HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-29, Page 4ewe-RecOod
Febrt►ry'29th, 191
r. and Mrs. M, ?Flick entertained
'Nie choir at their home on the,Huron
lr',cad an Tuesday evening. last and, all.
repore having had• a; first-class • time,
Many think this a capital idea and.
only wish they were, singers too and
elms bd` in a posiition to enjoy the
ipteasure in connection .therewith. We
stye aware it is not aid pleasure
a .member of 'the choir as itr entails
a, considerable amount of earnest eel
+leaver and sacrifices, These little out -
a re0
out -
:tugs n s are as mementos ofP
p nate
by members of the church who so
Madly open their homes vu oak to
give expression of kindly 'Wishes to
our leaders of song.
o `.f Goder-
Mr.> arid ,Mrs. J. Howard c
lett have been visiting with Mr, and
Mrs, Jos, Jervis thisi week,
Messrs. William Merrill and Lorne,
,:Yervis : spent . ,Sunday 'in Goderich.
zhere,'being apparently some a.ttrac-
':ion up that way..
ioderich 'Township
The following'frbm thd'Tribune ' of
Bay City'; Mich., well be of interest
8o 'readers of The News• -Record, those
in Goderi'bh township particularly, trio
subject of the paragraph being t
eldest son of Mr:, and Mrs;. William
Perdue of the Bayfield Line. The
lribune.Say:s :'•
"William IA, Perdue fen: many years
connected with .the automobile busin-
t'd v
ess, has become a,s socia
Bromfield •S Colton and as a • resu,t
the Oakland Auto Co. has, been organ-
ized. Tee new company ,vyill erect
a finely Cqu PPedbuilding g at Ther and•
Adams streets, 100 feet square and'
two stories high, in which to conduct
a gneeral automobile sales and repair
business. The company will .: be
sales agents for the Oakland Motor
Car Company; with lday, Arenac,
Midland, Gladwin and the north one-
half of Tuseole county as its
tare/Dry. The company will hand-
le eightmodels of autoindbtle, one
truck and three sizes of motors and
Mr. Perdue feels that with this show-
ing the new company will share•
heavily in the sales in this district.
March 1 the Company will begin -bus-
iness in the building adjoining. the
Bromfield & Colvin elevator, remain-
ing there until its new buildingete
completed Mr. i'exdee has been a
- U residene of Bay 'City the last three
n years and has had wide experience in
• ' tine autombile eadustry,, it including
e both electric and gas cars." '
ese I Messrs. Warrick Cole and Geo, llan-
ele ley ' had an exciting experience on
• Thursday of last weee, the day of
the big storm. They were cuteing
wood in .Me. Ranstord's flats but
,a when the wind became so high that
Two Weddings le
stanieg Township:'
A •very pretty wedding was solem
pined an Tuesday at high noon at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Keys of
the Babylon Line, Stanley, when their.
eldest daughter, Annie Ile was united
in marriage 'Go'. Mr. Jetties A. Reid
of Carnduff, Sask. ' Miss Mayne
Keys,,, sister of the bride, acted 'as
bridesmaid, and Mr, Charles, L. Tyner
of Summo'rhfll was groinsman. ;The
bride'' was given away by ilex father
and her sister, Miss Myrtle, played
the Wedding m. •
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. T. W. Oosens el Clinton' ovi:ng
to the unavoidable absence of ` the
family pastor, Rev. T; J. Snowden.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
white silk and carried an exquisite,
boquet of carnations and hyacinths.
The bridesmaid was gowned in blue.
The bridal party . stood under ' an
arch from the centre of which hung a
beautiful white dove• ' • . '
When the bridal pair had rece'wed
the hear,ey congratulations of the
assembled guests,, who numbered
about thirty, all partook of the wed-
ding feast.
The bride was the recipient of many
end'beauti�ful gifts, among them being
a purse of gold from the congrega-
tion of Goshen Methodist church, in
connections with which she had been
organist for several years, besides
occupying several positions in other
branches of the work. Two Presentations.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid have gone on a •
trip; to Yale, Mich., and other points, On the evening of' Friday, the lab
after wl.ieh they will proceed to their inst., the members and adherents - of
home vs Carurlull, Sisk. The bride's ashen Methodist church met at the
co's C
they thought tit unsafe to remain any
�1 f1 e• MAg fpp longer in the woods they started for
c• . • home. Owing to the thickness of the
storm they lost their way and after
1�.LSO TIIE wandering about; for sonic time' found
0 themselves at the home of Mr. Robt.
t ell gh, who very .kindly took
¢> u
<<} them in, made diem comfortable and
`e kept them until the next day when
0 the storm had abated. To 'the mean-
• timO they had apprised they friends
by telephone. of their whereabouts. .
