The Clinton News Record, 1912-03-07, Page 6Clinton News -Record
"Rai'ly Suhoal ',Cext=sloops
i Fite earliest text -book for the in-,
artruction of children woe the horn-
orn-im k, invented in 1450 and.; used up
'bo 'the close of the eighteenth cen-
awry. A thin slab of hardwood was
covered with parchment, on which
were printed the capital and smalj,
letters, 'numerals, and some ele-
mentary syllables and words. Over
Yids a thin sheet of transparent cow's
berm was placed and 'firmly bound.
• This, the Bible, and the sampler on
;valiich little girls painfully stitched
aha lettere of the alphabet, and a
border of "herring -bone stitch," or
some conventional pattern of intpos-
tsale flowers and foliage, comprised
the bulk of the education given until'
.the conmtencement ce the eigateenti
Sd in a I'lnnit.
A. curious
wordiscovery has been rade
t Oakley Station, near Dunfermline,
ootla•nd. In the eotu'se of attera-
'pons for the purpose of heightening.
o piatfnrm, tt was found necessary
o substitute a fresh plank of wood
or an old one. . The latter was being
awn up for firewood when a sword'
'a5 found Imbedded in the beiirtof
It The plain: had formed part of the
platform support for at least fifteen
' years. There was little rust on the
weapon. which was an old-fashioned
type, a short cross piece forming the
handle. 1low the sword could have
got where it was discovered is a naYs-
te'ry, as there was no indication from
the oute•Ide or the plank where it
load entered, and it is believed that
it had been picked tip by the tree at
en early period of its existence and
encircled with•_the growth.
Your Money Back if You ars not
Satisfied with ?,tc Mede,
cine We Recommend
We arc'' so po itive that our rem-
edy will permanently relieve eonstdp-
atioti,no matter how chronic it May
be, that we oiler to furnish the
niedicbic ab our •own expense sheuld
it fail to produce satisfactory re-
It is worse than useless IS) afcaupt,
to ;cure constipation with cathartic
drugs: Laxatives or cat+iattiics do
tnuch harin. They cause, a reaction,
iritate, and weaken the bowels and
tend to make constipation, mote
chronic.; Resides, their 'use becomes
a habit that is dangerouS.
Round Trip Tourist Tineses IOW on
Sake to all Principal Winter
Resorts including.
The Attractive Route to
is via Chicago
Constipation is caused by a. weak-
ness of the eetvee and muscles, of the
large intestine or•descending colon.
To expect permanent relict you must
therefore tone up and strengthen
these organs and restore them :'
healthier activity.
We want you to try Resell Order-
lies on our rccouluiondatioe. They
arc exceedingly pleasant to take, be-
ing eatenlike candy, and are ideal
for children, delicate persons, and
old folks, as welt as tor the robust.
They act d'r ectty on the nerves and
inusalcs• of the bowels, They appar-
ently have a neutral- action on moiler
associate organs or glands. They
do''nct purge, cause excessive locs;.-
nes5, Icor create any it COnrcnlence
whatever. They may be 1,a1 en at
any time, /day or n?,rht. They will
positively . relieve chronic or habitual
constipation, if not of surgical ,var-
iety, and the. myriads of asson:ate
or dependent chronic ailaitents, if tak-
en with regularity for a reasonable
length of time. 12 tablets, 10 gents;
36 tablets, 25 cents ; 80 tablets, 50
cents. Sold in Clinton only at
our store. The Rexell store, W.
St R. Holmes Druggist,
Steamship Tickets on Sale
by All Lines
Tull_ information frond
J. RANSFORD, Town Agent
A. 0. PATTESON, Depot Agent
FOR 1911-12
Much good reading
for little mrtney.
