HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1912-01-04, Page 411011111111111111111111111111111, Porter's Hill Coderlch Township „hiss Gicrtie and Fawcett, Sturdy, who have been 'tk;aching tor the past! ' years, were hitme over the holidays. Miss Einily Rutledge has been vis- iting in Toronto. Mr. S. Dawson returned home to :ipringbank last week after spending a couple of weeks a,! home: Our school re -opened on Tuesday with Miss Jenkins of Blyth, in charge: At .the annual meet'ing of the section last week Mr. el.: Y. Cox vrasre-elected trustee. Mr. and _Mrs, Frank Picot spent Senday week in Godeeele Mrs, Wm. Starling and her son William spent the Christmas holi- days at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mri Walter Weston accom- panied by their daughter Annie spent the holiday at Centralia. - Miss Ruby Pot:$ r visited friend's at Curries, over the holiday tine. Mr. Lorne Tabor spent a few days at Swerbenburgh recently. lf. visited his Peter Macdougall � i Mr: tg brother at Seaforth last week. Mrs. 'Love and 'children spent a feu days last week the guests of the lady's sister, Mrs. John .Bilair. Mts. Sclunidt and two children of Tavistock were visitors at the lady's parental home over the festive holt- slay. i APPY NEW YEAB Evening Gaines Diaries for 1912 S. S. Helps for 1.912 CanadianAlmanacs Clinton Ngoon-Recon: Jammy 4th. 1912 The annual meeting of the subscrib- ' ers of the Godoiioh Township Tele- phone elephone System •w 11 be held in Holm- esville on Feiday afternoon of next week, Mr, Wm. Perdue of Michigan Than been spending 'a holiday et his home here. Mr. Frank and Miss Rosie Whit- more of this township vislQed their grandfather, Mr. ' Rob Reid Robt. ci of d Auburn, ever. the ,holidays. Mr.'. and Mirth Ed• Cook and Mr. and Mra. Roy Brothers, Stratford, were 'guests • oeer'the week end Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Mose and Me. and Mrs, J..f$: Middleton. Mr. Harry Slime), had a successful wood hee on Friday last. Mr.,John McClure; who has been electd reevi'' of our township by ac clatnation, is a native of the Ucwn- ship of McKillop but located in our mast twenty years ago. lie is a man of sterling up:ightnoss and enial• and it} a ti deservedl talar. II YPoI e 's a member of Bethel Chitral, of L. 0. L. No. 145 :of which he ,Master 'and of •the- 0. Q:••0. P. at Porte, s , hill in which he is 'also an office hearer, Mr. McClure w'fll. be a tactt'ul and painstaking reeve. Mrs. Wise ,of the Bayfield.• Road • rett.irnul this week from .'a visit wise friends in Belleville. •. Mr. 'George '• Connell of Owen Sound is visiting eelatives in God- itownship crcl tt stip and Hutlett. The following officers have been ele ected by L. 0. L. No. 139 for the current year • - Master, Walter. Emmerson, Depute Geo, Ctantelon. Chaplain, John Poods. llec Secretary, Wesley Vander. burg. Fiii Secretary , ' 000. Proctor. Treasurer, Geo, Vanderburg. • D. of C., Russel Currie. Lecturer, Adam Cantelen. Committee, John Sturdy, ,Jas. I:Itntt, Ha1L Rutieidge, James Young. The officers of L, 0. L. No.. 145 have been elected Me the •.current tor 1912 year as follows : Master, John McClure. Subscriptions receiv- Deputy, Richard Porter,* Chaplain, Willis Bell. ed for all periodi- Ree.-seeretaee, J. Jt. Caldwell. cals. in.-Secretaa,t, °oldie Newton. rreasurett, Goo. Falconer, D..of C., R. Y. Cox. Loctatrer, Leslie Cox.; The annual Djstu;ot meeting will be held in L. 0. L. No. 145 meeting hall on Tuesday afternoon next. The meeting opens at two o'o',ock, L. 0. L. No, '606 held ,their annual meeting and elected the following otticext : Masten, Robt. Hanld', Deputy, Cooper, 3, G. A. C Per • Chaplain, Leonard Slleppael, • Secretary, John Cooper. Treasurer, Arthur Cooper. 1), of. C., Gee. 