HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-04, Page 4hristmas
Pilone 7g
'Within the past few days inquiries for (roods
}suitablefor,Christnias Gifts have. been so nl meroti
1 we now beg to announce: that our stocks of appropri-t
t lie-4rti41es: arecomplete and iii' excellent p a taste, variety
and quality. The display surpasses anything we have.
previously shown. Here : are a few" su a. I
P Yg� estions—, .
t•;lsilaens,. Neckwear,.Handkerchiefs, Paraso.s,
Hose, Embroidery Hose, Silk Waists NettWaists
Voile Waists, Beaded Purses, Ohain Purses, Hat Pin,1
Needle Cases, Pin Cushions; Kid' Gloves"P ittedi'' :.
Scarfs, Beaded' Scarfs, Short Kimonos, Long Kin% -1
onos Tea; aprons Kitchen Aprons 'Mantles �' Fu '' 1
Fuir- Lin; d' Coats.
Make Ohs Store Sour Heaflquarters,tor
Christmas Baying
Gift Suggestions
for Gentlemen
Silk Hose, Wool Hose,
Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk
Handkerchiefs, Silk Lined
Swede Gloves, Suit Case
ljrnbiellas, Silk Scarfs,
Wpo1 Scarfs, Silk Ties,
Isrilttecl lies, ani Sweater
Great: `Clearance
of..Ladies and ti
Misses Coats
Sattfiday has been chosen
as' la='ground clean up of odd
lots left from the season's
heaviest coat selling. style
a94,quality are the best in-
-aiding all the latest cloths.
These go on sale Saturday
to 6 dollars less than reg-
ular: price. '
The following is the school. re-
f ole
efox rSriS'tNii,-4 Tuckecrsm►ith for
the •'month • of November. I
Sr. 4th -Mary Turner, Viola Wise,
Elva Notts J
,4•tlu ,,.Monis 1Hunt, Edna Crich i
14label Crich, Phyllis Crash.
Sr 3rd Berth Walters, • Vera 1
bttee',phefi ii George Falconer Wil- 1
' NIritell'
'Sr..2nd-Emily Hunter. ,. I
Jr ,2nd„ „Ernest.>,Crich, Edward
Walters, sleissie, Ball, Reginald Ship-
ley .
Sr 1st -Clarence -Ball, Kenneth
!Hunt, ViCi br Falconer.
Jr. int -Sadie • Ball, Leonie Cad-
ieux, 'Harold Stanbury,
Ili l r l r
Me. and Mrs. Win. Palmar of
ric .visited, atlh..:home of Mr.
J. a
e this week.
are sorry ;to have - to report thio
week that Mrs John Cochrane of the
townlme is vers i'1, so ill, that her
� Doors
There is no danger of hit-
ting the sides and spilling'
coal Oover ;the floor with
the bi'g'`Sunshine feed doors.
These doors will admit a
large' chunk of wood, . loo.
Our local
a sat 'l1
Shaw " you this
another "Sunshine"
advantages. Send for
free booklet.
Sanitary .lulninbcrs
friends despair of her recovery: Her
etster Mrs. Geo, Kennaird cecomtanied
ny her husband arrived this week from
Vancouver to be present during Mrs.
Cochrane's illness.
Beans have been afair rropthisyear
One of the beet of these is'tbat of W.
D. Harvey who threshed about 500
bushels from 38 acres.,'.:
The following is the November
mcnthly report of -S.•' ,. No. 14 Stanley
nstiies are in order of merit.
5th -Nelson Hood.
Sr. 4th. -O. Johnston, Louse Mealy
wont, L, E. Wasmann,
Jr. 4th.- Anna Fisher W R. Cooper
Tillie Nigh,
Sr. 3rd -Maggie Cooper, Bella Collins
W. H. Collins.
Jr. 3rd. -Harold Ratbwell, A. R.
Parsons, W. 13. Parsons.
Sr. 2nd.- Norma Floud, Ella Fisher.
Grace Fairbairn.
Jr. 2nd. -t
J. Rose, VV
May Pearson.
2nd. pt. -b.'. Parsons.Agnes Nigh, S.
J. Nigh.
lst. pt, - Dorsina Foster, W. Work.
man, W. Ross,
The best spellers in the monthly
spelling matches were: -
Sr. .4th. and 5th.- Louisa McOly
Jr. 4th.- Willie Cooper,
Sr. 3rd. -Maggie Cooper.
Jr 3rd. --Harold
Sr. god -.
