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The Clinton New Era, 1913-12-18, Page 1
tiTOY' topping EDITORIAL r144'i.'1':+441'0' ' '/:"14444 A"49 1 ty ex©thi0 ''w t 1.e, "What uchazi e will I •,stand tor the Wardeinehip ie 'I get bask for 1914?" Winter; Fair at Guelph, openilig'. "on Tu4S.day neiet, `pl+omiees to, be'. bigger and better than'ever. Take a run to. the Royal City for a •dcty .or two and see' and hear what, is:. '.going on. `Y tingste't s with a "sweet tooth" will be glad to know "that sugar' is -notlongsr considered •a gondimeet, blit a food, land: is recommended' by- competent authority. We could have told them that 50 yearsago. Many ' a matt has a spasm of Heart failure when he ieori' es'his notification of taxes to payon that 'high priced bel•on gings in the West and knows that the sign is up "Nothin` loin`", People at home When they `buy they g [and, see what they urpos.e' mv�es{iilg,- in but -when bitten by the specu-e rating bug they do business oz the "un=sight and enseen" principle. When the 'slump arrives the med- °icine tastes very bitter. s Tilt: Christmas. o`'1�our-BUyiIi rr & on,„ Editorrs;aitdPublishers ^fi ew ra; o is . in` Catynad ti a'MO11•{%NR�' q ii • The, Canadian who has studied the constitution of hiswintry tae, Now that the high cost of living' British North Amcrica Act-mu$it : ie attracting •s0 much attention wefeel an •e tree ',respect fortthety. - are pleased to -notice that onions n are recommended a etzong sub- stitute for in3at. It's strong all right 'enough, partieutatrly if. you [seek the Spanish variety, which people eat with tears in their eyes. Onions, particularly the uncooked might be all right if it could he truthfully said `Eve'rybody'•s' doing 'it" where , this, is not the case a popular air would be'"Absence makes' the heart grow fonder." St. Louis County, U.S. has pas- sed a regulation -Whereby music, card tables' and- chairs must be re- moved from saloons. The official. bxpressel Flimself as' follows; - "Card tables," he said. "lead men to play games. for 'drinks, coed men who play cards all ,day, drink ''111 day. 'They ;stay away from ` their homes. Iry taking tables and chairs . ont,.,of the saloons I think I have done away with loungers who -warm the chairs until some- body comes in with an offer to treat." it leeks) as if the neglect to blow the fog horn at Gode'rich an the Sunday of the 'big storm,' coupled with the presumption 'that some unknown vessels ,migbt have been able tonxnake :thee harbor had' it been done, Will' be made the leaver to pry another big, grant from Doe minion Parliament toward im- provements'. At the , coroner's in- quest one Captain appraised Gode- • rich harbor at the rnunificent,fige'. ure of $250. There must have been thousands of .good dollars practic- dem of the 1}' uta erre of, C'bnfedere tion. He•;mus'C recognize that they. were learned men, and £eei deeply indebted t'epthenl for the ' rights they gurent sed to citizens of every portion of the Dominion, liy . 