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The Clinton News Record, 1912-03-14, Page 6
Clinton News -Record March 14th, 1912 ;.II�..P*.1�,,. ., ,.. - ,.. .....-. _..... ., _.-...,.. ... ... ,:.,-• _. ,. :.: a ..,. ,... mensennuneamesonamemeentelisslislins `..as..��� o. ``, ,.. 99r,. \.�, si,g ((�� q,,,{, r D-QiAD .J. i ,i �i �j HAIR THAT, FASCINATES, tl t Who Wdfnts,.:,;f.jus'trous ,,HarnL'.I+ull of 'Life' and Ilea uty, Start now, madam, this is lust the Month to acquire;.a; glorious 'Mae • o;: hair of Which yob wild justly prqud• coo« DoT R' o� •t A FAIR OPF'IIR 'i ow Mone Back ii ' You't:e 'Nod; y {,1� Satisfied. 'We pay for •• all um Medicine , used during the tr.11, if our remedy fails to: ampletoiy relieve: you'' 4f" atnsti- L'ftL PRIMROSE LEAGUE The •Finn•;;• ' of the 1''oini lit , of :tin t. r`iinteut 7;tdl,istr I,ougte. -- The Primrose .'Was Des net's• 'field's! l;irrant'iti Viewer. ver. It iias reailly a chance rm»PCR whieb `led to hhe„ fnitntiin of rl i Piimrose, i C"I, oe -• tliit:t t oiii.l1 ?til, pot LiC ii orgaiilisrtlon ivht•ch eco -day has, over 1,600,000 memilers. .,, 1 4t afar, en : Auell i,ith, 1888 -• the scecn[f :inntvoii,ax al. Laid Lcacons- aeees dente -. its statute. intra un - : ;let i 1, r .: bun • S' veiled t I a hantent S 1 tate, �:r Henry 1)l ntnm[:lld Wolff, ctlL vl, n at •the: Ccinmens; - laa:c in the nfirraooa, n 1 c, su t er ntterr[lent, of the members' by )IC..o s T i c i : t acloak .raoni., When Sir kleury entered the he teem': the whole tont_ } " 'tie - ,. ;',.,, 1 , ' . . ` �� ' �l� j ° + _ '91 10 :` ., j ; .„ P . SOLD IN AiR7i ;" GrFll ,PAC ACv K _�$ Qi!i.i-Y •'?' ' • • / j, 1 r. Ar of j l "kat „ q kA' "C''' �_ . L h A l , I' ... ei . qE %ij;�'r:, `(.. .,, t(, S �C i@ ,he during the social events of Nititer te{ne.• If you haven 1, used`' 1 ARISTAN SA(rrl' ou aren't, on hitltioad tq.: : � , , i ,: ,. g. • , .: beauty. PARISIAN 4A.GL is tiro ' OrnBxfncrronx; C. B, ''!loot the ,past 41::years, I have been suffering with Rheumatism. When I read in the, papers that GIN PILLS, would osftivel -cure' rile t a ° P.., y . _ i m tistm I, wrote you fora free sample to; try, I . tial farce all the risk, You ;Pareljc)hiol't :oblf ated `to us in'ratty way" hatever g u accept out offer: tivh cvt if "yo a p • o That s a 'iiighty broad statement, out ,. We niealr :every word of it: Cou• ld IS, `.MRc, ..A. ,1 RIGra ;, ,,. ��l r0. '�.5..,® .,g'P: ,t.: '�,,:. .la . 5-.. (...R,f°+,,TE' -, a�+r 4R Ga 'REP 't ° t1••ll ,GPd i )Il �i , (�1�.a Il. '� V" ,.I i • W , fuost deli ht of re arab n' `hat d . g I , P, P o U strays `the d i r germs. sand so td Ufl gc t by doin .removes its a Sheri tin the cause' of dandruff falhat hair : ttah g in, scalp,faded and. , b p, lifeless ]tart: Dandruff germs re uct onists g ms a obstr they prevent. time hair from recervutg could tb0 awful able todrilik, put IS, pup tt � net S pain in mp:shoulder-was not _ Aftertakin aEew'GLN > :. g ,,.: Iryasablofx]rft,m handand- y on t1te, top of uiy head. , `' y,,�, roi. 1 ;' :an titin the more fair, y g f A t. st : scientific' common-sense _ , n. Q;:,LI ,trCatlllent..1S R©hall Orderlies w171C11. fro eaten like candy. Their` active 11 net le Is a eeent scientific discos,-• P P er that is odorl as colorless • aril Y tasteless 1; , ,very pronounced yet 11/AMeNE46' ken gIsloos ! .., ., its proper nourishment by raicnous- ly devouring the same nourishment: Use PARISIAN SAGE fpr one week and- Trate the wonderful improvement