HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-02-08, Page 2Clinton Newn-Record February, latt North Essex Liberals have decided to protest Hon. Dr, Reaume's elec- tion. Norah Middlesex' Liberals may laitteist the election of Dr. McArthur Winnipeg City Council and the Or - *agent= are considering an investig- otiora of the charges made by Mrs. Fred Brewer against the S. Boni - Jeep Hospital. HIGH PRICES ft; GRAIN • With the prevailing prices for strain the farmer. must run his bogs .and cattle into condition, in as abort we 145 possible or he will he using up Ins profit in extra feeding, DOUGLAS' STOCK INVIGORATOR Will condition an animal with Thee feed and in a shorter time than any other preparation on the man %n The Best Farmers Use It. Tru a 25c Package. W. 8. R. HOLMES DRUGGIST. SEED GRAIN „netee, WO HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK • SEED GRAIN OF ALL KINDS, INCLUDING; -TIMOTHY ----CLOVER -ALSIKE -PEAS -MANDSCHEURI BARLEY WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE POR OATS, PEAS AND BARLEY, ALSO HAY FOR BALING. FORD&IlloLEOD X X X X x X X X X X X X X x eiTRAL 9Tr 5' x CENTRAL BUSINESS COLL'. n • EGE STRATFORD, ONT. z Our classes aro new larger than x x ever before butt we have miler- x x ged our quarters and we have x x room for a few more students. x x You may enter at any time. x x We have a stall of neine exper- x n termed instructors and our cour- x ses are the best. OUr grad- x • uates succeed. Tine week titian x x went gradaates informed us x x that they have positions pay- x ✓ ing $65, $75 and $125 per ef et month. We have three depart- x x Inents,-Ceinmercial, Shorthand x x and Telegraphy. Write for x x our free catalogue now,x x D. A McL A OMAN, ' lettinelpal x . x• xxxxxxxxxxx x Coal. IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL ANI) PROMPT DEI.IV- VAT SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM IJS. ORDERS LEFT AT DAVIS t ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE • PROMPTLY _TENDED TO. J. w3. Stevenson TI-10'MAS W.A.T.T.S. Practical Boot and. Shoe Repaiter _et Repairing done promptiy. Skates put on while you went. Skate Straps of Selid Leather eut any length de,eired: Suit Cases and Trunks.repaired. A Trial will convince you ol the fleetness and Promptnetia wine wleieh I execute my worn. °Pen Eyery Enellifin- TORE OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE. Huron County News Gathered Wingham. GENERAL BOMA IN GOLDEN CITY Mrs. Willows of Winnipeg, formerly 'A Glimpse .of The Life In The Nen There fetratne TOWIL Pbsture a street of frame buildings, nil per cent. of which are • stops, run- ning from a slight knoll at one end nd terminating at a nicturetique Intro lake. Stich, is the main street of ;Coldest City. The bulls:tinge as a rule' see one story, moray of which have s false front 'built up to resemble n two-story building. Towrds the lake' *Mad a number et log buildings, some ef them quite pretentious streetures, Efre, logs nicely hewn and fitted ne; nether, making a very cosselooldng kabltatims. Two banks -the Trader and Inn:meal-are hound in real, Singe little log cabins and am este fslulp s. en contraat to tbe mg neficent loonies these same banks dei Winneas in in Hamilton, Toronto; min TheocoTheurlarge claire of Canada Of course . this one street does nut emptiest the whole town *by any, means, but It Is here that most on tbe business is done, and where snous an that is worth while le to be reeni Mining towns are never slow to pent 'Ode some form of amusement, an Though northern Ontario mininte towns itre minus that great western piece of vice, the mune hall, still wd generally find a theater, good billiard rooms. and a hall that ie rented foe dance parties. In one week this bail wits orientated by two political meethige, Mersa and Conservative, a dance, a prSze fight, and on the Sunday a church service was held. It was also a, Place of refuge for many fire zufferers who slept there on the Peer a few, eights until they were able to find. Snore suitable accommodation. It is against the law to tell liquor within four miles of a mining district' in Ontario, but the place is supplied. bath numerous soft drink saloons,' Most of which are furnished with' pool Miners and some do an illicit, limiter Make on the Sde, it is alleged. A. piano is generally part of their equipment. As a rule a paid piano player thumps the keys through the Afternoon and evening, but anyone who bas the ability Is at liberty to ionise himself on it as well. Much talent Is to be found here. Frequent, a happy crowd gathered around