HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-18, Page 3Established 1855, Vol. 48, .No,'2 CLINTON ONTARIO T HURSDAY DECEMBER', 1.00 Will Get The New Era From Now to 19i5 in Canada:. 18 1913 Only, 5 'Shopping Days Till Christmas. Do Your Buying EArly■ W. H. Kerr & :Son, Editors and Publisher TME Clinton Boy Has Made�a Name. Royail rel for Himself n Vaudeville OF CANADA Bead Office, Montreal Cap ital Au''thorizea$25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11.500,009 Reserve and undiyvded : profits .. 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS 17 b ,000 ,000 of 'touring, ensues) , fro:m 'coast to Hi re in the Choir., oast Slcrio and' Jackson sepal. - of to Singc p d recently' to suit heir advan- a { ate t `m� t110 d15 ale of 'alkd I •Church. The Toronto Star weekly gave the following rshiort 'sketch of` a tags, and now Jackson appears f}or the first time in what he regards as his home town. Ifs is the son of Thomas Jackson jr., of Clinton, a well-known mann; facturer,- All his boyhood was 325 BRANCHES well known Clinton boy, Stewart spent in amateur appearances' as a Jackson, sun of Mr. T. Jacksomp'. singer, as he had a particularly With World wvde connect Stewart G. Jackson, who. appears fine boys soprano, voice. lone at Shea's' Theatre next week in a Tues'day's' Star gives the follow musical skit, "The Red 'Heads," ing report on the show at Shea's spent several of his pre -us Theatre in which Stewart' Jackson'' days in Toronto, and ie a native of is appearin; ;--With Stewart Jack - Clinton, ,Ontarict. He spent five son, a former Toronto, boy, play= years: as a clerk in Moisons• Bank, ing the breezy part of Ted Mor- in which time he acted as tenor so- gan, the buyer, in"The'ReetHeads" loist in the Parkdale Methodist and James' 0, Carson giving a clev Church. ` er :portrayal of the ` Hebrew cloak Two successful amateur` produe manufacturer, the comedy .sketch' tions, "Iolanthe" and "The West -,at. Shea's this week, in which au- erners," in which Jackson tooklead burn headed girls play such "an ing parts, were the entrance to tihe amusing and charming part, give's profession he :now,embraces, He every indication of drawing'. large has been three, years in vaudeville. audiences. The sketch isunusual- He .eft Toronto with a claim, Vic-'ly long and unusually .good for a 1 , i � 't r c ufres an .sae T e hope audeviite tt h i • our g the: t� p v1 and t vlo e 1 young' tor Stone, fuls invaded Nev Yoe- and for a hour to perform and ie basedd upon .short time lined up with the.ifhous- the amusing adventures of ,the ands:of other thratrical aspirants.. cloak dealer, 'who, having advertis- in that city -before the doors of ed for re -headed girls. to work in the a. 'theatrical. . em, layment, Jesse his i&tore,' gets a Tuna v ess y bei x1 Lesley took them sol aa""fiends" in awe •is liable to.prol'ecution for Ebony and Indian' Ivory bath in the "Pianofiends," and two years having connived at (nee running away. Stewart Jaokson is light on , made ea sprightly. He re. t and: ai to -fee �p cases and separate p his g y, Perfumes and Colognes r a' big hit tvIWI. his �singeng need sownie Cameras Winter Terni Opens Jaan 5th dancing, and all the way through Kodak and I r' )i Leather Goode.• contributed to the Markeduccass Auto Steep Safety' ELLIOTT of the 'sketch. 'A' buyer for aebig Gillette and p y I i ..��� San Francisco film, he ha.ppeneto RazorsJ� be in Kaufman's place just intime Pines and 'Cigars 1 • 'to he mixed up, in 'all the fun. Nilo ChocolatesMiss, Dorothea Sadlier made amort i interesting lady detective in the piece. The rot of the bill is also good, Interest allowed on Deposita General (Banking •business 'Wane - acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr, CLINTON BRANCH hris iIIS aG rS m Larger and better selections ver than C TORONTO, ONT. r huffiness ss HO V 1. • educt tion and assiststhem best secure ▪ Dispensing Chemist. 