HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-18, Page 12l;t
Atm ti y;Deeetib18th'; 1913,
� E ' r Chrietrr a8.
COP' at',thte busy Christmas season
arid' :thinkloIa moment of the folks
bactt home ",,Qonstder blo^Q# much
hapg�itMv thea app (t';, ?e "if you are with
�:a'' tient on this Christmas" day ,,,,,Perha s your
It parents are getting very old'novo-crhape the,,
toye only few more Christmaeee to upend
the old home
>, .< rill our presence at h
hire. ' Certat f
• d resit �. to th t joy. place 'could a Cl greatly y
of the'.days
n you.
e achtl, d
Chris$nbae�s now -one forever, when- yOur
i so much
father and mother did.:
rs mother te the
best friend he nind..
happy. , F� ins
or ever
-One oes it to
to send Christina& at her 5ide and to de ote
the day to making hr happy•`t6tt if vehave
no mother what would' be prettier, ,�oa sen
ment' or act could be more beautiful, than to
visit her grave and
Blake it g i'een Withwreathe
and flowers on Chrtstinas day 7 '
r ■ ■
sore paste that limy De. smootued sat;
with -
ro n pie a rolling fn• t
1 ��11 I Tl g are required P
� v tial Premiers p Or
the first covering.
■ ■ The cake may be served with a
handsome Otte i
and Their Nestor d ata Cover. like the
one shown in the picture.
'Continued From Page 1
be a wise 'maid d learn d r all she
pctasibly can from the experiences
and the 'guiding hand of Premier
Sifton, 'who simply can't be fooled
With, and who mows precaselV lION
much parentfllislii=tYitfiOttt pat-
exnalisne -is needed 'bo put the
,^sties 'of Alberta in the light of
arse, •. _.•..
appreciative punlIC opinion. It was
a wise move
that made Hon, A. L.
Siston Premier of A1bgI`ta, its a
public map v'ui Cher on the Plat-
f"":in or the bench, or in the Prem.
ier's seat in the Legislature,. 'xis iN
the .kind of man that iSelkure to
oo2gmaiml resgetet, a?,bl lastlfar ad
may bb, insist that the big prairie
Province get+its, real ptilrtics, not
from. ,Ctitanva, but. from Alberta, in
the intereetsl of the whole country.
Already Mr. Sifton has told the
Last -what ,he thinles• the West is
entitled to get at the'hands of the
Dominion Government, He believes
the Western ;Provinces should be
alldaved to control their own native
re ourees in minerals, .water -pow
'ens, ilomeets and public lands.
(rearm of Oysters.
Olives, Pickled Red Cabbage.
nest Young Otiose Stuffed With
Potatoes, -Onions and Saga,
Apple Sauce, •
Mashed Potatoes. Hubbard Squash.
string Beans.
Potato Salad.
Deep Dish Iiingilah Apple Plea
Whipped Cream. .
American Cheese,
Fruit. Co
its Making and Decoration an lin.'
portant Task.
The Christmas enlist is generally a
'reitenke. )lust people prefer It Many
Alter `Itind Thls hast advantages for
.11e• housewife.: for. It can be made
weeks :before Christmas and so save
the trouble of preparing 1t in her busy
viuts when the Cht'istrnas'feast must
he thought of.
The fruit cake most generally Served,
s n dark one, but the Roston Cooking
School Ma aziue suggests '11 very nice
White fruit dike made, as follows
fake sis' ounces (three-fourths 'of a
:upfult of butter, eight .ouncestone
e 1pfull of sugar, eight ounces'. (two
cupfulie _ of flour; one slightly round.
41 teaspoonful of halting powder, six
whites of eggs; one poudof blanebed
almonds sliced thin, half a pound of
light colors(' settled, . raisins, half a
pound of crystallized i'fineapple-cut In
C.►newjer only your
� w
y advaneagar> you will
You get : better service,
arger stoc s . rom which to
makeour selections, more
time to .choose the articles
you want.
. You are doing yourself a
real ' service whenou buy
earlyand. before the rush
IMAIY was very,.
very lonely, so
lonely that he. Al.
most cited. A big
boy of seven and
a schoolboy as well
can't really, truly
cry- Jimmy .dill
Il fee a good reason
tot 'crying; Alam•
tea, the best and
dearest of all good, -dear me:lamas, had
gone away never to come back. Irapa
,was aluiosk always at his o(iice }e
• t ,n {lend llan o
;Runny the I nurse,'..
i•tr n i,io• W.MAa,.1.. .
