HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-15, Page 1.ass 7r! No. 1718 -32nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 19I2 THE HOME PAPER The News -Record Excels for Town and Township News B rs�an _ QUR watch may run if a jewel is cracked or bi`o- ke revol- ving keep fairly good time. The pivot reEoa- ving in such jewel however, soon cuts and fie cliaentdy breaks, thus increasing the damage and cost of repairing, F;your watch is varying, it will pay you to have it A examined x' id b ' - e us. E1 PAIRS sent in by trail will have our careful attention. W. l� Jeweler and Optician - - Clirlfon The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital $6,250,00.0. Reserve $7,000.000. 'rine Annual Statement, shows the following increases for 19r r- 1910 • loll • Deposits , $72,079,607 $88,294,808 Loans and investments 55,283,676 62,790,072 Total Assets 92,510,346 110,528,512' 207 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. ,INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. R. E. MANNING, - Ma imam Clinton Oil BlanCll, 1-11 Molsons Bank INCORPORATED 1855, Record of Progress for Five Years -1906--11 1906' 1911OAPITAL . $3.000,000 84,000,0 00 . .3,677,4,042,311DEPOSIdS .,735,,811iOAIS AND INVESTMENTS 27,457090 •35,351;801 RESE'RTOTAL ASSETS ^ . 33,090,102 48.237,84 Ras 83 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in; all the Principal Cities of the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED SAVINGS RANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. `Interest allowed at highest cur -'int rate. CiiilAton Branch - (;. E. Dowding, Manager ,COKS FOR IT, SURE. 1Vfu;SICAI4 TREAT NEXT WEEK. In renewing his sub. Mr. James Ferguson ,ef Redlands, California, says he 'appreciates The News -Re - co• rd very e y highly, indeed he would feel lost without it. It every weak gimes so much news of .the bonne fown and , county that he almost seems in hand -shaking reach of his old friends; CONGRATULATIONS. Congratulations are due and hereby tendered Miss Ilelen Doherty on-' her success in a recent exam, In music, The exam was Grade 5 in theory, Western University, and it was writ- ten off at the London Conservatory of Music., which is in affiliation with the Western. Mi;s Doherty passed with first class honors. WILL SAY GOOD BYE. • Captain pia n Gallinger and Lieut. bfof•' fat who have been in charge of the local S.A. corps for several months, Farewell next Sunday; Owing to ill- ness Captdin Gallinger is contpella:i to refire at Least ticmporarily from the service and Lieut. Moffat will take a fortnight's rest. The good people 'of Clinton will with regret say good bye to (hese two seaIous officers fou they esteem them very highly, A -GOOD SCHOOL. It is now freely admitted that the Chnt.tn Business C.atege is one of the High -Class acid most( popular Busi- ness Schools of Ontario, Owing to it being a link in a chain -01 seven High -Grade Schools and being affil.- fated with the Commercial Educe - tors' Association of Canada, its grad- uatcs enjoy a prestige which gives them the best positions available. Thousands of young people who can- not attend in person, Mara while they earn through our Home Study Department. Others study at home for a t4ane and then finish t finish tin 0 month tr a or' two ait•h ecoile college, Any young person, who is desirous of success in life should write to the Clinton Basic ' 1(.S• S' I g, Col o e Clinton t Ont., for part:'ciders, BAPTIST CIITJItCIJ. • 1 Annual Mid -Winter learance Sale I. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS TEN DAYS' ONLY February IOth to' February 21st Strictly up-to-date and finest Suits and Over- coats in the trade at $10 to26 to be `� cleared out ait1';$7.90 to $19, So anxious are we to clear out all our winter /stock before spring goods arrive, and to do it quick- ly, we have' actuall priced. a nu ns y i number of garments at below cost. SUITS 7.90 war tea dysy only. suit in the store worth up to $10. 145,0 Istar'.'or e anwyorth suit intip tthe o $20, :tor ton clays onhy. ' Any suit in the store, for ten days only, worth up to $1'5 for. r$i.�,00 Any suit in the store Worth up to $.e6, for ten$19.00 days only v7 OVERCOATS c1 70 For 31513 days only WU will buy any over•- eoat in the store worth up to $10. 1 3.50 .stn 3. 