News -Record: and Mail and
Empire.. ... . $1.50 ^,
News -Record and Globe 1.80
News -Record and ]family
Herald and Star with
Premium 1.75
News -Record and Witness 1.75
News -Record and Sun1.75
News -Record and Free
Press .... :1.75
News -Record and Adver-
beer 1.75 t
News -Record and Toronto
Saturday Night 2.30
News -Record and Farmer's 2.2u
News -Record and Farm
and Dairy... ` . . 1.76
News -Record and :Cana
dian Farm, 1.75
News -Record and Youth's
Companion m nfon j,75
let to April 15th to
Spokane, Wash., Seattle, Wash.,
Vancouver, B. C., Victoria, B. C.;
Portland, Ore., Nelson, B. C., for
41-75.-San Francisco, Cal., Los Angeles.,
Cal., San Diego, Cal., Mexico 015',
Mex. for •
Proportionate 'rates from other
points in Ontario.
The Popular Route to
via Chicago.
.The Grand Trunk Pao:fie Railway
shorfast line, fastest 'Lime, finest ser-
vice between Winntpoa, Sas'tatoon and
For lull particulars and ticacts Call
• A. 0. Paltes',n, Depot Agent.
John Rausford, CP Town Agent.
News-Reeord and Mail .and
Empire.. 4,25
News -Record and Globe4.25
,News -Record and News .. 2.30
News Record and Star 2.30
News -Record and World :3.25
News-Becord'and Morning
Free Press '3,25
News -Record and Evening
', Free Prase 2.75'
News -Record and' A'dver-
News -Record and Lipptn
colt's Magizine , .. , . 3.25.
News -Record anal Canada
Monthly, Winnipeg . 1.40
011111511111111111 .
" .' 11 what you want, is not in
this list let 'us know : about it.
We can supply you at less than
it would cost you to send direct.
In remitting Blease do so by
Post -office Order, , Postal Note,
Express Order or Registered
Letter and address.
W J Mitchell
News -Record t'+LINTON
BUT cinencs DID
"During August ,last,. I went to
Montreal' to consult aspecialist as'I had
been suffering terribly with Stone in
the, Bladder. Ile decided tooperate but
said the stone was too large to remove
andtoo hard" to crush, I returned home
and was recommended by a friend to
try Gin Pills.
They relieved the pain. I took two
boxes and went back to the specialist.
Ile said the stone was smaller but he
could not remove it although he tried
for two hours'and a half. I returned
home and continued to take Gin Pills-
and, to my surprise and joy, I passed
the stone.- Gin Pills are the best medi-
cine fn the world, and, because, they
did me so much good, I will recommend
then all the rest of my life".
Soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o -at all dealers,
anti money back if they fail to give
relief. Sample box free. National
Drug & Chemical Co, of Canada,
Limited, Dept. A Toronto. 89
Winnipeg' hal deckled to issue
bonds to the anumn:' of `:800,000 for
city intproveni(mts. •
II. S. Alexander' ,S C'o's dry goods
store at Listowel was damaged by
Frank Iltiscal a yowl); farmer, 1005 -
in tteed su:cidt by 'hanging near Pe-
State of. Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas, County.
Frank J. Cheney malars oath that
he is, senior partner of the 'firm of
0'. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the City of Toledo, County; and
Stade aforesaid, and that said firm
will pays the sunt of One hundred
Dollars for each and every cis of
Catarrh that cannot he cul d hp the
use of [fall's (.Catarrh Cure. Frauk
J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in my, presence, this 0tlt day of Dec-
ember, A. D_. 1800.
A. W. Gleason,
Notary Puhlio
Hall's Catarrh (Cure is taken ,inter-
nally, and acts directly on the blood
and, Mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for tesiftm nials free.
F. J. Clime? & Co., Toledo, 0
Sold bye all Druggist, 756.
Take Hell's Fannin Pills for con
}loin to cure a cold is -a question
in which many are "interested just
now. C'hamberlain's. Cough Rt'tnedy
has won its great reputation and im-
mense sales by its remarkable cure
of co'ls., It can always ba depended
upon. For sale by all druggists.
