HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-01-25, Page 5nue ry ; 251h 19I2 Clinton News -Record, SILVER CA112PINES=ek1- T, J: Port Albert t In Poul'tr •�• .McNeil,<':1111-• 3.. 111. about :? a Following an illness of Show a Success. •. nMiavRGS-: ek-, W. BLACK H week', Martha Hindi relict of thelaic : lien -W. ' and week , r st 2nd n 'Carter: lien -W -'`Carter 1 t The Poultry Show held -eco the relies, k1 -W. Gaster 1st `2ed and George • . Haitians, of. Fort Albert, 'shall fast week was a 'sweets ' flus, 3rd• c t r passed ,away at the" home of her atie of affairs was -brought :aid, PIt-W, Carter 1st,; 2nd' and daughter, e , liappY st :a 'out by the sPSndin vilieh• ''bat lied. � D combined' with the : S. S. IIAMBli?ItGS-ek-W, •Carter Show has. attained comb hen -W. Carter t ss activity of the local+i5io>}tbocs `,.1St1,• 2nd and 3rd, ilre ° ry 1st, 2nd anct 3rd. ticks -W. Carter 1st '•:•The management }vas good and, not- 1t -W. (latter 1st 2nd �}thstapding the.liandteap of: inlayer-, 2nd:and: ,3rd, p r r the receipts were stint and 3rd, -dean wo.pay , o , ' - kW. Carter a all r:zo none and ',ox :'„! G. P. H�IMBURGS c >; ,talent ; and P y hen -W. Carter int and • 2nd. c,:1- lenses; and yet leave 'a, little On hand t W. darter lsv. and 2nd. p1t- W. ! ht r Mrs.- Alex.Allen,'Brand'on, Man,,' on January 7th'. :.Mrs. Haw” wins was a native of Colorable, County Londonderry, -Ireland, being ,born there in 1825.'Had' she `lived until March 23rd next, she would have .readied the eighty-seventh roil estone. When she grew to Woman- hood she and, her brother left' the Old Land and took up their abode in Australia., It was there, at :Cas- tlentaine, in l' ie year 1855, that she was united in marriage to her late partner, George Hawkins, who spent. five years in that country. In the year following their marriage they sailed for Canada. Along with oth- er pioneers of the Huron Tract they settled at•,Portl Albert, and with the exception of throe years spent at. ,Brandon they lived the. remainder of their days together at "the Port." After the death of Mr. Hawkins the subject of this notion returned West and for the last six years had made her home with her daughter, Mxs. Allen. The deceased is survived by a family of four sons and one dau- ghter : Frederick II, H. Hawkins, of Ormsby, Wis. ; George A., of Chat- tanooga, Terni. ; Mrs. Alien, of Bran- don ; Thos. A., of Jamestown, N. Y., and Jas. B. of Goderich, who has been in the West during the last four months: One sen and one daughter are deceased. On hearing of his mother's serious ilhess, her son Jas. 13. commenced the journey to Brandon, but she had passed a- way ere he reached her bedside. He accompanied ; the toms+i••+s to God - alien. The interment was made in Port Alpert cemetery. The pall- bearers were Wi"i ram 'Gray, Henry II. Hawkins, Will. - B. Hawkins, Thos. A. Hawkins, J. 13. Hawkins and Eric Hawkins. Thus one more of the bravo and hardly pioneers .of our county has gone to her rest. l?or hex year. , The birds- were of a superior class Carter 1st2nd and 3rd.IAMd3URGS-ck-W. Carter, .,..and fanciers saw much to; admire. P. ''is ono; of the hen -W. ,I -W., Carter. ekl-W. Carter. plc flet. John Rice, who --W; Carter. ' riends01 tho'Show, is p'artial'' 'tacit f-,BhI71: AADALLShANS-hen- J. to • S. C. Rhode Island sleds, and if ; S.•+Howrie. ck-J, S. Hewitt°. cid. :asked fora reason will say it is be - J. S. IIotvrie, F. B. Hall. plc- F. -cause they are good :winter. layers; 13 Hall lst, 2nd and 3rd. „mature ebarly argil •arc excellent all',. BLACK O 2nd and 3rd. kl- E.