HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-03-07, Page 1No. 172‘..-ef-52neleeeecAre-,
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, • • • , ,•
The News -Record Excels
for Town and Tornship
.One Class of Goods
That Have Not
Advaiee'd in Prieef,
„ -Is watches. You may buy for twelve dollars
to -da ST a gold filled watch, fitted with a fine time-
, keeping movement- as good as you would pay
eighteen dollar's for twenty years ago.
• See our fine assortment of watches from one
• dollar upward : all good value all warranted.
10 •
jeweler and Optician
The Clinton Motor Company, bave
been trying out their trueks on the
street during the past few days. It
does not seem to be an altogether
ten: test:to Put a motor truck, which
is supposed, to 'be a suminer Vehicle
on streets which have as much 'snow
on ithern 'as Clinton ,streets have at
the present time. , However, tbe
"Clinton" manages very well, indeed.
They are sure making good. •
The Preshytery of Huron met in
Brueefield on Tuesday, Postmaster
Scott and W. G. Smyth represented
the congregafion of • Wiilis. The
thief business before the presbytery
was the call of Rev. D. K. Grant to
the pastorate of Willis chulch,and
that.. of Rev. Hall Woods of St
Thomas to the lerucelield congrega-
tion. Both 'calls were sustained by
Presbytery. 'The induction of Rev.
D. K. Grant into .the pastorate of
Willis church well take place on ers addressed the meeting expressing
March 19111. It is not yet known their views for and against. The
whether ,Mr. Woods will accept, the vete will shortly be taken.
call to Brucetield.
Ift Rev. IVIeL. Smith of Honsalee prea,ch-
• Wheat 95e.,
Peas 90e. '
Oats 80c to 12e.
Barley 70e to .85e,
Butter 31e to 32c.
,Eggs 25c to 20c,
Beans •prime white 1,85 to $1.95,
Live Hogs $0.60.
The annual exodus to the west ha
begun. This 'week Mr. W. Jackson
booked through the following : Miss
Switzer and Miss Macdonald of God-
erieh township to Omega, Sask, J
Spencer of 13ayfieid to Prince Alber
Sask., and Seth Fisher of town to
Edgerton, Alta,
- - Clinton
e Koyal
Capital $6.250,000. Reserve $7,000,000.
t•The AMAMI Statement, shows tbe following increases for '9[1.
1910 1911
• Deposits $72,070,607 $88,294,808
• • Loans and Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
4 Total Assets 92,510,546 110,528,512
• 207 Branches and C.orrespondents throughout the World.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
. illi . e Mol o s ns .
•Record of v -rogress for Five Years -1906--
T1 I
• .
. 1906
•,, (CAPITAL . . . . . $3,000,000 $1,000,000 •
RESERVE . . . . . 3,000,000 4,600,000
eeeeEPOS1TS . . . . •. 28,671,730 85,042,311
LOANS A1'fl) INV11T1ENTS 27,4137,090 38,854,801
-TOTAL ASSETS . . . . 33,000,102 48.237,281
T.' •
Has 63 Branches in Canada, and Agents anel Correspondents ine all
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branebee, Interest allowed at highest coteemt rate.
Con Branch - ry. E. Dowding, Manager
_J' ----1,
"beady for Spring
• Business
Our Spring Stock is rushing in and will 'cOm-
prse the largest and most up-to-date stock of cloth-
ing and furnishings we haw ever shown.
New Suits
New q?aincoats
New Spring Overcoats
New Caps
• New Shirts, Etc,
, . . . .
We do not roant to carry o'Der -one single over-
coat, ;so with utter disregard of cost or former sell-
ing price they mirsi go: •
Men's $10.00 overcoats for $ 7.00
15.00 • ,, ,, 10.50
.18 and $20 "- '‘ 13.50
Boy's 2.50 i' '' 1.65
•" 5 and $6 ., ,' 3,75
8 and $10 ",' 6.50
pay to buy your overcoat for next `roin-
• ter novd.