'Miller. Lecturer, Wilfrid Ot.ntelott. r1\i' tooper Co CLINTON E:V:Ity Piur.i': A• hvrcipv PRICE A- B:tnOats PRICE P BAneets Pince Couch & Co. All Ladies' and Children's Winter• Coats %price. January Mid Winter Sale 25 to 50 per cent off all l'oods advertised. Sate starts Saturday, Jan. , 6th. Sale endsSaturday Jan 13th. Term Cash. 25 per cent Discount off all Furs and. Fur lined Coats. A Sale with •` a Reason We wish to impress upon the people of C1in'ton and surrounding Cbuntrythat we will not carry over this seasons o s Stock to nest season, 1t must us be -got .ridff. O We have made the prices so low as to 'be absolutely sure'that we will accomplish our object during this January sale. OUR LOSS IS We mention only a few of the many YOUR GAIN Bargains we offer you. Your choice of any trimmed hat in Store $1.50. Your choice of any untrimmed hat in Store 39c, Dress goods reg 75c Sale price 39c, Dress goods " 90c " " 55c. Fur collored'Coats " 25,00 "• 15.00. Paillette Silk " . 1,25 " " 92c Nett Waists °" '5,00 " ' " 2.50 ' Ribbons • 35e <i it 156 Ribbons' 1 20.c " tr • ;•11c Cashmere hose `t 25c `' • " 19c Bath Towels " 35e 21c Table linen `' 75c " " 43c Linen Towling 9c t` 6c Wrapperetts " 18c «' 12c • ` Flanneletss , 12ic "o 4,I9c Prints " .121c "`1bc Jmbrel'last Crc See,large bill's, i lolntesvllle The, Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church are .prepavng for a supper and concert to be given he the church this ` evening, whenaa good supper and a goodprogratn ds assured. Rev. Mr. Couzens of Staffa preach- ed ver,; aceeptably''at the morning service on :Sunday and also' assisted in the evening. • Mrs. A. J. Courtin. and Mrs. Wal _rs men children .returned last week after venting with Mrs I' Elford of Se Anne,, Que. , , - Rev. and Mrs. Coitzans:of, Stalfa with their children' spent 'the NeW Years holidays the guests of the former's 'parents, • 'Rev, '0. C. -ani Mrs, Couzens, at. the parsonage, •Miss Kennedy, of London was the guest of 'the Misses Couzens Over the hol.lay, W, Couzens hat( retiurned• to his school at Tavistock after spehd ing the holiday season at, his hone fuer" The officers Court Selwood for the' present .year are as follows : Chief Ranger, W. Jenkins. Past Chief, N. W. Trewartha, Vice, S.' W. Miller, Chaplain, W. Stanley, Ree: Secretary, P. Macdougall. Fin -Secretary( S. T. • Walter. Treasurer, C. Williams. Sr, Woodward, W. Johnston, Jr. eedodward, Geo. Sturdy. Sr, Beadle, 0. N. Potttee. ,Jr Beadle, W. Pickard. Auditors, 0. W. Potter and George Vanderburg. The following is the report' of S. S. No 5 Godei' ch township Sr. 4t1 -Clarence Connell, Lottde Levis Jr, 11;11 -Clifford. Holland, Heron Levee Verna Jervis, Roy Munings, ("eerie° King, Harold' Cole, Elva Proctor,. See 3rd -Alvin Leona,tl, Sea ware Malt, Robert McLeod; Daniel Gild-. don; Milton lIolland, Leslie Jervis, Clifton Proctor. ' Jr, 3rd -William Alcock. Sr. 2nd-lentfiy Ford, Norman Nair, Altalind McCar'.tey, Harry 10.11 and Fred. Lavas, equal Jr. 2nd-13ruce Holland: Pt. ?nd-Willie Miller, Wilfred Jer- vis. Sr. Pt. le'. Violet Miller, Marion. Alcock, Cyril, Proctor, Charlie I'c'e- lor•. • Jr. l' l (a) -Willie Jervis, Dorothy Jervis, Willie Larder. Jr. Pt 1st (h) --Albert Larder, Harold Larder, Ted _Smith, Bear; Smith:< •Suinnnerhill Mr. 0• :R, Keys of Clinton, organ- ize!! of 0.0.10, ea'.ed on a number of the young men in this neighbor- hood in the interest, of tate C.O.F. Mr, and Mrs. Gco. W. Hilt- of Taber, ','Alta., spent a few days with frt:.t'kla arou d here. Mr.Geo, Johnston and illi: W1:. limns spent Neto Year's with'liensall friends. Mrs 'Tyner and i'lr. Chas. t'ync'r attended the wedding of Mr. Geo:+;e Mains on Wednesday last. The Ladies', ';Guild ti ill; meet at 'Cony Lawson.s on Wednesday ether - noon.' • e L.O.L. 923 lied its monthly meet- ing ,on Tuesday evening. '['he annual s 7tooI meeting was 'held on the 2.7th when Mr. I1. Mc- Brien