HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-01-18, Page 5.itanuary I8th, 1912 Clinton News -Record Goderich. atre.18. C. Munninge and Mr. Thos. -burrows attended the funeral o their cousin, Mrs. Stanley, its Leaden laet week. Mr. It. S. Williams, local manager .*8 the Canadian Bank of Commerce lance 1883 and a very public-spaited and highly respected citizen oi God - mach for the past thirey-ieve years, *se removed th Torontohaving templeted his term in the service of ilhe bank entstling him tin superan- sessoion. • ' Brophy's photo studio has been pur *kneed by Mr. A. J. Miller of Tor - Mr. H. Morton, late of the Un- its* Bank staff here but now of Tor - was in !town last week lir. and Mrs. Malcolm Macdonald Slave gone to Marlette, Mich. • Mr. Thos. Tufford has gone to Win- e -lime to take a position, in the Doty Works there. The Sons of Scotland purpose cele- bratingthe artniversary of the birth eV Robert Burns this year by a erand sapper in Oddfellows hall. Engineer J. 1. Moore, well known ad highly respected in Goderich, died its the hospital, Stratford, last Week after a short illne is. Woderich, Jan. 12.—The work of siaiking committees at the inaugural meeting of the town eoupeil has so elispleased one of the councillors, who was not on that committee that he lsas tendered his resigaation. Tbis le Mr. Walter E. Kelly. Mr. Kelly wanted the chaiimanship lei the spec- ie -as committee, and Charles Humber, a new man .this • year, landed ia, or a* least was assigned it by the „striking committie. The councillors -who formed the Committee were the ones who held a seat in 1911, with tee exception of Mr. Kelly. Ile was ate the head of parks committee last year, and considered that his work in that capacity entitted him to promotion, but "Let Kelly finish his vserk" was the mandate of the atrik- ' ing committee, and he again was ap- pointed to he head of the cemetery and works committee. His resignation will come betore , the council at its first regular, meet- ing on Friday evening, January 19, and in due time an election will be ' ordered to fill the vacancy. . •hater an absehee of n years, 'Frank J. Arthur, el N000nds. Sask., • as la town renewing old friendships. Me. Arthur's boyhood was spent in •-townabut he went West with Ids • parents' aboull tbe year.. 1880. He -*la visit in California and Cuba be- fore retaning NekeilliS. Wilson McLean, ot Whinipeg, was calling on old Wends in town this week. , Ho is a son of John arc - of West Wawanosh, and is ?home on a brief visit. lir. and ,Mrs, Kenneth Hotton, of Resthern Sask., were the guesth of -sedatives tin town this week. Ben. Allen is away on a, trip to "Vancouver, B. C. John Goldthorpe and Miss Annie • alordtholepe are visiting in town. e St. Helens. • Mr. W. S. McOrostie, who has aisien attending to the estate lett by his brother in Alberta, is . acme toll a short visit. Miss J. C. McDonald of Mae -ham event a few days aisle/Mg friends Shame St Helens recentdy. Miss Emma Woods left this sveek * begin a course at Winghaen Busi- aess College. Mrs, Ben entertained a few of the young people on Thursday evening last. • Misses Chrissie Miller and Jean and 'Gertrude Webb spent Sunday at their :respective homes. The induction and ordination of Mr. Wm. McIntosh takes , place to- day, (Thursday).. Dungannon Mr. Jag, Sinclair, of Tbronto, has boan vi'dsting friends here. We are sorry to report that J. M. Roberts has again been on the sick • list. • Mr. P. McKenzie is here from Sas- . • itatchewan on a visit to his brothet Robert. Miss Rhoda Phillips, of the local telephone exchange, has returned to a her home at Blyth. Mr. Peltman and family have ar- rived from Colpoyes Bay to take Possession of the lam which Mr. Pelthrian recently purchased near the village. Mr. Slimed Roach,, of Goderich, 'formerly of Dungannon, has !ameba:s- od the 100 -acre farm of John Sav- age on the 6th Conceseion of Ash- field. Mr. Savage, we understand, ietands to move to Goderich. Mr. Geo. Horn has purchased from J. A. 1VIallough the Milligan farm, outh oi the village, -which Mr, Mal - :tough bought a