Irhuiron's Largest Clothiers
"A Sqviare Deal for Every Man"
The congregation held a meeting on
Wednesday evening of last week to
discuss the. question of church Un-
ion, Rev, D. K. -Grant presided and.
Mr. J. Scott, Miss Wilson and oth-
DEATH OF ED. T. HOLMES. ed very . acceptably morning and even-
ing on Sunday.
Mr. E. T. Holmee, brother of Mrs,
11. B. Chant of town, died on Fitiday MCNDAll'esie MATC'eL
evening lase, after an illness of four The, final game between the Piano
months. The deceased was born in
Clinton, and was for several years
connected with the New Era, his
father and brother enving been the
,publishers thereof, '
About fifteen years ago he was ap-
pointed assistant Canadian hnmigra-
ton agent at St. leaul, Minn., -and
three years 'later was placed in lull
charge of the agency there. Peet ot
Itis 'duties were to attend State
Fairs, weiet schools and make mxbibits
of Canadian products, and he was
A ineetieg, of the Clinton Board
of Trade hes been •called. for this
evening at 8 o'clock in •the, council
chamber in seeder to discuss the pro-
position of the Canadian Northern
Westere exteesion,
, •
.Esiangelistie services aro being held
in the Holliness Movement hall in the
Elliott block 'et' 7.30 each evening,
On Sunday the services will be held
at 2.30 and. 7 p. m. The meet-
ings are being . conducted by Rev.
Patrick Morgan
• •
Wee Chilton Crops of the S. at-
tended the 'farewell of Captain. Ham
of Sea:forth last evening. " There
was a social feature in:connection
and a very pleasant time ;wee spent.
Capt. Ham, who by; the way, is
known very evell 111 Clintion having, on
several occasions conducted servicesbero,
here, is being removed to Stra.taroy.
A 00011 MEETINCr.
The last meeting of the Women's
Institute, which was held alt the
home of Mrs, Harry Fitzsimons, was
very well attended and pareicularly in- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Todd, who have
teresting. The chief ' feature ot 'the span t the winter with the tatter'
program was an address by, Mr. 0 parents, Mr. and Mrs. die. Rathwell qt
Factory and the Pastime hockey E. Dowding • on " Things Women town, and with frieeds ;In 'Toronto.
lewasn,pryed evening.'
on The talk was quite clear and Istructeve at Souris, Man,
tam Should Know 'About Banking. "The 1e33 on Wednesday for their home
resuet was a sem of 12-4 in favor along the line of the simple - 'ales et -Mrs. John • Craig and family arrived that point.
of thedoing banking business and the lad -1
buildereed the mnsic bone from Toronto yesterday to join her In hie, teens and early eeveutiee
who thee win the town League tro-
ies were much pleased welth it. .Mrs.
basband, the President of tee Mot- Mr. Gibbings took an active part in
phy donated by; Mr. R. Sweet. Tho Munro gave a reading, Miss Wiltsel or Company. Teel' have take e lee local sports and- in the old days
Isabel Johnstone gave a recilletion I sieenee on Maple street.
contributed a solo and little Miss, their abode lin Mr. WaIkinshaw's re- when lacrosse was in ets zenith here
score does not. entirely indicate -the
gfune, which was puny equally con-
tested. However, to the victors be -1 Lunch was afterwards served al
. and Mr. end Mrs. .1 oseph Washington and could erim anything in this dist tett,
he was member, of tee team which
The brass band has no stauncher
friend and supporter 'than his wor-
ship, °for having been a member of
the organization for many years he
knows the difficulty of maintaeneng
its efficiency.
Mr. Gibbings is an Oddfollow aad
Deceased was la ins thirty-second clenly ill Monday al ternoon and had , . " ' the
• personals.
Mr. W. J. Newcombe of Fort Wil-
liam was' in town last week.
