The Clinton News Record, 1912-01-18, Page 6CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION: . , „,„ t„,err., .MW i a ' cough it odicine ° rot O0N QiFEST Qk 'I'B1i Al R; children bear trimind that Chamber - 6 '" 6 e st fleC ilseovrl'y Ui 1 Pioi resS of rtirnmri rain's Cough 'me" its:ulq t Art heti: {londerfal1ossilliii.ia'a t t n'coth nal for colds, and whooping g nl Connection with Public and -: that it contains n°'normal Services and'Work of drug,-,. For sale by All Dealers, 18xhlgratnn. Nerds of a Prominent Canadian Citizen as He Has Viewed the War Against Consumption i'Men, women, and children are all being mowed down every day by this fell disease -consumption -'and it is a Mistake." • These words of Mr. Edward Gurney, spoken at a gathering in Muskoka a year lige, may be fittingly termed a classic on consumption. The records of the Muskoka Sanatorium, as do those of other institutions of n. like hind, on this continent and lir Europe, bow very clearly that this much dreaded disease can be, and is being conquered by the treatment followed in tiny well-managed sanatorium. In our own l'rovtnce within the time that the hospitals in Muskoka have been in,existence, the death tate from consumption has been reduced i.wenty.five per cent. The life-saving possibilities of the saua- ` torium in Canada aro limited only by the means required 'to carry on ami extend the avoir:For this reason we very cheerfully ask our readers to'holp in the groat and Frouing wort: that fs being dorso lit AWluskolra. It is 0 find statement for the trustees of the Muskoka Free ifospitel for Consump- tives to be able to matte, that front the month Of April, 111012, when this institution was first opened, up to the present day, - not -it single patient Inc ever been refused. tudmission to this hospital because unable to pay. Mr. W. .7. Gage, Chairman or the Executive Committee, 84 Spading Ave., or the .Sec.-Treas., 347 King \I', Toronto, will gladly. receive and urlinowletlge contributions. Dcratierir with blizzards, 1 . c 11, 4 It opts •of helub cp tenselycold weather, have been 're- eoived" front )Tarifa) to the Soo. Further arrests were made in the United States in comlection with. the New`WeS diaster, B. 0., bank rob - WINTER RESORTS When given es soon as the croupy cough appears C'hamber'lains Cough Remedy will ward off an atP.iek of croup and prevent all danger •and cause of rLfiicty. Thousandsof mothers us, it successfelly. Sold by All Dealers. . E&tmd Trip Tourist Ticeass 1O.:' on Sade to all Principal Winterl Resorts including. CALIFORNIA, MJOXI,70 FLORIDA, Etc. The Attractive Route to . WESTERN CANADA is via Chicago • Mt. (1.' Grant's report that tic has fouri(l.clianlontls p, Keewatin tlistriict has 'riot been 'substantiated al', Ot- tawa; Constipation 'is the cause of many ailment'.; and disorders that' make 1,"e miserable. Take Ohamberlait'a Stomach and Lever Tablets, keep your bowels regular and ybu will a- void these diseases. For sale by All Dcat.rs. Clinton 7"he fundamental princlpics of lltre- statias wes discovered by Archimedes and. formulated 'as YbI1ORS Es er - body plunged 'into sttbject ed by this llgid; to a 'pressure' >:roln he - low' to above, which is eryuai to Ole '•velgbt displaced by that body." The fleet application of this principle was; to balloons, care being taken to pro- duce a body whose total weight was less than that of the volume of alt it dlsplac,ed. But although the principle was thus' applied as far back as 1783, it was not until 1884 that the first balloon cap- able of being steered was produced' by 'Col. Renard, who accomplished a eirnutar flight in what deserved the title of, 'a: dirigible. The reason for this. was that in order to steer. a body Floating in n. fluid it is absolutely es-. ential that this body should, possess an independent speed, to permit 11 to hove in the fluid of its own accord, in, 1885 Col. -Renard succeeded In ob- tainrng an electric motor of 8 horse- power, weighing only forty kilo- grammes a horse power and' callable of great 'endurance. To clay. mechanicians Hale succeed- ed in perfecting motors espeelally do - signed for aviation of the almost in- credibly 'light weight of two 11110 - grammes a horse -power and of snob perfect action that they ears start in an instant without preliminary pre- paration. Professor Rerget csrpleinR nearly and briefly the mechanical '1 ffieulhy of t'ltee problem and the -,clentific reasons why IL tools n ce - "ury to discover how to t rife the machine which the brothers lfno r - State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas, C'ounbp. Frank J. Cheney matins oath than ti3 of • �n t ' partner the firm 0 15 SCI730 1 F. J. Cheney Ci enc' C Co. doing bnstne ss in the City of Toledo, County; and Stalls aforesaid,, and that solid firm will pap the suns .of One hundred Dollars for each and every. cdse an Catarrh that cannot he cu'tctl bit rho use of '1'Iall's Catarrh Ctire. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to beforeme and subscribed in myd presence, this 51.h clay of Dec- ember; eo-eamber; A. D. 1890. A. W. Gleason, 'Notary PubIle Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and 'Mucous .surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. .1. Chenelt .7c Co., Toledo, 0 Sold by ail Druggist. 75c. Take Hadl's Family Pills for coll- stiliation. Stacroship 'Pickets on Sale by All Lines yell information from J. RANSFORD, Town Agent A. 0. PATTESO.N, Depot Agent THE NEWS -RECORD'S -CLUBBING LIST FOR 1911-11' Much good reading for little money. • WEEIeL1ES News -Record and Mail'and Empire $1.50 News -Record and Globe1..00 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Premium , 1,75 News -Record and Witness 1.'75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 News -Record and Fee Press.,.,..... 0.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night. , 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's 2.25 Advocate News -Record and Farm 17G and Dairy... News -Record and. Cana- dian Farm 1 75 Y News -Record and Youth's Companion 1.75 PLAIN TALK. ABOUT PILES Don't you believe that •experience is better than hearsay? If you suffer from piles, just try Zam Buk. You can do so at our expense. So assured are we of the result that we will send you a free trial -box if you send to our Toronto offices full name and ad- dress and a one cent stamp to pay return postage. Scores of people daiiy acquaint us with the benefit they have derived from the use of Zaln-Buk for piles. ide. P. Astridge, of 3 St. Patel St., St. Catharines, Ont., say's; "For five years I have suffered untold agony with pro- truding piles; The pain was so great at times I would almost scream. " I lost weight and had ne appetite. I.tried everything I over heard of for piles, as I wes willing to•take any- thing to get relief. It was useless, however, and I almost gave up in despair. 1 " One day a friend gave me a sample Of Zam-Buk and told me of a friend' of his who had been cured. I deckled to try Zara -Bilk, and the relief I got 'was encouraging. I used three boxes, and 'at the end of that time I was com- pletely cured. I wish I havecould ahavet Zara-Buk years ago; it would saved me a great deal of misery." Zola -Bute will also be found a sure cure for cold sores, chapped bands, frost bite, Ulcers, :blood -poison, vari- cose sores, scalp gores, ringworm, In- flamed patches, babies' eruptions and bbapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and dein injuries generally. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam Buk Co., Toronto, ;upon receipt, of price. You arewarned against harmful imitations and sub- stitutes: See the registered name, " Zara-Buk," on every package. ;oi rier launched into Ole air' In 1783. Next cane the problems venue( ted with the resistance of Cho air, which determine the shape of the envelope, f hli'"al balloon A ..1 of t dirigible balloon taproot be propelled Se long ago as the beginning of the nine - Month century Marey -)roc's' pre. dieted the uecessity of aeop.,110 a =hope, should an attempt be made to rropel aerostats, which should lvive "the head of a cod and the sail of a mackerei." . The a11nIieatl0ns in civil Hie of locomotion In the air will be nnir.er- olis 111(1 varied, and It will dbubl'r,s be possible to travel by public st.iv're or by private vehicles. The spreial use of the highway of the air which. Prof. Berget foresees is, by the post olfiee with aeroplane messengers from city to city every hour, the service. interrupted Duty by heavy storms. The exploration of unknown regions' In such difficult countries as Africa,. the heart of Asia, Australia and South America, with accurate leaps, Is one of the important scientific flees' to which the new ships may be put. The whole of Central Africa, for example. could be mapped from airships, acting under international sanction, with a ship oyer Tiinbucth and the shores of Lake Teller], in French territory; Leopoldville, for the Belgian Congo; Dongola and .Labe Albert for the En- glish stations, News -Record and Mail and 111 4.25 Empire News -Record and. Globe... 