HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-15, Page 5it February 15th, [912 Death of Richard Tasker. Richard Tasker, a resident of the 3rd Con. of IIullett; passed into the, Great Beyond on Thursday last at the age of fifty years. Mr: Tasker ; had been' in faeling health since May and death carne as release from pain and weakness. The family originally located at Bel - !leave but deceased had spent •"seine -Oleo at Brucefield and for twelve ,Tears had lived in Hullett'. Besides les wife he leaves to mourn bis de- parture a family of four, three boys and ono girl, the eldest of whom' is ',sixteen. The :' funeral took place on Satur- slay af,teruoon to Clinton cemetery, thm services being conducted by Rev. T. W. Cosens,;. pastor of Ontaoio street church, of which deceased was a member. The pallbearers 'were six fellow -members of Clinton lodge, 1. O. F., W. WValker. Cr. :Cook, " 7', Cottle, J. C. Henry, A J. Tyndall and R. Carter; Following is a Tether of condolence sent by the C. 0. P. to Mrs, •Tasker: •-'-"Dear Sister:—On •behalf of Olin - eon Lodge,No. 470 h 0. T., we do'' =sire to convey to you our sincere sympathy in the loss of our •brother not OD be compared to the Ides land your husband. Bub our lossis which • will he felt in the home, Human sympathy, however strong, cannot assuage the grief of wife and children ht ren and we therefore commend n o avleather,, yo to ut;;Ie enly who has roe's d" t o to a "Father to the _be at r t o fatherless and a husband Ito the willow," May 'God give grace an - cording too your day is the prayer of oar hearts.—Signed, Win, Walker, T. Cottle. Goderich. • Mr. F, W. Doty was in Montreal 'oe business lase week. Misses 'Clara and Maud Bisset of New York ate visiting their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Bisset. Messrs. .0. IL King, C. Tei, Rueben and A. F. Cook were among those Item 'town who took in the Mendels- f„ seen concerts in Toronto last week. •County Clerk Lane was in Toron- to last week attending a mooting of ehe,Ontario Municipal Association. Messrs, 7'saae Salkeii and Alex. Young represented the West Huron Agricultural Society at themeeting of the Fa]r's Association in Toronto last week. WPison Brownlee„ a young married man employed at the Big Mill, was seriously t:njured last week by lalling o distance of sixteen feet into an empty salt bin. P. Warden Strothers and Reeves Mc- Kay of Tuckersmith and Livingstone of Grey were members lee a deputa- tion evhidli went to Ottawa to inter- view : the Dominion Government in regard to highway improvement. Mr. F. Dunbar has sold Ifs grocery business on Kin s+ ,,tin street to AI . g r terser— `reuse:' AI, Robertson who has been in t• business in • Watton. The new fixtures at the post of- fice are being put in place and when. the improvements are completed. will add much to the convenience of this public bnildtng. At an election held last week to .011 the vacancy in the town council, caused by the resignation of W. E. I{e?rly, Mr. Robt. Elliott was elected by a •maiority of 119. The bye-law to provide for the selling of the summer hotel passed by a maiority of 150. - The council chamber has been paint- ed and decorated and now presents a neat and cosy appearance. Mr. A. G. Nesbitt has been appoint- edaudibor in place of Mr. W. R. ihobeitson resigned. Mrs. John McIntosh has returned from Ottawa after a two months' visit 1 with t her daughter, Mrs. Martin. •. Mrs. J. J. Macdonald has returned to her home in Toronto after a stay with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs., Mal- eolin 'Macdonald. Dr. J. M. Turnbull of Prince A7 - t booSask, has just returned from om a honeymoon trip to the Old Country and with his bride called on old in town ws friends eek The marriage of, a well known young lady of Godet,: ,sdn is referred to in the following item taken from the Baltic mote Sun "A very pretty home wedding was .solemn'ed on the 2nd inst. at the residence Of Mr. R. Stan- let Richardson when Miss Margaret aaere Bath Proudfoot, daughter. of Mr. and liR John u 'c r rs o n M. Proudfoot of .Coders 1 , Ontario, was married to De: Josepb 13. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. "I' Thomas of Clover S. C. The bride was attired in` a handsome gown of wtuty mousseline elaborately trimmed. rF and " wore a beautiful 'eviler, the prosene of the groom. The bride was r iven 'away .by her nun t, Mrs. Isabel A: Shelton of Baltimore. The Lohen- gain wedding match was played by Xrs: - R. S. Richardson. Dr. and, 1 Mrs, Thomas will reside at Tirzah, South Carolina.* St. Helens. Miss Etta Weliwoad of Wingitam is' visiting her sister, Mrs.. Geo. Webb. of St. Helens. , Mr. W. G. Irwin visited at the home 'cif Mr. Jas. Barbour over the week A largely attended meeting of .the West Huron Farmer's Institute wts held at St. Helens on : Monday of Ser - noon and evening. Miss Mary Barbour has. returned after a very pleasant visit with her. .cousin, Mrs., Jas. Irwin, Jr., of Ken - Extremely cold weatherr and c:l.ds Mare the order of the day. Misses: Jean and 'Grettaa Webb and Ancee Rathwell :. of Winghatn High -school spent: the week end at thein :respective hones. . Mr. David Farrier attended the fun •eras of his unclt, the late D. Fane oleo of Wingham, last week. • 11d'@s' Lillian Cler1 has .returned me after visiting her brothers in 's 'Toronto and Hamiltbn, Mrs, W. J. Todd Is visiting friends is Wlagham. • Eastern Experts Banquet prof.. Fred Elford. One of 'those happy events which a man who wanted, work, and was ace as mile stones in the develop-, not content to stand still, or allow, rent and happenings of the poultry industry of Canada may be said . to have taken place at they Queen's He - tet, Montreal on Friday evening, Jan- uary 20111, when a number of the friends of Professor ee. C. Elford,; latci of MacDonald College, asscnnbled at a little banquet to do hien honor. Professor Telford for the last few years has been tin charge of the poul- try'' department at Macdonald Co1e• ege, butt his efforts' have .certainly not been confined to' thle Sphere a- lone„ but we may say that the ut- ility poultry interests of Canada have been fostered and eared for by him in a manner wlticll has stimul- ated a healthy growth' in this• " most isnpon?ant branch of _poultry hus- bandry. Professor Elford has taken up work in I3itrfalo, N. Y., and it is .a mat- ter pf deep regret to all the poul- try.; interests hero that we not only are losing lin from Quebec but also Morn Canada, where Uncle Sam has been allowed _to tempt him with gold coin to enter the cosnnfereia? world. Assembled at the banquet were • H. 13. Donovan, Editor of the Canadian Poultry Review' and the Poultry Ad- vocate, vocato Toronto, chairman ' o;o o, as chat t Pro- fessor F. C. Elford, late of MacDon- ald College ; Professor 4. G•: Gilbert, manager Poultry Department, Ex- perimental Farsn, - Ottawa ; George Robertson, Expert Poultry Judge, train, Ne would therefore• have to Ottawa ; Professor Blair ; Professordispense with further speaking, and Bates; A. G. Taylor ; Etnest Ithod_ "Pali upon Mr. Brown and Professor es, MacDonald College ; George 'Ty- Gilbert to address the mooting. Mr. lee, Roseinere ; Peter Reid, Chat - and read the following address eauguay Basin, John I, Brown, man - chosen Professor Ciilbcrt, .in a few well ager 'Poultry " Department of Come,. chosen words presented Professor E1- T,auglofs se, Co. Limited, acting as ford with a gold watch having his Secretary of the Banquet Committee, monogram on the baric, and Inside and others, the case the words "Presented