at mid- night. Later Mr. and Mrs. Ross lcit for their home inMcKillop. Among the invited guests were Mrs. Francis Morrison of McKillop, grand- mother of the groom,` who is seventy- six years of age, and Mr. James McMichae., of Seaforth, who has al- ready passed bis eighty-ninth, year and who thoroughly enjoyed the fes- tivities. The bride and gtoom were the re- cipients of . many beautiful and costly gifts, among thein being a purse ot gold and several cheques, besides many other handsome gifts," vbion'' serve to show the esteem in. which the young couple are held by their large circle of friends. The News -Record joins with the friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Ross hinny happy and prosperous years. __----_-- NN7�NN�• 4N444N4N. y�i4.4N444444�N.... J. B Hoover Nelson Ball r ar. Merit is what wins.' th but not overly dear. days, �. us our liberal_patronage and it's oil merit that gives v • UNIQU DESIGNS Itt house furnishings 31 ire in demand; by those of artistic tastes, A visit = •-= neve will disclose 34261 UNIQUE TTR.N I T U RE FURNITURE - � v 1 TgIAT IS DECORATIVE . 1 ICE PR M' MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN R ' oriret to buy oil kinds of furniture. Huron H sea est'spot,in flat y Thea P Hooyer & B11 • • vTJNP.hTVR.g?t ASID VITN7±7R,A.Li721:0-11CTOREl'' S4r* Os*A *!$ *••A t+so e0®sN'al4 4/7s SO of $44. 444, 64110,0 O+►4*. bier,Missi loreihce duninghanie rctuinsd an Monday after a visit of several weeks with her aunt, Miss Steven- son of Jackson, Mich., and with friends at Grand Rapids, Detroit and other points. Mr, Peter Ker • of Provosts, Alta.,, and his son Will of Walkerton, vis- ited over Sunday , and Monday at he home 'of Mr, and Mrs. 13. J. Switzer. Mr. Ker is an uncle of the latter.-llanover Post. Drs. Shaw and Gandier attended a meeting of the IIuron Medical As- sociation in Vingham on Weans - day of last week A ,.:r the meet - ins a compiementry banquet •was tendered to Dr. Taniblyu, who has practised in wingham continuous{}• for forty years. Mrs. Wray reoeived word on Monday of the sudden death at Cape Town, South Africa, of Mr, T. E. Wray, only brother of the late Mr. 000. W, Wray, while be was on his way, accompanied by his V. le • and two,. children, for a visit to his, home in Hull, England. Mr. John Lanxton who recently sold his market garden on Huron street,' has moved into town and is now nicely settled` in a comfortable cot- tage on Albert street. Tho News - Record welcomes this estimable family to town and trusts{ they will find residence here pleasant. and profitable. Mr. and Airs. David ' G. MVIeLaugittin left on Monday afternoon to return to their home ` at Aberdeen); South Dakota, after an extended Aisle among friends in town and other. points in the.Province. Their stay. was a very pleasant one, sq much so that they would have liked to have remained longer, but then- bt shnen s is business, you know, and Mr. Mc- Laughlin o-Langhili had become anxious to get intoharness again.; It was thirty- oneyears ago last Ft'hday that the first left Clinton for Dakota and a few years later he settled at 'Aber- deen, which was net to nothing that ' c ten but has since so grown then, r' is host' worked 1 Capital bee almost the a 1 Cp way frith its bonnet three years or so ago. While Mr. McLaughlin, naturally thinks that South! Dakota and particularly the Aberdeen . seo- tion, is all right, he freely admits th$f he were a few ycar� younger he would gladly join tlhe rush to Alberta or Saskatchewan, in which so. many Americans are participat ing. However, What he is now most concerned about is the spread of pure Socialists, which is broade than creed or nationality. Hero's hoping that heand his good wiifo may enjoy good health and prosper- ity and come back again to visit us ere long, 1 The "Wee Bowler" is Only Fourscore and Nine. 1 -43 '7 March 21st, (Sit: CLEARING UP THE 1)EPA•12TME NT TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LINES. C. .About onepairslot,- hundred ` in the lot - some slightly soiled by displaying in the white, Paris and Ecro, some verydaintydesigns in, the lot, Regular $1 Store, in wh , for 19c, regular $1.25 for 98c, regular $1..50 for $1.12, regular $2.00 for $1.50, regular $2.25 for $1.75, regular $Z,50 for $1.98, regular $3-,00 for $2.35,, ° regular $3.50 for $2.75. Pil ITAN UNDERWEAR 50C IAUIES' WINTER VESTS CLELRING' A139C. • 10 dozen ladies' winter vests made by one of the largest manufacturers. They arta guaranteed tin., shrinkable, daintily trimmed, our special at 50c, clear- ing at 39c , DEEP CUTS IN SaTTEEN PETTICORTS Very special wcmen's good quality satteen petticoats in black, brown, green and navy, one deep flounce .with two smaller frills, good style, splendid fitters. This is an extra special, don't miss it, clearing at . . , Others at 79c, 98c and $1,12, • 59c Regal Taffeta Petticoats Reduced Four pretty styles in re- gal taffeta, some ' with embroider y and flounc- ing, knittop and Rayboo patent band deep dust frills; reg, .