few weeks ago. 9 Would Not be Without Baby's_Own Tablets , — 110-ehee's who have once used. Baby's Own Tablets for' ehein little elms al- ways keep ?hem in the house. . They realize the value of the Tablets in hanisbing baby's illness when i4 abrnes, or better still, ie warding off enness by giving him an occasional dose of the Tablete to keep his stona ' ach and bowls regular. Concerning -them Mrs. Isaac SileDonald, Nappen Seation, writes, have used Babres Own Tablets and would-a:tit now be without them as they are the very best medicine I know of for litele ones."' The Tablete an sold at 25 rants a leix hy medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williame' Medicine Co., Breckville, Ont. Tbe News,Recordleads tor Town and Township news. One dollar will aiity a subsraiptnon to the end of 3912 IieitsaII The Misses Urquhart entertained number of their -young friends on Friday evening 1M lionor of. their guests-, Miss Urquhart of Chathains and Miss Rance of , Clinton. , , G, D. 'Arnold had the misfortune to slip and fall last week and received such a shaking up that lie has since been confined to hes bed.' Miss Swan, nurse, has been taking care of him. Rev. Percy Westaway missionary to Choate., West China, is expected home shortly accompanied by his wife. It is owing to the revolution there that ehey are returneig a year eerlior than they expected. . Thei council intend to knvolce, the aid of the Railway Commission to compel the G. T. Ry. to have a new passenger station erected' here. A load of Our young people wao d:ove up to Kippen laSt week got rather a cool reception' being mistak- en for a charivari party. ' James Morrow M. P. P. of Manitou Constituency Man. the one formerly occupiedby llon. Rebers Rodgers, is s !siting in this neliehtorhood. James Humphrey of Zurirh has moved to town, into -she house owned by James Troyer on Richmond St., South. Mrs. Chas. Wasman of Brucefield entertained a number of het lady friends to a dinner at the Ring George on. Wednesday last, Zurich ' Mr. George E. Brock has purchas- ed from Mr. Justus Melak, lee shop formerly occupied by Mr. J. Weseloh, as a blacksmith shop. Mr. Abel Schilbe, who recently sold hie dwelling to Mr. Julius Block, took a strip to Waterloo' haat week to look up a location. Mr. Soh- ilbe Ai a good citizen and we would be pleased to have him remain in Ibis locality. Mr. Alton Foster's kitchen range was torally wrecked by an explosion of the water fronts on Friday morn- ing. It is supposed that the water pipes leading from the stove were frozen up, and as the morning was very cold a good hot fire was going. There was no . one In the room at the time or the result might have been serious, as fragments of he stove were scattered in all direc- tions. Mr. John Stephenson an old and respected citizen Of Stanley Town- ship, died at his home at the Gos- hen Line, on the ath, /inst. at the age of 75 years; 7 months and 3 days. The deceased' had been in failing health for some months and kept gtadually getting weaker and passed peacefully away, surrounded by his fainily. The funeral took place on Sunday and despite the in- clement weather, was largely at- tended, tie interment taking piece in the Bayfield cemetery. , East Wawanosh A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dunbar, on Jan.. 3rd, when their on- ly daughter, Catherine Amelia, be- came. the bride of •Jamee Martin Grasby, a prosperous young farmer of Morris. Promptly at four o'clock, to the strains of Lohengrin Bridal Chorus, played by Miss Halliday of Beigrave, the bridal party took -their plaus under an arch ef evergreens and sroses. The bride entering the parlor leaning on the arm of her fat- her, looked charming in a gown of cream taffetalene with trim -Maga of ovetalace, and carried white earaa- tions and ferns. The matrimonial knot was tied by Rev, J. C. Fer- guson of Belgrave. Aftlt congratul- ations were over, the bridal patty led the way to ' the dining -room, where a sumptuous wedding dinnef was served to over' betty guests. The grooni's" gift to the bride was a handsome brooch art with peatls, and