Mrs. Henderson, ot Diiltith is visiting
her sister, Mrs.- T. Cooper of
Rev. Prof. Bowles of Toronto was a
guest e,t, Wesley parsonage while in
Miss • Helen Gunne 61 London has
been visiting her many Clinton
friends durlag Pie past week,
Mrs. • Will I -Iambi -ye and her son'
ellitle blaster Morley, have returned
• front a month's Visit with Gait
• friende,
Rev. Prof. Bowles of, Toronto was a
caller at 'the home of his cousin,
Mr, David Steep, while in town on
Sunday last. •
Miss Mary Chant haft accept pos-
etion en Cayuga and is in charge of
the leading millinery establishment
in that town.
Mrs, T. IVfason apd Miss Mildred
Cook were in Seaforth on Monday
attending a birthday party of
nephew of the former.
Mr, and Mee. Henry Dowson of Vhr-
na were in town on Tuesday and
Wednesday, guests of their deugh-
ters, Mrs. R. Graham and Mrs. P.
Magor Gibbings.
Mr. 13, J. Gibbings may well be
spoken of as a native of Chilean E01.3
not only was he born here-•sorae
forty-two years ago -but his father ,
before him Wiest saw the light ot
day within ee'hat is now the munici-
pality of Cleiton, ' His worship's
grandfather was one of ithe very
first settlers and his upcle, IVlr. Wm..
Gibbings, was the first white child
born in the Huron Tract. The orig-
inal Gibbings homestead was about on.
wbat is now Ontario 'street parson-
age, the farm extending east !rem
long the spoils. The Pastime Club three new members 'Welt. itmen t .
lied lost one of their beet men in PASSING OF HAROLD STEEP.
On Friday last the death occurred
at Its home in town of Harold
contested and congratulations are :1'imee Steele
only son oi Mr and Mrs.
after a -tedious illness.
have been very interesting and well Steel),
clue the Factory team, In the win -
the. person of Mr. L. Fah:, who left
largely instrumental In persuad rig town -on Saturday. Tho series of
many of the Americans to settle in games put on by the town League
the Canadian west. He was won. -
known all over the Westera States.'
Four months ago he was laid up
with an illness that baffled 'medical ping of the trophy. , The feeowin
skill', and passed away as stilted. He is the line-up Of the teams in Mon -
leaves a wife and two children. dey's match :
The 'remains were interred on Wed-
nesday at St. Catharines, wbere his
mother and three sisters reside, ,
Mrs. Chant attended the funeral.
The hearty and prompt way in
which the town council dealt' Monday
with the request of Secreeary, Dowd-
ing for IC 'usual grant of elety dol-
lars to the Clinton 'Spring Far
must have been personally gratifying
to that geneleman. They gave him
the money and their blessing and in-
dividually promised to do all in
their 'power' to help make the Fait
the greatest yet.
Chairman Ford said the street com-
mittee has had little to do the past
Montte except perfect their campaign
for the spring. We are looking for-
ward to ,a brisk season, ho int:mat-
ed somewhat, and ft the record
ilot broken for speed and perfection
it will not be the fault of the com-
mittee over which' your humble ser-
vant has the honor of presiding.
Councillor Jackson said that, his
continued correspondence with Gunns
Limited, was satPsfactory, the pre-
sident of the Company having stated
that he was favorably disposed • to-
Goal, W. ,Johneon. •
• Point, F.McCaughey.
Centre Point, R. leumball.
Rover, C. leelty.
Centre, W. Cook,
Wines, A. Mitchell and B. Levis.
Goal, Ted Cook.
Poiet, D. Tasker.
Centre Point, 3. Doherty,
Rover,, A. Doherty.
Cenere, 1e. Kerr,
Wings, C. Drapd and 13. Furniss,
W. Hern of Stratford refereed the
Rev. Prof, Bowles, Toronto, preach-
ed anniversary Sermons on Sunday.