was' elected iii place of Mr. 1Iardy, who has move:l into Clinton. Mr. W. Beacom called on friends aroundehere last week. Mr. Ogle Miller of Clia r:et-spent, a few days with friends around here. Mr. A. McLaughlin spent, Now year's ale his home here. Mr. 0, Dale called on Mr, Geo. Johnston last week, • Elec'l(ons passed off very queekly in this motion. ' Mr. A. ` MCLaughlin of ;ieaforth spent the Xinaa holidays at his ;tome here. Miss 0. Murray °and Miss Halon Lindsay of London spent the ')soli• hays at Mr, � J. Lindsay's, Mr. and Mrs .J, Scarlett and. Mr, This Scarlett of Lcadbury :,punt Xmas, Day at' Mr. Geo (Tyner's Mrs: H. MeBrien in vis,'ting ler sister, Mrs, Burns, of Detroit: Miss Ethel Lovett'yitsited friends In Toront. re ently. , + Mies' Myrtle Beacom 0f London sent th p e ho }ids} s. under the 'parental roof: Miss Katie Govi,'r spenii Xmas with London friends. Mr. Chas. Clifton spent Xmas under the parental roof. . Mr. and Mrs.. Jas: Johnston of Clinton spent. Xmas he Mrs. John Johnston'e. t, Mr. and'Mrs. W. Biggins and fam- ily of Clinton spout Xmas Dap at Mr. , C. Beacom's ,as also did Mr. and Mrs. T Churchill. • Mrs. E. -McLean of Pilot Mound, Man., is. visiting her sister, Mrs. R. Watkint..' Mr. Jas. Reid of Carndure.,,Sask., visiting under the parental root Miss Clara Biggi•t of Clinton is is visiting'friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and fam- ily of the west a'rc visiting at Mr. Thos. Majrs, Mr. R. Col'boree and Mist Char-' Lotto spent Xmas under the parental, Wr. 4hos:McMichael, the, big horse- man, called on friends in the: village lase week. Mr and Mrs I) Williams vent Xmas Day, at Mr John Colborne''s. ;Quite a number attended the Xnias Trda in Londesboro on Xman night. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Watkins •'spent Xmas with'friends'in Clinton. Mt. and Mal. Thos.' -Mason and lit- tle ,son Rayl' spent the holiday, seas on with it :rids in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Lee of Clinton, spent Monday the guests of Me. and Mrs. Df Garvie, • Miss a 'Peck, our teacher!, spent the holidays antler the parentat'Yoof. Varna Mr, and Mrs, Copeland of Parry Sound visited their sister, Mrs.. Johnston .. of the manse, recently. Miss Lillie Morrison, of Souris, Man,, is now visiting her mother here. Mr: S. Ward of Wetaskoivin; Alta., has been here vist<:ng his brother Christopher and also, other friends tin t vie' the mty. Miss Mary y McAsh spent a week's holidays in Detiroiil: Mr. Oliver Keys of Detroit' visiaid his home here during 'the holiday sea- aon. Miss Ethel Jones has returned af- ter a pleasant visit in Toronto. Frank and Allen McKenzie of De- troit anent the Reeive holiday the guests- of thole 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11: McKenzie. • Mr, Jos. Pilgrim and his sister Miss Beatrice of Goderich spent Now Year's with thein parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. C. Pilgrim. Mo. and Mrs. Geo. 'Reid of Bay City, Mich., and Rev. R. Murray of Chipago were a holiday visitors at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Anutow Reid, Mitt. Feeeusort of tGoderioh was the guest of her nen, ,ll'n. .1. 11. lbtin- well, recently. Mr. -and; M:13. McNaugheen er free west, who have aeon sisiti.tg friends in this and other ;tarts of Onrario;- spent the holiday lite guests of Mr, iley. ' Mr, Ernest Meelyntnnt .watt home from Toronto for over the holiday. Mr. Roy Morr,:on of Sudbury came home to spend Christmas with his mother. At a special greeting of L. 0. L. No. 1035 :the officers were elected by acclamation as follows Mastet, John Rathwell. Depute, John Johnson. Chaplain, Geo. Beatrfe, Rec.-Secretary, an. Rathwell, Fin.