HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-11, Page 9sere Linens as a Christmas Gift Table Cloths, Napkins, Pillow Cases, Towel Nothing makes a prettier, more serviceable, or acceptable gift to any woman than something in linen. Our stock of Linens include the productions of the largest and best manufacturers in the world. In any line we can give you the best in quality and design, at the lowest possible prices, Old Bleach Linens,` Shamrock Linens, Gold Medal Linens:, These ar standard makes, and fully guaranted. e ITGu Will find it to your advantage to make your selections here. Plain Hemstitched Linens Guest Towels . •...,25c and 35e Full size Towels ..250 to 50e Tray Cloths.. . ........ . . ....25c to 50e Stand Covers...,.. 25c to 50e Dresser Scarfs EU to 59c Pillow Cases 25e and 35c Doylies 15c up Centre Pieces. 25c to $1 Embroidered Pillow Cases Embroidered Pillow Oases with hem- stitched ends, good large size, and special of ....,...................OSc All linen Embroidered Pillow Cases at per pair.......... $I.5U, 2.00 end $2,60 Table Cloths and Napkins Matched Sets. Damask Table Cloths with Napkins to match, every pattern new this sea• • son; specially imported for our Ohriatmas trade, at from... -$3 to $5 Those make a very handsome gift Towels and Toweling Large size. Embroidered Towels, hem stitched ends at 50c to $1 „Large e size Fancy Ruck Towels at 50c Fancy mask Geest Towels, hemi Da stitched ends • 25c and 50c Guest Toweling, fancy damask border at per yard • 351c Fancy Huck Toweling, wide width, at per yard 25c to 50c Christmas` Handkerchiefs Tllursday, V o's ember, lith, 1913,. rt►0111..1 # 11�1011�044.44,101*****41.1400*'i4e01..f04A01t14 * • 0 -Ca e 0000400001100001M0100110N ►111110l104.i000101110/1�0 We are showing thousands of Fancy Christmas Handkerchiefs, in pure linen. mercerized cotton, and silks, both plain and initial, hemstitched, scolloped and embroidered edges, at from 5cupto62 Sensable Gift Living Eiderdown Bed Comfottert, made of good quality sateen, and satin tope, at........ . $2`a .M1 Wool Blankets, pink and bluep borders, from '13g up Tapestry and Brussels Rugs, all sizes from $7.50 up Axminster Floor Matte frow$2,75 up Ladies Coat Special for Saturday==t2 only ,.. J On Saturday we put on sale the biggest bargain in Ladies Coats weever offered, all this season's styles, well made and beautifully self f lined ne to shoulder, seams piped, d, shawl and convenable ee collars. brown, tan, greys and fancy tweed mixtures, regular prices $12.5o, Caors and $i $.00, sale price.. $ r s.00 10.99 t 'n" ass sem. Only to Shopping Days to Christmas UseII Christmas Gills Always give the most lasting pleasure. both to giver and recipient.. Why not make it a rule this year to give your friends presents that will be of real service to them for many days to come. There is no better place to purchase Sensible Christmas Gifts than at an up to-. date Hardware Store. Our stock was never more com- plete and includes a wide variety of New Goods and Novelties, that are well worthy of your inspection. Start to make your selections now and save yourself the ,bother of last minute shopping. If desired we will store goods purchased and delivered on December'23rd or 24113, Run Your Eye Over. This List Christmas LinesGe ' neral Lines Stoves Tinware Graniteavare Alinminiumware Washing Machines Wringers Meat Choppers +.. Sets Smoothing Irons Coblers Sets Household Scales Lamps - Oil Heaters Oil Cookers Foot Warmers Rifles and Guns Storm moors Oow Chains Leather Halters Whips Garne Traps "'Cross Gross Out Saws Axes Sleigh Bells Halters Whips Lanterns Stable Brooms Dr. Hess Stock Food Hand Saws Hammers PL41EJ WARE Teapots Coffee Pots Tea Trays Crumb Trays Bread Trays Tea Kettles Berry Spoons Cake Forks Meat Forks Tea Spoons Desert Spoons Table Spoons Sugar Spoons Nut Bowls �. Nut Crackers in Sets A nice assortment -of Cut Glass Fancy Imported Graniteware Safety liaaoir0 Skates tBoys Tool Sets Carvers in Cases Scissors in Cases Mitts and Gloves Bath Room Fixtures Pocket Knives Pen Knives ,I Cigar Lighters Electric Lamps Carpet Sweepers Hand Sleighs Iteceivedi a stock of the popular Automobile Skates Take the'\list we have given and what we have forgotten to 'enumerate