HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-22, Page 7t'ebruary 22ed, 1912 mom. Me'l'AO,GART D. NI elAGO ART Mc Taggart BANKERS -- The Owen SO‘iii-d \vire felic Wor:cs were damaged by Ore to the extent of $15,000 to $20,600. The :fro- ' queis 1V'letbodist. Chu rob was aerned'; itY5s, $25,000., - Bros. 1 A v _ _ ALLIA131.1E AID IN THE FIGHT AGAINST TI)SERICULOSIS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCODN'TED. - DRAFTS ISSUED SVTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS, SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. • II. T. RANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL 1 ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRE- SENTING 14 FIRE INSIelle 'ANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OEFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISYER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC.' . OFFICE- Sloane Sleek --CLINTON. CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notaty Public Conunissiotte, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE. Issuer of litarriage Licenses. HORON STREET, - CLINTON. DRS. GUNN St GANDIER. • Dr. W. Gunn, L. R. • L. R. C. S. Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B. A.., M B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence., Rattenbury St. sir at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW. —ons7cP,—' RATTENBURY T. EAST, -CLINTON.- DR. C. W. THOMPSON. PIWSICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special ateentiOn given to dis- eases of the Eye, lear, Nese and Throat. .01.yes carefully' examined and suitable glasses preseribed. Office and residence': 2 doors west of the Commercial Hetiel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON. Specialist :in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of (1. C. D. S., Chicago, and It CL B. SI, Toe - onto. Bayfield on Mondays ,Item May to Derembee. -TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart Irons. Clinton station its follows : . BUFFALO AND ,CODERICII DIV: Going East '1.35 a. tn. i; 3.117 p. in. 5.15 p. in. 11.07 a. tn. 1,25 e. 4.40 p, in. 11.28 p„ in. 1LONOON, HURON & 1ll:A.10E DIV 7.50 a, m. 4.23 p. in .11,00 a. in., 11.115 eeil,Going West Going South Coing North I OVER E• S YEARS' Eatianignina TRADE MARRie _ Damon* 'CosvRiGAT5,4c. AnyeneseatIME Bakst.? eSserigtum 1.151k'i.crialiZEFult:440.641117741i eons tAtt: tRATgor,11112116nWl=f4. ,c,Latesi without abuts% Ia tne 1;cientific handeniaely Ilinnhatoo,synonly, • ursp*, a.tatios 05 any anlantinn Jnurnal. jer,he tot C.M84.1 41145 a,yw, poatage 031;41d.. Sold by all afavnanalern. ' MUNtl$ Co.3919"t*It*' New ttrk StepSOtOva 525 ..BLWrdibiaatna..D. vigia LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. • A FAMillef LternAlief The Best i Current Literature COAN P, t2Tri NOVELs YEARLY MANY SHORT sToro Es AND PAPERS ON THRELV TOPICS $2.80 Pan YEAR; 28 cvs a ccoPv, sMt0.0001N,111E0 srosi es MY ERN' te UNIOESI csatemere 151fISCLP A Sgre Herne VocAment . The host way to fight tuberculosis is to prevent it. The whole basis of the Sanatorium treatment for the white plague is pure air --lots of it -good, wholesome food, and a rational amount of exercise. •* It is nothing more than a process of building up the system by diet, air and exercise, combined with good recon- structive tonicto rebuild the tissues. You can have all this rut home if you will. Better still you can prevent tuber- culosis by jumping up the bodily de- fences against the disease. Take fresh air, fresh milk, fresh eggs and other good food With what exercise you can stand without, fatigue. Keep your windows wide open at night, telte Nyal's Cod Liver Compound, and you need not I'm tubereelosis, even if yoe are run down. Nada Cod Liver CoMpound is a de - %dolls tonic, it builds up the Waste tissues -puts on gird, fiend flesh and aids digestion. Everyday this splendid tonic is putting on their feet people who would otherwise have drifted into a dangerous condition. It 'will not dis- appoint you. Don't wait till you are all run down and unfit for work. If you are not feeling up to your best, mid are losing ground, get a big dealer bottle at once, Nyal Remedies are the best value ever offered to the public. The Nyal people, had to convince us of this first before we would offer them to our customers, and this remedy we know to be all they claim for it. • , 12 Sold and Guarani by W. S. Et Holmes,' J. hl. Hovey, W. A. McConnell, Clinton. Y M. C. A. BLDG.. LoNnoN, ONT. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 stuilents and placed every graduate. %yea specially qualified regular teachers. One hundred and fifty London finns employ our trained help. College in session from Sept. to June 30. Enter any time. Corselet/lee Free. thand Forest City 1411/12 College Shor J. W. WESTERVELT. JR. J. W. WESTERvELT, Chartered Aementant, Prlacipe. • D.. N. WATSON . CLINTON. - ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER" I:or the County of Huron. Correet Pondenee ,pwomptly answered. Charg- es moderate and satisfaction guaraii- teed. Imietediate arrangements ft sale dates may he made by calling at • The News -Record Office or • oft Frank Watson at Beacoln Senyiles grocery. m TrioAS BROWN, LICENSED Al'- tioneer for the ecliptics of and Perth. Correspondence prowl.- ly answered. Immediate a,rrancein m,ents can bh-made {Meade dates at The News-Rocord, Clinton, oely calling phone 97, Seatorth. Charges moderate and 'Satisfaction' guaran- teed. The 1110KIIIon Mutual Fire Insurance Coinnano -Farm and Isolated Town Property- --Only Insured- -OFFICERS - J. B. 'McLean, President, Seaforth P. 0. ; Jas. Connoliy, Vice -Presi- dent, Gaderieh P. 0. ; le, Hays, Secretary:Treasurer, Sealerth P. 0. -Directors- William Cheeney, Seafortie ; John Grieve, Winthrop, Witham Ram, Con- stanoe ; John Watt, Ilarlook ; Jelin I3entierivies, Brodhagen Janice ZV- ans, Beechwood M. MeEtven, Clin- ton ' -Agents- Robert Smith; Hemlock ; Fte flinch - ley, Seaforth ; Ja-nes Cemlnittegs, Eg- Meadville ; J. W. Yea, Holanesville. Any money to be 'paid in may he paid to atforrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or 'ate Clutt'e grocery, Godetieh. • Parties desirous to effect insurance or teaneact other bush:Red will he prempely attended to on application to any of the above officete addreesed to their respective postoftices. Losses Inspected by the director wbe lives nearest *he scene. Clinton News- Record 'reruns el suliscription-el per year, in adVancc $1,50 may tee cheeped if not so paid.' No paper discontin- ued untie all arrethm are paid, nth less at ,the option of 'the.publish- er., The tiara to which every sub- scription is paid is deneted on the label. Advertisingrates-Transient. ras-Transient , adhere tisceneetee l0 cents per ,nonpariel line for first insertion And 3 cents per liac email subsequent ineerr- ion. Small advertisements not to exceed ;me inch, such as 'amen" "S brayed , o ' 'Stolen ," etc, in aerte,d once, for 36 cents and fN1011 s'obsequest4 inseralen 10 cents, Communiealeons intended for !melee,- tien must: ae a guarantee of, geed faith, be adeompanied by the, nainr; of tho writer. W . Eater and Preptieter. T News-Reent 4. , see him suffer," /Lashed out Allem), naughtily, "but knowing pdeitively :that Inc is innocent, I am only sorry that he should have fallen into the trap 'evidently laid for him by soros third person." . "What person, may I ask?" 1 "/ don't now, I knownothing,' Mr. Meeker, and for the present I em -content to know nothing. When ro- dio is acquitted there will • be time enough, to look for 'the criminal in an- other direction; Meanwhile, both .111e. Carver and 1 are assured of his ,banoeeneee' ' 41 don't erre what 'Carver has to do I With the matter," said Iferker, eolently. 1 Aileen looked Surprised, "Since he Is engaged to marry me, lie naturally has everything to do wills a matter concerning the death of my father." "Are you really engaged to Car- ver?" asked Mercer, dropping his drawl and his eye -glass, to speak In deadly earnest, • Yes. Albion bit her no and flushed. "Don't 'say anything more, ,plearise.• • . Marker' s pale face also flushed, and he looked quite handsome, as he opened 'his mouth again. There was no denying that the man was smart and good-looking, well-dreseed, and well-bred, when be, did not aleoee, his temper to get the better of him. "I must say more," he murmured, and passed hat tongue nervously over his ary lips. "I came down to say much on a subject which is very dear to me, Mies Weldon." Alison knew before the words were out of his mouth what he wished to speak about, and her first impulse was to leave the room in haughty si- lence. But it flashed across her that it would be Just as well to allow the man to commit himself, so that she could have a weapon to fight