'the lalvs which they framed and the s'acrifiees theymad ,eintheir. belm 1f. He: feels indebted to -their patriot - cern and their de}ith of lea:•nittg. !:tc• cannot; and does not, believe.hOW- ever, that their utterances and the, law's which they laid down forthe future guidance of the Dominion, which they brought into liriun,"i must be taken ti's a perpetual guici e for all modern conditions of which theycould not have had knowledge and Iwhieh' they could not, :even have •Snraginerif. Intellectual life during +pre-Confederatiotl, days' differed' as. mn 11 moth present ia- `tellectual 'life as the rulnsof frac-` tions differ, from integral calculus. Commercial conditions ive a as ditions now, addition's is compared. ditions noiv, as addition its come with the bi'no'mial theorem. Many of the sciences' were then ip'their infancy, and ,madly •othe'rs', • whicli contribute to -day to the luxuries. and necessities of ;lif0, were then unknown, 'TrCanspO Lation and, the diffusion of ilformati'on have sly thrown away if the harbour is reached a point ,never conceived by the men who dreamed of a. great. structure to be builded up- on the foundations which they ale carefully 'Paid. not right, --o-- Hon. R. L. Bordon, Premier • of this D;i'minion, was .a visitor with'. President Wilson of Washington, last week while returning to Ot- tawa from 'Hot Springs, ;Virginia, where he had spent the past' month recruiting his health. Mr. W. T. Bryan piloted himto the White 'House, The probabilities are these., friendlyvisits' and chats will •tent3 to broaden international relation- ships' an'd_adjustreents of trade be- tween the two lands. There ' is rothing more ,natural or ra`ional then interchange between the 'U.S. '- and Canada and the ,man •who thinks this means losing our iden- tity 'annexationorhas. something to' learn yet. -ate-- Because• everybodyagree bol don't a ' y g wIib your views don't't' make up your mind that the "Shallowness" is all on the other [side. Get a ' plummet and take soundings and , your'fieding•s ';may prove the depth was not est—at—Leh as you thought. "Big head" is a ,serious complaint ' and Most difficult to cure.. Hold yon' re own cepinion, if 'you will. but"be gracious' enough to grant' the [Same freedom' to neigh- bor, net g bor, Tie old fashioned brow .beat - 'Straightening Things :Out', • The grand a•esult 'of thes6. and a myriad other ci.rcumet'inceS isl 0 nevi .eonditioe of mind;,a passien ;et haste, desperate, competition rind accomplishment, adverse 'to calm deliberation, preventive ,of tsober= nese sof judgement, and conducive tor,los's of perspective. The geo- graphical extent of the country per Mite of the 'widest c�iffel;en ie `i,n physical\'and social conditioni3. This neeeslsarily causes ,equally great differences: ecanopiicallY.Com m,ereiallY, 'arid -politically. In' the Piovinces where these differences' a ear, legislati MM•on is required to, meet the demands of the particul- ar localities, and these. :local lases in themsolve.e tenc1 to create ' dif- d'tion's-condi- fe'rent, political. con t tions which the framers of the Brit- ish con - .1; North.Ane ca Actnever co t,'PON- . — y Born in Onta°io in 1843 he : was ' educated at ( Cornwall 'dlamtuar• School and eller .:.gesiduati,tl;' aC Tu - rano was caller to ehe 'Pa.' i?i1870 and created-:Q.C.1.590. ' He was first r•eitearned to'the Ontario parliament i i 1888 and chosen loader of the ,opposition 1890, In 19tH he 'forncc: his first Government assumiugthe '' position of eett2rflCy-ta'crimed in ac} dition to that' of Prim: Minister, 1 On his C;1overnmee1 being re-elect- ed Sir James' relinquished the oC- fics of