HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-15, Page 6eerie('bdt 'liiilboict ye ne' irryititation of novelty is a ter- 19b,1e charge amongst those who judge of men's heads, as they do of their perukes, by' the fashion, and ban allow atone to be right but h e received doctrines. , John Lo6Le. Let ug go upon a long journey and tenter, on 0 dreadful search. Let us ylig and seek till we have discovered bur own opinions. G, R. Chesterton. He who is guided by his genius, lie who thinks for himself, who thinks spontaneously and exactlY,possesses- the only cattinessPaq s by which he can steer aright. Schopenh p quer, i v r OV] oe s will be fres must matte himself, free; freedom is no fairy's gift to fall into any man's lap. Friedrich Nietzsche. Tlie gifted man is he who sees the essential paint, and leaves all the yrest aside as surplusage. Thomas Carlyle. Men may have roundel Seraglio Pint: they havo not yet doubled Cape Turk. George Meredith. Tte that calls a man ungrateful sums up all the evil that a man eau be guilty of. So'eft. Get It g Itis M'oney's Worth 13'tn ,: 'I think I11 get married." Wars;. "You surprise me. I didn't think you had a girl." l." Bangs: "I haven't. hat a fellow .gave hie a wedding ring to -day in part payment of a debt, and Ire got to e.:et tae worth r+ nut money." Conyad'�'` -p��'E, .1Voubie l3'..Ci� Line o l iste,..123MMITEMINIIITM oft, 2,0I W INTER RESORTS Round Trip Tourist Ticears 1 ore on Sale to all Principal 1Viate, Resorbs including. CALIFORNIA, Ml5XIISO FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to WESTERN CANADA la via Chicago Staetnship Tickets on Sale by AU Lines 1 nit infor•ntatdMl from J. RANSFORD, Town Agent A. 0. PATTL'SON, Depot Agent THE VEINS-OECO8O'S CLUBBING LIST FOR 1911-11 Much good reading for little tw,ney. WE>• h-LIne News -Record tmd Mail and Empire '3150 News -Record and Globe... 1.00 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Prenuuni .... ... 1.75 News -Records -rid Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun..... 1.75 News -Record and Free Press , .. ,.., 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser..... . . . . rlvertiger.,,,..... 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate...; 2.25.. News -Record and Farm and Dairy... 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian harm :. 1.75 1e}vs-Record and 'Youth's Companion 1.75 DAILIES News -Record and Mad and Empire.. .. 4.25 News -Record and Globe... 4.25 News -Record and News .. 2.30 News -Record and Star .... 2,30 News -Record and World , . 8.25 News-Beeord and Morning Free Press... ....., 3.25 News -Record ()Aid Evening Free Press , 2.75 News -Record and 'Aciver tdsel 3.00 MONTHLY News-Rocord and Lippin- cott's Magizine,...... 3,25 News -Record and Oanttda Monthly, Winnipeg •' 1.40 41111111.1111111 1f what yon want is not in this list let us know about it. We,oan supplyyou at .leas than, it would cost you to send direct." In remitting.pleese do so by,, Post-ofi'ice Order, Postal. Note, Express Order or Registered Letter and 'address W. J. Mitchel News..Record CLINTON WNW 1 buying a cough medicine for n hear in mind. that Chamber- Cough Remedy ;y> most cffeet- al r colds, and w Mr whooping cough and • that it contains no harmful drug: For sale by All D'ealenS.. The 'I sited States has begun;lortifR- Cations on Flamtsnco Island for the defence oF. ^the^ Panama Canal When given as 'soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward 011 00 atO.tck of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety, Thousands of mothers use it successfully. Sold by All Dealers. The death is recorded of the Rev. Dr. Andrew Martin Fairbairn,. Prin- cipali.,, Mansfield L'met tta of .1N•ns t d Orford, England, Constipation s; the cause of many ailnten's and disorders that mate 1;°c miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, ire .p your bowelsis regular and you will a- void these diseases.s. Ior hy All.Dcalt„tar s. t. I1r.Pctcr Spahn, leader of the t Lori. cal Centro party, was el