HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-18, Page 4u req ro r I - vers oes Rubbers and Over -St akin " ' . 0 4 gs in fie, " Easy to put oe ass •_lake o1G'lrit wen' -LtiO1(aidt SVear well. 'Militias far , Womonend ohildron.'..: ;y.^ ' nyy.tbom Hind protoot yourself and eimilyikpmphnta filo.: • 2 Canadpo Caerolldeted RubberCdt . Llmeed, Msstttel. The New Era. 47WTEI YEAR. "IN TETE' PUBLIC SERVICE'.') W. 1I. ;HERR 46 SUN, Props; J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, One Year in advance $1.00 New Era, when net paid in ad- vance $1.50 New Era,..ltothe' ' United States in advance $1.50 Advertising Rates on Application. Job work prices advance on July lst, 1913, in accordance With the Huron Co, Press . ,sso- - elation Bates. 'Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 SCRAMBLE FOR A SUPPER. Dainty Methods of French Solons When Free Meals Are Served. Describing the supper arra tig' lents wade for Prent•lt legislators during late sittings in the i'ithtis Itoutlwil, the Paris I.1 bete Says: "At the appoinied flute the marble tables in 1h' resta urnot are et)vt'fe•C tcith'platts of (pilled veal, savehy.r Cold bun!, suind vont:tilling little runes of Gruyere chet'se and baskets u! bread. As soon as 1110 rbamber gels wind of these prep1 en dons ,1 geue!'rtt exodus takes plate., nail the nht'nhhel addressing the house is left 10 luldItee his successor, the president, the met his reporters and other n olein I my °filciIis. -It is not exactly a stately banquet that the legislators sit down to. There are uo knives, -no forks and in the place of pintes just tt few saucers, The members first fling themselves upon the bread baskets and pit•k'the nicest looking pieces; then, matting tree use or their elbows toward the veal, the saveloys or the ham. seize a slice in their fingers, 'put it oil the blend, keep it there with the thumb while they squeeze their :way out of the press and devour their spoil "Such manners take us buck to fat' ell pfeltiitu.l•ic, (lays when our aures- ters ate ou the flour fir tll'eir en 101'118. ,fiat it is just this return 10 thesiU1('liv it1 of nature - that exerri„'s hor h a 110 Boca e'ffete on party ,tuit poom,. legislator who hos, h. 101'1'11, of soh. tie 11111 mittvere, 'seethed a bottle rut wine ,hares it with his thifsly neigh fouls. • it hos lie.on dallied thdt tole dnoll tit front Porn' tli:41111s us:uall, sari, a pnrhrCltmlt 0111th they lent til tluatr towns tulle if,nl•s., 1 ins, too. w;lit)••. for hartneny. Mel the bed ling u(1 ol, stl ife:" rerev Were WOULD kUW06T CC HT ERR Ivlany women become run down and worn out by household cares,: and duties never ending, and sooner or later fill themselves with shattered nerves and weak hearts. On the first sign of any weakness of the heart or nerves you should avail yourself of a perfect' cure by using Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, Mrs. Archie Goodin, Tilley N B., writes:-" When I was troubled with 1.y heart, two years ago, I )vas very batt. M nary s Y e over e so: unstrim s i , of natio g es > would altnost he out of my mind. I doctored myself with everything . I could get, until at last I got four boxes Of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they have . cured me. I cannot speak too highly' of ;this wonderful remedy, and will recommend it to all sufferers." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are rice U 50c, per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of • , The fie T• Milburn 0 C , i ' m Tt 1 e �`oionto, Ont, � d, The I./ulcers/lilts, of Curistn!r_s. Primarily, ut course, C'lirisltll,ls 11 li religions 'festival u 111 i1 e beirietitud u; with a sl i,,rt L elief in (1(0' (.'Ilre,t 11 Lu 15 the tovmla thin runt ut Itis rul_ton,. the'wurds u( Ilrl,-.t and pastor, es(021• info leis boat In uheerye the daywith 0811.100(51 eliservauces,1(ud It fervent response . Prom every pulpit is te111 anew each yt';u tht' atoey of 111w tvitil. out' 1t 1.1011C Uhrnetitms had Duvet' l,et'0. But C hrhtnede nppeols 111.11 fu flu' nonbeliever in Christ, to tie teen n11,1 women (vim cnnnutsuhst'ribe (1111;,'1 entluusly .10 tie tlnl'trine 21 his did -1l1 (ty : It (s tr(te'. nerlia}is, to say (lull ns Christmas approneli s the .C1lristinas spirit t5 "ha the nu',"' tut .it is true oene the les, "Peeve good will" peryrele the Mr that la'hrcntlied• puha •by c'tlurrhguer m(11.t1uintteeelttt t. In tire big ('hies C'li1'f.:quirts'Is fade - 1i -retell, by ('Imiellttn anti ,le \v told Bio pita! the OM f It 714 It 14 1}ellthat this stlu(lld lie xo, for` the sllirtt sir Ci 1Utnirts is th :spirit Of. Ueistf not LtinlY to Clu 1st(, but in one's •follew nleniNeery Cue vie stint,: in it 1. he wil'I;• la'orY one, nuiy land the, story of, the lire teat wile lived in Pllestine r1111eteeileent1n'iee n'or the e deo th th:lt',was 'nlet.'on the dross told or the resttercruel that followed, solnee.'` thing of .:persons] fipplication, S0(02 'tlifug or uplift. 1k i' i a �i t CONSTANT CHRISTMAS. 011. boiler radios ePlenrlor, :: tilt) neve: :mem sung,:, 'Still - keep the green ;`earth --1' lenrlt r 51111..lar-I•P .th'e gr;ny ear((' strnnli1 Sttil steep the :brave earth 'dreaming 02 (1201)5 that shrill be done (t'itlle rcttuldrel 's lives 101110 streaming ',Ake sunbeams 521,18 1)2 from the 0)1111 Oh, angels, skeet end splen- 11(11, } Throng In:. our hearts and- sing Tile wonders which attended : q Tito coating of. the 1' (1)5> rF - J'hilllpa drools AN UNORTHODOX CHRISTMAS. I WENT' to spend the clay with loose, nnii Hien A Christmas greeting passed between us two, But 'teras not 'I'eaee. on earth, good will to men We only sahl: "(nod morning!" "flow d'ye dot" ANL then to heh'\I offered smilingly The thlsent she expected rue Io urtng, There were nu hanging 'hose, 00 Christ - inns lire. The box was tied In paper with a string. R71C didn't sit beside the Yule, log's 1,111x0. We lust turned on the radiator's steam, And dinner, oblige those of storied days, (are no I+itun pudding. but some bisque 100, cralnm, ` EI didn't hear the church. bells' solemn W11,. And when we had our Christmas even- ing lunch ' We didn't have a steaming wassail bowl, But lust a lug of simple claret punch. 710 trampled on traditions, 1 slrppose, Yet one rite we observed with care - but, no; Although 1 well remember kissing. loose, It wasn't under the mistletoe. -Life, A WONDERFUL TREE. Tdi eft les a wonderful tree, a won- dt'rful tree, The nappy chnl1 00 rejoice to see, S .,. i• + u 1 .t t 1 ! s branches s u ant res Sear by year, It comes from the forest to nourish here. Oh, this wonderful Use, with lis branenee wide, Is always: Is always blooming aL Chrl.=h m1l8udw --- But But not int us rhll'l,'nh 'llri this tree grow, lM1+1111 ns !'orange, 011,.,., '11.1,11 on each fun a bough Fol those lee wee tae ha vd ina.0. s,'Ith Bitch.nrlty 11111,8 1 ,q .• .,•'. t1;,•pp afar 11115 ,�„n:l'111,1 Ur, "11•'1,1 u- 11.,11,.[11. U I J •,, Ht'lnl; 1ny. W our then is .it 1.1,1 11,1,1,.. t! I'n I :1,.1 Ile' i' l"1111 114 n. I. ;:,;, •:,.� of Ihe I+ ,•Irrr,l ,r, 1, 1, 1 the Ora h 1,., 1.: r, 1..e n;,-,.•-1 (''1 - 1'o 1,• 71:. Al,il ,,. Tee • 1,1,1 The CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR The Hospital for Sick Children COLE lQE ST., TORONTO Dear Mr. Editor: - Thanks for your kindness in aiiow• Ing me the privilege of appealing ata this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. • It would take more space than yon can spare to tell of the good work done for. the sick and deforhed children of this Province. Let me, however, in a few words, tell you of the progress of the work of the Hospital One nurse, six little white beds, t few dollars, a few friends -this was the beginning. The bede have grown to 200, the dollars to thousands, the friends to hundreds. 