",tinny, oh, Jimmy! :i'tts, collie and
See what papa has sent up front the
stoles iy'b Ju$t sine, 1 ciui tell
limme,jutuiied tip and rain- Fo the
kitchen.' Ori the kitchen table lay a
huge 1 rkey, "with loads 0' ftxln's,"
Cook said. Ti great pile or red cranbet•
des, _e isp, curly celery, raisins, buts
ajdt s�v, big l)oseo' acm•n t ��
'Will,papa beTAre for dinner?` 1
haven't seep him in ever so long, and i
don't want dinner without papa;" ask-
ed Jimmy.' ' •
"I'll tel you. d'e'll p,holle to paha
and ask him specially `to conte to our
Christmas party tothorro\v and to din-
ner tomorrow night, nurse suggested.
Can 1 reatly,'truly phone, Hannah?"
"Yes, indeed, and I'll show you how,".
and Hannah led the way to the room
where the telephone was. •
Jimmy had to climb 00' a stool, he
Was so little, but he didn't minora hit.
Then nurse told him just what to say
to central, and he called papa up. Yes,
papa was cominghome to dinner and
would be out all,day tomorrow.
Jimmy was, y r�'' hul)ny ltad, colYtii "
scarcely' wait till dime -Pr. - Blit Ivi eu
dinner time came papa did DIA arrive.
'srse . came" in and told •b�i'rt4'my that'
papa could not come hetet `t'e'at night;
Jtmm said nothing. lcedidn't 'cry,
as nurse thought be weuld. Be only
looked very sober and went to his room.
Then he washed his face and put on
11,34 rutned coat He slipped down the
'stairs and opt 111e front door, a was
going to reit awes.
When be fi� OTi iu the kItiely conn -
try. imply engine be afraid. Night
01111)0 011, and it was bitter colyd5, J.Le
u •. wl
Sleepyd eta g
felt tired and n
der,a'fence and lay de** t6 htLbp.
When :11 fumy Woke ilii gds heal,'Vas
resting in somebdtly's Tap, an; t some.
body had i1tieY drilla around him.
"'Polittle 'fellow! He's nearly fro-
natl Tacky tarry him up to the bouse,"
tap heard a tiiotherly voice say.
IIe Netted up. The lady who was'
htfblding him wasn't a bit like his pretty
ifielyf redafefinp.
.Told in three de-
A`gret}q etr&agth No. 1.41;
Dio 2 i8; No 3, $5 per bar,
Eloid b „q1E
"pprep$** on iwetpt of ppric,
Free- pnmpblet. Addresse,,
TORONTO, ONT.. (firmed/ WIN/Kr.)
M.r- axxsn tv
lt)1)0( hob.l111 of amihl lPr
50111001 and fair culinary skill
found herself hieing the 1(011-
t'Christmas gilt giving-
h dh a very (leplctei7 jioc keibook, She
tinnily ea me to the coial'I�ns1F�tltt');n
less •she gave epcii It 1iii Irlcllus a. 1101
of lily 60/11510 candies she hnevv 1100 to
hl tkti it would' bo itilpofisibieTot' her 10.,
refer , il�itrer tlje11, :site nude sCtnit p111
ly' butes, `00401111g litem wit 1) W11 er
10101: or crape 'paper. and'decorating
them approl)tlatel)'. Tiiefh 'u tie l;utb•
erect her slppllts together :1nit gut
ready u• w
, tor of f. tilts net alh' the 'Milk.
lug a . of ther
sand , i' : �
nu 011„ ns she.cyld
inorder11111t her Soeetrneuts might be
alisolutely fresh when presented, She
bud Ler' ants shelled.. and blanched
ready for'use and her situple'eoloriug
mutters bought ready for use iu nfl;
W eu siheybegnn making her candler
she had a clear Lirein the kittes
range, enameled saucepans. of smote 11
Itliped strucepan. shallow this in which
to pour such candies 11s caramels, taffy,
butterscotch, etc.; large fiat stoneware
platters, clean smootl ,wooden spoons.
n Every little while you read inthe papers
that so many persons have'died from Con-
It is all very fer•off and matter of fact
and possibly it scarcely arrests your atten-
Do you ever realise' that each one Of
those ` Clues" "-ano4'o items in an official
record -is a black' tragedy to somebody,
that behind earth one of them lies long,
hopeless days of pain, feverish pights of
despair,' lifetime plans that must .be laid
away, grindiug poverty, perhaps a wife to
fight her own way afterwards or children
who, k»ow hunger now"that the father is
Just suppose it were your tragedy.
