HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-01-04, Page 8Clinton News -Record A ir],►•N•N•N�• ••.ANN• � r ,Annual Januar Commencing Saturday, -... January 6th. Big price reductions en all liners of winter merchandise. Men's and boy's suits and oeersoats. Women's and children's mantles and furs. Sweaters and sweater seats, Wool shawls, toques] and .mufflers. Caps, mitts, socks, etc, Also a big clear cut of all brokenlines of boote and felt slip- pers at manufacturer's prices. DON'T AMISS THIS SALE. ?; iSMALL PLU STEEL_MORE PROFITS BROS. ' ,BUSINESS , !tN•••••••••eamo*••'►•••••••NNNNNN•• I 1 a The Holiday MIONMENSUM season. is again at hand and the same old questicn arises : "What shall I give Sister, Brother, Mother and Fath- er?" Why not let us help you solve the problem ? Here are a few of the many articles, that may be had at our store. SKATES !HOCKEY STICKS SLEDS 130G SHOVELS POCKET KNIVES RAZORS RAZOR STRAPS CARPET SWEEPERS WASHING MAOHINES MEAT CHOPPERS MRS. POTTS IRONS SCISSORS SCISSOR SETS CARVING SETS BREAD KNIVES NIOKLE TEA & COFFEE POTS N1OKLE 'TRAYS HANGING LAMPS PARLOR LAMPS SILVER CRUET TRAYS GRANLTE W ARE , TABLE SIi.VERWARE AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES. Useful presents are appreciated by all. We invite you to come and look over our stock, 13A.P.J A- N D EROS. STOVES and HARDWARE About People You Know. Mr. John Johniten, Dungannon, was in town on New Year's. Me. W McCullough, Stratford, ! is iiennwing Clinton friendships, Mies Margaret Wiseman of Ottawa is,' spending a holiday, at her home;' in town; Miss • Gereenide" Laidlaw of Detroit spentthe holiday the -guest of Mra. A. R. Molise,' Mr. -sand Mne, Haw,ko visited friends *1 Exeter, ', and Hensall duriag Christmas week. Messrs. Thoihas, George and Arthur McRae came home from Detroit foo over the week end. Mrs. W. Moore, Toronto, accompan- ied by Billie, Jim and the 'sassy,. visited Clinton friends on :Satur- r1/11/IMM illIMIIIIIMMINIMOI IIIISINIMUCZOSIMISIM1111111111111101111 lie BEAR IN MIND THAT WE SELL ONLY 1 THE BEST IN RUBBER I FOOTWEAR Whether you want a pair of Boots, Arctic's, Sock and Rubber, Leather topped Rubbers, Alaskan, felts and Rob hers, Light Rubbers, for over your shoes or anything else,in heavy or light, RUBBER FOOTWEAR. W13 HAV THEM IN THE BEST QUALITIES ONLY BUY-THECheap Rubbers are not worthwha t they cost. - BEST. IT PAYS FRED.. JACKSON 1 1 esimm iummumaili Me; Robb, Irwin spent New Year's in Plattsviilo, Mrs.: A, R. Moliae has gone, on a visit to Detiroit.. Ma. Root.- Charleawortkr has retinas ed iron the west on a visit Miss Mabel ' Lanxon • spent the New Years holidays with Port 'Hone intends. Mee. Somers , of Seaforth was tiles. guest of ,Mrs. Hiram, Hill ' on New Year's Day. Miss Minnie Gordon of Seaforth was the guest- of 1Vliss S. Mahafty on New Year's Day. i Mr: J. B. Kennedy, Detroit, ifs at the parental home, Mr. and Mrs. I). B. Kennedy's., day. Rev. J. R. Kay of Tara -spent the Miss Eleciba Conitos of Toronto was scar's holidays at the home in town over ` the holiday the of Mr. J. E. Henri': guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Me. John Rumbalt .refunded to Tor - Cook, Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson and little Mise Marion . woes guests over the week tad of Mr. Thompson Sr. at St. Mary's. Miss Maud Torrance left on Tuesday for Port Arthur to visst her sis- ters, Miss M. Torrance and Mrs. Cranston. Science Master Firth and Mrs. Firth roturnedhto ttown Monday after spending the holidays with relatives at Durham. Mr. Frank Sloman, London, who has been in the west for some menthe, visited