HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-08, Page 6tr ;,C14aton, News -Record CldARACTl:;t BY F1Ntn 93-IYA1:ns Atnnae your friends by telling them their characters by their finger -nails, Broad nails are said :to Indicate a en'tle nature, and persons possessing ditto are inclitned to be timid and basltnful. Those who have red and spatted nails have a desire to com- esed, show great delight in war, and have a v disposition to be cruel. White 6 ots on the finger-nailss denote m ts f rtonp: who =Those have ate ler pale nails a'r c gubject to much infirmity of the flesh. \fel cho aa1 ly persons, • and those who have ahigher,branches of knowledge; have pato or lead -colour. nails. \\ bite nails denote a groat love for the societyof the opposite eery weak constitution, aid ioteY.s11 subjects, ' Persona with nation; nails are, am- bitious, have a keen love for, r cant' - LIC ,t'' 1=nt, .t i and are t e u 1r , w e UIIt'. f L 'Round uat S stow plc tt acs to for Itnowledge in genera, and liberal seu- timents; a]eo that their .possessors take great pride to t:he-r owu wul- Iishine i is and P 'ire rather hasty. Those persons who lack eoufrdence tial human nature, and iu'e cleaned in .opinions have long nails. Small nails indicate a very small mind, obstinate end secretive nature. 1 eraoas who have vary goad ail- apatites and levers of sleep have-flesny stalls. Nails that grow Into the flesh at the sides or points denote that their =owners are given to luxury. eta Cantidec rlY,Dauleliuck f,r !` Line Y WINTER RESORTS Bound Trip Tourist '1`icletes 1 ow on Sale to all Principal Winter Resorts including. • CALIFORNIA, MEXICO FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to WESTERN CANADA is via Chicago Staemship. Tickets on Sale by All Lines 'gull information frons J. RANSFORD, Town Agent A. O. PATTESON, Depot Agent THE NEWS -RECORD'S CLUBBING LIST FOR 1911-12 Much, good reading for little money. WteaI LIns News -Record and Mail and Empire....: .. , $L50 News -Record and Globe ; . 1.60 News -Record and Family Herald and Star witia Premium 175 News -Record and 'Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun1.75 News -Record and,, Free Press,.,,, J.75 News-Reeord and Adver tiser ........ 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.25 News -Record tuud Farm and Dairy... 1,75 News -Record and Cana- dian Farm 1,78 News -Record and Youth's Companion . 1.75 1111 DAILIES ■ News -Record and Mali and News -Record and Globe.: 4.25 News -Record and News 2.80 News -Record and Star 2.80 News -Record and World 3.25 New -Becord and Morning s o g Free Press 3.25 ' R Now s- ecord and Evening Free Press- 2.75' News -Record and Aciver• 24 O T73LY N d 1 News -Record an L }ii� colt's Magizine PP 3.25 New,s-l5ecord and Canada Monthly, Winnipeg 1.40 If what you want is not in this list let us know abort it. We can supply yon at less than „f•, it would cost you be send; direct. In rernieting please do so by. Post -office Order,, Postal Neto, Express Order. or Registered Letter and address. W. J. News -Record CLINTON , sammidmagialMaillifIRMIIMIIIMINII When buyinga tough medicine for,' Children bear in mind that Cliauubor- lain's Cough Remedy.,gs most .effect- ual for colds, ands whooping :cough' and that it contains no barinlul' drug. For sale by All Dcalel+sy T1;e'• iwgue arbitration on the • rrortit Atlantic tisdteries c:llspite Cost Canada .2000,600 When given As soon as NM crnnpy. cough appears Chamberlain's Cough' Remedy -Mil ward off, an ata,icic of croup and pcpverit' all danger and cause of anxiety, 'Thousands of mothers use it sticccssiully. Sold V), All Dealers. A. G. T; R. carpenter was kiCsd,a' Thamesvidlo as the result of gravel falling on din, Constipation .s the cause of many ailmen"; and disorders that mala 'I•."e miserable., Take Chamberlain's r Stomach and Liver 'Tablets,Y ,veep Sour b0 •Cls regular an dyou Will a- void. these diseases. For sale by Alle Per . D a s 'IHow. to Keep Your Hall Free From Dandruff. LI1. Parisian 1 Sa e Banishes Dandruff