Suppose it were your father, your mother,
your brother, sister, husband, wife, your
child, or perhaps your sweethearts, and you
«'itlr the hospital doors shut in yourfate,,
wringing your hands in utter helplessness
while rho, crowds hurry by, engrossed in
their'own affairs.
Blit nol You are in that crowd and yon
dou't hear either because you aro busy,.
But `voliidn't you give -and gladly --if
you knew that what meant so little to you
would go lar to bring back the glow to
somebody's wan face or .the. laughter- to.
somebody's lips?
Just sit down and think of the one you`
love best in the world. Then say "If 0110
lay there.-" or "'If he lay there-"
and'see how it sounds. What would be-
come of all your plens,and your 'busy days
then ?
For elevenyears now,: the Muskoka Free,
Hospital for :Consumptives has oared for'
those whom' others love hest, and hundreds
of thorn have gone home again well anti
sappy. Ity keeps its doors open because a
few busy people like you stop for a moment
AreY g ou . oi-n 6,to remember this Christ.
Don't: put it elL Use the attached form.
i11 sending your contribution.
bits, half n pound of citron sliced thin
and hail' a cupful Of grated coeoanrit'
Bifx in; the order given,: 14ahe in a
loaf about an hour and e quarter or
in two :brick loaf bread' !mil* bout,
toffy -fire minutes. Cover with almond
Poste : mixed with egg yolks and pow
dered sugar hnd, when relldy to use,
with confectioner's or boiled frosting.
From four to six ounces of paste, two
to three yolks of' eggs and confection.
errs sugar, te knead the two into a,'p11-
To help the .el?wsltolia.Free .He's-'
i at ,br Oonsw,ot
ti5c5 continue its
0;f'e-aaavrng work, 1 gladly enclose
the Stun or 3. '
Arms . ......... ..............
5,00 will. previd.e maintenance for 11 week,
0.0 2vpay
$ 0v 111 i for four weeks.
6250.00 will endow a bed for a, year:
Since the need is sveh aper stanea,t
one, /shot/id ciao Zike tom ubecribe
O,;.; . Register 7ny 21,a1710 accord
Cnntrlhnue0e-hiayy:5,p ,,$ low.1i.Uago, ,, 84 amain"
Av.. Toronto, or to 11 Dunbar, S,,A-Trw .ttonal K a.
mint, Asso0WWtw, 847 King et. W„
ra rj ucah. „ .•
nMdMfY SOT '611 ORANGE IN .HIS STooittee,
mother. She had on an old, dingy
brd\vll 'dress and a lough gray- Shawl,
but hada kind face.. .lfltk., 1 great big
110.'carrii0 him to the farmhouse.
Nekt looming .1flhmv 1V110 11vlaiceuect
b1 beltig v fgorotlsly shaken, .
:'flet up, get up! It's Christmas, and
'We want to see everything," piped
17h1^y, rein do\vbst111s, and 'th'e little
girls seized tire boys' hands and (rallc
ed restate) the old rsaiidnl0tber, 3110
WAS m;iltin, t•Illt0. Then they all kiss
ed lief (100, kissed 'mother and father
-Jimmy got 1,0 er•tulgo initis stocking,
ton, like the! others, rally ti 1liee Ilew tie
fBut.dinner was the best of all.
'I'liey 111'1 er`oivded around the table
Jock l3 1:10 shot a Wild turkey, anil (hey
haft celery owl mashed 'potatoes. (ran.
berries, ies. ,inns and lots of .other tbiugs,
with a hi( pumpkin pix to crown the
whole. They hail jest )egen to eat,
limply declaring he '•could est a whole
house of turkey," wheiithet
is was
a •
.nu k ltthe doer, hinny isoked up
and there stood papa, with Tim. the
1 -':very wildest boy. '
' '"Popo, Calla!" crirri .limo(;,0, 311511ing
to him ..Piton t1111111i tired hnd white..
tie tiol :been so 'frightened about
Iny. Tim had `flitted out that learn
Ing from .11111ny 31)0 his father was
nnil hod: Lin eteni!ci'I0,titnely's liquse.;
"And .111 rleVe 'Miss liucing Christ-
mas dinne ,with'yhu again." Said papa
Chit. i sit 1, a'ciu 11 h'ite
01441 41111:15
dinrtn' with lis today.". said .jimmy
•.hlrs1 Ihi sell s0,0s yols're to stay."