a pearl ealt te the organist. In, the evening(' a teem/Coe, was giree to eighty friends of' the young cou- ple, and the evening was spent pleas- antly with games and: dancina. The many beautitel and costly gifts show the high esteem in wleied the yew% people are held. Among the guests, were friends from New'Dale, Man., Hareisburg, Milton, Clinton, Brussels and WIngliam. . • Ashfield Township By the death of James Baird, which oceurred oh January lse,`-was. retrieved one of the best known res- idents of Ashfield township; a man who was among; the pioneere of Hur- on county, whose ,lif e was intimate- ly' connected, with the religious in- terests of the 'community, and Whose demise wae learned of with deepest regret. The late Mr. Baird was born in Ayrshire, Seotldnd, n 1826. In 1850, at the age of , 25 years, he came to Canada and scatted nest Aye in Oxto'rd , county. He ilemeen- ed in thee locality until 1860in which year . he removed to Ashfield, to a bush farm, Lot 8, on the 14.tls. concese:on, which he cleared and , cultivated and whew practically the' remarder of his life was ;spent. He was twice married : in 1860 to Mar- tha Wilson, who died several years afterwards ; and again, in 1870, to Ann Smart who SUTViVeS him. Of these unions nine children were born, seven of whom are liege The surviving sons mid daughters are : Thomas, of Beachville Char - lee and James, of Ashfield ; Eliza- beth, of Toronto.; Annie, Mrs. D. McGill, of Saskatoon Jess Mrs. W. J. Johnston, of Huron i; and jeatt, at home. In religion Mr. Baird was a Pres- by terian. He was for about thirty years an elides in Lucknosv Presby feriae Church. A f teewarcis he was aosociated with leinfoss Church. Holiness, Movement Church -Regular scream-) -at the mission, Wednesday evenings 8 o'clock„ Sun- days ,10.80 and 7.00. All are 'sl - come. Penitent sinners ami, well blessed- sainta are specially welcome. The friends of Elisha Townshend will be pleased to lease 11,011 he is making good progress at 1 mu Aimee, 910 Bank St., Ottawa. Pe has'ai pee attending the seraices of le • MaSs Holiness Conveaeion in iiueens Ottawa, from Jan, elm to fan. 141h. Another German student, of our 00- queintance, ' encloses the lea (swum testiinorty to the saving power 'of God.. We trust some drunkard, read- ing, may be encouraged to seelt sal- vation so easily found by the hon- est seeker. 'Ottawa, 910 Bank St. Jan. 10, 12. Beloved Brother in Jesus :—For some time I fele like plating a few lines in. 13roeher Townshesues letters to you. By God's ass:eting grace do it now, praying God in mercy to nialce it 0 blessing io your been! The Grace of God toward me doth abound, yes where see did abound grace now much more abounds, Oh 1 Magnify with mo the Lord Jesus. As you know k was a great dean- kard, eleven years bound by that awful appetite for strong drink 1"Lica 'Lid Hellfire". Almost raised on beer in Germany, Bavaria, the in- tense deeire for it developed as I grew up. Then serving in the Ho- tel business for, fourteen years and handling that stuff 1 was no wonder ee be captivated by it. But praise God Almightia r He heard my groans. He saw my struggles, and led' me away over to England to save me there. Yes, jesus died Lot the outcast and the drunkards. The good book tells us that the deunkarde and harlots en- ter into. Maven Vetere those self righteous people. 0 1. how true In my case and, many others, How many times I dia see ibis scripture verili- ed in New 'York 'City in Jerzy Mc- Auley's Mission on Watesr Street ! Praise God for ever! I did fall again from grace and .for five years 'while ening over France, Italy and Egyift, hell' on Earth was my por?:on. My sate was worse after. than before. The seven deves took hold of me and I became a- gain a slave to liquor more than aver. Oh I the sufferne I went turn - ugh. On the border of '"Delerium Tremens'''. : My whole nature was ablaze wnth "Liquid hellfire." No cure can in- terfere and help anyone in that state only the Blood Cure, Almighty God in mercy had pity on such a worm and picked me up out of the "Mire and Clay". He saw the