1875, the first year,' 44 in -patients, 67 outpatients; 1918, last year, 1,648 in -patients, 26,50(' out-patients; 1876, 1 nurse; 1913, 70 nurses. Since 1875, thirty-eight years ,ago, the Hospital has admitted within its walls 21,018 children as in -patients, and 159,231 as out-patients, a total of 180,249, or an average of 4,743 per year. Of the 21,018 in -patients, 15,200 were from Toronto, • and 5,818 from other parts of the Province; 10,150 of the total ln=patlents were cured, and 6,36f were Improved, - In the Orthopedie Department last year, of the 1,648 in -patients, 278 were treated for deformities, 25 hip disease, - 87 Pott's disease, 2 knock-knees, 19 bow-legs, 62 club feet, 8 lateral curve, - hire of the spine, 44 infantile para}ysis, 8. wry nook, and 75 tubercular disease of knee, hip and ,ankle, In 1913, the Surgical Apparatus Shop manufactured 427 appliances for inpatients and Out• patients, including ankle braces, spinal braces, hip splints, bow-leg splints. club -feet splints; plaster jackets, etc. In this Department in 88 years near. ly 800 boys and girls have',t,been treat- ed for• Club Feet and 650 corrected. Half of these Dame• from places out side of Toronto. Surely, we have a fair claim for help from the people of this Province. Will you, the reader of this letter, help to give crippled children a fair start In life? Busy dollars are better' than idle tears. The sympathy that helps is good, but the }habitat has to have the sympathy that works. While Christmas Bells are ringing. to the glory of Him "Who made tilt Tame to walk and the blind to see,' give, give, give, and help the Ii'os• tai to help God's little ones, , upon hom thction h panlrrrdan nn we it 115 11y these with no b religion. 111 tn. wit prinr t curves fit ?'m tile ernrill, wll3'teter men or 01rstun • f5(0(1'l18i'2 hnlint' the sin of civil) 2ht(nn..the 11(',12,. Ileall1t'n In inlinlnre' cerna('t 111111. thein fee'I, the l'Ul1ll11g uI e heavy han o ad f affliction as el elaid. , Will you please send a dollar, or ore, if you can spare it, to Douglall Davidson, the Secretary -Treasurer of e Hospital, or J. ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Trusteep, Toronted Every bueiness man Iioows'h w difficult is -to keepthe Q he pigeonholes and drawers of his desk free from the •aleumul tion of useless a o s heeac Eveatio0 0 all knows how difficult it is to keep her home.free from the accumnlatiou of all mannerly of useless things. So it ie with the body. Ft is difficult to keep it free from the • accumulation of waste matter. Unless the waste is promptly eliminated the machin- ery of the body' soon becomes clogged, This is the beginning of most human 1,11e. y DR. PIERCE'S . - GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY (Io Tablet or Liquid Form) .Assists the stomach in the proper: digestion of food, which is turned into health - sustaining blood and all poisonous waste matter is speedily disposed of through Nature's channels. It makes men and women clear-headed and;able-bodied-restores to them the health and strength of youth. Now is the time for your rejuvenation. Send 50 cents for a trial box of this medicine. Send 31 one.cent atom , for Dr. . p Pierce's Common SfamilyMedical . Advieoi-100$ pHIIe.