HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-11, Page 5tartaatles.i Customers who are Lo9king for Christmas Presents 1!Illr the Latest Novelties in Bracelet Notches, Pearl and Gold Necklaces 'Silverware, c:.'hittawat•e, andCut Glass . • . Don't stop when you have seen our win- dows but come inside where there is a larger variety, and Jewellery o every Description Sole Agent in Clinton tor. the Celebrated IIo'iard Wattles from $35.00 up W. 11. Jeweler and Optician Hellyar CLINTON Legal Questions &Answers II 12., Clinton. -Qu. -There is no bylaw for watering the streets in this town, but a petition wee -tak- en arou,nd and signed by a number • of people, to have some of the pri v vete, Streetsawater ed Can those who did not sign the petition be taxed for the cot of watering the street On which they live or own property? An.s.-Section 250 of the Munici- pal Act says ;"Every Council may pass by-laws and make regulations ' for the health, safety, Morality - and welfare of the inhabitants of of the municipality in matters, not, specially provided for in the Mun- icipal Act; and may pass, such by- laws as may be, deemed expedient, not contrary to law, ,etc. Sectio ' 249, sub -sec. 2, isays; Al bylaw pas- sed by the Council in the exercise of powersconferred by this Act, and in good faith shall •not be open to question, or be quashed on ace:met of the unreasonablenees of its provislioris, 'etc. But ,you say there was no by-law, therefore the parties can only be governed .by the private agreement; and, of course, those who did not sign the. agreement or petition, cannot be taxed for the street watering. Your ietatement of the facts' is very meagre, and therefore my an- swer may not be as satisfactory as I would like it to be. J. P. J., Lond esboro.,-Caftra-1/ partnership is carried on under a verbal agreement. Must it he reg- latered, and what is, the penalty for not registering? (2) Two bro- thers are joint beneficiariesin an insurance on the life of their moth .er. The 'beneficiaries have paid alt their premiums from the first. The ,poliey provides that the mother shall receive an annuity of 5 , per cent on the amount after 8 years. Will a declaration signed by the mother waiving all claim to the an- 'nuity in favor of the eons, be suf- ficient to enable the sons to draw the annuity if sent in to the head office.? An.-Thrt Airt rerkeecting 'the regristration • ,of eo-partnersaips Chap. 152) says; "All per - eons aesoeiated in partnershipfor trading, in anti Maturing., or mining purposes, halI cause to be deliv- ered to the yegistar of the regis- try division in which they ,carry on Miser] see,. a declaration in writ- SANOL An effective remedy- for the re- moval of Kidney and Gall Stones, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Gravel,RheumaticPains,ailmonts of 'Uric Acid orjgin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons. PRICE 0,5o Correspondence invited. li Free literature and testimonials from SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. WINNIPEG. MAN. FOR SALE BY W. S. R. HOLMES, CLINTON, ONT DRUGGIST. ing signed by the 'several members of such co -partnership. The dec- laration shall. contain the names, residences, and occupations of each and every partner, and also the name, style or Dem under which the partnership business is carried. on, and ,shall state the time during which the partnership has existed, and is intending to exist; and shall declare that the persons mlentionled therein are the only members the paetnerphipt, And See. 11 Pay,s ; "The declaration shall be filed within six months after the formation of the partner- ship." And Sec. 11 says ; "Every member of a partnership who fails to comply with the requirements of this Act shall forfeit the sum of $100, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdictioe, by any person suing for the same, and the person suing will be entitled to half of the penalty, etc." (2) You have not sent me a copy of the policy. You have not stated !tom what company the policy was obtained. I cannot thereforewith any degree of certainty tell you what 'the sons may do with regard to the poliey, even with the con- sent of their mother. But speak- ing generally I think that any doc- ument signed by the mother and the sons, will be recognized by the company as binding upon all of the parties. A. C., Auburn.-Qu.-(1)Must a Township Council at the request of one of the owners of land adjoin ing a 'municipal drain" direct engineer to make an estimate of cost of deepening, widening and ex tending the said drain into a neigh boring township? (2) Must a ma- jority of the owners petition the Council for the' constauction or improvement of the drain? (3) If a majority of the owners are op- posed to the construction of the drain on account of the, expense, can the Council refuse to act upon the request of one or more of the parties? Ans.