HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-03-07, Page 8DID ,r O.UVER I T INK How easily a shoe could be cheapened ! . ! . 1 1 Cheap linings, Innersoles made of pastboard Eyelets that are not fast cco for Imintation welt t ib place e offGenuine Goodwear r Cheap leather given azrg1finish which soon wears oil. None of these sobstitutions are easily detected by the average purchaser, yet they make a world of difference in the comfort and wear of a shoe, While it costs more, we watch these points in our eboes•and we have them made as theyshould be made. We sell only shoes that the manufacturer is willing to stand hack of with'a broad guarantee .of satisfaction. Wear a pair and then you'll know why Our cos- torners are, Satisfied Costorxrere. LFRED. �''"�r�•'mJACKSON ismiums rtr News -.Record •••••••••••••••••••9•• •NN• ?_; • Ttbat fits well, ;oohs well and wears well at 'a moderate price is what we promise from our Tailored - to -Measure men'sclothing department. This department of our business is growing, very ra.I dsy. There must be a reason l There is, and this reason is perfect satisfaction." " One Satisfied Customer Means Many More " Come in and .see our beautiful new range of spring cloths and let us quote you some prices. It will sur- prise you "how moderate our prices are fur such high- class work. Easter orders should be in at once as the depart- ment will be rushed to its utmost at this time and some may be disappointed. 1 1 • • • t SMALL PLUMSTEELMORE PROFITS BUSINESS BROS. ••••••••••••••••••••••N4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Here is your opportunity, take advantage of it. We have more scissors,and razors than we want and in order t:o . reduce the quantile in these lines we are going to put on sale our entire stock NEXT SATURDAY rind the following week at such low prices that there won't be any doubt about our selling them,, Scissors our stock is composed of all the hest makers and we have every kind from embroidery scissors to tailors £rimmers, both nickle plated and Japanned. A few pairs of left hand shears, • Razors • We have a large range in English, Getman and Cana. diatn makes. Any width, Below we give a few SCISSORS I1.egulat S5c value for 50. •` 75e ,51.00 of the reductions so that you will seethe SAVING TO YOU 1 RAZORS 25e Regular $1.60 value for 2Se L25 file 1.50 7Fic „ 2.00 " • Aluminum ware We have a few pieces of this ware we are offering below cost to clear. HARLAND EROS. Hardware, Stoves and Sporting Goods. W. S. HARLAND W. J. HARLAND almialmalmamallmallemeimeenemi J.'B liooVer Nelson Ball, 2 - UNIQUE • 4 a> ,iiir eim 7„..,i,; l DESIGNS rc � 1• I GDP r UNIQUE I S N i FURNITURE THAT DECORATIVEt 'but not overly dear, .;Merit is what wins these ds s t days, and it's only merit that gives us our liberal patronage , MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The c ne a Pest spot In flan onA County to buy 1al k y1 ends of ftirniiture. - Irl house furnishings ' t! are in demand by, thoe of artistic tastes. A visit next will disclose 1 yrs* z�T'�7- a a;qP u.rv>y t 9�x>s r aa. ' •.�•Itc s ell•••R•!l®b41+@.41.•IM4-9A1+►Qi e•A•®••1/••la4Ae4@604r• THE WRITE=AWAY FOUNTAIN PEN Its the best 2e Pen, we'have seen. It won't blot, clog or leak. ` New points are easily put' in place when required. It is made in a• new way and we think a good way, The pen 25c London Read Mr. Waller Swinbenlc is able to be about: again. after several werelcs: :ill- ness, He had a weary tare of ,' it hut 'his good nature je undiminished,' "Mrs.,; l•Ienry Peacockhad the- anis. fortune fail on the lee near 4tet'door•. way and sustained a fractured 'ank- le. Time • many friends will be sorry to hear' of the aocedent bite hope for a siaedy recovery',' Miss L. Cartwright