The Clinton News Record, 1912-01-25, Page 6Clinton News-Reeor., Januacy'25th,191 Scottish Weather: • A gentlemen who had been spending iew weeks Holiday at a 'plerieant Me resort eoted or its.golt links, ed one of the caddies it he got caddying in the winter. "No, sir, no," replied the caddie. 7+h'ere's no eaddydng In the winter Ye see,is way. aY . f id's ' 1 }o' sna', it's rost: if it's no' frost ' ' sna.it its neither frost nor Cry sna', ,g rain: if it's 110' ram, t's' wind; nd it it's a fine day, it's the Seib - C VV JARVIS, M.P.P. Copse, ati_;.. _Peet William. Seleteerewesawnsonom e .die q 2;L 'l '^yTI - WINTER RESORTS Hite& Trip Tourist'I'idtc.LS tow en Sale to all Principal Winter Resorts including. CALIFORNIA, MISXIOO FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive. Route to WESTERN CANADA is via Chicago Staemship Tickets on Sale by All Lines 'resh information • from J. RANSFORD, Town Agent A. 0. PATTESON, Depot Agent THE NEWS-DECODD'S CLUBBING LIST FOR 1911-12 Much good reading for little money. Werngetns News -Record and Mail and, Empire $1.50 News -Record and Globe ... 1.00 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Premium. . 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun:.... 1.75 News -Record and Free Treas..,.:......,.. 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday' Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate. ... 2.25 News -Record and 'Farm and Deify... 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian Farm L75 News -Record and Youth's Companion ... ...., .... 1.75 DAILIES News -Record and Mail and Empire. .. . 4.25 News -Record and Globe... 4.25 News -Record and News . 2.80 News -Record and Star .... 2.30 News-Recoed and World .. 3.25 News -Record and Morning Free Y'i•ess ....... 3.25 News -Record and Evening Free Press 2;75 News -Record and Adver- tiser , 3.00 MONTH/A' News -Record and Lippin- cott's Magisine 3.25 News -Record and •Canada Monthly; Winnipeg , 1.40 111.1111111111111111 if what you want ire not in this list let ns know about' it. We can supply you at less than it would coat you to send direct. In remitting pleasedo so by Post -office Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Registered Letter and address. W. J. Mitchell' News.Record CLINTON When buying a cough medicine for children beer' ' mind that Chamber- lain's lain's C u h Remedy we most effect- ual R T nal for colds and whooping in cough P g and that it contains no harlpful drug; For sale by All Dealers, ostotre� andrailway The } ie > n tr�_(tof- fice 'sates at Tecumseh were i.ci c d by burglars, who got $60. Dr. Gusty re Tasse is r.lnaing for t . 1 on the Id l 7-. Mayor o[ Montrca o, 1 (, �1 c � v I en" town platlornn. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward alan ettr.tok of croup and prevent all danger, and cause of anxiety.. Thousands of mothers use it 'successfully, Sold by All Nelms, The Coverrcineet seeeme: Lady i.an- rier is ashore on Perry Poitit. Tho Canadian Copper Company's hospital at Conger Cliff was burned.; Two more Windsor ofdcia.le have been dismissed lW the Dominion Gov- ernntcmL. .Constipation Ls the cause of many ailtttonee and disorders that make lee miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach - and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will a- void these diseases. For wee 11y All floaters. ,tateof Ohio, Cit f Toledo, 5 0, p o o , Lucas. Count+,. Frank J. Cheney makes oath elate le is. senior partner of the [inn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business C r in the it of 'Toledo of nt and. Gy,^ Staite 'aloresaid, and . that said firm will pay Ube sum of One leundreel Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that catmat bo cured bei the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mp presence, this Oth dap' of Dec- ember, A. D. 1896. A. W. Gleason, Notary Public hail's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous" surfaces of the system. Send for t'est[monials free. F. J. Cheney 8s Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by all Druggist. 