--I think your case comes un dee the Municipal Drainage Actof 1910, and does not come under the Ditches and Watercourses Act of 1912, but I am only guessing, as you have not told me -which Aet you come under. You say that ' the drain is a ''municipal drath." The Municipal Drainage Act says tho petition mak be signed by a ma- jority in number of the resident and. non-resident owners', as 'shown by the Met revised easessment emit to be the owners of the land to be benefited. I find nothing in the Act empowering anyone individually to tater.pro medinge to compel the Council to deepen, widen or clean out a draM. But section 77 says the Council has power to improve any drain 'Which has been 'construct ed under any by-law of theamunini pality. It further says.; -"Where - ever, for the -better maintainance of any dminage work constructed under the provision's. of !this Act, 'or any other Act re's.pecting drain- age by local ase,esoment, it is de- emed expedient to improve, ex- tend or alter the work, the Council may, without petition, undertake end( complete 'the timprovemetlite, extensionsor alterations resomm-, ended by the report of the engin- ecr, at the expense of the proper,- ty owners to be benefited, thereby and subject to the right of appeal." And section 78 says ;-The Council may on the report of the engineer make such improvements' at the rIa01 neiraPd3a1ar- ierD4et t e.t a Ad;ec. 80 says ;-The Council may, upon hack ot our Furniture is our Iuarautee and That ol the Maker Some Furniture is put togeth- ' er merely to sell. Ours,is made. by experts for long and satisfac- tory use And this serviceable.flees is combined with an artistic eppeseance which renders it un- usually attractive. A visit to our warerooms will 'please both yourself and its. The Cheapest Spot in Huron to Buy all Kinds of Furniture .A2111CIWSOI`sr Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104 N. Ball 110 —RESIDENCE, PHONES --- .1E: I). Atkinson 186 vnainnnenasio 1:07a131:11116 t• "teireopablie nottes-ficita ,a.n3c interested, be corepellad,by, Inane' • as muse o -exercise JIM( poWere and to perforin the duties canfereed and shall also bel liable in pecuu- iary damage,s, to the pereon whose property ire iejuriousiy. ,e- affected," (2) The Municipal Drainage Act, seem's, to give authority to any per- son who is interested to take such proceediegs as may be necessary to ,enforce the peovision,s. .of that Act. (3) 1think the Council has, a legal right to refuse to incurr the expense of deepening, widening, or altering clrairre, if the majority of the owners of lcincle, to be assessed for such work objectto the same, and that the Council will, be justi- fied in refusing to, , make, any, alter atioe or improvement 'where the madrity of tjhe owners, object. Huron County Befierits by This Will By the, will 'of iIr. J. J. Carter,. of Sarnia, $1.00,000 is set aside for three echolaeships, in each of sever- al of the NMI) ties, of ,Ontario, the County of Huron incladed. The three scholarships are Ito be open to competition im each of thedesig n a te di Co un tie,s by all ,, the e twits of all the high .schools an,d. Col- le.giate In,stitute,sim and towns which may have ,seperated from the County. The :Minister of Education is to b1 in ,charge of awarding the .echolarships, The candidate who obtains' the highest aggregate marks on lithe uPpe11 school papers (for !entrance into the facial ties. of education or honor or lecholarehip inatelculation in arts) within the geounty in which he isa come etitot ishall be award- ed a scholarship of $100; the can- didate in the vaid county who vanes ,second shall 'receive a schol- arship ,of $60, and the, candidate who ranks third (shalt receive a scholarship of $40. , No candidate shall be- eligible to write (for any ot these 'scholarships .who bas not ittended one of the 'Collegiate Ins- titutes, or high schools in the coun- ty in which he is competing for at least one year immediately pre- vious' to the examinatioe, and no candidate who has. been awarded one of the ischolarehips. shall be eligible to compete at Any sub- sequent examination. " Christmas Shopping There are lees than two weeks now till Christ/nal. The advice to do your Christmas shopping early is Ivo old that it has become com- monplace, i theeefore, ,anything which could be said on that sub- ject would not ',be new. It may be amiss to remind the readers of The New Era 6however,that there to an advantage to reurchasers in buying early. They have the ad- vantage of a larger (Stock to .sel- ect from. They can (fake greater leisure in doing their buying and experience more comfort. It is an advantage to the merchant • and his staff of salesmen (and sales- women as well. They are 'not hur ried by the crowds that throng the ,storesi Christmas (week and can wait on customers. with more sat- isfaction. , I Then, it iv well ;to buy, at home. The storms of Clinton lane 'filled with choice goods (of every class, and they ,cran ibe bought as cheap here as they can .lels,ewhere, even in Toronto. Some people have an idea that they <cannot do as well at home, but this is a mistake. The 'merchant who live-in