jew- el underneath all the dirit. Thank God f er6ver. I never can. forget the Sunday the 10, Sept. 1906. .juSt about to com- mit iuicide I met a plain pilgrim, preaciiing the Everlasaing Gospel, lifting; up Jesus and Him crucified, "the Great Physician", on a etr!set corner in New 'iank City. listened to the glad 'tidings. God's Spirit begar,i to strive 'with 1110, I saw my hopeless case. I came to the end .of myself and then Jesus stepped in and saved me from all my sin 'and iniquity. Oh ! Hall- elujah Praise and Glory to Jesus braver I 1 an a monument of div- ine grace, unmerited tavor, and poev- er. Praise God. ' Bless God all ye irinsoilied I Jesus the Lien of Judah can "mak every chain. He took the awful ap- petite. out of Inc. and for the last iive years 8 alehor the very smell of liquor ; Complete victory ovet it. Hallelujah ! " Oh 1 tell et to every poor slave to liquor, Jesus can emanciaate them. He can do Ft Amen. ' Hoping het to weary you with this, I am in the glorious warfare against' sin, world, anti devil, rejoic- ing evermore. Our Convention be- gins to run well, under God the Holy Ghost leading 1 Cor. XV 58. am yours in Jesus, Fred Trautner, • Whitney's Popular Majority Over'459 000 • Toronto, Jan. 1I—Sir 'James Whit- ney's popular Majority en the recent election was over 45,000, All the returning officers from the 106 rid- ings in the ,province have made their returns to the -clera of the crown in chancery save the officers for Al- goma. An official count of the fig- ures contained in the retuna for North- Essex gives Dr. Ileaume one more on his majority. , Instead of 52, it is now 53. The -Conservative majorites total 52,312 and the Libetal majorities lot al 8,0001. Seventeen membars were returned by acclamation. , Only five Conserve,' ve members and three. Lib - were elected by majorities less than 100, Great Clearing Sale. I $5.00 Plush Rug to be given e- wer to the purchases of one set $22.50. Rubber -trimmed Single harness, 2 'sets only. 3. only Brevni Wansbaa Were $25,00 Wholesale, Now $22,50 retail. Saskatchewan Robes 00-50, /Horse Blaziltets, 1111011, with Girths 01.15 each. , Meals Mitts, all. special prices. Whips and Bells. 1 Snider, Brucefield • I-IENSALI,. Dr'. Madan and, wlfe, forrnerly Mias Weir of tile 2nd line, aec vis- iting relatives in Hensel' and yesin- ity. 'The Doctor has prospered greatly out in the golden West. • Marriages KE'NNEDY--LANXON -- At St. Paul's rectory, Clinton, on Jane ' 1st, by Rev. 0 E. Jealcins, Mary • E., third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lanxon, to John B. Kennedy, Detroit, son of Mr. are) Inte. D. B. Kennedy, Clinton. JACKS0e7--1301VES-00 Jan. 2nd, in London, by Rev. 110, Anderson, Marrietta Winona. Bowes of Mul- lett to Melillo J. J. Jackson of Morris. - GAYNO,R—COOPER—In the le, C. . church, Brussels,' on Jan. 9th, by ' Clem Fr, Blair, John P. Gaynor to Mary Elisabeth CoOper, - both • ot Grey township. Births 'GUNDRY—In Strathroy 'on Jan, 141188, to Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Gundry, formerly of Clinton, a COLE—ISeawall, on Jan. 12th. • to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole, a daughter. • STEDCK—At 131ake on Jan. lath, (4 race Maris, infant , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Stelek. ELLAOOTT—Id VI/Ingham, Jan. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. -Wm, Ellacott, a • son. . BRENNER.—In Beall -wood, Jan. ath, to Mr. and Mts. Jacob Brenner, a som GREEN.— In West Wawanosh, on Jam Ord, to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Green, a son. DallthS SEELEY—In Clinton, on Jan. 14th, Aledi, only daughter 'of Mr. and airs. Albert Seeley. , MoDONALOUIn Seaforths on Jan. 2rd, Sarah McMillan, relict of' the • laetArchibald McDonald, aged 84 yrs MeCLURE—In McKillop ell Jan. 9th, Mary Jane McClure, second dau- ghter of the late (1eo. McClure, aged 41 years. MeIl.,WA,IN.