f ]j ' :: ,. . AeM. v 4� rin�'." : ��. ���� ;, ' .;tit,,. �'" •�7 / - ,I �1P-• . , A A I' l .Chamber gentle and pleasant in action;' and particularly agreeable lln every way,, do not'Cause diarrhoea,'Mesa., They au a, flatu,,nee, griping ".or any. "ineonven- servaClvi party- simwlarly decorated with ` Lord Beaconsfield's favourite flower. The fact impressed him so much Chat as he walked, home with Lord, T3sndq,ph Cihurohi4i he reinaa)c- „act: ''4vbast a, show of primrose! Thai shou'Ud 1te furitcd tq r, , , ,, accoutnt, al, net ,tart a lnie`was lsa;ue? J.ord•T �untolpdt was instantly rater- ' sated'. "i)ra.w 'up a p1nn" be said 'to tarty• out your idea, and we will see shat can. be done," Intimately ,Lore Randolph and Sir Henry 'were by Sit ; LII I, GfiAIZDS. The hife,C„ . ,ata . rePtnicnts, n of cavalry forming cart of the Britoil g 1 ld-tree househo pa,, Choy are gallant so7ater:,. al.1 every loyal Siritish heart is sou nt the • p,: d m. Not, only the kings household, Pa -yours, ours, , eserybotl} s should have r;*.; lifeguards need of them is est y great is,1 Befall the life, nnnr:itions in which those diseases maketheir u acre most successful attack lyes vigor and n + o n toe ,a all. the :vital. organs and functions, and Imparts/ a ) genial warmth - to the blood,' I% member the weaker tae,: system Lht groom: the exposure to disease. , r.: Ilood ,y Sarsaparilla makes thersys- tent stion • g titre° Good and Sufficient Ileasnne Why Humanity Should Tleep !rr'ay from st AIWA W. S. R.. Ilolmes guarantees it, ',50c g a bottle, GF. �,e I er ��' ,,, . Lente whatever. „Rexall Orderlies are articular] oil f r eh'ldren d P Y go o t aged and delicate persons. Envir m an eat: el- 43b, ., s'R . -•d t-.� If lou suffer' from chronic or habit- nal constipation, or the associa?a 'or. i, , iDampness is iniuriVia because of gtie favourable environment It. pre- Hides for bacterial growth; It affects the health by reducing the supply of ttiRe giving oxygen, and it prevents the from perforating its normal unction of elimination. A damp atmosphere mattes 'us feel vold, This in turn affects the sweat ducts, mhIeh close to keep in the itnal warmth the body, and the The cried of .cam training for��; p p, city corps has been fixed at a faint- mum f five 's an o e da} d as many more as the corps dent:res.. ' The •Government has decided to cx- propriate a site for the new depart- nterital buildings at Ottawa. The. land will cost about fire lnilliou dol- tars. ,, o `� I- I went =riquelon warned I ('in Rhsumatism Gin Pills, :+."..."1/4,,r,..------,,,------ -''-- _ _ . c' - =`f o . m _�J adv r �, _./ 1. Imo' to the Islands of St. Pierre and and met au old fisherman um His limbo were staffves and I gave him some I met hits again in a Few de endent chrome ailments we urge P g you to try Rexall Orderlies at -our-. risk. Remember you canThe get • them in Clinton only at our store. 12 tablets 10 emits • 38 tab,lets 20 cents; 4 50 tablets 25 cents. Sold only at our store -Tile Rexall Store --IV. S, H. I3olines+ Cason,Glrnt jatnad John Gorski and Sit' Alfred ';shade and in, due couriu'thcso lour gentlemen founded g the iatague,•• and: constituted thein- the Tulin; council,. It was origlnall^ Intended to alliin men only, banded in companies of about a huud'ic-d to sot. as mission- arses of the League. Ultimately, how. ever, It was decided to admit ladies; with 'the result that the membership when rreiffest of clis- eases, find allies in the very, elerecnts as colds, influenza, catarrh,' the grip, mid puniuttaniai; do iii tiro stormy month oi. March. 