HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-15, Page 2Wornmegaziommiumnimmeramennem ClintonNews-Record The' Globe 'Hotel at. Stayner was de stroved by Mire. Mr. George Black of Vanooever has '[teen appointed Commissioner of the Yukon. Nardoui, the alleged niurdero of Pappas, was arrested at Sault Ste, Marie' aithe being a &eck an hiding. Customs Otliee I ownsb ouge • of eaindsay has been sum nartty dismis- 'ssd at the behest .of Ileo. Samuel Hughes. 111611111611.PRICES:L GRAIN With • the f2'•.wailing prices for lgrein the farmer roust run his hogs sand cattle into condition, in as short time as possible or ho will he tieing up' his profit in extra feeding,, DOUGLAS' STOCK INVIGORATOIR Will condition an animal with 'less feed and in a shorter time than eery other preparation on the mar. het, The Best Farmers Use It. Try a 25c Package. W. S. R. HOLMES DRUGGIST. SEED GRAIN WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF SEED •GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING -TIMOTHIY -CLOVER -ALSIKL -PEAS -MANDSCIIEURI BARLEY WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR CATS,,PEAS AND 13ARLEY, ALSO HAY FOR BALING, FORD&MCLEOD X x XX' XXX x x X Y`X X x r CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT- x CENTRA.I, BUSINESS COLL- • EGE STRATFORD, ONT. x' Our classes are new larger than x .ever before but we have enlar- :r get our quarters and we have s. room foe a few more students. x You may enter at any time, x We hare a staff of -mine eeper- x 'tented instructors and our (mur- -ar : ses are the bast. Our grad- uates succeed. This week three recent graduates 'informed ns that they have positions pay- ing $65, 175 and $125 per x ninon lh. We have three depart- .x ments,-Cernmercial, Shorthand x and Telegraphy. Write for" x nor free catalogue now. x D. A. McLACIILAN, x I'nincipal'x ' x X X X X XX XX X X,, X x x x x x TVe 9esl Co. IF YOU WANT TF1F1 BR T, COAL AND PROItIPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM ITS• ORDERS LEFT AT 't le VIS IROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY A.T- a,'rENDLD TO. J. W. Stevenson Tali. .M.A,S. W.A.T.T.S. !Practical Boot ,and Shoo. Repairer Repairing done promptly. Skates putt, on while you watt. Skate Straps - of Solid Leather cut any length'destred. Suit Cases and 'Trunks repaired.. A Trial will convince you of the Neatness and Promptness with which S eXe0rrte my wore. Open Every Evening. - STORE OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFLC'E. As wimrs sloes iS;.1de to order. Huron County News Gathered r News-Reeord Reader Wingriham. has Mr, R. Gerry. Willis gone to Toronto Conservatory of Music where he will take a course in voice cul- ture and pipe organ; Mrs, Thos. Henderson, whose hue.' band died in November last, passed a- way on Saturday week. They .had been esspected residents of WInghanl forsomelittle time. Mrs. Hender- son leaves a family of seven: A son and .two daughters at home and. a son on the ,homestead near Wt;ng- ham. On son and one daughter are in the Canadian west and one son es in the state of Wisconsin. Mr. N. Evans, of Tilbury is the new manager of the local branch of the Dominion Bank'. Miss Ethel ;Ellioftt, daughter of Mrs. T. J. Elliott formerly of Wing - ham but latterly of the west, was married recently to Rev. +,John 'Pugh; a Methodist minister at Youngstown, Alta. Miss 5, May 'Reid, daughter of leer. and Airs, John Reid of Ma'itfand- view was wedded recently to Mr, Albert Tisdale of Marengo, Sask, Mr; and Mrs. Tisdale have returned from their honeymoon and will remain here with friends for a sheet time before leaving for the o'_ home en Saskatche, wan. Mrs.L. C. Young of Winnipeg was called home on account, of the serious illness of her father, Mr, P. S. Link. later. Mrs. Flood and het daughter, Miss Mamie, have removed to Toronto, where they' intend to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKenzie have gone to California for she remainder of the winter. A son, D. G. Mc- Kenzie, is located at Concord, Pal. Mr. A. II. Musgrove left ht;t; week for Toronto to he present zit the open- ing of the Legislature. Messrs. F. J. Hell and A. Wien d attended the Mendelssohn choir 00n- certs in Toronto last week, Mr. and Mrs. Moffat of fence