HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-11, Page 2r' nursing lriotl e
•� . I°�oG €► La*aftves
a advant ;:
oiler'the inpott nt ,
i to P that they do not � S b .
s ee'. rest of thetetu or Y
affect the c]ild.
z 5c, a bO7cat '370:lit
' Druggist's.
1Vutisinz$ DTts an,l Chemical Co,
of Cnnada,al.amik.d. 179
. 47TH YEAR.
W. El. K,CRR SON, Props,
Jryaeslie Kerr, Business Manager
Neiv Era, One Year In advance $1.00
New Era, -when not paid in ad-
vanes ...--:.. • - . - --- -
New Era, to the United States
in advance $1.50
-"Advertising Rates on Application.
'.fob work prices advance on July
lst, 1913, in 'accordance with
the Huron CO. Press Asso-
,ciation Rates.
-Office Phone 30 House Phone 05
Stickers Must Go
on Envelope Backs
Post &Mee Department Issues
Warning to Consigners of Mail
Jv•lurray 1lieNeil 6
Nettie CJazier',6
H 803, For^l'esteil 67
11a•nnah Argent .67
4 :
e� � 6
Mary Holland 64',
De0na ''Hearn ' 64
Irene beler 62
George Evans" 61,
Olive Cooper, ,'reacher.
.Honour Roll of Div, l:i for Nov,
Marks obtainable 250, `
Harry Rance 226
Lida Livermore '225
George ~Middleton 212
Barry. Lawrence 20:7 ,
Alec Eagleson 206
, Ernest Livermore 205
Fred W,alis ,203 :'--
Marion Andrews 201
Ethel Wasmann. 190
Edna McCaughey 185
Jessie Jackson 182
Eulalie 'Hill 181
Fanny 'Hellyar 176
Mary Taylor 170
Ruth Argent 170
Madel on; Shaw 168
Robbie Sehrenk 168
Ernest .'Hall 164
Sadie Draper 163
Leslie Huller 159
Edna West 150
Mattie 'Shipley 147
Wilbur Welsh 145
M.E.Chidley Teacher.
Ottawa, Nov.14.—The Post Office
Department, in a quarterly bulletin
just issued, reiterates that while
it;cannlot 'allow stamps in the in-
7teres'ta of charitable institutions to
be affixed on the face of letters' as
stickers, it has no objection ; to
their being placed •=the back of
mail matter, providing they do not
'-"resemble postage stamps.
The warning to postmasters
against the transmislsioa of foreign
lottery^ correspondence is repeated.
The department calls attention to
Section 50 of the official's guide,
that pages containing advertis-
ments must beef the same size as
th e,other pages of a publication,
and 'states' that in future postage
at the rate ,of two cents per pound
is to be, collected on newspapers and
periodicals in which are inserted ad
vertisments that extend' into two
To Suffer From
I1 takes a person who has had and is
subject to headache to describe the suffer-
ing which attends it. The dull throbbing,
the intcii e 1=lin, sometimes in one part
of the head, 9o-letimes in another, and
then again over the whole head, varying
n its severity by the cause which brings
t on, purely indicates that there is
sorncthin4 an.iss with the system. The
fact that L 'rtlo k Blood Bitters reaches
the se + of the "trouble is clue to its success
in rel ung in;' sonatly curing the
cause cf the i.i- d. nee
Mrs, Ai 1 of `,6 151h Ave. East, Cal-
gary, a' lte writ Iger three years I was
troubled h the time with sick headaches,
2n4 r Tei a',,,17 with co-istipation, aid
kelt tllaklt' ' 1,.,.-, ic., and sores on
my face. I tried everything till ::t last a
friend told me of Burdock Blood Bitters.