to After the good things provided by Professor I". C, Elford, From Some mine host, the Queen's hotel, had of His Poultry Friends in Canada, been done ample justice to, Mr. Don- January, 1912." oval,, in a few introductory remarks Professor Elford in reply spoke on - explained the reason for calling the le. a fele words very feelingly;,- say- ing this 'festive that he could not find words to board, and expressed in a few words express himself ire the manner which his regret that Professor Elford had he would like. I•Ie certainly would seen fit to leave the Canadian fold remember his,kind: friends at MacDon_ and join the good work to the South all College and throughout Canac? of us. Owing to the very busy sea- Ile felt that he did not deseeve all son with those connected with the the kind words which were spoken 'o& educational work of the poultry fn- hit, but was frank to admit that any week to stand still over ivied) he had any control. It was c this active spirit welch finally decided that a change was necessary for further development, and which takes Professor .Elford from the,,purely ed- ucational sphere of itfe ` here to one which combines educational and' corn - recede' interests, and, like all pre needing speakers, Mr. .Robertson Was sorry that the field of greatest op, portunity-lay for him at preemie it the .Ropublieto the South of us. ell'. Robertson expressed the sincere wish in closing that we would be so aggressive en our work Here as to compel Profossos Elford to return to Canada iii• the course op a very shore tame, and be again one ett the active members in otic Associations. ,Mr. Donovan briefly commented on the speeches and speakers, saying that it gave him a groat deal of pleasure: to preside over meeting where such `unanimity seemed to pre- vail. He wished before calling -up- on Mr. Browne and Prot. Gilbert , to performed a duty (which was a'pleas- ant ono to witness) to thank all those present for their attendanac and as the meeting n t(ng hacl been a most informal one would i have liked to have had the other members ptesent express a few words, but the hoe: was ' now too far advanced, as most of those present wished to take the midnight dustry of Canada at this particular time, a greatmany regrets had been received id the form of letters and •telegrams, and without making any lengthy remark s he was going et) ask Mr. Brown to read these, and also have a clean copy handed to Professor essor Elford as a souvenior. Mr. Brown then proceeded to read the following letters and telegrams from the different provinces in Canada. Professor Gilbert was then called upon to say a few words, which. he did in Its usual pleasing style, lay- ing stress upon the one word "thor- oughness'' claimring, that in this one thing perhaps, more than anything else la he sely tion y t a of the poul- try t:nterest(s of Canada 'to -day, IIe spoke very feelingly of his personal relations wi'eh Pnstessor Elford, and was sorry indeed to see lean leaning not ou'iy MacDonald College but al- so the work in Canada of which Ise had been a great factor in bringing to Fels present efficient state, and ex-' pressed the hope that as a united poul- try interest we might be able to have Prefessor Efford back with us in the course of a very short time. Professor Gilbert felt very keenly the need of Co-operation on the part of all those who are interested, in any way,in the poultry industry ra Can- ada to -day, and after touching brief - /y .y upon the different factors which go to constitute the commercial aspect of this great industry, viz, the pro- ducer,:dcaler and consumer, expressed. the wish that we would one arid all unite as one man to advance the best interests of the poulery industry in Canada. Professor: Blair of MacDonald Coll- ege was the