W. Haggerty returned do
Mrs. D gg Y
her. home at Moore Park on Tuesday
after a two months visit on the old
homestead on the ninth concession.
o iPIr..Arthur Cooper is gradually re-
covering from his recent illness.
The postponed service of sacred
song will be held in St. James'
church, Middleton, on Friday, evening
f this week: Preparations have been
Stanley` Townsl>ip
Mr. Will Reid frcin 'Winnitpog is
visiting under the parental reoE this
Mrs, Wm.' Foster is' visiting fri-
ends, in •London this ..week. .
Miss Nona; Sherritt of.Hensall vis-
ited Parr Line and Goshen Line fri-
ends last' week.
Miss . Dorothy Boyce has returned
home . after spending a short time
in `'Toronto,
r , returned home
a Peck
Miss Lmm
from London "after spending, a few
weeks there,
Mi„s Maggie 'Reid is spending a few
days i;ri Clinton this week.
Mr.Andrew Reid has taken a trip
to Bay' , City to ;see 'his 'sister -in.
ld°w,` Mrs. 'Jim Reid who has been ill
for some time.
Mr. David J. Stephenson and fam-
ily spent' Sunday at Mr. Ralph Step-
henson on the Parr Line.
Don't forget,the oyster`supper next
Thursday night. Como and enjoy
Men aro busy now ploughing Phe
roads out owing to the severe snow-
Quite a number from around here
attended the funeral of Mrs. Snow-
den oh Tuesday last.' '
Mr,. Jack Reid spent Sunday under
the parental roof.
Mrs. Wm. Foster has spent the
past weeks at London.
made to have the service enjoyable
and the admission fee is only ten
and fifteen cents.
Sevrer'al from'Helmesville'attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. (Rev)
Snowden •_' of Varna on Tuesday af-
f-ternoonA number also drove to
Clinton• and followed the cortege to
to the cemetery there, where inter -
Merit took place. ,t
Mr. and, Mrs. J. Howard' of God--
erich are visiting friends en the
Maitland con.
Mr, ' and Mrs, Harry Sweet enter
taireed a few of their friend ou
nesday evenng.,•
The Ladies' Aid of Londesboro
Presbyterian church intend giving a
,social at the home of Mr. W. H.
Ball of the Base Line ore Tuesday
evening next. Preparations are be-
ing made` for a very pleasant time.
Ev r<rev PRICE &
Evaitt 1•'rrlf.'I: .t
& Co.
Last Call for SYinter boats
WE do not want to cairy over to next season one
single coat so put them on sale Saturday ail
at one price, all new coats and none of these sold
at less than $10, most of them at $15. Your choice
of the fifteen, coats . , . . , $4.98
This is your last chance, to buy a good coat cheap;
e Last Call for Furs
WE wantto make room for our nety spring goods
,'so offer big reductions in all furs almost half
of regular price; here are a few quotations :
$20• Sable ruffs . • $12 50
$18 , '" muffs . 13 00
$ 9 western sable scarfs 4.50
$ 7 mink ' marmot throws. 3 75
$13 50 " flat collars. 7 50
$15 Isabella fox scarfs , 8'00
$25 Persian lamb muffs 18 00
6 00
$30 tr to
$10 " " scarfs
• $20 a it " . 14 00
8 Isabella oppression ruffs . 4 00
$18 mink cravat 9 00
$ 5 electric seal caps . 3 00
1 quilted fur -collared
coat western sable col-
lar $25 for. '
13 50.
