HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-08, Page 5News-ReOord Goderich. MsTillie 'Sterling. has 'been Vialt yAg.friuntis in 'Toronto fee isonie lit le time, but has returned honie. oiag flat{'.g.rtnO toWin g , to thee a position with th • y Engine people. Miss' MeMordie of Los. Angeles ha neen 'visaing her ;eke, Mrs, T. Lee Miss Mariode Kelly has entered New Yonk• hospital as, a nurse -in ttrainine. ' - Kiss Nellie 'Macpherson and he mother have gone or, an extende trip to Denver,. Colorado, and Pas • The street committee had a dis • harrow used on the Icy streets las week with excelent effeet. The Daughters of the Empire are -Needing a progressive, euchre in Odd (dhows hall this el/tieing: • The atinual service to rail -Way men well be held in Knox church on Sun.- dey next: The vote on church un- -ion will be taken the last 'two Sun - •days in February. • The primary class of the North street Sunday school held their an- nual eneectainment one evening last week and it was a success. At a meeting, of the Board of Health recently held Chatienian E. II, 'Seigle was re-eleetedm The other of - fliers are A. D. McLean, G. M. , H. 0. Dunlop, James Mitchell and F. J. Butland. Dr. Hunter was appointed M. H. 0, The board doe .eicled to meet monthly ia future and discussed the advisability of establish- ing a public abattoir, having all an- imals for slaughter passed upon by an inspector and all killing done by .one man for all the shops. Br. 1-lanter was appoteted to join, a de- putation to waif on the Government milting for legislation long this line. „A dental inspection of the teeth of Goderieh school children is being made in the public school. The annual banquet of the Junior Y. M. C. was held on Tuesday ev- ening of last week. There was a good attendanee and me pleasant time was spent. After the supper had been disposed of the boy scouts gave several: 'exhibitions of signaling, rune - splicing and bandaging. There were also -several musical numbers and Mr. HeG. Hammond of Toronto, Provincial Secretary of the Boy Scouts, gave an address, telling of She origin and describing, the aims a the movement. The first horse market of the sea- son was held last week with a good' attendance present. The Sons of Scotland of GoderIch tight royally celebrated tho 153rd an- niversary of the birth of the Scot- tish bard, Robert Berne, on Thurs- day week by an grand dinner , which was partaken of by themselves and their friends. The dinner was pro- vided by the Women's Institute and was an excellent one. A !lumber of ladies were present who seemed: to enjoy the proceetings Very much. .There, was a long toast list and the toasts, were responded to by some of the best orators the town affords. Also a number of vocal solos were -given and the Blackstone orchestra an Pipers Macdonald and Oral& fur- nished music. ••• • Exeter 'Xis. Chas. Adams and babe of Calgary are visiting the lady's mo- ther, Mrs. David Johns. f Rev. Jas. Livingseene of Mitchell spent a couple of days in town last 0.' Mrs. Norman Lloyd or Batifleford, Sask., who has been visiting her par- ents here for some little time, has :returned to her home. • E. M. Macdonald urged upon the GOvernment he importance of early action to secure a common system of naturalization throughout the Em- pire., Sir Wilfrid Laurier tvas the re- ' **lent ot many unique birthday pre- • sents from the Liberals of the Yuk- ore Territory. • It iS' reported that the Ontrreo teovernment has offered liberal con- cessions to Manitoba in the shape of theritory in order to secure a port ori Hudson Bay. 