I took two bottles, and my skip; is as
clean and .pure es a baby's, and 1 have
never been troubled with the headaches
Burdock Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
Division 1I1 Senior Class
Willie Bell 97
Helen Ross' 91
Winnie Nelson 90
Agnes Walker 88 -
'I'Villis Cooper 85
Archie McKenzie 85
Flora Miller 84
Leighton Walker 84
Beryl Cooper 82
Lawrence West 81
Mildred Livermore 80
Bort Sioman 80
Phamie Cree 72
Annie Lawrence /2
Dora Sehoenhals 71
Alma McCorvie 70
Hattie Livermore 69
Pearl Gould 68
Stewart McBrien 62 `
May Fluker 61
Junior Class
Frances' Yesbec 93
George Walker 83
Josephine Yesbec 80
Earl Johnston 76
Jean' Bali 75
Ernest Bradshaw 63
Berta. Gunn 60
Evelyn Cluff 60
J. Wilson, Teacher
Drug -Yielding' Plants.
Ground is now being prepared in
the new National Botanical Garden
Ca.pe Town for some experimental
work in regard to buchu and other '
]rug y el ting plants. Publie atten-
,ion. has been called to she desirabil-
ty of tee systematic cultivation of
ouchu in Sou'li Africa, where the
plant is incligenour, and the opinion
has bean advanced that the crop is
ca;stb, <'c In„ as remunerative.
as ti a oti,ri i feathere. A :geld of
b ob t , sic ily take care of
itsnll tI i s cents. a pound t is
poietea. r , 1, t -1i al..aye be realized
rrn,. .,n yr •, ,: x`•17:- 7.
s s
Senior Class.
Sherwyn Allis 96
Nora Kennedy 88
Char"olette Shealy 87
Ruth McMath 86
Leis Holiness 86
Winnie Draper 85
Alvin Leonard 83
Percy Ladd 80
Merle Moore .80
Nellie Watkins '80 -
Frieda Wallis 78
Gladys' .Keller 77
!Harold Manning 77
Larene Langford` 77
Margaret:' Walk ' 76
1Ytahel Marshall 75
Junior Class ."
Aileen Armour 80
Alice Pcckitt 79
,Edwin Jueld 76.;
Marion Gibbtngs'': 75"
Maida Armour 74
Ione Bolick 72
,Orville Murphy 70
fl6, tie. Greig 68
Division 4 Senior Class
Jabez Rands 93
Amy Heiiyar 90
Fergus Reynolds 90
Gordon Hall 84
Harry Ball 76
Willie Mutch 75
Jim, Walker 74
Cora Miller 72
Blanche Nelson 71
John Taylor 69'
Marjorie Beaton 60
Junior Class
Bessie Morrish. 95
Mildred Riggin 90
Agnes Reynolds 90
76acgregor Grant 88
Eva Boucle 88
Fred Elliott' 86
Albert Wright 83
George Carter 82
Lottie• Judd 80
Alicia Kehl] 79
Frank Caruso 76
Cathie Wylie 75
Nenneth' Carter 72
L. Stevens, Teacher
Norma'Prelaver' 235
• jean Simpson 232
Florence (rohn'ston 227
Ken'neth Roberton 227
Phyllis •Tozer 227 -
Elmer Miller 215
Cecil :'Ashton .207 ..
Willie Argent 204
Nellis McNeiL 202
'Cathleen' • 'a�lor 191
Myrtle Carricok 188
John'; Livermore 187
Joe :'Howard 182'
Clifford Cooper 180 •
Rtis'sel Peck,et't 179
Frtanois Baines) 178
Olive Lawrence 172.
'Louis Howard 169
Vera Gould 167
Luella Glazier 164
Margaret Ball 162
M. fWiltse, Teacher.
Division VIII. Third class.
Robin Hunter 98
Madelon 'Hawkins 98
Derma Cochrane "9
, 4
r 'Atn
1 son . ^•93
.;�I;1leel l,.
,Oliver ']?ands' 92
Myrtle Wil'tse 92"' •
Ray Carter 91
Clarenc4:'Glazier.' 85
Burton Bolton 85
Ales ,OsbaldeOton 84
George 'Hill 84 •
Von roll
Charolette Bold 82
Carol Evans 78 .-
Seconds : Class
Bessie Cole 97
Howard, Graelis ',93
Frank Latter .90
;Edgar ~Maguire:88
Arthur '.Hessian 8
''Fran'k Howard 78
First class'.
