HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-04, Page 8C Wage'
Tlitir eclat
th; iota,
Jneils as aChristmasGift
Table Cloths Napkins, Pillow Cases, Towels
Nothing makes a �prettier, more serviceable, or acceptable gift to any woman
h the
than � °'liiethiilo' in linen. Our stock of Linens include the productions ofh
largest' --and best manufacturers in the world. In any line we can give you the
best inquality and design, at the lowest possible prices,
Linens.. These are
Old }3leach Linens, Shamrock Linens, Gold Medalr
standard' makes, and fully guaranted.
Y t will find i.t toyadvantage to maize your; selections here.
Ladies Coat Special ial for Saturda =ii2 only
pec Y
On Saturday we put on sale the biggest bargain in
Ladies Coats we ever offered, all "this season's styles,
well made and beautifully trimmed, self lined to
shoulder, seams piped, shawl and conversable collars.
Colors brown, tan, greys and fancy tweed mixtures, re-
gular prices
egular'prices $12.50, $15:00 and $18.00 sale price 10.99
Plain Hemstitched Linens
Guest Towels 25e and 35e
Full size Towels 25e to 50e
Tray Cloths 25e to 50e
Stand Covers....., 25e to 500
Presser Scarfs ., s5e to 50c
'a Pillow Cases 25c and 35e
Doylies •• 15e up
Centre Pieces .................25c to 81
• Embroidered Pillow Cases
Embroidered Pillow Cases with hem.
stitched ends, good large size, and
special of . ... ......98o
se -ea-se—
All linen Embroidered Pillow Cases at
per pair $I.50, 2.00 end $2.00
Table Cloths and Napkins
Matched Sets.
Damask Table Cloths with Napkins to
match, every pattern new this sea-
son, specially imported for our
Christmas trade, at from.. , . $3 to $5
Those make a very handsome gift
Towels and Toweling
Large size Embroidered Towels, hem
stitched ends at ............50e to $1
Large size Fazray Huck: Towels at' 50e
to 81
Fancy Damask Guest Towels, hem
stitched ends,...,...,......25candt50c
Guest Toweling, fancy damask border
at per yard 35c
Fancy Huck Toweling, wide width, at
per yard' . , ..25c to 500
Christmas Handkerchiefs
We are showing thousands of Fancy
Christmas handkerchiefs, in pure
linen, mercerized cotton, and silks,
both plain and initis),' hemstitched,
scalloped and embroidered edges, at
from 5c up to 32
Sensable Gift Giving
Eiderdown Bed Oomfortert, made of
good quality sateen, and satin tops,
at 02 up
All Wool Blankets, pink and blue
borders, from '63 up
Tapestry and Brussels Rugs, all sizes
from $7.50 up
Axminster Floor Matts from$2.75 up
Only 17 Shopping Days to Christmas
UseIuI chisims Gilis
Always give the most lasting pleasure. both to giver
and recipient. Why not make it a rule this year to give
your friends presents that will be of real service to them
for many days to come. There is no better place to
purchase Sensible Christmas Gifts than at an up to-
date Hardware Store. Our stock was never more com-
plete and includes a wide variety of New Goods and
Novelties, that are well worthy ofyour inspection. Start
to make your selections now and save yourself the
bother of last minute shopping. If desired we will
store goods purchased and delivered on December 23rd
or 24th.
Eye Run Your E e Over This List
Christmas. Lines
Coffee Pots
Tea Tray
Crumb ITays,
Bread Trays
rrea Kettles
Berry Spoone
Meat Forks;;,
Desert Spoons
Table Spobns
Sugkr Spoons.
Nut03ow s
Nut CragQkers in Sets Storm .Coors
A nice a6bgrtment of Cut Glass Cow Chaim
Fancy 1mQrted Graniteware Leather Halters
Qieneral Lines
Washing Machines
Meat Choppers
Sets Smoothing Irons
Ooblers Sete
Household Scales
Oil Heaters
011 Cookers
Foot Warmers .,
Rifles and Guns
f t
Sa e yazo• Razors
Boys Tool Sets _
Carvers in.Cases.