-Seceetary,' Geo: Johnson, Lecturer, Albert Robinson. °Dr -of C., Thos. Stinson Jr. Treasurer, Frank Weeks, Commiteee, Isaac Rathwell; J. W. Reiil, Wm. Rathwell, Wm. Logan and Robt. Elliott. A pretty welding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew' lurid of : etho Parr Ltnc on Wednesday afternoon, Dec.' 20th, when their . daughter, Miss Annie, was united in marriage to Mr. Thos. Robinson, rim of Mr. Edward Rob- inann of the Goshen. The cet':mony was perforated by Rev. T. H. Snow- den assisted by Rev, li, Murray of Chicago, uncle. of the bride. The bridewas given away by her father. She was charmingly gowned in embroidered marquesotte and carried a boquet of white car- nations. Miss Roxie Palmer of God erich was maul of honor and Miss Marge'ttt Reid, sister of the bride, was briderrnaid, The gaaomsman was Mr, Will. Robinson, brother of the groom. Miss .Eliza Robinson, sister of the groom, played the wed ding march while the bridal panty took thei:c places under a preety arch of evergreens and holly. At thee con- clusion of the ceremony the nrw1y- weddetl pait led the way to the din- ing -room, where a tt'unptuoun supper was served to, about seventy guests, Tho bride was tho recipient of many handsome and useful gift's, the g''om's gift being a beautiful fur - lined coat. To the bridesmaid, maid of honor and pianist `the groom prc- sented prebty signet pins. Mr, and Mrs. Robinson have taken up house- keeping on the groom's 'farm on the •Goshen Line. The many friends of the young couple join' in wish- ing .thein long life and prosperity. A few evenings previous to the marriage of Meal Reid a number of her young friends of both sexes gathered at heir home and presented her with 'almost everything needed in the hoiise in the way of granite- waro. , A very jolly time was spent be was mucic surprised and appreciate by the young people. The bride -to- ed very highly the kind thoughtful- ness of her friends, The Christmas' tree and entertain. - wait given by the Sunday school ryas a to:v enjoyable' gathering indeed. The t'rec was laden to the breaking point and during the, progress of the• program many an expectant eye feasted upon it. The program was almost wholly givenby the members emb s of the school. The superintendent, Mr. Jansen McClyinont, occupied the chair in his own genial way, the, Dow=' son brothers contaibrtted several violin selections and Mrs. McCly ntont sang a nolo ' very acceptably. When the program was over the tree was stripped of its• irult:i, when each and every one received some- thing from Santa Claus, Candies. were also distributed to the children. and a very pleasant time was spent. Mr. An'nstrong of .Essex visit- ing his cousin, Mr. Webstatr Buchan - Mr. Will. Ferguson of Exeter has engaged for a harm with Mr. Robert_ Parsons. Me. Parsons' brother its home f:+tin Winnipeg. Ho reports the city as growing very rapidly. The following 'a• the school report of S. 8. No. 14, Stanley-, the names being in order of merit. 5th -Melville Mcolymonit, Royal MoCiymon1. $2. 4t1: -A, flood,• J. Collins, M. Parsons. Jr, .4th --G, Iloss, N. IJood, L Wasman, '• Sr. 3rd -Anna Fisher, W. Cooper;: L. Mc0lyrnont. 2nd -W. Collings, Ie. Makins, A. Parson. Sr. 2nd% Pt, -G, Coopor,' N. i•Iood. Jr. 2nd Pt,-Ttlia Fisher, W. Ross, W Harvey. 1st Class -V" McClyntont, F. Par - 50115, Agnes Niger, Tho besft speller' 'in the monthly spelling matches Were : 5th and 4th• -Grace Rase, .3rd -•W.: C.'B. .Iohust6is. 2nd --W, H. Coffins: Kftppen Mrs. W. H. Johnston was called to Brooksdalo on New Year's Day` `to attend the funnel of a nein,iUGlo 1 Jean Thomson, who died somewbat suddenly. Among the holiday ttzlitors in thin burg and vicinity she following have been noticed : Mrs. Danks, het daughter, Miss Bertha Potter, and Mho children of Zion City, Ill., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivison, Mr, Herbert Whitemau and sister, Miss Mabel of Toronto and Mr. Alden Whiteman of Det;cnib are viisft:tng