Attorney -!General. He tva; created knight by the. p"e c i` kitlg' on the oeeas'ion or the Quebec Ter- centenary; —0 - nen. Walter ;+orlon. :Premier of Saskatchewan. Walter Scott, M='inter's devil, coni positor, ,publisher .politi•ntn neei. 1. I. . it f]ris' p tot i.._ z It rem e o �. an :eceptional story for Canaria of - fere to every youth the opp.nl'ta;)- .ity'to as +then. ' Mr Sebtt, who w::', recently elected for a seco d:ter01 Sir 11 oat .: CTouin {When he .was to the hi hest office in the gift of ,.,: o native g aj:pom..tl 1'rrtnie:• O. hisna the.poop]e of Saskatehetvan, can re) 1'rot'na it :9J i.7tac?.aa0l:nostim- 1 , ., 1 view a character '.cat .is an lna} ir- pnssilila tack before hint,: i'fe ,herd atioit to any ,young man of amhi- a ii'0 g and top - just wu„c.a;cixcl < i..ni;, 1 tion, To rind the secret of his sue- :lar 1111111,1111111,ni'ci:r r t; unl3ts ,i c. r cess ,bee must hr.ow the man,'' if' t ;,tis ab- ash \ieh mad: many s�ep.c aske'd to 'tame the ctu:alitliE's'.which• c -the bcte^ment tae ',-D are Flet, - t 1 1 ,S1122r1-1P,RD 1 L IDE ."13Rrristi COLUMBIA.— _ 4.44 •Y �lON GEoRG�Mu, NovA.SegriA:.._ b Sir Loner (ouin Premier of Quebec. led'to the' distinction, enjoyec': '','I'' TheYt doubted hie strength. Trii'c �' frie ds would e,a'r T earl iii li£e; hi:, n sats hate carne and •oar• •) 1 51:; 0'r is a li 1?t weight today, no i y Y f., g ted act wlxieh tiro het itself' that eburageand stick .t4-itivcnes • ourn is still flremier and thbee atter what course he advocates; , templa n T• ns'elves• even, if the do not do ' So man ne'w situations '].n „life: tion were t)te predpnnnant (havact-. a p• are no v his'' StClblt..hrs!: sn r mu Y y i c tallcfn� a i nt it. Ontae i'o;c, hip i h rile t is n,tt ever _ boy who : S+ t • i ,i " t h 1.4 lxav e been cstablasne,d t of g ctlsti, �. I y pra'te's -lir. has Cacl\ I_1CCCl i.icm "B9 'sure Yau/ ai•e right. aiid then: go ahead•" m s_ ' llcfor 'was nevor untended to,me.ett eoanbF•ne'd tultlx nn a£fabl., cLsl,o cloubtfui Iho,na-:,d of Jrve I'at• Ue'cause people 're,ad and thtl 4 >e: f j he' county that aervss as an appe8etice al a.erncle Id " f 1 • dlet0loi�inent o k y I t f "1 - o-�- there is a continuous cry for leg The , Asquith Government .say ' (islation to:s�teaiglltcat; out ineq. ual- ed' nor the are not to he bellied rich the Brit - they e Rue ftiesa and problems wl f 'ght d from 'their -Flom i ri enc . ourao.,ze ardin 'Ireland" bet are isle North ,,3111etlea A. et, interpreted Q g g prepared, to discuss). the 'various :elbeen'to the- comma, does' not con - bases• of the question if properly brought before Parliament.: It is' brought � e°11 is just the 'sumo;' in Ii'elznd a , in ;.Canada or any place else viz. Too many people allow some , hot head,. whose •zeal is not tempered with prudence, do the talking M often, when too late,' dis'c9verthal' the lelefdleg 118b8 lead ;tlhtit • initt7 rough. and thorny paths ,. from m t. ' In whlcltthey have difficulty <1 • ing their ices .pe. Tliere',s very [little nee in attempting ha please some folk particularly :if they have r, .' they made ::up their mind., .:that won't be pleased. East , Middlesex, election peeved that future contests• are note to be 'of the 'kid glove Variety , but ' red The fight is hot,:earnest combat's: 'Z'1 e ig only -commencing. Earnest men and: women are