'PACTS AND FALLACIES A BOIT TIIBER,CULOSIe. • A Child May be Bor- n with a• Ten. deny to Consumption, but if Proper Care is Taken It Afar, be Overcome. eithough there are - 'many thinge that we do not know ebout consume - thin ,or tuberculosis, there' a,re. some ' that we do and a few that we arc itt the 'act of learning. . We do not know, for example, wha, makes for susceptibility and what ter • imniunity. Strong and robust per- sons • are sometimes :stricken dowe with ,it; invalids and convaleacerita . from other' diseases are no more sus- • cesetible to it than are ether peeper , teed, it is possible to live for an en.. ere lifetime in theconditien known as "run-down" or "weak" without becoming tuberculosis: , • People, says a writer, still speak of consumption as "inherited:" but it is not Inherited. A child may be born with, a certain tendency to, it, but o proper measures are taken early, ens kept up eteaffily and long enervet, thla tendency can be overcome, A thee whose parents before him, ani -•their parents before them, Porhaas for generetions beck nave been poor breathers, will probably , inherit a Ismail, meagre chest, arid wilt there- fore be the nattiral vietim , of tbs •PqnsnraPtion germ as .soon as. it •'reaches him, That ettild wilt have to be taught. to breetee, The tentlence to piceon-breaat can be overeorne end . a *arrow chest developed to a nor-, anal capacity; but to do this, ,die 0111,lit must im kept . atenetantly in 1".good air,. and taughthowto develop' "-aid' tate the hings. 4 plgeon-hrea(1t- 02 cblid who M being brought op on , _the' 'coddling processeeoeeeehttlteeee., •.oyerfed, and oviitelothed-is in as -anti .cianger'as' If he lived ender the ous sword ettieeing feom a .hair: Hulieit'township • We are again _called upon' to ehron- fele the death of another esteemed resident of this neighberhood; in the Pereon or Aimee May Sleatii wife of Mr. John Batr, who departee laoa kw on Monday week, after an ill- ness eectending • oyer some months'. The deceased • lady waS, born at, Cornwall, entered, in the year 1867 and when • nine years. of age the came to Blyth where she made her home With Mr. Robt. Miln until her martiage to Mr. • John Baer, twenty- eight years ago.:• She was a woman of most azniable disposition, generous, kindly and es teemed by all wile made lier ac quaintance. She was a member the Anglican denomination and ' the remains norm taken to the church a - Berth mile& sarvice was held prior to interment in the Union Cemetery There is left to mourn her lose beaides her husband, five sons, 'nem ely : Arthur J., East Seamemosh ; Charles, Harvey and Eael at home and Jame e of the Bank of Hanel - ton, Blyth, also a sister, Mrs. P. 11. Baker, Behnore. There cited in Hullett on Tueeday week; Mary. Nolan, aged 82 years and seven months, relict of the late Timothy Nolan. Deceased was one of the pioneers of I-Iullett Toweship, and eince her husband's death has made her homer with her son, Mr. James Nolen, Lot. 1 concession 14, from whose residence the funeral took place on Friday to the R. C. Church, Myth, and from thence to Morris Cemetery for interment. e Miss Mary McIntosh spent last week with friends in Minton. Mrs. Thos. Lacey of Goderich spent Sunday with friends in the vicinity. Mr. John McIntosh, who has been ,soriously tis recovering. The following is the report for S. S.• No. 5" for January : Sr. 4th -Elva McCool, Mary Vod- den Jr. 4th. - Florence Vodde re Etia Brown, Edna Lee. Sr. 3rd. -Ira Rapson, Jr. 3rd -Fred McCool, Margey Me - Cool. ' Sr., 2rid.--Annet 1Vaymouth, Albert Gorbutt, Alice Vodden Grace Vodden, Flossie Gabbings. 2nd. -Rose Goebutt. Sr. Ise -Annie Weymouth, Albert Weymouth, Sydney Lee, Percy Gib- bings. .Jr. 1st-lenny Gorbett. The best spellers Sot the month were : Sr. McCool. Jr. 40.