In the morning 13,1 took for his text
the words, ''Ile that loveth nos,
knoweth not God," for God
is Love," preaching it beautifully
clear and enlightening !icemen illness
were most attentive during his long
un- and did everything possible
on this familiar but not too well
eventng service he chose the words, him, forinistetrliThe
ig to
derstood them. For his text at the efofr s cloviLfor_Itvereaniful
"For now we see through a glass
darkly, but tient face to face ; now Harold was popular with the young,
people of his own town and also
I know in part, but thee I shall know
even; as ant known," The Rev. of the western town where' he had
weeds Clinton and that they will in Professor xe a preacher of very simple
all probability locate here. address but he possesses the rare
Mayor Gibeings said that the faculty of being able to go right to
"5plit-log Drag" is ready for sere the heart ot his subject and of convey -
vire and its usefulness having beets, ing ehe truth straight to the hearts
demonstrated in scores of municipal -ref hi he„eee
sties he besought the commit'eee "
Good congregations were, present on
give it a good try -out on our back
each occasion and the services were
streets when the snow disappears and'
much enjoyed,
mud is the order.
His Worship also told- of his visit The choir rendered appropriate
to an adjoining town to inspeet an music at each serviice. In the morn.
automatic fire alarm system. he ing, i in addition to the anthem, Miss
cost is about $150. He said it
Boles sang a solo very sweetly,, . and
peered to work well and recommend-
ed ap-
a quartette consisieng of 'Miss Boles,
Mrs. Andrews, and lelessrs.East and the appointment of a commieeee to
'family of Auburn were guests on
Sunday of the lady's father, Mr.
• Thos. Jenkins of Woodlands Farm.
Little Miss Ethel ie staying for a
longer visit with her numerous re-
Mr; A. M. La France was taken•sud-
year. He went west about thirteen
years ago and for some years past
had been engaged 10 -Ithenlothing bus-
iness at Indian Head,. Alta. His
bealeh failing, he came home in April
last in the. hope that the change
would benefit him. But the deseasc
which, had fastened itself upon him
was too deeply -rooted and gradually
gained 'headway until 'the strength of
his young manhood was worn away.
He was aware for some time that
the end was near and was 'quite re-
signed to the will of a Regime Pow-
Harold was a great hoceey and
lacrosse player,one of the best of
amateurs, and to have hiOt one of
their number was considered a ' greet
advantage to any team.
He was a membel ot the 1. O. 0.
1'., being a member of the lodge at
Indian Head, where his fellow -mem-
bers were exceedingly kind to Min
before lie left ' and have einee mane -
'tested the greatest soeiciliede for his
welfare. The brethren here also,
latterly made his home, and in
these circles much regret is feet at
the untimely passing of a bright
and promeeng young life.
The funeral, which took peace or,
Monday- afternoon, was under, the die -
e011011 of the OddMIlows. The pall-
bearers were members of that or-
der : Albert Turner, 3. II. Kerr, A.
Mitchell, W. Collyer, ATexander.
and W. Johnsoh, Noble Grand Ilel-
epee: and Chaplain Moore took pare
in the services at house and graveside
Tlie. religious service was conducted
by Rev. T. W. Cosens.
To Inn bereaved parents and ono
get- fuller particulars. Moffat, was a fellre of the evening seetee, Mrs. A. E. Collyer of t0W11.
The Mayor added a Word .sr two service of song. • is extended the sincere sympathy of
relattive to the House -Building The trustees had asked for an offer- -the community in their sorrow.
100, saying that great interesbad
ing of $400 this year to help pay oil
a. email irelebtedness on the shed. Th
been aroused and he .wadhopeful that
much good would resutt, people responded with characteristic
Councillor Jackson reported briefly eieuealiee anti the amount was , MOM
attending the big Hydro -Electric eon, thlattn Ir,ti:alibzoenclsiodnereSdunbdnaey. • 06 the beet vention in Toronto a few days ago.
Representatives of a great many
munitepalits were present and a
vast amount of information was dis-
sentinated. Mr. Jecesou said the
enthusiasm for Hydro was tremend-
ous and there coulel be no doubt
about the immense benefit it wa
going to be to Ontario at large.
The membership of the Uneen of
the Canadian Manietpalitees ineludes
iihe Mayor or Reeves of 'the different
xnunicipalitMs. • The -object is to
discuss and act together ea matters
at common interest, such as watching
legislation which may be introduced
into Parliament or the Legislature
The intention is, that munieipalitees
shall stand by each other. Clinton
has paei the annual fee 01 1011 dol-
lars and is a member ef the' 'Onion.