marshalling in t, J, section: with seat moral is - elms g ewes who will) disrupt any or every too en• political party that'refuses'� 11 the way for questions. that ane q greater then the:some pettifagging features ' that are'thrown . in ..the way'to bar Teal progress. There's' • : militant host. -in training who i g will have a voice in publicaffairs ,in the 'eicar futnreto,•be reckoned the young " with. The training ofY ,people today'' is an a11-importanit factor and on the tome, church. and iScheel'lerolled an obligation 1 that mu0't be faetd. d t a17t1.. (le les'' o Y le \t o: 0 11" 011. 3. 1 L 11NG- • e. trey 'to the ,sctugre mch 'on the Mil lion aer:er,Zsaixn as; any aft the ` larger prof inees `o£ the . Doininio j, 'which^i'geetVelso,;intiChei•free tieing in the zieivapap0r. Premier ltlathiesop.w,as' born Oil' the -Island. • His parent were Islanders and farmers;"sturdy,^•thrifty `folic of the class whichhas made) P. E.I. oats •' potatoes' ,and liay'a by -word. tt3;e Was educated :itt tivo famous II;21- and OehQ91s-.F):1rliligton Grain-inlaySchool, where he was r n,tally drill. •• ed by, Presid'ent;t;Seheirman, noW o1 a: Cozme]l "and Prince of Vi -ales .Cob• " 'lege. :lie taught school for 0.tiius On the Island and a thousand tiles' west in Wipeipeg; mapping out a legal career for hims'elf, when 'his • last straggling pupil had .gathered; his books and fled, 13y, 1894, hew' a lawyer in Geo5getoNn, ,P.E.-`I„ • Elis shingle now reads Mathieson•: &. MaeDonald, Charlottetown. i8 firm is one df the chief hi the pros ince. Since 1900 IIIr..Mathieson ha.; been -a member of the, Legislature. Big brained, big' bodied,' at only 49 years of age, 'he finds himselfono- of the "nine premiers." stook soine'thine -to arrive. ,Bothin 1 : that year .and, in 1899. her failed to - carry Careaton' County D4;.I; in --•1000 he 'wee rctuiin`ecl at'a bye-elec.- tion ,and he has been, going ever since. It is;a geographical•' coincidence that Mr. Flemming shares with .Sit 'Richard McBride, of British Colum bia, the distinctiian of being, the• youngest of our nine Canadiar Premiers in years.'' Sir Ytiehara 'McBride. Premier of British Columbia. The Prime Minister. of British •Ctrl 'umbia is knight Commander and plain "Dick" `• McBride- 00,010(0. British Columbia pe,ople•whe lilted to refer to their chief either] by y his sobriquet, feel ptloud -tpday that the, titlo conferred be: him is a trib= ute to his increasing 'national and' imperial importance. Sir Richard is, w one of Ehe striking 'younger fig-' ores of Canadian public life. It has •- _ been remarked before that be has Winkle "C; t' •'c•eg er'1 but the look of drs'flnctioai. Flyshair o a:1;,,i10 11 Qat l.`•1 1.4 ,011 til•forra aCab is,. long, prematurely grey, and he in',t. 50noe :thc11 the 'l(i iey al 11'ears it in'white plume ,style, after this )ret the.) has I,cc:r 1'.1' ic:c heeds Sir Wilfred 'Laurier, His face is J of this stre'ln n'a, .i. waz knight- 'sensitive, like a poet's. Sir Rich - t (1 ich-t(1 1': ythc 3',rrrl:nt 1s',ieg on the oc- ard,'though he might he taken for (101111 of the Qu:btc Tc:eentenial a versifier, is a thoroughly pr•acti in•*908. chi, up-to-date s'tatesmare who • ]a familiar: evitlt all political tuts. He • 510rl.,latsta;p: 1i, Nem ming has a, gay, debonair, I.kilr,, way about 1)101 which creat{ s•lIke itpage l'r: 1v11.