tied I lege, y deet of the (let man lieicha :tg, do - (eating August Patel, ?..e Socia:t:sl leader' by .196 to '175 votes. Mrs. Ogorde Status That Parisian Sage is Best IIair Tonne, "I had a bad case of dandruff. My scalp was full of dandruff and it cause out thin: and scaly. My hair fell out and often I nearly cried on account of losing my pretty head of hair. I heard of PARISIAN SAGE and only 'had to use two bottles, LEfore the hair s'.tpped coming out, the scalp became clean and all the (land' ruff disappeared The hair' became silky and one hie.e. reason stat i liked PARISIAN SAGE was that it kept the Naar silky, smooth and clean with no traces of slickness. I believe this tonic to bo hest on the market as there has been no re- turn of dandruff, Or hail: falling out 31101 whatever. I ant glad to pubilely ere dorso the use bf PARISIAN SACiI? I have often indorsed its use andrso glad to do it," 33 E. .Bond SR; Corry, Pa. PARISIAN SAGE, the delightful hair &ressing and beau). fire sold by W, S. R. Holmos and druggists ovary. where. Guaran!-'ed for i'Iling.hair. dandruff and scalp itch. Large hot. tie 50 cents. Clinton News -Record PROMINENT RAILROAD MAN STRONGLY ADVISES HIS FRIENDS TO TRY GIN PILLS FOR THE K'IDNEYS d`I have been a Pullman, Conductor on the 0. 1'. R. and Michigan ;Central during the last three years.' About four years' age 1 was laid up with itltense paid in the groin a very sore back, and suffered most severely when I tried to urinate. 'I treated with. my family pliyslcian for two utonilts fur gravel in the bladder but did not receive any benefit, About that time, I met another railroad man who had been similarly affected and who had, been cured by laking Qin Pills, after haying.9T tic,t been o-1 given up Pb Y a prominent i ne t Ph g,leu who treated him for Diabetes. Ile is nowt running ii on the road and is g u perfectly cured. d He strongly advised hie to try Gin Pills which I did, -with the result that the pains left me entirely. FRAM,. S. IDB, DuItrALo,;N. Y. oe. o_ n box, 6 for 5P.o. Sample free. . Write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept, A Toronto, If you suffer with Constipation or need a gentle laxative, take NATIONAL LAZY LIVER PILLS. 250. a box, 105 A forestry convention was held at 00iwu last week. ' A silver grey tox was shot on the ice of the Detroit River, near Wind- sor. Two Eo'; William hien bitten by a mad dog will tale the Pasteur treat- ment at 'Parente. Germany raised anol.ien t:e.;it/ uckal the Sugar 000)50,'..n.. ;State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas, County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that iii is' scuior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co„ doing business in the City of Toledo, County' and Stade aforesaid, and that said firm will pays bhe sum of One lsundrod Dollars for each and every cele of, Catarrh that cannot be curled he the use of Iiail's Catarrh Cure. Frank .1. 'Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this Gth day' of Dec- ember, A. D. 1896. A. tV, Giereson, Notary Publio Hall's ,Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acid acts directly on the Mood and -raucous surfaces . of the system. Send for tostianonials free. F. J. CheneA & Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggist. 75c. Tako Italll's Family Pills for cog- stination, SYNOPSIS OF: CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any, person who is the holo head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land,' in Manitoba; Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must . appear. in per- son at :the , Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the diststcl, En- t r x En- try by, ,proxy y may bo, made do at any agency, on contain conditions by fatb- er, mother, 510114 daughter b-tother or sister 'of inilunding homesteader, llutiss:-Six-•months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in, each of three years. A home, leader may live Within • nine miles of his homestead On a farm of at least , 80 acres Solely owned, and occupied by him or by his Lather, Mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister. In cevtain districts ahoniesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his home- stead. Price 33.