The Clinton News Record, 1912-02-22, Page 1No:1719-32nd, Year,,
The News;Record Excels for Town
VOLE, watch may run if a jewel is cracked or bro-
ken keep fairly good time. The pivot revol-
ving in such jewelhowever, soon cuts and fre-
quently breaks, thus increasing the damage and
cost of repairing.
IF your watch is varying, it will pay you .to have it
examined bA us.
RREPAIRS sent in by mail will have our careful
Yell ar
eayeler and Optician - - Clinton
ThV® Royal Bank
Capital 56,250,000. - Reserve 57,000.000.
The Annual Statement, shows the following increases for r 911
1910 1911
Deposits $72,079,607 $88,294,808
Loans and Investments 55,283,676 62,790,072
Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,512
207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
R, E. MANNING, Manager ' Clinton Branch.
Wheat 95c.
Peas 98c.
Oats 40c to 42c.
Barley 70e 880 000.
Butter 28c to 20c.
Eggs 30e.
Beans primo white $1.85 to $1,95.
' Live Hoge 55.40.
Rev. T. Clarence Johnson, of Ede
ran's, Man., in sending his renewal of
sub. to The News -Record writer;
"There has been a bid improve-
ment in Edrans since I came here and
I expect we will be able to build
a tchurch the coming season. Quite
a number of Stanley people have loc-
ated in this district."
On Wednesday of last week Miss
E. L. Campbell of Walkerton, well
known to many in Clinton, having
been for the past two seasons, a mem-
ber of Couch & Co's millinery staff,
was married at her home fm Walker-
ton to Mr. Robert Donaldson, a pros-
perous young merchant of Teeswaten,
where they have commenced house-
keeping. The bride's Clinton friends
will waft congratulations and good
Captain Pugmire of Leamington and
Lieutenant Yost of London are the
new officers in charge of the S. A.
local corps. The Captain is an Army
man almost born and bred, his
father, Colonel Pugmire, having been
associated with it almose since its
inception. The Captain and Lieuten-
ant are a capable looking pair and
no doubt good will result from their
labors here.
1re Molsons Bank 1.
Record of Progress for Five Years --1906--11
1900 1911
CAPITAL . . . $3,000,000 54,060,000
RESERVE . . . . 3,000,000 4,800,000
DEPOSITS . 23,677,730 35,042,311
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,457,090 38,854,801
TOTAL ASSETS . 33,01)0,192, 413.e37,284
Has 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in; all
the Principal Cities of the World.
at all Branehee, Interest allowed at highest cur^eat rate.
Ci,"nton Branch - � o.Do
Annual Mid -Winter
Clearance Sale !
h to February 110th 2Ist
Strictly up-to-date and finest Suits and Over-
coats in the trade at $10 to, $26 to be cleared out
at $7.90 t4 $19.
So anxious are we to clear out all our winter
stock before y spring goods arrive, mid to do it quick-
1 we have actually priced a number of garments
at below cost.
0 79f1 For ten days only
1 U will. buy any snit
in the store worth up to $10.:.
$14.50 For any suit in the
store worth up to.
$20, for ten days only.
dtFor' ten days only
W 7.0'U will buy any over-
coat in thestore worth up to $10.
13.50 Por stoany oveworrcoth at in
rho re up
to $20, for, ten days only.
Any suit in the store, for ten
dayso $1only,
5f'orworth $11.00
up t
Any suit in the store worth
up to $26, for ten �i(f1 00
days only �p "7
Any overcoat in the store,
worth up to $25, for IOD 1 �.fl 0 0
ten days only
Any overcoat in the store for
ten drays only, worth @ 1 0.•K 0
up to 815, Inc ele
See large gills tor particular. Everything is
included in this sale.Saturday's businesswas beyond
our expectations. Donis with the crowd..,' Sale closes?
Fttbruary 21st.
la lur'oas's Larges Clothier
and ° Township News
Lent comtiieneed yesterday with ser-
vices morning and evening.
During Lent there Will be services
every Wednesday evening, when the
rector will deliver , addresses on
"Jesus our Example." Services, will
also be held every Friday evening,
when a special series of addresses
wile be given.
Rev. Mr. Martin of London preach-
ed on Sunday lase.
The ,Girl's Club will meet on Tues-
day evening.