Al- bert, Sask., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oliver. Mr, John, S. Peingle of Floral, Sask,, wee has been ['iii i ng friends in Turnberry and vicinity for the past' fe\v weeks, has returned to his home. ' Mr, Wm. Nicholson has ptu,ihased n farm hi Kent County and intends re- moving there with his family in the spring. Another worthy and popular r19up1e of this detect have celebrated the fi'ftiet'.i anniversary of thtir marriage in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew, of Lower Wingham. Mr and Mrs, Agnew were married i!n Blyth on tele 7th of February, 1801 and settled on Nice- farm on the 9th concession of East Wawanosh. Mr. Agnew was born near Peterboro and, when seventeen yeaes of age cane with his parents to East Wawanosh Me'. Agnew and his father had to chop their way through the bush from Au- burn to the original Agnew home- stead on. the 9th eoncesseon 0f East' Wawanosh. Mr. Agnew's parental home was for years the second stop- Iing place between Goderient and Wingham for 'the early settlers. Mrs. Agnew's maiden name was Margaret Oak and she was born in Puslinch township, near Guelph and when, a young lady taught school on the 9th of East Wawanosh and there met Mr. Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. Agnew re- teded for forty years on the farm and ten years ago moved to Lower Wingham, Their family consists of fire sons and four daughters, alt of whom are living, viz., Mrs, E. Pear - en, on the first Agnew hotnostead in East Wawanosh ; Misses Hannah and Amelia Agnew, nurses in Philadelphia Penna.; Miss Mary Agnew at home; Dr, Thomas 'II., Wingham ; Dr. W1n. Dayton, Ohio ; Dr. John, Crestline, 01110 ; Robert D.. D. S., Medfe zc Hat, Alberta ; James, D. D. S., Fos - Soria, Ohio. The celebration et this very happycvent has been postponed until next summer when It el expect- ed that all the members of the family will be able'to-bo home. To Mr, and Mrs. ;Agnew will ee e,x:tendccithe: best wishes and hearty congratula- Sons'of a large ri rcle of Ir:*nils, Anofaer of these exceptionally in - tore .ng ,events Was celebrated recently. Mr. ' and MLC. Cov- entry of town being thc,happy groom, and bride. Mr. Coventry is a nat- pive Canadian, while Mee. Coventry born orn in Devonshire, England here maiden name was Sarah 'Maiming and she came to Canada when quite young. On. January 28, 1862, Mr. Coventry and Mese Manning were mi- lted in marriage, in Southampton,. Ont., by Rev,' D. Waiters. For a number of years, they resided ea IIui- lett"township, -and later removed to East Wawanosh, until ba'cni: years ago, they beciame residents of Wing - ham. To Mr. and Mrs, Coventry Wereborn seven slaughters and one son, all of whom are 'l'iving. The son, Joseph of North Bay, was the only one of the family absent from the anniversary on Tuesday. The slaughters are -Mrs, John F. Ellis of East Wawanosh, Mrs. H. W. Church of ("alt, Mrs Cltriffin of None York, Mrs, T': C. Sperling of ;Slier - ling, - Man,,, Mrs., T. 5. Malcolm of Detroit, Mrs, C, .J.Paddock of ICat- amzoo, Mich., ' and Miss Rose, a• home:. Theca were also present Mese. ses. J. E. Ellis, EI. W, Uluirch, T. C. Sperling, Rev. T. E. Malcolm, Mrs; Shook of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Weymouth and Mrs.. E. Bell of','Lon- desborof Mrs. Bell of GcorgeteWn and Mrs, Pearson of Chelsea, sinters; of Ai. Coveatry, were unablele to be present There WAS frothing stiff or fennel about 'u tislebeation of thew anulter try r t.Lc d lass, a heftily, 1rq o i, ;l'<utilly rsesieir, ail the guests bctng delrfghted to extend con- gratulations to Mr. ane Mrs. Coven- try on having reached the fiftieth an- niversary ell their wedding day. Tho home was prettily decoratted in white and gold, and the bride and groom' were recipients of the customary purse of gold which came to them in the unipuo fonts of a "shower" of of gold ogres, The menu cards were prettily wn`itenin gold, the reverse side serving as a place card. The repast enjoyed aid over, elle after- noon was delightfully spent in social enjoyment, in which tato grand -child- ren happily participated, Mr.' Cove entity has reached the age of 82, while Mrs. Coventry a, 68, May they be spared fon many years to their family, is the wish oL their many friends. Numerous letters of congratulation were received, adding to the