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the home- stead. or pre-emption ltix'monthis. tin teach of Mx years from date of holnestead trn9ry (including the time required to earn homestead patent( and cultivate fti'y, acres extort.) A hoinestoader who has exhauste itis homestead right and cannot ob- tailn a :pre-emption may enter for purchased homestead in certain / dis- tricts, Price 33.00 nes acre. ' Dut- ies. --Must reside silt months in each of three years, cultivate fir ty acre and creel' a hoose worth 3300.00. W.^.W. OORY . Dentin of rho Minister 'of the Interior. N. D.-Ultaubhonized publicair'ion of this advertisement Will no] be aid for, You don't have to calix " Black might " Stove Polish. There is no black watery liquid to stain your hands or dirty the floor. There'is 110 "hard brick'' to scrape -no trouble -no waste -no hard rubbing. "Black Ruigltt" is a firth paste -ready to use - quickly applied -and shines quick as a wink. It's as simple and easy to use as shoe polish, and a big stove can be shined with it almost as easily. -Perhaps'your dealer does not handle "stack Knight" Stove Polish. If so, send lot. for a big can, free postpaid, THE F. F. HALLEY CO. LIMITED, Hamilton, OnL 25 Mahan of the Jana, "3. In 1" Shoe Pollee. Premien Borden promised Govern- ment co-operation in the, improve- ment of hi;hways to a big deputation that waited en him last week. The House of Commons carried the Government Parif commission pro- posal by a majority of two to one. 'Mr, F. A. Goring, a prominent con- tractor and fruit farmer of Niagara township, died last week, What Followed a Cut. Magistrate's Wonderful Experience With Zam-Bek.. Mr. J. D, Arsenault, a Justbce of the Peace, and station master 51 Welling- ton, on the Prince Edward Island Ry., has had a wonderful proof of the head- ing (power of Zam--Bulk. He says: Fourgears ago, I bad an accident. y I slipped tin the station and fell on a freight truelk, sustaindmg a bed out on the front of my leg. I 'thought this would heal, hut instead of doing so 1t developed into a ,bad ulcer and later into a form of eczema which spread very ralpidlly and talso started' On the other leg. Both legs ,became so swollen and, sore that I aoudd onty go about my Work : by having ddnem (bandaged. My' doctor said I roust stop work and lay up. 'After six months of, this trouble I consulted another doctor, but with no better result. I tried all' the salves, liniments and 1atims I <heard ' sof, nut f instead of getting better I got worse, " This was my condition when I got my drat 'box of Zaun-Bek. Greatly to my delight drat first 'box gam me re- lief. I continurad to apply it to bhe sores, ,and day IbY day they got better.' I could see that at bast I had. got hold of something which would 'cure me; and in the. end it did. "It is now over a year since Zam- Duk worked a burs in nay case, and there has been no return of the eczema, or any trace of ,It." Such is the nature of the great cures wbacli Zam-Bek Is daily 'effecting. Purely herbal in toomposiblon, this great halm, Is a sure cure for all skin diseases, cold sores, 'chapped hands, frost bite, ulcers, blood -poisoning, vari- cose sores, piles, ,scalp sores, ring - Worm, inflamed ,patches, Cuts, IbUTns res lets and stores and bruises. All d gg sell at 60c,,box, or post free from Zanl- Bak Co„ Toronto, upon receipt colt pricer GETS 'EM EVERY TME amormemionnommanuni Orator --"I thought your paper was friendly to ins?" Editor -"So it is. What's the mat- ter!" Orator -"T made si speech at the fJdtilellows dinner last night. end yin didn't print 0 line of it." 