- atround birds.;A glance' over the Dunford. plt-E. Dunford 1st and 1 showtht hi t prize list u'1 :' a is en rtes 2nd. did ,well as was also the case at the PARIRIDG)r GOCFIIN- ek Carter. ' this season.• NT GAMES•-ck-W.'Carter. For Games, Mr. A. J. Grigg again HOUDANS- hen -F. B. Hall. ckl -swept the boards. Griggs Games -Is. , B. Hall. and Game Bantams are always prize BUFF LEGHO '1NS-ek-C. Helyar. winners'in the very choicest -company, hen -C: Helyar lst, 2nd and 3rd. 'eat hoine or abroad. W. • C. POLANDS-ck-J. S. Ilow- Tlie Anconas are Secretary McNeil's rie.4 hen -F. 13. Hall. choice and it is said they' grow, in LA:CKENVELDERS- ck- 13. Hov- favor as they become better known. ey: hen -B. Hovey, Harry Shaw, B. '.They are regular layers of large, Hovey. plt- B. Hovey. White ''eggs. One of Mr. McNeil'e BUFF COCHINS-hen A. J. birds was a winner at Guelph and all Grigg. his entries had either red or blue BLACK COCIJIN-ek-A. J. Grigg ,'tickets at the Huron Poultry Show. 1st and 2nd. hen -A. J. Grigg 1st "Poultry King" Carter again 'led and Ind. ekl-A. J. Grigg pit- A. for greatest number of entrit[;s 'and, J. Grigg. ,prizes, He had forty-two` birds' ' ab WHITE COCHINS- ck-J. Rands. •tbe Show and every one a beauty.' hen -J. . Rands. in his big pens out Constance way GOLDEN SEABRIGIITS- cel - ite has specimens of almost all 'the W. Harrison. plt-W. Harrison. known breeds, that have any cootie 13. B. GAME BANTAMS - ck 'mercrjal value, but Hanburgs are his N. J. Grigg 1st, 2nd and ltd. hen - favorites and he had four .. i,' .ilies of A. J. Grigg 1st, Ind and 3rd. •efts - them on exhibition. • • A. J. Grigg 1st, 2nd and 3rd. pit - Par. Tom Gracilis won A. .. Girgg''s A. J. Grigg 1st, 2nd' and 3rd. • specPYLE'GAMES =- ck-A. J. Grigg Whitelprize for his ov were beauties: e s. 1st and 2nd. hen -A. .J. Grigg 1st, White "Reddy" Pais e They were beauttesr 2nd and 3rd. plt-A. J. Gregg, 1st. "Reddy" Paisley , is a pigeon fan- eter and his entities were prize win- and Ind. ners: And the judgo also derotated, DUCK WING BANTAMS --ek -A. .hie Leghorns. J. Grigg 1st and 2nd. hen-A.J., Onee upon a time Mr. F. B. Hall Grigg 1st, 2nd and 35(1. thought the Houdans were the 'best 13. 13• GAMES -hen- A. 3. Grigg or all breeds, but now he rather fav- plit• A.' J• Grigg - ors the Andalusians'and he wit? tell BIRCHEN BANTAMS- hen- A. ,yo'd it is' because as layers they aro J. Grigg lst and 2nd. ekl-A: J. unbeatable. Grigg. • MrrT. H. Scott, a poultry expert ROUEN DUCKS- drake- J. S. =J S. Howrie du h FIo wife. c from' St. Thomas who was sent u o ll FANTAIL PIGEONS- pair- W. by the Ontario Government, gave an Carter 1st and 2nd. ;interesting address. 'If what }1C TUMBLERS -pair- D. C. Paisley. knows on this question could • ire- HOMERS- pair -D. C. Paisley. 'about. t n eyery n o acry raiserl • ,ice• SWALLOWS -pair D. C. Parsley. 'abouts ,and put into actual practice, the output and price would both in- SPECIAL PRIZES. •create. Largest number of entries -W. Car - At the annual meeting of the As- ter,, A. J. Grigg, J. W. Ortwein. • • :400iation the following wet elected White Wyandottes collection- F. officers for the cutlrent year : Bengough: :President, W. Carter. Barred Rocks collection -B. Hovey. Tice, F. B. Hall. White Reeks collection- J. W. Ort- Scc:Treasurer, T. J. McNeal. ` welts The price winners were : Partridge Wyandat!tes- 1+. , W. ',BARRED ROCKS-ekb. 13. Hovey, Smallacombe. hen -B. Bovey 1st and 2nd. ck? - Leghorn A. V. hen -C. Hclyar. 1lullet -B Hovey 1st and 2nd, J.• . Leghorns A. V.