1 positions when competent. Write to tday for our large Catalogue. Can Any One The Molsons Bank , Give Information Incorporated I1355 A Fenian Raid Veteran Wants Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000 • Help Owing to an Accident. 85 BRA.NOHHS IN CANADA ' The following, .loiter speaks for A GENERAL BANKING $LISINESS TRANSACTED. itself and anyone having the nec- essary information kindly leave it CIRCULAR LETTI7R 3 05 ORIENT} at the Now Bra office''and the Let RAVEL RS OaiQUE 1 ter -will be forwarcled;- T ISSUED BANK -MONEY ORDERS ISSUED Beach, Cal., Dec. 9,1913. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -I amanxionstofina AT ALL . BRANCHES Gentlemen a co who belonged anxious uto Com- Interest No. 4-33 Battlion Canadian est ailoesed at highest current rate. interested`. Interolunteers,: i am most • about the' time of the Feniareraid C F. T30WDING. 111aria7er lliantor7'Br3nch. Ithink 'in'the year 1870. \Vhen the Prince Albert gun boat went from Goderiell to Windsor, Ont. Capt. r" ieutenant Ed, Grigg and ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• ...*••••••••••••40••••••••MurEnsignay,PLroctor ware fn command • . of the boat. My object is to find • a commissioned or bon'-conlnliS- o • signed officer to'voughfor me,be-, • Read to -ii car • Ordered1 Clothing , ing a member of the company . at Clothingtime..willgive you the • Clothing f that 'I 0 rad.' I i t] O S of 01110 Of the G • I 99 a • rain ♦• I • ! Chas. Grassir.,' Nt'm. Scott, John • • ' Lockwood, James Yuill (Bugler) r' ii 4 i these are all I can think of at this 4t• time, The Canadian Gove1•nlnerrtis 5 • giving a grant of '$100' cash to al] Practic-a 4 . surviving members of 1 the corn • .� • parry and as I have met with an • • accident which caused me tollbose • ��Et„ �j��lg. ; my right hand being caught in. • Should Re h 1 • •illachinery five years ago. If you s i can help 'me to get int connection with some one who can help me to apt the money I will sure• ap- e! Thanking you in ad- � � predate i . g i -a,®m I vanes, •,I remain • i Yours trulee • • Men are ractical, and they like to receive prat Z THOMAS HOWARD I{ILTY gave his• annual report ,which may • p ill be sure • I ' g •ead in another column. o tical gifts. A girt of something to wear w • leer to please him. •••••••c00000•069®o@r•,e+9�9€;is8b On motion of Ford and Mason ••S � (�{'1► T Town the report was accepted and fyled, • to do our Christmas Shopping 2' Around The Y own Hall On motion of Dr. Thompeen, and Just a few weeks y Pp a • On Canteign that the salary of • -late selections are always h,•urrie�l and the stocks • I $150 be paid Di•: Shaw, was passed, • fyci aanneic ecease®mone•s••s•• The Treastirei's report was read • • are never as good. and adopted and that 200 copies • Nomination day will be on Mon- he printed. day.evenheg Dec. 29th. Get your candidates ready. • To the Editor of the New Era Christmas Lists Opening Gafe11"ere Are you r Favor On January lth. I Giving $20,000 for Junk? Schedule Drawn up oh Saturday morning at Stratford. New year's day swill see the open ing gania in the intermediate ,0, H, A. ;series 'and Clinton plays; in St. Marys. At a meeting of repre- essnta'tives of the different clubs Saturday morning at Stratfroed the Ochedule was drawn up,t Moujnt, Forest has been added eta this Egineer Castor Admits he Made a .Serious Mistake and Council Accepts his Plans. •Tues'day evening ,saw some, fire- may be able to before polling day. In y p g ELECTION „CARDS FOR IllAYOtt To the Erectors of Clinton, Ladies and -Gentlemen -At the soli. citation of a large number of ratepay- ers I have decided to offer niyshlf as'a candidate for the position of Mayor for 1914, - I hope to havethe pleasure at a later elate of expressing my views on muni• cipul questions in general and also of meeting as many et the electors as I evor•9cs at the Colleen Board wheni' the meantime I pledge myself, if elec. Mr. "Castor,_ hydro engieeer for the led,, to give my best service to the town's; affairs for an economical ad- distiict tried to get the