-wortS'$2. Always handy in baso of .Family einem. Add.... it, V. PIERCE. Baf.lo, Goes to Walton,l Mr. F. L. Crawford is shortly to leave Listowel' to accept the agency of the C. P. R. at Walton, announce-' mentf o the proposed change having. recently heeu received 'from 'the super. intendant's office at London, 11r. Crawford has been local agent for the C. P. R, during the past five years and was a popular official says the litanner, Air. and Mrs Otawford will leave in the course of eight or ten days for their new hams, They will take with them the best wishes of their Listowel friends, oiiwiwwVmwwwVkJWWVlg Local News mollyAmPtImm HALL DATES Dec, 29 -Nomination meeting. Jan. 5 -Election, Jan. 13 Chicago Glee Club. quickly slobs coughs, curet colds, and heals the throat and lungs, :: -t 25 cents, HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. ' W• rite on one side 'of paper only. Mail to reach us Wednesday pf each week or sooner. , Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character but, 'send All, the News. Chech off this list it may assist you to remember an important item. Births; Marriages', Deaths. 11 Accidents, Church News i Suppers or Presentations. Removals', Visitors, Lodge News, Fires, Public Improvements, Law Cases, the (Crops On or about 3atluary 1st, 1914 THE r � 1 , iii flit Ahurdistr I' will bid you a very cheery Good Morning di,>iC'e'.f A,11 =outstanding ' ohe hoes 00`' the Ilclmesville .Oheeee faetpry must l>e presented at bank Yds' 'payment by Decemher Stet' or "tltey will not be. honored, ".B rorder,c . y . )f' the directors GEO. P. GOVLD Secretary Drs. 'I Geo, tt.111, E; 1Vladtiey Ile' lcjii;atin Osteopathic P11 . y Specialists iln`om 's W ens and Children's Diseases, Acute, Chronic, and Nervous DisoI der& ' 'Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury (Hotel Friday, from Ito 6 Mortgage for Sale' 938.800:00 fret mortgage on 100 acres for sale. W. BRYDONE Flim Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash (With the Best Morning and part feed. Apply to JOE RATTENBURY, 'Newspaper in We.'aern Ontario. Live comb?g Wanted Watch (or it, for itwiit be a Hummer fee is- charged, unless :they send word 'who is reepons'ible for the payment of such adv ertisnent, The charge isi five cents .1. 9%ne-six words' make a line, • Rupert Bell and family have gone to Toronto and the King - bridge store and past officeis,now in possession of Michael 'Beninger, Creek Dale Farm, the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. Ryan, Nile, wasthe scene of a very happy event ;»nFri day, Dec, 5th, it being 'the Twenty Fifth Anniversary of 'their wed- ding day. About fifty of their im- mediate relatives, had gathered to celebrate the occasion. CLUBBING RATES !New Era and Daly Globe $4,50 :New Era and 'Weekly Globe 1.60 New Era and Daly Mali and Empire. 4.50 droo). Matters,. New Era and Weekly Mail and Empire Correspondents will please re- heti,, Era and Daly. World 3,35 (rain from sending1.60 ,pati --ccs 00 en- tertainments where an admission flew Eta and Daily Nes 2.33 ie.w iia and -A.•ly 2.33 ' N'cw Dr a and Fain' ly Herald ( and Weekly Star 1,65 New L a and Weekly Witness 1,65 LI'New h a 'ailtl 11oethelrn hIes- 1 s: , ng r 1,60 ?� N e.. ., a and Canadian cl. an Farm la 1 80 c,w oleo and Canadian Fat'm; 1.85 U. S. Government Standard i ti',w Era and Partner's Sun_ 1.85 Below i, en ext11100 from U.;. vzet os , ens Iia'ly Free Gov, ad. For tenders- "7.'heaulth t Press, mo:'ning 3.35 recite coal must he equel to Hint v s'. and De;- in Free1 min,'3111ndpi(Tared byl.'tliindel f Pr, s.-.. 1,1(1 VI 2,85 phia81['leading Coal 8Iron Co" , ! ;v: Lin and liesil.ly Free We handle nothing but the first 1 ow Ery 1.80 grade Philadelphia cC Reading, 1 ', and Daly Advertiser 2,So 11 -,11d '11"oel.iy slcl('er- 's . J, 1131 '011 °Nt'! 1 1,60 i•Ioto phone 13. Office ;'„ ' '''v. Ilia and Fie in and Dairy 1,83 y „1 ,e phone 10 Nov Erarancl Farmer's Advo- t et=r ;.�n e:os t. cies.ei': u r . xv, t o C' ....... 2,35 2500 Chickens, 1000 Rens. 1000 Ducks Each Week iroin now until January To fiinish your own poultry, we have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat specially ground for fattening pur- poses, as very reasonable prices. 