The Sunday school had their an-
nual sleighride on Tuesday afternoon.
Tho day was fine and the sleighing
good so there was a good Burnout of
the young people. The pleasant out-
ing was followed by a good supper
served in the lecture room,
On Saturday alternoon last Little
Miss Jean Simpson entertained a-,
bout sixteen of her little friends to
a merry sleigh ride and supper, the
occasion being her sixth birthday. At
lour o'clock a sleigh awaited the
party and: judging from their happy
voices they thoroughly enjoyed the
drive. On their return they were
ready to do ample jus,ice to the
good things prepared for titers. Mass
Jean was made the recipient of many
pretty gifts and the happy party
broke up wishing het" many happy tee
turns of the day.
Me. Harry Gould has 31 hens which
laid 323 eggs during January and
thee the coldest month in many
years. These had a par value of
ten dollars or very close to et so
alter deducr,
n6 something like
dollars for feed Mr. Gould realized a
handsome profit. The weather haw
ing moderated the hens are now do-,
Mg even bettor and for February .are
expected to pass the '100 mark. Need-
less to say Mr. Gould feeds Ids fowl
well. His birds are barred rocks.
The W. C. T. U. held a Mother's
meeting En the lecture room of On-
tario streee church on Thursday al-
ternoon last,. Mrs. C. J. Wallis,
president of the local. union, occupied
the chair and introduced the county
president, Mrs. Follick of Exeter,
who gave a t'.Jk on "Our Greatest
Work- as Mothers", which she showed
to be the careful upbringing of child-
ren in purity of body as well as
of soul. Ilcfreshienics were served
afterwards and a half hour spent in
social chat. Many of the mothers
present thanked Mrs. Fol'lic'le for her
brave and earnest words. M'ss Car-
arrie Shipley and Miss Bowlby each
contributed an appropriate recit-
At the,' recent annual meeting of
Jubilee Preceptory, Black Knights of
Ireland, the following officers were
elected ;
Preceptor, John Scarlett.
Deputy, Wm. Kenny. '
Chaplain, D. C. Galbraith.
Registrar, P. Cantclon.
Treasurer, T. Kearns.
Lecturers, Robert McMurray and
James Hutchinson.
Censors, John McIlroy and J.
Seandard Bearers, Ed. Mole and
John Dullard.
Tyler, Wm. Ford. �!+'
1st Com., D. Barr.
There was a good attendance pre-
sent and three candidates were in-
itiated into the order, the initiatory
ceremonies being conducted by Sir.
Knight J. B. Armitagei of Lucan.
Death invaded the hone of Mr. and
Mrs., Iddo Crich on Sunday afternoon
and took away their . firstborn, Rus-
sell, who was only in his four' eentls
year. Russel had been ill for months
The English Hand Bell -Ringers con-
cert in the town hall on Friday even-
ing promises to bo one of Phe very
best of the season. The press at plac-
es' whero they have appeared say of
then r
"The concert by the English. Hand -
Bell of thevery best
'1 Ringers was one e
Bel Ru lc vY
of its kind ever beard in Canton."—
Morning News, Canton, Ohio.
'The English Hand Bell -Ringers
captured :the croevd at Chautaqua.:'—
Tribune, La Crosse.
rs nu
"With the very ft mi ber the
13e11 Ringers captured the audience
and were compelled again and again
to respond to encores."—News, Zion
''lte ballots on church union are to
be distributed next Sunday and the
vote is to be iu by the end of the
Rev. Mr. Osterhout of Londeshoro
gave his illustrated address on
"Strangers Wtithin Our Gates" a' the
missionary meeting of the League on
Monday evening. The address prov-
ed very interesting as did also the
pictures of the "strangers" who are
flocking into Canada from all parts
of the world. Mr. Osterhout's ser-
ies of 'illustrated addresses are dolug
Much to arouse missionary interest
in the. Leagues of the surrounding
district. Nexe Monday evening the
meeting will be in charge of the
Good Citizenship department, when
Mr. R 71. Manning will give, an ad-
Mr, Tommy Leppington seri now
exorcise the franchise being twenty-
one years of age' on St. -Valentine's
Day, his natal day being thus sere
same as that of the "Big Chief." If
Tommy passes` the Biblical' span of
threescore and ten, he has a great
many birthdays yet to celebrate.