'Editor -hell, what further pros( clo You Wan of our friendship," Perplexed later of the House - "Well, Bridget, what's the matter?" Bridget (angrily) -"Your wife, son, came into the kitehent this morning and insulted rue, bind It s ono of two things -either she leave's the house, or i do!" 6tarrunn-"Once upon a time here was a goose that Iaid golden eggs-" Llttte Eddie (interrupting) -"Is w,• to. believe this story, mamma?" Matumn (amused) -"Bust as ya;. please." Little Eddie (with a sigh of relief) --"Oh, I thought perhaps it was a Bible story." "Yost took Info a wreck to -day, Anus. leave you been sitting up all night again reading a novel?" "Yes, nmadttnt. It was such a beautiful story, but they didn't get married till nearly fire o'clock tills morning!" GETS 'EM EVERY TIME OH HENRY, MAMMA Is.0oHJNG ToaAY :To STAY A WBEIC ' ot, so. I •WANTED TO SURPRISE you WHAT?' NOTHING DOING, 1 DON'T WANT AIN MoTank-1H1.AW 1JANGIMG AROUND HERE. 'I'LL GET GUT THAT' ALL, ' ITS SHAMEPL)L THE. wki You TA Lk llehlR1,, AND TO `t ANI<TH4-r MT' HHR tµINKS 50 tine 1.t OP ,YOU Too,) SHE TELLS eVORY3ao' WHAT A LUCKY LITTLE GIRL I Ail To l4AVe '(00 FOR 'MY NUSI3AND HONEST? DO You 105041 TUAT MOTHER' COMP1.I5'1ENT.5 TOO VERY - WHERE SHE GOES. SHE: 300 res Y00 TO THE SKIES. YE5 HENRY YOU Go , RIGHT DoWi4 To THE. P O P T ANDE MET ER ,fi;URRY iciO+N !Hs ,e 1•I�IAtt Medicines that aid mitre are al- ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, i opens the secretions and olds nature 111 restoring the system to a heal- thy condition. 'Thousands have testi- fled tO its superior excellence, Sold by Alt Dealers, Do you; know thati •£ally _nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism arc simply rheumatism of the mus- cles due to cold or damp, or chron- ic rheumatismq and require no inSer- hal treatment whatever 7 Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives zone. rot sale by All Dealers. The Alan' Line L n6 has purchased the e British, doekOrs' wast at on strike steamer. Romanic lot, the 'Mon."teal alt Manchester and °Thee ports last and Liverpool service, week, February 15th, 1912 Prit cghal E. Robinson of the Mac- donald Consolidated School in . the city c f Guelph, has acctP 'd a posi- tion i- tion on the Staff of the Stonewall, Man., Collegiate Institute. A proposal is on foot to trans- plant '1e inhabitants of St. Helene to.Cal ifornia. British invesgments in. Canada form- ed a topic for discussion at "the Can- adian Club, London, England. • L' nt, Gove to r Gibson spoke at• W cls ck ; support to to suppo t o 0 the proposed shelter to he erected Children's e c by Cndtns 0 1 s Aid Society; Lhe British Foreign Office state/a that while Lord Haldane has gone to Germany n y to study scientific eines;-. tional systems there he ma' aid the samo time havo conversations regard•. ,ad ing internaf,:onai relations.. !' Captain Barclay, a well-known resi- dent of Biter, Ontario, died last; week. The }Tnl,.e tPmPtiestan breeders. of Norfolk county have organized. A despatch from Winnipeg states that Canadian grain will probably ho admitted into Vhe United States markets about March 71h. T '✓ t h b+ { I F Yi i IFM41, 1 x 7s. N! d i :,�,.,�.rirruet�."�I;?j,�'J,. ,p'ai.,'<.�r?'�t�s�. :.''i9w�-..sT,a�.,h.b,,nt :ac,..., v_+,r....._r, ••••rt: Wherever: you are, whenever you want it, all that is newest and best in the theatres is yours to hear and to enjoy, right in your own home when you own an 'CIISOIY ponograph The Edison is the theatre -with the volume of sound exactly suited to your home ;the sapphire reproducingpoint does away with changing needles, does not scratch or wear the records and lasts forever. Amberol Records- play twice as long as ordinary records -giving all the verses of every song and rendering instrumental composi- tions as meant to be played, The Home Recording feature enables you to make and reproduce your own rec- ords in your own home, true to life. There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and herr the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, 416.50 to 4240.50. Edison Standard Records, d0c. Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long). 