Gras Fairbairn
e N irba rn
Jr. 2nd.- VVilfted Ross
2nd. pt.• -Sylvester Nigh
On Wednesday evening of last week
a committee of ladies and gentleman
representing the. Methodist (hutch in
\Vingham waited upon Mr. and Mrs
John Kerr at the residence, of their
daughter, Mrs. K. A. Hammond, on
the eve of their • departure' from Wing-
ham, and presented them with a hand-
some leather covered couch in mission
oak, accompaniedby a suitable addcess
expressing the sincerest regret at their
departure and wishing them suooess
and happiness in their new home'. in
The annum] meeting of the share-
holders of the Garth Buren Tolephone
Company was held in the Council
chamber. The reports presented show.
ed, that the coo. anv closed `o erations
on '$e"tember 80,with
P 11)00
with 53 t el�e-
phones in use ad on
this year. there were 428 telephoaesih
use The
company is operating on 334
miles of wire and has 1355 miles of pole
line. The board of directors, composed
of the following; W. J. Green, Wing,
ham: H. T. Thompson, 33elmore;:John
Webster, Fordyce; George Thompson.
God ri h
e c and
W ,Max el
w Leam-
ington, was re-elected. At the close of
ane al meeting the directors met
and re-elected Mr, W, J. Green presi
dent and Mr. H. Thompson as vice -
Mr, li.
p B. Elliott
was re.
engaged as secretary -treasurer, The
question of increasing the rental of
telephones was discpssed'but action
was deferred for another year, A
number of telephone companies in On
toric -are findi rg their r.ttes.too low, in
view of the i ncrease
d cost of -i n
t n
inp, the lines. Last year wap ti sun ets.
ful one for the North Huron; Company
The cotnpany now has liabilities to the
public of only some $2,000 and has
II/14 ,11, .0v ofttOlili(letatiilfcsieWtiteh t
felly paid n17 It fvA3 ihought
W411 ,.l
fereKo,at diytdend thisi yoar �a, as: tri
oleainthe comPanylis'f ate lialrlh
spaei ish -
'dept. Stinson • of the steamer
McKinatey reports having fret 'consid-
erable wreckage, consisilpg of Window
frames, chains eta, appparently otie."
finally about fifteen miles north-north-
west of here and drifting 'towatds
shore, ashe carne lip hereon Monday.
Citizeris dine 'report finding; wheat in
the water'drawn from their taps all -of
which may serve -to lend a clue i,o the,
lonetenneof•tbe unfntitnnateCarruthets•
or Wexford, which, were apparently in
this neighborhood,: and both leaded'
L'ambtvn' erui
tel 1onal
ioThegovernment itihthbuae t n e.
back Et'iday but furled "to note any
wreckage of bodies. Saturday the
steamer lett" for Parry Sound to go
into winter duarters, after, making ell• •
„t'ht ,• hgli'thninie tenders at :. outlying
l ottits.'nildigent: search is'etill. being
'keppt up by the short patrol, . ,• •
A b9%law rtoiguarantees•the bonds cif
the AmericapRoad'MachineOompany
Tipatted«tto' the amogpt of; $50;fNJ0, was
submitted,on Saturday to theroper-
ty owneria'of Goderieh and"ca tied b"
•the^•voteof 030 to;90r, The company;
which ban: been onenaf Goderich's,lead'-
enhfied by Father
G,odeilel,a.Y 27;l e f ” tVlialu'
onrnan rt l te'ti=.
tali lily
none "
nt a '' al
o li caslon� of ti]}e; fine 5
feral of than,1?i? irnidrYnla nnfia lues-*
me"n, whose '1 dies' were, interred
in •Mattland''Cemotery. ;Four, wen*
from the Carrathei•s' and one from'
the'' 1►2•iGean '' The cortege' was a '
long one, and was an lmpr'e:ssive-
and sad spectacle wonding, jts way
through the stroct-i to ihe'" ceane
tery, ,I)d irg thefuneral` all the:
,etortha "wrre 'closed "'with blinds
drawn, and -all civic"flags': fInated
ak half ,mast: a i
Sti ebtss Crowded, ' `
ing industries for ; somey: years, ivf ll The, :streets' were Iined'wi th peo
a much larger. factory near the ' pie, who gave silent and respect -
G. T. R. tracks and with the improved ful attention:ass•the procession jias-
facilitiee wilGengage more extensively sed, the Thirty-third Regimental
than ever h `the manufacture iu its arch in
Saul,and ' - The tg hree officihe Dead ating mire
isters, Rev. ''George C; Ross W Ii.