••• crf I•, \,' r0;'ls\diel:, net. He was born in British Col - V;7 ,1v1 n1•r'• il.,l ,vs l:+ar 111.1.[-;,..2.1.1., (t:\a]wn ,thne umbia forty-two Years ago;hfsfath et• being the Warden of the -prove Con ,:rva;ivl pa •.v, nclr'i:r iron. incur penitentiary. By profession Pahe is a lawyer, but 1ia, been in poll folt . , lin'::a .[' 1 t,„uliur .;..i...0 exec tics since he -was twe11t .six With forty of '. • • n' t f ur i'• enn • the ecce ttion of a shot# term in i "cl. 1(i,"("` le CUlc•t''I ltilllllir7,' 1 9 Ottawa, S,ir ^'Richard hits) '• worked t y. hi star cat•+9 a 113 to t.hcboup out his. career ill the British Cul.-'' 01 i,o c wa- a \ i almemb 11:+bio o umbia":Legislature. In 1903,11e 'be - satT r,iss hecryo•l.rnu�lbe:.tgis- a Premier. His two chiefqual. t -t. ._.'pas the flee: ol'the. Legis- c<m.o wont' ' ose ities •arc imagination • and ability later.' and we -0 \ vto ni P to impres's`people: He sees ti. big th 1b:liilcs bf 1:111.:*) he loris There future ahead eef'British Columbia. t\.1.. 17,E nuieh \•ca=L c'i':l-room But' his faith and active In el:est, r .->.icitt 011 (lit* Liberal gide; ` ,; ' _ in his' native prpvin'ac clo no`' pre- fn'• clary two T,ih.•ns ,•,urvivecl the a. hand to working Cces:rva}ivoen kluge( enlie vent his giving out problems of the, -whole. Domin Cd candidates 'fn rose dalosits; 100. He has the 1argPCr vision, Just' 3 ,al's and liol• 111 Tien. Indepehn moms h lie has, been uttler- at this ,ct,',1,;2:1' ,la n, re' sl.n :e`eefeCl-that ins some cobstruc'tive thoughts 00 .ins fc!urof ati Olipositinn0001103 0tt''the Canacliail navy: 913•Rieh abo in .n3i`ob,,,it-rc', t, a: loot: Igrlclier pa�s'ble lnena'nv:c'. and fears the M t tit; -n ill a` of 'h . \vtoe Wesley Bowe, of Japap and China acros's .thePa l n p n 1311 victorious p01 ;cialns, 1305 beets une unequivocally o Canada participating 'Imperial ll: ir).:�.111308.' l'aI': ,ala.:'10. rifle. frOmkietoria, and he has' de - m Wiia ]ieadecT T'rmier T1�liim,u,,� 4cat.erd, ;lifmself' line'iiivocall'y f.Or' 1 1 in o 'IC \ 1 : nswick et'et. ust�iiiz<n. f f is naval defen-e,. ,in;c Iron. JOhi1 Douglas Hazen „q_- gav: up the 'Prim'` Minister''s of: ' M George Murray. fic:� at I+'rode:•icton and etitrtiflled Mop. Gcol,.� 7Premier.. of Nova Scotia. for Ottawa to thrash out the Can- ' ad;an navy pr0blo7n •for Rt. Hon. who' . tee- determination on 'o"7a many great ualities(Of previous a Por.111Sn y q h 3) t 1).: .1.v1naS':an his Pbet< beyond -the calling he had se:eaca' ';in S.t. T onloe's' adilxia;afro;] tell] ` heart aiid. 1i7]ixd, 1lanthe� , Geoigc • :'troll afi P]'O\'i 113101.1711er Qt the. for -life. lva o}ie would bat e di•eaair ;l wa al ct.ii7a Oat ass :I.,ndicl as- ASurra• of Nova Secitia pis' well < 1 ,r l Cons: rvat}vc`' 16 FI^111 3)i09 act.- " at a lr 'utlte earl lava of - , .,. :. • , _ _. �Y •111`-'' sia'orifi of`CaarcL- Regina, U c 1 Y amp~ .;of .nO�.cs:,]te ,loll., the ,.' •-- M,. nF1{{.n .ra1 l y s toter). .anal) itt-as a t {c Rn ii7a; when t rip ":� i i nal r.c_ gc0itsrtt'at4oy of J z <., d • las • c crntn.'•i sincerity, and worth. 'V eo things, ,cd as.; ;1 rovnlmal Sae.clniy ln, 1. Intelpoli- effective ori ..;...: )'' was tans'''wee aeke an . p Il.