-1i'. Vodden. Jr, 3rd. -le. McCool. Sr, 2nd. -A. Weymouth. Sr. 1st -H. Snell.' Blgth. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Strothers at- teeded the funeral of . the formar's sister, Mrs. Johnston of Sanciuskey, Mich., recently,' ^ • Word has been received i town from Dr. E. C. Wilford, medical mis- sionary in China that he and his wife are in Shanghai where they are confortably placed with a couple of other families and are improving the time, while waiting for -Me trouble to blow over so that they can re- turn to their work, by studying the Chinese language. Mr. W. McEwing of Prince Albert has been visiting bis cousin, Mr. James Cutt. Miss Grace Penhale of Brandon is the guest of her sake, Mrs. D. D. Celt tenden. . Miss J.. Skelton of Elva, Man., is spending some time with friends in town and also with her sister, Mrs. T: Marshall of Walton. • ' Exeter The Bank of Conameree staff have taken up their quarters in their fire, new building on Main. street. The building is a handsome ono ,of red briok and the interior is beauti- fully fitted, both first' and secoed floor. The lower ho'oe is entirely taken up for office use and the e se - end . is fated up as letng appart- ments for ?he, staff. Mr. Jas. Stewart has taken a Peti- tion as engineer at Harvey Bres. flour mill. Mr. Silas Staffrou of Crosswoll, Mich., videad his sister, Mrs. Wm. Fletehee, eseently. Mr. Jas. Hawkins of Elimville has purchased the residehee of Mrs., V, Fisher, Huron street, Mr. W. J. Smith, who eas eakee a position with Messrs. Connox Bros., will remove his family from Detroit to town almost at once, " Coure Harinony, 0,0. F. elected the fellowleg officers for •tee currenS FaarCh. ief anger, E. M. D Rignan. Vico, Jos. Harvey. Rec.-Secretary, F. W. Gladman. -Fin.-Secretary R. N. Rowe, 'Treasurer, T. H. eleGalluie. Omelette Win, lIayding, • S. W., G. Hill. J. W., C. Northcott • S• B., S. Powell. J. B,, W. Powell. -4,11flitors, .C. Birney arill • Nen Wept t • A Valuable Medicine For Young Children Babels' Own Tablets, are a most, valuable medicine for Meanie and young thiairen, They break up colds, expel weenie, regtlabe the stomach and bewels, and in a nattical way priemote healthy sleep. They con- tain no injurious drugs and cannot poesebly do harm. C.oncerning them Mrs. J. A. Rix, Ebbsfleet, P. E. I„ zeniths : 'My baby wee troubled with, .her stomach, but Baby's Own Tab- lets iepeedily cured her and now she is a bright healthy child," The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealdrs or est mail at 25 cents a box Item The 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • Constance • • . • :r. Ernest Ateene is vleetine f ri- ends all Steffe. James Sutherland has engaged with r Mn. J. II. Scott for a time. • The 'qear'herly"sacrement. screice wae. held here •ces Sueday afternecin last. • Miss Belle McCully spent a gays last week visetteg, friende in ' Stratford. • Misa Evelyn Clarke entertained a Mw friends en Friday, evening last. Mr. Wm. Taylor of ,Stratford Bus- iness 'College , spent Sunday at his home here.• , • • Mr. Roble Clarke paida flying els- it to Eesex county last week. Mr. John Riley ahd family moved IQ litheefieSte We are indeed sorry to lose such good gaiter's but what will be a lose to Constance will be gain to Bruccfield. , The Poysesters are giving a soda' evening on Friday evening, when the members and their wives and friehes welt spend a pleasant few hours to- geehei. Clinton -Model School Report ' First Division. Seniors ; Austin Nediger„76 per cent Loyd Wilken 7(1, Prank Peonebaiier 76, Chadet egantelon 71, Francis Rey- nolds 71, Charlie Thompson 71, Cier- tie Wallis 71, Willie Appleby 70, Ches- ter Johnstone 70, . Jennie minor 70, Foster Copp 67, Bernie' Hall 01, Lloyd Rice Gl, Albert Shier 60. Juniors. -Wilfred Orich 65„ tva Carter 65, 'Clinton Cook .64, Arnold Glazier 60', Douglas Shipley 60. • Second Division. . Sonfors.