next speaker, and made a few well chosen xcrna'f(s in. refer- ence to the adaptability of tee ben, after which Professor Bates and Mr. A. G. Taylor of MacDonald. College sok spoke a few works, expressing thele deep sorrow at the loss of Professor Elford, not only ftml, the touItr9in- terests of Canada but are .a personal friend, as those who wore left at MacDonald College woulii certainly feel that there was a missing link for.some•+time at, least, Mr Peter Raid of Chateauguay Basin• made a few very appropriaeo samarks in regard g td to MacDonald Cot - lege and its work, also its relation to Me-Gih -University, which was al- so referred to at some length by Mr, Fred, Ward, Bursar, MacDonald Coll- ege, both expressing their regret at Professor Telford's departure. Possibly the few remarks of 'Mr. George' Tylec touched the most vital point when he said the only erouble he anticipated was '`What are we to *do to bold a united front now that Professor Efford is really gone". Mr. W. A. Lirown of Ottawa dealt for a few minutes with the doper 'ace of Professor Elford from the Poultry Producers' A,ssocittion, and expressed thewish that those of us who remain to guide ':re ship weal( ton heartily in : promoting the bee mfr rests. of the Poultry Producers' .solation. He felt that the to As sociation could not pay I'rofessor .El ford too mirth credit for the effort. he- had put forth to make ';tie or- ganization a success, ""' 11ir. ' George E'berison of Ottawa, in a few humorous rcfnerks, dealt wtith the friendship welch had exist- ed personally between himself and Professor' Elford f.ur a number of years, ante as he put it ''Although I am the youngest nnember present at the banquet 7 possibly have knows; Professor Elford longer than anyone hem." He said, however, that there was 'a'eery serious slide to the sdt- uatian as ho saw it, and believed that the foundation of the whole move was that Professor Elford ; waaAD LI S$T0 i 250 & 330. the poultry interests of Canaria had always IDs warmest thought and con- sideration ; he had done his host, and sometimes felt almost discouraged at ?he pLOgr 055 which vas being made.. In leaving Canada, he was not leaving it to forget it*, and he would cherish in a meas- ure beyond words to express the pre- sentation which had been made to hint by some of his poultry friends in Canada. T}, chairman ] arrman fol lowed with it fete remarks, again thanking those pre- sent for. the interest they had taken to make the banquet sucha success, and also wished to thank the Sec rotary :for the trouble he hadtaken with the clericaltwork ,to Have every- thing arranged in the hest order. As the totters of regret which were read at the banquet eractinally all re- ferred to identically the samething, namely, the regret felt at Professor Elford's departure, from the Utility Poultry Man's sphere, at Macdonald Coetego; Que., and especially from Canada, we are only giving the nam- es herewi?h of those from whom let- ters were mad Professor M. A. ,Jul:,, Live Stock Commissioner., B. C. ; Professor A. W. Foley, Edmonton, At•ta. ; Profes- sor W.11. Graham, Guelph, Ont. Seth Jones, Poultry Commissioner, N. 13. • J, P. Laundry, Poult ry In- s orae+ • t ,.tit, Nova Scotia, College, ;. Per- cy P. Gunn, Sussex, N. B. ; A. P. I•Iillhouse, Manager 'Eastern townships. Farm, Foster, Que. ; Victor Fortier, Assistant Manager, Poultry Depart- ment, Experimental Fmrms, Ottawa. Professor I tof essor L. 5, Iilfnvk, Mac- donald College, Que. ; H. Martin Grower, Laeolle, Que. ; A. A, Laces - se, representing The Quebec Poultiy Assocla eonag W. Ii. 'Griffiths and A. F. 