8,000 dozen Strictly New Laid Eggs wanted each week during the winter months. To produce these eggs we have a full line of Poultry Foods to keep your layers in the pink of condition. A full stock of Brain, Shorts, Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Etc., Etc., always on hand. GIVE US A CALL, POULTRY TAKEN' MANY DAY OP EACH WEEK. Tho Gulu-I allglois Co., v11itod 'T110 up-to-date Firm, Clinton Phone 64, N. W. TRE\V.IRTFLA. W. JENKINS Darin for Sale 77'11 yr.ders:giled offer's for sale improved fa -'m of 180 acres, Lots 13 and Con. 14 .17 1r, Township of Gad etech situated on the Base Line fon 111 i.s nn th of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill, 'reicher Wanted An experienced teacher wanted for 1'o. 1, Stanley, 1)00185 to corn malice after the Cinedt nt.s holidays, Apply to MAL,OOL\.t IIo(1 WAN, Secretary, R, 71. No, 5 Clinton w'. ,,,, Ai 's$. 'add t(ia' Sale E1 , t stie F r UU re For Christmas Presents These goods are BSeful as well a S Ol'lilanat uta Music Cabinets, Hall &Iirrora, Pedestluls, Jardiner Stan10 Fancy Rockers, Morels Chairs. Deals, Parlor Tables, neer hfatts, Children's °hai s. Sleighs, Pietufcs, Wall Pockets, Eta, We Carry ib seloot 13580 of Musical ins train ennCS c:ainer Violins, Flutes, Month Organs, Aletrodonles, Music Books, Begs, Bows and Strings, ;All (mods 'Marked •1t Quick Sale Prices Phones 7 and S Free Auto Delivery I.®1mE-LLE' Estate Furniture and Undertaking. BLYTIH • aiti!-�1 hAar:i9?A Being int 21 and 25, 4th Con. of ' Stanley, 70 -acres 11(1 cleared, having )level' failing spring creek, [veil tenccd, frame house, and barn, 30X50 lean 'to 141136 stable under whole building, the stables are cement being put in ono year ago. Small orchard. Tele phone and rural mail. 7 acres of alpalfa gond catch, '`Possession and terhns to snit p'.;rchaser. Apply on premises or to • W. POTTER RR, No. 5, Clinton For Sale or hent A .,even -roomed - pottage on North. Street for 'sale or rent MRS. E. BUTLER Telegraph SO OW I have started a night telegraph school and will start a day school, as soon as I ca11 sell or trade my flour and feed store for town : property or a .• .� farm. A, E, Matheson, oeeeeeesleeeemmempeeseeeeeeeseeeoesee•ecoeeeeeoeeee t 0 is 0 Out Motto This''iear iS-"Tile Best Yet.' e 0• 0 0 a • • • • One More invitation ta170. ' • e i ®eestaesumatreaesemaarancestaematemanalasee • 0 Once place we wish to invite you.• fib •• Once more we want to point out that as a holiday remembranc O Jewelery stands supreme and alone. 0 Once more we desire to stat e •e that as a desirable place to select e suitable jewelry gifts this store TO -DAY represents • about all • that can be found in the whole of Jecvelrydom, Por the last few weeks we've tried to keepstocks • idea of completeness. We've been buying up to OUR •s y we've been selling:' f about as fact as ® And While we've been handingout goods 0 - before, we still have no excuses tomake mlike ye never did w y quality o either in quantity, variety, make for our showing-- prices. Colne -tight up to the last minute on Christmas Eve to get a, choice that guarantees you that precise expecting you have e p e article that e s s• e set heart on. •• Stove Blacksmith Cottle expecting to find it in all the beautya Furnace of the '1 eweler's art. • e Coir 0 Come expecting to find us anxious to give you all' o' o1 2 Kennel Coal ' that you need,so tt zr limo"iaiid Wood 0 profitable.• hat your visit may be pleasant and a • Tule---2 3 and 24 -inch • come abyour earliestopportunity. y • 3 i Size - 0 • The Tile.is of the very` 0 best Slabs For Sale 14 inches'' long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. srAPLETo� spy; H1iL • CLINTON COAL • • YARDS ' R • Yards Opposite G. T, K. Station ii A.1i kinds of Coat on hand- $ Chestnut Soil Coal i 0 scene a.,,n. ....