'I he, best way that we know of to guard against 'these diseases is to strengthen the system, with hoods' Sats iparilla-the creat- est of all lifeguards, it removes the A Hamilton deputation asked 'theiody Dominion Government for harbor ins- provetnents to cost half a million dol- rats. It has been definitely announced in London that the King and Queen tivill, visit Canada in 1913 or .1914, of filtering out days and he told me he could lift his went glands cease of tate blood the- Impurities they are in- ndctd to eliminate. These impurities re then thrown back on the kidneys d bingo for removal, or see retained bin the system to crystallize In the. 'form of uricacid, and cause bennuatjstn or gout. u the second place, the average person, when engaged in ordinary inhales '" to 0. Stage of Ohio, City or Toledo, Lucas,Counto. Prank J.: Cheney mak 0s oath thea la+ is senior Partner of the firm of F. ,I: Cheney. Az Ca; doing business in the' City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm arms, which for ten years, soc,abox-6 if not satisfied. National Canada,.Eimited,Dept. MANGA-TONE NESa4E weak, nervous - he had not been able to do ADOI,PIIE E. MAHE, for `$2.50 -moneyback Sample free if you write Drug e.ncf Chemical Co of A Toronto, BLOOD AND TABI,L:TS--auideal'"tonicfor women. goc.abox_,. 107 Best Post' in Bed There can be no particular rule in such a'matier says it mecli"al expert 011 sleep, since everyone must take tic position wmost is oz t. comfort- nolo to, him, the great thing being to have the body, therouehly relaxed,, Few people, however, realiso that the mind is -an important factor in this matter If on waking -von find you rose from f[57 its 1084 to 237,283 in iS8[,.. long it :Not ago was reported tin t the ic''al tr•embei'Ship had tench- cd 1,700,000.^"` It hole, o* ennrse, been said tha, the primrose `w•as riot Lord idemons- 1°'t•'d's favour' e never, and that when Wren Victoria r- t•t a wreath of eiMureses to Lerd he�aconef•Ield's r,nicra�i and wrrtn. nn it, "His favour- i , ;r' : • " ,i,, -, ` i t _i, "y? ' c'. �'t/ l ` I L` +,`. 'L ' r ,,. ` t se ' ' ; ' 1jL , r ly r `, t i'. "r ' �, ¢, uxsnits, from cubic set of stir per minute. Naturwily, if is air is taken front a place where the air is pure and of normal quttlit:y, the amount of, oxygclt available for ., the blood will be appre.^.iably more khan 'if taken from a damp pleas where the humidity in the air has reduced the amount of oxygen and the air Is tainted with musty odors said gases of putrefaction and decay. Will pap the sum of Orae hundred Dollars for eachand v eery c+st of Catarrh that ea_ be cule2d 'hi. the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. 1'rastk J. Cheney. Sworn to Before me and subscribed in m}t Tiresome, this Oth day' of Dec ciniror, A. D. 189G. A. W Gleeson, No to' •'ri which now. Chamberlain's Iris wins mouse T;aies of calla. urea, a 1 cure a fold is a question nowt are interested ,jusi Cough Rts31111y ftai great reputation and int- by;its remarkable curt 11can always h<+ depended or sale by�:; ,all druggists, have been clen.chhiv your hand tight- ly, shutting your jaw rigidly or keep- Jug the legs tense, this is a positive proof that both mind nail body are tense during the day. Some effee s of such unfortunate dotty habits may be counteracted by thoroughly . bed. i Raise the body' on getting into bed. first one arm then.the other above the head, and with., push- lug and stretching them !