5 0 Foe satnoyrovwrorh t uipe $20, for ten days only. Any overcoat in the etore, worth up to 825, for oto ten' days only W .,U VI Any overcoat inthe store for ten days only, worth up to $15, for .$10.5 See large bills forarticula'. rsEverything is P ,yng included in this sale, Saturday's business was beyond Y our expectations- CORM with the crowd. Sale closes February 21st. TERMS:—CASH. CASH, HE MORRJSH -CI 1,.0 TN SNC CO® Huron's Largest Clothiers A'Square Deal for Every Man” 1 The Royal' Engl„h Iland-Beed Ring- ers will give an entertainment In the town hall on Friday evening of next week. They are said to present an exceedingly good program so that a treat is in store for lovers of good music. HYDRO MOVING ALONG. Mayor ,Glbbings is active in pro- moting Hydro-.T)lecteie and eo that the murdicf'palities in Huron, which carried bylaws, may get closer to- gether and the ' earlier arrive at "just where they are at"he has cal- led a meeting tqbe held in Clinton ori Friday, Feb. 23rd. Mayor Spotton of 1Vidghain, who was in town; the other day, said : ""That's a good idea. Wingham will be represented. There will per- haps be two or three of us down". p o FOR AN IDLE b[OUR. 'Phe following conundrum was hand- led la to The News -Record by one of its, farmer friends, who(teetered the working out of it to ho excell- ent pastime for an idle hour while sitting around a good fire.of an ev- eni.ng.•luter the chores ape done, We pass it along to Pale many other rur- al readers of Ills great, family jour- nal : "Suppose you went out with one hundred dollars in your pocket to buy one hundred head of stock, and cows costa ten dollars each, sheep three ^dollars and little pigs fifty cents each, how many of each kind would you have 3" BOARD OF TRADE. 'The Paisident of the Board of Trade called a meeting of the Ex- ecutive last Monday evening at 8 P. M., to discuss the question of sal es.irom estalogue by the large de- partmental stores. Anotice was placed on tho blackboard, om1side the town hall, inviting any of the bus- iness men interested, in this matter. attend. Judging from the fact that not one solitary business ran put it •n n t a appearance, ce p at the pI hour the meeting was called, the executive concluded that P;tey dial tot consider the matter of sufficient Sunday's services were particularly helpful,G Pastor Wylie conducting them. t On Monday evening the B. Y. P. U. 1 meeting was led by Miss Dolly Men- nel and the• subject was introduced ' by, Mr, Tilos, • Watt, it being 10The C'hristian Virtues." A :short 'and in- - teresting discussion followed iu which 1 several took part. 1 On Thursday Ias0 the Sunday sehoot and ,church hast their annua'1 sleighride, which was enjoyed by a a goodly number. Afterwards supper s was served and the annual business meeting was held. The reports f front the different departments of 1.- work showed the church to be i l a prosperous state, the past year hay- -11 .ng been a very successful one under h the pastorate of Rev, Mr. Wylie, MANY HAPPY RETURNS, re in ro,.} Chief 1Vheat.wpassed another mil- estone yesterday and is now in the si fifties—how far is immaterial. IIe was born in Devonshire, England T and came to this country when a mere kid. That's many a year ago but in many ways he still preserves in a youthful spirit. mportance to be worthy even of con- ideration,. On motion, duly cart;ad, he meeting was adjourned wit(tout along any action. AN ACCIDENT. Cd Mr. 'P. 11. Watt while working in nfeKenzic's plad•iag mill. on Saturday ash met with an accident which will ay him up fop some lime. Sonte- ping went wrong with the machine with which he was working, causing knife to fly out with great force, triking Mr. Watt on the back of Nilo (^fist of his right band cutting it to he bone. Ile was intinediately Mir - 'ad to the hospital, the wound stitch- () and dressed, and at' last reports o was doing as well as could he expected, It is a serious injury tit it is hoped Pleat with careful at- enliOn the wounded member may be stored to usefulness :'again. But t • Ile meantime ',Teen', Porn'F will have .) nurse and riddle it for a con- derable period. OWN TOPICS. The house building project is mak- g progress and good resulhs are expected. That is Publit; Spirit and Capital e getting closer together. Theneed of houses is apparent' if e incoming population is to be ac- cam-iodated, c-ca m -iodated, if we are to hold is, indeed. A