we. thintc you can be.accomodated by shop- ping here Don't forget to±' look over ourc, toc. 5 and 1. c displayt 5 abler. Always some- thing you will think good value ADa: ERTISitiGs1S1VIs. a' Tha weak-kneed one is' liable to vaccilate and lose, ('the strong one stands by his faith ('and wins. HALL DATES Dv. 12 -We Six Dance. Herb. tor Dec, 16 -IC Connell iic lymeetng es. Dec. 29 -Nomination meeting. Jan. 5 -Election. Jan. 13 Chicago Glee Club, A. THOUGHTFUL GIFT. I Send The New Era to the absent n'ember of the family or( the dist- ant friend. It is as good as,a let - tier from home and is a weekly visitor. You can better imagine how the home paper is, appreciat- ed when you are absent yourself and a copy is forwarded to you. CHRISTMAS WARNING. The Fire Underwriters' Associa- tion . has written the Council, and' Fire Chief Eartliff giving Chemin- structions to warn business men re- garding the danger fromfire a- rising from Christmas decorations The risk of a serious'• conflagation at this time is great and the As- sociation asked that the business men beswarned. HURON OLD BOYS AT' ROME. February 20 will be 'Huron Coun- ty's day in Toronto. The members of Parliament, Mayors, editons and many others from there will bein- vited to the annual rat -home of. the Huron ,Old 1Boy's Asrrociation to be held at Odd '(Fellows' Hall. t` College street, on the ;evening of Ithat date. Committees werenam- I ed to arrange for the event, I A GOOD COMPANY, I Perry's Peerless Players headed i'' by Dan Malloy:houses last weekand Hazel Corinne played to good under the auspices of the Clinton Fire Brigade, The company is pra otica)ly the same els last year. They gave.' "Just Plain Moliy" on 1 Thursday night ; A (Royal Pris'on's - l riday, and ¢The Travel- ling Salesman" on Saturday. Man - agar Perry took 'dart' himself this ,'Sseason and made a Lit: with the . ; audience. The Firemen will !have a surplus' to go into the treasury. 'HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. I. Write on one side 'of paper only, 1 Mail to reach' ties Wednesday 'pf ' each week or sooner, Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character 'but (send All, the I News. Chech off ...this list it may assist you to remember an` iinpoi4ant item. - Sirtlis Marriages', g es � Deaths. 4 afh Accidents, Church De NewsL Suppers or Presentations. Re m o' va sVisitors. , V is i o x s . Lodge News', Fires. Public ImprOvemenis,Law Cases, the (Crops . IHAjAAD iSchool Matters,�..R.r (rain from sending ,not iceso. f en - Correspondents will please re Jtertrinmants where an admissionfee is charged, unless :they send STOVES AND NOVELTIES leer! 'who isrerponsiblefor the payment of such advertisrnent, The. iI charge is' five cents a line -six` , words make a line, I NTJRON COURT SITTINGS, The Court sitting ' between Jaii- Oil Or about January i'st, 1914 bnary 1st and 41.ma 1st, 1014 have een announced at ,Osgoode Hall Tuesday March 3, -Jury -Chief Justice Meredith, Tuesday, March, 12- 'Non-jnry- The Chancellor.,' 13E CAR OP UT, That merchants, in decorating their stores for Christmas, should bo extremely ,careful in 'their use of Christmas greens, harvest spec- imens, draperies, cotton ito repre sent snow and tkuli title, is the advice being given by the dif= ferent fire departrncfnts. (All of these materials are 'of an • inflam- abl e nature. The careless arrange- ments of t hem, especially i'vhere there is electric wiring, is full of danger to the lives ofthosethrong ing• through the store's as well as to the property (itself. ANOTHER CHANGE IN WEATHER, Sunday saw another ;change in the, weather conditions. After . pleasant week of fine ,.weather it commenced to change Saturday night bye shorten• anal; Sunday morning changed to snow ,and a good 'snowstorm it was. Cutter's were out op Monday, if -the •snow stays now it should make the Christ mac business much better. MUST HAVE REGULATION BOX, t • Notice has been '(tent out by the Postoffice ldeparttnent that 'alter December 31st, 1913, • couriers on rur al delivery routes will not be al- lowed to deliver mail fro any per- son who has ,not a regulation box. The notice ie -given (Carly so:that those who have ()Ibeen using wood en boxes will have time to change them