Couneilto ,t,inietration'consistent with efficiency change, their decision be se lie rind progress. sand 1 ask the electors had, for some reason• for such support at the polls as will roup and ilo ether with' Listo}vel l So that the electors may know ensure my electron, g g Yours sincerely forms section A' of'junione. • They some of the inside working The PRLD JACKSON will play a eeries of( games and New Era will try to make ratters the winner meets the. winner 0113 clear;- The electors -when they voted to FOR ]MAYOR buy out the electric plant for'ehe 'To the Electors of Clinton. owners diel so, understanding that Ftaviiig been asked by a ntiinher of Section on January 26th,"the re- turn to be played January 30th. Ie these games goals will. eoiint. SECN Jan, 6 -Listowel aTIOt AltA,. Forest. Jan. '9 -Mt, Forest at Listoiwel. Jan. 12 -Listowel at Mt. Forest: Jam 16 -Mt. Forest at Tdsttoave]. SECTION B. ; Jan. 1-Goleaich at S ratfo d : Seaforth at Mitchell. Jan, rfl-Goderiell at Seaforth Mitchell. at Seaforth, •, d Jan, 13 -Strafford at Gio e r.ish Mitchell at Seaforth. Jan. 16 -Stratford at 'Mitchell; Seaforth forth at 'G-odetich, - Jae. 19 -Stratford at Seaforth: Jan. 22-Goderiell at Mitchell. Jan, 27-Seaforth at Stratf,,o{rd,, The referees for the ,series are; Listowel, Zinkham; Mitchell,D,Eiz- arman; Goderich, D. McDonald; Stratford, Hein- and 'Edmunds; H. J. Coghill is convenor of the group. INTERMEDIATE SCHEDULE. The intermediate schedule was elrewn up in the afternoon andais as follows); ' Jan. 1 -Clinton at St. Marys. Jan. 5 -Stratford at Goderich; Jan. 7-Goderich at Chinlion. Jan: 9 -St. Marys at Stratford. Jan. 14 -Clinton at Goderich. Jan. 15 Stratford at St. Marys. Jan. 19-Goderich at Stratflord. Jan. 20 --St. Marys at Clinton. Jan. 23-Goderich at St. Marys: Jan. 26 -Clinton at Strateerd. Jan. 26 -St. Marys ai;Goderich. Jan. 29• -Stratford at Clinton. The board of referees for the in- termediate series are; 'H, Twitchell and 11,Rumball: Clinton; D.McDon- aid and J, Wiggins, of Goderieh; D. Lavelle and R.M. Northgraves, of St. Marys.; • F. Baker, E. Edmunds D.Forbes and %\Tally HereofStrat- ford. COUNCIL MEETING the local plant would. be used 'as citizens to accent 'the nomination of an auxiliary and after the favor. so, and in this public way solicit the able vote was taken the hydro con •vote and influence of all electors.' Sly mission had ae engineer hate and record as a councillor for four years, took' 'a .survey of, town as to' the . and as a lifelong. citizen, and a bust condition of the wires, poles 'and neas man for the past twenty five and known before ou wollk otv to plant and made a favorable report. veara,'rsy sure •o that, if all, and 1 u i -h to a u t t Insteps Mr. a ;Cling engins S e'er, he valuatesethe plant' and re-elected,.Iwill serve the town to the marked, so we were told, "that it heat -ofmly ahhty. Wishing you all tiVeMerry ria am Very Christmas, s, 1 y was a hard tl nt one a as the plantyours truly, was an excellent one and the town world be doing the wise thidgeby A, T, COOPER buying the plant at $20,000. The town purchased the plant and de- cided it would be run as an auxil- iaryto help the "peak" load.. The plans were drawn up and tenders called for a sub-sltation and ma- chinery and later a . Sychronous motor was• to be ordered. The town Council found out that the .sub -station and fixtures would be in the neighborhood of $13,000; issued r 3 00 so had debenturesass ed fo 3 0 h, $i , to be used when required. Mee Cas tor stated on Tuesday night that it would take another $3,000 to keep things going now. What will be asked next? He advocates do- ing away with the local plant, ex- cept as to be used for two years to supply the; Knitting company according to contract, and the Council adjourned for a nig'it and Mayor Gib'bings, Councillor Ford and Superintendent Chant went to Seaforth, On Wednesday everting the Conn cal decided with the 'exception of Paisley and Mason and (Morrish be ing absent) to