mlderatePy priced house—minus nger bread but pis -modern im- oveulcnts—would he snapped up and a rental that would pay a good to of interest, 13,000 houses are not asked for but 200 and 81500 houses are, The News -Record hopes to be able announce at an early date 'that aching them) several publto-spirited tizeus have decided -to build. A meeting has also been held to push along the skating think . scheme. The' skaters and liockeyists are, part- icularly antiive and will all help it Ong, many of them in a practical ay, too. Clinton ought to have a eat big rink, -ANOS vs C. C. I'S. It was in 1352 that he first land- ar ed in Clinton. He went elsewhere for a time hut thirty years eh= tieth settled here for good. Twenty-four years ago he was ap- pointed chief of Clrintou's police force and all these years he has been as well tax collector, (Waster of the weigh scales, etcetera, the latter em- bracing half a dozen minor offices': gi pr at ra IIe has also laid down seveu.il mil- es of granolithlc walks and the good 11 roads which Clinton now enjoys were buiet under his personal, direction, to In short, !'The Chief,:' "Ei:g (n Joe.," or "Old Joe," as be el is variously and respectlulty called by the town at large, has been a good servant of-the,corporation, and we are safe in, saying that every 131(3(3 women and chid will join The News -Record in wishing him ""Many al Happy Returns of the Day." w THE WEATHER.gr The weather during the past few ' PI weeks has been exceedingly severe. Indeed such cold, weather and such a Spell of it et -in hardly he recalled in the memory of evon• the I"o,ldest.in- habitaut," The chief recreation of householders during the period of the cold snap has been the thawing out of waterworks and shoveling snow and it is '1 pastime to which 8110 Mai- oritydo not take very kindly. A game of carpet' balls howls, or even a real strenuous smoke "in company. with,a newspaper and with one's feet on the fender would be touch pre- ferred by many, Clinton. is not a- lone,' however" inthe grip of the Frost King. "cls said that in ` . tiro country ie)wn a pall of water could scarcely be had Saturday, or Sunday mornings, A serious' fire occured, in Toronto' the other day and it was sal dtt1 atbu t for a frozen hy(iratfi.ft could. have been checked much sooner and much damage and loss a.Vctted It may be that our town officials are looting after this matter, but if not, would it not be well I0 test the hydrants in Clinton often while this severe weather continues to see that they are in order 1f needed, A little forethought in this respect The first game for the town league trophy was played off in 180 rink on Friday evening last between the 0., C. I. and the Piano & Organ Factory ('tains, the former winning in a s0ore of 13-8. At half 1'sne the scorn stood 7-3. The score scareelyri.ndicates the play as the C. C. I tem is certainly a hustling hunch of puck -chasers. The piano builders are, however, a little huskier. There was too much dirty. play' on both sides, Graham (' p y of the C. C. I. received a nasty gnash over the r,,lttl eye but a doctor soon fix- ed it up and he cani"e back to the iceand played a good game. For the winners the -stellar men were Kerr and Tasker, while Clarence Kit- ty, Ernie Graham and Harvey Reid were :,•bright, parts:alar stars on the 1osing side, though n all Put up a pret- ty `fait game. The following is tho' ' line-up. • C. C r. ---Coal T•I, Reid,. point I;. Torranr+, cover point C. Kilty, 'Row. er N. C1uff, .centre L. Cook,right wing L. Greig, left at pee D. Graham. Factory -Goal It. Tasker, Nine W. Pickett, covet' point C. Draper, rover A. Doherty, centtva E. I{err ^ right ruing J. Watts, le'Po wine; II, Futmss IMMIGRAT'I'ON AGENT. Mr. 1Vi41ian Patterson of Mullett having been appointed an immigration agent (parties in this district desir- ous of obtaining Old Country help should ,make application to him, ON TIIE COMMITTEE, The. following former residents of 011nton are members of the commit- tee which will assist the executive of they Humin Old 13eys of Toronto in the receselon of guests at the At biome . ; on Friday evening of next Week : Mrs. R. Holmes, Mrs. C. 0. Rance, Mrs: E. Floody„ Mrs.. S. •L Scott and :Mfrs, 5'. Fester. ' INNSTITUTE MEETING: ' The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of !Firs. Barry F,';zsintons, Ontario street, e 'on 'Thursday afternoon next at three o'elori t. There w^i4i be .a good program, an interesting, feaP.ire being 'an address -h 'Mr. C. E. Weld- ing on "What. Women Should Know About 13ankilig," All members are requested to be present. Z'.rsit0rs are always welcome. STAND UP, PLEASE. A prominent citizen said to The News -Record the other day : "1 have frequently noticed at our public en- tertainments that when God Save the King is being sung half the: at tencc are making for the door struggling with their rubbers cdi or or wraps. 