and good old songs are mum again; ouch pieces as Annie Laurie, Old Black Joe, Seetnee River, and rarely ether old-time airs. Old songs bring back old memories. Here are gather- ed men of *11 types endaUone- ,he nativeborn, American, English, Scotch, Irish, Dutch, Swede and Latin eaces, composed of miners young and told, In long boots and tan overalls, paid generally coatlese if it Is turn - neer time. Winter varies the attire no slumpacks, makinew coat and trousers and heavy cap. Sometimes prospector lust in stands in soiled nd ?ruled clothes and several weeks' growth of untrimmed beard. The pick and span travelling man or Went mixes here and there, but elotbes do not counl for much and little notice it taken of what you wear. Miss Vitra, Barrete of town, has beim visiting friends in Wingham: Mr. Wm. Treacy, who came down from the west on account of the illness of his mother, has been re- called home owing to his daughter avnig been taken 11!. Mr. and Mrs. Conentry of towa celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of theirr 'tnarriege on Tetesnay, ot 'last week.. The day was very pleasantly spent by their family of seven dau- ghters, several grandchittiren andot- her friends. Their one son was not present. Samuel Thomson of Whitechurch, a bright and promising young man dropped dead while attending a.meet- ing in the church one evening last week. Heart failure was ;the cause of death. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gonne lend a taxmen At. Home for. them in the council cham- ber priorto -theft leaving for Tor - ons. Tho room. was handsomely decorated for the occasion, luncheon was served and a rloasant evening spent. Belgrave Mrs, Whitman who has been visit- ing friends hero, left on Tuesday week for St. Augustine. Mr. and. Mrs, Wm. Cole entertain- ed Trinity church choir ono evening recently to a taffy -party. Quanti- ties ot taffy and other ood things and an ideal host and hostess went to keep the young fells in irre- pressible spirits throughoue (sae even- ing.- The Shredded Wheat Banquet in the Methodist Chinch on Tuesday evening was a splendid success, Dungannon At the annual meeting of the Dun- gannon Rifle Assonation C. Elliott was cringed cap?ain and J. Johnson treasurer. 'The Presbyterian congregations of Dungannon and Port Albert have eg tended a call to Mr. Gonne, who is now finishing a course at .Knox Cot - lege. The induction is expected to tetke place in April. The annual meeting of the °mem- non Agricultural Society was held on January 19th, John McLean was elected honorary president,, and Wm. Bailie is again president, the other directors and officers also being re- eneteci. October arn and ith were Selected as the dates ot the fall fair for ties year. The Society is In good financial condition. Annual Meeting of the South. Huron A grieultural Soiet3. The annual meeting ot the mem- bers of the South Huron Agneul- tural So inty was held on , Friday week. The annual report snowed a connderable balence in the treasury after all liabilities were discharged. The following officers and direetors wore elected for the current year ; Wm. Beery; Brueef eld, president ; Win, Murdock, Stanley, 1st nice ; Alex. Mustard, S3rucefield, 2nd vice; directors John 'Murdock, Stanley ; Thos. Russell, Exeter ; P. Bowey, Brucefield 1', Christie, Exeter ; Ow- en Geiger, Herman ; W. D. Sanders, Stephen ; Thomas Fraser,, Stanley ; D. McIntosh, V, S., Brumfield ; Wm. Dixon, Exeter, The following were appoineed honorary &rectors, Jelin 'Inetchen, Stanley ; Ito ert Charters and R. McCartney, Tuckersmith, and John Walker, Brueefield, A. T. Scott and John ' McIntosh 'were appointed Mentors S John Murdock mei Tiesnae Pinson representatives to the Wes - :earn Fair, London, and M. V. Mc- Lean, Sealer:71e secretary-treestesr. Women Still are Praising them Mrs, Geo. Butter tells what Dodds Kinney Pills did for her. Shn was tired, nervous and run down, and suffered irons pains in the hack. Dodd' t Kidney,, Pale cured her. Paquetville, Gloucester Co., N. 13. Feb. 5 (Special) -That Dodd's Kid- ney Pass are suffering, woman's best friend was never better demonstrated ,than in the case of Mrs, Geo. But- ler, a well-known and highly res- peoted resident of this place, My trouble was brought; on by hard work," Mrs, Butler tells her friends. "For fours yearn I suffer- ed from pain in the back. I was always tired and nervous. My head ached and I had dark circlee under my' eyes, which were also puffed and swollen. ' ell• waa in a generally ntittn-down Condition and feeling very much dis- couraged when 1 started to take Dodd's Kidney Inns, and I can only say I found relief at orere. The mainspring of woman's healtb is the kidneys,• If the kidneys am right the blood will be pure, Pure blood is abeolittrely essential to good health. .Dodds Kteney Pills make the Itideeys rfeht. 