under the parental roof, Mr. and Mrs. McPhail of Porter's Hill also ate their Christmas dinncw here. Mr. Jones and Mr, and Mrs. Taylor of London were tho guests of Mr, Goo. Taylor. Dwight Fishes is home after spend- ing a'sulnmer` in the west. He is enthusiastic over the .possibiilities dor the young man there. Mr, Robert - Meths and his son in- law, Rev. Mr. McKibbon, are up revisiting old friends and. u:ones, The following teachers are :spend- ing ' their vacation at their homes hare.: Miss Nellie Mo:rregor of near Stratford, Miss Maggie Mollis of Athens and Miss Pete() of Sault Ste. Marie, A. W. Johnston and sis- ter, NO; 'Mary, wore home from the University in Toronto. Miss Etta Jarrott of London Normal is home also. Mr. and M-ts• Jas. McClymont went to London to spend the Christmas with friends there. Mr. and Mrs, Edmund Morrison Went to Drayton tip visit friends there, 'rhe bent ateendance prizes for the year were won by Anna Hood, Anna Fisher, Willie Collins and Cecil John- ston, each of whom attended school every school day, ie the year. This makes the fifth time for Anna Hood to win this prize on the same tering .and the second time foe Anna Fisher and W. C. B. Johnston. In addition to these Jessie Collins and Norma Hood missed only one day each through illness. Tho prize is the Chatterbox for the current year given by the teaches who believes that the general attendance is im- proved,by the giving of these prizes. On Wednesday the 13th inst. there passed away in Hermit at the ear- ly age of twenty-three, Miss Mary J, McKay, until lately a resident in the vicinity of this vt'lage. About two years ago she developed lung trouble. and although eve:tything possiblewas done for her including several monttro, residence in the sanitarium in Byron she at last succumbed to that ser- ious trouble. The late Miss McKay was a most estimable young lady, kind and generous in her ways, and beloved by all. She was a member of the Methodeit church for many years and she died is the triumphs of faith, hors testimony all tihrough her tllnest being very clear and con- vincing. When she was a little girl silo was adopted by the late Thos. and MrsMcKay Her brother's, Jas. Battrc'tt` and his wife o£ Pet- rol•ia and Henry of London, and her sister, Miss Lily of Toronto, were present at her funeral. Another baa, Mee. Seethed, is homesteading neat' Bridgeford, Sask. These brothers and sister, and Mrs. McKay, hen tosser mother, who loved her like her own child, have Cho sympathy,. of all in their sore bereavement. The National Fertilizer The National Fertilizer, which is placed on the market by the National Land, Fruit and Packing Company, shows the following analysis compar- ed with barnyard manure : Nibrogon 3.50, equal to 4.0 am- atonia: Phosphoric acid 5.75, equal to 12, soluble phosphates, Potash 3.50. How ,o get 100 per cent. more Profi with less labor, and no to vestment. The National Land Fruit b Packin Company, Limited, is not an 'ftiner ant vendor of fertilizers, ]zero to -da and away to -morrow. Through the properties which itt operates, bh Company is a permanent "next doo neigttbor" to upwards of 2,000 farm- ers, including a large number in the County of Huron, and even for tht reason alone, it' would not, and coul BATTER THAN BARN YARD MAN- URE. not afford to place anything on th market that it was not prepared' t• wholly endorse and back up •in even. respect. Tho Company has investigated prac- tically ,every known fertilizer. Ha sent an expert to Europe to Manta into and report upon the nature, pro- cess of manu£actlure, chera•eferistics actions and result•t of fe'rtilizcrs, alt by introducing the National Fertilizer the Company is giving ies neighbors and others, a fertilizer that is pre- pared so as to be especially adapted to the requirements of the Ontario farmers: FiRST 