Here's hoping he will beas iight-
hearted on each of them as he was on
his twenty-first.
The League hold their literary
meeting on Monday evening when Mr•
John Hartley gave a very interest-
ing address on ' Iiabrt" Mr.
Hartley is,a pleasing and an im-
pressive speaker and his talk was
listened to with . much attention.
Mrs. McMurray and Mrs. II. Fitz-
simons sang a duet very nicely.
Rev. E. Fear of Blyth preached
two excellent sermons last Sunday.
The pastor will occupy his own pul-
pit next Sunday:
The mecti:ng t0 be held In the
council chamber QI1 Monday evening
next to discuss She house -building
project will be addressed by Bae
large employers of labor, President
Motor Company n
Crag of the Y Mana-
P g
er Clulf of the Piano' and Organ Com-
pany Secretary Brown of the Kai -t-
iling Company, W. and T. Jackson of
the Jackson Mfg. Company, and oth-
ers. Citizens in general, property
owners in paeeicular, aro invited to
attend as much ijl(II be learned re-
garding the demand foe houses and
how a building boon would, benefit
all the industries. •
Miss Dell Taylor of Aima,,. Ladies'
College,, 'St, .Thomas, spent the
week ;orad at her (tome in town:
Mr. Norman Boles of Frazee, Minn,,
is the guestof his mother diad
sister, Mrs. Boles and Miss Ida
Boles of town,
Ilirs, S. S. Cooper has . as her guests
this week, her mother;, Mrs. Han-
na, Milverton, rand her sister, Miss
M. Hanna, Toronto.
Mr. Ogle Cooper of Collingwooe is
in -town this week
Goderich Township
The service of song, which was an-
nounced to take place in St. James'
church, Middleton, on Friday evening
of this week, has been postponed and
will be given' on Friday evening of
next' weelc.
'Messrs. / Tyner and Reid visited
Blyth friends on Thursday.
Miss 13. Johnstone of East Waw-
anosh spent', a few days last week
with friends around hese.
Mr. John Johnson of Londesboro
spent Sunday with his mother.
Mr. Chas. Clifton spent the week
r Prosperity.
home near
end at his
Mr. and Mrs. W. Biggins of Clin-
ton visited friends in ,the village .on
Mr, and Mrs. T. Lee of Clinton
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
D. Garvie. -
Mr. H. Biggins is attending Clin-
3m Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston o:
the 10th spent Sunday the guests of
the former's mother, Mrs. J. John-
The Ladies' Guild met at the home
of Mts. C: Beacom on Wednesdgy
Mr. and Mrs. J. Watkins were
a'It P rc Towne of Tozer &; Brawn's made happy- by the arrival of a let-
Y tic daughter 'et their Milne the ot-
tailoring establishment want down l fi
to New York this week fora ten
days course at a cutting school,
• return with all
and will no doubt
the latest ideas in the shaping of
men's attire.
Mr, W. M. Clark, who has been the
guest of his daugheer, Sirs. J. E.
C'aretelon, for ithe past three
months, returned to Toronto this
morning, Mrs. C'antelon went to the
city with hien and will rema'n a
week or ten days.
At the last meeeeng of the Ladies'
Aid of tate Ontario street church,
which was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. Cosens, in a
few well chosen words, referred to die
loss the different, departments of the
church would sustain in the removal
of Mas. Janet Smith ands her eslini-
able daughters 80 Stratford and gave
Me assurance that the good wishes
and prayers of their numerous friends
would follow them to their new home
Mrs. J. F. Wasman then pie,eated
Mrs. Smith with cases of silver
knives and spoons as tangible, ttrou„ h
inadequate, tokens of the high 0'
teens and appreciation of the memb-
ers of tate Ladies' Aid and' of the
Women's Missionary Society.
Mrs. Snaith ilianked her friends
heartily for their thoughtful kind-
At the close of the meeting
refresh—ments wore served.
Needed, A Rink.
Editor of The News -Record.