UST to' hand this. week • ,new ging ams, new em-
broideriesnew dress goods, new delaines, new
crepe, clothe, new foulards, new cotton voiles and
going away costume was a suit o
myrtle green Empress cloth. -
Guests were present from Clinton,
Cloderich, Seaforth, Luca", Summer-
hill and Leadhury,
The bride was very popular and will
bo much missed in church and social
The News -Record joins the multitude
of friends in extending to Mr. and
Mrs. Reid its very best+ wishes,
A quiet wedding oce ed yesterday
at the home of Mrs. Robt. Keys of
the Babylon Line, when her d tugli-
ter, Miss Phoebe, was marr.'d to
Mr. Samuel Hannah of Yellow Grass,
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Keys of
the Babylon Line, Stanley, and in
lice of the: marriage of their. dangle
ter, Miss Annie le ;,to Mr. James•
Reid of Carnduff, Sask., and her de-
perturo for her new home in the west,
took occasion to show in some tang-
ible way Oct r, appreciation of her
faithful and untiring services as or-
ganist in the church and her; self-sac-
nifroing labors for the choir, the Sun-
day school, Epworth League and
Women's Missionary Society. In' fact
in every branch of church work Miss
Keys has been one of our most preen-
rominent workers and with her removal
Goshen church '' will sustain a severe
loss. •
In the course of the evening bliss
Keys was called to the front and pre-
The Weary Smile
That Covers Pain.
Women Are Themselves to Blame for
Much of Their Suffeidng.
it under smile
Women are wogs, sota
they will try to hid pain and suffer-
ing that any man could not bear pa-
tiently. If women would only re-
member that their frequent failures
of health arise from feeble or impure
blood their lives would be smoother
and they would longer retain their
natural charm.
When' the'blood fails then begin
those dragging headaches and back-
aches ;' unrefreshing sleep that causes
dans lines wider the oyes; dizziness
fits of depression ; palpitation or
rapid fluttering of the heart ; hot
flashes and indigestion. Then the
cheeks grow pale, the eyes dell and
the complexion blemished.
. Women should know that much of
this suffering is needless and can he
promptly remedied. Purify and en-
rich the, blood through the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Fills and your
suffering will vanish. Thousands of
women should know that Dr. Will-
iams' Pink Pills have brightened their
lives by nicking the new, good blood
of health, and so toning up alt the
vital organs into healthy, vigorous
action. Here is an instance from
among many : Miss Cora A. Cornell,
St. Catharines, Ont., says:• "Ever
since the age o
i ffourteen I have suff-
ered terribly with pails in my back,
and severe headaches. I was also
much troubled with indigestion and
had to be extremely careful as to my
diet, and sometimes did not feel like
The ceremony was. performed by eating at all, Some two years ago
Rev. T. J. Snowden of Varna in therented with anicely-worded address the headaches became so bad that I
presence of only immed.ate relatives. and a purse containing over fife; had to give up, my positf:on, which
The bride was the recipient of many
handsome gifts, 'among them being
one dozen silver knives and forks
from her friends in the neighborhood
and members of Goshen. church, with
which she was connected.
Mr. and Mrs. Hannah leave almost
at once for their western home,
where they will be followed by the
good wishes of a hos-e of friends.
Rev. Mr. Johnston of the Presby-
terian church occupied the pulpit of
the Methodis' church on Sunday ev-
ening last,' -
Nr. Andrew Reid is in Bay City,
Mich., having gone over on account
of the; illness of his sister-in-law,
Mrs. James Reid, who is a sister of
Mr. J. S. Willison, editor of • The
News, Toronto. Mrs, Reid has since
Miss Annie Foster id at present
visiting in Brooklyn. Miss Foster,
by the way, is to be congratulated
on the success which her pupils had
in passing recent exams. Miss Rose
Elder passed in grade 3, Miss Ella
took honors in grade 2 and Miss
Kate McGregor secured honors in
grade 1.
Many friends, from FIolmesville cir-
cuit attended' the funeral of the late
Mrs. Snowden on Tuesday afternoon.
dollars in goli.
Miss Keys was taken completely by
surprrise but replied in a few well-
chosen words, heartily thanking the
people for their
kindness and the tok-
en of their appreciation, and she.
assured them that the time and labor
she had .given to choir and church
work were freely and gladly given,
and the time thus spent,would, be one
of the brightest spots in her Ifo.
The remainder of the evening was
then spent in music, games and social
chat. Lunch was served by the
ladies and at a late hour all departed
to 'their homes, highly pleased with
the evening's enjoyment.
Tire address was as follows :
To Miss Angie E. Keys :
We, your friends and neeehhore of
Goshen Methodist church, have gath-
ered here tonight in view of and be-
efore your departure from us to most
sincerely show our appreciation of
First : For the l,';gir standard o5
womanhood you have constantly
Secondly For your faithfulness
and Christian zeal in all things that
make for the advancement of the
church andthe cause of God in the
community. .