pleasure of the decasion. POLITENESS PAYS. The Grand Trunk Railway System has 'issed a little booklet entitled "Politeness Pays," the contents of which; were written by the well known litterateur, Mr. Elbert Hub- bard, who has "jotted down a number of things thought out on a little jour- ney over the Grand trunk. The text is epigamatie in style, and interest- ing, as all this well -kilo -wit writer's text end epigrams are. et is print - eel in` the Raycrofter style on hand made antique paper, with a four page cover, printed in a. lights blue and black on a sepia deckled stock. There is not only good advice in tide book- let to the railroad man, but to the public. A copy of the booklet may be had frit?, on application to any of the Grand 'Trunk o(Cees. Exeter Mr. Fad. Christie was in Toronto Met week attending the meeting of the Provincial Fairs Assoc Mien. Mrs. John Jarrett, who ]las been visiting Toronto friends for some weeks, has returned house. Mrs. W. J. Wright, an old resident CANADA��'A1'\ of Exeter North, passed away last i FOYA week at the advanced age of eighty - RAVAGES OF GOPHERS P Young Lad Writes of His, Exper- tence'with the Rodents Western farmers and ranchers are constantly complaining of the ravages 0f thope busy little rodents the go- phers, and many a ranch dislslays, a line of traps whtch prove a means of destruction to the annoying little ani- mals. A youthful correepondent, Hjortur Christianson„ ten years of age, writes from the Stone)' Indian Agency at Morse -v; Alta,, telling alt his exper- fence with "a wise gopher." Master Christianson's account follows: 11 set the trap for Mr. Gopher at a' hole'and then went. away. When 't got ,back the gopher was sitting outside the hole. He hal' dragged away the trap and hidden tt in the grass.. Next I tried to suaro hint, but he chewed the string and `got away again; I set the trap once more and hid myself Where I could see hint. The gopher carne out of his hole and began to drag the trap away but it, caught him round the neck • and choked him." -Rod and. Gun, DR. M."'STEELE. 01,P. South Pertil. five years, Me. Thomas Kernick returned fast week from a pleasant trip to the Penile ('oast. Mn William Ward lest a valuable horse last week. Mrs. John Sweet and her daughter, Miss Louise have returned from visb- ing friends at Marlette, Michigan. Main street elethodist church ofll- clat boardgave a unanimous vote 10 favor of Church Union at their last regular meetting, 11ov. R. 1Lobbs has been 'indisposed lately and has been confined to his room. TUE TRANSCONTINENTAL The authorized mileage of the Grand Trunk Pacific main line and branches is 11,500 miles of which 1,745 miles are between Winnipeg and Prince Ru- pert. 1,800 m','es are under contract by Transcontinental Railway Cotn- mission b)tween Winnipeg and Monc- ton. At the complotioh of ties na- tional railway, the trip around the world will be shortened by one week,. as Europe will be brought closer to Asia, and as the, maximum grade of the Creed Trunk Pacific is one- fifth of. the next best Transcontinen- tal Railways on the continent. Time between the Atlantic and the Pacific wile be annihilated when the sorvice, is in operation. Morris Township Joseph Hogg, wife and son moved from Liucvaic to the 3rttas la�rlu last week, where they bought the farm of, John Mason, Tax Collector Proctor has finished up his roll totalling the targe sons 61 $27,114,28 and on Monday handed It over to the official, head of the coun- cil. James Bowman, M. P„ was liotnc from Ottawa for a few days. Township Council meet on Monday at the Township Flail. Everything is in fine order in S. S. No, 5. and the new furnace workipg well. , A new. brickresidence will be built by James; Orasby, 511 lime, whisah will put his property in fete'shape. Harry Duncan returned to the West last week after a holiday visit with relatives and friends here. He is located at Pasqua, Sask. Henry ,Johnsen, 5011' line, intends to. tgniodel, enlarge and venter hi& peel - sent residence. Township Cleric McElwee was ap- prfnted to the position of County Auditor for this year. T'he Auction Sale at Robert Craig's. attracted, e lig crowd and prices rule cd high. A good, cow brought 8120, and a span of shafts, horses was spl+I for $500. A: surprise party of noiyhbors and friends, went to the home of -.Albert, and. Mrs.