65c. Edison Grand Opera Records, SSe. to 42.50. y p 100LakesldeArea 1 0a Gdtiat., Orange, N. 3,. INCOAPOad•1•sD A complete Eno of $d,ea Phonograph. sed Records will be found at o WAUUL'9 1t IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends' very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget able$, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements,' etc. If you est this out sending it to us with your name and Post Office Address our 0ntalopue will be sent You and a present with it, Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Lhnited, Hopedale Sensation Tomato , .•t The earli,et, best flavored and Dept. 00 London, Ont. it smoothest in the World. Surely you diw Spare 11 dollar or two' from your pay envelope this week. ,Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you Will soon have $ 'co or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on money. your issued for HI no and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company --with the only loan com- pany .In Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid -tip capital. Incorporated 1864. n..r..e 5. '05155'.' ".tee .Coon? Can0 Savings Co. Landon and Sc 'Phomas. Over 13 Milia® In Asselig 30 ran The News -Record leads for 'Own and Township News '� r"�AY, HENRY;AFE Voll GQ)N6 TO • ill r, ['dME TNia AFrE RNoo MY: WIPE= MISTS r'aa'o00505113 enoRES ARObID THP_ ;ORME, BuY CAW GET' RELto,DEriz i.JUST ... .. TMb STREET '''114 ON Yit13 NE Tic) To OKAU MC TO Tii+I0 A Ft L C61MF_ Tk19 Aw-'t'Er2- i:. l Noor I--" ' 11 t p15 , oU SAI) 1/1" V qV: WOVLIS 'Pla 0'2 OVT.OF,iT MEET Tn ( 1'L4 Yr,U A.. REaod1.0CS 6 ��1 'd tIK r vY' • II� iteit . thY �'a,4 I'D, Luce. To SEE THAT-' rYOU COME FIR -5T Rem D1= k t rWA4'f ARTS? Ade MAKE,' DONT 'ts,, - TIME I cAN MAKr , TO Fla 5AiZ FILE Fo R. A rt LLPI `M U IAM A v s y0 GL �t Dr "o -ATO. 00 T. r"' YOU.0 TO TilE•�AMt:: •' GAME,BVT KFtrS]F_R ANY Ti -. uT c7 To PSALL 1 WOULD .. NELp Yotl mot m0 M TµAN SIT r ram- o>< T D A. PARK' T HOW-: TlloU<IdT- I(fj FUt GF r 'YOU L. yr r. el' V% r `§ AND .+,�� , uety Me ,. � •,� a oTNEr-. % -' TIME - _ r � ft ,m t. 3 +x]J . •;.;- .3• Ow. „STAY iF You [MINT ME TO, HOMe� N0,e(o1'! Yc0 r0 TO "MC,c, GAME. AND. WE 1 LL JUST AC ur 01' -C4 !tCFn'H AND • GET Tp,•i�c, Fol TIie. FIRST IIkoUNG4 r ,.,,p f f'� it Wit f- LET,1 { cgoilEs Go To DAY idy{' j f L. 1 t�3' ; ' �.1,:,, 't4i, y // t, �- ..•'<'�� 'S L. 1.I, ogi th .t".- 7. , �_ kilt` • Orator --"I thought your paper was friendly to ins?" Editor -"So it is. What's the mat- ter!" Orator -"T made si speech at the fJdtilellows dinner last night. end yin didn't print 0 line of it." 'Editor -hell, what further pros( clo You Wan of our friendship," Perplexed later of the House - "Well, Bridget, what's the matter?" Bridget (angrily) -"Your wife, son, came into the kitehent this morning and insulted rue, bind It s ono of two things -either she leave's the house, or i do!" 6tarrunn-"Once upon a time here was a goose that Iaid golden eggs-" Llttte Eddie (interrupting) -"Is w,• to. believe this story, mamma?" Matumn (amused) -"Bust as ya;. please." Little Eddie (with a sigh of relief) --"Oh, I thought perhaps it was a Bible story." "Yost took Info a wreck to -day, Anus. leave you been sitting up all night again reading a novel?" "Yes, nmadttnt. It was such a beautiful story, but they didn't get married till nearly fire o'clock tills morning!" GETS 'EM EVERY TIME OH HENRY, MAMMA Is.0oHJNG ToaAY :To STAY A WBEIC ' ot, so. I •WANTED TO SURPRISE you WHAT?' NOTHING DOING, 1 DON'T WANT AIN MoTank-1H1.AW 1JANGIMG AROUND HERE. 'I'LL GET GUT THAT' ALL, ' ITS SHAMEPL)L THE. wki You TA Lk llehlR1,, AND TO `t ANI<TH4-r MT' HHR tµINKS 50 tine 1.t OP ,YOU Too,) SHE TELLS eVORY3ao' WHAT A LUCKY LITTLE GIRL I Ail To l4AVe '(00 FOR 'MY NUSI3AND HONEST? DO You 105041 TUAT MOTHER' COMP1.I5'1ENT.5 TOO VERY - WHERE SHE GOES. SHE: 300 res Y00 TO THE SKIES. YE5 HENRY YOU Go , RIGHT DoWi4 To THE. P O P T ANDE MET ER ,fi;URRY iciO+N !Hs ,e 1•I�IAtt Medicines that aid mitre are al- ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, i opens the secretions and olds nature 111 restoring the system to a heal- thy condition. 