Sir ;—As a one-time college hockey
player., and interested in anything
that tends to benefit our young peo-
ple, 1 crave the indulgence of space
in your paper to express my ap-
preciation of the efforts now being
put forward to erect a. substantial
and well-equipped skating rink In our
town. 10 is a commendable and
praiseworthy objece, and I sincerely
trust that the men of the community
will rally to the support of those
who have the project, in hand. There
aro many advantages which would
accrue to all in having up-to-date
skating rink, e. g. business, social,
etc. But to my mind there are even hig-
her advantages than these. "A sound
mind in a sound body" is a well ex-
pressed principle of godly living. Anil
the Iatter, I talce it, is the ultima'.L
end and aim of our efforts Os every
department of life: The body un-
doubtedly has a mysterious influ-
ence on the mind and soul., In and
through the bodily senses there com-
es the higher life. We do well tlhen
totake care of..>,'.te body. It is of
such importance that tie Divine
Word says "Your boe,ies are the
Temples of the Holy Ghost." But,
sir, 3 did not start out to sermon-
ize.' Rather to emphasise the nc
cessity of proving suitable-rearea-
tion (I use the Word in its real sen-
se) for. our young people, the boys
and girls who will be the men ' and
women of tomorrow.
Scarcely can one ttnd a winter
mode .of recreation more refreshing,
exhilarating and beneficial than skate;
ir st-
ing. A well played hockey match is
her day.
Miss Ethel •Govier is visiting under
the parental roof.
Mr. 14. Colborne who has been on
the sick list has so far recovered as
to be able to return Tit work;
Ole. and Mrs, John Scarlett 'est -
ted friends here over the week rnl.
Rev. Her. Jeekiss , f Minna will
conduct service in St. Peter's church
at three o'clock • n Seedily after -
Loon next.
Miss 11. '!'rick spent Sunday last
at her home on the 18 ,a.
Mr. 0, Beacom has disposedi of a
fine horse for. a Handsome figure.
A number. from Surmnerbill aetcnd-
ed the Valentine party at Mr. fr..
W. Williams' and report a very en-
joyab'k;. time,
A Representative Farmer
kr. James Snell
Wieein the past week or so 11.40
James Snell of liullett ateendeil
meeting of the directors of the West -
era Fair, London, and also the 05.
nual meeting of the Don:enion' Sheep-
Breeders' Association at Toronto, Ilia
was as we`fl one of a largo delegation,
of representative farmers who waited,
upon -the Governmentat0
ttaw L.
ask that still greater interest be tale,
en to promote sheep -breeding. %;r.,
Snell says they were received Weer
great courtesy and that every atter:
on was paid them. '
Long experience has convinced Me.
Snell of the great value of sheep o0
the farm, both as profit makers and
weed' exterminatoi+a.
The Clinton Molder Car Company capital exorcise for the young among
shipped', this, week four cars, five the sterner sex. Then there's curl -
passenger ' touring' car, a' nea w type ing splendid exercise for. the seniors.
among us, the great begetter of earn-.
radeship and esifeet-do-crops among,
unit OTIC
men of the community,
groat drawback of our long winter
seasons, is the lack .of sufficient ex-
ercise ' for young and old, I Seel
sure that business ptoblems would be
the better grappled with, yea 'even
sermons might be the beater wilitten
if there were a place of legitimate
recreating exercise. It is the Church's
duty to look after 81e young. Whilst
Church dfrecfd
Y does'
take' to provide forams of refreshing
recreation,' yet the Church should
throw the weightof her authority
and infeeence on the side of those
who are striving to do their duty,'
to the young -in this respect if in no
other in laying a good foundailion
physically for 4 strong and virile
"Canadianhood." A construereive up-
bui'lding' ns necessity, nee so much a
destructive morality which would
and rightly so,b
but .,
tear down, a
Melds nothing, ori the site of the
I siueerely hope that there will be
a "long pull, and a strong pull and
a pull altoe;etlser" so that before an
other winter season the town wile
hree reason- to be proud Of a' well
equipped op -to -date e'cattne rink:
Fifth Annual supper.
For the fifth successive year, Mr.
and Mrs. William Jackson threw.
wide open the portals of their hospit-
able horns on Friday evening last and
gave their welcome to the reenrl•crs
of the Clinton Lawn Bowling , Flub.