: Tom Jackson 100
Linnie Nediger' 96
FriedaSchonehals 86
M. L. Kerr,`Teachei$
artistic. Furniture
For Christmas Presents
These goods are useful as well as ornaments
Music Cabinets, Hall Mirrors. Pedestials, Jardiner Stands,
Fancy Rockers, Morrie Ohairs, Desks, Parlor Tables,
Floor Matte, Children's Chairs. Sleighs, Pictures,
Wall Pockets, Etc.
We carry a select line of Musical Instruments
Stainer Violins, Flutes, Mouth Organs, Metrodomes, Music Books,
Bags, Bows and Strings.
All Goods Marked at Quick Sale Prices
Phones 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery
-J.H. eHELLEW Estate
Furniture and Undertaking. BLYTII
Lie ouIir Wanted
i' oo irons. reoo
2,50017hfttlte s,
DIlcl s I7aaeli Week from .now
until Janllar Y
rit' w
= of
To finish ou' own poultry, .
have Wheat Oats, and Bich—wi eat
specially growled for fattening pur-
poses, as very reasonable prices.
8,000 •dozsln Strictly New Laid
Eggs, wanted ;;each week during"
the winter, months. . To produce
these eggs, wehave a full line of
Poultry Foods'.' to keep your layers
lin the pink of condition.
A.full stock of Brainy Shorts, Feed
Flour, Cat, Chop, Barley Chop,
Etc., Etc,l always on hand,
• • Our Motto This Year is—"The Best Yet." • • •
Division V Senior Clan,
Eleanor McTaggart 96
Ivy Plewes 95
Gertrude Fowlett 94
Audrey Collyer r 92
Jean Miller 89
Helen Grigg 89
Harold Lawson 84
Nellie Routledge 83
Nisbett Cook 83
Helen Roberton 83
Wilbur Bezzo 82
Margaret Cree 82
Charlie McGuire 80
Amy Gould 67
Lucy Levy 63
Gordon Lawson 62
Junior Class• !
Hilton Butts 87
Frank Mutch 85
Percy Livermone 82
Gladys McGuire 80
Donna Mulholland 77
Ruth Evans 75
Switzer Graelis 72
'Roy Lovermore 71
Percy Proctor/ 69
Cecil Cook 63
44erbie Holtzlauer 62
Cecil Matheson 61
Ik, Courtice, Teacher
Div. VI. Total, marks 585, Sr. -
R.. Caruso 528,
B. Combe 496
M. Deeves 445
iM. Von Rohl 440
Wm. Millen 405
R. Walker, 404
L Judd 397
H. Cocheron 397
N. Cooper 394
L. Wheatley 382
G. Mennrl 380
L. . McClinchey 365
Junior Class
N. McNeil 460
J. Britton 440
M. Blacker -423
J. Wiggington 410
H. Ladd 410
S. Gibbs 403
R. Jealcins 390
B. McGuire 360
A. Comb 359
V, . Huller 331
G. Elliott 327
IL 'Gould 311
A, Mclntyre 309
K, Livermore 303
M. Macgregor, Teacher
'Honour Roll 'November. DivVII
Total • marks 306. Senior Class.
Isabel Johnston 281
Isabell Glazier, 283
Katie Beaton 281 '
Cxrracs Strong 278
Myrtle Beli 275 •
Eleanor Plumsteel' 269
Marion Morris 267'
Charlie Shipley 266
Fred McTaggart 256
Wilbur Nelson 255
Wilfred Grant 253 •
Charlie 'Men-neli 251
Ferguson Carter; 244
pp Russel Bezzo 235
Clyde Kennedy .233
Ernest Ford 217
Oliver Murphy 213
I .Wallace Wheatley 210
Junior Class total marks 250.
Ol'ive'Schoneiials 236
One More Invitation
Once more we wish to 'invite you.
Once more we want to point out that as a holiday remembrance
J ewelery stands supreme and alone.