-Ptrlle3t, 3. S. Rands 3rd'. Howrie. WHITE ROCKS-ckl-J. W. Ort-: White Leghorns collection -T. Gree- 'wein 1st and 2nd. hen- J. W. Ort- lis. weiti 1st and 2nd. ckl-J. W. Ott- ,Black Spanish -J. S. Howrie. Wein' 1st, Harry Shaw 2nd. plt'-3. Andalusians pen -F. 33. Hall. F/.•Ortwein 1st, Harry Shaw 2nd and Best' bird in ,Show-A.J. Grigg. drd. Bantams. A. V. collection- A. 3. BU,FF ROCKS-ckl-1t. J. Hiit. Grigg. pit -F. J. Hill. Rhode Island Reds for cup donstteta< GOLDEN' WYANDOTTES-' ek- 1.'. by the Molsons and Royal Banns Daley & Son 1st and 2nd. lien- 1'. John Rice Daley & Son lst and 2nd. pit- P. Black Orpingtons trio -E. Dunford. Daley & Son•lst and 2nd. ckl- P, Golden Wyandottes cotlection -'P. Daley & Son 1st and 2nd. Daley & Son. SILVER L. WYANDOTTES - ek-' Black. Leghorns collection .1. S. 2nd, H Curie. P. Daley &Son Ise, Is. J. Hillo -J. W. Ortwein 3rd. hen- P. Daley Brown Leghorns A. V. pen -D. C. & Sou 1st and Ind, J. W. Ortwein Paisley. ltd. ckl- J. W. Oittvoin 1st, P. Black Minorcas collection- D. Fell. Daley • & Son 2nd. plt-J. W.. Ort- Houdans pair- F'.; B. Hall. wein lst, 2nd and 3rd. Anconas A. V. pen-T.J. McNeil. BUFF WYANDOTTES-hen- J. Pigeons collection D. C. Paisley. W. Ortwein 2nd and 3rd. ckl-J. W. `Black Wyandottes pen- 13. Hovey, V. Ort• pair -J. � • ndottes OrtwoAn Buff Wyandottes Ortwroin. plc- J. W. WHITE WYANDOTTES- etc - web. Fred Bengough. hen- J. W, Ort- Bralnnas A. V. pen -J, S. Howrie. vein Ise, F. W. Smallacombe 2nd andi Black Cochins pate- W. Carter. 3rd,; clre--J. W. Ortwein 1.st and 2nd, Pyle Gane Bantamspen-A. .7. Fred Bengough 31el. pit- Feed Ben: Grigg. , ,gough 1s7, end and 3rd. Silver Wyandottes pee- P. 'Daley SILVER PENCIL WYANDOTTES & Son. or,J, W. Ortwein. lien -J. W. Orb: Silver Spangled 11amburgs pen - whin. W. Career. PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTES -tic Black Homburgs pair- W. Carter. •p'. W. Smallacombe. Oki- F. W. ' Wyandottes.collection - P. Daley lt- F. W. Smalla- &'rSon. 'ma] lacomber S P. -cock bird -:4, J. t;ombe 1st and 2nd.. Black Red B. o • . RHODE ISLAND REDS S. C. - Grigg. single ':ik-F. J. Hill, E. Dunford 20(1 and Rhode Island Rcxl cock bird since e '3rd. 'hen -J. Rice, E. 'Mulford,- J. comb -F. J, Hill. Rice. ckl--E. Dunford, J. Rice, F. J. 13. B. Game -A. 3. -Grigg. ;hill. plt-J. Rice 1st, 2nd' and 3rd. Rock A. V. collection -,J. W. Ort - •'RHODE ISLAND RED IL. C,•,- wein. •Neil "lion -F. J. Hill iso and Ind. ck1-F. Anconas,R. C. pen -T. J. Mc .J. Hill lst' and 2nd. pl't-F. 3. Hill ENTHUSIASM. 1st --and 2nd. r A FUND 01 E BARK BRAHMA'S -hen- J. S Mr. Will.lam Carter of Member; 73owrie, plt-J. S. Howrie 2nd. : fame was on hand as usual at the S. C. MINORCAS- hen -D. Fe,L Show with a fund of enthusiasm to 1st, J, S. Howrie 2nd, 1), Fell ltd dispense among the laggards and the •elz1-D. Fell 1st and 2nd. plt- D• f&flows with "just as good birds at 'Fell iso arse 2nd. , home." He is deserving of praise. S. G,, MINORCAS-ck- 13. IIovcy for the nerve if splayed in coniimg forth 2nd. hen -J. W. Ortwein. ekl.-J to: brave the snow defts with the 4F. Ortwetln. thermometer at 20 below. '"Billy" WiiITE, LEGHORNS S., 0. hen bas all the good varieties from a Pit T. Greeks, ckl-T, Clraelis iso . and Game ,cock to Partridge Cochin. The 2nd. - plt—T. Grad's 1st, 2nd . and hornier is of Napoleon type, but out account of owl age, the loss of an other Shows where: he exhibited them Dungannon Matthew Young has been visiting relatd'ves at Seaforth. 