of :Clinton was the guest of Mrs, Will ,S•tanbury on Mrs.: I, Dotld of Clinton visited friends ; on the London Road this week. Muss Ethel Lane has returned from a two' weeks vis„ in McKillop. Mrs, 'George Stanhury has retuned home from a tee; weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. Jobn MoEwcn of Extra points 1c each Stanley. W. -D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best I 4inunmrquamnIft, _�>-- Miss Baker of Fullerton was , iu tow or a few days this week ratting Miss Beatrice Greene: ' 11I . and Mrs. Will Pickard of. Ilol- mesvilie were in town on ianday "theguests of the Tatter's sister Mrs. J. Ford. Mess Alice Tippett, Bayiield a grad- atate of time Clinton Business Col- ege, has taken a position in Toron- to. Graduates of the C. 13. C. find it easy to obtain places. Mrs. Herbert Guy of Toronto has joined her husband, whei is a mein - her of the staff of the Clinton Motor Company. They ate mak- ing their home at the Hotel Nor- mandie. Mr. Leonard Pair, for some mortals accountant in the Royal Bank, has been transferred to the Toronto branch and has entered upon his new duties. Tie spent Suuday at the parental home in Listowel. 14Irs. Newton C'rietm, and hem two children left on Tuesday to return to her home in laindersley, Sask. after an extended visit with Ater mother, Mrs. Nott of town, ' and other friends in town and vicinity. Mrs. (Dr,) Garrett, who has been very 111 for several weeks at the hetne of her' parents, Mr and Mrs. 11. W. Cook, is new con- sidered to be out of ,danger and' it is hoped that she will soon ho MI- ly recovered. Mr, John 7', rlarland, who has been speeding a week in Toronto, re- turned home on 'Saturday; Iie was accompanied by. las daughter. Miss Marian, who has beeu in the city tor.' a' couple of imonths. Their many friends will be pleased, to know that both come back much improved in health, In the last issue of Toronto Saturday Night appeared a photo of Mr. D. Weismiller,- late manager of th London Mutual Life Iaisurance Co. together with a very liattcr>,ig no Pace concerning him. 11e has been. a `resident of Toronto for som time but trill be remembered as an active business man and former pol- itician of Buren County, ]17r, Seth Fisher left on Tuesday for Edgeriton, Alta., to 'elo settlement duties upon the .lot taken up by his son who passed away a le months ago. Ile took along to kit of tools and will probably nbl y HoImesvi'llle . A• service of : sacred song entitled, "The Musical IYI,l1er " stiustrated by lantern views, will be given in St. John's church on Thursday. evening nest. This service was given mn St, Janice' clutrch, Middleton, and is- said to have been meat interest- ing. Time admission is ten and teen cents. cents. A large number from this vicinity attended the sale of the.otiects of the late R. H. Elliott and James El- liott of the 71St Con. The sleighing continues fine, though the pitch holes are numerous, but we have not heard of any serious ac- cident's being caused by them, Mr. George Holland leaves on Tburs- day morning of this week for the south country to bury up 'another carload of cows. Mr. Wtn. Connell has sold his brood mare to a western buyer. The price was $400. This really does seam to be_a good price but then the mare was a fine spooimen. The following is the report of S. S. No, 3, Goderich' Township for x•ebruary : Senior 4th.-Franlr Jenkins, Clar- ence Conner. Junior 4th:—Verna Jervis, Clifford Holland, Elva Proctor, Harold Levis, Roy Mannings, Harold Cole. Senior 3rd. -Milton Holland, Al- vin Leonard, Daniel Cliddon, Stewart Mair, Leslie .Jervis, Citifton Proctor. Junior 3rd: William Alcock, Sr, 2nd—Emily Ford, Altabind•Mc- CantnevNar Norman Meer, Fred Lav ie, s 'Barr Ford. Junior !Ind.