'Plante, representing the Sher- brooke Poultry Association. ;,,.Jas•' 7-I: Hare, Department of Agric- tore, Whitby, Ont. ; A.. W. Campbell, r Dc u trentofr' A tcuiture - Pg „Morris - burg, Ont., • Seaforth Mr. James W. 13iteer, who carate from the west about throe weeks ago, , ends returning tin a few days. "Jim" has many friends fn the vic- inity who regret his departure\ while wishing him success wherever: he go- es. , The'Govern/neat has ordered the thorough disinfection of hair import- ed from China. ' The sacrifice of the queues has caused a large increase in thab kind of tral'l;c. ' � DON'T T LAI L TO HEAR The ' Royal English Hand -Bell `lingers Town Hallajnton Friday,' , feb. 23rd Nothing like them ever heard. by Canadian people. They arela in to ere d l? y ?; W ad houses everywhere. This will be the treat of the season.•. .. Under Auspices Ontario St Choir ' .Pian opens at ,Fair's, Feb. 17. ew¢,Recor;d' Leadbury Mr, James, Reid of 0 er sstuif,' Sask., teas,been visiting at the home of .his uncle; Mr, John Seariotit. - I4 is said that' Mr, Reid will be the very hest ratan in a —but perhaps to say any 'More this week would be gittng every- thing away but the place` and date. Mr. Allen MIGavin has tee;irned hone afbit. spending ,ea week. with friends at Stratford, Mr:and Mrs•: Thomas ilrchibald .en• tertained a number of their friends one evening ,last week. Mr..John Seareett attended a meet- ing of Jubitze Precce tery, Black Keights of Ireland, fn Clinton on Friday last. - The hop which was held in Canters' hall, Winthrop, on Wednesday evening of last week was largely attended. Marriages IiENtEDY—FINC'LI -Ie. Clinton, on Feb. 7th, by Rev, W. W. ley- ' lie, Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' James Finch, to William Kennedy, all ot Clinton, Ce3 STRACHAN-•'B17CHANAN, — 'In Brussels, by Rev. Dr.. Oaten, on Jan. 31sb, Robert Strachan, of Grey township to. Josephine, dau- ghter of Mr. hnd Mrs. M.Buclt anal, of Brussels. Births PEARCY.—In: Londesboro, Feb. 71,h, to Rev. W, T. and Mrs. Pearcy,'a son, CARRETT,—In Clinton, on Feb. 10th, to Dr. and Mrs. Garrett, Hamilton, a daughter, CROWELL—In Seaforth, on Feb. 5th to Mr. and Mrs. L. Crowell, a daughter. MASON.—In Seaforth, ort Feb. Ise, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mason, ' James street, a son. McGONOGIk: — In .'Tuckorsm ith on Feb. let, Pa Mf. and Mrs. Robt, McGonigle, a son`. TRELEAVEN— In Dungannon on Feb. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Treleaven, a daughter. Deaths GARRETT.—In Clinton,' on Feb, 12th, the infant daughter of Dr. and, Mrs. Garrett of Hamilton. TASKER—In Mullett, on .Feb. 8111, Richard Tasker, aged 50 years. ADAIRAt Midland on Feb., 13th, • William John Adair, brothel, of Mrs. George Shipley of Clinton, aged 41 years. FARRIER—In Wingbam Town on Feb. 40, David Farrier, 0 his 89th year.,: HENDERSON.—In tlangham, Feb. 3rd, Charlotte Gray, ;elict ot the late Thos. Henderson in her 80th year. WRIGHT.—In Exeter, on Feb. 7th, late W. J. Weigh? in her 85111 Nanny l,g A�cTa� r a t, relict of the year. Live Stock Market. Toronto, Feb. 12th.—The receipts at the Union Yards this morning were by no means large, though better than those of the same' date last week. The general tone of the market is moderately strong and pretty steady at last weelr's close. Choke butche'iya were in good demand ; infett',ors, as usual, were not 'wanted,. Hogs were very high, and very few were in the market. : • A feature of ?D -day's receipts was the arrival of a number of American ambs of excellent duality, which brdught as much as 67.65 a cwt and Ameriain sheep, ewes, were also on the board, many :selling as high as :54.65 and 65. C. Zeagman es Sons, United sold one load of mixed inferior cattle ae $4.40, and anotl>,er load of mixed cows a.nd steers at 5e. W. J. Johnson of Grimm Linited ought four loads 61 hogs, two loads weighed off the ears „at 7c and two �. cads, ted and watered, a't $6.75, F. O. B; hogs