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The Clinton News Record, 1912-02-22, Page 6
ss11111W.w111111sns lsNS.1111111rpat Clinton News -Record February 22nd,'lM2 WA`P13`.it' CARRIERS IN PA1RIS. 111u the Modere Babylon Water is Still Drought in the Old-fashioned Way. Paris is rich in contrasts, and teometimes the ironyis charming. In lIsa height of fashion to -day is still to be seen the picturesque water -ear - trier, and the scarcity -due to the drought once more calls attention to lhiuexistence', On the heights of (Montmartre are to be seen these to- ibust Auvergucs, marching with their :measured ,steps --and, by a fiction, the iParsi water -carrier must always he an Auvergnat-with his two buckets. The extension of the water system has gone hard with the "porter deau who iit days past made a, fair- ly good bring." in 1600 there` were 3,263 porters; in 1880 tne, number bad fallen to SOO; and to -day there are few ,Indeed. A barrel of stater eon= tains abont 1,000 litres, and its mar- ket value is about five ft arcs. Lila most other occupations in Prance, • the water -carrier was under State or pollee supervision, and each night lie bad to fill his barrel and place it in the district he worked cd as to be ready in case of fire, lint the' super- vision hues fallen into; desuetude. During it lesson on the animal trine- ,. loin, t .e teacher asked if anyone could give an example of an animal of tare order of edentate — that is, one which Is without teeth. "I can," cried Tom - ,ray, his face beaming with the pleas - of aesured knowledge. Well, what 'le it.?" said the teacher, {"6hrandpa," he shouted. Canada's Line, WINTER RESORTS _Round Trip Tourist Tiosets cove Sale to all Principal Wiate' Resorts including. CALIFORNIA, MEXICO FLORIDA, Etc. on The Attractive Route to _.. ' `WESTERN CANADA is via Chicago ' Steamship Tickets on Sale by All Lines .({full information from J. RANSFORD, Town Agent Ar 0..PATTESON, Depot Agent THE NEWS -RECORD'S CLUBBING LIST 'FOR 1911-12 Much good reading for little money.' WEe1:L.1ES News -Record and Mail and Empire . $1 50 News -Record and Globe ... 1.60 P News -Record. and Family Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 News -Record and Free Press„ .. 1.75 News -Record 'and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto , Saturday Night 3,80 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2,25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy... 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian . Ilii Farm...... 1.75 News -Record and Youth's Companion ....'... , 1.75 DA1Lriss News-RaiOrd and' Mail and Empire 4.25 News -Record and Globe, 4.25 News -Record and News . . 2.30 News -Record and Star . - 2.80 News -Record and World .. 3.25 News -Record and Morning Free Press, .... 3.25 News -Record and Evening Free Press ........... 2.75 Mews -Record and .A. dver- tisei'. 3.01) MorrrMMLS. News -Record, and Lippin cott's Magizimee' .. News -Record and Canada Monthly, Winnipeg , 3.25 1.40 1f what you want is not in this list let us know about it. We can supply you at less than it would Cost you to send direct' Jlta remitting please do so by • "Post -office Order, Pestal Note, ,Express Order or Registered Letter and address. W.' J. Mitchell News -Record e CLINTON When buying a cough Medicine for children ,bear to mind that Chamber - tare's' Cough Remedy xs most effect ual for colds, and whooping cough and that it- contains Co harmful drug! For sale by All Dealer.,. Mrs Mary Igmpkins of Wallace, - town was fatally burned by her clothing taking fire. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Ch'amberlain's Cough Remedy, will ward off an ateeek of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use it succ estully. Sold by All Dealers, • Father,, 1'f,other, Sister, Brother, All Should Use Parisian Sage. Prevents Baldness 'Banishes Dandruff Stops Falling Hair and Itching Scalps PARISIAN SAGE is a fatuity hair ,einic and dressing that wilt do much good in every rY home. usesPARISIAN man who The SAGE if only occasionally will nev- er grow bald. Baldness is caused by dandruff germs which dig down into , devour its ai. Isco C li�It t roots the theo n0uelshnlent and cause the toot to. die and the hair; to fall and thin 'out, • PARISIAN SAGE Cs a scient:l'ie hair remedy that not only kills the dandruff germs, but gives the hair reot lust the same nourishment that nature gives O. PARAS IAN SA C`r3 first 7CNA the germs then nourishes the weakened hair root and causes a growth o: healthy hair. This same nourishment (PARISIA'N SAGE)causes the hair to grow vig- orous which means that hair becomes full of life and lustre, and grows rad- iant and beautiful. Thousands are wasting time, los- ing hair and grOtcieg bald because ;they . are using supeceicial tonics. While they may clean the seep and make it feel refreshed, they . donot get e to the root of the hair where'. the real destroyer of i.e s r, the per- nicious dandruff germs, thieves d rid neultrplies, Try PARISIAN SAGE fere all hair Orouble I; it means death te• the germs; We to the hair. It is•'pleasalht to use and so a arnill est•Lh t °` a' it can he used by every merst'ber of the fain- ily the oldest, tee the little tot. Ge" a 50 cert bottle to -day, and if you arer•not satisfied that, t is just as good as claimed, your mon- ey back ;Without any squibbing. Sold by Wi S. R. Holmes aud druggise.; everywhere, Girl with Auburn hair on every carton and bottle. Mr. Johne Billings, Chairman of the Hospital Governors, died at Ilamil ton. State of Ohio, City or '1'olmuhi Lucas. Coune a. Frank J. Chaney maces oath that le is. senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the bit), of Toledo, County. and State aforesaid, and that.safid firm will pay the sum cif One hundred Dollars for each and every rise of Catarrh that cannot he ctu.ed be. the use of Flail's Catarrh Care, •'Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this 0th' day of Dec- ember, A, D. 1896. , A. W. Gleason, Notary ,Publio $all's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and raucous surfaces bf the system. Send for testimonials free.. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by, all Druggist. 75c. Take Hall's Fancily Pills for con- stipation.. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. A•ny person who is the solo head of a 'family, or any male over 18 years old, may' homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appears in aper son at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the disttiee. En- try by proxy may be made, at any agency, on _certain conditions -by lath- er, mother, non, daughter, heather or sister of intending homesteader. , Dut;es.—Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of Itis homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres moiety owned and occupied by him or by hie father, mother, son; daughter, brother, or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt .,a quarter -section alongside his home- stead, Price $3.00 per- acre. Duties,—lbluse reside upon the home- stead. or pre=emption `mix, rnonthis lin each ' of six years from date of homestead onihry (including the, time required to earn homestead pa bene and cultivate fifty acres exta.a.) A homesteader who has exhatete his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homesfoad in certain dis- tricts. Price $3.00 pen acre. Dut- ies, -Must reside see months in each. of three yearn,; cultivate fifty acre and creel a house worth $300.00. W. W CORY. Dcpu!y of the Minister of the Interior, N. B.—Unauthorized publication of this advertisement Will nod be paid for, IT WAS STONE IN THE BLADDER GIN PILLS PASSED IT 'Dive years ago, I was taken down with what the. doctors called IuRatn- matio,i of the Bladder --.—intense pains in the back. and lginp and difedulty 1n uiniting and the attacks, which became more frequent, amounted to unbearable agony. I becaume so weak that I could not walls across the Boor, 11Iy wife read in the papers about GIN PILLS S and sent for a box'trout the very first, I felt that GIN PII,I'S were doing me good. The pain was relievedait once, and the attacks were less frequent. In six weeks, the Stone in the Bladder came away, When I recall hots I suffered and how now I am liealtl'iy and able to work, I cannot express myself strongly enough. when I PILLS 9tavc done for speakof what GIN me". marl. HERMAN,Hamiltont On Regular size, eoc a box, 6 for $z.go —at all dealers. You can try them free by, writing for a free sample to National Drug ,& Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept, A' Toronto. 