'Miss Esther Bellamy, of S. Marys, is visiting her parents here. Frank Jones has started' to learn the harness business with J. John- son. Miss _Margaret Medd has returned from .t visit with 'relatives in Gode- rich. N. Staples, of the Ster:ri'ng Bank, is on duty again af ter an illness of scmcral weeks. Wilson McLean left last week on his return to Winnipeg after a visit to his old hotne here. Miss Bellamy has resigned her posi- tion in J. Waikon's store and her flacc is taken by Miss Margaret Ryan, The members of Dungannon Mule, Order al Cainadian Home Circhs, enjoyed an oyster supper at their last regular meeting. Miss Nona Craig, of Goderich, has joined the operating staff of the Godo - rich Rural Telephone Co. at the cen- tral exchange here. John Savage had his auction sale last week and it was very success - fu;. Mr. Savage has sold his ram and is moving to Goderich. The annual meeting of the West Wawanash-Muteal F7re Insurance Co. was hold here l'uessday of last week; 'l'lte report of the directors showed 'the company to be in excellentfin- ancial standing. The retiring dir- ectors were re -appointed. The death of Mrs. James Culbert occured en Saturday week at her home at Crewe, after a long Illness. Deceased, whose maiden name was Mary Templeton, hall '.lived all her life in this neighborhood. Besides 'her husband, she is survived by sev- eral cl:iildren. Marriages MITCHELL-pNdZST>1R -In' 'coder, ich, at ,the home of the bride, on Jan'uary;l7tit, by Rev, Geo. ' E, Ross, Samuels'Iilrnest Mitchell, of Colborne ' Township, to Eva Isabel, daughter of, Capt. James :Inkster• S N-TYN'DAI: ' - 11,t the e CARL O L Baptist', parsopage, E+irtlu -Man„ on Jan. ;1st, by Rev, A. 3. Bow brick, ,A ilia Smith Tynda'll,• for_ risersY of "Carlow, to:'Oscar Carl ' son, of Roblin Man. BURCHILL--SCOTT,-At the horn° of the bride's patents, on Jan - nary 17th, by Rev. A. C. Wis Hart, Fred, 13urchill to Aileen,, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. P. Scott, Brussels. Births DOFIERTY-In Clinton on Jan. 19th to Mr. and Mrs. dances Doherty, a daughter. TAYLOR-s1n, Stanley on Jan.9th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, a son, VANDERBURG-In Godonich town- ship on Jan. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vanderburg, a son. FORSTER-In West Wawanosh, on January 10n, to Mr. and Mrs. James Forster ; a son. McKIBBON,-In Wingham, mt Jauu ary 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, . J. Walter Mcl'bbbon, a son. PEAREN.-In Wingham, Jan. 11th, to Mu. and Mrs. John Perron,a son. MERKLEY-In Wingham, Jan. 121h, to Mr. and Mrs. 'John Markley, a SOD. BROWN. -In Grey township, on Jan- uary 14th ro Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brown, a daughter. HUTCFIINSON.-' In Grey township on January 13th, ec Mr, and Mrs. Hilliard IJutchinson, a son. • Deaths RATHWELL: In Goderich township, on Jan. 22nd, Samuel Rathwell, aged 75 years and 8 months. ROWDEN - .In G-oderich, on Janu- ary 1.4th, Mary Jewell, relict of the late Richard Rowden, aged 70 years and 8 months. McOORVIE.-In Lucknow, on Janu- ary 5th, Neil McCorvie; aged 78 years. THOMAS -In Goderech on Jan. 18th Henry D. Thomas, aged 72 years, 6 months and 2 days. IIAWICINS.-A t Brandon, Manitoba, Martha Hinds, react of the late George Hawkins, of Port Albert. ELLIOTT.