Scissors in" a s
C e
Mitts and Gloes
Bath Room Flatures
rbatet rn14e5 •
Pen Knives
Cigar Lighters"
Electric Lamps
Carpet Sweepers
Hand Sleighs '
hi s
Game Traps
Out Saws
Cross s w
Sleigh Bells
Stable Brooms
Dr. Hess Stock Fooci
Hand Saws
Received a stock ,of the popular 'Automobile Skates
Take the dist we haveg iven and what
we have forgotten to enumerate we
thinkY ou can be accomodated by shop-
ping here'
Don't target to look over our 5c, loc.
and 15c display tables. Always
you will think good value
Local A CWS
••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t•••••••••••••••••••••••••
'The bast advertising is :written 1
in the key B Natural.
The !Baptist Obtu'ch Sunday
School will J,iold tl eii' annual Christ
anas Entertainment on Tuesday,
December, 23rd.
Dec. 'i4-5-6 Perry's Peerless
Dec. 11-C, C.I. Entertainment.
Dec. 12 -We Six Dance.
Dee. 15 -Last Day tor Taxes,
Dec, 16 -Council meeting.
Dec. 29 -Nomination meeting,
Jan. 5 -Election. -
Jan. 13 Chicago Glee Club.
LOOK, at the LABEL.
Some weeks ago ;;we astked .sour
readers to look at the label_on their
paper and if their• aubseription is
not paid :in`adVanoe, to Bend ne
the amount,' by relieve mail, There
was' a gratifying weeper -an to this
request but a lost of our ;patrpns
have not yet responldled. Do it
Pressure on our advertising col-
umns has compelled the leaving
out of a great deal of matter pre-
pared for: insertion this week.
Standard Bl tl School
Trustees are advertising for - a
teacher to take the place of Miss
Thompson, who has resigned, and
to assist in the Continuation School
The first consolidation train to go
to IGoderich over the G. T.R.went
through here Tuesday. The big en
gine pulled' a load of 1.200 tone of
grain, whereas the eimall engines(
could handle about 800. The
tr themin and re .cin of
�s en I
weakgbridges on the Goderieh line
has mads it posteiblel'to use these
powerful, engines.
The annual commencement .exer-
cises will be held in the town hail
on Thursday evening Dec. 11 when
a program of solos; choruses, drills
and .play :`David Copperfield" will
be .given. The various prizes and
diplomas will be presented at the
close. ' See program in next weeks
Perry's Peerless! Players, svith
Dan Malloy 'and Hazel Corinne,
will open a three might engager
ment.at the. tower hall Dec. 4, 5,t.
This (season Mr. perry has secured
a number ,of the best New York
'successes which he will present alt
popular prices; with all the speciai
and amelectrical effects. Each
production is: presented complete
in .every detail byl, A company, of
Metropofttan' artists. Several :new
and high-class Vaudeville Special.
ties are carried and will be intro-
duced between the sots by differ-
ent members of the comp any.Keep
the elate open and see a Company,
which you knowtobe fi st it -
Dd issson 25 35 and 50 cents Tin
der the -auspices of The Fire Co.
The Solo Player Piano Co. Limit-
ed, Clinton, .Ont. was incorporated
November 25. The Factory, 00
Street is being equipped with the
n>>aehinery and devices to :com-
mence immediate -manufacture of,
the "Solo" Player Action designed
that it may be installed in 'almost'
any ordinary piano.
The Capital involved has been
gathered loeally from investors
thoroughly •eonversant with the
mechanical features of'`he evice.
The Board of Dectors c uprises
the following; -Paul Von Rohl,
Thos. J. McNeil J. W. Moore, H.E.
Boyer and Fred J Hill, Thesealien
merely supervise the operation of
the new company for which a *an
ager and capable office help will
he provided. Hydro -Electric pow -
`will be usecl.
Any new industrial en`_erprise
should be welcome to ,Clinton and
'the expectation is that) the Solo,
Player Piano Company Limited Will
'soon' require, an extensive tnanu-
facturfng plant.
On or about January 1st, 1g1q,
1Cnndntt �� kl ,b tt "ti Vii`
will bid you a very cheery
With the Best Morning
Newspaper in Western
Watch for it, for it will be a
Do your Christmas buying early. i.
Council meets on December 16th.
Nomination meeting ,•on Monday
Dec. 29th.
When Buying from' New Era Ad-
dvertisers Please Mention New Era:
The hen itself is,chief means of
the egg situation- which the cities
are trying to deal with. - When the
egg -producer gets off the job the
householder is helpless.
Supt. S'tephenson; ihf Lon Oen,
-went 'through Clinton on G .T. R.
train No. 36. Gocleiich to Brantford,
last Friday morning. On Wednes-
day the 'first coinpound engine to
go over that line went up to Gode
rich, thus marking a new era in
shipping. Several .bridges on the
Strahfoad,-Goderieh line have re-
ed/iffy been • saenghtened to.carry
the heavier locomo..ives.