Once more we desire to state that as a desirable place to select
suitable jewelry gifts this store TO -DAY represents about all
that can be found in the whole of Jewelrydom.
For the last few weeks we've tried to keep stocks up to OUR e
idea Of completeness. We've been buying about as fast as
we've been selling,
And While we've been handing out goods like we never did e
before, we still have no excuses to make for Our showing— •
either iu-quantity, variety, quality or prices. •
Conic—i iglu up to the last minute en Christmas Eve, expecting 1
to get a choice that guarantees you that precise article that •
you have set your heart on, •
Conte expecting to find It in all the beauty of the Jeweler's art.
Come expecting to find us anxious to give you all of our time •
that you need, so that your, visit may be pleasant and •
profitable, •
Coluie at your earliest opportunity, •
The Gnoo-1 oodois Co., Limiter
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 64.
Farm for Sate
The undersigned offer's for , sale
improved farm of 160 acres, Lots
13 and 14, Con. 17; Township of
Goclerieh, situated on the Base Line
four mal es north of CHARLES Clinton, CLIFON.
Teacher Chanted
�i't`I,rlll t'or Sa
A' goodfua, Consisting of.
88 acres, ixeing 76, Maitland con-
cession, Goderieli township, 'kwo
mimes north' of liHo meaville, eon-
venientto'church and scli.00l, also
cheese and butter :factory.' Good
7 -roomed house with pantry and
back kitchen, excellent cellar and
plenty of hard and soft water —
water piped tobarn ; good bank
barn 45xh5, straw shed 18x36, stab-
ling underneath all; two orchards.
principally spies and baldwins; the
far istilel-drained; well,; fenced"
stir 11 bush; no Waste land; all
'seeded down except 17acre,s, which'.
is ploughed. Rural telephone in''
house with long, distazaceoonnec-:
tion, also onrurai'nute.
�sossion given to suitfailpurrochaserPos.
phone. 9' on 143 Goderich township
An experienced teacher wanted for
5, S. No. 1, Stanley. Duties to cam
mence after. the Cbristmes holidays.
Apply to
11. 11. No. 5 Clinton
Farm for Sale
Being lot 24 and 25, 4th Con. of
Stanley. 70 acres alt cleared, having
never failing spring creek. welltenced,
• 1 frame house, and barn, 30X50 lean to
14X36 stable under whole building,
the stables are cement being- put in
one year ago. Small orchard. Tele-
phone and rural mail. '7 acres of
alpalfa good catch. Possession and
terms to suit purchaser. Apply on
premises or to
•tJU •
Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses•
Subscribers in districts served by Rural
Delivery will facilitate the prompt de-
livery of their paper by giving their old
addre.s as we111 as, their present Rural
Route Number when renewing their
• DoThos and rrp _
p` •
•..••.••.•.••.••••.•...•..• ••••.••.•••••..••.•••.•.••
11.11, No. 5, Clinton
For Sale or Rent
A tseven-roomed pottage on
North Street for 'sale or rent.
Notice—llulls:tt Taxes
Gins Wanted
Expperienced,a andgirls to learn
Knitting and Looping. Will pay
$5.00 per week while learning.
Steady employment Pleasant
position. Apply at once
Clinton, Ontario.
Willi tzl MoonI. the tlliett Tax f)01 -
lector, will be it( Cililltoii Oil Dec. Sth
and tJenstanee on Dec. 10th, Auburn
on Dee, 41h, Loudesboro on Nov. 28th
and Die, 12th and 15th, All taxes not
paid by the 15th December will be 50
on the dollar extra,
Collector for Hullett
I3ltili ODI B,
134131.11'STER 'B0I,IOIT011 rQ 941f '
Prl�c;[pl• RTO
ora 1AN
44EITRLE3..111It Fi19LS
Oonhey ince;;' Notary i'ublic,
r 'etc.
y6 ntfseone ,
U m
I,AL'lOS7A7,E�, AND 11�1SU L+"
Issuer of, MarriageLicenses:''
Hi1ronS E,. •Olin ton.