him, If he turned disagreeable. There was Donna Christina to be considered, and hferker was not considering her, a forgetfulness which would be un- pleasant to himself if ey any chance she knew what he propesed doing. What he did propose Caine out with a rush, since Alison did not speak. "I want you to be my %vitt-, Miss 'Web. dot." • "The girt was quite cool, and mis- tress, of herself; "I fear that I must decline your kind offer." "And why?" demanded the. man fiercely. "Does that questioe require an an- swer?" "I think so." "I don't. However, if you wish for a reply, you must know that there are two °beta:cies in the way. of your pro- posal. In the first place, I am en- eaged to marry Mr. Carver, whom love dearly, and in the second, Donna Christina la engaged to marry you." Meeker's frown drew darkee, but he kepthis temper wonderfully, consid- ering how passionate a man he was: "I shell deal with the second obsta- cle first, Mee Weldon, and can as sure you that it is no obstacle what- ever. I am not engaged to Donna Christina Mean." • She told me herself that you are, and that the engagement was kept secret because your aunt, Lady War - by, from whom you have expectatione, would disinherit you if you married a foreigner." "Donna Christina is both right and wrong," said Meeker, dryly. "My aunt is a narrow-minded, religious woman,' who Would never forgive me for marrying a Roman Catholic, as Donna Christina is. Tor that reason I have not become engaged to her Setting aside another reason, which. Is, that I love only one woman, arid that is yourself." "I am greatly obliged, hut I love Mr. Carver," said Alison, cool atid composed as ever, "and Mr. Carver / Intend to marry. "He is poor and I 'am rich." "That doesn't matter to Inc." "He has no future," said hlerker, earnestly, "whereas now that the Government are recognizing my ser- vices, I shall soon occupy a good pm. anion And I may tell you Miss Wel- don, that it is not beyond the bounds, of possibility that I may be, knighted,' since my aunt knows many members of the Governmenteand----" "Even the chance ot being Lady Marker, does not alter my decision," • "But consider—" "There is nothing to be consider -1 ed," interrupted the girl, Imperious- ly; hit is an insult to me that you should propose when you know that I am engaged to another man. Lha:vei listened to you more patiently thanl you deserve, Mr. Meeker, but my tem- per will not be restreined much long- er." ' "I don't tare for your temper, or for your engagement, or for anything: you may say or do," said the eine plorer, doggedly. "I have always, managed to geetwhat I wanted, and II intend to get you for my wife." • "You are trying for 'the, moon.' What you deeire,so far as I am con - peened, will never be granted to, "But consider,' Allton---" forbid you, to call me by MYChristian name." •' "As you please. I shall soon have th right to do so, when you are my wife." • , The girl laughed' in this daring wooer's face, -You seem to think that. 1 halm no mine of my own," she said, contemptuously; "even if 1 were not! engaged I should never marry you," "But I 'can give you wealth, posia tion, fame, and--"' • '"And yourself. Dear me, it is a', wonder that I ant not to be bought1 when you make such lavish otters? et refuse,' Mr. Meeker, with many thanks, I am not for sale. Your impudence: amuses Inc, Dealing with black women. has made you forget that wives thee not purchased in England for a string, of beads." ' 'Meeker looked at her. Duelled end; Indignant face admiringly. Never, had sho appeared so beautiful, or so, desirable, "The more you say In thati way, the more determined I am tot marry you," • "By [orced" "By forma if neede be. If tot Ine fa,Ir means then by foil]. I shall iltiele' el nothing to gain you to myeefe• "You will 'have to Inchon with Mr. Carver mid with Donna Cbtistlnae "I care for the first as little ai I love tile ether." -Well, then," said Alison who had retreated to, the winclow, and wan looking out, "here Conies the tele- graph boy. If Vedic is sent for trial Abell marry you: if pot, you meet take your dismissal." , "Agreed," said the Man, eagerly. "F0L1/0 18 done for, I am certain." There was a tense pease, and short- ly the door opened to admit the maid with a telegram. Alison opened It, smiling, 'and read the contents. -Fe- di() acquitted: innocence entirely .proved. Am coming down with him this evening. Jim." I Marker's face was black and his eyes were furious, but he did not 'speak, "Yoe can go, now,” said Alison, con- temptuously, over tmu might," "right has ltriumphed CHAPTER XIII, ; A WOMAN SCORNED. i Contrary to the information given in the telegram, neither Carver nor the young chief arrived as arranged.'