HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-01-18, Page 8Clinton News -Record ANYOUN(1LUE T We, beg to announce to the people of Clin= ton and vicinity that we have purchased the hardware businesslately carried od by fir, J. T. Harland, and are prepared to supply all your wants in hardware, stoves, etc,,. at the very best prices, and hope for your continued patronage. STOVES and HARDWARE W. S. HARLAND W. J. HARLAND, 1 `•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Oar Annual Januar _. t Sale. !• j Commencing Saturday, w January• t •• • 14..SN1A!! PLUMSTEEL MonE PBPFITS BROS. :BUSINESS x 414•••••••••••••• 4 00•@0• •••••••0.0• • •000••••.••• 2' 6th, ;I f 2 Big price reductions ow all lines of winter merchandise. Men's and hoy'e snits end overcoats. Women's and children's panties and furs. Sweaters nnd sweater coats. Wenl',bawls, toques, and mufflers. Caps, mitts, socks,. ete. - - Also a big clear rut of all broken lines of boots and felt she. pers at manufacturer's prima. J • • • • • Sunday School li`ielps for `1912. Golden Text Book Gist of the Lesson Arnold's Commentary Turbelhs Teachers' Guide Peevubet',e Notes Office and Home Helps Pocket Diaries, Office Diar- ies, Desk Calendar Padr, Fancy Calendars. W. De FAIR : CO, Often Cheapest - Always_the Bes. 1 lllli Ilf tGuA ',i QU111111nPtlutyn{9Neal S. urttlWr,r Miss Mary McCaughey visited friends le London last week. Mr D A. Gordon, auditor of the Provjz, al License Department, was in town yesterday., Miss Ethel Bradshaw has taaen a position as stenographer with the len etting Company. Miss Elia Lindsay of Fort William is spenc':ng a few weeks' holidays at her home in town. Mass Hattie Mfddleven has been vis - ting Miss Annie McCorvio in town during the past week. Miss Pearl Gidlcy of Blyth was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. George L. Cook, oe Saturday. Mrs. R. J. Phelan of Goderich and Miss Dorothy E. Phelan of Chicago spent Friday viset:ng Clinton friends, Major McTaggart has been confined to his .home by illness for some days ,but will bo around again In a few days, Mrs. Hanna, after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. S. S. Coop- er, returned to her home at Mil- verton Iasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig leave • to- fn a • M M R field b p a Mr n c 0 Mr. la sp D sp in in Mr. of H ha las a Was sto Mr. bli ma r,00 nio of Joh Ea dut day • he DON'T MISS THiS SALE. >•®i m OMISSM ilk BEAR IN MING) THAT WE SELL ONLY THE BEST IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR M Whether you want pnir u of Boots, ots Aretir s Sock a Rubber,' and Leather topped iiubhers, Af:rskas, felts and Ruh. hers,.Lght,Rubbers, fur over your shoes or anything else in heavy or light RUBBER FOOTW1tAR. WE HAVE THEM IN THE BEST QUALITIES ONLY Cheap Rubbers are not worthwha t they cost. BUY THE BEST. IT PAYS FRED. JACKSON •• O1•N••••0•••••011•••••N0'••••Nee•••0040•0••••••• J. S Hoover 1 Nelson Ball UNIQUE DESIGNS 71;4',9r'i. i In house furnishings i shings _ 0'15 • are in demand by those I yJ=, of artistic tastes. A visit nere will disclose iiia UNIQUE FURNITURE THAT T .- t IS DECORATIVE but not overly dear. Merit is w'laat wins these da s S and it's only merit days, gives us our liberal patronage MERIT IN FURNITURE MERIT IN PRICE The eneapesr spot in Huron County to buyall Inds of furniture. • Hoover -11 I • .•. 'T3'1V. Zl"S'I"J2 Iv q A•fi3' :LVL I)SRZ'G'SGR eels. s00, Y ••per OA06dt•.ASw l60•. A,►•.••®OAar•rAwwfes •A.