T '°RAiVO El
Notary'Publie, Conveyancer,
INSURANCE'ACOrnEaNnTc—rRaleaorned o . R•iasl 1E4 Fsiattaa
surance Companies"
rOlvislon Collrt, voice.
• For Sale
A second-halnd Wood Furnace in
first-class condition. Also one eec-
ond-halnd Radiant Home Heater.
at Rowland's Hardware
Telegraph School
I bave started . a night telegraph
school and will start a day school as
soon as I can sell or trade my flour and
feed store for town property or a
farm, A, L. Matheson,
Good Faris for Sate.
Lot 35, Concession 3 Tuckersmith
containing 100 acres, 95 all cleared
and in a splendid state of cultiv-
ation. The farm is well under
drained and fenced with five acres.
of good hardwood bush. Large
bank barn and straw shed with
good stabling, silo and other out
buildings. Good brick house eight
-rooms ]ciitclienand woodshed with
• good cellar and hard and soft
• I water. There is a splendid apple
• orchard also large orchard of
plums, pears, and cherrys trees
and an abundance of shade trees.
On the farm are two never failing
wells one with with the windmill
The farm is.00nvenient to church
and school six miles from'thetown
town of Clinton and Seaford/ and 2
1-2 mites frown Brucefield Tele-
phone in house with long distamee
connection, rural mail- delivery
route to be established immdiately
Terms reasonable as the pro-
rieltor is giving up farming. Apply
on the 'premises or address.
Farm tor Sale.
A desirable 100 -acre farm for
sale, being Lot 24, Con. 5, Huliett.
Good frame house and kitchen;
bank barn 50x66, 3 miles from Clin-
ton, 3-4 mile from school. The farm
is well, fenced, well underdrained,
and in good state of cultivation.
Plenty of spring .water. Possession
given to sunt! purchaser. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
Clinton, P.O.
Phone 4 on 165.
is Assured
Attracts Attention
Classified Want Ad..'ere always
noticed They; aro read with
Interestib' Lnteillgoat 'people
.who ere On the lona-out for
favorable opportunities to fill
their, requirements. Whether
your business be largo or small.
the. Classified Want Columna
will help jou.
Live Fowls Wanted
I ani now ready to handle Fat
Hens and Young Chickens, and
Young Ducks, eft highest prices.
Poultry taken not later than
Thursday of each weak. Other
Fowls handled later on.
Base Line,
Phone 14 on 166.
Slabs For Sale.
14 inches long, Hardwood,
12 inches long, Body Wood.
Money Wanted.
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts and will be
pleased to find investments • for
funds on mortgages.
Faris tot' Sale
DRI *3..`.W. 'I'Mt)M SON ' . '+
-Physioian, Surgeon. Eta
special attention given to dieac eaof MO
Eye, 'Ear,Throat, and nose,
Brea carefully examined, and -suitable ;lancer.'
. Presered
Office and Residence.
Two doors west of 11¢e Commercial Katal
Apron St. :
' DRS: G1JN1V and GANI)IEi
Dr. W. Gunn, U. inc. P., L. n. 0.1.. Misr
Dr..5. e. Gaudier. B.A. 81.11C.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton.
Night milt at residence,. Eattenburl; St,.
or at be,pital
ccooehenr, eto, office and residence op
tenbury St„ onnoaite W. Farran'e residence.
A desirable 80 acre farm for sale
Good frame house, a parlor, dining
room, summer kitchen and wood
shed. A hank barn with cement
floors, pig pen with dement floor
and troughs, and drive shed, well
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Some of the money may be had al
a low rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
H. IIESK, Londesboro,
or on the premises, lot 17, con. 8,
Hullett, •
Yards Opposite G. T. B. Station
All kinds 01 Coal on hand
Chestnut Solt Coal
Stove • Blacksmith
Furnace • Coke,
Kennel (oai 'and Wood
Tile --2z, 3 and '4 -inch size—
The Tile is of the very best
lute];` to Order. -
Farm For Sae
,. "tCrewn and Bridge Work a Specialty,
Graduate of O,C,D,S..t Chicago, and a,O.E.16
Itayileld ou"Mondays, May lst-t0 Decearte
Oflioee over O'NEIL'S store.