75c.. Take Hall's Family. Pills for eon. stioation. Best Cure F•r Skin .Sores IS ZA*-B.1111. An illustration of the way in which Zam->Buk cures even the most serious and chronic cases of ulcers, eruptions Iand a ke . es is o t G1encalrn, Ont. Ile says: " I would not have believed that any remedy could cure so quickly, and at the same time to 'effectively; as Zam- Buk cured me. "My face became covered with a kind of rash, which itched and irri- tated. This rash then turned,to sores. which discharged freely and began to spread. I first tried one ,thing and then another, but nothing seemed to do me any good, and the eruption got worse and worse, until my face was just covered with running sores. "Apart from the pain (which watts very bad); my face Was such a ter- rible sight that I was not fit to go out. > This was my state when some one advised me to try Zam'Buk. I got a supply, and, marvellous as it may sound, within little under a month every sore ' on my face was healed.' 1 was so' amazed that 1 have told the facts to several persona, and I have no objection to your stating my experience for the ibenefi't of other sufferers." Zam-Buk is purely herbal In coin- position, andnd is the young children, forol m for bawhom tender skin coarse ointments are so dangerous. Zam-Buk is a sure eure for cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, blood -poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp sores, ringworm, infiam,ed patches, babies' eruptions and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises and akin injuries generally. Ail druggists and stores Bell at 50e. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt o2 price. Refuse harmful sib.. stitutee. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the solo head of t family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter ,"sec- tion of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in per- son at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for the distsick. En- try by proxy may be made at any agency, on centatn conditions by fath- er, mother, son, 'daughter, loather or sister of. inianding homesteader. •Dutns.-Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader' may live within Mae miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or sister. In certain districts' a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside his : home- stead. Price $3.00 per acro. Duties. -Must reside upon the home- stead. or pre-emption .rix monthfs in each of six years' from date of homestead emery (including the time required to earn . Homestead paiumi' and cultivate fitly' acres exte'a,) A homesteader who has exhaeete his homestead right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for Purchased homestead in certain ' dis- tricts, Price $3.00 pen acre. Pet- Ms.-Must et-fes. Must reside she months.' in teach of three years, cultivate fifty acre and; erect a house worth 830.0.00. W.W. CORY. Dupery" of the Minister of the Interior, N. 13. -Unauthorized publicabiloa of this advertisement will nos be paid for, S'.fRbll2t OF SUNS IvturulnirSnand Star Theory ereation Li trev Scheme,: {{ it 01 I •i old n dd,nc•c of a Beginning or l'rosnise ol,an End, There Is in Efelnnd et the present four a New Zealand 11n riereI1` pro. lessor who 15 devoting the evening of 1111 life to theestablishment (rt t- be Ut,1revel to be an (p 1 h , making astr onotn.iekl discovery. rim!. A. W Clic �0rcoli t U'rL•ic n. rclt New' A e C 1 iient•rnij, has for, more 9554 thirty) years be working on his theo- ,e s on r and he lies alreadygaited for it 4 e certain amount of i•eco nits0 ..i att.on„ sc,,l1eetific men. . It ip well known that 50010 hundred `pillion stairs can he photographed in Ole Milky Way. Thele stars are of till ages, young, mature and old no - cording. to Prof. Bickerton the! ,ons are travelling le two groat, stronU s in oppositie.directions. They attract each other as ,they pass and fi'rcinently. come into collision,, generally a partial Impact or grazing collision, When such a grazing collision oc- curs the parts coming into coliisi•:n coalesce and form a new body. As the suns approach one another at the speed of hundreds of miles a s econd the graze does no(stop them though It alters their course. The coalesced third body possesses many wonderful. properties it spins, it sorts its atoms and It is abnormally hot it hate more energy ellen it eau retain, therefore It'saplodes. Thus.a graze of suns produces three- bodies, two revolving torn Dun, or variable stars and a third explosively hot body, which is a temporary star 'I'llla star appears suddenly, expa ads for a time and is finally dissipated Into atomic dust. Thee' mores in their turn ]nave their lite history, varied tad