the parental home in town last week. Mr: J. E. Henry, principal of the Tara Continuation school, is spend- ing the holidays at hin home on the Base Line. Mr. Eldred Archibald of the stall of tho Daily Star, Toronto, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Farren, over New Year'., Mr. Charlie Macpherson, student at the School of Science, Toronto, was the guest over New Year's of his uncle, Clerk Macpherson. Mr. "Tom" Rance, Toronto, was in town over the week -end and fitted into former associations as if he had been a continuous resident. Mrs. Wm. Hyslop and little daughter Edna of Detroit' visited the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jack- son, over the New Year's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Finch, Master War- ren, Clarence Roy and little and R y Miss Irene, Stratford, were epents over New Year's of Clinton friends. Mr. J. P. Shepherd was tn. Hamil- l. ton New Year's Day visaing his son. He also called on old friends, such as Wm. Jones and Fred. Al- cook. Mrs. A. J. Henderson returned to her home in Toronto on Monday after several weeks with her pan - oats, .Mr: and Mrs. James Shep- herd., Miss Edna Jackson returned to *No **Non*, ••.*••••••••••••NN•N• •••••N••••• •••o Nelson Ball IJ. B Hoover UNIQUE DESIGNS I In house furnishings` are in' demand by those. of artistic tastes. A visit • • A --- mere will disclose CPI'+a.o.r 342;ia t UNIQUE FURNITURE TIIAT IS DECORATIVE ♦g -I but not overly dear. Merit is what"wins these days, and it's only merit that gives us our:libel al patronage • MERIT iN FURNITURE.NdERIT IN PRICE The cneapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.oover 49 Bali i Y''CTINIR.1:TTT 5,Bt 9.3NTID / N�?1 Et A Z I t-55CJTGieS u•.4 •44t►•44••N.•••00•00O4440aa•ew••s64,44M441,4,40•*4.N* Buffalo on Monday after spending the Christmas holidays at her home in town, that of Mr. and M. Isaac Jackson. Mr. Geo. Cook of Toronto was in town from Sai'urday until Tues- day, having come up to attend his sister's wedding, which took place on Tuesday at noon. Mrs. T. Hoiloway:i who has been living with her daughter, Mus. Rowe, Exeter, for some tine, vias the guest of her son, Mr. 1.. J. Holloway, the forepart of the week. Mrs. Joseph Richmond of Alberta, who is visiting at the old home- stead, Mr. Joseph Garrel,Vs, Hui - lett, visited her sister, Miss Flor- ence Garrett, town, for a few days last week. Mr. George Stewart is back tram Calgary for a few days visit with Clinton friends, after an absence of seven years. As he has to licit number of other places before he turns westward a moneh will have elapsed before he gats home again. He looks well. Mr. T. H. Hardy ,retrarned, on Friday last from a visit of several days onto on Tuesday after spending a Sew weeks in, town. Mr. Will Ker, Walkerton, .paid a iLy-, ing"' visib on Monday, to Clinton and Bayfield friends. Mr. A. McLean of Pilot Mound, Man.,arn:rvcd this week and is the guest of Mn. and "Mrs, Hiram Hill. Messrs. Ed. Soruton and S. Barr spent the holidays lisii'ing the former'n relatives down about Til- sonburg. Mr. Lorne Welsh, Wallaceburg re- •,lfeving agent on the Pero Mar- quette Railway visited ells home here this week.' Mrs. E. J. Jenkins returned to her home in To:wunto on Tuesday al- eornoon after a fortnight's stay with friends in town. Mr. W. H. Ilcllyar and Miss Amy, returned on Tuesday after spend- ing some little time with fiaiends in Toronto and Bowinanvillo. Mr. John Craig, President of the Clinton Motor Can Company, and Mr. Sohn McLaughlin, Secretary, have aniived and entered upon their duties. Mr. and Mrs. ISarold Johnson i re- turned to Toronto on Monday af- ter spending the holidays at the former, that of Mr. and Mrs. Ol- iver Johnson of town. Mr. Reinicker, Cincinnati, solicitor, of the Ohio Automobil.' Company, was in town this week on business in connection with the officialsof the Clinton Motor Car Company. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kemp and son, London, were in town Saturday In Monday evening as.. guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Eason,, Huron street. Mr. Kemp is now foreman of the oaso department in the Sherlock -Manning piano factory and is doing so well thae be now looks upon London as his perman- ent home, with relatives at Lindsay. Hi» birthplace was -in that vicinity Daniel Reynolds killed a man but he had not visited it for many ed Fred. Gulbert, with an axe, years so naturally saw massy a quarrel, near London, Ont. changes. While be wan at Lindsay Mrn. Hardy and their daughter vis- ited in the Bolgrave and Marnock neighborhood. Mr. E. J. Howard came' up from London F.w;day p.m. and re+nained until the first train Tuesday. Be has travelled much and lived in many places, but for none of them has he so warm a regard as tor old Clinton. I9 must, sberetore, be a sou:ze of pleasure to him 4o. know that he has -many btauucu friends here who are always plias; ed to welcome him. Mr. and Ml's. Edward Kemp and Mr. and Mrs. George Kemp and fam>Ily of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kemp over the holidays. This was Mrs. George Kemp's Sect visit to Clin- tion, but she appeared to be so taken with the old town that she will no doubt visit it oftener in future years For Mj. and Mrs. Edward Kemp . i,a war another meeting with friends of by gone years and a mutually pleasant one at that. Mr. Pets Ker blew into town Sat- urday evening [rom';Mackldn, Sask., and gave his many friends here a surprsise. They somewhat expect- ed him, the dickie bird having said the was coming some time thin winter, etc., but just when is did, not specify. Pete does not look a day older than when he left here three years ago. He is just as chirpy as etor-and, has a num ber of new stories several of which he has already regaled his friends with. He purposes ra5utning wess hub before doing so will visit rela- tives at Mt. Forest and elsewhere., Needless to say ho was 'nun pleased` at being in Clinton again for where'nr he, roams he will al ways consider this the old home Sown, senionmaimminy January 4th', 119.1t Sunday School Helps for 1912. Gulden Text Book Gist of the Lesson, Arnold's Commentary Turbell's Teachers' Guide Peevubet's Notes Office and Home Helps Pocket Diaries, Office Diar- ies, Desk:, Calendar Pads,. Fancy Calendars, W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest Always the Best Ought to be Warden Reeve Cantelon nam- after REY. A. CARMAN, 1),I), LL.D. 11 the G. 0. M. of Methodism In Canada, Dr. Carman, could be induced to write his biography much of Cana- dian history would be told for the doctor in his many, years 'of work has been a great factor in the moulding and raising" not only or the spirit -nal Stanley Township Mr. Roy Morrison of Sudbury and Miss Tillie Morrison of Souris, Man., are bite guests of their mother, Mrs; Morrison, for Xmas.. Migo Alfie Peck of Toronto canto. up to spend the 25Ph under the. par- ental `roof. Miss 'Annie ,Stephenson leaves this week for London whore shta has se- cured n position. Miss Davidson from the west is ibe guest of heir sister, Mrs. Wm. Reid. Miss Maggie. Clarke from Berlin camp up to spend the Xmas holidays at her .home. Miss Edna Woods and Wilson Woods of Sot. Helens