-Irene Ode 87 per cent Eugene Sheeley 83, Mary Chidley 82, Elenor Kemp 81, Kathleen Dowzer 80,' Perey Ladd 79, Lois Holmes 79, Ers-' kine, Evans 76, Doreen Stephenson 76, Margaret Walket 74, Janet Wyllie 73, Marjorie efacMath 72, Lyda Morrish 71, Harold 11111 71, Mildred Cook 70, Edwin Judd 67,, Junior.-Noleie 'Watkeas 78, Bertha Yates 71, Bessie O'Neil 71. . M. E. Chidley, Teacher. Third Division. "enior.-Sadie Walsh 52 per Mabel Maeshall 87, Frank Smith 86, RteS'a McMath 85, Ina Trowhill 85,, Alice Peckett 84, Marten Gibbings 84., Charfatto Sheeley 83, Agnes Fair 81, Aileen Armour 78, Helen Forrester 77, Leona Hearn 75, Leote Harland Jurior.-1-larold Manning 84, Mur- ray McNeil 82s Marjorie Barge, 80, Nettie Glazier 72, Willena Keys 70. J. Wilson, Teacher. Fourth ecnior.-Ethel Wasman 90, per cent Bessie Harland 84, Mary Taylor 84, Harry Ranee 81, Harry Lawrence ,79, Alex. Eagleson 75, Edna McCaughey/ 76, Ernest Lit?le 76, Ernest Liver- more 76, Geo, Middleton 73, Lyda Livermore 73, Earle Steep 72; Elsie Grace's '69, Ernest Hall 69, Madden Shawe 07, Fanny Hellyar 67. ' Jun(or.-Jessie Jackson 93, Edna West 90, Edith Jones 8.1, Marian An- drews 80, Eidetic Hill 80, Merrit Nediget (13, Ruth Argent 61, Flora Miller 58, Lawrence West 50, Earle Crich 50. L. Stevens, Tcracher. Fifth Division. Junior -Alma McCorvie 92 per cent' George Shipley 90, George Walker 88, Cecil McIntyre 88, Alice Flukor 87, Charlie Cole 87, Bert Sloinae 86, Earle Johnson 85, Fred Pugh 82, Ernest Btadshaw 81, Anna Graelis 75 Fred Pickett 75, Ileien Crawford 84, Senior -Willis Cooper 94, per cent Helen Rose 94, Leighton Walker 94, Agnes Walker 81, G. W. Barge 91, Wil- lie Bell 91, Hattie Livermore )))90, Francis Yesbee 88, Josephine Yesbec 85, Stewart McBrien 82, Evelyn Cluff 81, Annie Lawrence 78, Mildred Livermore 77. -18 Courtice, Tearsher. Sixth Divieion. Total needier of Marks ;-250. Senior -Amy, Hellyar 223, Jabez Rands 198, Dixie Fair 192, 'Dorothy Reese 187, Gordon Hall 186,, Fergus Reynolds 186, Bessie Murphy 176, Harry Bali 17e, Willie IVIutch 167, Marjory Beaton 155, Lott. . Judd 154. Junior -Kenneth Carter 216, Alex. McRae 209, Stewed" Taylor 209 Kat- ie Wylie 206, Macgregor Grant 206, Amos Osbaldeston 204, Agnes Rey- nolds 201, Amy Gould 187, Marion McIntyre 1e2,,George C'arter 178, Joe Yesbee 175, John Yesbee 156, Asa Bolton 351 Bessie Morrish 151. - E. C. Tiplady, Teacher. Seventh Division. Total marks 250. Senior -Gladys Wilts° 215, Margaret Crec 214, Leona Taylor 212, Daisy Necheor 212, Wilber Bezzo 209, Jean Miller ' 195, Deena Mulholland 191 Audrey Collyer 190, Pearl Reid 187, Henry Sloman 185. Junior-lielen Grigg 225, Harold Lawson. , 223, Gertrude Fowler 221, Nisbet Cook 21,5, Helen Robertan 212, Percy Trivermore 208, Gordon Law- son 206, Herbert Holthauer 201, Glades McGuire 199, Ruth Evans 197. -M. Wiltse, Teather. Eight Division, 4814 &ass -Eleanor McTaggart 243, Winnie MoMath 221, Prank Scrawl' 205, 'Robert Middleton' 203, Mergaree Cleglioni 185, Ivy Plewes 175, Hilton Butt 171, Antoci Hill 170, Walter Os- baldesten 169, Frank Mutch 165, Roy Livreinore 161, Switzer Grealls 159, Mete Cooper 147, Oliver Mirerhy 141.. ere, classeeHelen Ladd 174, Nov men McNeil 101, Matta Blaater 142, Jack Britton reel, Bert McGuire 141, eloward Gould 140, George Elliebt 134, J,eah Vora 