'Pc nope ' la,yed and •I1ad dither with
jimmylifter all.
Wood's Phoaphe iaoo
English Remedy.
The f1and i Enra eo ly//
Tonto and t em, nates now whole
nervous system, snakes now Blood
in old. Veins,,.Cures Nervous l
Debility, Mental dad Brain Worry, Deep en
dency, LOSS of ICnergtl, Palpitation of the!
Heart, Failing Memory. Price -81 per box, s,z
for SS•Oh Ono wdlpledee,, six will cure, t Sold by all
druggists: or tended ip plain pkg. on reeeiptc of
rake. Atm alnphlet.mailedfree. THE WOOD
MEDICkNIE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (blI■taf Wlnhif.)
BONBON' 130x.
a wire candy dipper,' one or two pill.
ette knives, a strong pair of shears, u
small flat paint brush. It little i111vt'
and a good 111itruluuleter. It' you wish
to know just what she tpnda mod null,
she nude It Bute 1111• :folloWhlg recipe,.
..take 1 trent Iter 1101011UUl(:
Nut Can03'.-Two cupfuls sugar„one
hair cupful water. Buil tult11 thiclt'
floret' 10 taste, stir in one cup hickory
11111 stents 115(1 pear tutu a- 1111e Oat
dish. When nearly void e'111 in senores
1.eulou. Candy. -Two cupfuls grins
Inted sugar, one cupful boning wllttrl',
three tablespoonfuls vinegar. buttes
size of a walnut. Let boil until it 11ar11
ens immediately When droppeil'in cold
water. full until white. four the
lemon essence on while boiling.
Chocolate. Caramels.- Half u puuud
of t'hoeelate,half a cupful of mill:, two
cupfuls of light brown sugar, one cup
ful of molasses and a piece of butter ns
hig 11(3 a810;111 apple. Cook` for twenty
mtnlitp4, stirring constantly. Pour Mb,:
o pan _a d cut into squares,' -
Caramel Tit Efy.-Two teacupfuls of
white' sugar, two tablespoonfuls 01
sirup, three ounces of butter, one eaa
of condensed milk, essence of "vanilla
,Put batter, sugar and sirup into a pan
11i,ISTA1':9S DA•T
had dawned as
j7;t \ra a clear and spar
111115 n5 111 0111.11
11115- should,' To
be sure., in the,
sunny' sent lila lid
lhcre was, 110
sn0w. anti t Ii e
children had to
content them
.1 ` selves with vis.
It from Santa Claus ill a very 0(i to
date tieivipi;lne, but this did out matter
'Chen the humble cabin home of [honk•
Jefferson 4., 11(1(1 11)1 been passed by,
Ind the -delighted faces of the li tie
201,11ed children testified ,that the dear
` ,r.' i 'icscoolod their wildest
Now eahie the iddst ia:lil•t 1nttlues•
lion or Ike' Hverybudyluldws that
(;ji't�'(uu10 dinue.r is very di1fereut
Pomanr i
otherrlterll AI must P L1 -
�)d u.t a !_ u
ncd for accordingly. tut it smirched
that these ,mall„lirrltbers' and sisters
or Stomas Jefferson, who was not very
big himself, twist be left to his, core
today, 1, t lhi
lle'his mammy went to the
l 'Muse hl tool helped get [Cady for the
10111luy. 'Ltio mus 1offerSLn was ill
towed to go along with his in1101ily,
foriil)0 was to bring back a h.fsl:et Lill
ed with -dinner for himself and the otlt-
ers So tic• walked with her gel:y hap>
1t the: 1101150 pretty Jiiss Clarissa
lf.w.that the basket was tilled.
Thotelle 1elrei'sun fairly staggered
ander the weight of his basket when
he at last turned
off to tho woods.
A5 he wl'ilt he
be l td 11100 Cht•
r i s s i s `swish'
1oiee 1 itig Sant in a
Cht istnias cat'bI
and, tookinn
been,. . c'It u g h t
slight of her seat -
bit at the piano
beueatb 11 great
hunch of holly
4.11 11 mistletoe.