before their 'isex(vice is cut out. • ) ON CHARITY. Could not Clinton support some- thing in the way of a charity or- ganization? There are many busi- ness men, professional man and others', who from time to time find themselves 'over stocked with clothes, that have perhaps become a little out of date or slightly worn. They die not want to, tie- 's'txoy them, but find it ineonvon lentoa t have them m e given t i e d g n o ing people. Perhaps' an orga tion could be formed to d some method of handling el of such i 'were e oo or two d month might be. sot aside f collection and distribution clothes'. In 'the nr(time cl fug cases• could bcreportedt officers' of the organization good work could be done. have ,societies and association but not One of 'thein seems doing a work of this kind, a to our mind could be mads of benefit to the community. 'r'l1L will bid you a very cheery Good .Uruing With 'the Best'Morning Newspaper in Western Ontario. {Patch for it, tor it will be a Hummer ST,, JOSEPH'S CHURCH. The Christmas tree and Enter,- tainmen t of the Sun'd'ay School will be -held on Monday eveninge,DeFe, 22pd, PART OF. SYSTEM 'OFF, Saturday afternoon for about half an hour part of the lighting system of the town lovas shut off owing to a break in, one of the wires. It was soon fixed. VISITED PIANO FACTORY. On Monday afternoon the Model. Class with Principal Bolick visited the Clinton Piano Co and •were shown over the factory by the o- bliging '.s'tlaff j It lvas• ,a 'pleas alit hour for the s'tuden'ts, A WARNING TO S;OIVIE. An addition to the (Pelepi Act passed at the i+recent sea of the Legislature, sub, sec. 6, 21; reads' as follow:(; "The l'b may approve of regulations m by any company (tor,thepur of preventing wilful 'in'tei'fiei with or interruptions of conve tions or me•se'ages over the 1 'of any telephone sy's'tem, and person offending against (any such regulations' shalt incur •a alt; not exceeding $25, recover under the' Ontario 'lsummar;y victions act." Listeners( on 1 are liable 1 cloth ea above (penalty s ._ es � niza- CHURCHES GET MONEY evieotlxee The will of the tate Mrs. 'R: W. is MacKenzie, of Goderich, who died on September, 24, (which has just ayla been probated, left "'an'es'tate val- r or the ued at $0,000, the most of it to char of ities. North Street ''church of des which she was fa valued worker, o the gets 5'500 ; $1000 is named for s,al- and a, arias of the W. C. T, U. Ind lumber We Camps and $(500 for Alexandrfa'Hos �l o- pitall•Goderfclx; Huron CountyChfl' which dren s Afd 5'500; Sunday Scisool of great North Street Church, (Gade:f^ly$loo M. S. of North 'Street church, 51,000. W. C.T.U. of Ontario, t11,00o; ed- ucational fund,' 51,000; !superannua- tion fund, $1,000. The 'balance is hone sion Clinton A.0 U part oarsi ade pose ence rsa- ines ,any of pen - Male con i s ne €Ift«iving Is Always a Measure, brat a , t ehoosing Is Sometimes Perplexing Perchance you will find it pleasureable and profitab.e at our store where we in- vite you to make your purchases, feeling satisfied that we can serve you profit- ably and otherwise to your advantage. Our stock should suggest a - suitable gift for any age. The �. D0 eo. - - ...a.) Often the eheapest_.�tl`�rays the Best OFFICIAL CAR THROUGH. The official ear."Ontario" with Mis's Hutcheson and party on board passed through here on Monday on its way from..Goderich to Tori - onto, Ai A,, U. W. *OFFICERS.. the followig officerlodge f r theen- suingterm ;- ARE YOU A "SPUG." In Canadian cities, there is a for the order of "The Spug," word denotes a member of th ciety for preventing useless gi and is obtained by taking , th ilial letters of the Society's n .Tile purpose of the 'organize whist( was formed ;,some time in New York, is expressed in t lines; "The object of this sec shall be to eliminate b;( eo-o at ne effort, , thecu sto indiscriminately at Christmas, to further in every "sway the Christmas spirit of unselfish an dependent 'thought, good -will sympathetic understanding of, real needs of others'." This pose, says an exchange, will mend itself to the 1'bettlr.r jud ment of everybody. It is not probable 'that some :people ]rave never been "guilty of the making habit will 'be comfo with the support 'they will de from the Spug lrefonm. The 1 day gift making,1 'ikq gift mak generaily, is the expression emotion and impulse ,;and if isc itable to those. who11indulge i ,in spite of some -exaggeration and extravagance. need left to eelatives. 