4+0 mikAlva I ite Bunn% submarine A3, with PI' crew of fourteen men, was sank in ' collisders ofe Portsritotttir and aa Shoes made to order. lianas , A Pergonal Sketch of the Premier el the Transvaal. General Louis Botha, one of the Colonial:Premiere now In this cottn- try, was one of Lite most skilful and stexressive of the Boer commanders In the South African War. Ine It was who planned the defences of the Tu- gela, and foiled for se long the late Redvers Buller's efforts be effect the relief of Ladysmith. On the' death of General Joubert he betaine commander-in-chief of the or former, and in the long struggle his minterexploits were brilliant and skilful. General Betbine genial }111" MOW, biz tranquilwell-balanced mind, hM sane outlook, and shrewd commeentense have served him and his country well In the past. It goes without saying that they Will ao so fa the future. There le no South African of either race *holm name commands tech wide reagent In all the whirlwinds of pension after the war, as well es In the tetnpestuous scenic,' that oesur- red at Pretoria before the firma out- break of hostilitiee, it si least was never breathed on. His sincerity at s, Liberal opponent of Prerident Kru- ger's fatal policy of exclusion was never in dotibt. His chivalry, his humanity, his courage, and hie ekill were gladly recognised by all the British generals who faced bim in the field. His honour and his loyalty to his pledged word have always been equal- ly above reproach. General Botha is not at all loquacious, and his voice was seldom heard in the old Volts - read. To crown his other peacetim& he speaks English perfectly. When he was In England in 1007, General Botha was initiated into the mysteries of golf and promised to lay out a course in South Africa. Ile did this, and now plays a reepectablo game. During the voyage to Eng - lend for the Coronation, he sset an example to the ship, retiring eaten and ten early in the teeming. He was rout 3011 after six and walked briskly round the promenade deck for an hour and a half. pecasionally he took part in the ddck games, end the passengers elected bine chairman of the Snorts Committee. In this capacity he Snip- ed to arrange a two -days' prograrame. The events included tugs -of -wan pm tato race, egg and spoon ranee, flat ince, and chalking the pig's eye. DOLL ALSO A MUFF Little Girls Gan Keep Their Hands Warm Carryino It. A, doll that le also lunette or a muff that is a doll, whichever way you like has been designed by a New York man. The doll has the outward sem blance of others of its kinds, but in sIde the alert is a soft body with hand ' openings on each side. This donie. ot mune, in it winter child mei wears a long coat like her owner. the coat •^JIC" dr. THE PECULIAR CUTTLEFISH Little Creatures Kept In Tanks to be , Milked of Their Ink 1 - , .A curious thing is the cuttlefish with its long arms and bulging eyes. At ) iseveral points on the Britieh coasts there are located cuttlefish farms Where the little creaturee are kept in tanks to be "milked" of their ink. This Ink, which is kept. in a little bagror eaele is very valuable and each little puttle .111 yield about $3.50 a year. The tank or pond 13 connected with ' ate sea by a pipe and a thousand or more cantles are kept in a single one. When it is considered an opportune are open- edtiand Use water is gently agitated. time the sluices of the pewit, The cuttles then swim around the pond and, as 30011 as one pastime through the ;niece in closed. The cuttle passes down a small channel into a basin or metal receptacle and as soon as it Is .securely there the water is drained off. This frightens the filth end at onee it aqIurta It melons liquid into the basin. In this way, one at a titne, the "milking" is compinted. having widc side pockets, so that the little girl (tarrying it can ,slip her hands through into the soft muff inside. To enhance the effect the doll also car - nee a. muff. But it 13 not only children who may be looked for to carry Me non muff. in these faddieh days when young women carry teddy beans, *Wil- ed (logs and even dolls on the stsest, there le no reason why they enouid not oarry one of theft child.toys as a hand-wastner and achieve the double success of gantenng attention at the 1100, A DANISH SETTLEMENT One hundred and. reventyneve