'It 27011111 be better if we respected out national anthem mare and remained standing while it is be- ing rendered. Either that or cut *alt the anthem." WESLEY CHURCH, Londesb0ro League, or at least a goodly porton of it, drove out n Monday U i onda (serine' ( and J .ad a friend- ly b P visit to this society. The visitors furnished a varied and interesting pro- gram consisting of papers, readings and mus,sial 'numbers. The pastor o1 the L u .( ndcsboo church 'h urb c occupied th c t e chair. t, .•1t {lir, eoutilusion 0f 1110 pro- gram the home League served 1unc11 and a pleasant hour was spent in social chat. The Sunday school held their annual sleighride on 'Tuesday afternoon, While the tide Was ie. progress the Mothers and friends were preparin supper in the Sunday school room, and after it had berm enjoyed a very ries: program was given, prind',tallg by the younger members of the school. g G00D MORNING I read 3' Cool Morning I dear reader. flow does ' your' sub to The News -Record•. THE FOURTH OF APRIL. The directors of the Huron, County Stock Show met yesterday and com- pleted arrangements for the prize list which will be bigger than ever, ' The date of the Show is the 9111 of April. TIIE NEW BOARD. The now Collegiate Board consists of : Rev C L. Jeakins, C. E. Dowd ing, W. Jackson, Major McTaggart, Dr. Shaw, R, 1D, Mannseg and D. A. Forrester, Rev, Mr. Jenkins is the chairman and Principal 'Treleaven Seoretary: THE LOCAL MARKET. Whcatt 95c. Oats 40e. t0 120. ig Peas -90e. - Bible}' 70c, to 85c. Eggs 38c. • - Butter 270, to 28e. Beans prime, white $1.85 :to 11.90. Live Hogs 16.40: EASY FOR TIlI:. CLINTON TRUC3 The London Advertiser of Tucsda had the following : An automobile became stalled o Dundas street this morning, so Cha it blocked str1et trafle. One of th Clinton Trucks was passing, and til chauffeur offered assistance. A line was'attach0d, and the big car was easily hauled over to the other side of the road." A C'EOR:IL SOCIETY. The Choral Society in connection with St. Paul's churen has in view the presenSat4on after Easter of a very � tl •^P } 1 cas" n nwsnstt program. Weaning Oram R The c oti'icers of the Society are : iSon. Presidents, Rev. 0. E. Jeak- ins, W. Jackson, J, Ransford, President, 0. E. Dowding, V'icu Miss . r S May + Bentley. Sec, -Treasurer, J, Hartley: - e1 QUIET wErmiSzCI. - HEV. O. CHANT SEW PASTOR ( TO WINS L NR At a very weld attended meeting of the congregation on Tuesday eveming Bev. David Kenzie Grant, D. A., M. A., L. L.13., was eic'cn'a call to the pastorate of Willis Presbyterian church. Rev. 11l'r. ()rant has been assistant pastor since September., having come to take 'cliarge of the work during the illness of Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mr. Grant Is a native of Pictou, Nova Scotia, Which county is noted for the many eminent men, espeeililly. in the scholastic line, which" it has given to the world. Among these might be mentioned the well-known names u It f the late Principal Grant of C4ueen's, his successor Principal Gor- don, Sir Wm. ,Dawson, Principal Fal- coner of Toc+.into, ' Principal, McKinnon of Fine Hill College, lia'ifaac, and many others: As the inhabitants of Pie Wm are almos,' without exception of Highland descent and devoted to the "kirk" it is not surprising perhaps IC that they should have added so much• to the educational wealth of Canada, y Mr, Grant's Alma Mater is Dal- housie University, having taken the 13 degrees of 13. A., M. A., and L. L. 13., from om there. He received his c theological education at Princeton o C'ollege, having graduated from there ten years ago. Parrsboro, N. S., was his first oharge and some years later he was called to the charge of a church in Hamilton, Bermuda, where he remained three years, only leaving because the climate did not agree with soino