4.25 News -Record and News ... 2.30 News -Record and Star .... 2,30 News -Record and World ..' 3.25 News-Becord and Morning Free Press....:. ..'... 3.25 News`Recorcl and Evening Free Press .., 1 2.,75 News -Record, and Adver-, 3,00• tisor'. NioNTEt T News -Record anci I,ippin- cott's lylagikine ... . 3.25 News -Record and Canada Monthly, Winnipeg 1.40 if what you want is not in this list let its know about it. We can supplyyou at less than it would cost you to send direct. In xemitting'pleasedo so lly Post-oidice Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Registered Letter and address. W. J. Mitchell ' News.Rec ord eLINTON Lovely Hair ' ror Women l'arisian Sage Put Life and. Luster inti Dull Faded kIaa•. IL Is Guaranteed. if you haven't enjoyed Vile marvel- ous benefit derived from using de- ligh;.111, refreshing l'arisian Sago, the modern )lair grower, beautifier and dandruff remedy, you hare mis- sed a real treat. plvory woman should use Parisian Sage, not only to harsh dandruff and other hair troubles but io Ke- rmit falling hatir, baldness, grayness, anti faded flair. Parisian Sage puts life' and luster into any person's hair, and hes' of all it is guarante- ed to do as advertised by W S. R. Hoibnes, or money back. Get a bottle 'r'o-day madam, it on- ly costs half a dollar and is sold by 11', S. R. Holmes and druggists every - whore in Ameriem. The. Western Ontario Dairymen's convention at Ingersoll closed, There is a more hopeful outlook in the Br?tish cotton strike, 1101 the outlook in regard to the proposed strike of miners is gloomy. Democrats oppose the lodge amend- ments to the resolution for 1 atillea- tion of the arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France, "SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTII, WEST LAND REGULATIONS. Any person who is the solo' head of a family, or any,malo over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter sec- tion of available Dominion land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appeals ilt per- son' at 'the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -agency for, the district. En- try n try by proxy may be made at any agency, on contain conditions by fath- er, mother, son, daughter, blather or sister of intiunding homesteader. Dutles.-Six months' residence up- on and cultivation of the land in each of; three years. A homesteader may live within 'nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, 'laughter, brother, or sister. Lr certain districts a,homesteader in good', standing may pre-empt a 'quarter -section alongside his home- stead. Price $3.00 per acre. Duties. -Musts reside upon the home- stead. or preemption sax monthls Ito each of nix years from date of homestead. tinOry (including the time required - to earn homestead patent and cultivate fifty acres cirt1ra,) A )homesteader who has - c,xhaaste: his homestead, right and cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for purchased homestead in certain dis- tricts. Price $3.00 pert acre: Dut- ie5 -Must reside six months in each of three'; „yearn cultivate fifty acre `and ercc8 a house worth $300,00. W. W. COY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N. B.-Unanihorfzed publication of thie advertisementwill noll tie paid r'. COULD NOT RAISE MY RIGHT ARM Orn Biun0Bco05, C. 13. "For the past 40 years,; T have been suffering with Rheumatism. When I read in the papers that GIN PILLS, cure beumatis I r m worldpositively fora free sam le tot . I wrote you could not raise my right arm because of the awful pain in my shoulder -was not able to drink. After taking a few GIN PILLS, I was able to lift my hand and put it 011 the top of my bead. News )Rotor,: iwoimmu January I8tb ISTX GETS 'EM EVERY!i; TIME 1 140$TUR V NOV i‘IND H R N std M`f'WoRt: DONESO THAT 1 GAN do 'DOWN TOWN T1s-AFTERNoott. v M M MRS3 1 a ITN � cell 8 00W• DO N TOWN THIS AFTERNOON WILL Y0U TAKE CARE OF'I13 4 a11lLOREN ON711. 