Or Money Back. Parisian Sage StosFt,i l Y Stops a g Hair Or Money Back. • Parisian Sage Makes Hair Radiant Or Money Back, 4 DELIGHTFUL and RNFEESH- ING HAIR DRESSING. People who desire to preserve the hair. can gain some valuab?e infor- mation from the following. Have your own brush and comb at home and at nair dressers. Never ube a brush or comb in pub- ic places, they are usually covered with dandruff germs. Wash your hair brush once a week with soap and waren waicr bo which is added a disinfectant, Shampoo the hair once a week with pure soap and water. Use PARISIAN SAGE every day, rubbing 8horoughly into scalp. PARISIAN SAGE 'is guaranteed by W. S. R. Holmes to des:'roy dand- ruff, or money back. To stop hair from 1 '.Ming and scalp from itich n¢, or' money noir, To put lite and Io'uty into dull faded Hair, or-1110110y.Lack. Price, 50 cents, Statef Ohio, 0 01 io, .. C' sty of Toledo; Ludas, Counhp, • Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Le is, senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney'sin Co., doing business in tho City of Toledo, County; and Stant aforesaid, and that said firm will pays the suns cd One hundred Dollars for each and every vise of Catarrh that cannot he cuind by. the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J, Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in nip presence, this 6t11 dap of Dec- ember, A. D. 1898. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. nally, and acts directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of the system; Send for testimonials (free, F J. Cheney+ & Co,, Toledo, 0 Sold hyi all Druggist, 75c, Take Hall's Family. Pill§ for con- stipation. . ": SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the nolo head of a family, or any male over 18 tears old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appeau in per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the 'dist ticb. En- try by proxy may bo made at any agency, on .contain conditions by fath- er, mother; nen, daughter, I.tether or sister of inttanding. homesteader. Duties. --Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of, 111e land' in rn each of three t ee years. A •hohomesteader to b t,r may live within` ureic miles f is Y e o h homestead a farm rm of atleast / 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by hie father, mother, son, the daog hte1 brother, er or sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his home- stead. Price $3.00 per acre. Dut'es. Must) reside uponthe 1 i home- stead, or pre -eruption nix monthfs tin each of six years from date of homestead •tntlry (iitoluding the trine, required to earn homestead , patent! and cultivate filly acre' extut , A homestelader who has eximuste his homestead right and 'cannot ob- tain a pre-emptton may ;enter for. purchased homesttoad in certain dis- tricts. Price . $3.00 pert acre. .Dut- ies: -Must reside siiX months in each of 'three years, cultivate fifty acre and Drees a house worth $300.00- W. W. CORY. Dopulty of the Minister of the Interior. N. B, -Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will noel be paid for, The best stove polish on the parol t and the biggest can for the money ni e' guightu is a paste no int 11 no trouble -- no thrt ouble— nodt,t Con ;,rent ec Lou ens —slit Les 51 le). as a w nk-and the shine slays on. 1st as good for pipes, grates and it ouworia as for sloes If yl,;r lenler dons not enrry 4't?11ack Knight" Stove Polish, Send us his name and 10c. and we will send a Sill size tin by return mail THE F. 1. DALLEY CO., Limited, Hamilton Ont. Mal.ers of the famous. 2 to 1" shoe Roush.. 33 A T RATIV.LO.'iD OF MONKEYS A plague ua aE m p 5 on..t s Some .' 3ears 1 ago sorely y troubled oubler] till officials at a•sntall station on the Saran itailway, in North-West India. '!.'rucks full of grain for export were often stored 110 in the station, 'told the monkeys camedol v a in large numbers from a neighbouring grove, 10 help themselves to the grain, u,picking bores cs in the tar- paulin adlril coo 1 f. of the wagons, " Tilefl 'r, of cl.,lc wore wearied out with keeping watch and scaring away the thielos, who daily grew bolder, till an ingenious guard hit upon a strata- gem. For several •� 's sweets C- � C7,. 