use Hydro direct and in two years the $20,000 plant will be• ,scrap. We don't like to let pea'sonalrmat tern .step in but when Reeve Om - talon tolls Mr. Castor, that by his actions, hecan't have much confi- dence in him and then secondethe' motion which adopts Mr. Castor's egconclt change of mind, ie does' cern funny -nvhy-.,the-Counezl• took each°a sudden change. • However they have enteredtinito 1 the busexeten elap.etttling on the • Engineer of the 1lydro department being correct eo the people ,will have to take .:their medicine. am• For a'i'irst class engineer toval- .PlteStaentory meeting -o1 ' Count ue a first class' plant at '$20 000 in ehe 'later ell was held•on Tuesday .evening ealy ]the ie made a se ionsinand a fewmorii stake and of this week, it is only "junk" where c]oes the Mayor Gibbings in' chair and town come in foe value 'received, Reeve Cantelon and 'Councillors., Nomination night should clear up Ford, Mason, Paisley, Morrish pre- the matte• so until tlhen the tax sent, payee can only hope and pray, A letter from hydro Electric ad- stir I� Sks]ngi Connell o .eloet at once Social tltl ve o9 Huron to aosi'ted forms`'for .ecure cal once ie y spection, On motion of Thompson and he Undertaken at Once Mayor for 191.4, I have consented to-do Ford the Clerk was ins'truct'ed to order a supply from Toronto. Dr. Thompson of the, Property and Electric Light Committee made Under the leadership of Dr, Wal - the report in regards to the Knit- ter A. Riddell, ll, social solicit, who ting Co. they deckled to )eathe. is employed by the joint boards Mattel' as it now stands forr theis this department of work in the presort, t Dn. Shaw, eledical Health Officer, i • • •• • •• • • • • • • • •' •• • • • • , • • • • NOW is the best time to make your Selection en you are not ready to buy just yet ev • W.W.. This: List will ivake Choosing easy, and you can .. be sure your ;Iii, will be especially acceptable • : Suits- 8.5o to 25.00 • Hats 1.00 to 4.00. f • Shirts' , 50 to 2,50 • . I • • Suspenders .25 to .75 • • Hose .25 to .75 • 2C to Mufflers ,..... _ 52.50 • Pyjamas R1aS 1.50 .,, G 5 tO 3 5. • Overcoats 8.00 to 24.00 •• Caps .25 to 1 50' • Ties . .25 to 1.25 • Sweater .Coats .75 to 5.00 • 1 -Ir use Coats 3.5o,to 10,00; 5 • 7, -O to>10.00 • Rain Coats,., • )Umbrellas. .75 to 5.00 • i • • • i We sugg-st an early selection. You may leave' your purchase here and it willbe delivered when you • want -it, • Reeve Cantelon, if elected this year, will be out for the Warden- ship of the County. • Tax Collector.Wheatiey had a busy day of it Monday receiving the 'taxes. There is about $740,00 ,;due with 5 f. er cent added. --b-- I19 lei (reported, that Councillor Thompson is dropping out but not. out of municipal life as'he willrun for Commissionenship and he should make a good .,.one. • Mr H.: B. Chant: who has been a • waterworks commissioner, butwho • is now Uupeutl'ntend,enit of the Electric' Light plant }will have to • retire according to the Hydro by- law. y- law. • Chief Wheatley had to complain to the 'Hydro department about the way the menulintltown :vette mutilating the shade trees. Some of the trees looked if they tried to cut the tree down instead of trimming, the branches: •1• • •F • • •' • • 4 The town of Lindsay is one of • the up-to-date municipalities of the • Province. It has lust installed a • . new; lighting system on its Main • street with iron stan;dailds and all The 'time for the, Tax roll was extended 'till Feb. 15th 1914. - On motion of Thompson and Can telon went into Committee as a whole to discuss Hyde() matter and after "eleven o'clock- passed into Council again and adjourned until Wednesday night, Wednesday evening. Council met again after along Committee meeting and the .absen- tees' were Councillors., Morrisli and Cluff. On motion of Thompson and Can- telon the an-telon.,:the following was passed; That whereas Aug. 4th, 191,3 in Council a letter authorizing the purchase of. a Sychronous motor, has reeler been acted