<r..,11 s ad.111111 11 1t10 1. :TIC ties;',; George Murray, li .e the sxta- ti �e in.this capacity. Wizen •I., cff c n a I „ s' been at- `ha -' v „Nova, Sco f<l f No of i.t n >, r;^ 1. t_ 1 � e{'. t' ;fief e was ere ;deb .. crit-, • cticall alibis, life, :.e 1111• in' polltie.S practically li.,.,ni, ;fit) •rhe done 10 debate, , nci it siieaks:well -foil him and his rl nil~itl^'S, booming VQlae.!' and , u administration that haus Govern d�iin'txi+ c••-'onality were ustiall'v r '«vide foi••' This' changing its !only :claim to note being , the +',31- f e s.' titin oirpt r sorli•ees, \'''''''':".1 -al. ly ,O, s„ hili s doe's' not mean headquarters. of,the Territorial Clot' oder;of things q nvP � n e, P ' the s h. ' v• n a bo Y. 10. t P b g prune] m $ l Y 1 11 la Of government n „• -rr. eat our theory o g �'- i c , . lar:Vieille to as and Difficult ii•olile'ms' a. l o free pulling roofs''. 1 i , M; g'M Y 't• with •. Vieille' able. 03,Si a cowing county res 'in con0301103 with' a �'. + ,^ 1 other- rho e div Pr6'i tyof In e - $:. the a icountry 'weekly, would true c 1 light " -ise�' fr .mace ochief . \ ',t1 7 f being e honor o g met. in,. The dift_r.zant 'Premiers of +[j'gs, Majr•st,y.inone of the 9:ri;t- runlet nncl tvnii�c or.iv Qn;le.et }vas ;ten 109. icer. • Ott:at{ a to discuss and stzargh . cel' of tht cat ,con s for a ofi` a ea_t;, tate 'arise .. , copal. piolv7 s 5:,g to , + 17 . out • ,robl:ems which. 111 prey - mon the bet ° 7 mon wealth. In political we fere' Cost.•to"the, bovine• In t th ' live, a short fn es amd� eve herewith g . i Ile e people he lied o ,, Scott a hand littler ter .ecru aurin of the 1 r t lie Ftt 1C VS 1 I ort. sketch of Pac1n 1 n 11 't thrive In the West tulles to faa^ Om «(f.#cultic., Of c r and the ccluca ilii, o£ he neer :pie To 1)31119 abo,it t £r.:8''.'x:1, l.L^,.ln , hc.a to fight 'hard' agairle r :avy odds. b not only agav7et '(lir robiecip ex - Plotter. but, against ninny of his seri Port re „NV ho had, :'iftfalts on ,ae 1 lne,nt 'has, boon''s',iitiitained fn 10th 1 eviiilditi^n.-: :'Hn :here parlicnlar iz lections • •10 „ f1;111111e'finance'• :and successive' general e h_.or>l:cid^ o became pteraler d' law for isoni 'time ' >f1`Iv''ti'hel ing1<2r sixteen years': � He be,e< laud practise a o of Sir ltoimond Roblin Premier of Manitoba. ) Bion. Sir Redmond Palen Roblin, Premier of Manitoba, is of'German- descent, and was born at Sophia's burgh, Ontario, in 1853. He was educated at Aiberta, College; 'Belle-, vine. ' in 1880, he <,ylvent west to : Manitoba, settling at Carman, where he has carried on, arming on a large scale. Later he engag ed. as• a grain merchant with head- quartol's in Winnipeg and promo:- ed. ronto: ed .the Northern Elevator Company to handle his business. In 1884 he• promoted the Northwestern. Pub- lishing Co., the Dominion Elevator Company in 1899 and. the1J nitoba Ranching and `Grain Growing Co.. in 1903. ' • Sir Rodmond's public career has taken him through all the offices in the gift of the people. Poiifive terms he served a5 metre of Duf Perin County, and for two teems,. aseWarden. -In 1888, ho un'success- fully contested -the constituency of North Dufferin for the Manitoba Legislature, but was elected in the • general election 'of 1888. In 1900 he• formed" a government, and (sited' been Premier, Minister of -Agri'ul- t'ure and Ladd Commissioner, "! He attended the Coronation of Piro Edward VII. in 1902 and was then presented to Icing George and' Queen Mary ,at St. James' Palace. Tn ,1911 he attended their corona' tion and dined with Isis Majesty.