—In Goderich Township, ' on Jan. 118111, .Robert McIlevade, sr., aged 61 years. MOORE—In ithe general hospital, Stratfard, on Jan. 51111, James Isbister Moore of Gotlerieb, aged • 52 years. TOWN HALLa*CLINTON, MONDAY ' Evening, Jan. 22nd. linden athe aus- pices of Willis Church Choir Stev- enson's (Masonic)Male QUI eat° of Tomtits°. (Mt. Deck Foster Basso) assisted by Mr. Geo. Fox violinist. Plan of hall at W. D. Fair & Co's. Prices 50c and a5c. Cencert com- mences at 8,15. APPLICATIONS l'OR OFFICE:, Applibattons addressed t� the un- dersigned a.nd marked "Applica- tions for Office," will be received up to noon of Friday, Feb. 2nd, nor the following positons : Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chief Con- ' stable, late., Tax Collector, Night Watehmaii, Cemetery Superetitena- ent and Poundkeeper.—D. L. Mac- pherson, Clerk. Clinton, Jan, 1781h. —11-2. SHEEP FOR SALE.—A NUMBER of well bred breeding ewes.—R. Fazsimon ea Son. —14. FIELD STONE WANTED, FIELD stone suitable for •roadmaking is wanted by the Town of Clinton. Price $3.50 per cord of 13000 lbs. J. A. Ford Chairman Street Com- mittee.' • —14— SPE0IA1,- NOT10E—ALL 'PARTIES indebted to Harland Bros, up bo January 1st, 1012, &then by noto or book accoutt; win confer a great' favor by paying promptly as all ae- aoun?te are -expected to be paid this month. 11 not possible call and state when. Can be paid at Har- land Bros. Storm—Joie: T. Har- land. WANTED.—A YOUNG GIRL Ca' frorn fifteen to eighteen to • assist with light housework.—Apply to Mr. Latter, Queen street, Clinton. ' —12.-2 SEED BEANS FOR SLE—ARE you planning to put ia a crop of beans this year ? We have a lim- ited amount ot exceptionally choice Sees Beans for sale.Order early if you need any.. They won't last • long- Phone 64.—The L. Slater ..Co., Tne Elevator, Cliaton. —13 -- FOR SALE :—THE PROPERTY known 'as the McQueen place, on the London Road just south of town, consisting of live acres con- - taidem a, nine -roomed house, gout -barri and goad apple orchard. Ap- ply to Chas: Wiltser Clinton • P. 0. Phone 17-116. ... s —13. 170Ie SALE -2. MEDIUM SIZED ueal heatiers.—Apply. to Mrs. • Doig, opposite the Post Office. —12 FOR SALE.—A GENERAL STORE with Postoffiee and Rural Telephone an connection. For further partic- ulars, apply to The News-ReCord ,12 WOOD FOR SALE *THE BEST Maple and Beech wood, cut any lengfh wanted. Ordera Itet town office.—M. G. Ranalord. —12 MISS MAY RANCE, A. T. C. M., Teacher of Elocution, P. hysical Cul- ture, Dancing and .Dearaatie work. ' Situdents peepared sfor Conserva- tory School of Literature and Ex- pression, Toaaste.. Studio behind Oddfellows hall, nages Rance is ne- suming her classes and intending students should enroll at once. Phone 37. •-12 LOGS WANTED AT THE EACTOitY —All kindd of logs, Maple, Stilt Elm and Basswood prefigred. Highest; prices paid.—The Dohecty Piano & Organ Co. - 05' FOR SALE.—Two 2 -YEAR- OLD colts, rising Wet years, sired by Bar I.—Apply to Robert Marshall, Bayfield Line, Goderich township. —09 yoR SALE, A FIRST-CLASS National Cseam Separator. Will be sold cheap as I have given up farm- ing.—A. D. Wilts°, Clintha. —08 AUCTION SALE OF TEAMaMs • heavy Horses. --'rhe undersigned has bun instructed to sell by auction on the Market Square, Clinton, on Saturday, January 20111, at 1.30 o'clock p.m. the following: 1 tubs • of heavy draft horses 5 years old 1 wagon new, also a Portland cut- ter good as new, 1 cupboard, 1 circular saw and. frame in good shape, forks, shovels, hoes eta. Teralis cash. George Cochrane Pro- prietor. D. Ns Watson., Auctioneer. MEETING OF THE HURON COUN- ty coupcil.—The council of the cor- poration of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber, tbe Town of Goderich, on Tues - ,,day the 23r1. day of January, at 3 o'clock. All,. accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk previons to- this date.—W. Lane, Clerk. Dated, Jan. 88118, 1912. NOTTEE.—TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived by the Council of Mullett for the supply of ' 2000 feet/ Rock etre plane 16 feet king and 21 in- ches thick to be delivered as foll- ows : 500 feet at enngland's, 500 feet at Miller's anti 1000 feet at , Leiper's. Tenders will be opened at the Township Hall on , Saturday, February the 3r1, at p.p.