. Mthe Yardley waited dinner for them; only to receive another wire stating that both were detained in town for ft couple of days. Alison was greatly, disappointed, as she wished to 'hear, at first-hand what had taken places and also 'desired to congratulate Fed. dio personally on his recovered freea Corn. And there was another thing whith rather troubled her. In the sec.,' ond telegram, .Tipi, did not say whae, was detaining him, so the girl's ace' 'Live brain immediately built up d drama of more trouble. • As she could, bear anything save suspense, Miss, Weldon made imp her mind to go to: town the next day and see what was: the matter. In the meantime she con- tented herself With reading the re'7 port of the case in the evening pee pers, which arrived duly from Lone Cop, ; "Podia proved his alibi without .Alison told her aunt, "as,1 two waiters at the restaurant and; the man in uniform at the door ren membered him coming in before tem *clock. Karma," said Miss Yardley, decise IvelY, and' then had to explain toi, Alison that the word was art Eastern: term for 'the Lau of Consequences. "As ye sow, so shall ye keap,", quoted' the good lady, "that is Karma. Mr. Podia was not meant to get Into very serioue trouble." "I think the trouble has beets quite serious enough," responded time girl, "It is all education," said 'Miss YardleY. serenely. "T am more sorry for the ignorant person who murdered :year dear father, itS he has to pay dofetatht.Idat heavy debt by a violent "He will pay It off by being hanged, If I can find hint." "My dear, that is • vindictive and wrong, Undoubtedly It Will be better for this ignorant person to be hanged, at by suffering the extreme penalty of the law, he will .discharge his Karmic debt All the same, we must pity rather than blame him." "What, don't you blame a wretch Who kills a good did man 80 brutally?" "No, my dear. It is all ignorance. If the criminal knew what he had to suffer he would not' have been so foolish as to earn that suffering.' And' remember that your dear father would not have been murdered unless he also had a debt to Day eft" "I don't agree with your theosophy, aunty," said Alison, Impetuously. "Why not? It Is reasonable, sen- sible, and logical. Explaining the problems of life in a satisfactory way. But I do notewish to argue, lnY love, as -you are not yet ripe for such high teaching. You arc unable to getup It as yet, but some day you will, and then the Riddle of Existence will be made plain to you. Let us talk mean- while of other matters." "Of Jim and my marriage," said, MISS Weldon, 'brightening, for she' found the discussion of Mies Yardley's esoteric teaching somewhat dull. :"You do not think it is wrong of me, aunty, to marry Tire in in month: Of course, it is very aeon after dear father's death." "It is not wrong, my dear. Senti- ment must yield to cfrcumearainies, and 'since you truly mourn aciat father, • maarrtage or no marriage cannot make :any difference. Besides which, I am :quite Sine that 'your father, would prefer to see yeu safe under Mr. Ca:.wTvehea'st aSensible protettow n. " 4;, to look at Iv signed Alison, and Mies Yandier smiled in a covert enanner. 'The girl agreed with theosopince views when, they coincided with her own, and rejected them if they, did not • "Oh, my dear, you are very, 'very, very ignorant," ended 'Mies 'eardley, smiling outright. "However,, at Your Point of evolution nothing Wore, can be aaliVonaated' Alaughed vaguely, as she knew nothing ebopt, her point of 'evo- lution,, arlO Was much more taken up with her immediate future than with any arguments concerning the pro- blems of life. After a quiet evening she went, to tied, out' did not sleep well, as bee mind was disturbed by ' conjectures as to' what had detained heretaithful lover in Town. She be- lieved that some new discovery must have been made in, connection with the , murder, .an eeing, anxious to aaenge her father's death, she ardeete ly desired to know what elle same discovery might' be. TOW/arch; dawn, however, she fell into= a tolerably, quiet sleep, and weke•at a late hour