Clinton is deserving of the patronage df the people of Clinton and' ithe district tributary to it, because the money spent is earned here, And this con- sideration should weigh .'when, you can ,do eqvally as well in 'buying. In mine cases out of ten you may go farther and fade worse than you would in the bright well stock e.c1 stores, of Clinton. ( ' These are fortunately not many real poor people an Clinton, but there are some, and in Christmas shopping it is well to keep therein mind( The spirit of Christmas.' ;is that of service for otherls., s,ervice for your own family and, immed- iate , friends first pantl then for those who need,, (Whether they be bound to uw by(tieis, (of 'blood or not Christmas, giving has become to some extent a fad', and the cir- cle of those to, a whore igifts are made is, extended by many far be- yond egimate hounds just becaese it is a fashion or they are expect- ed to give. The; Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving orig- thating among some of (the upper class, ladies of New ((York, seems to have ,some ,aastification for it existence. r- -- YvAAINYVNANYVYWVVVOAANWV District, News. VVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVYWNO Miss Case, the efficient teacher of the junior Dept: of Fordwich school has accepted a position for 1911 in Dun gs n non Public School, Miss Strachan of Jamestown has been engaged ia stead, ' Last week the sad news reached Wroxeter of the death of Mr. Robert eictotosh which took Mace at Blucher elask., on Friday Nov. 28th. The re/wine will be interred in the Gorrie cemetery on Satrirday. The funeral will take place from the home cif her son Mt Fred McIntosh of the 13, line The Bezel) farm, Let 3, Con., 9 Grey Township containing 100 acres has been sold to James laptop], of Eras. sels' the price being $( (10,1. far. Ruzell wilt give possession in the spring. Fletcher Sperling. of Brussels receiv- ed the sad intimation last Friday thet his sister Mrs. Watson Ainley of Brun- ette., Alta,, had died on Thursday, It came as a sad surprise, Tuesday a letter followed when it was learned that Mrs. Ainley had been found Wednesday at 1 p. ni in theyard in an uncopscious condition out of which she never came passing away al 6 p,ni Thursday. She had been poorly, but Was Wile to he about, Deceased was born in MrIaillop tocyriship, and was the second daughter qf the bite John Sperling, bee maiden name being faintly Sperling, She was in her 57th year, 35 years ago she was married to her now bereft husbriud +led they were well kno,syteresid en ts of Brussele until removing to the West Syears ago Four children sureivee Barre of Etheonton GIFTS We are well prepared for your wants as our stock is filled with articles' suitable for Christmas presents. Gold and Gold-filled Watches Ornamental Clocks Necklets Lockets Bracelets Brooches Cuff Links Scarf Pins Lathe's & Gent's Fob Chains Signet Ring Store Set with Diarnonds and other Precious Stones Cut Glass China Silver ware Novelties (Gold -Headed Umbrellas Brass Goods We will be pleased to show you our goods and save any article for you till Christmas. Tht• J.. GRIG .SSUER' OF MARRIACE LICENSES 11 Mrs. McIntosh, liaise Vera and Wilber t Mrs. Jno. ItIclaeil. of Grey, Fletcher Sperling, of Brussels, and Edmund Sperling of McKillop, are sister and brother of deceased. Sir, Aemilius Irving, a well known legal gentleman, pasted at the ripe age of 91 years. He was the Treasurer of the Law Society and was the father of Dr. Irving who precticed medicine in Walton for a few years. Misses McNabb, Queen street, Brut- sels received the sad news that their sister, Mrs. R. D. McLachlan, of Stock- ton, Man., had passed away. She had undergone a couple of operations for a throat ailment but despite the best attention the patent succumbed, pass- ing away at her home. In addition to her husband, 3 sons and a daughter sur ith of Brussels, has purchased the T. Vodden chopping mill at Ethel and will take iminediate possession. Wednesday of last week, Cleveland Broker, of Brussels and Miss 'Illorence second daughter of George and Mrs., Thompson, of Brussels, were united in marriage, the ceremony was performed in Toronto One firm of Hensel' gram buyers paid out $18000 for terms, last week, There were three others purchasing besides this one, that the amount paid to the farmers was very large. Principal Henderson, of Brussels continuation school has tendered his resignation, to take effect at the close of the year, At Brussels on Friday mornibg Brakeman O'Neil of the Grand Trunk had the thumb of his right hand badly crushed between a truck handle and a' car door, while trucking freight out of a cer. George Edwards of Brussels, who is quite a mechanical genius, has hist re- ceived a Canadian patent for a tile drain ditching machine on a new principle that bids failoto render good service. He has also applied for a United States patent. At present there is no Canadian manufactory so that Mr Edwards is a, pioneer in this most ser- vicable machine whose