`e flower.' he r •ir�'on wa:a Le the Prima. Cone^rt -• -'at. to the dead\--,...,,,,i.--=‘,,' t' si'ipt�ism.nu. 'Cr, Ilr,-•.,etld Luras. hew- +'vel'• I'll "Vaal' •t• r`,^ur•,=k and the 7Zoiuinc Pn I ^ a^va that one whoIWO ;py,,,: l ` y.atil !( i1 "` 4 etv Lore P^° ^=4 a1d well der -rates the,rte fah Maly were a � ':: yr !i a l -'''' "�� � . ....e -�f single prim - toss' in tits i nticn '^'e when he was• at Tril_nerl Iwl in era 11^'r'y mirlug: while anuthPr i,""l, [nttnaate friend can speak of having seen an alum- donee of ii imro^+, in Pev^on^"'aid's hm,se in Cu ee'i S+r' Pt that hn.fl been raolse. tl on the slopes of Win,lsor • .l T[ 1�IIakln g Records a{. Home �7 Home ii34 a great feature of the 1 C EBison PhofloaranhSald.b i' 1' Lastly, a moist, warn environment le thee mast suitable for low forms of vegetable life, like yeasts, bacteria end Molds.and Notary Public Hales Catarrh Cure is taken inter- pally, and acts directly on the blood ttvucous surfaces of the system. F'ir'e persons luitred its Stat on, Wore killed and e.ie,'eu a wreck near Broad Street CR -lima, last wecie, , up, push downwards with the legs. Do this vigorously, for it 'fete moments and follow It by a complete letting go or relaxation of all the muscles of the body. Turn Send .for tesUimonials free. F. J; Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 all Dlu tst. •756 y gg• Air advance has been i!i ten cents per barrel made• in Manitoba flour• your mind to pleasant, is of ectiong thoughts, repeat a t nil ar eaon ,T + GRA- ��a�� S °hIK t "t' ���� �'R pY � )e;E•o k . 'Rpt Take Hail's Family Pills for cams- stioatton, .. } }Vhcn a !VW risk child 'n n: is r danger •a womir b her ilio to protect it. - 4o effect this willofelt thebodyfew whichrapt- htiwill naturally wassnme lie people per- featly atilt all night, end it is no use lir.: SI EON ir;ry i'alkirig stout meanness," said nni old son of tate son. who nursed a pint es ate int a altar^ by the fire, "you The abtiityto make and reproduce your own records m your own home—the songs and stories of every memberofyourfaxnilyandaIlyourfriends—inar.ld~-'' M i Y_`' Line, great ad, is necessary of heroism 'or risk' of life, �.t pra:+.ci a child from trying ,to compel oneself to lie In a terrain Position. That would at once 4 `. 7�vr•. , e U z•. w' croup C i.emutl} and For sale irc; eliatnterl'iimt's Cough all dangUr is avoided. by all druggists, Produce ire tension one desires to :weld, and would be tike etnYing awake to find out how to steep, should ha' known old Ruby abut used to keep a form out Goswei7 way. "Twenty years ego, it is that his son went out with a tin bucket to milk a cow. Somehow or other, both the lad and the bucket dieneecared mysteriously. "No more was heard of him till he wandered baelc home tett years anter, as rich as a mll'lionitdre, and loaded the old man up with gold and dlednond plats and new clothes, end gave him five thousand doliars as a birtbda t y present,• tlonton all the greatest entertainment of every kind Think what that means( The Edison feature doubles thepleusureofowning Phonograph -the instrument that dtsoundrepratueluginstrument. you wouldchooseanyway,becauseof Most Edison styles are: regularly the purity and sweetness of Edison equipped to make records at home. tone; because its Volume of sound is Recording equipment for styles