Special care taken to make dental treat,
merit as painless es peeeible.
Live stock and general Auction ss'
if 91 etDea: rater a apeman). Otdoes ELI bit
NEW ERA office, Clinton, prr',morry attartad
to. Terme reasonable. Farmers' ease nota
G, D. 1V1eTaggars Al, D. MoTaggar
A first class farm, eonsistimg of
75 acres, on con.12, part lot34,Hul-
lett township, Smiles from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from' Blyth, 11-2
Miles from School. A bank barn 38
by 56, another barn 38x52, drive
shed 24x40. A bride hoose, plenty
ef water, about an; (acre of or -1
chaltd. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
IBlsth, P. /0.
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standard.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover.
We always- have on hand -Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley' and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for Hay
and all Grains.
, cTaggfart Bros,
a. General Banking Baelmage
4 C
1 Pianos 1'
i See and here our finest" E
iNew Stylish designsof o
Doherty Pianos and_ E
4 Otgans, E
4 special values in Art t
Cases 4
.4 4
Pianos and organs rent` e.
bed, choice new Edison; '
� p g p , M
1 variety goods.
Music E111pOrillnT
C. Hoare
Drafts heeled. Interest allowed ern
The McKiltop ddlaetoat
Fire Insurance (Oe
Farm and Isolated Town Prom
erty Only Insured.
J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth.
.1 Connolly, V•iee-Pres., Godee'lefi,
T.E. Hays, Sec.-,Treas., Seafomitth.
Jas, Connelly, Hclmesvi]le, John
Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; tT
F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. Evans,
Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop
J' Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Ma,
Ewan, Clinton.
Each Director is Inspector et
losses in his own district.
Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. Ulna—
ley, Seaforth;' Wm. Chesney, He“
movidville; J. W. Yeo, Hoimesvillet
Payments maybo „made at The
Morausbl Clothing Co., Clinton, or -
R. H. Omit, Gaderieh.
Fire, Life and Aceidell4
Insurance •
Real rotate bought and salt
Money to loam
Office Isaac Street, next door to Nese
Grand Trunk lRailway'Systece
Railway Time Table
London, Huron and Brace.
North 'Passenger
London, depart...... •8.30 a m 4.50 p;:tei:
Centralia '9,40 5,47
Exeter ... 9.53 6.54
Hensall,,......,10.08 6.05
Kippen 10.16 6.111
Brucefield 10.30 0.18
Clinton 11,00 0.35
Londeeboro 11.18 6.5E
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingham, arrive,11.50. 7.35
South Passenge'
Wingham, depart 6.43 a m 3.33 p an
Belgrave6.54 5.44
Blyth '7.08 3.58
Londesboro, 7.16 4.0£
Clinton ., 7.50 4,2`3
Brucefield`.. 8.12 • 4.89
nsaA..,.. 8.23 4.47
. , 8.32 1.52
Exeter..... ... . 8.48 5.05
Centralia 9,00 5.15
London, arrive 10.00 0.10
Buffalo and Gode,
Wee` P, eesenger
ate pm ptaa lrae
Stratford... ..,10.00 12.20 5,25 917,20
Mitchell .. , ..10.22 12.45' 6.55 10.411'
Seaforth .. 10.45 1.10 6,18 11.1rE
011nten .........11.07 1.25 6.40 131.29
Holmes ville. ..11.16 1,33 6.46 Rai
Goderieh.:•.....,.11.85 1.60 7.05 IY
East I9ssenger
am prn dam.
Goderich... 7,10 2.40 4.50
Holmesvflle 7.20. 2.67 55.016
Olfnton..... ........ 7,35 5,07 5.68
Seatorth '7.52 ' 3.25 5.318
8.10 348 555
Stratford ; 8.40 415 d"9"
,G Small Advls. Allways rap,
AAAAAAAAAu.AAAAAAAAAAAAAA oo mmososeem .•smempi •t mw