r bringing 67.10. aeblgrng Charles McCurdy sold- two loads of etchers, medium to good, at 65,70 'o 60.00. H. P. Kennedy sold 100 cattle, choice and weighing 1100o w c hr lbs, t g g 300 Ibs,, at $6,45 to $6.80. Messrs. Fowler & Di'ngle o5 Ham - lean bought 85„Ameltican lambs and yearlings at 67.65, A. Sherwood; for Messrs. Swifts, e Limited, bought 85 Canadian sheep and lambs,' sheep $4.65 to $5, and Iambs 67 to $7,25 ; .also 50 Americaa. lambs, young wethers, at $7.110, 1 b 1 b 1 A MODERN MEDICINE FOR THE BABY. What mother cannot remember the times of her childhood when the castor oil beetle was brought into, use —the dread with which she looked forward to a dose of rat, idsc, fight she put up when forced to take it. Sure ly all mothers will be glad to spare their little ones .this discomfort — this dread. Modern science has ban- ished the bad -smelling, evil -tasting, griping castor dil and,given In ' its place a modern . remedy—a, remedy' pleasant to take mild though \thor ough in action, absolettely harmless and something the 'Atte ono won't dread. That medicine is Baby's Own Tablets— the only ,remedy used by thousands of mothers of !little ones— the medicine that has forced castor oil and "soothing” syrups out of the home and has taken their place to bring health to baby' and joy to 'the parents, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bore from The D•e. Williams' Medicine Co. _ Brookville, Ont. FOR ' SAL11—GOOD PORTLAND Cutter, nearly new, at a snap. Ap- ply at Walker's ,Furniture store. GOOD MORNING t hood Morning 1 dear reader. Howl docs yells, sub to The News -Record read ? BOAIIDLRS WANTED-4OR PART- neutars apply ate The News -Record Office. —18— TILL FOR SALE. WE HAVE A large stock of well seasoned tile on hand in; all siees' from ,2 ?o 10 inch, 12 inch made to order. Also a large stock of good brick ors hand. Yards a mien east of Egmondviile. —Kruse Bros., Egmondvilie I'; 0. Phone 9,on'145, —18-3. FOR SALE—THE TJND'ERSIGNVED offers his liouseifold furniture by sale. Enduilla at the residence of Mr. John 0, Meld next door. John McClacherty. -18. AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND Young Cattle:—Mr. T., Brown has been instructed to sell by publics auction at Morrow's livery barn, Seaforth, on. Thursday, Feb. 22nd, the following : 3 newly calved cows, beautiful' roan cow 5 years old with -calf at side, 18 cows to calve in march end April, all are Dur- ham or Hereford grades, d two years old. items, 7 two year old heifers, .3 yearling steers, 2 young calves, Guarantee All cows not proving in calf by the 1st of April may be returned and money or note � will be -refunded. 'Forms ; 4. months credit on approved joint notes of 6 percent. per annum discount for cash. Holland & Connell, propriet- ors, T Brown, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Ole FARM STOCK and implements. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 29, Con. 5, Hellen on Tuesday, February 20 at 1 o'clock p. m. the follow/rig Heavy driving horse rising 7 years old, aged driiiing mare in foals to e Al C., driving colt r:+sing 2 years, old by Al, 2 *relic rows rise to ca'.- ve :rt April, milk cow due to calve in June, heifer rising 1 year old, 2 store pigs, about 1 dozen hens, Deering binder 6 foot cut, Deering mower 6 foot cut, Big B. mower 5k foot cut, Pea harvester, Hay loader nearly new, Hay rake, Massey -Har- ris seed drill 11 hoe, Deering disc new 'last spring, Mann cultivator, Walking plow 21 Fluery, Gang plow, Set iron harrows, Frost .et Wood scutiler, Low truck wagon and box, 2 sets of bob. sleighs, Chat- ham fanning mill, Truck scales' 2000 pounds, Set slings, hay fork, car, ropes and pulleys, 2 h'aY racks Pig rack Light spring wagon, BuggY nearly new, Cutter, Set team harn- ess, 2 sets of single driving harness New Gaprta5 Cream separator, Grind stone, Washing machine, Daisy churn, Sugar kettle, Chains, whilfietrees„ neckyokes, and other, articles 'too numerous to mention, Terms. All sums of $10 and under cash, on over that amount 8 months csaditl on approved joint notes. A discount of 5 percent. per annum allowed for cash on credit amounts. Thomas Arnher, Proprietor, Thom- as Gundry, Auctioneer. -r FOR SALE, THREE SHORTHORN Bulls, two scans and one red. From imported stock on both sides. A11 ready for serttice.