—Elsie Ferguson, Bruce I7olland, Part Ad.—Wilfred Jerv,s, Willie Mi ?ler: Part ,1st.- (a) ;Violet Miller, Mar- ion Alcock, (h) Willie Jervis, Dorothy Jervis, Willie Larder, Charlie Potter, C'yrii Proctor. (c) Albert Larder, Ted Smith, Har- old Larder. Lillias Maellear, Teacher, Passing of Mrs. Solomon Millen pioneers &Iltlen Coming to this country from h birthplace, Belfast, 1 reland, whenbi tt child of eine years' anti at a ti when en voyaging S b was not S so quick wb nor so comfortably accomplished a atm present, she with her mother se tied in Tuingston, where in May 18• siie became the wife of them late Sol en Milieu, who predeceased her near nineteen years. About thirty -fou ars ago with a }rotting family of si ildren they removed from Kingsto Western Ontario, which :was the act 'ally a forest. • The railway;onl lite as Inc as Stratford and the r ain in distance anec to the farm weer th shc•and her husband lived an ed could only .be reached by eirivin er very poorly constructed road intently only a .blazed trail throug e woods: These were, indeed,.„ tit rays whim the settlers experienced all the inconveniences of- pioneer life It Is uiith regrettwat the are can led upon to chroniclethe death of one of the pions of. this section,( The News From Londesboro in the person ofCatharine Smith' et i Ar eie March ith I9ri CLEARING UP 'TFIE `DEPARTMENT TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LiNES About one hundred pairs in the lot,' some slightly sailed by displaying in the store,- in `white, .Paris and Ecro some very dainty for 79c, regular $1.25 for 98c regular ,1 y designs. in the lot, Regular $1 $1 r , i; , � .�0 for. $1.12, regular $2.Oo for $1.;50, regular p2.25 for $1.75, regular $2.;50 for $1.98, regular $3.09 for ,$? 85,,' regular $3,50•for� $2.75. { &OC LiDIES' WINTER VESTS` CLEARING AT 3.9C. 10 dozen ladies' winter vests made by one of the' largest manufacturers; They are guaranteed uni shrinkable, daintily trimmed, our special' at 50c, ,clear.- %. ing at \� \, PURITAN UNDERWEAR DEEP CUTS IN SATTEEN PETTICOATS Very special women's good quality satteen petticoats in black, brown, green and navy, one deep flounce with two smaller frills, good style, splendid fitters. This is an extra special, don't miss ` it, clearing at . . , , . . 59104 Others at 79c, OSc and $1,12. Regal Taffeta Petticoats Reduced Four pretty nr styles in re- I (;.i11d/.!•'Y.t gal taffeta, some with embroider y and flounc- ing, knittop and Rayboo patent band d e -e p dust 'frills, r e g. �'"�.n,.=1c,�,ti .,.,•,..:;,•. rv` "i $2.25 .for $1.50, reg f$?, for $1.35, reg $2,50 for $1.75, reg $4 for&$3, lararamnimmoiee imrsaumeseammumeemaiemamenomearaman in ly ye eli to pm: ea ni work at his- trade of carpenterin bo on the side. Mr. Fr her has no di intention of locating permanently ov on the prairie, Olaf Ontario be•m i fre quite good enough fm him. tit Mr, and Mrs. A. McLean of filo Mound, Man,, who have been vis i'ting in town and district for th past frau \leeks, expect to star for home this week. Mrs. McLea is a member of the .Wallace fam- ily, formerly. of Hulrettt, and is'.a sister. of Mrs. Robt. Watkins of Summerhill and Mrs. II. Hill ' of town, Mr. iVrcLeati is a native of Hallett. Ills father sold the bottle- , steed near iondesboro in 1872 Wit' the intention, of going to Red. River;but owing;' to the unsettled stain of affaires • in that ` country at that time he gave u the notion and bought a farm 0 the Brownson Lino, Stanley. Sev- en years later he disposed of that place also and went west, being on of the original Londesboro •colony which located in the Pi1oe Mound district. There was not" a rail- way: ae that time to Winnipegand the • hardy pioneers had to team their effects Matron) Emerson ' on the boundary. y. The early t , 1 atd- ships of the Londeyliyoro colony. have passed p into local history, They had the usual ups and downs of tate early settlers: There ever many years of the downs but they finally won out and they •or, thci descendants are all well-to-do, "Mr. McLean is one of the beet know farmers about Pilot Mound and to iIhzstrat„w, the extent of ]tisopera- tions he comes down to this dis- t trict at intervals : to buy horses foil his own use and will take a- way ten this week. 