members of his family. Personally Mr. Grant . en- joyed life in Bermuda and one could hardly blame hint if 110 looks back longingly to- the years 'spent there from this cold north county. Last June Mr, Grant brought his family hack to Canada with the intention of settling in Ontario and in September teas o fifer d the c assistant pastorate of Willis for three months, Dr. - Ste - 'wart's indisposition proving marc serious than at hest anticipated, and finally causing his resignation, he has continued to fill the position with much acceptance until the present, and will now become pastor.. A quiet wedding meas solemnized at the, Baptist; parsonage on Wednesday evening of Oast week when Miss l'earl, daughter of Mr. nod Mrs, James Finch of town, was married to IIIc, Wm. Kennedy, son of itir. John Kennedy of Detroit. The ceremony ' was perforated by elev. 11'. W. Py - lie. THE Tl?RRII)11 WENT MA.1), Mr. Lorne. Buts, who is preparing' t0 return to the west in a few weeks, had -a rather unpleasant ;c- perienec the -00,155 day with a little dog which he hail brought from the vicinity of Blyth only a few weeks ago. The animal, which was a. rat terrier and only a pup, went sud- denly marl and setrc(1 the inmates of the house pretty badly before it was finally captured anddestareelted, It• ds supposed that' 0 ed PP 1 th t C little tellOta 'ha(1 rab- ies L' - ies and -lir. Butt may send the head away fair examination. In the mean- time IS would be wiso for those w•h.o had the pup before lir. Butt got him to look well to the dogs which may still he en their possession er any dog which came in contact' with him. DEATII CJF W, .1, ADA1R. On Tuesday Mr. William. J. Adair breathed his last at 1(111111111, age:1 forty-four years. Ile was a. 111/1/190 of Oshawa where he lived until two years ago when he went west, first locating. at Winnipeg and their at Swift Current. During the past few months the disease which proved his undoing made rapid in- roads in his heretofore strong consti- tution and a month ago he came east, hits brother, Mr. Charles Adair of Midland, going to Swift Current to meet hen and accompany him on the 1 x 'o girl. 3'• Mr. Adair was married, his • wife hast no xatn(ily surviving him .\ bFrb nl0ther and sister, Mrs. and Miss Adair, who have been on an extended visit to another sister, Mrs. George' IShipley of Clinton,' left on Tuesday for Oshawa to attend the funeral, the interment to take piaci, in the old family burying ground. Owing to illness. Mrs. Shipley Atilt not be able to be present, .but' Mr. Shipley will attend the obsequies. ' , ONT. ST. CHURCH. Rev, F. A. Fear will occupy the pulpit -on Sunday next ati both Ser- vices eevices while the pastor preaches mis- sionary sermons at BIyth, Over eighty Junior Leagurers en- joyed the' annual sleighride and sup- per on Friday afternoon "and evening. The W. M. S. held . their regular`. meeting . on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. E. G. Courtiee, A fine program was given by the, young, ;zanies of the society ` and the annual collection for the "Rest Fund" was, taitcn, Tli(+ League 011 Monday evening held' their monthly- missionary teottna when Mr, J. A Irwin gave a very in tet+; sting address Mr. Irwin Is well- informed along missionary bites and is also entQxtsiastie'•on the subject, so he goncratly manages to arouse enthusiasm in others. Miss H. Cour, tree read a mtssio(ipt+y letter, The meeting was well/ attended- Ne,vtd Mon ay t;vcning the ureoting will be under the direction of the erary committee and Mr, John rticy win give ala address, might e090 much loss and ineenven-ISarry Twitchell •made a very sat lit fence ansi consequent regret, •isfactory 0010100. IIa Mr. and Mrs.- Kennedy will. contin- ue to rso(ck' ill 10W11 and The _Nelvs- Recol•cl lours tam friends 81 the young couple in 501510tula(foes and' good wishes. ' 1' '11N ,tBOUT.• J tekson's "Rowers" heart lRhein- bart s "Flying Dutchmen" at hockey on Monday night by a- score of 3 to 0. '!'hc Rovers d31115't Will. the previous game but they are bound to win the third and thus the 8: -r- te. 