•.6s1 day to spend a few weeks Toronto, where the latter has number of 'relatives. Rov. T. Wesley Cozens was In towel over Sunday, supplying Rev. Mr. Barber who "oco the Ontario street pulpit. Mr. Mark Thompson of Moose Sask., has been spending the week with his mother, Mrs. garet Thompson of town. Mr, John Craig, President, and John McLaughlin, Secretary of Clinton Motor Car Company, in Toronto over the week end. rs, F. Andrews left on Toe•, for Cleveland, Ohio, where t ho tends inakl'ng her son, Mr. R. Andrews, ' a somewhat =ten led it. r. and Mrs. Hugh Simpson Moose Jaw, -ask., have come to spend a month or so with and Sirs. W. Simpson, town, other re?atives. , ev. A. Snyder, Hespe]er, and Cross man of Breslau .dU T We D gun last. week of :their tell coo§fh, John Snyder, as was also nephew, Mr. Level Snyder of R ison, Sask. r. Pete Ker has been visiting Be friends the past week,. T ahoy village was not his nate place bre he lived there marry yea ago and "dill always retain ve leasant recollections of the peop nd place. . W. Jackson is in Toronto this week attending a mcet:ng of the executive of the Canadian Ticket gents Association. Squire Rans- ord of Tuckorsmith is also• in the ity and so also is Manager Chef f the Piano and Organ Company. and Mrs, Lorne Butt returned st Week from their honeymoon ent vtisteing Hamilton, Chatham,. etroit and other points. They. aro ending a few weeks with friends Clinton and vicinity before leay- g for their home in Saskatoon, T. Cottle, dlrcctor for this part the Province for the Ontario orticulturai Society, expected to ve gone to Hanover on Friday t to assist • in the formation of branch of the Society there, but as unable to do so owring'to the rrny weather. A. F. Johns came up from Tor- o on Monday morning and re- ined over until yesterday after- s to attend the funeral of his Oce, Aleda Seeley, only daughter Mr.and Mrs. Alpert Seeley. Mr ns is princripah of a school in et Toronto, entering upon his ies after the New Year's hold;. s.' For the past couple of years•` has been at Rockwood where he taught with much success. Messrs. Jai'nos and W`lson Eagleson left east week tie return to Aber- deen, South Dakotle, after a visit of several weeks at the - parental home in Bayfield and with old friends in Clinton, Lucknow and elsewhere. It was a mutually' happy meeting, made all the more en'oy- able by the promise of the visitors 50 come back ag-in soon, Mr. Samuel Eagleson also took his de- parture tune on the spine deg. It is y thirty years sines he first* went west where he hes done so well that his possessions mieht now be spoken of in Bih'feel term,., In factifhe• came back he could, if. he felt so el spr sed, p.e'ty• ne`rIv buy out a whole conte-s:l n. .His home is at Milton, North Dakota. Lis. for Spied Jaw; past Mar - Mr, the were day in- vis- of east Mr. and Mr. Sits Mr. his ad- he he ve rs ry le i January ,l8ttl, 191( SEEP CATS IN MEN'S OVERCOATS RNA REIDY-MADE' CLOTHINS AT THE MEN'S STORE Ready-to=Wear Overcoats at Cost Men's Tweed and Cheviot Overcoats, double breasted, stern) collars, full' draper lengths in mixed brown, grey and green cohir• ings, also.plain black, splendidly tailored 'and. „made in the very' latest •styles. ' Clearing at the following deep cuts: • $10.00 Coats, ail sizes,. clearing price el 7 5i) $12 00 „ 0 50 $1400 " 1075 $16 and$17"" 13.25 45 00'f+'ueLined and Fur Collar coats 25 00' $10 60 -imitation Fur Lined reg $16.50 for 12 00 Readycto=Wear 'Suits at Cost We do not interni caraying on our Ready tn. Wear rinthing for alar and boys and•. to unJanuary we have put the knife deep in - every garment. Rerneinher this depart- ment has only been running for a short tune and we baven't an old style in stock. Note the following pryces and don't miss this chance $10 00 Men's Tweed and Worsted. Suits $ 7 60 $1200 $140(3 •• 075 $15 00 •' .. " 10 25 $1050` " „ e 12 00 1200. Clearing out all boys overcoats and suits aticos1 Men's Fur Coats—Coon, Galloway, Dog, Etc.