'lite NOW IS TEE 'TIME. 4 s.a_ "big The qucstioe of raising 'the sub - 0 in- scription of local papers from $1,00 tune. to $1,25 or '51.50 a year, has been tion, ,discussed, and is being considered ago by the Canadian Press Association, hese it appears to be. a coming "event. iety in the meantime in order to post- Per- on that hat t p stop las long n Ras o ' i s iii g 1 s e wing- every subscriber may. help .both and himself: and the ;publisher bypay- true ing promptly to advance ((the' old d in rate,. Until furthernotice The New and Era will be sent to any postoffice the in Canada or, the British Itles;fr'om Per- now tial January ' 1st, 1915, to new con-. sub4eribera; for 51.90 lin advance, ge- , There ' is some talk 'oft increasing am- the postage on newspapers'. • next avho year; if so, the tsubscrip'tion price gift will be increased. (ted rive A SENSIBLE STROKE 'OF in iul{-' t BUSINESS; ee Tha Brussels. Post 'in its Editor - red l ial column gives (the . following n it, which refers to our Council ` Clin- al ss i] t- c - e e n g 0 Y rs o' e 1VMINOR LOCALS, Job work neatly •bxecu•ted, at the New Era. • Council meets' next Tuesday eve- ning. Renew your s'ubseription 'to The New Era. All items of interest are welcome at this office. C. C. I. Entertainment tonight'. See ,program on page (3. The "We Six" !Club' hold a dance in the town hall Friday'evening of this week. i No housewife can intake, a."busi "busi- ness (natter?' of the buying for the house unless she ;is 'a persistent reader of the ad's. T ii,eeo,m,mend The NOV ( lira to foil your neighbors who play not be 'the ,subscriber,. We will apppredate it of and he will too 'a little later on, wit Mondays ext isIthel est day for' Di'• taxes -so make a .point to be at tale card Town Hall so as ;to, save the ad- cea Sditional 5 per- cent. 1 in P Christmas .business is com.menc- has go ing to boom. lion tion DeeBmber ll -two weeks' from red Christmas, t and It's just a question ;whether sift' was ing ashes is ,not a more joyous oc- cam cupation 'than weeding Pinions, avhen It takes a smart adlto distibtrte p.Ialc InciSunday school (attendance jud- sn iciously enough ' to qualify for •the three Christmas thees, his e The 1914 calendars 'are'wtth us, ions' Your C'esoiutions are strengthen- self' ing. Iloiti s your rccorcl? a' nu Ca Riple 2 le i r e fast year drank be- spud o tibeen •six and ;seven million clol!ars worth of tea, It would bd.. inter- Detre esting for elovuse +set atisaician to f'ig- tied a are out ho}v rnucdx of tars leas gie is drunk from a ;saucer, ter is Let's chert our linings' from the Ave egg problem for 'a moment. 'It's Ave" only a shell game, 'anyhow, irerub Guelph's commissiol5er of Indus- ter ed try sends us a Ibatch, of copy ask- on (Mo ing us to boost ',that eitie and one Light of its imdertalcingsj. We didn't vice iv find any change tin the envelope J, k a and this, like. 'oil other 'dead heed other have advertisan,,, went into he waste haue •t paper basket. • f ' d ton town Connell [did a practie and sensible stroke :cof busin5 when they ordered eche Comm room in the town 'hall; to be 'hea ed during the 3'Win'ter for the a commodation of women- from th outlying districts to use' for a res room and social meeting plac while in 'tostn. Brus'sela inaugur ated ,sueh a plan lin,'- comnectio with the Public Library buildin where ;women folk !are free t epenti whatever time 'they, ma have at their' disposal' after the arb'through with `business matte and waiting on 'the ;'(bus's" 'to g home, Every town should 'do th and at the 'saute lltime Igoe tha room is kept tidy and comfort able. • DEATH OP JOHN McIVOR, he Kincardine Reporter gives Owing obituary notice of a bro- r -in' -law of Mr,adT. Leckie, Goderich, formerly* connected h 'tile New iEra;-Tlier death of . John McIver occurred in. Kin- ine on Friday, Nov. 28th..De- ed came here ;from his home eck, .Mich.,.,about' three weeks in search of better lhjealth. Ile been ailing from a oomplica ofdiseaseswhich 'has baffled• ieal skill for