These were .the
words be Iacard CHIT OHM C11Olv1CI
her sing,: "Arid A,80UT.
pray a 51adsotne'
.1111 tstmus for all good Christian men.,"
It was an old cnrol,'and.Tlionms Jet%
fusee bad Beyer given much thougbt
to the ineauing of it' before, but now
3s tit walked along with so,uu1ny good
things the little fellow felt so grateful
that be longed to share his blessings
With some one less fortunate. The
woods seemed deserted, however, and
Thomas Jefferson' reached his Cebin
withoilt meeting tiny one.
The chlidreo crowded aboht 111111
eagerly, and all could hardly wait ne-
tt he had opened the basket. spr4+rld
the cloth and dished the 'dinner.
Thomas ,1ef1'erson was most particular
IIS to now Ile did this. Each plate,
must contain an exact 51131e or the
good things. Just so much turkey.
Just s0 much sauce, sauce just SO litany veg.
et:abies. All were beginning with great
enjoyment when a knock came at the
"I'll see who 'tis, said'Tbomas Jet'
Person. "Sou .cliill011 just go right
along wid yo' dinner,"
It 001(11 a .very ragged boy that stood
in the doorway or the kitchen. Mis
erably poor and hungry he looked. and.
Tiwmas Jefferson's heart went out to
"if you would plense give men bit
to eat." he said, "1 will be very grate
ful. I have come al -long wiry and Have
still a good way to go."
Thomas Jefferson hesitnted. Elis
mammy did not approve. 01' giving to
tramps.' He had no right to give her
food away. Then he•tbuught of the
dinner on his plet:e. That was 1115 own
without any' doubt He returned to the
table, the words of the carol still ring
engin his head_ The children were too
stirring occasionally till molted. Schen
pour in milk end vnuilla and boil for
twenty minutes, stirring `ell the time.
Bunts Place in 11 saucepan two cute
Eula ot;, granulated sugar, otic -half cup
fns of water, .one-foertll teaspoonful
of cream of tartar aind,oue-half ten.
spoonful of glycerin, :'\Boil' to -:11 Rbl't
• oil stage, then remove from the tare
nail 11,1008 with 1(0))pefl•mint Pour out
01) a platter and, stii'1 with a spoon
mall .0 begins to stiffen, thentake ttp-
111[0 the hands and it'nelid until (101'
and creamy. "Mold into hails 1111ci roll
in WO ere() ,51.1511T.. Plate ou often
paper'to'cool. 'fvinterf?,reetl Mints are
made by adding u i'ew drops of the oil
' of wintergreen instead of"the -pepper
' mint and: a little red 'fruit coloring.
These Mints Olin be dipped into Melted
el] ocolnte'if! liked.
11 sen' 'turtle Sinn feloar).
:11417."i 4.140.8. •
1;Nraloped Oyster,. 12ucumbe'5.'
(10u0t Duck, (3rnnga Hauch.
Cra bar .J
,N)shr1 Pot n lloseet potatoes,
11oi1'(•1 WhiteOaldnr,
Machell '1'drnlpa.
L'eeari' sated,
1113 So (too AIrn)ndi.
,t,f ince l'l*,
1 ce 'ere„1n vrult.'
(1)401 o,.
x1150 CdAI 1$SA SAIL 1'1A)' "1)50+ 11ASt0101
WAS 11(0.00,'
busy to ((0111'1' that he -took the plate
. from the table trod returned with it
't:mptz'.- 'Then lo' set about dic'lpiug, the.
pudding, 11'1)010 0111' 1s very Itmagry
and lins one's Mont 11 I t for til t 0v and
�ubstW-llal 5011( things. oven delicious
1(11151 pudding aloes not llitite'satisf3
11nt Thomas' Jefferson, ,remt'nlherin3
the eiiro,1. (1(110 to 1111lgiue that he 101
gp1ie full h11' :did 'feet ,very glad to
'tare' helped sopa' one 011 this 'glad day
110 'so played 01111 the new games all
afternoon with a rl„ht gout will,
Sint the amount of eos'l1 broad nnil
harnp' MI` dercuref] 112 -S,t p1ter 111111'
nt'>de hisin-oniony ,'211101u, "Well., it two
,teal all. 'i'h,wnas ,1eil'erwon, hila' antieh
3>t•5 root ,tint 1111111 1111 '(0(15 Christnu3)
For Infanta and Children.