—at Cost. DEEP CATS IN MANTLES, FURS, CARPET AND HUGS AT THE LADIES' STORE 50c Linoleum for 35c 10 pieces:. of two -yard wide Linoleum every,pattern good, both block and floral designs in heaviest quality primed, worth if bought today 60c per _ square yard, clearing at 35e. Brussels and Tapestry Carpet We are going out of piece carpets for good and hays marked every piece ,town- to rock bottom for quick selling, If you use in need of a carpet, nowis the time to buy even if you ,carry it over until house-cleaning time. Ladies' Winter Mantles at. Cost and Less This week we want to clear out every women's and childi'ens' coat in stock to be prepared for next season's buying. If you want a coat cheap don't rxliss this last opportunity for E very coat is marked at a price to sell. Fur Ruffs, Muffs, .Capernes, Etc. In order to clear up our Fur Dept. we have marked down every piece in stock to prices within the reach of ail. Sable, Marmot, Mink, Isabelle, Fox, Etc. Remnant sale—half price—Dress goods, staples and odd lines of hosiery, gloves, etc. WINTER Footwear Sale. Commencing, Saturdag Jan. 20 We will sell all onr Winter Footwear at a discount of 20 percent, off our regular prices. Just note these offerings and we're sure you'll conclude that you're needing something in Felt or Rubber Footwear. Ladies Felt Foxed Shoes. Regular $176 Inc ............. $110 Ladies Felt Shoes t Foxed. ltegulril. $165 for Ladies Ladles All Felt shops, Regular $165 for . 1 3_ Ladies Grain B„ls, lined, Regular $1.75 fnr. 1 82 Ladies Fel, Slippers, colors red, b1oe, and brown. Regular 1 40 *100 for 80 Ladies melt Juliets colors red, blue, and htown, Regular $1 25 for. 100 Children's Fehr Slippers: Regular 35c Inc " '"' Children's' Teddy Bear Slippers. Ci,eeidor35e, for25 Men's Felt Boots, foxed. Regular $2.26 for• 1 80 Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers, 2 hkl, and laced. Regular $2 75 for2 !M Men's Heavy Gum Rubbers, special 1' buckle, Regular •$1. Pegulrer$200for. 20 MenN c>a 'OVersho, 1 hackle. Regular $1 60 for. 1 1 00 5 Womerc'sButton Overshoes. Regular $2.00 for....,. •... 1 We have also several lines of Men's 'and Women's Congois,' Box Cal• f, ,,nd Patented Boots that we will sell at great reductions. For exarnpes,—Ahont fifty pairs Men'e Patent Leather Boots Regular $500 lines to clear at 3.60 Salle starts Saturdag,,Jan. 20th Jas Twi I 8 Soy Personals. Messrs R. J. Cluff, Charles Longley, James/and Robert Miller, D. _ N. Watson and James Moffat were among those from town who at- tended ttended the L.O.L. district meet- ing at Sunimerl i.1 on 'Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs, 11. Garrett of IIanilllon arrived d herelast week from Char- lottetown, P.E.I. Dr. Garrett holds aosft' innof P Go. crnment In- spector of meats and canned goods, and (h r'ng tee pest three months has, visited the va>.lious canning face eorftes en P. P. I. and New Bruns- wick. The /11r. returned to Hamil. ton Monday morning, 'hut Mrs. Gar- reft will, her parents, IVir. and Mrs. H. W, Cook, for a few weeks. • PERSONALS. Miss Rose McCaughey kited it: f.;ed- ercch a few days this week - A :COMING CONCERT. Willis church choir are puttieg on'. a concert in the town hall on Mon- day' evening next. The.princepal ha features will be the singing of the pa Stevenson Male Quartette of West Toronto, 0 which its said to be a mus• Mal combination of a high order, and the violin playing of M. Geo.'Fox. 0e0 of owe/umbers of the quartette ;a f is Mr. R. Foster, son of the late Mr .Mr. ,Tohn Foster of town and ' well T known by many in' Clinton. The en- the ttertniuinont will without doubt be a afte good one. The Nees From Lonetesboro • Word was received, Monday of t week of the death of Wm. Cooker - line of Pilot mounts, Man,., The Deceased was well known here