upon, Re- solved that as council order for said Sychroious motor and now change, our plans to distribute pow er to the consumers direct from step down elation and that author- ity be, given to purchase neces- sary transformers and meters., The motion was carried on 'div- ision, Yea-Cantelon, Ford, Thompson. Nay -Mason, : Paisley. Moved by Ford (seconded by Thompson ;-That the payments al- ready made up to thi.e date by the. Teeasuror on Hydro Electric ac- cortnt be confirmed and further payments for labor distribution line be authorized to be passed by the treasurer on certificate of the fore man, F. Gould, weekly. -Carried. 1 ,'eebyterian and Mehtodist church es, a meeting of the ministers of the county was held in Ontario St, 1 Miss H Fisher of Denver, is the Methodist Church, Clinton, on Mon 'day afternoon. gnast of lur sister, Mrs, R, E. Man - Rev J. E. Ford, of Goderich, was Hing. elected chairman ; Rev. S. Sharp, of Mr. W. Southgate, of :Seaforth Exeter, s•ecratary. was fn :tonin on ]Monday. Dr. Riddell delivered an addres's Miss Jap Mustard of 13rucefielcl explaining the method of prose$- left today for Brooklyn to take a urs and the nature of the'sntrvey position as Bead supervisor of St." The New Era: will be pub- lished on Wednesday of next'week.. Over the Teacups Dr. and Mrs. Gandier attended the wedding of the ]litter's bro- ther, Dr. Christian to Miss. Kath- leen D'Esperd. Mrs. Goo. Black .of Stratford an nounees the engagement of her faughter, Myrtle, to Mr. Walter R. Bern of Stratford, themarriage to take place early in the new. year. Mr. and -Mrs. MacDonald,'`Strath donal.d" letoderich, announce the en- gagement of their eldese daughter, Mary Lille; to Mr, Roy Westby Henry, of Edmonton, Alta. Mies' Jenne Thompson is visiting with her sieterse at Blyth. Mrs. 3. L. Kyle of Wilkie, Salines visiting' her 'parents; Mr, and Mrs. J.B. Lindsay. Mr. Bert A'IcE an former owner 1 o ci w• has .1 1 C �., 7 7101 of the Carne R o c7 r berm in the West is renewing old. friendships in townHe leeks as if the West agrees with him, Mr, A. Gopdwin of McTaggart; Sask, is here .on a 'visit. He ex- pects to remain he Clinton _ isaine time also visit his daughters, 1VIrs. S. R, McMath of, Goderich and:'lil:rs. Glen Campbell of Alymer. He will return to the, West in the spring. Miss Annie Yc sbee has entered St. Joseph's hospital, London, as a nurse -In -training. Mr. John Reosford was, in Lon- don last week-. Mr. Dodds Holloway, who is in the Sturgeon branch of the Royal Bank is ,spending a month eoli- days With his parents in tow. Bigger Stock and Better Assortment Than Ever Befom Ebony & India Ivory Goads fame Becalms, Hair Jlrushee, elilirary Brushes, Hat Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Nail ' Buf''ers, Cuticle 'Knives and Files,. asni Mirrors. Toilet Cases, Manicure Cases, Military Cases, Hat and Cloth Blush Cases. etc. Gillette; Auto Strop and, Gem Safety Razors A pram) new assortment ort the most fashionable Hand Bags $1. to $5. • A fine assortment of Seeley's Christmas Perfumes l5c. lap Our Goods make easy choosing Our Prices make easy buying THE REXALL WDMW I1 . loln es. • Moved by Paisley seconded by • • wires underground, The Bell Tele- Mason ;-That the committee be ape • phone -company has also removed. pointed to authorize, alt payments ■ ;•, its poles, and wires off the Main and construction of Hydro Electric 1 U' q Lindsay a cc Clothing • h r n In tiles mat ea_ Lil • �J CI®ll 1/1 p. f..,• skaeet. Y p7n imeer, sluff. -Carried, The Mori g g • • • has ,set an example tw.- ether • • • we • l follow.