=At, Owen Sound, on Jan. 15th, Margaret Rennleson, widow of the late Wm. Elliott, former- ly of Seaforth, aged 75 years, 8 BARRED ,ROCKS tFORSA'LE- 10 Barred Reeks Cockerels; J. K. Millard• strain, ,three of ' them prize Winners : and altbred. from 1st ionize winners at Clinton:! Poultry, Show, Trice $1.50 each. Also pwo pairs 'of Black Leghorns bred from two hens which have been laying stead'i'y ;tinea the beginning of last, ' winter.''' Price '85.00 per ,parr. -II.. A, Hovey Clinton- -15., SWEEP FOR SALE -A NUMBER of well bred breeding ,ewes. R. Fttzsimon i!s Son. % -14, FIELD STONE WANTED. FIELD stone suitable for roadmaking •is wanted by the Town of Clinton'. Price $3.50 per cord of 13000 -lbs, J. A. Ford Chairman Street Com- m'tteo. -14- SPECIAL NOTICE -ALL PARTIES. indebted to Harland Bros. up 310 January 1st, 1912, eithen by note or book account wit confer a great' favor by paying promptly as all ac- conn?ts, aro expected to be paid tills month. Ii not possible, calk and state when. Can be paid at Har- land arland Bros. Store. -John T.Har- land. FOR SALE. -A GENERAL STORE with Postoffice and Rural Telephone in connection. For further partic- ulars apply to The News -Record 12 WOOD FOR SALE. -THE BEST Maple and Beech wood, cut any lengeh wanted. Orders -Mk at town office. -M. G. Ransford. -12 MISS MAY RANCE, . A. T. 0. M., Teacher of Elocution, Physical Cul- ture, Dancing and Dramatise work. Students prepared for Conserva- tory School of 'Literature and Ex- pression, Totrento. Studio behind O'ddfellows hall. Miss Rance is re- suming her classes and intending students should enroll: at •. once. Phone 37. -12 FARM FOR SALE -Lot north half 29, con. • 1'2, Mullett, consisting of 50, acres. . All seeded down except 10 acres. S'tna11-orchard. Frame houses end bank baro with stabling. On Gravel road 1 mile north of Londesboro. 1F mile frown school: Apply on the :' premises or address Richard Shaddick, Lendesboro P.O -75 G,t FARM FOR, SALE. -THE UNDER- ;signcxl offers for sale his flee farm of 135 acres adjoinio" Oho town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state cif cultivation and has 'good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen,' etc., -. all comparatively new. A first-class young orchard containing all kinds of fruits, also small fruits The farm is well fenced and well drain- ed and. is a very desirable home. For, further particulars apply on the'premises or address John Torrance, . Cllnton P. 0. 91 LOGS WANTED AT THE FACTO1IY -All kinds of logs, Maple, Soft r t . Elm and- Basswood preferred. fez e . red. Highest prices paid. -The Doherty Piano & Organ Co. - 05 FOR SALE. -Two 2 -YEAR- OLD mon'elts and 4 days. colts, rising three years, sired by P.IOLLAND-In Exeter on Jan. 12th, gar 'I. -Apply Po Robert Marshall, Jane McConnell, wife of Mr. An- Bayfield. Line, Goderich township. thony Holland, aged 71 years 10 -09 months and 20 days. ' POTATOES WANTED, DELIVERED any fine day at Wilise's store. Also Table Carrots, Onions, Parsnips and Cabbages. Phone 89 for prices. '.lames Steep. 15 AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND young cattle at the Hotel Norman - die stables, Clinton, on Tuesday, Feb, Oth. Further particulars next week.--IJaldand & Connell, proprie- tors. SHORTHORNS FOR SALE:,, TWO choice young Bulls, both roans, besr of breeding, prices to suit the ,fines. Also good, clean, Seed Bar - Siberian and and ley, -0. A. C. 21, Sensation Oats. -Apply to E. FI. Wise, Clinton P. 0: Phone 12-155, Goderich township. 