be- ing a brother of Mrs. Goo. Brogden. Rev- W. T. Pearcy attended a meet- ing of the Presbytery at Brucefrold Tuesday of teas week. The congregational meeting of the Methodist* Church Wednesday right was well attended. The address given byev R J. H. Ostcrhout' was illus- trated by 100 stereopticon views of China and was very interesting and profitable. The receipts of the even- ing above the expenses went to the Forward Movement fund of the Lea- gue. The oyster supper given by the Canadiin Order of Foresters 013 Tues- day evening was well attended. Be- tween 125 and 160 sat down, to the tables which were well covered with. sandwiches, cake, etc. Oysters were alsa servi?h after which a ,splendid program was rendered.' 'those taking part fit the program were : The Lobb male quartette, Mr, F. Gibbs, Hies L. Stewart and Mtfsses. L. Brunsd his' and D. Mains. Dave Ca ntelo s, n end _l. 11'ars shipped, hogs from eels station this week, .• Mr. W. B. Allen went to Toronto Monday of this week. . Mr. and Mrs, Ben Lyon, who. Bare been visiting friends here, lett on, Thursday for Eucknow, Dungannon and Auburn where they will Walt relatives. Mr.. Thos. Miller received a carload' of .coal this week, Dave Canttclon shipped a carload at potatoes on Wednesday of this week, They were supplied by Messrs. Cale, well and Moon. Mrs. John Cartwright entertained the members of the Women's Insti- tute on Friday afternoon last to a fowl supper and, needless to say, aft' had a most enjoyable time. Mr. Brown very kindly drove the. ladies over and thinks the Women's Institute all right, The I s n rout o w ' ill hay - e an oyster y supper on Thursday evening next ae on the home of Mrs. Maims. Hallett t `>s't tivnship. Mr. Win. Lrindsay has sold his 50 - acre farm to Mr. Robt. Lawson and intouds having his sale in the course of ' a few weeks. We understand Mr. Lindsay and family purpose moving to the west fn the spring. Poultry King Carter won many prizes at the Poultry Exhibition in Clinton this week. Miss Susie I-taley of Clinton visit - e -II friends in this vieineey on Sun- day. Messrs. Ernest and Thos. Adams were down to Essex county last week and brought home with them a car- load of 25 young catrlle and also a team ofthree-year-old heavy draught horses. - Mr, William Durst- of Colborne has sold a pure bred Berkshire hog to. 'rhos, MDMichael' & Son. It is from the very, best stock in Canada. Ir. and Mrs. Oliver Ciarlr, who ve at Nutana,Sasc for ;the, st few years, ars'visiting olclti015 fries ids about Witmer o W tm i and' Auburn, all are very glad of 111e opportureitof again moat'ng them. Mr. Thos. Tudor of Eugenia spent ew days the guest of his son, . D. Tudor., recently, he winSor has set in in earnest and cold weather is a severe change ✓ the long spell tel balmy weath An Unfortunate McKillop Farmer. Walton, Jan. 13.—As a climax, to a long series of misfortunes, _Mich- ael Roland, a farmer in• McKillop Township, is lying ill at, his home, quarantined for smallpox. An urgent Message -has' been sent to Toronto for a man ea take care of him,,. and the 'provine1ai health de- partmentt is sending Dr. Hayes to look into the ease. In the summer of 1010, his barna, were dsastroyed' by fire. Last sum- mer, his daughter, Mrs. Dr. Ryan,. deed, and only two weeks later Mrs. Roland passed away. The Roland place is about hall way; between Brussels and Seaforth. Ki 1Np'en Niles Carrie McKenzie of Toronto is: spending a well-earned holiday with her parents. s. Mrs. Young (nee :vifss Elsie ltet tleton of Manitoba and i wo dbfld- ren are enjoying a two menthe' vis- it iu the o'd home eels. her bro- ther, Dougald. Mr, Thomas McClymont returned te London lasts week after seendeng an enjoyable inset ' for„ a few days with his sou James. ),