Stratford Beacon 1 -That this seas'
on has been a remarkable one there
is convincing testianony.-, It is not
unusual to hear of apple blossoms
and apples found out of treason,
and also of berries being peeked
long past the usual time butit:is•
seldom that strawberries can be
picked in December in this part
of the country, Mrs Wm. Murch,
220 Cobourg street, brought to The
Beacon office on Monday', several
strawberries which she had picked
that •day, part of which were ripe.
Mrs. Murch states that from the
same vines ripe strawberries have
been picked every week niece June
.Changes athoing teachers who
Move le other ,s'ehoole at the New
New 'Era reacleps are familiar
with 'that parodied poem entitled
"Clic Steady Subscriber,, Who Pays
]n Advance," therefore we will not
print it, We would just likethough
at this, season, to have all our read
ers know our sentiments' regard-
ing the esteemed individual refer-
red to in those verses. The steady
sulscriber who .pays in advance, is
indeed, dear to our heart. For 1911
The New Era will endeavor. to
maintain its excellence as a bright
'well printed local newspaper, and
al] news shatters of importam,cato
Clinton acid the district aboutewill
be faithfully presented each week.
� be pleased to
have you say a good word for The
New Era to your friends. As a
Christmas' present 'to an absent
.friend or relative it is ,sure to be
Mr. We B. Weidhammer, 13. for
several years' the efficient rrinei-
pal of the Exeter. iContihrualion,
School bas resigned his position
and has been' appointed principal
of the Oakville High School' at a
salary of $4.700 per annum!. His
present salary is $1450.
.Another well deserved promotion
is [that of Mr. Geo. S.r"Howard',
who for fifteen years has success-
fully ,taught in the Blake Public
School. He has been appointed to
the principalship ref f the Zurich
School at a salary of $1000.
Eggs, in Clinton are selling at 46e
a dozen. This is the highest; price
everaid before.
pIn New York
they are selling at 75e per'doze-n,
an .dthe National Housewives' Lea-
gue in that city
have decided mot
to buya single
le eg
comedown to 30hc. Whatis the
reason of the bigh price? Winter
shortage is'the official explanatioo
But against this. winter shortage
is the known fact that millions of
eggs are now in cold storage : in
this country, and that monoplies
are carrying out operations that
largely result in concerning the
egg market, What the Eous'ewives
League is recommending as avol-
untary effort to; combat the egg
trusts is what People have beeln
compelled by motives of economy
to do. Eggs are being rapidlyel-
iminated from the dietary of the
lnassei, The egg trusts are doing
exactly what the diamond trusts
in South Africa are doing. They
are restraining production to keep
(up prices.' If eggs were reasonable
in l.riee there would he a far
greater demand for ahem than
there isn't present , and poultry
keeping 'wouldro orbe tionatel
encouraged.P P Y
The Goderieh Signal, gives the
following complimentary yemarks
to Perry's Peenlese Players who
open up .then 3 -night engagement
here tonight , Tiereturn engage-
went of Perry's.' Peer]ess Players at
the Victoria Opera House for
entire week 'is an unusual treat for
the theatregoers of Goderieh. The
company opened with "Up Again`.
It" on Monday night, "Tlie Travel-
ling Salesman" on Tuesday night,
"The ''loyal Prisoner" last might
and will, resent j"Wife in Name
Only"ell igR. ny
p Too ucli praise
cannot begiven to this, fiest-clasr
aggregation, Without a doubta,"A
Royal Prisoner" as presented. "by
Mr. G. Herbert Perry, does not do
only himself credit but 'his Whole
company and proves he is len artist
With a love for the good old time
drama, Tlict drama itself is a
pretty little tale of life in, Russia
and is highly educating and in-
structive. The stage settings were.
superb. and the scenery beautiful.
A full line is carried by the con -
peeler. They acting is also, g,opu,
very much reminding one of the
old-time stock companies, Nobody
can help but., admire the part of
Lieut. Alex. Razamovslci as beauti-
fully portrayed by Mr, Dap Malloy.
Hier portrayal es natugal and true
to life. Sweet and lovely is the
simple and natural way Miss Hazel
Oorinne talcee the part ofthe child
Mr. Archibald the present prin-
cipal of the Zurich School leaves
for Toronto to continue his studies
in the University.