15 Hag Townshiq.. Council elected, h''oufs Kalbfleisch Reeve, }Vet. Consit, Ed. Dates. Coin - rad Schilbe and Fred Willert met in accordance with Muniorpal Act on Monday the 8th of January. After subscribing to tho statutory declara- tion of office the Council became or- ganized. The following were appointed offi- cers for the?township of 1912 at the salaries mentioned. Clerk F. Hess Sr. $150, Treasurer, `Phos. Johnston $115, Assessor Oscar Klopp $85,00, Collector J..H. Schnell. Auditors. Jacob Haberer and Geo. Blackwell, caretaker of hall Mrs. 13. Howald, Board of Health Fred. Baker 3 years S. Spender 2 .years A Case one year. Sanitary inspectors ; A- Munn, and C. Either. S. C. BROWN LEGI30RN5'- ell eye and hair turning gray lienow .-J. S. Flowrte iso. and 2;i1: ° pit-- riat»raily ranks ainong "has: J. S. Howrie: teens." 1 might say in •passing that R. C. BROWN LEGIIORNS-ben Mr. Foanit Hall has become the pos- D. C. Paisley lst and!. Ind. , ckh- J. sessor of one of "'Billy's" Partridge S. );Howrie. Pit- 11. C. Paisley lst cocks. Age and rheumatism have ?eft and 2nd. „b their trail on this bird also, but if J. .5, respond readily 'to 5thtne BLACK, SPANISH -hen -he does not re n Idowrie: ' r talents Frank intends putting him ort 5; C. ANOONAS- hen- W.'' }Iar the operating; table. -A Visitor. risen' 153' and 2nd. .ekl-T. J. Mc Neil' F. W. Smallacombe, F. Ben oegh• plc -F. W. Smallacombe, T., Goderich J. McNeil, F. Bengough. R .'h C: ANCONAS-ekl-T..,t, Mo. Mr. R. J. Megaw has gone. ora a plt T. J, McNeil lst,, Ind and business .trip to, Winnipeg. . Mr. .7,, A. Runtball was flu Mon-' BLACK LANG'SFIANS-ck- J. S. treal on business last weak, 'J-lowille. herr-.. S. Howrie. .. ekt - ' Sirs.•(Capt.) Alex. McLean Is! vis .3. S.- 140117160. pit -',J. S. Ilowric. iting friends in Qhleago, For O eed Baby's:Own Tablets Cure Constipation. Mes. Albert I3arriault, St. Alphon 'se, Oue., writers "1 have used 13aby's Own Tablets for my ' baby. who suffered from constipation, They completely cured her and 1 can strongly •recommend Item to all mo- thers." others "' The Tablets notonly euro constipationbut they cure all other. taoubl6e an:bing irpm a disordered state' of the stomach and bowels such as colic, colds, simple fevers, indigestion; etc. Baby's Own Tab- lets are sold by all' medicine dealers or by 'mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr,. Wittiest -is' ns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 25 to 50 percent. Discount. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -Hardware business for sale in Bayfield. Two story building, store, workshop and dwelling combined, also stable ' 28 x 36. Three lots with orchard and small fruits. Terms Peasonable—Ap- ply fro R. Rouatt, Rayfield. ,-74 FARM FOR SALE. -THE UNDER- dersigned offers for sale his farm of 147es aures, being lot 12 and west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road; Stanley. This is a forst-class farm with plenty of water and firs* class buildings, all naw within the last ten ytenrs. Also lot 24, north boundary of Hap, consisting of 119 acres. The village of Blake is built on the corser of this farm; Church and schoolwithin half a mile, add only 31 miles from the thriving village of Zurich which makes it a very, desirable property. -Fos further particulars apply to J. 'C. Reid, Varna P. 0. -94 APPLICATIONS 1'OR OFPIC13.- Applibations addressed to the un- dersigned and marked "Applica- tions for Office," will be received up to noon of Friday, Feb. 2nd, for the following positdons : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Con- stable, Etc,, Tax Collector, Night Watchman, Cemetery Supersintend- ent and Poundkeeper.-D. L. Mac- pherson, ao-phcrson, Clerk. Clinton, Jan. 17th. ' Jan. 27th. to Feb. 3rd 'CLINTON SPRING SHOW-, The annual -meeting of the directors of the Clinton Spring Fair will be 1101(1, in the council chamber on Wed- nesdayl Jan,. 