Thirdly : For the service which for
a number of years you have so faith-
fully conl,n:buted as'organist to main-
tain the efficiency of our' choir and the
sertiice of song in the sanctuary, and
Following a long, weary illness and your sacrifice of time and energy
math sufeu:ng, the death angel came freely and gladly given thereto, We
on Saturday morning last to Eliza-
beth, wife of Rev. T. J. Snowden,
wafting her tired spirit into the
rest and peace and joy of the better
The deceased was a native of Lon-
donderry, Ireland, being a daughter
of the late Lieutenant Scarlett of
the Royal Irish Constabulary. The
family carne to Canada when she
was just a child, and settled at Graf-
ton, Centime. 'Thirty-six years ago
she was wedded to Rev. Mr. Snow-
den and during the years since bore
with him the trials -anti inconvenien-
ces of the Methodist. itinerancy. , Un-
ci? stricken with the illness which
'terminated in her death, she well -
sustained her share of the burden of
the work of her husband, and the ,ne-
cessary withdrawal, owing to her in-
creasing weakness,' of her sympathe-
tie help was a serious handicap to him.
For the past nine years Mrs. Snow-
den has been more or less of an in-
valid, but in her illness' she was cared
for with loving devotion by husband
and daughter. For the past few
months they have been assisted by a
nice,, Miss Wall.
One brother and one sister survive,
the former in Vancouver B' C., the
latter in Seattle, Wash. Several re-
latives also reside in Hamilton, this
Province, Dr. Scarlett, Mr. Thomas
Scarlett and Mrs. J. S. Scarlett,
nephews and neice of the deceased
being present for the obsequies.
The funeral took place from ' the
parsonage on Tuesday afternoon to
Clinton cemetery. The services were
conducted by Rev, J. E. Ford, of
Wesley church, Clinton, assisted by
Rev. J. 'Greene, and' Rev, Mr. John-
ston, Varna. The pallbearers were :
rn ell J. T.Keys, William
J. E. FIa w ,
Ratlrwell, • John Wanless, 'Nathan
Peck and ,James McClymont.
Several ' beautiful floral tributes
were placed upon the caskets by sym-
pathizing friends; One beautiful de-
s;tgn "Gates Ajar" was sent by
the official hoard of the circuit, be-
sides many lovely offerings from re-
latives and from family friends at'
Holmesvidle and at Varna. ,
was clerking in a store, where, of
course, I was constantly on my
feet, 'I took a position in an office,
whore I could be seated most of the
time, but even then I suffered .terri-
bly most of the time.. As the medi-
cine I had been taking did not help.
me I finally decided to try Dr. Will-
iams' Pink Pills. I got a supply,
and soon fell they were helping me
and I continued taking the ptlls for
several months until I feltperfectly
well. Although my doctor advised
nye not to go back' to my old position
T decided to do so, and have not felt
any evil effect. I never have back-
ache now, seldom a headache, and all
traces of the indigestion have ' dis-
appeared. I cannot speak too high-
ly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pil4's and
hope this letter will help someone
who suffers as I used to."
Sold by all medicine dealers or by
mail all 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'`Med-
icine Co., Brockville, ,Ont.
heartily and thankfully acknowledge.
Fourthly : And td show you that
these are not mere empty sentiments
but heart -warm expressions of our
affection and good will we wish you
to accept this purse and its contents
accompanied by our prayers 'that
though you may he separated from us
in the future by time and distance,
you may he the recipient of the rich-
est treasures our Father in Heaven
can bestow.
Signed on behalf, of Goshen corn.
munity :
Nathan Peek; Thos. Robinson.
Another, Presentation
Also at the same time and place the
Goshen people took the opportunity.
•of presenting Miss Phoebe Keys with
nicely worded address and a dozen
silver knives and forks.
Miss Keys, although taken complet-
ely by surprise, heartily thanked the
people for the expression of their
friendship and good will.
Miss Keys • leaves in a few days to
make her home in the west and will
be greatily missed in our community.
The News Record" leads for the news
of Stanley ,To'wnship and the whole) of .cows at Seaforth on Saturdaywas
itstricto, fairly' ,sucoesSful.