complex. Prof. Bickerton belieeee then the light aloins escape and fore; vast ensuhertng shells, the atome actually flying away into the empty parts of sneer, there to lay, the foundations of otter` cosmic systems. Solar impact ' then, • accenting 't,' Prof. 13ii•kerton. is the key to the mys- tery or creation. ' The baajc Iden of his ihoor'- Is the formation of the tblyd body., which he maintains has been missed by the astronomers. "\7 theory shows the 5011elne of creation as a whole as one that is. infinite and immortal, without evi- dence of a beginning or promise of an end. A cyclic scheme which as a whole is deathless, birthiess and flawless. LOST HIS 'HAIIt, BEARD AND MUSTACHE. Terrible Plight of a Pennsylvania" Man Reported by a Pro mgnont`Citizen : "About two years ago my hair, boardand mustache started to come out in spots. These spots wore en- tirely bare of hair. Seeing Parisian Sago advertised, I purchased four bottles and atter us - Mg two of the bottles, the hair came hi until now I have as good a head of hair as I had before this trouble started. I'can truthfully recommend this preparafion to any one for what it isrecommended for. Sam Golder, Jamison City. Col. Co., Pa. Oct. 11, 1911." Please bear in mind that Parisian Sage is not guaranteed to grow heir on bald heads. In Mr. (}alder's case the hair root was not dead and there is no good reason why Parisian Sage should not do just what he 'writes it did. "The nnxt time Mr. Gilder came into my store .after purchasing the Parisian Sage," writes the druggist who sold him, "Lie appearance was so changed I did not know hum.', Parisian Sage is without doubt tho most efficient hair grower, bea- utifier and dandruff cure. in the world,. and people who are wasting time with ordinary eommerciaL 'Panics should wake up.. Parisian Sago will banish dandruff, stop falling: hair and itching scalp ; will put life, lustre and beauty into faded hair, or money back. It is a most delightful and refreshing tonic for men, women and childron. Large botele 50 cents at W. S. R. Holmes, and druggists the counery uvea, -.-- Right Hon. R. L. Borden has to - signed :from the directorate of She Bank of Nova Scotia Mr. George Sim of Grand. Valley slipped while carrying a loaded 'gun and was killed by 'tire discharge. Two men were killed and five in- jured by .drilling into an old charge on the C. N. R. fine near Nepigon. Benjamia Weaver, a prosperous far- mer of Chatham township, commit, - ted suicide, leaving a nose directing /he neighbors to look in the web for his body. The Imperial Princes have agreed to the Republican terms and the end of the Chinese revolution is believed" to be in sight.' 70 YEARS OLD AND GETTING WELL Thanks to Gin Pips 61 MADISON Avg., TonON1o.` APRIL, 7Ts. 0901. During the past two years, I have been suffering with Kidney Trouble - severe pains in my back at times, anti with feet, ankles and legs so very swollen that I found great difficulty in moving around the house even in slippers. I am pleased to tell you, since taking GIN PILLS, the pain has gone, the swelling bas subsided, and I again wearmy boots -which have not been upon my feet for nearly two years. ' I am seventy years of age, and am now using my sixth box of GIN PILLS". E. A. SCADDING. Old people with lame backs -who suffer with Rheumatism, or Kidney or Bladder Trouble -will find welcome relief in GIN PILLS. Every box guaranteed and money refunded if not satisfactory. soc. a box, 6 for $z.50 - sample free if you write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Dept. A Vicente. TNFY A 1;10, FALL FOR IT. Oriental Ahraes ff., Khedive of blgyin., is growing very fat, a circumstance the more noticeable because His highness. is so short. Nis physical condition stakes bits unpopular with his sub - jeers, wet see n+ ,- 4,1•141011011 111141 110 apes the ling! +1y were tl, first to fatten W.. . 4'l country, The Gumless Stenographer, Prof. Berton N. (kites of Amherst college is teeing to develop the sting- less bre. Vliy not have him try for the gumless stenographer while lie's at t6 THEY ALL I+ Reliable The number of 411011 and women who don't know what they are talking Mime is increasing in Canada. "Where do you get your information from?" "Prom the'eeasus report." liushaby, baby. Ile still with your daddy; Your mammy" has gone to the club She's giving a reading upon intent reeding. In the meantime. I'll flx you your grub. 