1 come BACK?, AT FIRST I CIA5 GOING To TALE TN1M -NEY.T 00011 BUT 1 KNEW Hold '101) LIKED Cs)1DREN AND' THoUilT YoU WOULDN'T M1140 pair's i1'.; 3. 4. \.... I314'T' THAT .G12ANU,TNE� BAST HAS'MAtE of, V4IT11.Y61e RIGHT AWA"(• THE CHILDREN SEEM TO LIKE YoUSO. D 1 se15 Goads 1)64r1 -roma To3113 Mg - ELF 13 5E - I 11 t'!.L WAIT UNTIL -F0- {. MCR5004 Nov) 15, 41 0 V U 0 DEA 1a1 tloW SE t - Gaol) CFI I re'c-tl AND bH- .SAI THAT • D 1 W N 5 4= M OULD 8L- GO e.. OriL'I A SHORT TIME lLusid rho ('haluplDu 'Irate Iris -tor --1 mill this a down- right fraud You advertise on your bills '`The Most Remarkable Dwarf In the Wor11," and he turns out to be 5 feet 5 inc les high. Bland Showman -- Exactly so, sir. That's jus what's so rem.,rkabl0 about him. He's the tallest dwarf on record. 'be Lust Shaw Old Atone' (dying): "I'm afraid I've been a brute to yon sometimes dear" Young W fc-"Oh never nllnrl that, darling; I'll always remember bow very kind, you were when you loft me." I went to the Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon and met an old fisherman named I,a Pape. ilia limbs were stiff from Rheumatism and I gave himcsome Gin Pills. I met him again in a few days and he told me hecould lift his ' arms, which he had not ;been able to do for ten years. ADOLP73F, F. MARS. got.. a boa -6 for $2.5o -money back if not satisfied. Sample free if yon write National Drug and Chemical Co: of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Tort»to. IiRANGA, - TONIi BLOOD AND N1;11.V1i TAB7,ETS--an ideal tonic for fee. week,, nervous women, sec, a boa. 107 doH' ,anWWed hthya etpha0eeDanogm' i geEsreoawblhcleda-rtopin t wags!Ii Fo r Ith tai 1 e do . l wan filded w>1 . p tY g bowling, 'and it was only too evident) that he was suffering pair), So her askedthe tired rustle who longed, near why the; dog howled. « • `" rustic, "11, Tm. asked the c s just) Iayy, that's all," 'But laziness doesn't make a dog, howl,' surely?" queried the benevolent; ono. "Does 'im," said the tired owner.' "Only' lazy.,, But how, queried .the persistontl questlonor - "how can, laziness malrel him ,howl?'' "Well, you see, said the - rural loimger, "that pore dog is sittin' onI some real, tough thistles, and he's too lazy to get off, so lie just sits) th''bre and bowls 'cause it hurts so. 1 What Woman Is "\That is woman?" asked a speaker at a public lnettiug, " Winitati," replied a man in the audience -- a Married num -- "id an animate luting, with the power of speech abnormally developed, and en- tirely surrounded by a (tress that but- tons up the back." I' ureaso int tie Fluhbt-We roust be economical. Wife Why? Hubby -11 ` 1 should die 1 wouldn't be able. to leave you much. Wife -That's right, Whereas, while you're alive you leave me most of the time. GETS 'EM EVERY TIME ON HERE COME5 THE LAND- LOt;D AFTnl2 415 Rem-, NOVO HEAR'( `IOU MAKe Atm ,Fir. TH1. Rtto FoR. US ('(011 SAY BROWN, IWONT VAN MV RENT. UNTIL You 1 i F ,TN >= R OOF T LEA Ix ;;oMEiHING FIERI E1 ('-' -vlOU Opal TELL ME 3 .50 THE RooF LEAKS?.THAT'S 'NH OUTRAGE. YOU CERTAINLY CAN No7 HAVE THAT. I'M -SO - GLAO YOU. 6P0b0E of IT. JUS;' F,I N F (413 IS dO(NG'TO ilAtle IT FIXED T o NORRovJ HERE IS THE RENT, t'601N REMEMBER. You FIX THAT RooF! -1 IT HAPPENED To 1 RAIN ONE EVENING t ABotrT TWo weeps 1.. I ` LA -TER.. 99 Qulelr TIOasurements. A traveller was detainefl, ss a hittl4, country, railway Station Porhalt' aril hour, and was chatting with the stt I tionmaster,' When the bell rang Shan1� ly-half-a-dozen times, Instantly,' .three employes-atationmastel', ,book- ing -clerk and yard hand - ranged t In a line on the platYorni andeer d a wttention. > , with titer �a� locomotivei �1 moment hte a` sings . saloon-oarriage slowed up, The solitary occupant of the. Baleen regarded the men sharply, made hue ried notes, and quickly retired. `Who was that?" the traveller ask- ." ed the station agent after the train had gone. "Some prominent official of the Line?" . "Oh, no," was the reP'Y "That was the company's ta;:or 1 -easel -Mg us for new suits." The Edison Phonogra yr;h $16.50 to'$240.00 OU get in an Edison Phonograph a perfect instrument, one embodying everyimprovement which Edison has devised The Volume of Sound of the Edison Phonograph -just right for the home -perfect in its reproduction, giving