Take advantage of the low Prices
at F. A. Edwards specie.? sale. You
can make money no easier,
Here are some snaps in Tweeds :
40c.Tweed for 28c.
45c Tweed for g5c.
75c Tweed for fisc.
$1.00 Tweed for 70e.
54linch black diagonal 'worsted $3.00
yard for $1,00.
35c all woo? navy flannel 20c., g.
25c table oil cloth 20e.
35c table oil cloth 30c.
75c black smocks' for 45c.
Ail admit they never saw such val-
ues or such genuine reductions.
Come at once and get 'first choice.
Watch for announcement next week.
During the early part of Rev. Mr.
Snowden'ssterile o
f' theHolmes-
ville circuit Mrs. Snowden by her
cheerful and earnest spirit won the
esteem , of an 'effection of all with
whom she came sur contact, bul.
such was the nature of her 'trouble,
that the time came when she had to
withdraw entirely from the. excite-
ment of friendly intercourse. So
that the latter part of their stay
gene and singe the home was sad-
dened greatly by this shadow of suf-
fering' and affliction. To those who
ask "Why ,does God allow his child-
ren tie suffer so intensely ?" 'w'e can.
only answer, "He knoweth best!' and
we can but trust Him who has
said,". All things work together for
good to them that love God,"
Mr. ',Snowden .and family have 'the
sincere sympathy of this whole com-
munity In their hour of sorrow.
Mr. George Holland's postponed sale
F. A. Edwards
Are Tired
01 the winter storms and snow banks and so
are we, but Old Sol is coming up from the
south with all sails spread for our northern
latitudes and will soon touch everything into
We Are Making
Extensiverep arations for a very busy spring
p P
season in dry goods, notions, mantles, . millin—
ery and house furnishings.
New Spring Goods
Oinghams in all the newest designs and col-
ors, pink, blue, black, white, hello, fawn, tan
and grey, checks, stripes and plaids at 10c
and l2bc.
White Goods
Indian Head 36 inches at 15c, 18c and 25c.
Vestings, dimities, plain and Swiss muslins,
Papps voiles, etc, from 10c to 45c per yard.
Sheeting & Pillow Cotton
Bleached and unbleached, plain and twill 68,
70, 72 and 80 inches wide at 25c, 28c, 30c,
32c, 38c and 45c per yard.
See Our Special
English made dimity white quilt at *1.25,
also special values in English Toilet Quilts
at $2.50, $3.00, $3,50, $4,00 and $4.50.
Ask for Coupons.
Why not use Fertilizer Instead of
barnyard measure ? It is easier to.
apply to the land and givesbetter
satisfaction In 'every way. It is
used for all grain crops and also a
good catch of clover and poor mea-
dows. Give your land a, good top
dressing of Fertilizer before planting
yourpotatoes alad also, when hoeing
them and it will double your. crop.
It is good fon beans and for all
kinds of root ewes. it has been
tested and found to be better than
other fertilizers, Give it a trial:
Over three hundred tons, sold already
'The National Fertilizer, which is.
placed on the market by the National
Land, Fruit 'and Packing Company,
shows the following analysis compar-
ed with barnyard manure :
Nitrogen 3.50 equal to 4.0 am-
Phosphoric a acid 5.75, equal to 12.
soluble phosphates.
Potash' 3.50, .
Sold by Frank W. Evans, Sole
right for the County of Huron. See
our agents,
Frank W. Evans
Phone 101. Clinton'
Logs Wanted
— AT
All kinds of Logs willget Highest Prices,
No,"1 basswood Heading, 40 inches,
$3.75 per cord delivered.
Y-21,11._° Custom Work
The News Record to end of 1912
for $1.00
Furniture., Store
We wish to greatly ,reduce our stock of fine furniture and
house furnishings. We ate marking several pieces away down from
the regular price. There is, a general reduction throughout the
whole store, except on Linoleums. We have our spring stock
in now,but the prices are so close now that we can, not allow any,
discount on oil cloth or linoleum,
If you are thinking of buying a sewing machine we have
a shipment new from the factory. Call and get prices. The low
prices will surprise you. We donocanvassing inthis line. Every
machine will be sold the same as a piece of furniture with a small
percentage profit. Every machine guaranteed ten years.
: —`�...
Th4eunlit YStorew
Rhone 28
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
The News Record to end of 1912
for $1.00