feeling more or lees 'rested. Owing to her late rieleg. she reale, only catch. the mid-day team to Lon- don, and feared lest .T.iin should not , be at his chambers in ',Mike, Street, St. James'. Of -courseon the previous night she Should' have tent a wire saying that she ease coming to vie hint, and woutd haeo done so had She not, overslept herself, However, ,there was nothing to be done save to take her chance of seeing her lover, so see posseseed her soul in patience during the journey 'towards the capital, II was not an easy thing to'do, as Alison, by no means tit hibv,Ing quichllhilentiii,iigio,,loup,1,11.101, t'tevnals. peeament so far as eegards the quality, of e rPeati,eUniIrConNor t vhdie'bi Islefist) e raiNi'leysi Al he New cord 1 FAOR for IniKN AND TOWISHiP NEWS .;Duke street in a tail end /earned , that Lieutenant ,Carver, had gone out for the day 'and would not returnimsnthl lists,! ' "Where has he gone?" AiiiMn asked , the sedate old butler wlio, along with ,hts wife, :let ,various rooms .1to, varfoud ,"I ehilant't ISO e,il,,, y, ,ti3,Miss, t,, .eTi3e,odtidnot tell 1115 t , "He did not. I never lent n 'letter or wire, will you .tell him that Called - here is my card. Wait ,Mobtent, have you it 'Mena?" Mal. ,one being forthcoming, She scribbled on tbo back of the 'pasteboard ii line or two 'hinting at her anxiety and, asking Jim 'to' ce1onic 'down; or to \\ 01* to ' wire 'to Brighton as soon as possible. Mr.' Carver that," said, Alison, atia turned away in a decidedly melaRcholY fraMe of mind. As it was note some time after three o'clock, there .seemed to be nothing for It but to take the next train from Vietprie Station and re - :turn home. But Alison e't18 now hi a very restless Mood 'and did not feel that she could 'go 'back' without doing something, or learning something, or taosIthinegr stohealtetintinIng.ithItt btehenas,o‘evecuicretod, 01111 On Donna Christina and explain the doings of Paul Merker. Alison was -so Indignant ;with' , the unscru- pulous behaviour of the explorer that she was determined not to spare him, bud to Inflict all the punishment she could, Being a woman, she knew , very well that Donna Christ:ill's Jealousy would be a thorn in Meeker's side, .and that no puniehineet vseuld be greater for him than to !Mee an angry woman at his heel, .Besides, the girl , considered that 'if Donna Christina dwelt in a.. fool's paradise, she, should be turned out of it as speedily as possible by being enlight- ened as to her lovers' treachery. Finally, Alison was not without a, hope, remembering Jima advice to retain. Donna Christina's friendship, that the' woman, in a burst of passion, might let out something likely to elucidate the problem of the crime., So far it did not appear that Meeker had anything to do with the matter: 'but the jealousy of a woman scorned might reveal much. Therefore Miss Weldon nailed a cab in the Haymarket and told the chauffeur to drive to Pike's Hotel 1 Langharn Place. , The boarding-house In 'question - for it was nothing else; although it so grandiloquently termed itself an hotel - was in a dingy side street, and did not look particularly prosper- ous. Having dismissed her taxi, MISS Weldon was received by an untidy Swiss waiter, who took in her card and left her to wait in it tawdry, looking ante -chamber. Shortly, he re- turned with 'the information that Donna Christina was 'at home and. begged Miss ,Walden. to walk un to het sitting -room. This Alison did with alacrity, glad that there was a chance of seeing someone, so that herjournejc to Town might not he 'wasted. When the Swiss introduced her Into . the room, he ,departed, closing the door after him, and the two women were alone:" Donee Christina, declared her. self glad to seeher visitor, yet there was a shade.of embarrasetnent in, her matinee which ithewed that the call was not so 'Welcome as would appear, "I have been again and again go- ing down to See you at Brighton, Senora," said the' Spanish lady, ef- fusively, kiseing the girl, "but some- thing has always Goma in the way. Do sit down 'and take off your hate You will have tea,?a "No,. thank you," said Alison, Mir - redly, and sat. dewn without rancor - fag either ear hat or gloves. "I can only stay: for a few minutes, as with to go backno Brighton by the five o'clock train. / suppose there Is a trate at five o'clock: at all eventiel I cannot stay !elm" She looked round the 'room, which was not 'over - clean, but much More pretentious than the aparfmente of Mrs. Bettort. "You are comfortable here?" ' Donna Christina shrugged hep shoulders and resumed her seat. "Oh. yes. That is, tolerably So. It is 110E SO Olean as the Bun Nature, Senora; but I am not rich enough to afford, better rooms," .