just the right value to each kind of music, but never loud, strident or noisy, is an Edison improvement. Then eP g' roducin PointoftheEdisonPhonograph-a smooth,; highly polished, button-shapedsapphire that never scratches, never needs changing and that brings out all the sweet, musical tones of the sensitive wax Edison Records, is an Edison improvement. The Amberol Records for the Edison Phonograph -records of wonderful clearness and richness, playing four -and -one- half minutes and offering all of the best music without cutting or hurrying, are an Edison improvement. Home Record Making on an Edison Phonograph -that, is talking, singing, or playing into the horn and getting a clear, lifelike record of the voice or music of anybody, for the Edison to reproduce, is an Edison improvement. Thera are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearestand- hear the Edison Phonograph play both Edison Standard and lOf14tC1,1,(.rJWett.. Edison Amberol Records. Get complete catalogs from your „reeRPOIIATI:D dealer of from ns. E,lison Standard Records. 40e. Edison. Amberol Records (play twice as long), 650. Edison Grand 100 Lakeside Aveaae, Opera Records, 85e. to. $2.50. Orange. N. J., U. S.A. A complete line of Edison Phonographs and Records will bo found at 1 .that aid nature are al- ways most. effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs,, opens the secretions and ands nature in restoring the system to a heal- thy condition. Thousands have testi lied to its superior excellence. " Sold by All Dealers. What Will h4. Srttlement of Your Estate Cost? Medicines Do you 'know than fully nine out of every ; ton cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the mus- cles due to cold or damp, or chron- ic rheumatism, and require no infer- nal nfer nal treatlinent . whatever ? Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely • and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by All. Dealers. Anoltier reduction of ten cents in !1 fourteen -year-old girt named Quer sugar padres is announced by whole -tette was assulied and bound in a sale grocers. ' ehnrch at 'Point St Charles. We will be pleased to tell you, if you will furnish us with par- ticulars. No charge. We will also supply you with will forams and place your will in our fireproof vaults where it cannot get lost. The Canada Trust Company is a trustworthy, experienced execu- tor that will manage your estate most economically, and imparti- ally carry out the terms of your will. Our intimate connection with the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co. enables us to obtain numerous investments which come under the " Trustee Act," and of which a private party would never hear. This enables us to keep our Trust Funds always invested, and Estates derive e larger profit than otherwise., Services of Family Solicitor always retained. 1 Correspondence invited and answered promptly. LONDON. ONTARIO. \8 r MEANING OF CROSS This cross fin red) has been adopted its Canada and all over America as the emblem under which the Crusade against Consumption is carried on. Every reader knows of the ravages of this disease ; how, too often, the bread -winner of the family falls 'a victim, or the young roan or young woman, with a promise of a happy and useful life, is stricken down. This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a winning fight. The death rate from Consumption in this province shows a decrease of over 25 % in the past few years. Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near Weston. To -day we 'have 300 patients under treat - could not theyhad the treat- ment -patients who; if p money, through fear of contagion gain admittance into other hospitals. In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay 70c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less per day. Our Trustees, having faith in the generous -hearted 1 people of Canada, have continued to carry on this work during the past year. Money to pay doctors, food, nursing and caring of these sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers help and have the joy of sharing in a work that has the promise of the Master's reward? 114- SPADINA AVE. TORONTO W. J. GAGE. Chairman Executive Committee, National Sanitarium Association The News -Record leads for Town and Township News.