A very clever and spirited repre-
sentation of the above wasgiven;
in the Town Hall on Friday even-
ing last by the young people : of
Wesley -church. The (hall was
crowded to the door by an interest
ed and attentive audience who as-
sisted the performers very much
by their hearty.appreciation and -
generous applause. Before the rale
ing of the curtain a prologue was
delivered by Mrs. W. S. Harland,
who in a few well chosen words
informed the audience as to the.
nature of the coming entertain-
ment. The hostess of the evening,
Miss Florence Cunningham appear-
ed perfectly at home in her part,
receiving the members of the Lad-
i ie's Aid with eery grace, andintno.-
dueing them to her distinguished
guests from Boston, Miss Olive
Cooper and lilies May East. The
little,olei grandmother was already
on the. stage at the rising of tie
' curtain; this part was' taken most
cleverly by' Miss Ida Twitchelt,who
1 captured all hearts by' her very nal
ural characterization, The part of
Maid was assigned to 14IisaBessie
!Davis, and her appearance was
generally the occasion foe a laugh,
I During the intnodtuetions, as one
lady followed another upon , the
stage, the audience was convulsed
with merriment at the costumes
worn, Many of these Were extreme
lyhandsome and
hans o ie wore declared to
be the most becoming, But the
men in the seats, who .enjoyed
them so much, seemed uneonsious
of the fact, that these strange
looking habiliments, were simply.
the dresses- of our mothers and
grandmothers which they have so
often declared to be more becom-
ing than the scanty skirts.of these
more degenerate days, A good
dual sof latitude as � allowed as
v o to
the period repuesented but the.
voluminous skirts appeared to be
the prevailing fashion, and some
m of 'the ladies;, found difficulty in
,eaganceriag their tilling (!loop
Fair's-- Timely Hints
If that "bad beginning good ending":phraseapplie9 to winter there is
touch hope in the start -November gave us. In some things a good be.
ginningaesnres a good ending, \Ve have made the beginning in been-
rng up our Christmas stock. We invite you to share in the good end
tog which will soon be here,
This season we have three
Books of Samples Private Greets
ing Cards, We will he glad to
show them to you and have you
select one:for.your. exclusive use,
If you favor us with an order we
will have your name and address
neatly printed on each card mak.
ing your 'Christmas salutation
one of fashionable' refinement to
the receiver and a mark of dig-
nity to
ig-nityto the sender,
She - Is your wife entertain-
ing? fie -Not very. tor those
who are entertaining we have
Telly Cards in good assortment,
' Crepe' Paper Napkins and .Table
(Severe, Score Cards- Trump
Markers and Playing Cards if
-you wanttthem.' ':
Beware of false profits• Our
aim is to give you a service pro-
fitable to you: Convenient for
you and'a goodassortment
which to select in all depart
IF you want to read a real
good story ask us for "Laddie"
by Gene Stration Porter or "T,
Tembaron by Frances Hodgeon
The frame around the picture;
hes a good deal to do with its
appearance. We have a good
deaf to do with the frame. You
furnish the picture and we will,
at moderate cost, do the rest.
Standard Patterns are good
patterns, we sell them. Express
Money Orders are safe, convert
rent and cheap, we issae them.
Parkers are the best cleaners
and dyers we know, we repre-
sent,thene in Clinton. •
A quantity of cjualitte is found
n Waterman's Ideal Fountain
Pen, none less than $2.5,0, We
have pens of other makers as
low in price as 25e,
The W. Do Fair en.
Often the cheapest—Always the Best
Last Thursday evening Mrs. Jos-
eph; ,Townseed' receiver[ the sad
heave of the drowning of her broth
er, Mr. Jos. Kingston, off Vancou-
'ger Island. Deceased was here at
Eastertide .after a p,'esiding in .
South Africa for 16 years, and after
a visit here went on out West to
visit his •other, brothers' and .vela
[ivies. He nettled down on Vancou
ver Island and his 'wife just recent
ly Seined. him from England. The
letter stated khat • he has waled
from Fisherman's Cove to . Cape
Scout and the boat had ;been,wash.
ed aslrorebut the body up to the
time of Writing had not been re-
covered(. Mrs. Townsend has the
heartfelt sympathy in her -sudden
skirts' through the narrowentrance
door. Not the least amusing feat-
ure of
eat-ure•of these costumes' was the pock
et at the side of the wide skirt;.