—Jai:nes Campbell, Cleele FARM FOR SALE :—LOT 34, CON. 4, Goderieli Township, containing 80 acres,' all cleared five 'acres good bearieg intehard. Good bank barn Well watered and wellfen- ced. a mile' Teem school,' three mil- es from Perot's P. 0., foul miles ftom Bayfield.—For Further partictuars apply to Wm. D. Harrison, Bayfield P. 0. —11 DEMONSTRATION CAR The Mamie 1 Colonization of the Department- of Agriculture, of Ontario, has filled up a Demonstra- tion Car, exhibiting the grain, roots, vegetables, etc., grown in Now On - tat io, the Great Northland. This car will be in Clinton, on Friday, Jan. 261h MORRIS •TOWNS ilIP• •, • You should avail amnself of the op titanic Ashton and Camila of S ?sass- (maim ity,ctrid witnees demenstratian et the of Jam T. Bell. ive.„, of the great heritage which we possees. burg Sask.,are visitors s The attendants will be pleased to sel ply all information, ANNUAL MEETINGs—THE AN- nual meeting of the members of the McKillop Mutual Fire' Insurance Companywill, be held on Friday, Jan. 19th, 1912, in the town hall, Seaforth, 1181 000 o'clock p.m, to receive the fleancial statement and additors report, elie. election of for ahe good add welfare of -the three directors and other ,business 'Company. The tethring .direetors aro John 13. McLean, Win. Ches- ney and Malcolm McEsven, are elltigible for re-elections—J. B. McLean, President ; Thos. E. Hays, Secrets' NOTICE -- TRESPASS.ING FOR hunting or any other puspose whatsoever on lots 12 and 13, con. 9, Mullett, • is hereby fonbidden. Trespasser a will be f,xosecuted.— :John Hesselwood, Oilmen —06 MAIL' CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders addressed to the Postmaster General, Will be received at Ottfewa until Noon, on Friday the 1611h February, -1912 for the convey - clue of His Majeaty's Mails, on :a Proposed Contract for • four years 24 times per week each way, be.tween liondesborough and Grand Tamils Railway Station from 1st April. Prinpel notices containing turther in- formation as ,to conditions of pro- posed Oontract may be seenand forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Londesborough and aa the Office of the Poet -Office Inspector at Lorelon. • 0. C. ,ANDERSON, • Seperintendent. Post, Office Department, Mail Servie,e Branch, Ottawa, 2nd January,' 1912. Phone 52 Suceesso• to Jas. Hatnilton. FARM FOR SALE -Lot north half 1 26, cosi. 12, Mullett, consieting of •, ' 60 acres. All -seeded down except : Fish . and 10 acres. Small' orchard. Frame • 'house anti hank barn, with stabling. • ,On Gravel road 1 mile north of : 1,ondeeboro. a mile frcen school. • • Apply on the premises or address * Richard Shaddick, Londesboro P.O. : ; —75, • se ••••••••••••• 00••••••t Brains 1" FARM FOR SALE.—T1-IE UNDER -1 siege! offers for ' sale his fine tarns of .135 acres adjoinate the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of eultivatioh and has good beildings--brick house, bank barn, dealing house, pig pen, -etc., -- all comparatively new. A fast -class young' orchard conpaining al/ kinds of fruits, also small fruits, The farrn is well fenced anti well (Blain- . ed and is a very desirable' home. For further particulars apply on the premiStIS or address John Torrance, Cnuton la 0. 91 • • We Have the Fish • • You 1 -lave •the Brains* • 1. • But how about, the quality of the ?1, • latter • • • •• • To help you to inaprove same • we are going to keep a large as- ;oh • sortment of -fresh fish regularly • • as follows : Fresh frozen halibut, • Red Sea salmon, 0, • : Finnon haddie, • Smelts, : • • , 'f• PROPERFresh herring. TY FOR SALE.—Hardware las businese for sale in Bayfield. TWo- dtory building, store, workshop and oordea•••••••••,••••••=o1MOM 'dwelline combined, tilso stable 26. x 36. Three lots -with orchard and small fruits. Terms seasonable—Ap- • ply eo.R. Rouatt, Bayeeld. —74 FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDElt- dersigned offers ton sale his farm • of 147a aeries, being lot 12 and west half of lot 13, Bayfield Road, Stanley. This is a first-class farm with plenty of water • anti first- class buildings, all new within the last ten pears. Also lot 24, Aorta boundary of Map, a:nisi:Ogg of 119 acres. The village ef Blake is built on the corset of this farm.. Church and school within half a 'mile, and only 31 miles from the thriving village of Zurich which • makes it a verp desirable property. 