—James Snell. —16. SHEEP FOR SALE.—A NUMBER of well bred breeding ewes.—R. Fl tzsimon S; San. ' —14. FOR SALE.—A GENERAL STORE with Postoffzce and Rural Telephone in connection. For further partic- ulars apply to The News -Record 1$ WOOD FOR SALE.—THE BEST Maple and Beech wood, cut any long8'a wanted. Orders loft are town office.—M. G. Ransford. —12 MISS MAY RANCE, A. T. C. 16•• Teacher of Elocution, Physical Cul- ture Dancing g an d Dsainatdc work. Students prepared for Conserva- tory School of Literature and ,Feer - pressen, Toeseto. Studio Mend Oddfellows hall. Mins Rance is se- suming her classes and intending students should enroll at once. Phone 37.-1,2 FOR SALE, -Two 2 -YEAR- OLD colts, rising three years, wired by Bar I.—Apply 'fro Robert Marshall, Bayfield Line, Goderich eownship. -09 FOR SALE, A FIRS P CLASS National Cream Separator. Will be sold cheap as:I have given up faxen- iee —A. D. Wiltse, Clinton. —011 FARM HELP AND DOMESTICS. Those wishing farm help, arts., also. girls as domest'lcs apply either to Wiliam McQuilltin, Immigration Agent, or 7-I. D. Woods, both of'. St. Helens Fs 0. --16 To the Public 1 have bought 'the. Grocery Business of A, D, Beaton and am now prepared to fill your orders. •I ;will keep fn stock evorythipg that is to be found' in a fast -class grocery store. Phone :111. 2. 'gall solicited. S. BARR LOGS WANTED AT THE F -All kinds of 'logs, Maple, Elm and Basswood prefacre Hlgheee prices paid.—The Doherty Piano t&. Organ Co,- 05 FIELD, STONE WANTED. E FIE1,D stone suitable for roadmatci'ng is wanted by the Town' of Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord of 13000 lbs, ar J. A. Ford Chairman Street Corn, ® Y mittee: —1e—. • You• • • 0 • • SHORTHORNS FOR SALE, TWO choles young Bulis, both roans, best+ of breeding, prices to suit the times, Also good, clean; ,Seed Bar- ley, O. A. 0, 21, and Siberian and Sensation Oats.—Apply to E. H. Wise, Clinton P. 0. Phone 12-155, 'Goderich townshfp. 15 POTATOES WANTED, DELIVERED any fine day at Wiltse's store. Also Table Carrots, Onions, Parsnips and Cabbages. Phone 89 for • prices.- 'James Steep. 15 BARRED ROCKS FOR SALE- 10 • Bet; how i.yofthe • . • a latter. • • 'I'o help to ' ° • p , you t. improve same s • we are going to' keep a large as- • Y et srttnent of fresh fish ecgul t.'I • • as follows: , n a 50 • ' 0 • Fresh frozen halibut, Red Sea salmon, Fiinnoli haddie, aSmelts, • • • 0 •° fresh •he . • . ]ring, • •• • • • Barred Rocks Cockerels, J. K. s Millard strain, three of tltesn prize • Iwinners and all, bred from1st mem; winners ae ClintonPoultry o Show. Price o $1.50.oael: Alsoe ewe pairs of 'Black Leghorns bred ° from two hens which have been laying steadily since the beginning of last winter. Price"67.00 per pair.—li. A. Bovey Clinton. —15. NOTJCE — TRESPASSING FOR hunting or any other purpose —whatsoever on lots 12 and 13, con, 9, HuIlett, is hereby forbidden. Trespassera will be osecuted — John IIesselwood, Owner. -06 FARM FOR SALE :—LOT 34, CON. 4, Godierich Township, containing 80 acres, all cleared five acres good bearing orchard. Good bank barn Well watered and well fen- ce(!. 7 mile from school, three mil- es from Porter's Hill P. 0., four miles from Bayfield.