A Winnipeg boy shot and serOously
wounded his sister because she repri-
manded him Tor laziness. '
Berlin, Ontario, has decided to
abandon its $80,000 producer gas
plant and depend on hydro -Electric
When a child is in danger a women
wid: risk her hie to protect. it. No
great act of heroism or risk of life
is necessary ib pro',ect a child from
croup. Give Chamberlain's Cough
P.emedy and all ' Bangor is avoided,
For sale by all druggists.
Any person who is the solo head of
a family, or any male over 18 years
old, may homestead a quarter sec-
tion of available Dominion land in
Manitoba.. Saskatchewan or Alberta.
The applicant must appears in per-
son at 'the Dominion Lands Agency
or Sub -agency for the disteicb; Ea -
try by proxy may but made at'' any
on centain conditionsns by
er, mother, yon, daughter, Mother or
sister of inilanding homesteader.
Duties. -Six months' residence up-
on and cultivation of the land in
each of three years. A home lewder
May live Within nixie miles at bis
homestead on a farm ,of at least 80
acres aolt!ly owned and 'occupied by
him or, by his father,' mother, son,
daughter, brother, or sister.,
In certain : districts a homesteader
in good standing may pre-empt a
quarter -section 'alongside his home-
stead. Price $3,00 per acre,
Duties: Most) reside upon the home-
stead. ot pre-emption Mx monthfs lin
each of six years from date, .of
homestead 'itnttry. (including the time
required to earn homestead patent
and cultivate fifty acres masa.)
home �
steader who has akitau'te;
his;homestoad right(' and cannot oh-
tafn a.pre-elnption may enter for,
urehased homessoad'ait Certain dis-
tricts. Price $3.00 pee acre. Dnt=
les.-1Vlust reside six months ilei each
of 'three yearn, cultivate fifty acre
and erect+ a house worth $800.0.0.
W. W 0011'1.Dommy of the Minister of the Interior:,
N; B.-17nauUhoxized :publieabben of•
this advertisement 'rill .nod be paid:
rill ,) 1011 YOUR SI Ok'I'IN1) STO•
The C. N. R. has sold a block of
:+.and behind the mountain at iMIontreal
to a western syndicate for thee 'cc mil-
lion dollars.
An anti -suffragette campaign t was
launched at a plass meeting in Albert
Hall, London, England.
You are probably aware thee pncu-
010nla always results from a cold,
but you never heard of a cold result-
ing in pneumonia. when Chamberaain'5
( uugh Remedy, was used. Why take
the risk when this remedy may he
had for a trifle. For sale by ell
Thorold township passed the bylaw
to give a fixed assessment to the big
paper and pulp •mill which is to be
established near the town.
The British gunboat, the Sl:ear•
water, was towed into Los Angeie,
harbor, having lost her propeller.
k Ab,l
I RI'1'oIt--THESEE CUTS (1N 1111
ifE1).1;'011YOUR SPOR7_ENG !,1.'0•
zA.irl IMC;}% S*(ORl(EII ACURE.
Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of
the Peace*, and station master at
Wellington,' on the Prince Edward
island Railway, says:
" Four years ago '1 slipped in the
station and fell on a freight truck,
sustaining a bad cut on the front of
my leg, i thought this would .heal,
but instead of doing so it developed
into a bad ulcer, and later into a form.
of eczema spread eead veryrapidly
and also st>frted on the otherleg.
Both legs became so swollen and sore
that I could only• go about my work
by baying them bandaged. My doctor
said I must stop work and lay up.
"After six months of this trouble
I consulted another doctor; but with
no better result. I tried all the salves,
liniments and lotions I heard of, but
instead of getting better I got worse.
'• This was my condition when I got
my first box of. ZaniBuk. Greatly to..
my delight that first box. gave me re-
lief. I continued to apply 11 to the
sores, and day by day they got better.
I could see that at last I had got hold
of something which would cure me,
and In the end it did.
S"31 is now over a year since Zam
ine worked a cure in my case, and
there has been no return of the
Such is the nature of the' great cures;
which Zam-Buk is daily effecting.