not, exactlysutted.togourhome;bemuse so equipped can be purchased at. it plays both Edison Standard and slight additional cost. the long-playing Edison Amberel When yougotoyourledisoudeafer Rxrords;becausoitbaathesappbire to pick out yourEdisonPhonogyph, reproducing point that does not be sure to ask about this home- scratch or wear the records, and lasts recording feature, and to get record - forever --gives i�esyou this great home in e w meet with the instrument g equipment recording feature besiderl And this you buy: . _ f '. { WINTED R RESOgTS penal 'trip Tourist 'ticuers tow on Sale to ail .Principal 1Pintc:r •Any_ Resorts including: MEXICO SYNOPSIS OP CANAMAN NOR'rli,. WEST LAND REGULATIONS, . person who is the solo itearl of a fainily,'or any male over 18 years old,' may homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land in masterj Palen of the late+ Fronie Tltofnas, was appointed Post- Lindsay, succeeding the lientf} (Rodman. c'thod+;t, church, near wt, was burned hist week. • A BALD-HEADED WOMEN, Shorn of her Crown of Beauty, Loses in f,ove and Marriage. CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA; Etc.. - Manitoba. : Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must apnea'. M per- son at: the Dominion Lands Agency Yon are atonia always probably aware that pneu- results from a cell, Ila'r is certainly most necessary to women. Who could love and. marry, a bald-headed' woman ? What charms — The Attractive Route to WESTERN CANADA,t •sister ' is via Chicago or Sub -agency for the dist.uct. tin= try by proxy may he made at any a.genoy, on cetitain conditions 113 lath er, mothor, non, daughter," till:diicr or of ineonding homesteader. • Duti:s.-Six months' residence up- on and:cultivation of the 'iaad in lea you never lig in pneumonia i. �ai=h itcrned• the r':;k vrlien it fe r a dr' .its. hoard of a cold result- when Chamberlin' s' ' was used. tltli3 tutu this remedy niay he trine. For sale b}• all could one array to offset such &slag- uretuent? ;. woman's goal is usually love and marriage. Her crowning glory is her hair. The loss of tier hair mars her beauty, happiness and success. Yet right here in Clinton there are` g "And d'ye think old Ruby was grateful? Neer a MU `George,' says lid 'wot 'ave ycr done with the bucket?' "Anti Cletr a left home igalll, won• g farm whether his dart was the menu• ^`t:11:14:111W(1:1:0°1 i iu f•u flu" c:or4d or whether that 1 t'tr�'i^, arty till 111.111 by the fel' rd t aur on the back of ala utck pot a,a4....1./ar-stud.' -_ , , Eris'. ENGLISH 'There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and ,f" hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and dealer Edison frromous. H imeon Phonog Phonographs, $18.50 tfrom o 0240.00. tacoaroaara, EdtsonStandard Records,JOo. Edison Atnberol Recods(play 100 Lakeside Avera*. rRit"aslonid,85c BdisanGrandOpetaReeorde,b5cto$z.Se, Orange, Acouplets h.aefE+6FaaaPhorosraphasad Records winbefwsdat W(E WALKER' • 1 p '-- Staemship Tickets on Sale by All Lines' Pull information from ORD, Town Agent J. 6e each of three years, A holne,at� ader maylive within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solelyowned and occupied b p'' f him or by hie father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister, g � � 'at - K k �� N �' n o .,,�. � 11��a 3P0 ' � E�'l � G many women who 'arc neglecting or injuring their hair to such an extent that It is only a matter of time when it will be utterly rained. Many