• • • "Never mind," said Alison, with inteation, "when you marry Mr. Mee- ker you will have plenty of money, no doubt" • • "At! Indeed that le true. His, wealthy 'relative, Lady Warty, hate given him a large sum of money to help him In Ills efforts to obtairi thee :Commisionership of the Aekalle etaIne :try. Ale° the Governme t are now, taking notthe of him, and he is beina consulted frequeletlyeetf Nigerian fairs. I am quite sure," finisima Donna Cheistirte, emphatically, ''that now he. will eine to he a very rename person, and then be will fulfil hie Monziee dee make nie his beloved 'V'Ti'-1hope,fe:'Io. end I wish you ell• hap- piness," said ,Alison, dryly, wonder - ' tag meanwhile if it was quite rigid to tumble down 'the Poor woneth'e !Castles in Spain. "Bat I don't think you will like Nigeria:" " "Oh, but I de like Donna Cheis-• Ezra assured he's, eagerly, "I know .Lagos as well as 11 know Londou, and, 1,thways enjoyed my life there." ! "Alison raised 'her eyebrows in tare prise. "You 'told me at Itun ;House that it was oely When You were a ;baby that Yon Bete in Lagos.d I "Oh, well, Senora,'.? stammered 'Donna Christina, .soniewhat confused- ly, "it &we not do' 'to explain ones - 'self too mech. I women Lagos a few years age, end 'it woe there thee met: nn7sid'thenvoPilial-en;:"also. Se1havevil,1e?"'been,. a great Wanderer," Donna, Christina laughed in somewhat 111,01'h:tat manner. "I am' just the wife for an explorer. 'I' daresay Wtien Paul' acre 'his ,comnaiesionership that I shall ,go with him to the Apaam coentry, and even, may penetrate Into' the Ornell elected' . "8 dareney. BM Mr. Meeker humeri Y'e.DDna.. Christina pushed out bee clan emeteniatuothey, ,and her dark eyes flasned fire. epe, is out of it mistados: used' up, This ,sccusaiMn Cif murder hati ralnee lii in," "On the contrail'," said M188 'WM- c1C1i131?I'MelY,, 3,--Akna ..1.)81:811aded that ii has mane lina. When he was believed to he aetity of my poor. father's murder everyone was against •hitin now that hip ienopestee • 'has been proved, e.vpierone will he anx- ious to make! aniends," " Celina Christina frown.ed. "but not so anxious for him' , to have the rule of thine Nigerian lands, Senora. It needa iiirmig1 man to tiring those Into a eiveieed .know 'from: personal. .knoveletige. .1 :have bean ,"Irideed."' Alison liras ',astonished at, what was iminhtg .01.1t 1i.l.t,1e..elew "it kl.e0ITI; to Ine: ,t1121', you know Nieere. e • well as Yr Yeriter bet' - self, let 1 lute believed. yen, wore eoneee f.,bred nothing Of those iimsoldIfaeil Parts." "I am convent -bred, butt , I have travelled lucre wan 1 ellosv to tsiy," re,SpOitfiCd the 5V0111f131, 1, fialitly, "My, fatller took Me Nig,er:a ago, and I waf; with hint for a -e..ry tong "Well, It Ic Inye. o'1,),7 C'1111e n marrynlousiness," s" gMi;CsaeIh rreiz, aanitil tip0see 11111111 St l'olm," "All, 'but you Will. it .is not my fault If you do not. Senora, I es-.• ieChl you so greatly' arid toy to hole your -friendship. I hard' lost,that of your dear father, %%QM I 101,ed; he was always so' kind and. - ah ietillPffinuyel 'u"t-0 t 'Sit% 31' Sn. that ci\evEak asked Aileen, s,mddenly, and, looked tilreetlY into the brilliant, vivacious face of the woman before her. , "AM but of course I shall do what- ever you like -Whatever can. Com- mand hie, ne• yeu pleene. Anything; everything! • You have only to "Then tell tee if You have ,a'an east picions as to who murderidadm?" Donna Cheistina threw out her .arms in a gesticulating foreige Lash - ion and assumed in look of despair. "Alae,' what can i say, I was asleep all the long night when thee° alien took place. I did think 'Podio, and so did Peel, but you see, he was Sway from the house by ten O'clock. That is decisive.11 is, perhaps, that black small, than," ended Donne Chrietinct, reflectively. "Well, it miglit be since the door ' of the cellar ,could be shifted easily at both Mr. Carver and I saw. • But why should Newam murder my fa- ther?" "He wanted answer," ,the tetish. That easyis Alison shook 'her Mead., "I IhMk Ng'wam• was too much atraiel ofthe