3 e � ant, fruit were put on the roofs :01' the wagons, with the result that the whole f' u he monkey colony ''ere nit aeteil to the spot, and sown became perfectly indleerent to In ln. • One morndrg when they were ',11 bnstly feeding, to engine 1115 stealth; ly attached to the wagons, and sad-. enemy the train moved oft :Into mon.- keys v,ere quite seared, and Bade no attempt to escape, sittingcrouch- ed together till the train had ,ono several miles and stopped et it jungle. Then they wanted no ;tinct '10 leek, Evert moneey leapt do.vtt howling and fled into the jungle, whence thea never returned to trouble lite railway WASTED TIME AND MONEY BEFORE THEY FOUND GIN PILLS GAL.IerrA, ONT. "lily husband . used Gin Pills for Backache and Kidney Disease. The pain in his back was dreadful and the kidneys failed to do their work properly. As . he became worse, we found it necessary to begin treatment and unfortunately wasted time and, money, on remedies that were little or noood. After taking one dose of GIN PILLS, he found them to be exactly what he needed, and after taking two boxes of GIN PILLS, was completely cured. We heartily re- commend' GIN PILLS, at every opportunity to our friends and re- latives". Mus. JAMBS B. MILFORD. Write us, mentioning this paper and wewillsend you asample box free. Then, if you cannot get the regular size boxes at your dealer's we will supply you at the regular retail price-5oc. a box, 6 for $2.5o -and money promptly refunded if GIN PILLS do not give satisfaction. National ,Drug & Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. 87 John Helm, a pioneer resident of Port Hope, died in his 95th year. Tiundreds of exhi'-its arra ed at Tilbury for the Ontario Corn -growers shote, Yuan Shi Kai is mobilizing a force of 20,000 men in Pekin prepatatcry to decree of alidiaation Owen 'Sound hotel proprietors have decided to increase rates owing to the stria enforcement of the local option law. ..- A N La wr't,l{'P'�, �/ r,.t,. -old-ores Are your hands chapped,' cracked or sore ? Have you "cold cracks" which open and bleed when the Elkin is drawn n ti ht? Have you y u a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times m es mantes it agony g y for you to go about your household duties ? If so, Zarn kil-Bir will give you f and nd wtiil heal the frost -damaged shin Anoint the sore places at night, Zam-Mule's 'richeal' h lug essences will sink into wounds, the end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly, Mn. Yellen, of Portland says c "My hands weresore o and s a t cracked that it was agony to put titan near water, When I did: so they would smart and. burn as if I had scaldedthehn. 1 seemed quite unable to get relief from anything I pub • on them • until 1 tried Zam•Duk, and it succeeded when all else had failed. It closed the big creeks, gays me ease, soothed thein11a1nmatien, and in a very short time healed my hands," Zavt-J11111 also okras a/inJgng, rashes, winter Outrun, piles, 5(sore, festorinu,J sores, nerd hearts. and ba11s, abscesses; 10008, ring;loorn„ego,,: eats, barns, (house,, steads, spraltie.0/ ani at., drawn:o ,( steres, or post fres froth the Zant• ( Btele,CerA Toronto ..Pries Me a Loz 4rfr )eii4411?t'4 h3;i1`P, GETS IDid EVERY TIME 14151,1: c0hijg THAT•;. FELLOW 6NeckLE$ ANo I titieroSe SELL WANT'; 'CP 'MAKE: A 7oubit A0Afl1; - • WELL 'TNE-gt't4iLt 15c . t,NOTHt11'6,"DOIF,t G J ' eW' li&LLA-TFIERf�, Wrssil (. 01-0 6o`i, IloY1. ARE `lou? Wp$ JUST 71111•{KI1G A131UT 'l'ol), Yod')ss 1,00KIme FIbMI ,. ” K }1dV1,B , 1 � v ,f5 r,� ' . �ilYtu. • 1 �' day ��M. 4 �Cr g'yyfl1 l 915i) i �1 tl:lS }e GP ' 8AY llERRV THAT Si'EE041 IOU • MAiee t)P AT -Thi✓= C, 11L "(}1E °TORREVGNING: WAS; c:ERTAItia-'J./+ PF.AC1i: F,64ri'lL°I FOliii1.I. DIP W13 eo4E r ot)l" Lt, 013 1 Ii,i,Va TO LOSS . vc:tr , t .;