�, $2.25 for $1,50, reg $2 for $1.35, reg $2.50 for $1.75, reg $4 for $3. .. f. WINWOMMINMEMMIMMININIMIUMW The News From Londesboro Rev. W. T. Pearcy attended the in- was made in a sailing vessel, rk-I duction of .Row. D. K,. Gran to the' tended ovor six weeks. They leaded charge of Willis church, Clinton, on In Quebec on May 2.1th, coming on Tuesday evening. up to Ilamilton by tdvcr boats. Tak- Mr. Robert Gibbs of Seaforth spent ing train fr sl�ttled antltoremtaiuetl Sunday at his home here. where they tree years, farming, Mr,. Lyon then came up to Huron' and took up thc. farm which be still occupies. For several summers the returned to tato vicinity of Guelph for tihe harvest season, making the trip both{ ways in succeeded had s ucc til h e of mt on foot, t clearing enough land to sow upon. By sheer pluck and industry 'they suc- ceeded in slaking for themselves and their children a comfortable home. Their family consists of five sons and three daughters, George, Ben, Harry, Thomas and William, Mrs. John Spindler, Mrs. Thos. Sampson and Esther, who is at home. All the chinten reside in the vicinity with the exception of Ben, who is at Brandon, Man., who spent a cou- ple of months hero -thio winter, and Mrs. Spindler of •Lticknow. Mrs. Catley of Mount Forest, a sister of Mrs. Lyon, who was brides- maid at the wedding sixty years ago, is the only one now living who wit- nessed the marriage. • Miss Forbes of Clinton spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 51. Snell. Mrs, D. Fioody and Maser Norman spent a few days this week at 1110 home of Mr. George Biog den ,. ' Mr. Albert 'V'odden has moved into the . house vacated by Mr. R. G. Smith, who has taken up residence on the farm which be has rented from Mr. Vodden. Fred. Crawford spent a few days this week visiting Seaforth friends, Rev. J. L.,.5ntall of Blyth preached in Burns church, Ilullett, on Sun- day morning last; and in Knox church in Londesboro in the afternoon. Pre- vious to the delivery of ills sermon in the afternoon Rev. Mr. Small ad- ministered the rite of baptism to the infant soil of Rev, W. T. and Mrs. Pearcy and the sermon was appropri- Oa to the occasion. Knox church is preparing ion a 0011 - cert to be given on Easter Monday, the program to be presented by . the choir of Willis church, ,Clinton, James Mcalichael. Mr. James McMichael of Seaforth who is widely known as the "Wee Bowler," has passed his 80th birth- day. IIe carries his year's lightly and is indeed a remarkable man for 'one who has. attained' so .great an age. On Wednesday' of this week he was a guest at the ,wedding ..of Miss Marionette Dale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale of Hallett, and was ono of the merriest in the large an.1 happy gathering. Auburn Miss Bertha Manning has returned home alter a two weeks visit at the hone of Mr. W. H. Lobb of Goderiieh township: A men's missionary banquet was hold in'the Presbyterian church on Tuesday evening to consider the lion 'Dollar Budget. M. n the Rev, Victor. Collins preached 'ell on t' chi Sunday afternoon Baptist P last. Mr. Collins is pastor of the Baptist church- ab Wingham. A Diamond Wedding, Mr.. and Mrs. Joseph Lyon, hwhose hone is a short distance north Londesboro, on Sunday last celebrat- ed tho sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. They were married in the Anglican church at Scotten, Lin- colnshire, incolnshire, England, March 171ih, 1851, and shortly after, sailed for. Canada from Hnll. The voyage over which Qoderich Judge. and. Mrs. Doyle annouce the engagement of their youngest Baugh - ter, Theresa Marie, to Dr. William Bernard Power of Seattle, Wash The marriage will take plate in Seattle on1he 10111,of . April. , Rev.' George IJ. Elliott, rector. of St. Peter's, Tyrconnell,, died from the effects of a kick' by lids horse. The children on this happy and very. rare anniversary presented their par, cutis wIth a beautiful and comfortable arm. chair and footstool, and the grandchildren; who number twenty- four, gave them a handsome clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon aro eighty -tout and eighty-one respectively, and arc eojoying ,average health for their age. Their many friends offer congratul- ations on thisoccasion and express the hope that their remaining years on earth may be bright and peaceful. Mullett Happenings Miss Alice Gaffney of London vki.h- ed Miss Mayme Shannailan for a Few days this week. Mr. Loren Tyndall+ sold a three-year old; gelding for $275 to Mr. C. Wallis who.sent it to the west. Mr. Tyndall• has since bought a 'two-year oid that easily tips s the Beam at r not a pound less than 1.100. It cost a big sum, but then: it is of a plass that will grow into still more money. The other evening Mr.' and Mrs. P. Quigley entertained a number ,al their Wends, including several from Clin- ton, ton, a score or so of the yelling people of the ii , hborhood also being present. The hours werespcn't with vocal an instrumental music, games and dan- cing, Bing, the whole evening being„ indeed, a most enjoyable one. of Con- i Charles MacGregor stance has sold. a team of heavy her- sox' 10 MoLeau Bros.. of Pilot Mound, Stan,, for $750. The pair tipped th scale at 3300 pounds. Mr. MacGregor. wanted to keep them for the Clinton Spring Fair but the Messrs. McNee nc couldn't waits as the prairies calling to them and they must go. Constance Mr. John J. Rapson lash week sold to MsLean Bros.` for shipment to their farms at Pilot Mound, Man., a three- year-old colt for winch they paid the handsome sum of 0300. That's ae good price for a colt but this its an exoaptionally fine one. Mr. Rapson sold a team to-1VfoLean Bros. on their last visit a couple of years ago, . Mrs,' James Robertson, who has been visiting her. father, Mr. James Campbell, and other friends , in this and neighboring districts for several weeks„ returnrd,lass,' week to her Itomo oat ,Kinistino, Sask. NEW SPRING SOITINGS The new spriug'suit- !i ings for men's wear are now in stock. Scotch tweeds promise .popular- ity. We show a very ; natty range .in browns, 4' greys and tans from $20 up. Indigo blue and• Wooded black worsteds from22 an, $ f1. Tozer' Brown MEN'S TAILO'RS'' ANI) FURNISKERS.. CLINTON!