'ALC FOR IT. M. eon Ws beast vton rsNs HERE. rola 18 Names AT WINE PER: WEEK 40.10 1 MONK ''MAT I AM eMTITLED '00 A LI -Oftel. 'RAISE. NE BEes FAITNFUL AND orlLY Ntssee or+E DAV OUR1NG THAT WELL. ED. 1 web THINKING ABOUT Yoe JUST YESTEROKI. YOU WAVE BERM AG000 Ano FAsm0uL. CLERK NO 1 WAr4T To leo Melee eider etY YOUR j-1 7 You 5Ea 110, THIMGS ARE A LIYYIa 'irULL RIGHY NOW AN0 WNEN YOU OUME 121041- Dorm IGHTporm TO IT NINE° OOLLARe Isere .50 13AD EVERY WEEK ANP WREN YOU ARE ALWAYS supra of IT, NOW,THINGS opium To PICK UP PRETT( Sooty ANO 'ftlFri WELL; Do aerie - 1.91).10 FOR YOU. JUST KEEP RISA OS PI.066ING. Yob ARE ONE of MY Me CLERKS. 1 3. NOW DONT YOU WORRY ED. A Bode YOUR. SALARY,, I'LL TAKE cAue of THAT ALLOGHT� Medicines that: aid natfure are al- Do you know theft fully nine out ways. Most effectual. 'Chamberlain'sof every ten cases of rheumatism Cough Remedy acts on this plana Rare simply rheumatism of the 'mus- allays the cough, relieves the 'lungs,cles due to cold ordamp,' or ohron opens' the secretions and aids nature ie rheumatism, and require no'ialer- fn restoring` the system to a heal -nal treatment whatever ? Apply thy condition:" Thousands have testi-Chamberlain's Liniment freely and Pied to its superior. excellence. Sold see how quickly it gives relief. For by All Dealers. sale by All Dealers. Ella Perry, aged seventeen, shot Four St. Thomas people Mites by her father in Wood Rivet', Sask., mad doge are, on there way be Tor when he tried to chastise bor. ionto to take Pasteur► "tT ar:neut. wart,' ISA Cl'trf11;Em'XN IL 1s said every that er m i a ane def ndtioa Y ot the tsrm gentleman makee ,it inclusive of htms l Likewise e f Lke 1se it is true thsut each man 'js prone to be- lieve that his manners' are the best In the world. A writer, speaking of thecin rola 11 t nes the following 7h' H'tOr . P g y On a man-of-war therew as once a reception, and it happened that a dis- tinguished statesman forgot, gut, or did not know, tho usual formal salute on coming aboard. "Who's that lubber what don't tip his sk c to Ric ski oe c erT"sada Yln P i P sailor. Choke your loll," returned itnother'. sailor. "That's Mimic, the fatuous go -t lvtlaiwtm . "Well," growled tate first sailor,'. "why ain't he .got manners enough' to salute the quarter-deck?" "Manners?" a third sailor chipped in. "What does he kriow about Man- ners? I don't suppose he was ever out of sight,, of land In his life." ,Queer Ireti sonst'ABordmenls The "Tangos, w'ho inhabit a noupfrlP+ to the eastg'ot the Victoria Nile° they B air' I,1 Gebel about' I three de- , I ,..grass •north pt the agdatbr, Piave 1 several very remarkable �ornamen s. ' Tor example, bands of finely platted grass aro worn by the men 'round abdomen; These suggest a UgT} laced corset. Iron, r o more ras D s ername its li v �' a e lac soil P u pear arm. These are put on 'ebbe the pian :is young,and as the arms grQW force the muscles of the bleeps below them. In one case, the gar h at what should have been the breed - est part of the biceps was only t392 Inches over ,the wire; while lour, down, -just above the elbow, it Wee ' 15 inches. Lip ornaments are merle. of glass filed down from pieces .ot }token'bottles, inserted a ansrter of, 'n inch below the lower 1i, A fierce 8Vorm swept over thel Ila ; ish Isles, causing much damage ide. shipping, There is no greater comfort than an evening with an EDISON PHONOGRAPH -the comfort of bright songs and music perfectly rendered; the comfda ii . Orf Amberol Records, playing four -and -one-half minutes instead of two5 the comfort of the permanent sapphire reproducing point that does away idisonPhonographs with constant needle -changing, ana $16.50 to the comort of a subdued volume of $240.00 j, sound, that does not carry beyond your own little family circle. The wonderful, sensitive, wax cylinders; the silent, long-running motor, the long-playing Amberol Records, tks' permanent sapphire reproducing point, and the means of making and reproducing your own records,': are ailexclusive Edison Phonograph features. Remember this when yon make,your purchase. There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go toba nearest Mrd hear the Edison Phonograph play Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. complete 0000400, hors your dealer or from us. Edison Standard Records 40c. Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long), GSc. Edison Granit Opera Records, 85c. to *2.50. t 1100 Lakeside Avenue &Ara.. Orange, N. J., U. -S. A. I1100arenaY1 o • A arsbte Sae of Looe Phauegr.am end R+xer3a win be found at © WArE a,6 LABATT'S LONDON LAGER ' INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK .ALES. XXX STOUT Hopedale Sensation Tomato The earliest, hest flavored and smoothest in the World. IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc. It youcut this out sending it to us with your name and Post Office Address our Catalogue will be sent You and a present with R. Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, Dept. 30 London, Ont. Ia DEBENTURES SECURITY Put your savings in the safest form of investment you can find- the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company - established 1864. Issued for$zoo ane}} upwards. Interest. payable half -yearly at the rate of 4%. Depositors and `Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. Since incorporation over five million dollars in interest alone have been paid to Depositors and Debenture -holders, Reserve fundequal to paid-up capital of $1,9oo,000.00 and assets over thirteen millions. ' 28 OVER 13 minions. ASSETS. 0 ,on a Savings Co.� 9 .Condos 4 St. ?/tones. The ,News -Record leads for Top and TownshipNews. aAY GROG ion IN AM AWFUL BURRY, NG ME A STEAK, soME FRONo14FRIE0 P YS' IR-, ::. . '. WON DER WHERE HE YAD TO GQ FOR THAT STEAK? ES6EE , TEpNMYNUTEB.NWM, A COMe»NATIoN' 3 L oFFEYa .(. A AND A D RUSH IT $� qq 1 : ,itsg. 4'411 Ctrl Al•, i• A� j bvr!'t'�& (.. •s*• .f � Ma 7, miff Z. -TWEMT`(' MINUTES DIS Ate A VERA ANO NOTHING To EA'r , YET. FOR TWOGENTS elicRSTEAKSUN. i pg14 PleKED IT OUT SPECIAL PER. p0 "IOU .GALL THIS I'D GET UP AND `eeLK' r oa HERE Ill aye Yoe 5014 QUlcse +° s`RvicE? ) MP it ,.n. r y' II' ri iw ,I k✓, ;�a- v. _11 1 t ." $.*e 1 4: IT TOOK A LITTLE LONGER Bu -f i llNeee r tAlsK YUI1 sue, _ ; ALLRIGNT i _YOU WAS A VERPl ; 'GEORGE ..' PATiCULARMee so c .:.o•r.EVER-Miele 6c T 1 DLR HA q 'SPECIALLY NIGE.. -510' 3 Te � le - ,.H• .•'Kon � e rp.. :_ q .,.. i 1i1 • ti 'kgic'y> istsw ' Ilii t Oriental Ahraes ff., Khedive of blgyin., is growing very fat, a circumstance the more noticeable because His highness. is so short. Nis physical condition stakes bits unpopular with his sub - jeers, wet see n+ ,- 4,1•141011011 111141 110 apes the ling! +1y were tl, first to fatten W.. . 4'l country, The Gumless Stenographer, Prof. Berton N. (kites of Amherst college is teeing to develop the sting- less bre. Vliy not have him try for the gumless stenographer while lie's at t6 THEY ALL I+ Reliable The number of 411011 and women who don't know what they are talking Mime is increasing in Canada. "Where do you get your information from?" "Prom the'eeasus report." liushaby, baby. Ile still with your daddy; Your mammy" has gone to the club She's giving a reading upon intent reeding. In the meantime. I'll flx you your grub. 'ALC FOR IT. M. eon Ws beast vton rsNs HERE. rola 18 Names AT WINE PER: WEEK 40.10 1 MONK ''MAT I AM eMTITLED '00 A LI -Oftel. 'RAISE. NE BEes FAITNFUL AND orlLY Ntssee or+E DAV OUR1NG THAT WELL. ED. 1 web THINKING ABOUT Yoe JUST YESTEROKI. YOU WAVE BERM AG000 Ano FAsm0uL. CLERK NO 1 WAr4T To leo Melee eider etY YOUR j-1 7 You 5Ea 110, THIMGS ARE A LIYYIa 'irULL RIGHY NOW AN0 WNEN YOU OUME 121041- Dorm IGHTporm TO IT NINE° OOLLARe Isere .50 13AD EVERY WEEK ANP WREN YOU ARE ALWAYS supra of IT, NOW,THINGS opium To PICK UP PRETT( Sooty ANO 'ftlFri WELL; Do aerie - 1.91).10 FOR YOU. JUST KEEP RISA OS PI.066ING. Yob ARE ONE of MY Me CLERKS. 1 3. NOW DONT YOU WORRY ED. A Bode YOUR. SALARY,, I'LL TAKE cAue of THAT ALLOGHT� Medicines that: aid natfure are al- Do you know theft fully nine out ways. Most effectual. 'Chamberlain'sof every ten cases of rheumatism Cough Remedy acts on this plana Rare simply rheumatism of the 'mus- allays the cough, relieves the 'lungs,cles due to cold ordamp,' or ohron opens' the secretions and aids nature ie rheumatism, and require no'ialer- fn restoring` the system to a heal -nal treatment whatever ? Apply thy condition:" Thousands have testi-Chamberlain's Liniment freely and Pied to its superior. excellence. Sold see how quickly it gives relief. For by All Dealers. sale by All Dealers. Ella Perry, aged seventeen, shot Four St. Thomas people Mites by her father in Wood Rivet', Sask., mad doge are, on there way be Tor when he tried to chastise bor. ionto to take Pasteur► "tT