132. • 2nd, class -Erie Reid 96, Russel Nue Leo Reynolds 7e, Jeck Wiggintote 78e Eines( Ford 76, Myr- tle 'Cerriek 72; Charlie Mennell 68,. Melee Miller 66, • -Minnie leer, Teaches, , . An Ohio man wrote a leeter to a Se, Thomas paper claiming Ite know, the whereabouts of the Bessemer No. 2 car, ferry which sank in 1909. The King and Queen arrived et aib- ratter on thelr way back from In- • Joseph 'Garrett of ifullet • , • , Passes to His Reward. •,kr. Joseph Garrett of Hullett was; in Lcindesborei an 'Wednesday of last Week and twenty-four houre Maar his spirit' had fled: He had ,not been feeling well jor some time but no fatie results were feaeed and his sudden death emne • as a great shock to the family and a wide' circle of relatives and felende. Mr. Garrett was an active church worker and for many years had been , a member 'of tie official board of the Loncieshoro Methodist ample His sudden departure from the scene of his activities leaves a gap that will be hard to, fill. • ' The funeral 'took place 'on Satur- day to Union wimetery and was very, largely attended, Next Sunday morning a memorial sereice will be heed hs the Londes- bore Methodist church. ' To the bereaved family the sincere sympathy of the whole community is ex ten"dett. The Town League The town hockey league has been re -organized for the season and the following games have been arranged for, tomorrow evening witnessing the initial match : Feb. 980, C. C. T, vs Pomo Pactonya Feb. leth, Pastime vs C. C. Feb. 16th, Factory vs Pastime, Feb. leith; Factory vs C. C. 1. Feb. 23rd, C. C. I. vs Pastime. Feb. 26t15, Pastime vs Faceeny. Committee of Management, II. Bartliff, A. J. Morrish and J. House. Seaforth Mr, John Modeland, an old and respected residua of Tuceersmitb died of paralysis at his home on the end con, last weak. A wife and grown family survive. Misses Mitchell and Colwell of Mich- igan and Mies Moot ef New York visited Mrs. and Miss Southgate last week. Mr. Wilfred Campbell of Regina has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Richardson. Marriages KEFILst-BROWN- in . Zurich on Jan. 30th, Lydia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brown, to F. Kehl of JEFFREY- DlitCHARME - In Zur- ich on Jan, 23'80, Julia Ducharme to Witham Jeffrey of the Babylon Line. es Births ISMEWEN- In Stanley on Feb. 5115, to Mr, and Mrs. J. II. McElwee, a daughter. 0 pROADFOOT-At "Tho Mains," 111 ' Tuckeysinith ore Feb. 511e, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Broadfoot thee Mies Emily Turner) a son. Deaths 13ROADFOOT-At "The Mains" in Tuckersmith on Feb. 5th, the in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. AiDX2,11- der Broadfoot. MUNRCE-At Brucefield on Feb 7111, John Munroe, aged 50 years. PRIVATE SALE' OF HOUSEHOLD &Teets, Quick sale desired. Apply to Mrs. Hill, Cutter streee, 2 doors east of James street. -17-1 NOTICE.-FIANING SOLD MY grocery business it is necessary for all who are indebted to me either by note or book accounts to call and settle at once. I bespeak for Mr. S. Barr, my successor the lib- eral pateenage that has been given us. -A,. D. Beaten. • FINANCIAL STATEMENT...-. OF the expense of Joseph Elliott in the election of Dec. Eels 1911 : Personal ctxpenses $65.00 t; Ltivery $21.00 ; Hall Rent $17.50 ; Printing , 616,50 ; Telegraph and Telephone $241-20 ; Total .$144.20. -Oliver John. son, Finanalal Agent. FOR SALE.- GROCERY BUSI- ness. Premises just renovated. A ,bargain for the first man. Reason for selling : ill health. For par- ticulars' apply to A. D. Beaten. -16 FARM IIELP AND DOMESTICS. - Those wishing farm help, Moe also girls as domestics apply either to WiDiam McQuillen, Immigration Agent, or H. D. Woods, both of St. Helens P. 0. -16 COURT OF REVISION.