-. , . ,. a:. : quality. • e e 0 >. •. • i .1eyveier and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses 0 - • •®see•e•i•••s••••s••••ses0e • r•sst►•111ese0011•Ose•11sefse.e • FORB Phone 52 - eli4V1ew D airy Fo1'1n :From our' stock of first-class> 'coefs we are prepared , to sup , ly. you twice' d'a.l 1v3(t 1 Y 1. ]t gest of milk and cream, 01)(1 solicit a share f. your patronage, o E, B, HILL. Farm tor Sale A good \farm, 'consi-sting of 88 `acres, beinglot 76, Maitland con- cession, Goericio townehip, two miles north 00!t11o1mesvilie, con- venient to church'. and school; also cheese and,butter' `factory. Good 7 -roomed '.house with pantry and back kitchen, excellent cellar'and plenty of 1ha1•d and s'o'ft water - waster- piped, to barn ; good bank barn' 43x45, atraw' shed 18x'36, stab- ling underneath all; two orchards principally'- spies and baldnrins • the farm istiled-drained; well fenced Small bush; no, (waste land; all seeded clown -except 17 acres, which is ploughed. Rural" telephone- in house with long distance conned tion, ,also on rural mail route. Post session given to suit purchases, LEWIS TEBBUTT, Holznesville, phone -9 on143 Goderich township Girls Wanted Experienced, and girls to learn Knitting and ,Looping. Will pay 35.00 per week whsle learning. Steady employment. Pleasant position, Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING CO., • Clinton, Ontario Farm for Sale. A 'desirable 100 -acre farm for sale, being Lot "24, Con. 5, Hullett, Good frame house and kitchen ; bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin- ton, 3-4 mile from school. Thefarm is' well fenced, well underdrained, and in good state of cultivation. Plenty of spring water. Possession given to suit) purchaser. For fur- ther particulars apply to JOHN CARBERT, Phone 4 on 165. Clinton, P.O. Live Howls Wanted I am now ready to handle Fat Hens and Yung Chick -erns, and Young Ducks, at highest prices T11tu•sday I21 each week. Other Fowls hanclied_ later em, W, MARQUIS Base Line, P11an" 14 on 166, Poultry ta'.cen not Int ' e2 the. • n Ili; , .Bl•Tt''q'1D01441 lzl• BARRISTER SOLICITOR, Y`OTARLa PU:t3LI1O, ETO oLINTON, OHARI.;ES $, Hi13GE '(Sonnet an y ce, Notair Public, SCp Commissioner, ,etc. EAL ESTATE AND 1NSURAlrlCE • Issuer of Marriage Licenses. HuronSSt,, Clinton. H. T.' RANO1 Notary Public, Conveyancer, Fina,noial'arid Real Estate - INSURANCE AGnNT-Representing 1£F"igcp',. 'an1'anco Companies„ wi®ivision Court Office. • Meciit.,ai DR1 t . W. TA0hiPSfOn$ Physician, Surgeon. j.'lto snecial attention given todiseases004rue'. • Eye, Ear.. Throat. and Noso. Eyes carefully examined, and suitable a:WO prescribed, OMoe and Roetdenes, Two door's west -of the Ccu�tnerc&at I�CIIe-. Huron St. IIJIS. G1UN11' and GANDIER De: W. Cann, It, C, P., L, It, C, 5,, O7 Ma Dir, J. C, Gaudier. ILA. IL,it.Offi Sight oalls at residence, 1RatteaburrIffi', or at hospital DR. J. 1Gil'. SHAW PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. eeouehenr, °too odice and restdeaee ata tenbury. St„ ooposite w, Farran's residence, DR. 111'. A. AXON DENTIST s+ aerowat and Bridge Work a Speetalty4 Graduate of C:C,D.S.,s Chicago, and '0.0,8141 ' Toronto. Eaytleld on'Mondalvs, Day Ilt to Deeesalti DR. H. k'OWU jIA DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special cake token to make dental artpw. melt as painless as poeaible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ser GODERICH ONT '$at n etoex s5les el apes seta/, 035eer eel as Nutto. Terms reasonable, Clinton, sate note discounted. Money Wanted, I have several inquiries for loans of 'various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W. BRYDONE Farm for Sale A desirable 80 acre farm for sale Good frame house. a parlor. dining room, summer Icitchen and wood s11ed. A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs. and drive shed, will drained, all seed:d but about ^2 acres, everything in good shape. Some of the 111011ey may b' li d at a low fate of tate est, Will sell With 01' Without crop, Apply to 71. 