—For Further particutars apply to Win. D. Harrison, Bayfield P. 0. —14 FARM FOR SALE—Lot north half 28, con, 12, elullett. consisting ng of 50 acres. All seeded down except 10 acres. Sma1R orchard, Frame house 0 anti bank barn with stabling. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. e mile from school. 'Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. —75 PROPERTY FOR SALE,—Hardware business for sale in Bayfield. Two- story building, store, workshop and dwelling combined, also stable 26 36. Three lots with orchard and small fruits. Terms seasonable—Ap- ply Io R. Rouatt, Bayeeld. FARM FOR S,ALE—The Executor of the Southoomhe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lots 28, con. 6, Hullett. Thin is " a Oren -class farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also the undersigned eaters for sale lot 29, con. 6, Mullett*, consisting of 100 acres, These farms may be bought together or separately.,— Apply eparately.- Apply to It. J. Southeombo, Clin- ton linton I'. 0. — 89 ENAMEL GOODS We have ordered a supply of Enamel, Goods wte ch weex- p ect will act us next eek Let us show you it. PROPRIETOR. ' FLOUR and FEED FE We have $lle best, lines in blended and pure Manitoba flours. Order a bag et "Myr- tle" flour, it is medium, pric- ed and when once dried is a sure winner. Heavy stocks of Corn, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Bran and Chopped Feed now on hand. Buy your Grass Seed and Clover from us. We have nothing but the best seed, put up in sealed bags, Lo SUITTER 00. Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR COAL W000 GEMENT YARDS Opposite the G. T. R. Station. All kinds of coal on hand : CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CARNET, COAL FURNACE , COKE ARTHUR FORBES Plena 52 Suoaesso• to Jab. 13*lfliltoa. • _ _ • W. T. ®NEILr *• • The Hub Grocer • Y • ♦ 0**0600000x°0000. 3•.•' Winter Special THE Path to Health PARK (TE CLOSETS Parkyte CIosets are perfectly san- itary and odorless and a comfortable system of inside closet. No plumping necessary $10 to $35. Call and sec for yourself. BYAM & SUTTE R SANITARY PLUMBERS. "-sa The eyes are wage earners. Anything h,n - t 1 or perfect i short 3 m c9 .h C earning powers. We perfect your sight. Our iln.sses os n vestment Yield you substantial returns. ess ' e, A. 3. GR.IIGG $eientifie Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, ONT. 1 sporrToN amts vaa®ine 1 Stands fori al that is -modern in al Business Training. ;til. Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and s citr(.' . Two Thousands stn - dents in our Colleges and home Study last year. We train ft'oin ten tonetw iY t studentsfo r ever 9 i one trained by most' schools. There's a reason. It is freely admitted that our graduates get best positions, and the detnancd for them is "seven" throes the supply. . )c clusfver'hht for On- tario n -t rto. of the B1' famous Bliss Book- keeping in r System. Yon may P g Y u stud at home Y Y or partly at 1 m' to e and n finish at the College. A. Business Education pay e dividend every ' da of` u, ' Y. o t life. • WINTER TERM • FROM JAN. 2, 1912. i Call or Write for particulars I Spotton Business College' I . CLINTON, ONT.Miss B. F. Ward, Principal I •94ePeetA•op®oeit* ♦6♦se0lo + i i TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OF' TL -PE ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH WHICH I HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS FOR TF3E HECLA FURNACES,_ PLUMBING, EVETROUGHINGL PUTTING UP STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF WililOI WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. At CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE- PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- Lle REQUESTED. PROMPT, ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE. STORE. JOHNSON