- COURT of Revision • on the pig Drain in the Township of Stanley will be held in the township hall, Varna, on Saturday, Feb. 10th, at one o'clock p. in, to hear complaints of thoth who may appeal.- Je E. [farewell, Township Clerk. -16 To the Public I, have bouglit, ehe ,Grocery Business' el A. D., Beaton elle am neiSr prepared to fill your orders, I 'will keep in stock everything that Is to be found ih a fwst-class grocery store, Phone 111. call solicited. • BARR 0; FOR' SALE -A RADIANT 1107eE • Heater, Apply to Mrs. Statile" 2141 • dom. froth Weeley, Church, Viceeria • • FOR 'SALE, ,THREE ,sHort-rHogN Ballai two. Paans anti one red. 'Fitone 'imported stock on eceth sides, . All ready for servece.-Jamas .Snele. • , FOR SAW -ea -004J PORI'LAND , • , Cutter, goer"), now, at 'a snap. Ae- 'ply', at Walker's Furniture' ,stere. • SlItEEP FOR SALE. -A NUMBER of well bred breeding ewes. -R. Fazsimon te. Son. • -14. Fon SALE. -A GENERAL STORE with Postoffice and Ruraleeelephone in connection. For further partic- ulars apply to The News -Record 12 . r WOOD FOR SALE. -THE BEST Maple and Beech wood, cut any lengeb wanted. Orders loth at town °elec.-M. G. Ransford. -12 MISS MAY RANCE, A T. a. M, Teacher of Elocution, Physical Cul- ture,' Dancing and Demo,* work. Situ/lents paepared for Conserva- tory School of Literature and Ex- pression, Toronto. Studio behind Oddfellows hall. Miss Rance is re- suming her classes and intending students should enroll at once. Phone 37. LOGS WANTED AT THE FACTORY -All kinds of legs, Maple, Soft Elm and Bass -wood preferred. . Highest, prices paid. -The Donerty Piano Si, Organ Co. - 05 FOR SALE. -Two 2-YEA11- OLD colts rising three years, aired by Bar T. -Apply Pc, Robert Marshall, Bayfield Line, Goderich /township. -09 APPLICATIONS VCR OFFICE.- Applieations addre teed to the era dersIgned and Marked "Applica- tionfor Office," will be received up to noon of Friday, Feb, 2n2, for the 'following postilions : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Con- stable, Etc., Tax Collector, Night Watchman, Cemetery Superintend- ent and Poundkeeper.-D. L. Mac- pherson, Clerk. Clinton, Jan. 17t15. -14-2. NOTICE. -TENDERS WILL 135 RE- ceived by the Council of Hullett for the supply of 2000 feett Rock elm plank 16 feet long and 2e in- ches thick to bo delivered as foll- ows : 500 feet at Vineland's, 500 feet at Miller's and 1000 feet at Leiper's. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hal/ on Saturday, February the 3rd, at p. ns. -James Campbell, Clenk. FOR SALE, A FIRS e-ejL ASS National Cram Separator. 'Will be sold cheap as I have elven up farm- ing. -A. D. Wilts°, Celan. -09 AUCTION SALE Ole FARM STOCK and Implements on Thursday, Feb- ruary 151515, at 1 o'clock p.m, at Lot 27,Con, 3 II. R. S. Tueltersenth, tee following property : Ilerses : 1 agricultural horse rising 7 years old, 1 draught mate rising „5 ears old supposed to be le foal to Gem- rae, 1 draugbt colt 0 months old, 1 drivel% horse rising 5 yeare, quiet and gentle to drive. Caetle ; 1 large thoroughbred cow due to cal- ve in April, 1 thoroughbred heifer rising 3 due to calve in April. 