Hagar and J. E. Ford, ,led the pro-
cession in a carriage drlawn by -a
pair of white: horses. Betweenthe
- cab and the hearses' was the: band
playin the,funera0 dirges. At the
side of each of the five hearses
walked four bearers', making 20 in
Quite' a number around here attend-
ed the funeral of the late Sir. Andrew
Ty' email of Seeforth on Monday.
Mr, aeu,uel Dowell, sr. keei:s very
poorly. •
1bos.,W: Carter spent a few days in
Seaforth the guest of 11IissAddle Tyre -
Mr. Howord Armstrong and Wins E.
Clark spent Sunday the guest of the
formers sister Mrs. Price of Winthrop.
Mrs. Adarn Glazier of Clinton and
all. r
Donated Plot. '
The town council at the last meet
ing 'donated 'a plot, in, which the
five corpses, were intec're0 , A
wooden slab, on which was placed
'a Minnie -I" and, ti}e? name of the
i rcael
Ie towhit 'tie_lio lielnedwasra,rseda�the`heaf"eac
pr0i?osBdrto ov2de. afd.rhefor this lot f incl fundi been:raised here, ,
• •MayorReid and
the -town.'co':n-•
ril attended in' a body, and all,the'professional and'huffiness ' Men
.allowed'their syraPnithy',by:u`teiad-
b'ing the'funeral,
Three, ctif
L,l ations.
Through• the Lake Carr' "
tern Vis-
seeiation•branchahere.three iden`-
ifioatiopps lsavO•,been madetoday
at Southampton/' which now leave
no bodies' recovered team r the Ey-
oboe unidentified: ,T•heste identif-
ied today were Leslie and Kenneth
Christie, two bro'thers'. •Wl ose'i'es-
idence is Marine CCity, Mich, . They
were identified • by their father, Who
came from Southampton,' at the re-
quest of RI. A, /Barri-eon,' of: • the.
Lake Carriers, here, Also the re-
mains' of. John Van Wins'berghe, of
Hoboken, N. J. became known by
the Lake Carrieels'. The body of
Roy Somerville, identified a few
days' ago, will be ,sent to his home
omorrow on the
in Grand Rapids it
iearly train.
It is the belief of marine men
here the bodies of Donald McDo,n-
old' and Capt, Cameron are inclosed
in the tshell of the Wexford and
may perhaps' never Ise found:
Mrs. '1. Pollard of the vil'age spent sr 1
few days the guest of their father in
Ethel. 1
Mr Cole was recently shat in the eye MlFs May -Appleby is spending a
but we are glad to report he is on the week. H guest Miss gra Shoda
mend. Mrs. Howard is spending a few ear s
with her daughter Mi' , Jas, Oartrigh',
Mr, Joe Riley had a wood bee on ,
Thursday and a dance at night. Mr,
R. Bayley of Clinton furnished the ,
The Christmas Cantata tea will he
held on Dec. 231.d. A good time is ex
Mise Maud Robertson spent Sunday
the guest of her parents' at Auburn.
Goderich Township
The men of Goderich Township wh
are interested in the County Tempe
once Campaign are asked to meet i
the Ifolmesville Methodist Church at
o'clock Thereday afternoon Dec. i,ltl
prominent Temperance workers wil
be present and'' Township organization
for the January vote completed alarg
attendance is expected.
Mr. Edward Wise delivered on Mon
day of this week to Mr. Lorne Tyndal
of Hullett a fine twelve months of
Bull Calf. Mr, Wise is ale aye ready
for prespeetive buyers
Report of 11, S. S. No, 10 Hullett and
Goderieh for November.
Sr. 4th. -Irene Ward 78 per.cent
Edgar Morris 63.
Sr, 3rd. -Cheater Morris 65 per cent
Stella Morris 62.
Jr. 2nd, -Agnes Ward 78. per cent
Mary Mair 70, Gordon Ball 6;i.
Premier a -Evelyn Johnson 77 par
cent Bertha Eno 71.
Premier b -Edna Govier 72 per cent.
Best Spellers for the month.
Sr. 4th. -Edgar Morris.
'Sr. 3rd, -Stella Morris.
Jr-. 3rd. Agnes Ward and Mary Mair
A. Stella Copp, Teacher.
The following is the report of S,• Si
No. 9 Goderich, Township for the
month of November names in order of
'Sr, 4th. -Lola Hudie, Emma Connell
Willie Cole.:
Jr 4th, -George Green, Edythe
Sterling, Tom Hudie. .