\ He was ,0 member of the Ottaeva Interprovincial. Conference in • 1906 and again this year. ' --o-- Dou• A. L. Siftoh of Alberni. Premier Juclges don't often become prem- iers. If there is a rule it is that more often politicians are ',made- judges.. ntade judges'. Premier Sifton of Alberta is the rare o eeption in .Canadrt:. As high Chief Justice 110 had got to' a position where he. mighthat'e been, satisfied to stay. He liked Calgary, even though he had lived., in Regina as a cebinet'minis�ter', in Brandon as e lawyer, in Winnipeg' as' a youth and iii London,, ,Ont., as a child. But he had no hesita- tion -at least not for publication - when he packed his ' hous!ehoid goods, and 'rook ;the train he Ed- monton to be the first citizen of. hadjust' bee the province that xa n having the time of its life i'nre=- [.constructing politics. • right Premier Sifton- is In 'the g e'' place. On the bench he was' in the: right place. 'He was not e'poiled� by'.politica,,' ;He had :some 'E, per- t, f Public c 'for he was Minr of o P 1 ren es n t' Works in the. unpartisan cabinet of o p Premier Haul'tain of the Northwest - Territories before they had any party politics in provincial matters .'r": As a 'ud ei etvas on rile pelt tel,I � 1 peculiarly dignified, curt and cone r else. There was none of the breezy t'-e'ow-ra ch bout infortnal)ty of ]> c n . a l:" t -•He kept, y his e.our room. plawyers' and. witne'sees and risoners right, p, g r [niches -eel ways. e. 'in their, proper n ekes < 1 rT d Cm�,lO,,ed it Ut r.-•1 P 1 1 Han. 1 90 w ez Albert, 'a Adan and • t-�o\,'er, 1L Tleii-' of the Province in 18 In Prince. Abe ,lir nCal- got hat() r it , toS -called . ea le . svery kov--..: ,ZV;e S. T'ielding; qua,gar3*; and a ve y us ul n t 1 ']l �6' a big,:.'11. altli S,,'.11lall, }\'110 ,. c- Wilfred > 'd Laurrea s. (pabmet Mr, .ed of the tva sof 11e Weed As n. Ml, en .is < ,. -, g<' - ta, 1• n s ,tit l.i.ollriMaily. U r ie < < . 1 l 1 • ? • 1 • h will _ ,' r, ,• ,. +n' , . t; Octel it take a remiei•, lie ]s' hike as..mtfcli nman:;`` ,•e .. n r .' .. ... 11Lm}ay ,ts .e• p ei P q 410 0F„ ,crit s . lto 'cn; oye .a > , so„d : -. s] ' • a , movement for bo worth Preserving' , •eie HP never' strikes below '{vhteh rite. et \vlt,n acFret. <h: ,elf... leading in the of. dl 'alt �. ] , h5 tc me g ., g, y; and •itis' 7aiowledge rlf`• ” u 1n oLitel" a es and r t rt {c tlti O e x tne^e t u in mac r a>, 1 :r t 'il t•Fn 1 un1 p clo In and Ir , :cmc, o r P t 45 T a.In t organize- l 't 71 ot. iia Mar -..r -o- o' to 'o :for t It but when i' is 5r, meld tl; t` 1'• ' 1, ; b t repiiesen tI n the West z d -1's t n` peachabile• •1,; .. the be•.., 1-•;, �• z 1 ,.i ,r ,: > ,the r cel:al a ,, y q WI e does' 0111-' , its os, Qot lura , wr. 1L ~met is e , , prime 1'1 -051 -flees` in a rty of chaiacLot are such that it to illahe t( charge 1,, .el n kl,.. T P l,, •, ,.) ,t••,,00 word. T.11 Bost- , . s.,Y an 9L ltl , , Ontario. •� ,; � _.�- . , ' .,. .,: �.,tal.:, lrament. Fzemzei of Dntar ut t e'sol t to ,su ,e..ltron> of tq,ui ,mood Catllotrc, but. t_ Is the �,. o gg e e.: • On .OF 3 S n arise. When Walter Scott "-aye any first With -him a, nianY res.:meets , 1 j • anything g• re's wrong in his cab - f i t � he gees frequent- inet'at mus': be when he is away 1 .t tide".. d nc 1 1• an invitation rot n _ Yort • het• o.t a •: Int linPleasant lr, s , l .. 