fetish to meddle with it." "But, my dear Senora if not legevain, and if not Finlite, who Is in- nocent, as we know, who could have murdered your dear father? Not Mrs. Bottort, or that small eervant, or Mrs. Crenshaw, silo was with me most of the time." Donna Christina needed for a moment, then said, suddenly, "Shall I tell you what I think, Senora,?" "Yes. Tell me what you think," and Miss Weldon Wilt Mt eyes and earth. ' "It is this. When 'lame° went your. father retired to his bed: but did not sleep: , Peehaps he expected someone and heard it signal. I do not know; but I think that he rose and went on to the haisony to see someone In the tarrow street want2 Mg him. He let down the rope, and up the rope climbed the assassin to murder him. If this is not se," cried the Spanish lady, In a vehement man- ner, "how could the rope be let dowa since the door Was SO fast looked?" , "Your ingenious theory will riot hold water,' safe Alison, dryly, "for my tether hail just awakened froust swlaeaspprwohveeda. bll'atibmiaelli'te‘dviatlotsittirtniatIc'thaes bedclothes. He Would not have ad- mitted ;myelin into ids Morn by the balcony or in aziy case, slithe It Was easy to direct him to go rotaid to the door and walk hi." '• "But that door was looked •kith the latchnkey—" • "My father did not know thee" Ina, terrupted quickly. "Mrs., Bottort did that on tile spur of the moment, And again.. if anyone had come Into the room my fatber would not have fallen asleep, nee would he. have left Ole rope I:engines. frum the' balcony." "It is true: IL is difficult to say:i I do not understand. I hope Yoe will1 he able to Mare the troth, Senora,' and avenge trout dead rather, wheat greatly honeured,but, glee," she shook her head' wisely, "I can do nothing,' since 'I know nothing." "Do you think ti's t e elter knows anything?" "Oh, no, hy no Means," said the, other woman, lirometly. "He camel eolladrermaitiitiebr!dthe PodlO Ives with your d By this thne Alison was tired of; fencing, Either Donna Christinal knew absolutely nothing and could; reveal nothing, or she anew a great' deal and was on her guard against; betraying herself. Ilader these eirel cumstances, MSS Weldon decided tce bring forward her big guns and batter down the, wall of her hostess's red deence by sheer force. "I aOt sorree that I did not ask Mr. Marker to heel Me when I saw him yesterday," Weal said, musingly, and as to herself, although she glaneed swiftly at ter compaction while she Spoke. , Donna Christine was allayed in En gorgeous ,Tapanese kimona of all,' colodrs, embroidered with eprawlingl dragons and flying cranes and Rut-) tering butMAlfes When Allsoh rime , lobed slue rose suddenly, epreadingi her urme, and for the moment, looked like a splendid bird of paradise about to take flight At the same moment her olive complexion Ended to a 'dula whiten whereby her dark: eyes be- cause markedly black and large andl stating. Only her, lips retained their vermilion hum which. assured Alisou that the lady painted. as she. had for' a long time suspected "What is It yea say?" asked Demo CI:retitle, in' a hoarse vole:, "e 'love eeenl Paul'?" "0yee" Aeleore rejoiced; to seal this eau:glom -lie came down, 1,0 Breghton aesteeday eeeeciany to see mte„end Why not: even though be Is engaged to you. At Bum Douse, he moue • Ond • Went Mein emougle" • met Bun House i WaS tlSbz'e, sled "tviern 'tie 'dame it tvawas to hrlg "Iteiihmsps. he seeeainte., as -paid 'use e visit In Brighton," said Al. 1lson, eather cruelly and peessIng her advantage. •• The 'woman locked her clasped ;hands 'across her forehead and paced ‘t,ii.gleaillT07 like a reett.ess tigress. "Da !mad that lie, did *not 'wide in see you "The Missaeehla in qlllil unnitulal," to' oo aon't like Mr. elerlter, Wail I novel ellen 'like him. Why eiti shoeld Des' ter 'mite with, hie attentions I do pot understand." "Attentions V" Donne (ell rig n a , al. 15105t, screamed out the word, and het face became' so nurple with rage that Alison thought slue wouht fell down In a fit, 'Yee! Ho has seen me twice eince the death of nly father. and T only consented to permit the two inter- views, because I thonght.he might help me to find out. the., truth about the murder. ;larceny be could help ine.