women destroy: rho beauty of their hair through thoughtlessness or "My dear, i wish you would ape't'c .more carefully," said a stickler for 0ANS1 A. b. PATTESON, Depot Agent In certain districts a homesteader.n.r.....rre. gond atanding may pre-empt a' / rgnoranie of certain facts. They use curling irons over -heated, or to ex- pule English ro his wife, "You say ?ha 'llerury Janes came to, this tow! from Sunder lxtnd,t, Don't you see the y It would be better t,o say that tic" 'came front n3nrland to th,r town'?" I don't sec any difference in the two expressions," t'ojclned the lady. 'But there is a difference in tile wit exrre5 a -,- ;-n nc�torleal d,1'• erco.cc, You dc;it hear me make • se of slush awlew'ud expressions f 'y the way, I have at letter from your .trier in nay pocket.," Oh, dear, is my father In you- 'lecke "" dat[luired the wdfe, "Yet / A MINUTE'S TIME , , and a two -cent stampis all it will cost ou r l - to get our big, beautiul Catalogue o£ every - y t ' thing that is good M Seeds, Plants, Fruits, , • Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, off' It contains as much that is good we cannot tell i - yen here, send for it, and judge for yourself. wi - we have twelve bis Pages of the latest and beat •: ,• introductions, the Cream of the Whole world, and every variety la well worth twice the price 'we"ash, Valuable Premiums also given, You Cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing Giants of California what we have to otter you for 1012. N,iturtiam Dareh & Hmmter Seed, Co., Limited, The Finest Strain in the world Dept.. 3G Landon, int. r2 quarter -section alongside his home- a ��� cess, which destroys the natural oil of the hair, causing it to, split, break g Tu 11'999111... ,THE 91C�F��- CLU 1 roll DCII rl` �111,111LLL'111LLL000 {n� �11INC 44Y �trj111�1 . �Y 11 {UI good ' r F�oFil+t LIST readingpurchased l nn p r. S 1'UU U (j I L - stead.' Price F3,00 per acre. + Duties: -Must reside upon the home stead, or pre-emption nix monthfs in P P13 each of six years From date of homestead tenor (including the time Y g required to cam homestead paten! and ettltiyatte ftfey acreh eetxi ; A homesteader Who has echatt,te his homestead tight and cannot ' ob- tai's a re-emption enter for p may • hotneseead in certain lis- Price' L,� K •(ruff '1 [.POLISH STOVE J I Q Y L �, anti find riome out. They .do not shampoo herr hair often enough or too often: They use soaps or preparations which contain ingredients posiUwcly harm-, ful to the satin and,hair. Asa result of allrrh treatment dari- is created, the haft loosens, los- es collar, falls out and baldness coin- mences. unless. proper and: prompt' precautions are taken.in time. Then again, microbes anis, certain diseases for little riioney • fritts. $3.00 pen acre, Dut-' res,- ust reside eke months ifs eachlean of threeyears, cultivate fifty 'acre Has the Black lit" bring about unhealthy scalp and hair conditions: . that yen have in p, letter from my farther.' your poolce tee...,.. u - - „ i ahem you go a•1th ttiltblt,•yr Ion take a tout•ht°tt atsssing rue, you are always talar:, p ,t thread ead artd ropt'esemt;ng it a. • tent."• t'.i>resentitig it to he a rope, yo^a Arid then he grinned a sdckty r't id wished he had never startedtinNews-Record aeussdon, •✓ ¢ .?il t Start • 1 i< ,; ^ j) �`�� 'WEEKLIES N• ews-Record.nerd Meal and Firmire $1.50 .. ' News -Record and Globe 1•Ct0U�9f News -Record and Familythi Herald and Star with Premium 1,75 and elecA a house worth $300.00. W. W. 'CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior: N. B. -Unauthorized publicatuon of p. fats advertisement wilt nob he std' - come to your home?nl gP, Let him show you the quick and easy way to shine `' the stoves. "Black Knight >; all the hard work and dirty work outofstove y rid y of,ldandruff a d womandiseased scal herself hair if she'will but use the right g ” remedy, We have that remedy, and. we, willpositivelyguarantee that it will either cure andruff and baldness 'or it will, not cost the user anything: That's a pretty bold statement, bub and. Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 ' News -Record and Free Press........ . . . . . • 1,75 News -Record and Adver • tiser 1.75 ' News -Record and Toronto • Saturday Night i•, , ,•2,30 t' News -Record and Farmer's • Advocate:.... ... .... . 2.26 News -Record and Farm and Dairy..., 1.75 News -Record and, Cana- diaui Farm ' 1.75 News -Record and Youths Companion .. ,.....:.• 1.75 DAILIES . I , , e ► '� ,' j ' �( -'i , 7 . J .. ��-• 9 t \ A polishing. g' It's a paste --so there is , no watery mixture to be prepared. Just a few rubs with cloth or .: brush brings. a mirror-like shine that you can see your face in And the shine lasts I Most dealers handle and aecomc mend „Slackitntght^ Stove Polish, If your dealer cannot supply it, send ice. fora bigcan-sent postpaid. TREF.F.1bALISeltCU:LIMrrEDe 8n omoo.-y ono la - rano eyfNe)amoae'Si 1 80 Po/nA. we will back i8 up and prove it weith our own money. We will return year money you do not find that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is an entirely y sabisfaotory remedy ,that will prom-' ole haft growth and, overcome scalp and haw troubles g• that it will grout hair even on bald scalps, unless ail life m Pae hair roots has been extin- gutfslttad, the follicles closed; and the scalp is glazed and shiny. It gets its name from the fact thatt int, grew hail ,in 93 eases ,but of 100, where it. received a thoroughly hard, impartialY•too. and practical test. •IIT N ''DOWN rr The council catpplry0 ha( fortrially pplied, in writing, for a holiday - 1111 salary, of course - on this rounds that he was 'run down." • "I'm a blit suspic[ous of this run- 'own timid', 'reasarked the ohairluan "'s been very prevalent among tlii cuneu s employes of Iate. I prepay he ipPli:cant be stat 4or" 'I beg to second that," 7 be grctposlti•ou being. catm[ecl, I lessen},er went to search .of rite ap: lienar.. d'resently ,there ,was ati: serif• tag at. the door of the council char "Oiler therei" coalman<1P'd the ''ow tha•u. Offtce•r, w,hv qu yrce alt. �w that to _ try and torte his • ay iaito, the loom? Remove turn nstautlyl„ "De,g )>ardon, sir," Fail rho cffi- ,:,. et, with . a smile, : the breadth of •leali net, even 171.1 ctwn espaoti's im yoiiid conceit, "it's the ntan yon eut for - rile roadfnreman ant` s Tutt down." " Oh, aril, let him enter, then." . Tieg part i011 sir,:'e c{ut't.. S's ¢n0 for. the loot,O• Surely you can spare from your pay envelope �... Open a savings account interest,payable half P Y Keep up the saving .. soon have $loo or more, buyour debentures your rnon'e Issued ,'.. r upwards. Terms one Do this with a safe company --with j 8t1 i11 Canada pony having , ffftitl•¢ U80 t0 its paid-up IaeoapoSrat¢d,A864. L »Free ` ' . b er0a WO , .. 