use upon drain- age contracts is beyond question. A small machine will be constructed by the inventor, to he run by a one horse power gasoline engine.. to prove its ability to fill the demand. Several offers have been made for the right to manufacture the ditiching machine but Mr. Edwards has still control. . Station Agent McKay, of Walton has been moved to 1VIonktorr, to the 0, Rev, F, Poole, who is son in-law to James Sharpe, of Brussels, hasreceived a unanimous cell to the Baptist °lunch at Dauphin, al an. He bas been making Winnipeg his headquarters while fill- ing the post of travelling Secretary to the Reading Camps throughthe West. Miss Anna Dow, of Exeter when driving"out to her school, experienced a runaway near Smith' bridge on the Lake Road on Monday morning. Her horse became frightened at a team that was being driven rapidly along the road and it jumped into the dirch, overturning the rig and throwing Miss Dow out. She escaped from the mix up without any injury and caught the horse which had fallen down and pluckily sat on its head until help ar- nved. The buggy was badly dam- aged. Rev. C. W. Sanders, rector of St. Johns Church, 13ranbford, a former Exeter young man, has been elected Herat Dean c,f Brant, in succession to ,.. • Rer. T. A. Wright resigned on account of ill health. Rev. Sunders will hai e the hearty congratulations of his many friends here and elsewhere on his new appointment. We are sorry to Nein of the death of Mrs, Francis O'Hara an old and highly respected resident of McKillop, near Beech wood, and mother of Mess! s Bryan and Frank O'Hara, of the same locality, Mrs. O'Hara was visiting her daughter in Clinton, when she took suddenly ill and died. The remains were interred in St. Columban ceme- tery on Monday. She was about eighty years of age. Her daughter Miss Annie, died in Clinton while visit ing her sister there only a few months ago. The clairns adjusted of the Waterloo Fire Co. was in Zurich on Saturday and adjusted the fire loss of Nr. G. Merner at, $220. A serious runaway accident occurred at Oran broolc, five miles east of 13rus- eels. Mrs, John Dark and her son Alex of Grey Townehip, were driving into the village, when their horse shied at some laborers working in a ditch, Mrs Dark was thrown out and, falling on one of her shoulders, severely crushed it. One of her wrists was hurt and she had several ribs 'broken. Her condi- tions is reported as salmis The son was thrown from the rig, but escaped injurThe" PeaPle of Dungannon were grieved to hear on Saturday last of the death of Mrs. Thos. Pentland, who answered the call of the Master on Fri- day afternoon, at Edmonton, Alta., at the age of 74 years. Deceased, whose maiden name was Elizabeth VanNor- man, who was born in Gillensbury township, near Orangeville and her childhood days were spent in the vicinity of Belgrave, in Huton'Coun- 53a Wingham :--The fire eall and hose tower, which was partially destroy ed by fire laet week, will bel re- built without delay, as. Win,gliam is enjoying beautiful summer weather hese it is hoped toasee the build- ing again in shape. The offices, warerooms' and store rooms of the- upholstering factory of Walker & Clegg, which were de- stroyed by fire ,some few days ago, will not be replaced immediately,: as the firm has not yet elleicided what it will do in the erection of new buildings but the probabilit- mo are that a new brick istaucture will gn. up to replace the frame. The tower • OD the poet office is completed now alt but putting on the iron .sheeting. The work of 'putting in the. town . clock wae.sta.rt ed Monday and will, be rushed through as soon as. possible. After an illeies,s, of a week, Mists May Isabella Campbell passed away in her l82nd year. She was the daughter' of the late Weft Camp- bell, who resided in the town; plot of Turnberay. i She died at the home of her brother et Turnberry, from. which place the funeral took place 'Monday to Wingham Cem- etery. Seaforth ;-The Dick House, the license of which Ayes' cutt off 00 May 1, an,c1whieh ;has) been clos,eel eince the death of Mr. Frank Kling isnjet:. berrher eehoopteelnewda ;IT b3atta,:vb ea yfse proprietor and landlord 'ear. James mar, aspesiatty with the farmers', an,c1 its re -opening as a teeapere 0E1 DEeIDE You may be at a loss to know what to choose gs a Christmas Gift for Father, il‘!other,. Brother ot Sistdr. If so, read ovdt this list of useful and acceptable gifts i: it may 'help you to.decide, or better still, come in and see our great assortment of the Season's Newest NoveltieS Men's and Boys Ties, nicely box- ed, .. „...........25c. 35c, 50c Men's Braces, in fancy Boxes 35, 5Qc Me' a Garter's and Aral Bands in fancy boxes at 25c„ Handkerchiefs, Muffler's, Fancy Hose, Gloves and Mitts. Also a full assortment of Childrens House Shoes l E Ladies Fancy Collars, some nice- ly boxed at. .25e, 35c, 50c,,75c Handkerchiefain fancy boxes at .