'Phey are al superior, p or animals for he apparently will be satisfied web notih ng:, but the best. His brother, Mr. Jam es McLean who with his daughter Mics Leila McLear, has been ,vis- iting , friends in Michigan, is also here and has tip Smz< horses, thus makingthe carload: Natural ly the Messrs., McLean ..bear. in kindly recaIN:1fan the home pro- vince and feel disposecia when they can break' away from the active duties of life, to come back to Old Oatartd and liv0 at ease. Being of an extremely ambitious nature and whiling and anxious to to her whole duty she labored ard- uously with her husband toprovide for themselves �• e1te5 .md their family of nine children a colt, fertable home. As a mother .she was unsurpassed, Herself the offspring of a -moths typo was trained 'to admire and practice those quablties whicle coal etitiete ` a _"real lady,"' .she ` in tura endeavored to instil into the minds of her children the same , principlss of 'truthfulness, integrity, uprightness and industry. She ever :placed a high value upon a pure, true char- acter,, holding that as the great es- sential, and ever maintaining in her own life the standard which she hod fomr ethers. , Early M. life she became converted and the change wrought in her hear eoet0mmiail to grow as.'the years 'creased and she became such a "fol- lower" that all who visited her were assured of• the genuineness and real- ity of her religion. Those Who, were privileged to wait upon her in her home experienced great t ploasilre and satt:sfactiou there - Boni. because of her sweet spirit of humility and gat/tate and her bright cheerful disposition. She was a no ble Christian. For. thirty-five, -' t f. , r v e years o Y e r she was , a member of St, Andrew's church Blyth, but as age began to leave it. impress upon her she was forced - t,e sever • 1 r to connection .therewith after- wards ftC1•-wards allying herself with Knox church; Loitd'esboro: Site was.. 'ale an honorary member of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society for a numb er of pears. Se Ven even cl ' tld rnn i SlirV'V i e 'George, Selma elle : and Catharine,rosidiig on the Homestead ; Robert in Califoruta' h]mily Jarie,"(Mrs :Toe. Crarrctttj whp only a mohth ago was called epee t110; pall( 'with a kind anal t•OVing Christiemi husband'; lnrre, (Ibirs. E. Ashley), ISiergston, and Margaret, (Mrs, D. Annie) Woodville, Mr. A. Jamieson treated the mem- bers of :tile Ladies' Aid of Knox chum: ch to a sleigliu:de out Ln the home of Mr. and, Mrs: W. H. Balli on Tues- day evening, to the social held there. The event was one of much enioy- tnent. Rev, W. T. r'earey attended the meeting of Presbytery at llrucollhelcll on Tuesday, Dr, •10. 13e11 of Montgomery,. Mi'ch.,i is' spouting a few days with rclativ-1 es hereabouts; Mrs. D. annis of Woodville re- turned to her home on Wednesday afl ter attending the funeral of herJ mother, the late Mrs. Millen, W. '4. Brunsdon, who has been in' the 'employ of -the G. 