ar:neut. wart,' ISA Cl'trf11;Em'XN IL 1s said every that er m i a ane def ndtioa Y ot the tsrm gentleman makee ,it inclusive of htms l Likewise e f Lke 1se it is true thsut each man 'js prone to be- lieve that his manners' are the best In the world. A writer, speaking of thecin rola 11 t nes the following 7h' H'tOr . P g y On a man-of-war therew as once a reception, and it happened that a dis- tinguished statesman forgot, gut, or did not know, tho usual formal salute on coming aboard. "Who's that lubber what don't tip his sk c to Ric ski oe c erT"sada Yln P i P sailor. Choke your loll," returned itnother'. sailor. "That's Mimic, the fatuous go -t lvtlaiwtm . "Well," growled tate first sailor,'. "why ain't he .got manners enough' to salute the quarter-deck?" "Manners?" a third sailor chipped in. "What does he kriow about Man- ners? I don't suppose he was ever out of sight,, of land In his life." ,Queer Ireti sonst'ABordmenls The "Tangos, w'ho inhabit a noupfrlP+ to the eastg'ot the Victoria Nile° they B air' I,1 Gebel about' I three de- , I ,..grass •north pt the agdatbr, Piave 1 several very remarkable �ornamen s. ' Tor example, bands of finely platted grass aro worn by the men 'round abdomen; These suggest a UgT} laced corset. Iron, r o more ras D s ername its li v �' a e lac soil P u pear arm. These are put on 'ebbe the pian :is young,and as the arms grQW force the muscles of the bleeps below them. In one case, the gar h at what should have been the breed - est part of the biceps was only t392 Inches over ,the wire; while lour, down, -just above the elbow, it Wee ' 15 inches. Lip ornaments are merle. of glass filed down from pieces .ot }token'bottles, inserted a ansrter of, 'n inch below the lower 1i, A fierce 8Vorm swept over thel Ila ; ish Isles, causing much damage ide. shipping, There is no greater comfort than an evening with an EDISON PHONOGRAPH -the comfort of bright songs and music perfectly rendered; the comfda ii . Orf Amberol Records, playing four -and -one-half minutes instead of two5 the comfort of the permanent sapphire reproducing point that does away idisonPhonographs with constant needle -changing, ana $16.50 to the comort of a subdued volume of $240.00 j, sound, that does not carry beyond your own little family circle. The wonderful, sensitive, wax cylinders; the silent, long-running motor, the long-playing Amberol Records, tks' permanent sapphire reproducing point, and the means of making and reproducing your own records,': are ailexclusive Edison Phonograph features. Remember this when yon make,your purchase. There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go toba nearest Mrd hear the Edison Phonograph play Edison Standard and Edison Amberol Records. complete 0000400, hors your dealer or from us. Edison Standard Records 40c. Edison Amberol Records (play twice as long), GSc. Edison Granit Opera Records, 85c. to *2.50. t 1100 Lakeside Avenue &Ara.. Orange, N. J., U. -S. A. I1100arenaY1 o • A arsbte Sae of Looe Phauegr.am end R+xer3a win be found at © WArE a,6 LABATT'S LONDON LAGER ' INDIA PALE AND EXTRA STOCK .ALES. XXX STOUT Hopedale Sensation Tomato The earliest, hest flavored and smoothest in the World. IT'S COMING What's coming? Why Seedtime, then the Harvest but the Harvest depends very largely on the quality of the Seeds you sow. Our Catalogue for 1912 is bigger and better than ever. Tells you all about over 1,500 kinds of Field Roots, Grains, Veget- ables, and Flower Seeds, Small Fruits, Flowering Shrubs, Plants, Implements, etc. It youcut this out sending it to us with your name and Post Office Address our Catalogue will be sent You and a present with R. Do it to -day, ADDRESS, Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Limited, Dept. 30 London, Ont. Ia DEBENTURES SECURITY Put your savings in the safest form of investment you can find- the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company - established 1864. Issued for$zoo ane}} upwards. Interest. payable half -yearly at the rate of 4%. Depositors and `Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. Since incorporation over five million dollars in interest alone have been paid to Depositors and Debenture -holders, Reserve fundequal to paid-up capital of $1,9oo,000.00 and assets over thirteen millions. ' 28 OVER 13 minions. ASSETS. 0 ,on a Savings Co.� 9 .Condos 4 St. ?/tones. The ,News -Record leads for Top and TownshipNews.