„ ' ... . .... ......15c, 20c, 25c, 50c Silk Scarfs, WooMufflers, urs Gloaes, Blaney Linens, Silk Waists, Sweater Coate etc. Mens, Woolens and and Hockey Boots Pluinsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS ronhamoraausa. ante house, under the management of Mr. Dick meete with general ap- proval. Varna ;-A pretty home Wedding took place at the home of Mr..11. Stephenson, Parr Line, Stanley when his second daughtee, Misys Emma, become the bride of Mr. W. Cockerline, of Pilot Mound, Man. The ceremony took place at high noon and was conducted, by Rev. Mr. Snowden, of Varna. Only a few of the immediate friends. of the bride were present. The bridal party left Brucefield on the evening train for their home in the west. Seaforth ;-A combined meeting of the Old Boys reunion and the Seaforth fire brigade was held on Tue,sday night and was most en- thusiastic. In response to an - vitation extended to the St. Mons. fire department two of their num- ber, Dr. Copeland and lair. Moyes, came to Seaforth and attended the meeting and gave the lta al brigade Some very !valuable information concerning the fire.man'e tourna- ment to be held here next August. At the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Thomas' Church thm following officers. were electea for the emeeing year; ?res ident, Miss T. H. Brown; fiest vice- president, Tars. L. G: Van Egmond. treasurer, Nth. H. Bullard; ,secre- tary, Miss Jessie A. Case; direct- ors; Mes. F. Gales, Miss Aechibald ; president of junior auxiliary, Mrs, W. Govenlock. There was a large attendance and the reporteshow- ed a very successful finiecial year. The anniversary ,services in con- nection 'with the Presbyterian church will be held on Sunday, Dec. 7, when Rev. ,Mr. Munroe, of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, will oc- cupy the pulpit morning and' eve- ning. Mr. J. F. Daly has leased the store formerly occupied by Ches' nay and Archibald and intend e fit- ting it up for tan automobile and bicycle business in connection with his jewelry bu,sinests. EARLY CHRISTMAS PARCELS Help All Concerned by Early Sending. •=••••••••••• This year, as never before should the advice tosend your Christmas presents early be heeded. The post riffle e departmentsent out the usual warning abouteted- ing Christmas mail early, but with a new and more startling emphas- is. Always, the sharp increase in business) during holiday time has been a problem for the post -office. A force completely adequate ail the Teat .of the year is heavily tax- ed at this, time. . The post-officee will .handle it all. Be sure of that. But there me a e, limit tells capacity, and if all the, Cluastmas sending is crowded ant° the week before December 25, it may easily be that all the Christ- mas delivering will not be done bee fore sometime late in' January. Forehanded folks', therefore, will get their Christmas packages ready and mailed in plenty of time. A "Not to beOpened Till Christmas" label will do the rest. And if this forces, you to DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY that's elite the ,good. It' will give you the picic-of uu- handierI and undepleted stocks.; it will put your ,shopping at a time When the salespeople will have more time to help you make intel- ligent seletcions, and wise dispesals of your money ; it will enable you to escape the crowds, of a few days before Christmas; it will lighten the burdens of the rneeehants,, the ' clerks, the el,elivery boys; it.wilL make things better and easier for you and everybody concerned. Do your ChriStmas shopping ear- ly, and do your Christmas' mailing early. In L., U. S. Government Standard Below is an extract from U.S. Gray. ad. for tenders -"The auth recite coal must be equal tothat • mined and prepare,d by Philadel phia & Reading Coal & Iron Oo" We Handle nothing aut the first grade Philadelphia & Reading. A..J. tHIoII4way House phone 12." °Kee phone 40 GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM CALIFORNIA FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTI1 The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from al points East through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. Only Double Track Route Itound-trip tickets at low rates, .giv • ing choice of all the best routes, to- gether with full particulars, may he obtained at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices Ocean Steamship Tickets on Sale It E. .HORNING, D. P. A., Union Station, Toronto, Oat. John R,ansford & Son, city pas.sen- gee and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. 0. Pattison, station agent Thoi MIN111111111=11111111 Less than two weeks remain in which to do your Christmas shopping. You can do it with a great deal more comfort if you attend to it before the last few days rush. The lttention you will receive and the assortment of goods to choose from will be better and larger. To aid y ou in solving that gift problem we carry a complete ,stock of Plain and Colored Felt Slippers Leather Slippers TravelJing Bags Skating- Shoes For Everybody Men, Women •Sc Children MOREIFENUMMOSIMISMISMEMEEIMISF NAM= Phone '70 Clinton