-Sa Olfn The committee named by the May • •. towns r instance: 1 b • Square i)P•ai �Or EvCry llla>m ♦ ton'for;'instance, Mope poles are or is Thompson, Feed, Cantelon • • being placed Igi,.,the front street and Superintendent; Chants •44444.4aaaaaaaaaaaaneen e*****44b•••••••a•••aa••••4 now for -Hydro:_ I Council then adjourned, 2 It is intended to make- this one John's 'Hospital GIRLS L AND D BOYS Santa Claue will arrive in Clin- ton, Monday December 22, anal' will make his headquarters at O'Neils Grocery Store. - He would like to have all the children in Clinton and sur- rounding y v e roundin country visit here early in the afternoon of Monday December 22nd Tuesday December 23rd Wednesday December Mai when he will be p'eased to renew acquaintances. welcome all his friends and take orders, W, T. i `NEIL. THE HUB GROCEk Phone 48 7.3 of neatest thorough and fat reach • Mr. D. Pa man, of ,Odessa; i the ing of any ever attempted in .Ont vest 01 his brother,.- Mr,da, is the ario.It will cover all the economic g coneii,(iionls of email life such • as of tows], incluetrie's,'wages, 'scarcity or ab- Mayor Gibbings and Councillors nndance of farm help market con- Ford and Superintendent Chant ditions, capital invested, loans, in- visited Seaforth on Wednesday. terest, etc., social conditioneeleacl Mr.,' and Mrs. Feed 'Punier (nee" ership, meetings, ' classes;'osganf- Mies .Femnl:ee Allen) arrived back s inerts the od e s -amus i rationsare � 'from the West 1 a�s't.weed- and a e family and home. life • atm the moi guests at the lateer's home at the al and religious' conditions effect- Ontario S't. Parsonage. ing rural life on Saturday 11 ase repee•9104tative of The following were -the officers the Clinton Hockey Club, in the ar ,elected ranging for the, games• in this dis- Presidlent-Rev, J�e0. Dewitt, trice.. . The schedule is , given on Blyth. another page. Secretary -Treasurer -Rev. 0 S. Mrs, (Rev.) ..,.,, , of Paisley is the Sharp, Exeter, guestbf her mother, Mrs, MeGarva Publicity Committee -Rev, E. F. Ontario S't, MeL. Smith, and. Rev. R. Hicks, Hen a E G, Powell,Exetes,•and Mr. Herbert'G. Fawcett of Bridge she; resiburg,former'] of Clinton passed the president a,nd isecre�tary, y , The county will be taken by a civil. service examination at'Flam- townships and a -minister placed in ilton reeantly, Officers Elected, Mt Jahn. Satter was in Stratford charge of each. The work will be- gin at once and will be finished by Jan. 10. DO YOUR ,..AS ITM CHR S ... SHOPPING EARLY.... „ Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Perry, Wells St. Toronto, announce the engage- ment of their 'eldes't daughter, Louie, to Mr. P. A. McElhann'y, 13, A. Se., Vancouver, the marriage to take place this month Tim bride- to -be is a native of 'Clinton, her father having been one of thetea- chers in the Collegiate eins.titute. Toronto Stat ;-Mrs: 3,A. AI ecdon aid received yesterday at her house en Spasina road, for hezl sisters, who are visiting her, Mrs.' Macdonald . neare a blue brocade with silver lace, and."the drawn -T - .1'010M was aitislically arranged with pink and white. roses and chrysanthena tms• Her mother Mrs, Christian; worea black satin g.own with Brussels' point lace -and acoes- age'houcinet of violets and ,lilies; Mrs. McGibbon, ,Edmio'nton, was in black chiffon velvet with Venetian, point lace and cliamiond5; Mrs, Mo- Laren wore 'emer,ald green ,satin The Corner Store "Live and Let 'Live"' wail Origins ie M If we are to have the pleasure oS' assisting ou in getting up that Ohlisfa neas spread try these. ]!suits, Cnrrinze. Valencia Rasias-. Seeded Rosins, Seedless Rasing, Figs,. Dates, .Prune Oranges,'Lemens, Ba.- • neural, Grape Fruit, Cranberries, AI - melee Grapes, Special prices on Cline, Dinner and to nnl ord PHONE 45. FINE STRONG POINTS About our plumbing include goads( materials, up-to-date supplies, sm- perior' workmanship, promptsae : and reasonable :prices,for. SATISFACTORY PLU'MBIN ee can you.. ask mono? Get 000 estimates first, anyway. Thos. Hawkins, Pinm 1 Heating bin an t (Phone 63), �' veiled with black ninon, and Buena bioidei.ecl girdle; Mrs. ' Gandier wore white satin with. reall 'lac, The tea table in the diming-raiorne was centred with a cut glass bravT of beautiful earnati,nns and ferns,.. Mrs. Gaudier, Mrs. Falconer ana s Mrs, Gond were in charge. asst ed by )Miss Jean lelacDonald, Mess's Somerville Ansi Miss Gould...