Purely herbal in eomposltion, this
great balm is a sure cure for all skin
diseases; cold sores, chapped hande,
frost bite, ulcers, blobd-poisoning„vari-
cosi sores, piles, :scalp sores, ring-
worm, iullated patches, cuts, ,burns and
bruises.' All druggists anti,stores sell
at 50e. box, or poet free from Zam-Bek
Co., upon?relteipt oP, price,
Windsor oitdzcns entertained Mr,
A. H. Clarke, M. P., at a banquet
and prescnted him with a silver ser-
Rel:. Thomas S. Chapman, who
died at IVfarblettan, Que., had a uni!.1-
ue record as a practical, builder of
11 One Time the Land of Cakes Ifad
an Alliance with the 'Land
of the Lily.
The Franco-Seottleh Teague, which
ao long bound the two countries in.
such intimate association, was firer
rind foremost a political one. But alt
not only 101' , several centuries made
its mark on the political history of
France and Scotland. It material i
affected theta iirstitutione and their
culture, and there is no other in-
stance in European history of so
close, potent, and long enduring a
relationship of ono nation to another,
Thisunique relationship look its
rise in the historical complication
which at the cud of the thirteenth
and the beginning of the fo'irteenfb.
centuries made Scotland and France
tate enemies of England. But the
marriage of Queen Mary • to , the
Dauphin threatened to lead to the
anion of the crowns, not of. England
and Scotland, but of Scotland and
France. This danger had theeffect
or drawing Scotland and England to-
gether in an opposition League. and
coalescing with the growing potency
of the Reformation movement, which
brought the two countriee into lino
in 1560 on religious- as well as po-
litical ,grounds, 'practically put an
end to the old alliance.
French Influence.
Of the influence of French institu-
tions on those of Scotland evidence
is alio not lacking. Scotland took,
for instance, her legal system froms
Prance, not Brom England. Her Par-
liament wars modelled on the French.
States General, In which the various
orders assembled together, rather
than on the assembly or Lords and
Commons which formes two Houses
instead of one. The Court at Session,
founded in 1535, was fashioned after
the Parliament of Paris, and the .pre -
Reformation Scottish universities
after that or Paris, the greatest of
mediaeval scholastic institutions. Not
less remarkable is the French In
fi0et1ce en her eceleslas•tical institu-
tions, From h'renrh Prot.entautlsm
site borrowed her Presbyterian eye
tem of church government, and even
In its smaller details the French im-
press Is unmistakable. 'The Moderator
of Scotland's ecclesiastical courts --
Presbytery; Synod, Assembly - is an
Importation from 'France, wl'cre it
was the designation of the President
of an ecclesiastical court; whilst an-
other term, applied to a motion in
these courts, an "overtime," is derived
from the practice of the Parliament
of Paris. At an earlier time ec
ctesiaetical ns well as baronial arcbi-
teettn'e affords additional exeinplifica-
Liou of the tendency to borrow or
adant from :l.0 111nd's alil ally.
Loss of Appetite or Distress After
Dating a Symptom That
Should not Be Disre-
Appetite is just a natural desire
for food. Loss of appetite or.stom-
ach-distress after eating indicato in-
digestion or dyspepsia. Over -eating
is a habit very dangerous to a per-
son's good general. health;
It is not what you eat but what.
you digests and assimilate that deo+
you good. Some of tite strongest',
heaviest aud healthiest persons are
moderate eaters. (ti
There is nothing that will cause,
more trouble than a disordered stom-
ach,. and many peop'rc daily contract
serious maladies 1;•nply through dis-
regard or abuse of the Stomach
We urge all in Clinton who suf-
fer from any stomach derangement,
indigestibn, or dyspepsia, whether a-
cute or chronic, to try Rexall Dy-
spepsia Tablets, witch the distinct un-
derstanding that we will refund Their
money without .question or formality,
if after reasonable use of this med-
icine, they are not perfectly satisfied
with the results. We recommend
them to our customers every day,
and have yet to hear of any one
who has not ben benefited by them.