31st, at 2.30 o'clock. As. natters of much importance wild be brought up a1? interested in this Commencing January 27th and continuing until February 35(1 we T ' will conduct a Cl,);.�1•RING OUT SALE and give a discount of from 25 to 50 percent. on all our lines of goods. • Ladies' Gloves, Mittens, Hos- iery, Robes, Fur Coats, Ladies' Coats With Fur Coll- ars, Ladies' Fur Jackets, Prints, Gitighams,- etc., Hats, Caps, Wal -1 Paper, and 01. lends of Shoes and Rubbers, Our Prices' will convince you that in buying here you save. money. BUTTER and EGGS the SAME A'S , CASH. J. McA3h & Son. , VA•RNA.— • reat Clearing Sale. � g FARM FOR SALE. -THE- UNDER - Signed offers for sale his farm of 100 acres hi tete township of Tuck- ersmi4h on the I•Iuron Road, three miles ease of Clinton, The farm is in a good state of cultivation with good buildings, iramo house and two bank barns, and well fenced and well drained. For further particu- lars apply on the premises or ad - Jt. 11 dross J. Wise, Clinton i n n P.0.-08 ' C BOAR FOR SERVIOE-TIAVING purchased a thorobred Tamworth boar will keep the same, for sarvico at lot 23 on the 3rd con., Hullobt. Terms $1.00 at time of services, with privilege et returning if necessary.- L. Tyndall. , -08 • NOTICE. -TENDERS WILL .BE REL • ceivcd by the Council of Mullett for the supply of 2000 feel' Rock elm plank 16 feet long and 2'• in- ches thick to bo delivered as foll- ows : 500 feet at 1'4ngland's, 500 feet at Miller's and nd 10 00 feet at ' Leiper's. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hall on Saturday, February the 3rd, at p. m. -James Campbell, Clerk. 11111.11 E Fish d' ra s:• B i • We ,lave the Fish ' •• You Have the Brains • • • ;• • But how about the quality of the os., • latter ? •` • • • "you to inip rove same •' •o help B, Pwe are going to keep a large as- ?4 • sot•t+nent of fresh fish regularly to. as follows: Is • • • Fresh frozen halibut, • Red Sea salmon, • • • • Finnonhaddie, • • Smelts :0 • ,0 Fresh. herring. ': • lr • 0 • . • • • iVV. T. ®}c\ ll.-iIL' • • •. • "The. Hub Grocery." • • .01 Winter Special THE Path to. Health PARK TE CLOSETS Parkyte'Closets are perfectly - itary and odorless and a comfortable, system of inside closet. No plumbing necessary $10 to $3S. Call and suet for yourself. FARM FOR SALE -The Executor of the Southcombe estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lob 28, con. 0, Mullett, ' This is a first-class farm, well watered and improved and with good buildings. Also the undersigned offers for sale lot 29, con. 6, Mullet', consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought together or separately.- Apply eparately-Apply to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. -89 FARM FOR SALE :-LOT 34, CON. n 4, Godc r ion Township contain, g 80 acres, all cleared five acres good bearing ot'chard. Good bank barn Well watered and well fen- ced. ,1 mile from school, three mil- es from Poreer's Hill P. 0„ lout miles 'from Bayfield. -For 'Further partieulars apply to Wm. D. Harrison, Bayfield P. 0. -14 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c Store BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. Our prices on all things averggo as follows : Large Lamp Glasses 60. Medium Lamp Glasses ' 4c. L`a`ntern Globes 5c. 5 dos Clothes Pins 5c• Note paper boxed from 100 up Writing paper and envelopes at low price, Small profits and r etck rete rns is our motto. G_ L_ C001 -C 10R • SALE„ A FIRST-CLASS National Cream Separator. Will be'. • sold cheap as I have elven up farm- Mg.