1':''Savings • London and 5t, Thema a dollar or two this week.. s and get; gl -yearly. habit and you will when you can slid`- geton 4% for • and,. to five years. - and well known Only Wan GOOF a reserve capital. p P' a . News -Record and Mall and •Hair We want. +` you to try Reaall 93 Empire 4,25'th¢ News Globe,,4.25 Tonic at our Ask. You. cannot ",'e1. surety rose:doing so, -Record rind 4Vews-Recoic7and News ,,.' 2.70 ,News and star 2.50 GRAND TRUNK fiA11.WdY 191 SYSTEM ,anything'by while you have everything tri gelid' had iietter -Record ., News=lircordand ,World 3.20 News-Becord and Morning i''reePress,.., ....:,. 3.25 ''News -Record and Eveeing Press 2.75 'News -Record and Adveto taR Experienced mothers say ZSIl1-BIIlt; j8 best for chll- diCII'sinjuries and skin troubles because: • It is herbal—nopoisonous SOP RATES TO PACIFIC COAST, _ PROM CLINTON MARCH 1st to AprJl 5t 15th to lokanc, Vrash,, Seattle, wash., Vancouver, : B. 0. Victonfa, 13. C Portland, Ore.''Ne'lson B. C. for ,You tlrmk this,over; and : then came in and'see us altout7 ,this offer. You t' .11 a'd ' va11 'bi owe rep_, t for your visit to our store. Remem:ber, mob can get the• Rexall Remedies in ,,,,us community call at our store, The Rexall Sfiore-W S, R, H;olmvs. • ;bhorrtrivo News -Record and Lippiin- cgtt'a Magf^rind ....;:. 3.25 News -Record anti Canada ''. „';Moothjy Wiirnzpeg,,; 1,40 - mineral' coloring. it 1s anttseptic—prevents, cuts' and burns 'taking the wrens* way:,' an - $41 75: •-•- ;' S Fxauctsco,• Cal., l' On. Angeles, n 461,, San Die,,o, Cal., Mexico Cr,ey, YIex.' [ax — $41,75. -•- 'The Niagara' Frui' ro.wers g 4 . g s fat hold an institute' meeting a' S•3' n g t t, a Catharines. The Nava Scotia Govcrmn.cntr . Stdnn'tar, baht y ts' mak oP oioun oar cxexrrse nnsuffic.ent : masttcatton of constipat+on; •' a torpid liver, worry and anxiety ate the. most cont- mon causes of stomach troubles. Cox- our habits and take' Chamber- y. 1 s n( SPornaet and •Livor Tatilet a will soon be well, For sale by all druggitits, ,x{ . ..,,, ?. , , Over. �. a 3 ,t � ;, e i81��On ""°r e �' Assets Il 4! st?de ?N<•,. 15 whatyou want is not in this hat let us know about it.. We can supply; you at less than It wotuli cost you to send direct. --•eds i, It is sodtlsmg nil pan qutckty' It deals every tune, as for town-'• Justgoodg • Fslaportiona.to rates from other Points 1 ruts in Ontario, The Popular Route to IV lr,' S Ti',R N •, C A N A T) .t pro-, hoses to,levy a La, trust, y tax on haul insurance, telegraph, o ph; telephone ` and food, cxpi?ess conypfuties, In remitting lease do as b P -o ee Order, Postal Note, est ffi e+ gi HitpTess Order ;or Registered Letter and address. W. J, 1VII'tehei1 News=Record 4t 1 1VTON , tips .Sold of all stores and cvrti eta• �,�% • ��� 'r via Chicago. The 'drand Trunk : Pacific :Railway „ S 10r, „st tine as tithe, finest set- vice � a betweore Wrnnlpog, Saskatoon and Edmonton. For Lull paxbiculaars and tickets call .cifost on A, 0: Patteson, ?Depot Agciit, Sohn Ransford, UP T0W11 Agent, _ tett A. piece f with rain's P o e q flanneA dampened " with .C•bant,herlains Liniment and hound on you fa the affected `parts is superior to' any plaster. When troubled' with name back or •gams in the si�do or glee it tr' g a 161 and you are ter- tarn to be tnctre than pleased with the prompt relief which'it affords, Sold terms ho an Anaia,•c The 13r{tish and Dominion CTovern-, menta have agreed to the Matcord for .establishment of an Imper- ,eR 'leads The ' ""e ew News -Record 'leads for . �"�1 .6e ow .' n; and ` , ownship News r • Mt .a,