The charming hostess, daintily 'i',awn-
ed, with her pleasing smile, and out-
stretched hand, met the guests ea id-
eneing the pleasure that she hers=elf
enjoyed at their coming 1; while, as
was ales' bofieting, her lord arid
master kept 'in more humble retire-
Inen1 in the background, colied endb
guest by the more famiaian bowling
peen name of Tom, Dick or Jack,
as' the close meed, ho, and intimated
by a significant nod of the head,
tlia8 upstairs was the place to leave
hall,, coats, and rubbers. 'rhe ccm-
pany finally heine all assembled, to
the - full numcrcial strength 01 the
membership for no member of the
Club is ever overlooked on these aus-
p eious occasions progressive, : Euchre
was indulged in by a division, of
members on the North side .of the
Intron Road, honins
g ptttod wrath
members dwelling on the South seee
of the Huron Road' and as in con-
8ssts 011 1110 greefn, the Soul;hetn
members have on two occasions prov-
ed their, eminent super oi(ty in bowl-
ing, so now they showed they could
play euchre in a manner that, made'
the Northern men sit up and think,
and rub their oyes and wonder what
it was that had s,'ruck 'them. We
understand that they are already.
practising in groups, so as to be
ab+o to cut ea bettor figure next
year ; provided they cannot perstade'
Mr: Jackson to instftcute some other.
game, like tiddle-e-winks. that they
know better. The South are sup-
remely indifferent„ feeling cock sure.
of beating them at any game known
to skill and science.
"Refreshment's' were then served
and here was where lawn howlers
shine ! No really 'gond lawn bowl-
er er is a dyspopi,ic, ornnc Y
Itis food and drink.: and the way in
which piles of daintily ,cut sandwic
'hes, foaming glasses; of ?ea and cups,
of amber coloured ale,, cakes, etc. ere.,''
rapidly disappeared, 'inust have con-
voyed joy to the generous providers.
The soothing cigar having been pas-
sed round, the host expressed in his
own inimitably charming manner, the,
nleasure it gave his worthy wife and
himself to once more welcome the
odertheirroof nf end c
.B. C.
eel ` upon the chaplain, ' Rev. C. E. J09.-
'tins to address the comnanv,, Thr
"everend eentlemnn teid or the health
Fill exercise he had '.enjoyed .on the.
,teen, lest' summers related' his ex
eonences,` not S11veya of a su C".OS'tr'`
Mr. Edwards, Cs having a stock rc
diming a.• s
u 'n sale these
days. C0
-cut-price announcement, of• 4111 page
Tho Misses Stearns will conduct e
series of evangelistic services in the
Mereodist church, commeieTng e,1
Monday evening next.
Mrs. I
n f
ism'Y Brancio 0 Belgrave
was the guest of her sister, Mrs;
Wile:am Brandon the past week.
Inspector Torn paid a visit to mix
school on Monday.
Messrs 'George Weston and Charles
Falconer were in Belgrave this week,.
Mrs. John Tome was called 'tee
Southampton last week on account el
the death of her mother Mrs. Mo -
Last week the Rev. Mr. Condeil,
was agreeably surprised by iiae•
friends on the Sauble Line when they;
presented hint with a load of oato,
a Load of straw, and some potatoes.
Many thanes were extended to the
kind friends mis w
collected, ted am1de-
the goods all the rectory,
waren the good pastor is sick and un-
able to get about.
Mrs. Moorhouse, who . spent the
winter with her daughters at Sag-
inaw, Mich returned on Tuesday.
She was accompanied by her 'son-in-
law, Capt, John Ferguson, who wile•
spend a short time in the village.
Rcv. D. K. Grant, 13. , A., new pas-
astor of Willis church, Clinton, well\
occupy the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church. on Sunday next. Rev. Mr.'
McFerlane goes to Clinton to Oc-
cup), Willis church pulpit.
Mrs. James Ferguson attended the
funeral of her brother -in law, Mr,
JohnGeddes at Belgrave, on Tues-
"The Rev. Mr. Conelell has suf-
fered greatly for over a month with
a serious dislocation of the left in-
step and rheumatism, but. his many
friends here hope that in about tem,
weeks more he may be able too take.
charge of his, duties again and dis-
charge them with his old time vig-
Rev. C, F. DuPlan of London took
charge of the services at Timity
church, Bayfield, at St. Luke's Centre
ch Goshen, and at St. John's church.