Councillor Fred ,Jackson took ex
ception to an editorial which recently
appeared in The New Era and said
in part : "Tho press is always ad-
vising against 'knoeliing our • Iowa'
but here is a sample of the worst
and of 'knocking'. It is an attempt
to betittle the efforts of one of the
,most active committees of out coune
ail whose labors have been produceiee Progrese the people loo!r the oppor-
of good reseetex. lee Was laeeely Oro- tunity of , mixing lip eland becoming tion ,01 the G. T. R., Foreman, Ladd
ugh their exertions that the •latet acquainted, welcoming new-eomers, has ,.had an extra lot of 016110 011
industry was secured for Clinton and ete, Afterwards 11110 meeting was keeping bus. track cleared to preyent
I think it ill becomee eny persion to called to order by• the pastor and blockade should another storm visit
refine them credit tor whet they, reports were receiseed from the di!- us, ,
Have donee' terent departments oe tha work. More Ilohnesville news page 8, el tells ,the stoey.. • lee • .
and most successful anniversaries in
tee bistory of. the church, Miss Carrie Walter, oe Lite Clinton
• It was proe-ed by the report tel hospital 8 tail, visited at the• home
the !treasurer that the new method of
raising all the funds necessiesy for
the maintenance of the church • and
'lee schemes by systematic contribu-
eions, which was introduced lastyear,
year, has worked out very 'success:-
thee% The financee are in a most
sabisfactory state and the 110V7 met-
hthe work of looking after
the church finances fall more llgltly
einem those responsible for 11.
Mr, Ford had charge -al the
League meeting on Monday, idle mon-
to be taken to the hospital where . . .
Gunn, Thompson. and Gandier. He gift of the brethren. For many yearsGunn,
he has been recording secretary. Ile
aneopeention was performed by Drs.
is now doing as well as could be order.
is also a member of tbe Masonic
expected. .
For over seventeen years he has been '
leader ol the Ontario street choir
which is one of the best (noire in'
the county, a fact that must be a.
010001101'matter of considerable personal sat -
n M. D. and a son who is 0100011ewho recently commenced practice ns
on the leneversity staff.
Mr. awl 'Mrs, 15. II. Cooper of Put-
ney, England, were the guests
Mr, John Guest has been spending ' a
few days in Toronto, visiting mem,
bers of his family who are located
there, among them beei; a daughter
ure and' profit.
isfaction to the painstaking leader as
it is to the coneregation which lis-
tens to them each, Sunday witle pleas-
ed the iormer's mother, M138, Win,
('009033 of town over thewee
. k In 1904 Mr. Gibbings became 5.
end. elle Cooper is in charge et town councillor and was re-elected
four times. Then for teem years he
tEuropeen end of the Auto was reeve and now he fells the hon -
°rattle and responsible pos:tion • ot
Ile 38 active and -progressive and hav-
ing at heart the best interests of
been visiting for some little titne the home town es leaning no stone
, in - unturned to advance its welfare.
andhas been town
the past week I o o k i n g
after the disposal of certnin of
their 'books and belongings which
they do not wish to remove- to the
eity, where they intend in future
inday from Toronto where he was While the machinery in Mr. Wei.
i •
to make their home.
Mr. le. D. Cleghorn returned
Clinton elotor Car ectrIsepany ail the
onot S, 1113
el Mustard s sawmill was running at
- I fele speed on Monday the engine was
completely wrecked, wIreh will moan
a beaey loss to Mr. Mestard. As
in charge of the exhibit
Strop. Raeder Company's business and
come over to visit the New York
and Montreal houses.
Mrs. Stewart came up from Moron le,
where .she and De. Stewart, have
Messrs. Ben. Spence and Jas, War. -
son left on Tuesday for the- west,
horn has been looking after the ad -
en mei it will take a few weeks to replace
big Autotnotrile Sho vs.
vertising and his good work was ap-1
will be closed this will be tt,' still
the engine durieg which time the mill
ilition to his ()thee duties Mr. Oleg -
paten t in the eel, daelies. Fl e ex-
pects to go weet shortly to es-
tablish a.gencies.
gnarlier loss as Mr, Mustard had sore
mai large orders to fill at once.