are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mrs. James Webster and Miss Eliza Reid of London aro visiting under the paroanal roof now. Mrs. Janlee Webster and Master Elener Webster of near Lucicnow are vis:.5ing among their numeaous rela- tives in this towrrhip. Miss Franey Sharp spent Christmas in Bayfield. M3. and Mrs.. R. J. Floward of Goderich spent. Sunday with his bro- ther, Mr. •G. S. of Blake. Mr. R. Pinhole's numerous friends in the township wore sorry to hear of bit loss sustained while crossing the ocean with his valuable animal. Miss Mamie Reid of Clinton was spending Xmas at the home of her father, Mr. James Rcida Mr. David Armstrong of Pilot Mound, Manitoba, canto down • to spend Xmas with his wife at ices home of her father, Mr. Johuny Stephenson. Mr: Wm. Henry Stephenson and wife of Michigan aro spending Xmas ab the home' of her father. Mrs. -David John McClinchey was spending the Xmas holidays at Guelph, During the closing exercises in 11, S. No. 9 on Friday the children were treated to a Christmas Tree entertainment when Santa Claus dis- tributed to them nuts, candies, etc. and they presented their teacher with a collection ' of genet fu:t.tish- ings accompanied by a nicely wonitt address, Mr. Howard has completed thirteen years fit, -this section and be- gins his fourteenth on Jars. 3rd. Christmas dinners and gatherings of friends were in order on Monday week. The day was quite spring- like. Messrs. Moyer end Killer irate rented the chopping will ul il!nxe and have installed a new 11 horse poweer gasoline engine. We hope easy may do a good business. Mn John Stephenson is very low at time of writing, little hope be- ing 'entertained of his recovery. Mr. R. J. Drysdale and daughter Emma visited itim over Chrititmas night, Theillustrated lecture given on Tuesday evening in Hiiisgrecn by Mr. McQueen was largely attended. • Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson IS,slen . are visiting their hos6 01 friends in this township, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pock of London. bre visting under the pacenual roof this week.,' Three Thries a Winner REV. A..CARMAN general Superintendent Methodist Church, Canada. but the social lite. In its widest sense, of this Dominion. Dr. Carman was born in 1833 in. Ontario, and after _oecupying a nuns- her. umher of scholastic positions was elected In 1874 to. he Bishop of rho Methodist Episcopal Church and in the j:Annie" of all the Free Churches in 1884 wad elected General Superintendent, a po- sition he has held since, i'. Reeve Kippen Mr. ;De'.iwelef of Drayton vitsined his son, our popular merchant hero, last week, Mrs. Detweilor's s(t'ater, Miss Wetzel], was also a guestes for a few, days. . Airs, Johnston.of Mafeking is vis- iting in the home of her son, W. Be Johnston. Sbo ware accompan- ied by another son, Alberti of ' ;St. Augustine who returned home Last week. JANUAR SALE —o—STARTS—o-- Friday, Jan. 4 DON'T MISS THE MANY BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. Tozer & Brown DRY GOODS CLINTON, = ONT. The News From Londesboro Mrs. (Dr.) Young and Miss Clara Mc. and Mrs. M. IVIaiits spent 3 left Monday for Brantford where they will spend the next. two months. Mrs. R. Watters spent a week with her pam;uts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riley, returning to London Wednes- day of this week, Mrs. E. Lyon spent the New Tear's holiday with her daughter in London• few days at the house of Mr. Gee(. Coekerlitic of Toronto: • Mr. John Lear of London spen'a Sunday with his mother, Mian; C.. Lear. The regular meeting of the Wont< ends Ins ',lute will be held at the home of Mrs, John Cartwright me Thursday afternoon next at 2,30 p.m., Tho subject will bo i' Canadian. Authors and their works." Hullett Happenings. For obvious reasons Ms: Clark chose the wrong year to try for the roeveshi,p and the result was not unforeseen. •He would have been a presiding officer tha'b Hallett would i have been proud of. Reeve Leiper is , a genial,and popular man as any- one whgoes' up against] him kis:+ reason to find out. Mr. W. J. Miller again headed libo poll, having the handsome lead of 31 over the next highest. .This must certainly have been gratifying be him, elm more so from the fact that. it is a repetition of last year's success. Mr. Millen wears wen, Mr. Barr steps into the vacancy. He is an experienced member of the cbtm- eil and does good work. Mr. A. W. Beacom polled a nice even vote all ever that will encourage him to again enter the municipal race. The council of 1912 will thus con- sist of Leiper, Miller, Fingland, Tamblyr. and Barr. -- -Lanett Leiper Clark - ,... 86 47 17 68 22 77 2u-252 f1OMICILLORe On Now Year's Day Mr. and Mrs, Roth: Gibbings gave .a very pleas ant little party for the beide and geeon. Among those who were in- vited were 'Mr: and Mrs. A. Turner and Mi513 Edna of Clinran, Mr. and. Mrs. Ira Johns, and Me. and Mrc,i Tiros. Livingston, and thea day wag very plcasentJy spent. 'rho friends hereabout extend good wishes, Mr. and Mrs• Bon Lyon of Bran-. dolt, Man., Nage been visiting 'ate laws father's, Mr. Jos.'ph Lynn's and other fla'ends fn the township and: district. ' Mrs. W. I'iiles underwent a slight• operation iasb' week in the hospital . at Clinton and has since visitedt1, friends at Lucknow. The following is the report of S._, S. No. 1 for the -Christmas examina- tions. Those marked *'were not pres- ent Cor all the examinations : 4th class—Warren Rogerson 72 per. - cont., Carleton Rogerson 65, Lillles Adams 63, Charlie Sundcrcock 64, RbtEAEe. John Adams 51. es 66 49 so 34 57 e3-377 3rd class Sr. ---Florence Cartwright] 64. Sod. class Jr.—Lillie Connell :56x. *Ruby McVittie 48 ' 2nd class Sr.—May Hamilton '18,,, John Leiper 77, Keith Hamilton 77. 2nd class Jr. -*Tota Appleby 81, Arthur Ogbourne 67, Kathleen Allen. 60, *Willie B;aiggs 56, Willie Mc'Nall. 4.9. Pb gild class—Agnes Leiper 85, *Ralph' Josselyn 66, Willie Hamilton 65, Mary Cartwright 61, Cecil Cart- wright 59, George Addison 54, Robert McNeil 19.; Sr. 1st class—Carman Moon, Guys Leiper, Lillian "Cartwrignt, 'Violet Addison, Miltee Rrown; Russel Mo - Nall. a 5 Inter, I.—Hazel el R on 1 a offer Ilaiuilton. Jr. I (a)—Oliva` Josselyn. Jr. 'I.' (b)—Matilda McNeil No. on. roll 34, Aver dance 30. ' —Rhoda MaeIC Siiltar 97 81 62 03 43 29 50-113 1Ping1und - - 03 81 nt 14 30 46 - 76-391 Tam Glyn...:. .,45 76 17 86 30 46 40-361 Barr . le 52 25 70 83 45 23 200 Beacom 52 64 20 01 16 26 3e-278 On Wednesday of last week a wed- ding occurred at Nottawa, Coiling- wood township, which will be of in- terest to many in this vicinity, when Mr. J. Foster Gibbings of Kin- dersley, Sask., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Gibbings of the Huron Road, was, united in marriage to Miss fella Wiggins. 'rbc marriage took piass at the home of the bride's parents and was witnessed by relative, of both contracting parties, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings, parents of Me groom, go- ing up to be present. Mr. and M143. Foster Giibbings arrived at the hone of the groom's parents last week and will spend • several weeks visiting here and in Cotlingwood, be- fore leaving, for their westert' home.. about March fall