The Klod You'Hate Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Share Your fortune
MW all the happiness.` and joys of the
merry Christinas season think of those
lees fortunate -of those on whom the,.
sun of plenty has failed;to shine during
the g1ast.twelve months. Chtnh of the heart-
aches that will be theirs on Christmas morn 411
"ing ; -thins of the tear stained t ei of the tittle
children weeping because Santa Claus could
not'Catl at their-homohi. l iatf ofy our pleaeure
at ° Chri:i•tirias will be derived' from making
others hang 1 from ti' o 1 for'
R lQ1i. -,,,fill}. -..,.- fortune
Y „7'.•. Hi--,.3-r.•�,, tYJ=J' fft.,:rii,. r,
all Go - ., ; tl`_ .._. - wr eivz. er
d � wind �eC+�v of irl�lrless � � v
3 O4t happen 'to be on Clil'istmas day. Give
t.tt:P gyp y
nf� , ,r e'ihtn,.ever trifling, to t e� tittle
,p ��f,ll ,�, be,it E E, .�,, t3
child -tog whom 'Christmas otherwise 'would
mean,' nothing. 'foal can Ieep tears of sorrow
from thoSIti eyes and
d brig
the day a sun-
.1dradioid foe yourself. 117,ry it.
0Uv00e0000. 0000 00000
Oysters on Ralf Shea:
Celery, ; Radishes
us Consomme.
Roast Beet,
Potatoes Roaston ' to Pan,'
tilacarnnt nu Gratin.
Roman Punch.
Chlchen Pie,
'Lettuce,ana 'roman) Bided.
t a
'Cheese, Toasted Wafers
17ngltth Pluto Pudding.
Marti Settee.
'Ornuree. Nets. Rafslne.
large dish • and this them thoroughly
together for the plum pudding: One •
pound of seeded raisins and the same -
amount each of ,suet, currants and •
flour; one-fourth pound of citron, one•.
- fourth pound.. of preserved ginger, a
grated nutmeg. a dessertspoonful of
allspice, eight eggs. one pound of dark.
brown sugar and one wineglessful 01' '
brandy. Coote until done. •
If you care t0 make your, own mines
meat here is a good, recipe: -'
Two poens f c
d u- cooked lean beet
chopped, two pounds of beef shut chop -
5rurf10 031055
W'AFf$gry5 - CHEM
CE CRf4M-11511 ' CAN
are the opportunities for
culinary triumphs afforded by
the Christmas dinner. For a
week before the feast it is
likely the housewife'skitchen will ex -
111110 Dints of the dainties tbht are to
attest her skill' on the ;memorable day.
(for the Christmas feast there may be.
tell sorts of dainties, but that royal bird,
the turkey, is the piece de resistance.
A typical Christmas dinner consists
of a soup -say cream -of: celery -with
oysters; roast turkey, onions, potatoes.
cranberries, a lettuce salad, plum pud-
ding, wafers, cheese, mince, pie, ice
cream, fruit cake, candy, nuts, raisins
and coffee.
To prepare oyster - cocktails make
sauce by stirring together a tablespoon-
ful of tomato 'ketchup. one-balf table-
spoonful of grated horseradish, one-,
hal$ tablespoonful or Worcestershire
sauce, a dash of tabasco sauce, a tea
spoonful 'of.lemon juice and salt to
taste. ' Set in the' . ice , until chilled
through. 'into cbilled small glasses put
five little' oysters, end , pour in this
sauce; then put the glass in,tbe center
of a plate of cracked ice.
'Scald the turkey instead of dry pick-
ing it.
ick-ing.it. Clean and wash the,fowlnicely.':
Select a turkey or about fifteen' or six-
teen pounds. It takes from three to
four hours to roast one of this size.
A very rich . turkey requires to be
offset withan acid ;jam' or jelly, and
cranberries snpllly about the ,cheapest
and most satisfying relish of this sort.
Pot rhp fcunwinsi iucredients into ,t
Doss IT MATTER to you that of all the,
Men, ., women and children, who die each
year in Canada ono in seven is a victim of
Consumption ?
Does Is Mserno that one in every three :
of these is cut oft in the full glow of life,
with plans and hopes and loves that must
be given up?
Dons In MATTER that a few persons have
joined hands and within a few short years
have saved thousands of these unhappy
ones and can save them all if only '.there is.
a'little more.belp and 0 little more money?