Varna, on the last two Sundays and
preached eloquent sermons to larger
congregae ons. Mr. DuPlnn has been:
requested to take charge of the ser-
vices in the above churches foe.
the next two Sundays.
J. Steinman, our pouter tonsorial
ist, spent Sunday at Zurich with.
Goondsd weather favored the enter'
tainment putnion in the town hall or,,
Tuesday eveng of this week by the
'Agricultural Society, when the Pas-
time Club of Olinton presented "Tho
Private Sooretery" to a n'o'd a aud-
ience. The comedy was very credit-
ably put on and w's much enieyee. .'
The .proceeds amounted to about R50
and will be applied towards enlarging
the Agricultural hall,
roadster. and two one -ton trucks to
and although all that was possible Torgnto:
was done for him, a complication set These, together with; the three
in feat was beyond successful medical demonstrating cars from the London
half -ton t
' new
� .their treatment. Tire hale fetlow boreShow, and
his suffering w'th patience and as the' make up a splendid exhdbitionn of
end drew nigh he spoke of his depart eight "Clinton creations and will
urs without any fear., indeed,, rather,' be shown at the two Automobile
'healing` it so that he might "be with Shows running in Toronto Irom:Feb'.
Jesus•"I 21st to 28th inclte:eve. One of these
A large number of sympathetic Shows is to be held a3 the Armories
friends attended tee •funeral :. which and this is undoubtedly the greatest
/took place oniuosdey afternoon, the show
nt in
n Canada.
services bsing conducted by elev. 'T.Company will have on exhibition there
W. Cosens, the family Pastor: -The twotrucks and two pleasure cars,
pallbearers were four uncles of the, and at the Si. Lawrence Arena will
deceased; Onslow, Eli, John. and
(331001 Crich.
Floral ofiaine's.wore laid unen'the'
1 white•. casket by : the Epworth
League and also the S. S. clsss of
Ont1r o St. church, which Bee deceased
et'e.ii1 d; his room in the Model
school ; the machine xoom in the Mr, Cleghorn went to Toronto, ' on
tiko charge of both ex-
•^a �c dor Fred and Mondayto t< g
•i•,,nn an l ot. n f. t Y,
' F
him, cess
with t
n and Mrs. Wm habits and has P
- et it; Mr.
il�'ac 1 P
'displ'ay two trucks and onepleasure
car. One nor, will be on the streets of.
the city for demonstrating purposes.
The Company's exhibit at London
was a success in -every way and they
are :onoking forward to a repetition of
Dal A'frerl Glazier ; Mr,. and Mrs,
k I
;5• ' T. Oa.stie.'
To the friends who were. fere kind
during 'the ile'ess of their ,;on arod
since, : Mr. ,o d Mrs. Cr'o's wish,'
ibren^h• the merlium of 1 he News
P card, ' to return theirheart-felt
salesmen and an expert driver, • and
arrangements evil'1 he 'irate to at once
open tate Toronto branch, and a little
later on a branch well be opened `ai.
The show cars now heir•; completed,
wont will be pushed on tee y reviler
program . of tee hui di'g of all types
s of cars for spring delivery.
Mrs. Draper. of -Goderich anent
Tuesday at the home of her perents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iF ullsollend,
Miss 'Tessie ''rro: s visited wbti":
H0lmesvil'le friards over Sue day .
The 'bold on the scli"ol house hast
been 'fixed end:ag^in sounds its•
warning notes tun t^' civ nee
The mem'•055 r1 'heal 1 nesville
choir and eon,- ^f- th^'r 'r'cnes wore.
1 n
a ''.rt tl et tee mc'
i C
1 C
r royally n
ht v.
of Mr. endd Mrs. Geo, Crones ci the-
S^ IAne nn F't t y nv'@ntn^• 1' et,
Ti•ev r^Hort th^'T'^sb rine ^s h^ving:
nut nwpo lot 0' 1',750' nit^4,41'l s.
Mr, nen.. Hell nd has roar• nod borne'
with snotll^r e.^r rf ooevs n'1 rs sols-.
tele1re, when he ran tun aenee et r`i9, t'.,n" i•1 'o 1?v anet'en- in ceeeorth ce
lay delegate fn s'cinring a .side, 1'i,rireeey
(Concluded on page 11) More Holmeserille news. page 4,