17Ez1 , Londesborn, or o11 the prenhises, lot 17, 060. 3. Hul lett, Farm For Halt; _ A first class !ant, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12,, part lot 34, Hul- lett township, 3miles from Londes- born, and 5 miles from Blyth, '11-2 miles from School, A bank barn' 36 by 66, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24)040. A brick house, plenty of water, about an', (acre of or- rhard. Possession can be given right after harvest, Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, B1sth, P. FORD cL McLI OD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,), We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsilce, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices 'paid for Hay and all Grains. FORD & !fclE0.1) 6, AAAAAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA 4 4 4 4 4, e 4 44 Y ► See and d h� 4 .,re our finest � 4 New Stylish designs of w Doherty Pianos and i Organs, pianos ► 4 4 Apeciat nines in Art Cases 4 4B▪ " Pianos and organs rent •' a �, ed, choice On . new Edison C i phonographs, Music & 4 variety goods. 4 4 1 Mame ETV i Ddriaalll 49 4 C.. Hoare E ► ie. P ► G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTeggse McTaggart Bre .. STINKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTO? at, General Banking Buslae15F1 transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts heeled. Interest allowed ori deposits. The McKaliop Maltstai Fire Insurance e eo ro Farm and Isolated Town Pzo*pp erty Only Insiured, OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforlth, ,1 Connolly, Vice-krea., Goder6olr, T. E, Hays, Sec,-Treas., Seafoetth, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, 'Hclmesviile, jolts Watt, 'Harlock.; G. Dale, Clinton;., F.. McGregor, Seaforth ; J. Evans. Beechwood, J. G, Grieve, tWitq,titrOp J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Vie. Ewan, .Clinton: Each Director is Inspector of Tosses in his owls 'district, AGENTS. Robt Smith, Hariock; Ed. FHiocix ley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eel. mondvillo; a. W. Yeo, 'i.3o(inegvfy Payments may be ,,made at. The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, 0l; R. H. Curt; Goderiela, JACOB TAYLOR et.tty I ON Fire, Lifeand Accident. Insurance Real Sstate bought 0nte rail& Money to loan Office Issa,c Street, next door to 1'Oevtr Hr's Grae1d .W1'I•alufk Jtetilway system Railway Time ',Fable London, Huron and Broca. North Passenger London, depart-. . ,.. 8,80 a m 4.50 p efe Centralia 9,40 5.42 Exeter 9.53 5.5E 14 email .. 10.08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6.773 Brucefield 10.30 6.13 Clinton 11,00 6,35 Londesboro 11.18 6.525 Blyth Belgrave 11.,40' 1140 'd,IB 1M Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenge• Wingba o, depart6.43 a en ;3.23 lr Belgrave • 6,54 Blyth '7.08 3.56 Londesboro. 7.101 4,04 Clinton 7.50 4, Brucefield... ....,„ 8.12 4.32 Kipped 8.23 4.47 Henson' &32 4.52. Exeter............ 8.48 5,05 Centralia 9,00 5:15 London, arrive10,00 6,111 ButOalo and node, Wee` Passenger Sa rn p m pin pp, t rte ratford.,..,,..10,00 12.20 5.25 NUT Mitchell-, , , . , , ,,.10.22 ,12,45 5.55 1041' Seaforth .. ,10.45 1.10. 8.18 11,821 Clinton ...11.07 1,25 6.40 .Hie% Holmeseille,;,..11.16 1,33 6,411 ILO& Goderich.,.....,11-35 ° 1.50 7.05 EL•65,1 East I a manger Goderich ....... , 7.10 2.40 4. Holmesville, 7,26 2.57 5.601 Clinton .7,35 3,07 5.11 Seatorth . 7.523.2.) r 5.alf 14litchell,..., .. 8.16 3,48 5511 Stratford...., . 8.40 415 CRTC omesenense e®eeeemeneme*gfi d Small Advls. Always Pays cot ► AAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 000000000•006266440604000 40