Perhaps it doesn't matter. It is all very •
interesting but it is no immediate concern
of yours, -
BUT WOULD ITT-MATT1IR if in'stend of
entering soliiebody else's home and carry.
ing off their loved ones, Consumption,
came into ,otic home and laid its hand' on:
the one you love the best in all the world?
Wowo'IT OIAT'nlo then if you saw your
'kusband, wife, child or friend dying for lack
of a little bit of the money some other fellow
was throwing away ?
WooaD IT MATTER when Christmas came
if there were nothing for you to fro, but sib'
on rho edge of the bed and stroke the white,
hand on the coverlet and realize that this.
was the last Christmas?:
This is how much it matters in thousands
Of homes in Canada this year and will cod-
ornto niattor-uiatil enough people like you
test the burden and feel hew crushing itis.
It 30155 mutter -it is the most important
thing in , the lite of some unfortunate'
sufferer=what you do with the attached
To'h.elp the IVZoSkoket Free Hos-
pitalfor Consumptives oon,tinuc its
lifesaving work, , T p10<113. enclose
the sum o
t Is:.
4050,1 s
6.00 will provide mai ntonanee fora week.
20,00 w111 pity for four weeks.
alied for
a year. wY
Since the need is sleek apernianent
one Sshow,ZiL also like to subscribe
8 .Register 'my 501100 aecord-
Oeatribnttone may 110 rent to,w.:J. Gsge,18q,04&nems
AV..; Toronto, or torn. Dunbar. gen 'rree,Nui5on■1 Sant.
'tortoni Assbototieu,847•K4nitet.,W.. Toronto.,.:..
WELT TO E,1'1'
ped. three quarts or apples chopped.
1 three poetic's. ruisius seeded and
'chopped, two pounds of curl•110ts, one
hound of citron peel chopped,' Half a
pound of orange peel' chopped. one
pound of lemon peel chopped, half;a
cupful of lemma juice, half a cupful of -
orange ,juice, one tablespoonful of.salt
four cupfuls of sugar,' ote 'cupful or
molasses, one one cubiti of coffee. 0110 cup•
rill et boiled elder, tlu'ee cowries of,
brandy, one aur>fnl of sherry wine. -
twvd teaspoonfuls ground cinnamon, one
teaspoonful allspice and one teasp0On•
til cloves.
Mix all the ingredients together ex -
vent the sherry and 'brandy and nook
slowly for two hours, Add the !ignore, -
ln place of the brnudy and slimly the
same qantity of cider may be used.
The rrelievntnat should be allowed to
stand a month before it is used.
When ready ;to .snake the pies' line'
the pie tlus••with pastry, till them with
the mincemeat and cover with the
paste. brush over with, beaten egg
end bake In hot oven.
An economical trot cake:
Creamtogether n c upfnl' of sugar and
bait' ne mucb.butter. Add two beaten
eggs, a cupfulof molasses and one-
half capful of. strong, coldcoffee,lm ,
which you have dissolved a scant tea-
spoonful' of baking soda.
Slave rendy three cupfuls of sifted •
tlonr, one cupful of nixed raisins, tigs
and dateis, chopped tine:.one cupful o1'
cleaned dried currants, one-quartear
Pound of citron, circ very tine, and the
surae nf• blanched and shredded al-
monds, and a teaspoonful of mored
spices -ei nminuet, (110re11, mace, Ma-
ltase 1l.nd ginger.
When the batter is mixed 0nvor• with
the strained juice of a lemon,' Bake in
a moderate oven one hour. Line the •
baking pan' with buttered paper,
'Phis cake.will remnln moist for soros •
0101,11)5=11 kept to a tin box.
i� fiet the
-i1' ;you trait 11 1111 1 ,the 141tit minute to.
I(1n your Christ !MIS shopping.
"The early bird" -yell. know.
1113tH'•• presents fp)' others is WIT;ltke
buying: something for. y'our;:el(. You 1:
.011l1 gifts to he new, fresh, 311-
111 tolled
nl11110//0 turd of the best 111111114'.
135 c1,W (lie -t?1 Ie who:Ilabitllally do
n n
their shri( pin,.[ -:early- oho are doing :it '..
Hillt7`r r3C•l1' line aro gLitt) ngt,the I)G-
S1RABLE things •while 3011 proems
That can menu hat hue tiling -THEY
trill get the • hest.
SOI)' twill, 'liaye to select tenon tire ••
"leftovers" untess,you'gut lute the!uil,Y
f ing atone.,, i.