°JJacksoa of the lath eon., );Iullcttl, and ,made themsi,lves at house by spreadeng a sumptuous oyster supper and ineit)ng Mr., and Mrs Jackson to sit down to ft. The even- ing was spent in songs and mush and , social chat. Then all returned' home. singing ''JIe's a 'jolly goodfollow l'he gathering was held prior to Mr, ,yanks n's dt arto c from the neigh- borhood and moving to .Hobert Craigs farm, 6th lee of 'Morris, wheat 1e hats reeled fur a„terve uf' ) ears. Much Money in Raising the Silver. Variety, Breeding o1' silver fokes is a new Industry in Canada, chiefly on Printle Edward island. One 'nta.n on the' Island, 1t is said cleared $150,000 from hie fox farm rhis year•. A breeder in Dutton. Ont., has. told a New York ficin reporter about ;his methods, "Flow and wrist iso you feed. there?" asked the Stns man. "One sparrow a flay," was RIa:•h's reply. The newspnpor meal st'rutiuized the' speaker closely, endeieering to de,-; feet a smile. "One sparrow ow a day," repeated Mr. lilaek, emphasizing tach word. "01 course, when sparrows can't be had.' and that's not 01'ier, a small piece of raw meal about as large as a sparrow is fed. Just before the pups are born the mother is fed some mirk in addi- tion, and for some flue alter the litter , arrives f let her have inlet in. small i quantities. They breed regularly up, to 12 years of age curl Dee until 20." "Do they ever become pets, or do Yea attempt to matte pets of then[?'t' queried the newspaper man. "My experience," was the reply, "is that; they ar not pets and f don't want. aline to he pets in any sense oto the tern. They will bite you if you attempt to banclle them promiscuous ly, Most of them are leelinetl to be: ena.pp'y " "How do you safeguard such vale- able animals?" "My foxes ,re kept in a cement deli that is an cstua ronroduction of the, natural burrow the average red fox fashions avben left to himself. This; den is in a 'IO•foot enclosure tial to stoutly wired to a height over whtehl no man cotild climb without using a' .r ell into the' 4 man d el : h ladder, ! a ui g enclosure It wouldn't dao him any; good, as the den in which they sleep, Is of solid concrete 18 inches thick' oft top and with .side wallas of eight inches, Have you ever seen a fox's den? Well,'It has many zigzag pas• sages, and it's a maze of turns and angles. I suppose nature inspired the; 1 ox to fashion his' home that wa,Y so f as to give battle to intruders at every; turn. The, sleeping quarters are 10 cated behind these' passageways, and, except when feeding or at play, most of their time is spent there. A cat and her Mittens make a pretty ,spec- tacle pec-tacle as they tumble over each other, but you ought to see young silvers and .their mother at play- 'Phe extra thickness of cement oil the top of the, den net only ensures safety, butt; he burrow le'Mathncr in winter alio cool- er in Summer. If anybody should at. tempt to poison the Mete it wouldn't do any good, for they could not reach the dead bodies in he ba^k of the den Withoal 'sttias5hig the big masa ofconcrete ' "I am thinking,. however.`" said the Iran whose occupation }e both novel and profitable, "of getting a couple of good bloodhounds as an added pro- tee.tiou. 'J stere them? h`4;, company will write a risk nu silver folies, 1 guess I'll have to wbrry along the way I'm goleg 1f this 4ouple litre and mate as Well,, as M expect they, Should bring good returns., If mar. thing' happens to either or both I'll have to charge it; to profit and lots." SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for She, Interoatlonal Press fibte Question Club. 01 'i'I�ev. (Copyright, 1 11, by . T,, S. Linscott, 17.13.) Feb. 18,'1912. [Copyright, 1911, by Rev. T. S. Lins= Cott, OD] The Ministry of John the Baptist. ltfark 1:1-8; Luke 111:1-20. Golden Text -Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matt. 111:2. (1.) Verses 1.3-Wliere are the pre- dictions to which Mark here refers?, (See Iea, x1:3; Mal. 111:1.) (2.) What reason is there to think that Isaiah and Malachi had John the Baptist and Jesus in mind when they wrote the words quoted be Mark? (3.) What difference does It make to the potency and truth of Christ's gospel whether Mark was right or wrong in thinking these prophecies appli: 