the past year, which proved fatal, Deceased born in Rosshire, Scotland and e to Canada with this parents 'a child this father "the late olm McIver was ;'one of the eel farriers of Huron Town - on the 9th concession, where subject of this. sketch spent arly days;. Being of a stud - mind John McIver fitted him - for is'chool 'teaching and` for rebeu of years as het Y. at 11 l t at g Later he studied medicine n graduating he(practieed in it and Peck, IVlicii. He mar- Kin•earcline gii^1, Miss Mag- eek:ie, She with, lone daugh left to mourn Kris' loses. Two s, 'the Misses rMeIver, Brace' also ,survive him. 11e \va a er of Elk Lodge, (No, • 253; A. . M 'of Peek; and liewasin- wit'h Masonic honors here nday atternoon. Northers Lodge conductinglithe ser- hieh was t.iai'd:•by NV, Bro. M. cpherson. The ;vile' and members of the family will he syxnpathy.'of their many Tien Is in their bereavement, , Master, John Torrance. Foreman, Howard Sne17, Overseer, Isaac Dodd. Recorder, W. Manning. Fin. -Secretary. R.J. Cluff. Guide, Frank Bowden. I. Watchman, 'Rob'`_. Fisher. WE KNOW SOME .CASES. The, editor of the Port Elgin Times is kicking. ' Ick in because us,e he was x:ot fur' nisi( ed ' with ticket for a conceit givennplthere lately, Our brother in Port Elgin sltouidn't feel hurt onbeing mis- sed only once. We know of cases where the editor has to pay for his admission to 'every confound- ed and to. addtinsult hing tto injury hely ehat ,vo.nies xpected' ted' to give the ((concerts a goad re- port. PRIZE WINNERS AT" TORONTO The following are the prize winners for Huron f'o.' at the Fat Stock Show at.'the Toronto Steck Yards last week; Cattle. Pure-bred heifer,under 1 wear-- 12. McGregor, Brucefield, 1st prize, Grade or cross -bred steer, 1 yenr and under 2-J, 5', Andrews Gode- rich 2nd prize. s • Gracia or cross -bred heife,under 1 year -Fl. Mecrragor,Brucefield 4th. Calot 15 1101101 s, • average weight 13, licks; Centralia, 2nd. Sheep and 'Iambs. Pen of long' wools, sols; •3 wethers' or ewes under a. lar -A, Elcoat, B1ueefielcl, 1st, Swine. Pen of 3 barrows', bacon typo 180' to .225 pounds -McMurray et, Mason Clinton, 'l'th,, llignesi Grade 1r°e ii Corner's nos me mad�aread Corner's Homemade Bread is quality y through and through. There is not a detail of good making and baking overlooked, so you know what you are getting when you order this Good Bread. CHAS, COIN SER Baker and Confectioner • The Corner Stone "Live l tad -)Leet Live" • What About Your Christmas Cat<e. Pi1�m P®akding We have (the imaterial`'For. making them. - NEW -Raisin, New Currents,, Figs and Dates,, NEW PEELS - !Orange, Lemon,. and Citron; FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruit, Melega Grapes,. Applies, Cranberries..• FISH Salt 9 Water Herring, Finan -laddie, Cad Fish, and Smoked' Red Herring. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR. PRODUCE, I E. Hnnniford PHONE 45. FIVE STIROi61G POINTS About our' plumbing include good materials, up-to-date supplies, su- perior workmanship, promptness, and reasonable prices, for SATISFACTORY PLUMBING cal( you ask mouse? Get our estimates first; anyway.. Thos.Hawkins Plumbing and heating (Phone 53) d.+++ri'+1•++++++++++++++,'+,l"F'F fi'i.'i"F'F4.4''l.1.'t'$•d..d' .� Give Sensible this Year Give Things that are L1� �. ..eful Footwear is the he ideal Gift 4. + One always has need for more footwear. r Per- + haps a' pair for dress or maybe he needs a + huntin and outdoor y pair.fer ,i, g recreation or he may prefer just a good all-round Shoe, for everyday wear, t. + We all' like Slippers--everybodyY t 1 Ilk in the family a+ es to get Slippers for Christmas. Sister, Sweet- heart, Mother or Daughter' would surely like a +' nice pair'ofstylih new pumps or shoes for .r '�' + P pat .ir 1 wear and another for street Y r° wear. sem. Came and let ns' is show you the advantage ' of buying Christmas Gifts at our store c Remember .z. e emir �, e that everybody from baby up, - �r + wears Shoes and•Slippers, - and that everybody + PP erybody t + always appreciates a gift of footwear. .i. The 'c. t 5 one best place to buy foot6�ear, that is.. .1.' g JACKSON'S4. 1 a 4. . FOR CHRISTMAS FOOTWEAR i+÷t:aa -44-4 F't+++;rt ++.1r *A SH h+"144,4,44,14+++4"t"r+'+++,144-'a'ism ne