We honestly believe them to bo with-
out equal. They give very prompt
relief, aiding to neutralize the gas -
tele juices, strengthen the digestive
organs, to regulate the bowels, and
thus to promote perfect nutrltton,,and
eradicate all fuheal,thy symptoms.
We urge you to try a 25c. box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which giv-
es 15 days' , treatment. At tale and
of tbat time, your marry w•ila be re-
turned to you if yon are not satis-
fied. Of course, aa chronic cases
length of treatment veriest For
such cases, we have twos larger sixes.
which sell tor 50c. and $1.00. Re-
member, you can obtain Rexall Re-
medies in this' community on?y at
our store. The Rexall store. The
W. S, R. Holmes Druggist.
A. piece of ❑annei dampened with
Chamberlain's Liniment andbound on
eo the affected parts is superior to
any plaster, When troubled with
i'ame back or pains an the side or
chest give it a trial and you aro cer-
tain ie,, be mote than pleased with the
prompt 'relief which it affords. Sold
:by. all dealers.
Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor
cxere,se, insuffaeaent mastication' of
food, constipation,, a torpid laver,
worry and anxiety, are the most Com
mon:causes of stomach trouble's. Cor-
rest your Habits and take.•Ghambor-
j hint Stomach and Liver Tablets and
yet will soon be well. For sale by
all druggists,' , ;
g� 1The News® eeord, leads for
'MO lp
Any Edison dealer will demonstrate to you how
Thomas A.Edison doubled the entertaining capacity oct
'The Edis n Phonggraph
when he invented
Edison Amberol Records:
-the record which plays twice as long
Then you will understand why so many
good songs, so much good music or
every character never appeared in
record form un tilthe Amberol Record
was perfected.
Then' you will understand how,
when you own an Edison Phonograph,
you can mora have all of the very best
entertainment of every kind.
Then you will understand how this
onaadvanCagealonomekes thaEdison
Phonograph the greatest sound-
, reproducing instrument as wellas the
greatest. musical instrument even if
it had no other advantages. But it
has: the sapphire reproducing -point,
that does not scratch or wear the
recordand lasts forever -no changing
needles; exactly the right' volume of
sound for your home; home recording
-the ability to make and reproduce
your own records in your own home.
Any Edison dealer will demon-
strate these great Edison advantages
to you.
In addition to oar regular monthly list ofr
Edison. Standard and Edison Amberol'
Records, we issue regularly a number of
British and French Records. Our British
and French record catalogs contain the
completest list of these selection9, pub.,.
fished in record form. Be sure to get them
from your dealer when you go to buy your
Edison Phonograph -and ask to have the
new Record Supplements mailed you free
every month.
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and �p,p�
hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standardand Ir/d t6ritADQ,4:CMdrt.
Edison Ambergi
Records. act complete
te catalogs from your
tdencicroSraPrnodmarudstadrisnPlwnEdgisop s 160Rtq 4$(0p.0ffi0y.
wicsaslong55e.EdteonGranlOperoRecords,8Seto§2,50. Orange,N.J.,U3
A complete lino of Edison Phonographs and Records will be found at
Hopedale emulation Tomato
The earliest, best flavored an
smoothest in the World.
What's conning? Why Seedtime, then the
Harvest but the Harvest depends very'!.':
largely on the qualityof the Seeds yea,'
sow. Our Catalogue' for 1912 is bigger and
better than, ever. 'Pelle you all about over
1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget-
ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits,
Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc.
It 9011 cut this out sending it to us with your name
and Post Office Address our .Catalogue will be sept
You and a present. with 1t,,' Do it today, ADDRESS,
Darch 8z Hunter Seed Co., Limited,
30' . nddn Ont.
'Che Senate had a lengthy discussion I .bleGilt students started a demoli-
over Senator Choquette's'>hill to '::;rc- trafllen at Ottawa and; two young men l Town and Tovr]ashilo Nevirs.
peal the naval .act. ' were, art:estedi ,and fined.,