1 —Foe furthes particulars apply be J. C. Reid, Varna P. 0. —91 FARM FOR SALE.—THE UNDER - Signed offers for sale his grin • of 100 acres in tele township of Tuck- ersmith on the Huron Road, three miles eas? of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation with good buildings, frame house and two bank barns, and well fenced and well dined. Foe further particu- lars apply on the premises or ad- dress J. K. Wise, Clinic= P.0.-08 130A11, FOR SERVIOE.—MAVING purchased a thorobred Tare -worth boar will keep the same, ler service at lot 23 ors the., ffisd con.: Mulletat. Terms $1.00 at time of services Nisi* privilege of returning it neeeesary.— L, Tyndall. —08 FARM FOR SALE—The Executor of the Southcomas estate offers for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con. 6, Mullett. Vila is a fine -class farm, well watered and • improved and with good bueldings. Also the undersigned offers for sale lot 19, con. 6, Hulletta consisting of 100 acres. These farms may be bought • together or sepatately.— Apaly to R. J. Southcombe, Clin- ton P. 0. —89 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c Store Our prices on all things aversge as follows :818. Large Lamp Glasses Medie..m Lamp Glasses Lantern Globes 5 doz Clothes Pins Note paper boxed from 100 up Writing paper and envelopes at low price. , Small profits' and quick returns Is our motto. 60. lc, 5c. 50. PROPRIETOR.. IF'1EIED I We are in a, position just stow to supply any 'quality of shorts from 100 lbs, up flo 10 or 15 tons or. mote. Get . your supply ie quickly before. WO are sold out. Bran, Low Grade Flour, Feed, Corn, born Chop,, Oats- Chop, Etcalways on haod. L SUITTER CO. Telepheee 61 THE ELEVATOR COAL WOOD CEMENT • YARDS Opposite the G. T. R. Station. • All kinds of coal on hand : CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE ' COKE ARTHUR FORBES :-W . T O'NEIL. ;*. . • ... • , ,• . • "The Hub Grocery." '',• • . , ee 0 . • ••••,••••••••••••••••••4 Winter Special P135 • Path to Health PARK TE CLOSET5 Parkyte Clasets are perfectly ton- ithry and odorless and a comfortehla system of inside closet. No plumbing necessary $10 to ps. Call and see for yourself, BYAM & SUTTER SANITARY PLUMBERS. '73), The eyes are wage earners. A.ythi.cf sh o o f perfect vision dimin- ishes the earning powers. NVe perfect your sight. Our gilasses as on In- vestment yield you substantial returns. A. J. GRIGG Scientific Jeweler and Optician CLINTON, 0.61T. :spoTToN at Stands for all that is modern in ' Business Training. A Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns - and cities, Two Thousands stu- • deuts in our Colleges and Home 1 Study last year. We train from ten to twenty students for every Thare's one traieed by most schools. a reason. It is freely i admitted that our graduates get best positions, and the demand I for them is "seven" times the supply. Exclusive right for On- tario of the fanious J3l8es Book- le keeping System. You in ty study / at home, or partly at home and 4 finish ab the College. A Business I Education pays it dividend every derma your life. . ; WINTER TERM I , ; . FROM JAN. 2, 1912. • iCast or Write tor particulars • ; Spotton Business . i College • *• : CLINTON, ONT. I iAfiet3 B. F. .Nte;r4, PrinaiPal 4'6•40••••••••• 11,••••••••• TO TI -IE PUBLIC HAVING 13OUGMT THE WORKSHOP DEPARTMENT Ola THE ROWLAND HARDWARE BUSINESS, WITH WHICM 1 NAVE BEEN CONNECTED I/OR SEVERAL YEARS. I AM PRE- PARED TO RECEIVE ORDERS, FOR TIM HECLA FURNACES, PLUMBING, EVETROIJGHING, PUT.TING UP STOVES AND REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS, ALL OF WHICH WILL RECEIVE MY PROMPT ATTENTION. A CONTINUANCE OF PRE PAT- RONAGE GIVEaT THIS DE- PARTMENT LS RESPECTFUL- LY REQUESTED. PROMPT , ATTENTION WILT, BE GIVEN TO ORDERS LEFT 1 AT ROLAND'S HARDWARE STORE. T. . D JOHNSON