'i'he losers pay fop -the oysters and l a(rid � spread sl r, ad was pat up at the 1raverlc.y after the -match. The line-up was 11•s follows ,- Rovers —goal, A. Mitchell ; point, 1V. Johnson; cover E; Mitchel'; Rover W. Kennedy ; centre, A. Steep.; wings R. Moore and M. i110F}w-an, Belying Dutchmen :—goal, T Cook ; point, B. e McDermott; cover., J. Rheinhart ; •rover, G. Bai(cy ; centre. B, S. Dickson ; wings, P. i piarntan and A. Finch, Rohit esy'Ille Mr. George Hol?and Mas gone • ea Chatham for another carload of cows. On Tuesday evening last Messrs, 11Ialr and 0sbafdeston came into the village with two of the largest logs seen here for -some years. They were cut on the farm of M. George Proct- or of the Cut Line and, without the bark each measurer fifty inches in diameter. It required two trams to haul each logwhen on a sleigh, lit several places along theroad and it took all the afternoon to reach the village a distance of only about one and one-half miles; The Methodist choir were enter- tained' at the home of Mr: and Mfrs, S. T. Wal0.sr of the Huron Road on Tuesday evening last and all . report having had a real good time. Mr, Wilt. Jenkins has been elimb'ng rite telephone poles during the ex-" tretner• cold weather of the past week and reports the weather • no warmer up on, the cross ball than' down on the ground where the tem, petature was from 20 to 24 degrees below zero, will hadn't time Ifo ,see his shadow on Candlemas Day. We hear that several callers were twitted by, the Frost 1;Cing and pota- toes and other vegetables.have differ- ed In consequence. • Our, village has been very quiet lot nearly two weeks. Even the school hell has not been. ,rung It has brok- en from its moorings and the weather has been too cold to fix situp. Perhaps our popular teacher thinks better r e- surt;earl be accomplished n der quiet environments, at any • ra . 1' good work is being (lone within. "Rev. Joe" in Luck. London, Feb. '.10th.—Ifev, ,Joseph Elliot ' of Goderich, who ,contested Centre Huron fn the recentPtovincial e ec1 ( o s has been rappointed PI ) ion rmnntgration otPiccr, with head- guar;011's at Glasgow,„ Scotland, Mr, Grant does not feel altogether ' a stranger in Western Ontario as the . first pastor of Knox church, Godcrfch, 114e..•1lexander Mackenzie, who will be remembered by some of the older of our readers, was his grand -uncle,, Mrs. Grant conies also of good Presbyterian stoic, being a daughter and a grand -daughter of the manse. She, is the grand -daughter of the late ILA'. James MacGregor, D. D., a pion- eer missionary to the American prov- inces, and a daughter of Rev. 1'. G. MacGregor, D. D., for many yeare clerk of the ministerial synod, Prof. lIradO rigor, who • occupies the chair of Physics in Edinburg University, sun• eessor to Prof. 'fait, is a brother of Mrs. Grant. She is''v a. native 0' S Halifax. Rev. and /qrs. Grant -have a family of two, a' son and (laughter. They have won many warts friends since coming to Clinton who are glad to know that they will take up perman- ent residence here. Badfield. St. Andrew's church had a - narrow escape from boing burned on Sunday week. .A. ,good hoe fire had been started and the stove becoming over- heated the ed•,ice ritught fire. It was soon discovered and the telephone called into play and soon it bucket brigade was formed and the tire ex- tinguished, The damage was not very heavy. The Agriculearal,Society Will give an entertainment in 1,310 town hall on Tuesday evening next when t4 Pastime Club of Clinton will present the play, "The Private Secretary," which ehey gave so successfully ' in Clinton --a couple of weeks ago, under the. dtrectiou of Miss Ranee. It is said to be tho "funniest comedy writ- ten." The proceeds of the entertain- ment wiil go tower Is the fund for enlarging the agricultural hall. - Varna. The dramatic concert to be, gi, en in the town ball tomorrow, (Friday), even.ig 'under. 1Se auspices of St. John's church promises to be a great' success. The play entitled '1 Farmer Haskins''+ which proved so popular when paisented in '.Daylield, will be given and there will be besides a program of music.. The admission fee, too, i, next to nothing, twenty and fifteen cent's, ' Tuckersmitil Township Miss Maybe) .Waiters of Exeter and Miss Clara McGregor of Stanley township are visiting Mrs. Levi Stong. g East Wawanrash Mrs..Robt. W. ',James was celled 'to Bly,tlt lest week by theillness; of her 'father Mfrs ,1oseph Tartan, but before; she reached him he had pas- sedwas a .v, «n Tie 1 f crap" -took place to Union cemetery on Thursday S1sti, Mr. 'Taman had reached, t'Irn age of 75 years,