-A. arming, A. D. Wiltse, Minton. -OJ NOTICE - TRESPASSINC'c FOR hunting or any other purpose whatsoever on i,eets 12 and 13, con. 9, Mullett, is hereby forbidden. Trespassory will be y,,rosecuted.-' John IIesseiwood, Owner. -06 • 1 $5,00 Plush Rug to bo giwena- way to tire. purchaser of ,one set' 322,50.' '..Rubber trimmed Single harness, 2 sets•only. 3 only Brown Wambat Coats, were $25.00 Wholesale, Now. $22,50 Saskatohowen'Robes $6.50. Horse Blankets einod,,with' Girths $1.15 each. Men's. Mitts,. all special prices. Whips and' 13b11n. Inrorprize are cordially asked to •1' �C'i;rttce�ield. rt,nteptber Itis Mate and be on band. .. , al�ej ) MAIL CONTRACT.' PROPRIETOR. Sealed Tenders addressed to the, Postmaster' General, wilt be received' at' Ottawa until Noon, on Friday the 1601i February, 1912 for the convey- ance y nice of His Majesty's Malls;` on 'tea proposed Contract for four 'years 24 times per -week each way, .between Londesborough and Grand. Trunk Railway Station from 1st April.' Prin3ed notices containing further in- formation as to conditions of pro- posed Centract may be seen and forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Londesborough and a3 the Office of 'the Post Office Inspector at London, G. C. ANDERSON, Sitperintendent Post Office Department, Mail Servinc Branch, : Ottawa, 2nd January, 1212. f g We are in a position just now to supply any quality of shorts. from 100 lbs, up ro 10'or 15 tons or more. ,Got your supply in quickly before we aro sold out. . Bran, Low Grade Flour, Feed Corn, Corn Chop, Oat Chop, Etc. always on haod. L. SUI'TTER CO. -r� II s.• The eyes are wage earners. t . or Any pin 6' short iFavision annin- sbes the earn,n� powers. We perfect your siehl. <, Our abases s as an In- vestment yield you substantial returns. pp6L^, ,rnS;�>�fmG oSL.v..s4,. ••�:,.v-fir A. J. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, OST. =s • N•+•N•OOMOON •ON tN•0 2sporroN • ..tom - Telephone 64 THE ELEVATOR E ENT �,t WOOD DCII COAL YARDS Opposite the G. T. R. Station. All kinds' of coal on hand CIIESTN'UT 'SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE AR THUR FORBES s Phone 51 Sucoo'ssui to Jae: I3au►lltmt. mINIIN Stands for all that is modern in 2 Business Training. A Chain o£ Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two Thousands stu- Is dents in our Colleges and Home • Study last year. Vetrain from ten to twenty students for every ono trained by most schools. There's a reason. It is freely • adtnibted that our graduates got hest positions, and the demand for them is "seven" times'the Exclusive for On- tario]�xc.lusve right tario of the famous 131iss Book- keeping System. You nn,ly study . h mo and ta• nt home, or partly at e. • finish ab the Oollego. ABusiness Education pays a dividend every" dayof,yonr life. WINTER TERM 1 FROM JAN.2, I9I2. r 'rtiCtllnre a Call or Write Co n i. S otton Business College • I CLJNTON, 0NT. 6S Miss B. F. Ward, Principal S ••Ob000.•••AAi.!•00.00000' TO THE PUBLIC HAVING BOUGHT 'rmo WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT OF THE ROWLAND HARDWARE - BUSINESS, WITH WHICH 31 HAVE BEEN CONNECTED FOR SEVERAL YEARS, I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE -ORDERS FOR THE HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROUGHING5 PUTTING U1' STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A CONTINUANCE OF THE PAT- RONAGE GIVEN THIS DE-: PARTMENT IS RESPECTFUL- LY REQUESTED. PROMPT ATTENTION W11.3, BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT AT ROLAND'S IPARDWARIO STORE. D. IQHNSO ,