88 Mrs. JameS Geddes., a roster of Geer: Res's, died at S'watroy. .y IProf.oLaw v. t preached at the , ° 81staunvcrsar= the - t of Fust Pres- byterian b3 terian Church, St Cather Ines. , ' Constipation ie the cause of many lilmem'a and , disorders • that make 1,'e inisetable. Take Chanhberlain's Stomach and Liter. Tablets, . keep your howels regular and you will a- void these diseases. For dile by All Dealers. Edward Elliott, sex eon, teas found du.utl in the basement of the Church of St. John the i i aagelist at Lon: don, Ont.. Mr. David Stewart, one of the pioneers of York county, died at' Owen Sound.,•' The handy paste in the big cams. No mess -no trouble— ' no hard work to bring the polish. A few light rubs does the trick—and the big can makes Black Knight " the cheapest good stove polish ou the market, If your dealer does not carry Black' Knight " . Stove Polish, send ems his name and luc." and we will send a full size'tiu by return mail: TheL. F.balleyCo.Llmlled - - Hamilton, Ont. Makers of the famoil's ':. in 1" Shoe Polish. 34 Rev. Dr. D. M. Cordon died at Winnipeg. All grades of sugar were advanced 10c per hundredweiight. Premier Borden promised Govern- ment co-operation in the improve- ment mprovement of h.;hways to a big deputation that waited on him last week. The House of Commons carried the Government -ea riff comm iesion pee- posal by a majority of two to one. Mr. F. A. Goring, a prominent con- tractor and fruit farmer of Niagara township, died last week. Sores from Elbow to Fingers. Zrim-Buk Worked a Abrade of Heating. Reverend Gentleman Fully Corroborates. • Miss Kate L. Dolliver, of Caledonia, .Queens Co., N.S., says: mI must add my testimony to the value of Zam-Buk. Ulcers and sores broke out on my arm, and although I, tried to heal then$ by using various preparations, nothing seemed to do me any good. The sores spread until from angers to elbow was one mass of ulceration. "I had five different doctors, and faithfully carried out their instruc- tions. I drank pintp after rat of blood medicines, tried salve after salve, and lotion after lotion; but it was of no avail. "My father then took me thirty miles to see a well-known doctor. lie photographed the arm and hand. This photograph war sent to a New York hospital ' to elle specialist; but' they sent word they 'could do nothing further for me, and I'was in despair.. " One 'day a friend asked me if I had tried Sam -Buil. I said I had not, but I get as box right away. That first box did sae ,more good than all the medi- cine I. had tried limp to, that time, so I continued the treatment. Every box healed the sores more and more until, to 'make a long story short, Zam-Buk healed all the sores completely. Every- body verybody In this place knows of my case and that it is Sam -Ink alone which cured me." Minister corroborates. -Throe Rev. W. B. M. Parker, of Caledonia,, Miss>Delhi- ver's, minister, 'vr,ritee: "This is to certify that the testimonial of Mies Dallivet' ns correct as far as my knowl- edge •goes. I have kpmowei her for 'a year and a half, and her cure effected by 'ZamdBsik is remarkable," Wherever there' is ulceration, blond - poison, sores, cold'cracks, abscesses, cuts, burns, bruises, or any skin: in - jai), or disease, there Sam-Buk should be applied. It is also a,aesre cure for piles. All druggists and stores sell tint 60c. per box, or post free from Earn - Butt Co., Toronto, for settee. Refuse cheap and harmful isaittrtlems out glib - 'Water. GETS 'EM EVERY TIME- NO- pEARie, • -Nal- NOW 'TR 's T LITTLE ''40u MOST HARD - ,. A NICE. GIRL, i '+R,, STun'i a vl'AM :I' ONE HUNDRED A T ,£�CHoot (o malt hit 01, %m, '�� a p'� , . ,......., �. ' ...—_, I STogD DAY I, 1. t, MAMMA boleti WMT ME TO co To• THE ORoonRl FOR. *fou? ® 4 II m'" '' -s"x`• _ .41a -, of 'u,e m,J mrtg d Vii. , I10 ETRE ., • GOANovLAy NOW ._ ___„, OF, COUR•S MAMMA L OU MLUV4 '; I• EElou fi' 11 t f rr -, �',,•,) x,l l'4bf a1h. l), l y, k 1/E:' S I I . MAMMA DID YOU SA Y01l�h/ANTED ME To,.MAle A IETree FoleYoU9: .. f• i� r.� t 1" ° ,l soy, fa i /r 1 d , l/;(hid (1� r'• MAM -MA GIVE. ME.A NICKEL? -r---, (a. n Zvi - C w' x :/ i� ;_ t\ v �4 ilsff r -. a,' GANDY si•3oP %:t ? g ,,, Na m _ ' \n nave for ('ourentleas Ton fern •Pon meet get a lot of con- r„i,tloua and parade:: here, with these ntee Willis streets of Mire, ' Cather • We don't gel .a poet Look s; the distance you'd In ye'10 run front the center of the Elie IO a. SO.100n.. The. widow is (MLitt Ott to her 'third, tut she must get her second fleet: The hobble skirt doesn't prcveot ',Moult from jumping at eetrelusions. Ile. 1 wish our pastor was here prep during this hot weather. She --"Wary?" lIe• "Olm,'bccauso lie's so windy." "Man deelared the old-fashioned preacher. "is a worm." "And," enid a man who had been .married- three times, and who was occupying a small space in II rear pew, "woman :is the early bird." "Papa," said the little son of the marine editor. "you know all about ships, don't you?" "I know something of them, my son. Why do you ask?" "I only. want to know if sea dogs generally go in, barks," Ardent Sportsman—"I think that WWI) come down, John, don't you?" ,Tohn—"Aye, I reckon he will -- when when ale's hungry." GETS 'EM EVERY TIME c._ 'HELLO HARRY QLD SCOUT, HOW ARE - YOU Alv'f WAY, You MD RASCAL!I• . . '5A"1 HARRY `(iu ARE 5o RAPID' oN A TYPEWRITER. °t WISH You WOULD DO MEA° LITTl-E FAVOR. 