1 speelficelly to Johu and Jesus? (4.) Verses 4 -8 -What did John's baptism stand for? (5.) Show from John's teaching what he meant by repentance. (6,) What "difference, if any, was. there in their standing with God be- tween John's converts and converts to -day to Christianity? (7.) Luke iii:1-6-What literary and historic excellence can you point out in verses 1 and 2? (8.) Whose son was John, what re- lation was he to Jesus, and what was there of note about his birth and training? (9.) W'irat aro the moral equiva- lents of valleys tilled tun, mouutaius leveled down, crooked roads made straight and rough places smooth? (10.) \'}len will the prophecy bd fulfilled "All Sash shall see the sal- vation of Cod"? (11.) Verses 7 -8 -Who oo:npased the multitude that crime to .101)1 to be baptized? (12.) '\\stat reason can you give to justify John in using such harsh lan- guage to those who came to be bap- tized? (13.) \\Told, effect will any religious ceremony have upon. talose who are living in sin? (14.) 'Swhat are the "emits' or re- pentance? (15.) It a sort persists in living in sin whatbenefit will a saintly father be to hifn in getting him into heaven? (16.) Verse 9 -What are the inftu- ences, already at work, which will cul- minate in the utter destruction of hypocrites and other hardened sin. Hers? (This is one of the questions which may be answered in writing by the members of the club.) (17.1 Verses 10-14 •--According to John, bow much virtue is there in good works as a means of salvation? [18.1 'Why should all persons who, apply to the (thatch for membership get practically the same instructions as John gave those who applied to hire for haptistn? (19,) Verses 15 -18 -What was Ibe 1differebo.e between. John'a mission and that of .Jesus? (20,) fit what. sense was John in• ferior to Jesus, officially, morally, nat- urally, or otherwise? (21.1 \Vllat is the baptism of the Holy Chess? (22.) Verses 19 -20 -What are the' facts to connection with Herod's fm prisonnieut o1' John'? Lesson for Sunday. Feb, 21, 1912, The Baptism and le.mliIS,icw of l& - sus, Mark i 9.18; Mac. iv:1.11, MET FOUR COUGARS Near Creston recently a.pedestrian, met four cougars on the (raki,'. A local' palter .suggests that the l'rovtttetat Golretxunent 3nareaoe the bounty on these' animals so ,theta' it would' be an Incentive' to saunter, to get': after these: Inc!depleting 1' fast [ the deer. 8t Wlle are tel pc a, 1 ly and other ' :ante in the vicinity. The body of to man named Default was founts in .L. lonely house at 50. Soholastique, Que., with every indi- catiou 01 having ,eetsi murdered. iftcrL ick ARE YOUR STOCK IN THE BEST CONDITION FOR TILL:' W1NTEL ? GET BITTER LACK FOR 'PILEM AND I91?.EP THEM PE'rwliCT FOR I E;SS TITAN, 051. CENT PER LTEAD PER WEEK. BITTER LICK, IS NATURE'S OWN lel2MEDY ANI) TS ,MADE 03? 1 VT2SIYTHIN(}'• ' JHOIt5ES CA1 iI,E AND SIh51113 NLLD 'CO S1SIIP TEEM PRFECTLY EAL- Tf` :NO NO DOS - 1NG. ABSOLUTELY EF F:ICTIVJ2. Sultier, ebruary ISth,, i9I2 Grey;.Township ,Jno Rose, fonmerly of the 2nd of Grey, who has been .prospering in the West, is perp ona holiday .visit. , Last week Mrs. ,Joseph fengler of Orey, and Miss Edith 'Leslie, of Done- gal, were at Berlin' atltcndhng the, wedding or Miss Mary Thompson, for- merly of this locality to Ivan. North graves of. Berko: Mr. and Mrs, R. J, Dougherty have takelipossession of the Bateman farm Oen con., and are now snugly settesd. Miss Kate 'reefer its teaching in 5. S. No. 6, "McKillop for a while: Miss Frieda C;riese of Alilvcrtton, is visiting with the rlisess Telfer of 6th Mtge Lottie ,Jackson is home from, a visit with her sister fn the 'Vatted States, ' Druggist R. Work, of Toronto, was enjoying a holiday at tee parental home for a few days. Miss Lizzie Hoover is malting a visit' with relatives and eritends;at Dungannon and the Nile. Mrs. James Pearson was called to Splendid Work In Parry Sound. Petit.k cure of W. S. Kottyle by Dodd's Kidney Pills. , Suffered for 'ten months, bail was cured by a single box -Splendid reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Golden Valley, Parry. Sound Dis- trict, Ont. Feb. 12 (Special) -W. S. Kett ale, well-known in this district, Inas added his testimony to the great mass now coming Leeward to prove that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Kid- ney