The Misses Sturm are still con -
Mr, Albert Turner eeaves le a ler ducting evangelietie services- 10 the
night for Saskatoon diettriet havint-te lievrienthobdeisetionechhirli tl
lidecanextisesveleukld. ay eTvheerty.
accepted a position there. It is ' to ing'
be only, temporary though for, af- Mr. anti Mrs. Edward Weston aad.
far travelling much. in th0 west and child of (30derie1i are visiting weeb
convinced that Old Ontario. is the the formee's parents this week.
up and down the coast, he is que'
too, with The News -Record that with St. Andrew's church wig
held in the basement on the evening.
Thee annual Irish social ia connection
most choice spot of all. He agrees.
Ines Province'• is entering upon its
of Friday of next week. This nee
period of
greatest, expansion and fair has proved to be trete populat
that the Ontario farmer well more
f0 the past and no doubt will be ere-
joyable this year also, as prepare -
teens are being made to make ie so.
James Young is attending the Clin-
ton Business College.
than ever come into his own.
Mrs, C. II. Forret of Lorburn, Sask,
H' - - ---eee and her sister, Mess B. Gilkinsoti
of Elam, have been visiting W 5 at the
Miss G•ereie King has returned frorn home of their aunt, Aire
Wia,rton where she had been called ow- D01.1711S. t1l0 13.0 fele days. Mr.
, and Mrs. Forrest 'Who have spent
ing to 'the illness of her father.
the winter in Ontario will return
to the wesf, next week where they
are evidently making good. Mr. For-
rest, has about five thousand
bushels of grain, mostly wheat, to
convey to the elevators before be-
ginning operations in connection with
the coming season. '
of her brother, Min S. T. Walter of
the Huron Road, recently..
The servece in the Methodist chrech
on Sunday , 'nothing last was talsen
bye the ofbcers of odic League. The
Peesident, Mr. Will Pieleerd, con
duetted - the opening services, Ashen Mr.
N. W. "Trewartha gave w 'firm talk on
the -Mall oe Peter. He allowed that
the, reason of Peter's fabler° was
his failure to understand Christ's
spirituale kingdom. He was so en -
Wrested in the enriporal kingdom
hilly consecration meeting, and gave which all Jews were looking forward
an earnest talk on the subject, • to, that he overlooked the signif ice
The annual congregational At Home ence of much of Christ's teaching.
was 'held oa Tuesday evening, to Mr. Geo. W. -G-ould there spoke of the
which were invited all the adult mem- restoration of Peter through the tear -
hers and, adherents of the churele The ful eye ot the penitent meeting the
envitation was very generally apeepti- sympathetic eye of the Saviour. Ap-
ed and there was a good tutnout.
The ladles et the congregation ser-
ved tea in the Sunday scbool room
from seven to eight o'elocle ,a fea-
ture of the gathenieg which was ap-
preciated. While the supper was in
propriety music was given and the
service was very much enjoyed. Many
expressed ehe desire that the Leaghe
would Inore cf ten. lake cherge of the
morning service.
• Owing to tee recent seams felling
up. the 'cuts oe Rolinesville see.
They Want to Deal,
With Yon.
'The announcements of Clinton'se
lvnee.merchants aro
to be totted in The News -Record's
• Bagfielt1
' Albert Stirling of Southampton le
visiting his aunt, lilts. John Toms,
Miss Alice Tippett, who graduated
from the Clinton Beeiness Colleseehae
obtained a position Al Toronto.
' Good Morning 1 -deer reader.
How does your sub, to The
News -Record stand 7 The leabe
P. M. and Chairman.
• Mr. S. J. Andrews.
Mr, 8. J, Andrews if; chairman of
the I-louse-I3uildling which
is preparing a report eer submission
to a mooting 01 oiicsons to be held
shortly. . Mr, Andrews is
.spirited and as a consequence is eight
in lino wttlh the Souee-Building
r ,