'Thousands have testi- fled tO its superior excellence, Sold by Alt Dealers, Do you; know thati •£ally _nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism arc simply rheumatism of the mus- cles due to cold or damp, or chron- ic rheumatismq and require no inSer- hal treatment whatever 7 Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives zone. rot sale by All Dealers. The Alan' Line L n6 has purchased the e British, doekOrs' wast at on strike steamer. Romanic lot, the 'Mon."teal alt Manchester and °Thee ports last and Liverpool service, week, February 15th, 1912 Prit cghal E. Robinson of the Mac- donald Consolidated School in . the city c f Guelph, has acctP 'd a posi- tion i- tion on the Staff of the Stonewall, Man., Collegiate Institute. A proposal is on foot to trans- plant '1e inhabitants of St. Helene to.Cal ifornia. British invesgments in. Canada form- ed a topic for discussion at "the Can- adian Club, London, England. • L' nt, Gove to r Gibson spoke at• W cls ck ; support to to suppo t o 0 the proposed shelter to he erected Children's e c by Cndtns 0 1 s Aid Society; Lhe British Foreign Office state/a that while Lord Haldane has gone to Germany n y to study scientific eines;-. tional systems there he ma' aid the samo time havo conversations regard•. ,ad ing internaf,:onai relations.. !' Captain Barclay, a well-known resi- dent of Biter, Ontario, died last; week. The }Tnl,.e tPmPtiestan breeders. of Norfolk county have organized. A despatch from Winnipeg states that Canadian grain will probably ho admitted into Vhe United States markets about March 71h. T '✓ t h b+ { I F Yi i IFM41, 1 x 7s. N! d i :,�,.,�.rirruet�."�I;?j,�'J,. ,p'ai.,'<.�r?'�t�s�. :.''i9w�-..sT,a�.,h.b,,nt :ac,..., v_+,r....._r, ••••rt: Wherever: you are, whenever you want it, all that is newest and best in the theatres is yours to hear and to enjoy, right in your own home when you own an 'CIISOIY ponograph The Edison is the theatre -with the volume of sound exactly suited to your home ;the sapphire reproducingpoint does away with changing needles, does not scratch or wear the records and lasts forever. Amberol Records- play twice as long as ordinary records -giving all the verses of every song and rendering instrumental composi- tions as meant to be played, The Home Recording feature enables you to make and reproduce your own rec- ords in your own home, true to life. There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and herr the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs, 416.50 to 4240.50. Edison Standard Records, d0c. Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long). 65c. Edison Grand Opera Records, SSe. to 42.50. y p 100LakesldeArea 1 0a Gdtiat., Orange, N. 3,. INCOAPOad•1•sD A complete Eno of $d,ea Phonograph. sed Records will be found at o WAUUL'9 1t IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends' very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget able$, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements,' etc. If you est this out sending it to us with your name and Post Office Address our 0ntalopue will be sent You and a present with it, Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Lhnited, Hopedale Sensation Tomato , .•t The earli,et, best flavored and Dept. 00 London, Ont. it smoothest in the World. Surely you diw Spare 11 dollar or two' from your pay envelope this week. ,Open a savings account and get 3% interest, payable half -yearly. Keep up the saving habit and you Will soon have $ 'co or more, when you can buy our debentures and get 4% on money. your issued for HI no and upwards. Terms one to five years. Do this with a safe and well-known company --with the only loan com- pany .In Canada having a reserve fund equal to its paid -tip capital. Incorporated 1864. n..r..e 5. '05155'.' ".tee .Coon? Can0 Savings Co. Landon and Sc 'Phomas. Over 13 Milia® In Asselig 30 ran The News -Record leads for 'Own and Township News