--he hinted as' much, but his price' for, such help is too laime." -re° ,la rge " echoed Donn e Oh ri$y- tine, dropping hno her seat mul minting its if 'she had hc.'en running. "Ind •the -the peinec" • "Your hand. De yonh he "My hand; he-ethat .eteile-e,aete eee CO "'ee it, hie, 11` .et .G+,+ Constipation is me foot of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. thoroughly tested by over fifty years of us; have been proved safe and certain cure for constipation amt all kindred troubles. Try them. 25; a box. finishingethe serieence; is ems saw how difficult it was for, Donne Chrititina to get the words out . ;tsalie'eshriakedlilt ';dcaa between herlencledtee eiev dently fighting ,hard to keep tree tem- per in (Meet. "And you darn to O07.131P here to tell me this lie." . "There, is no question or tiaring," retorted Miss Weldon, coolly. "I think and say 'and do 'exactly at con:elder best. I came to tell you this, as I regard& Mr. Marker's pro- posal as an insult. I am engaged to marry Mr. Carver---" "And Paul is engaged to ttlartY MO," 'burst out the other, "Pardon me, hut are you cleft,. sure?" „ "Sere! Sure! &leoh og course r am sure, How dare you hint that I. ein not sure. We have been engaged for years." "Me. Meeker declared that, there. was 110 engagement, anti never would be." "Ole the liar: the liar: ale liar: Oar Donna Christina, in her exeite- ?flout, burst into her native language, "Los eneMlgos dectheados eon Inenoe peligrosos que los falso ariegoe." "I don't know what you are raid- ing about," said Alison, rising, for the interview was becoming painful, "Tut it th true what I say." The other woman rushed forwent eho:ulders with such grip that All - at 111.11e, her h. ancls,. oii the. girae, son winced: "Swear to ins that it ha "I swear it! 'And I went Sea fee ten Mr. Marker to keep away front' me in the future, I do not love Man although he loves me." "He does not love you; he dare nor love you!" raged Donna Christine, told me that. he intention to marry me by fair meting or foul," "ale parece quo el Mento qua corm eslILIgodelfiroeisycleiuyi.to," said Donna Chris- tiu,, "What does that mean?" an "It seems to me that the wind which blows be it little 'fresh," translated. the °there "That is, I do not AI" - I 01vl' WOO t Y'011 DIY." "WOI I, I don't minda watk-• ea towards the Boor. "After all, it en timeline. to me whether you believe Ir. cur noBut if Mie Merkee trouble:a me any more I sludietell Mr. Carver., taul I hen their will be troubled' "If T eau prove the eeettli of what you hare told Ole, Seithra," said Donna Christina, pushing alutek disordered hair, "there will be en need for the soldier senor to rtutha trouble. T can. do that." "Ta what wile?" "No matter. T know what I know. Oh!" elle shook her clenched hande above Der Ileac'. "I's he Iliad to Sunup t alc:to deetroy hart?" 'Dectiro.y him?" erica Alison, turn - lag at the door. "Then he has some- thing to do with my father's death." "l did not say that sled I do' not soy that," said the Spanish lady, (wieldy, "The ante is not yet that I should eny anything. I must sec 'uI ill I roust question Paul, ;tad if Ii,' connot satisfy. me—" . "Ile eau only satisfy you by marn eying you at once," advised Alison,: who thought in this way both to rid !myself pr. Merker's attehtions and' bring inettera to a crisis,' "Yes! Yes! Yes! You are right., oracles blot' el favor de atm!" Donne; abrietine.'s face lighted tip with joy. d &tall Ask eirn to marry me at once. it lie refuses, then 1 shells know what to :ray and do. Ab, know his seerets: I know Wm be be, end what, lie is," ::Yrodsataleullideurnsdretaeadia-rel nothing la, tie it true: you shall understand ant If ho i falee. Wait, only wait!" "But if Mr. Marker tried to feree; ine by row 'temple as he hinted--",' Mee will not force You to marry, him at all; he will never SSG Yon; again. am 'not. angry with trout; leannocl:a.CcanSweIramanela3veaarree Oatt: f3O°ru Patuhi be happy: be will not Aare to risk 1. raYsZatiriellaig.L "Ythough you knew ho' awl something to do with the deattic! et my fattier," said Alison, resolute -1 iy, 'end what, that something he, meaDonuntao lOcilhorwla"ina drew bacIz' her;'. *pa until she Showed her White , teeth in mete/cam snarl. "You shalt? know nothleg.. T. believe that yoil: '4,11Ve come to eet a trap fort rune bet ( CO N't1 IIED NEXT WEEK. „Ptsthana. Catarrirt W1100/Ril40 elritIC14 CROUP saomicarns ,E0CGRS COLDS.: t.arg ' - A•stset 4e4..liec4;ntlenattaise team. • • 5.11 VOID 'PO11•11r1: • • ,t , 71,7 fleeMnin ire° 5110°P: for t,ItSrodUltedeltsorai ' °