Every lady thus happily endowed
made good use of the long lost
privilege and handerchiefs pro-
truded consppiciously and fans,pen-
cils, and such (other smrall, comodit
ie,s were constantly being with-
drawn from the same source. The
presidlent'a part vas ,verty ably
taken by Miss Dorothy Cantelon
who proved herself to be t.hei com-
ing business woman of Clinton char
itabie associations. At the conlu
sion of the business part 'ofthe
meeting a short programme was
rendered beginning with The Black'
Hawk Waltz by .Mins. Gladys, '.Can-
telon, during the performance of
which every' one ofltire twenty-
seven ladies on the platform en-
gaged in 1 animated conversation
in a manner natural enough 'to
remind us of our own drawing
rooms at 'some At Home. A quar-
tette Kentucky Babe was beauti-
fully rendered by Mrs. East and
the Misses Boles, . Beatrice -.Green
and Bixby Wise, this was, heartily
encored. A recitation by the two
little Misses 'Keller, was very
enjoyed and was followed by asolo
a beautiful old time song, by Miss
Beatrice Green, My Mother Bids me
Bind maltase. The, last piece on
the programme was a chorus by
the, members, of the Ladie's Aid en-
titled The Lords of Creation; and
was led by ,tithe suffragette. If
there seems to be any incongruity
in having a suffregette attend an
early Victoria ladies meeting- it
only .goes to prove how advanced
were the people of Mohawk)Cross
roadie. This part was taken in a
really masterly manner by Miss
Emma Southcombe, who welided
herbaton to -such effect, that' the
audience wee coanp0eeiely over-
whelmed and 'am encore was im-
portunately deniaeded. The other
ladies taking part in the entertain
went were ;-Mesclaines A. T. Coop
er, (Dr.) Fowler, E. J, Cantelon,
J. W, Moore, and Misses Ger-
trude Chant,Ida Wilken, Grace
Cluff, Millie Potts, Minlo Pinning,
Elsie Ross,iBuby Managlran, Susie
Powell and Marion Hartland. Where
all did to well it tit ould be im-
ipoLschlel to specialize (and onty
lack of time and space prevenitls'
from giving a more detailed . ac
count :of this very interesting per-
• Muddy streets.
21 days till Christmas.
Great weather this for doing your
Christmas shopping.
Perry's Peerless Players open up
tonight in the town hall.
When :Buying from The New Era
Advertisers Mention The New Era.
InspectorField paid his official
visit 'to the local public school this
'v eek.
Eggs 15c a dozen and the winter
just beginning. It ought to be a
great year•for patent breakfast
The antics of. Carrie Nation .were
almost angelic compared with those
of tire' militant maid women. But
neeralee it , 'as Carrie who gave
them the notion:
Don't forget that absent sbn or
daughter but send The New Era to
them for a 'year as a Chrlstpias
present.: They 'will have reason to
thank 'you 52 times in 1914 plus the
remaining weeks of 1913.
Makers of fake maple syrup wi 11
hereafter be prosecuted, Some of
the stoff thatnow passesses under the
name of "genuine maple syrup"
never came nearer a sugar bush
than Capt. Cook got to tazeNorth
Highest Grade Bread
e niod nread
atom p
Conner's Home-made Bread is
quality through and through.
There is not a detail of good
making and baking overlooked, so
you know what you are getting
when you order this Good Bread.
Baker and Confectioner
The Corner Store
"Live and Let Live"
What About Your
and Plum Pudding
We have, [the !material lox'
making them. -
NEW -Raisin, New Currents,
Figs and Date's,,
- Orange, Lemon, and Citron.
'.Oranges; Lemons, Bananas,.
Grape Fruit, Melega Grapes,
Apples', Cranberries.
Salt Water Herring,
Cod Fish, and
Smoked Red Herring,
13. Eo liunnifos bit
About our plumbing include good
matemiale, P PP up-to-date supplies, su-
perior. workmanship, promptness,
and, reasonable prices, for
can you ask more?
•Get our estimates first, anyway...
Plumbing and Heating
(Phone 53)
••l•'I'•l•++4.•II•+4. t 4.4•44•
Shoes of Quality
4•i••II•••••+••l•+4••d•+•N+1-1 4.14l••u le..
� ®es
From ® Heel
to Toe ,
• '
And when you wear a pair from our store
you are wearing shoes that we know are
made in such a way and of such material
that they will give you unquestioned sat-
isfaction—a satisfaction that will bring
you back again when you need another
pair. now is agood time to tryus
Us to the Test..
- r4