0.4TI3ER THE CROP - THEN THEN PAY •' The Company is so confidens for all that it claims for the National Fer- tilizer, that it is prepared to sell it to tho farmer and,bo paid for it only after the crop has: been gathered. Think what this meant'. You increase the profits from your 'fields more than 100 per cent,, and after•the season's crop Nati been kt'aken in,: and not be- fore, you payy for the National Fer- tilizer, the wonderful handmaid of na- ture that causes two bushels to be produced, where one bushel greet be- fore. NatiOnal Land, Frult 'lit Packing Co - Toronto. Reptesentativefor Burros G runty, P. EVANSi CLINTON Terms CASH ONE IR%/VIN!S PRICE SNL i MEET ME AT IRWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 • Logs W nted STAPLETON W MILL All kinds of Logs will,et Highest Prices, No. 1 basswood Herding, 40 inches; $3,75 per coil delivered.. ,mow '= CuS ibm Work WILL 13:E /WELL DONE. ALKER'S YouiwillffiJ d some interesting prices on FFU l lO 4ITURE AND aE Fi7RNISHING3 A few of thy' quotationsjbelow will suggest some of the values • Rugs in good qu best 4 different pattern;. chance , No b ette l leinoleums 4 y cI in the Fur nTi i e l shownin'Clintot willinterest you 1 n 0 11 �lity of Tapestry size 3x8 for $7.75. 3x4 reg. $19.00 for $18.00. 0 choose from. If you want a rug this is your lne ever shown in Clinton ide, 50c per sq yd. 9 patterns to choose from;. .Department you will Roti the best selection ever 1 you want a parlor suite here are some prices that ly 3 piece suite reg 500.00 for 548.50 72.00 " 60.00 3 " 27.50 " 25.00 `1.3.50 1' 21.00 6 50.00' 42.00 '5 `3.00 20.00 I it Beds prices ranging from $3,00 to $30.00, e Some special prices oil mattresses. !it11line �snalmusical mn sicol instru menta carried ed in s to ek,3hld is a new 1.11e. I have added along with the Edison Phonograph, The Store of Quality' Phone 2 W. Walker Furniture dealer and Undertaker Residence; Phone 140 4-, e ' Ems' Record to . end of 191 for $1.00 first opportunity to thank the y and surrounding country Christmas trade which they ly ( We take the ., people of Ctlinton for the splendid have given us. We Extend p> '" To one and all our best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year and would suggest that it will help you to attain to both these des- irable objects by trading at the People's store,; _ t WCWon't Lose Any time in getting rid of ocld lines of Fall and Winter goods. We need the room. We Shall Continue <r.,,•-0, To give Coupons and Premiums during the Winter and Spring months, MEET ME AT IRWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1 • Logs W nted STAPLETON W MILL All kinds of Logs will,et Highest Prices, No. 1 basswood Herding, 40 inches; $3,75 per coil delivered.. ,mow '= CuS ibm Work WILL 13:E /WELL DONE. ALKER'S YouiwillffiJ d some interesting prices on FFU l lO 4ITURE AND aE Fi7RNISHING3 A few of thy' quotationsjbelow will suggest some of the values • Rugs in good qu best 4 different pattern;. chance , No b ette l leinoleums 4 y cI in the Fur nTi i e l shownin'Clintot willinterest you 1 n 0 11 �lity of Tapestry size 3x8 for $7.75. 3x4 reg. $19.00 for $18.00. 0 choose from. If you want a rug this is your lne ever shown in Clinton ide, 50c per sq yd. 9 patterns to choose from;. .Department you will Roti the best selection ever 1 you want a parlor suite here are some prices that ly 3 piece suite reg 500.00 for 548.50 72.00 " 60.00 3 " 27.50 " 25.00 `1.3.50 1' 21.00 6 50.00' 42.00 '5 `3.00 20.00 I it Beds prices ranging from $3,00 to $30.00, e Some special prices oil mattresses. !it11line �snalmusical mn sicol instru menta carried ed in s to ek,3hld is a new 1.11e. I have added along with the Edison Phonograph, The Store of Quality' Phone 2 W. Walker Furniture dealer and Undertaker Residence; Phone 140 4-, e ' Ems' Record to . end of 191 for $1.00