'r. R, at Chur- ton, has been f:ansft;rred to Port I Colborne. f Hullett Happenings A ewe belougang to T. McMichael and Mrs. Jamie""son were married ' twenty-five years ago by Rev. Mr. Ramsay, Mrs, Jamieson being the daughter of t;se late Mr. Robe. Scott. The Jamieson's came orig- inally from York County and it is interesting to note in this connection that his father and mother lived to celebrate their golden and diamond wedding; living together for sixty- two years. Such an experience comes to hut few but the many friends of thisworth couple hope that they may celebrate their golden wedding twenty-five years hence at least,, 1'. McMichael and Son sold King, Lorne. Ono of theirlr Ca nadian Cly- ciesdnLs wheel: is to be shipped to the west. They have two loft including the prize-winning C1lenrae. , and Sat dropped a pair of lambs on Feb. 20th, about the first ernivals of 101G season. S. S, No. 5 have chosen a site for their new school house on the farm of, the late Wm. Taylor on the 8th con,, and intend to proceed with the buiil'n s • s l e g a • s eon a the season. opens. It is the intention to use' the material in the old building. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur' Jamieson i M , mlesa eta' tertained a few, of their .intimate friends on Feb. dish it, being the I occasion of Mr. Jamienon's birthday, 1 and also the silver anniversary of their marriage. 'A very pleasant eve oni!ng was spent by those present Iihough -• the guests were not aware until after their: arrival that it was such altinteresting anm+versgry ".Mr. McKillop Township The sale of John Price was ver well attended and prices ruled la'ash. Henry Rapine is: getting: a new au to and no doubt will he treating al his 'fu;onds to a' spin, Mrs,d Un ciwood has beefy havin In poor health lately but ie ie hope that she will soon recover, Word was received here of til death which took place at Sitel bourne of Mrs, Jelly, who was a dee-.ghter of Y e late PaanOfsMorriso of this totvusliip: ?laude regret is expressed at her early demise and. sympathy, is fall for the EtrttiYy. Mess Maggie Smith of Strablord Normal School visited her parents for a few, date recently. 40, agreement has been entered in- to between the Tentinlratning an Northern .Ontario Railivay ,Oomtnuss ion and the Grand 'Trunk Railway Company. ,granting the latter' running rights over the T, &' N. O. Rye lin- es in constdera(' on of orifice rho rcpnpane, in additdoe t,o, assuming an. equitable sliatc in 'the maintenance of the road, agrees 'to Pay the , sum of. $3000,000 per 8110001 as rental for the above rights. This stun repre- sents one-half the itlterest olu the total ease of eoustree5.on of tee line, Constance Y Mr, -Martin Taylor of Jiarriston is ,ting his uncles, Messrs. Andrew 1 and 'Ben 'Snell. • Mise Margaret r a•- ga et Chappel. of Crom t Oy is visiting Mrs. Ernest Adams. g rilr.- Alvin A vin Armstrong of Grey town - d ship has engaged with Ids. J. 1'I. Scott for a month. e Mrs.' John Brice is "visiting her els- - ter, Mrs. D. Taylor. Mr. J G. Campbell does not im- prove in health very rapidly. Mrs. 4. Milson of Bothwell spent Sunday' the ,.guest" of her mother, Mrs. D. illilson. The Sunday. school t Institute, which was held here Wednesday of last • week, .was a greats success and it is m h 'another well mem -that n Il lie held in the dear future.. d Dente] Reynolds was sentenced to the penitentiary Y for lire. at London, ant. Ica ling • 'n , for ke lz g Tied Culver wft';i all axe, and Patrick, O'Brien; for highway robbery and attempted 'ei tr- der got twenty years: Preen -'r Roblin promises to do ev- erything possible to assist Ontario to extend bcr Provincial railway to Hudson Bay, including execnpotng i from taxation. 11 IV SPRING SUITINGS The new Spring 01uit- }. ills for men's wear ars now in stock. Scotdb tweeds promisepop uiar- ity, We show a very natty .range in browns, greys and tans froth $20 u indigo go blue and Wooded black worsteds from $22 up,. Tozer Beo • 9 MENS TAII.,ORS, AND FURNISHERS CI.INTON