miles Janne North Bay and $os front TOFOR1- to, on the main line of the T. & iiL 0. Railway; le the little flag station of Sesekinike. To the south Des a meg. ,nificent (sheet of water, dotted nab twenty-seven rocky islands all the way from an eighth of an acre to 250 In extent. Its watera are fairly alive with magnificent game fide Three yeare ago Blare watt practicalin no set tlem'ent, but with the construenen 01. the railway came the land -meeker, who soon discovered many valuable Ioca- ti�ne" to t A. .T. Wendt Witient, an ex-of/leen of the Daniels envy, was one of MS first. to Menne and befere long a mute, bor of hid countrymen came along t keep sem company. The place la now known as the Danish settlement along the railway line. Of eourse all the settlers are, not Darren '?here are font Canadians there,. three or 'four frees faraway Norway, and a couple from Sweden, An home farms, and 30 one season follows 'another. . The film of tbutlr leeriness increaree while houses and barns areimproved or enlarged. COLLAPSE OF A CANNERY A furious gale caused the eonnege of the Ken:bike0 tannery in Manna recently. Thecannery was built on ptllng over the salt water of the Isar nor and 200 000 cane of salmon were thrown into the watent, entailing a loss sit 100.000, • KILLING OFF THE WOLVES Algonquin Park Rangers Have Sagged Sixteen Animals In December -• • Sixteen wolves were bagged in De - &ember by the rangers in Algonquin Park, according to T. W. Gibson, de- puty minister of mines. The animate are being !tenoned and at the present rate of progress their eetenninatton will virtually be accomplIshed this winter. Numbers of deer were killed last year by the wolves, and more ag- groeslve protectionthis garne bas been decided on. The poison le being supplied by the government and the rangers are being allowed the teseal provincial bounty on the head of every wolf. SWAI.EOWED A COIN Little Prescott Soy Undergoes an Op eratton at Brockville A teree-yeanold snot of Gesvgs Mse. tono.,r, Pt. TrehtsecoctIti.00tee,,e,",tieowneodt HaOwairialltd Navii,anl! tat Miser to "reenvIlle whsn the coin was located in lee esephagus, c'ose to STOUT ceemsefulrinyvr:Teroi.,,t4.0:,,. B„...‘0,4 tin° sIonlatels. hy the Xray, watt sun Stout n'e r ''sm au -" what,. rt 1eenneerC7,:'1-4."'' live cents noel' chin'• n, --M.-RV TALES nointay:-"Do fairy tales alwans ;begin, 'Once upon a team?'" Mother'. -"No; they often begin, '1 have been detained rho lace Winn ' SUGGESTIVE QUESTIONS On the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Unspent for the International Press Bible • Question Club. (Copyright, Intl, by Roe T. n. Linecorl, Enn) , • . Feb, 11. 1212. SCopyright, 100101t,.D ,tbnyRelv. T. S. Linn The Boy Terme in the Temple. Luke fe:40-52. Golden Text -How Is it that ye ' sought mei' Wiet ye not that I must be In my Father'house? Luke 11:49, (1.) Vergie 40 -Was thie experience of the child Jesus of growth, sPiritualt ity and wisdom any different to what any other child might have? (2). How much did the spirituality' el Jesus depend 'molt his mother's training? (3.) Did'Sestur have any advantage ever any other boy in a like environ n e(114 t; Verses 41,42 ----What can you gay for or against parents taking very young children to religidus services? • (5.) What are the chances for chil- dren vsho, are not taken to chord], nor religiously trained becoming earnest Christians ? (6.) Whet per cent. of children who are religiously trained by a mother both wise and good will develop into strong religious characters? (7.) Whet feast was it that the par- ents attended at Jerusalem? (8.) Verses 43,45 -Why was there nothing strange in the parents of Je- eus not missing him for a whole day? (9.) Why should parents these dens not allow a twelvneemeold boy to be where they lcuow not? (10.) 'What clew is it safe to fallen In looking for a twelve -year-old boy? (IL) Was it the feet tint jests knew his company bad lent Jorane non? Give Your roam). 