11- TAKES Me Ae0UT AN Noun_.To WRITS THE DATE ON A LETTER,e1A-IIA. FOR I LItYOU l' i --CAN'T BEAT ' , LIPID 'S s The British Labor party- hate ,a big grogtain or progressive 1cbtslael n. ES -Premier Clenionceau made a.bit- ter attac c on Germany in connection with Moreecait affairs. The Lawrence strikers' sent .,110 of their children to • New York to he distributed fu; homes pending settee-. men'( of labor trouble, North Bay citizens are opposing Had Canadian N r2lernroute t hrough the town. Miss Short of Charleston was :late. ally . burned, her, clothing catching fire from a stove, Notice of'a resolution has been given in the Commons ttr ratify the Collingwdod drydock agreement. You were never too young— You will never be too old to enjoy the Edison Phonograph The Edison Phonograph is not only the greatest musician of ' all the ages—it is all the great musicians of the present day—playing all of the greatest music ever written. You select your program to suit your audience when you own an Edison Phonograph. The songs you love best, sung by the singers who sing them best—your kind of music, rendered es only the Edison can render it -as true to life as the original. The Edison tone is pure, smooth, subdued and true, because of the rounded, button -shaped sapphire re- prod ueing-point, which gives exactly the right volume of sound for the home. And the sapphire point is per- manent—lasts forever. No changing needles, no scratching or wearing of records. There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, $10.50 to $240.00. Edison Standard Records,40e. Edisdn.Amberol Recordsfpiny twiceas long/,65e. EdisonGrandOperaRccords,aSe.to$2.50. INcoargRATED 'moo Lakeside Avenue Orange, N. A, U. S. A. A complete lice of Edison Phohosraphs aad Record. will be roved at ©. WATIAriga. A MINUTE'S TIME and a two -cent' stamp is all it will cost you to get 'our big, beautiful Catalogue of every- thing that is good in Seeds, Plants, Fruits, Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies, etc. It contains so much that is good we cannot tell you here, send for it, and judge for yourself. We have twelve bigpages of the latest and best introductions, the Cream of the Whole World, and everyvarietyis well worth twice the pricewe ask. Valuable Premiums also given. You cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing Giants of Cailfsrnia what we have to offeryou for 1512. 2faat:,rtinra Darch &` Haunter Seed Co., Limited, The Finest straia fa the World. Dept. 30 London, Ont, , i>:, THERM ISNT MucH TO IT AND YOU GAN. RIP IT oFIP IN A PEW MINUTES. I WISH COULD WORK A MammaLili;tSYou CA Yes INTHE MORPittic HERE HARRY -SMOKE THIS oN ME.: st1ALL- ISTOP ,OP IN THE MdRNSNG? DEBENTURES TEN HIRTy AND oral HALF s;'ThlRouGH SECURITY Put your, savings in the safest form of investment you can find -- the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company established 1864. Issued for $moo and upwards. Interest payable half•yearly at the rate of 4%, Depositors and Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. Since incorporation over five million dollars in interest alone have ' been paid to Depositors and Debenture -holders. Reserve fund equal to paid-up. capital of$t,9oo,0oo;oo and assets over thirteen.- millions. Do you know that, fully nine ,out of every ten cases oh rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the mus- cles due to cold or damp, or chron- ic rheumatisrie, and require no inner nal treatment whatever ? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by All Dealers. Medicines that aid nal!ure are al- ways most effectual. Chacn:berlden's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lunge, opens,, the . secretions and mitts nature in restoring the system to aheal- thy condition. Thousands .have testi- fied to its superior excellence. Sold by All Dealers. Mi. Robert G. Elders of Mosboro' Two more actions: ion do -Magus have was killed by tailing on a share( been entered against Mr. David Rus- stake. sell of Montreal. OVER l3 Millions ASSETS. The News -Record leads for Town andTownship• News.