disease, no matter where it is found or in what form it is. found. "I ' suffered from backache, gravel and headache for ten months." Mr. Kettyle states, '''My sleep was broken and unrefreshing and the least exer- tion would make ore perspire freely. After taking one box of Dodd's Kici- ney Pills I was completely cured. That was ' a year ago and 1 have had no return of my trouble since." Dodd's Kidney Pills have done se great work in this district;. Numer- ous people can be' found who have been cured by them of almost every kidney disease, including rheumatism, lumbago, dropsy and Bright's dis- ease. They are looked ,upon by all who have used linem as e'.se one sure cure for kidney eesease. Oil Springs on account of the illness of his sister, Mrs. John Robertson. Mrs. George McFarlane, who has been quite poorly for several weeks, is very much batter we are pleased to state. A silo will be built by LI Addy, 130 can., next Spring. le will be frame 12x2.1 feet. lie will also put up a modern hen " house as he is greatly interested in poultry. W. MI. and' Mrs. Salter and daugh- ter, of Toronto, and Mrs. Tingle, of Paw Paw, Mich., are visiting' at the Rozeh hones, having been called by the illness of MLTs. Roue, mother of the ladies' Hoods Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula - and a other humors, cures all thea-' effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens a[ the vital organs. Take it. 1.h're is no just -as -good" reediel`:ac, Insist on haring Hood's. Get It tedc.;1, ZUnch Mt. IJarry Clausis has returned ;ti- ter a stay at several weeks n Toe, onto,' bit, Frank Bassow son of Mr. seri Mrs: Wm. Ilassow of the, Breinson Line, died in a Detroit hospitallast week after a lengthy illness from a complication of diseases, Mrs, Joseph Lett and son William have returned. to their home in tee west after visiting friends and re, latives in the vicinity, Miss Addis, Ruby of Pigeon, Miele, visited friends lawthe noigliborhood recently. Mess Lydia Edna Drown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Beewn of the Bronson Line, " was married on Tues- day of last week to Mr. Frederick Kehn of Berlin. The ceremony. was performed at the bride's home by, Rev, G. F, Brown, uncle of the bride. Mr. and ItIrs,' Kehn will reside in Berlin. When your feat are wet and cold, and your body chilled through ewe through from exposure, take a bite dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water beton; going to bed, and you are aleresee certain to ward off a severe ,ca''. For sale by All Dealers. Seaforth Miss Lizzie Munroe was married its St. Jainee church on Wednesday of last week to Mr. peter Robinson of Peke, Sask. Mr. and Mrs, Robertson leave for thein western home is "March, Mrs. D. Rogers was fn town last week the, guest of Dr. and Mrs. Bur- rows, President J. F. Daly and Secretary Broderick were in Toronto last week attending the,me'eltfng of the Provin- eial Vales Association. Messrs. W. Anrent, W. and G. Beth - line and W. Kerslake have gone to Winnipeg to attend the big bonspoii. Mr. and Mrs, James Scot's have gone to their new home at Grand Prairie, Alberea. Mrs. William Somerville was called to Toronto by the illness of her mother, who died shortly after the arrival of her daughter. Mr. James Ryan, who has beer. visiting here for the past month, bac returned to his home in Winnipeg. JABATT'S STOUT The very best for use in 'ill -health and convalescence -� Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE -SOUND -WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 29 they Are Giiaranieed A guarantee goes with every one of our Watches so you take no ' risk.. The price too, is right. If you need a watch let's show you ours. COUNTER Jeweler, - Clinton. ISSUER 0F' MARRIAGE LICENSES., Butter Wrappers Per Good'13utterjehere, is always a brick demandant the top price the market pays, Even Good Butter looks best when done lap in a netat wrap- per with the maker's name, ,postotilce and nittne of dairy. This also advertises the maker andbrings more customers. If you are not now using•therinted wrappers, try one lot. 1f -yon start using chem, you will continue so well y10a8001 will von he. There's a ream in a package and the cost is rder a Suppy at the Office c4 The News Record.