112.) Verses 40.47-liow do you met. poen' they spent the three (Myr; before they found the boy :Issue? (13.) It the parents had known their son's character more intimately would they have gone to the temple' Conner? (1.1.) Why, under the circumstances, was it not extraordinary tor Jesus to be found in the midst of these rab- bis? (15,) What kind of a meeting to -day most resembies the one :Tens was found at? (16.) Why would you or not say that there was anything supernatural in the precocity of Jesus? (17.) Which is the better way to learn truth and why? Listening to sermons and lectures or by questions ;Intl answers? (38.) Verse SS -Ought they to ha-ve been "amazed" when they saw nestle In such company? (19.) Why is It possible and assert. tial for parents to be acquainted with the inner lite,of their children? (This is one of the questions which may be answered in 'writing by members of the club). (20.) Did Mary act wisely la Mane ing her eon? Why? (21.) Verses 49 -51 -What did ,Tess mean by his answer which his rarents (lid not understand? (22.) Verse 52 -Does, Gori grow? Lesson for Sunday, Feb. 18, 1912. The Ministry of John the Baptist, Mark 1:1-8; Lake iii:1-20. Hamilton spent 81,513,685 last year and fieished with a surplus of over 028,000, 0. 1nel witi be iateoducen by elm I Dominion 'Government of a third 5110 00 0 v ery co °m - mission. Bitter Lick ARE YOUR STOnK IN TIIE BEST CONDITION FOR THE WINTER ? GET BITTER LICK FOR THEM AND IeEEP TI -OEM PERFECT FOR LESS THAN ONE CENT PER HEAD PER WEEK. BITTER LICK, IS NATURE'S OWN REMEDY AND IS MADE OF EVERYTHING HORSES CATTLE ANI) SHEEP NEED" TO IeEEP THEM PERFEOTLY HEAL- THY. NO WASTE NO DOS- ING. ABSOLUTELY EF- FECTIVE. L. CiLiNT(:)1M • Conmlicated Census Work. Census taking in China, it would Timer, is a bushiese complicated by Thinese customs, ,Thua the Chinese nether') of reckoning age is not the same es tne European. A Chinese 3ffild at birth is said -to be one year old, ;and after it has passed one New near it, is said to be two years old; that if born In rue Met month of he year it may be said to be two mare of age before It is 30 days days iid according to European reckoning. niffleulties are encountered In China, es oleo -where, in regard to the ages if females. There was an old lady If Ching -tan known to be over .100 alio hoisted on the enumerator en- tering, het age an 99. This was be- aus° iinis a customary term of abuse', o call e person a "hundred yawn old lemeer," or "ten-tootbed donkey.," vhieb has tbe same itignificance. It Ai stated to be a common thing for a ehinese mother to give a son the lame of a girl, presumably to deceive she fates, it being a common and true sayiug that a girl in easier to rear. Ibis of eourite Ss another source of nimble to the enumerators. The Chinese Imperial ian, it is re- ported, bas finally deslded ire • carry out abdication. No change willbe made in inie ar- rangements for the reception of their Majesnes on the r arridn1 home. • Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, nonce nisesa eczema or pan rheum, or 505513 oaten form of eruption; but sometimee titter exist ,in the eyetern, Indicated by ings of wealtneeneranguer, lose el petite, or general debility, wittione causing 'any breaking out. They are expelled and the whok 51' tem 13 renovated, strenethersed Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 net it today. Sold by all draftiness everywhere. 100 Doses °Deponent- ' Eighty natepayers of East °111t5 petitioned the County Council for ant investigation into the expenditure EC money on the county roads. ce George Dubuque, -postmasten a. Dly ubattg.tie, Oat,, was killed In a un- av When your feet are wet and cats: and your body chilled through as% through from exposure, -take a teng doer) of Cbantherlain's CoughlIonsedne bather your feet in hot water before, going to bed, and you are almoenn certain to ward off a -sevexe For eats Sty All Dealers. Samuel Alexwas and dollars alt SauIt five violations of the is alleged to have ntedieine for whnkee. fined a thous - Ste. Marie for liquor law. Ho SOW it patent, Mr. Goodall, manager of the Impart- ial Bank at Cobalt, received a Mane Hand demand for money. A. den* letter was sent, and three arreent have been made. ALE---. STOUT - LAGER PURE -PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA. riv:vmukAAA•immuorAvAMmAixAvAwam-fAvAimaihmiNkAtaaiaelval t • !! They Are Guaranteed 01•110•1•1•W•mlow, A guarantee goes with every one of our Watches so you take no risk. The price too, is right. If you need a watch let's show you ours. 1•••••••••• 11•111.1•111•1110•Mill W. R. COUNTER Jeweler, - - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSEs. Butter Wrapper For Gned Brittereliere is always a brisk denoted at the top price the Market pays Even Good Butter tonks best when depe up itt 5 twat wren - per with •the ins ker's no Ins, floi,toffi se and 11055153? &fly. This also ad vertisee I be tee ker surd firings 111030 (41.'611110N If you ere not now 'nine the printed wrappers. try 05,5". 4. If you start tieing then, you will contillue I) well ideate will you be. There's 1Tenn) in it packege • ;eel the sot small. Order a Su y at the Office • .rhe News Record.