1 thoroughbred heifer rising 2 years: Grade Cattle t 2 cows due to calve in April, 2 cows due to calve in August, 1 cow due in March, 1, steer risme 3, 9 steers rising 2, 1 heifer rising 2, I hailer rising 3, 3 calves. Pigs : 2 large brood sows due to lite•sr in March, 11 store pigs. 80 choice hens, Implements : 1 Massey -Harris 7 foot binder with truck and cover, 1 McCormick Mow - or 5 toot cut, 1 pe,t, harvesthr with bundler, 1 Cloverleaf manure sprea- der, 1 Messey-Harris 13 hoe drill, 1 Deering' steel land roller, 1 Deering elise barrow, 1 Massey -Harris steel rake, 10 foot, 1 Massey-Hatris cul- tlivator, 1 Massey-Harrie 2-fuerow riding plow, 2 wailing plows, 2 sets tiron harrows, I scteller, 1 fan- ning mill complete, 1 lumber wag- on withdouble box and spring seat, I Mem truck wagon, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 top buggy, t cutter, I gravel box, 1 democrat wagon, 1 binder toegue beck, 1 combination hay and 'stock rack, 2 flat racks, 1 weigh scale capecity 1000 Its 1 cut - box, I Wheelbarrow, 2 set double hanness, 1 get single harness, 1 cream separator, I Sadder, 22 feet, 1 sugar 'reticle, 1 incubator capacity. 24,0 eggs, a number of codex cerher posts, also chains, whifiletrees, neckyokee, arid other small articles. The kinplementfi are all nearly new, the stem< is in good condition and all ea to sold without reserve as the ereprieter has sold his farm • Terms • all sums of $5 and undet cash, on over, that amount 9 months on aeproved jotat notes, a discount of 4 tents on the dollar allowed for cash on ' "credit amounts. No outside stock for sale allowed on the preMises. Arrangetnents for stabling horses on day of sale have been, made evieh Geo, Henderson, Lot 28, con, ' 2, and Ira Johnlot 28,, ton. a John A, Murray, Proprietor, T• • Brostle, Auctioneer. ,. -40-2 -FIELD , ETONE WANTED: FIELD stone suitable' foe roadreaki,ng wanted by the Town of Chilton. Price $3.50 tier cord'of 13000 lbs. , 5', A. Ford Chairinan Street Com- mittee. -14- , ••••••••••••**•••••••0 Fish atid B alinis • • r SIIORTFIORNS SALE"Olt ' P011 , TWO choice yoting Bulis, bpth roans, beei. of breeding prices to stilt the times. Also good, de, an Seed Bar- ley, 0, A. O.. 21, and .Siberlarr and Sensatione,Oats,-Apply, to E. 11, WiscreClinton I.. 0. phone 12-155, Goderich townshee 15 POTATOES WANTED, DELIVERED any (Inc day at winse's store. Also Table Carrots, 01.1101.1S, Parsnips and Cabbages. Photos 89 for prices,- ' Jaines Steep. • 15 BARRED ROCKS FOR SALE- 10 Barred Rocks Cockerels, J. K. Millard strain, three et them prize winners and all, bred from Ise naive, winners at Clinton Poultry • • , Show.. Price $1.50 each, Alsoa • tevo pairs of Black Leghorne ebre0 d , • - t 0 , 0 from two 'hens which have been I • : O'NgIL laying steadW. T: iey eince 'the beginning. . a We Have the Fish fb You Have the Brains • But how about the q nality of the • lettere• 6 t • Est To help you to 11111sec/i.e. some • • • we•are going to keep Is large as- • sortnient, of fresh fish regularly • • • as follows : • Fresh frozen halibut, : Red Sea salmon, • Finnon haddie, • • Smelts, Fresh herring, tri of last winter. Price 88.00 per pair, -II. A. Hovey Clinton. -15, NOTICE - TRESPASSING FOR hunting . or any other puspose svhallsoever on loth 12 and 13, con. .9, Hullett, is hereby fonbidden. Trespassers will be 6.rosecuted.- John Hesselwood, Owner. -06 PARISI FOR SALE :-LOT 34, CON. 4, Goderich Township, containing 80 acres, all cleared five Dens good bearing orchard. Good bank barn Well , water'', anti well fen- ced. miless item school, ihrea mil- es from Pain's Hill P. 0., four nnles from Bayfield. -For Further particuiars apply to Wm. D. Harrison, Bayfield P. 0, -14 FARM FOR SALE -Lot north half 20, con. 12, Hullett, consisting of 50 acres. All seeded down except' 10 acres. Smelt orehard. Frame house arm bank barn with stabline. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro, e mile from school. 