4 n..T. ,t.. )wila,tltl�Cso.?It out of the c .t ltty. T . e s n v' Y .,. ,. r, all. thing 1ti a - g ,., . ^01111 `aro s 1' Iittne 1 Ob 0, y. o. , • Flemming i s; e st l y lz 1 _. se., , P. ani .'.. • z+ definite, :is as,eal,er Sn'•'1„omet ii'hnu=ta „«t. .,os,7 in d, s , .,: :•.; ^ � ,; , �.,, of eoralhng.:Itemaer Stfton rnihe- Canada he •cennotl .o Premier. of Prince Edward Island. the most learned, man, in C , , eas,.,nd asan,oi.at;ot. { vL,'la+e [of .CAuc..n, fot.ty+3o Y >°« g. devious taYfmle. afOhttes. Allier- peeve. ' 'area's' los- he •c�rinotl5c,1< , , ht 1r? b . ., • I a P i .a rest' Minn 1 .New T3ulbe- • OCCu ll : .... ro _.. .b,)I n. in Woodstock, ,.•,. •_. -,. .' y MY g ,.. G. -h tyevat. and is > :. acre+,tr 1 ' at La{ ai Llllt e. st Tie i., not .in --0s0•10: o 1889, r i g ,., ' , : ‘„.,..es t ,. .. ,; . , to m,ay:a inoodq to ]tlggle a Of T t dg� M stet gt9 in the FI LZei 0A 1 ant it's e0eral:ynn ,lave £<ntnd. t their ea sl. e: '. . ' . o0rna o ala It On.. ' " 11C ''' a-.rllxle. I 1 r , , , .. �c, y. tee • tl•'ck: ai'nt' t ileo, , .... _ ;• +, .. atoh�stt,n %Ieha_,aftee t•>7n Lanwand wee, cail.•d to, th .. F . . , pleasing � ,, ;, .,. , : , • i r otic-'` 'Yet ;kleforc sire finds out C L , t' le 'Istat of the mighty, et Cl a ] ave. ottlt 1t s i versities rig' Melding f l Un 1 0 h 1' CC ,(. g Queen's, t easy, contlersryational sttyle an•t r was : a _. he the big': As < l.t v e act~ what is :tlre'best and b 1 8i ` 't I Bar i 8 1� g, L n �. y.. - d"�h1 0 • Jelin A. , ,gnnit "fTnitTer,stty, surely Bose _ r•'H• 1 rival Sihool,. ?xen t;ai$n. Tie:is o1u M : Y , . `1 ' r t tl1 ut clifficul ,< , i e enter- Plot utr.?a. N4 ... 1 p: .. • ' ' '. ..:., trolls his auc>ez cel yr o sucee..sfu] Lot early an life h e(i ,.. „ gest policy to an tile i.n And as if r the Con s'e't Vain es, : r ti of AnC beide of od th n t bett a 1 l pt g tzlrle with. t atter Went >' g b a an tovl e c he I\ 1 , Is no mt cal a en<h i sts of the whole ole 1 os t He r the o ie'G lel V `e dt lll ,P1e I y r '� d th floor f B . , � zit n. a ac a hamet�t in 1897, In 1900 'into 1fl0u, . J h a g as they can -btr. Iiut.- Alberta will. , . tabus. ch,_ g Qu b• �'1 +, Y _ i., . t a a d W d T n a n dear 1 f v c u 'ee rl e o h i •; •: d'ei c , + . • , ., , : ••, _ ens' P n e . interest tnithe $t _ , , I. 1t 3'lq l • ,, ,. ffacc, ddle Ilfe .Mr. T! rennin b. 5 ed .the'' \vents of o 1nto,ml , b' @ .. , . ,, , t o e fust fast a :.. .: t t,a 1ltt Ontal h, � Walter Seo t s bo n • - I a ontI uecf •on a e. 4 z of .'C n , r , uch 1 � taken ai.t, 7n th e a Tl ere /�s as m r 'A ,g t Qie has ak U o c l l , . Tie ars:,a , >< _ P rY. lige . • , t tY i olitr a Y gQ. as a,a b] io. s.. �' . ., folio a Public n6, 1zx Y R e. . ti th Olt f ' .,: • taking' tp ,,. aan Trortbles , as a N 0.0. iii 8 7 � � t 0 - \ 1 tate .89131059, ; )e NOn lilt — lsteholarah,ip 'wasf not sufficient Se ,, „ « 'lumber ma ufa int ar and tlealel h party ty e o eax.le c hen rel_ tot ]xa 1 t e l to tinterests ate, about as dive stfae'l< a an an ulte s h 'tvas zc u. n s m< Y . 'along, fight e .,..,F n .rive p . g ! .r ,, take a ac treasury be h Jame • s mixer needs n ,. .. r as e w sr brealan the Assemblytotheno , nut fsu lcue'n w 'osc. ar ero.s'se I