'Apply on the premises or address Richard Shaddick, Londesbore P.O. -75 PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Hardware , businese for sale in Bayfield. Two -1 story building, store, workshop and dwelling corifbined, also stable 26 x 36. Three lots with orchard .and small 1 rui is. Terms seasonable -Ap- ply 10 R. Rouatt, Bayfield. -74 BOAR FOR SERVICE. -HAVING purchased a thorobred Tamworeh boar vsill keep the same for rvice at lot 23 on Me 3nd con,, Hullebt. Terms $1.00 at time of services witth privilege of returning 0 necessary. - L. •Tyndall. -08 FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of loe 28, con. 6, Hullett. This is a first-class farm, well watered arid improved and with good beildings. Also the undersigned offers for sate lot 29, con. 6, Hullete, consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately. - Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 VALINTINES. 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c Store WE NOW HAVE EVERYTHING WORTH WHILE IN VALEN- TINE AND LEAP YEAR CARDS, PROPRIETOR. FLOUR and FEED • have 'Olio best lines in blended and pure Manitoba flours. _Order a bag of -'Myr- tle'' flour, it is medium pric- ed and when 011CC tried is a sure Winner. Heavy stocks of Corn, Shorts, Low Grade Flour, Bran and Chopped Feed now on hand. Buy your Grass Seed and ("lover • from es. We have nothing but ,the beet seed, put up in sealed bags. L. SUITTER CO. Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR COAL WOOD CEMENT • YARDS Opposite the G. T. R. Station. All kinds el coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL "ST°V..TO' e CANNEL, COAL FURNACE: ,,CIOKE.: ARTHUR FORBES PhOno 52 Successoi to Jas. Hamilton. • • "The Hub Grocery." • • tio • Winter Special TUE Path to Health PARK /TE CLOSETS Parkyte Closets are pettedly san- itary and odorless and a comfortable system of inside closet. No plumbing necessary $10 to $35. Call and see for yourself. BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. The eyes .are wage earners. Anythinr: short. or .. perfect VaSiOn Ishes the eurnInd powers. W. perfect your mghtt • Our dInsses ns un vesttnOnt yield you substantial returns. A. J. GRIGG scientific jeweler and Optician CLINTON, ONT., .0••••••••41441.4.411440•41414111414144, 1 sporrroN i, Stands for all that, is -modern in se Businees Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in loading towns I ' and cities. Two Thousands stu- dents in our Colleges and Home • Study last year, We train from 1 ten to twenty students for every one trained byroost echools. There's a reason. It is freely • admitted that caw graduates get thost positions, and the demand ; forI them is "seven" times the • supply. Exclueive right for On- /tail° of the famous 131iss Book- keeping System, You May study at home, or partly at home and • finish at the College. A Bueinese 1 Flducithion pays a dividend every . day,.oryour life. ; 'WINTER TERM I ; FROM JAN. 2, 1912. ICull or Write Inc particulars 1 Spotton Business I • College I CLINTON, 014T. 1 .40.44********** *0 •••••••• Miss B. F. Ward, Principal I TO PUBLIC HATING ,BOUGEIT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OP THE ROWLAND HARDWARE' BUSINESS, WITH WHICH I HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR ' SEVERAL YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED TO ' RECEIVE ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROUGVIING, PUTTING UP STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF WIHICI-I WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. CONTINUANCE Ott THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE. PARTNIENT IS RESPECTFUL. LY REQUESTED. ' PROMPT ATTENTION WILL 'BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE, t STORE. • T. D. JOHNSON