Sr 3rd.- Charlie Cooper Bruce Grigg
Earl Coo?er': Willie Pearson, Jean
Jr. 3rd. -Willie Sterling, Alfred
Hudie, John Ostrom, Gladstone Grigg.
Sr. 2nd,-Clecil Connell.
Pt. 2od.-Ila Grigg, Lizzie Pearson,
Sr. 1st. -Harold.,, Connell, _Carman
Grigg. -
• Honor l
Ro 1, 011ie Cole, George
Green, Charlie Cooper, John' Ostrom,
Emma Connell,. Ila Grigg.
Edythe Peddles, Teacher
Don't forget the Box Social at St S.
No. 0 Goderich Township, on the
evening of December 13, A good pro-
gram is being prepared,
Miss E. Stewart of VVingbaw was
the guest of Miss E. • Peddles on Sun-
London roach
1 Mr, ,hoe Oriel) has bought 50 acres
from his brother, Mr Herbert Crich
across the road from his home and
he now is the possessor ut 200 acmes of
Hret class tai m laird,
i The chicken thieves ate still busy,
lest week Mrs, Joe Crich and Miss
1 Maggie Holmes lost some of their fine
turkeys It's a pity that the thievrs
3° •onld not he caught and sent up to
n to Goderieh ;hail for the winter.
2 Many farmers were unfortunate in
r not having Mauch of their fall plowit g
done on account of the bad weather,
but the past two weeks theybave been
making up for lost time. There will be
e more fall plowing done this year in
this section than has been done for a
• Nex Tuesday evening the League
will hold its annual election of officers
at thehome of Mr. Henry. Peacock. A
god attendance is requested.
iThe Beef Ring will bold its business
meeting -at the home of Mr. Geo. Tur-
ner on Friday night, After the busi
i nese s over theannual oyster supper
will be held ifollowed by a program
given by the members of the Ring.
Mrs. Samuel Cox, who has been in
St, Paul's ul s Barin>; the past, months
waiting upon her son Ralph returned
on Monday night with him, his many
friends will be glad to know that he
is recovering from his serious illness.
Miss MclBrien of Clinton is the guest
of her cousin Mies Annie Sturdy,
Mr. Oliver Lnwsorr has bought the
house -and lot.of Mr. Wm, Mutch,
The Comedian Company who have
been, giving entertainments in the.
Foresternight,'s hall closed on Monday
Phe friends of Miss Bertha Manning
met at•her home on Monday nigbt and
presented her with a china shower,
Mr. S. Mitchell has moved into the
Neagle house,n"
The Baptist Church .anniversary
services will he held on Sunday first in
this church, Rev, W. D, Magee Bap-
tist Pastor, Springfield • will be the
preacher. Mr. Magee was pastor of
Clinton and Auburn churches for
some years, and le held in high esteem
and respected hy "•tbe members and
friends of these churcheg,- The'Ldbb
uarte to rt • front Q t Party nm Clin:toii will
snstainr he•masi:al•partofthe services
and render several 'of their highly
appreciated numbers, s The hours of
services are 2 and 7 p.m.
A pretty wedding took place Wed
nesder afternoon at the residence of
Mrs, Modridge when her. sister, Mles'
BWertmha MManninarshga„ was mprosperous yarried toou119r.ng.
farmer. The .'oereminywas performed
hy Rev. W. w. • Wylie, of Clinton
Baptist Church, The bridal par;y
entered amici ' -the strains of a -wedding
marc'h•played by Miss Dora Modridr,e
The best man was Mr, MOS. Manning,
of London, brother of the bride, and
the bridesmaid was Mise Eva Marsh of
Detroitof sister thegroom. , g After the
ceremony the guests went to the draw
ing loom and later • partook of a wed
mg dinner. The tables were prettily
deeorated with white roses and;cerna'
Hons. ' Me. and Mrs Marsh left for
easternoints and on their return
sill reside in Aub0trn.
Huron Cu. Business Men's-Asse.
Articles on Prohibition _— Paper
No, 6,
People may wonder why we are
taking such pains to place our
views before the public on this
question of Prohibition. Our reas-
on is two -fold -one :selfish, if you
will ; the other un'selfis�h. The self -
ish reason is, that we have a deep
rooted averison to 'being treated
Iilce children by a lot of old wom-
•nen-•we believe in personal liberty
as regards eating and drinking, we
do not ever seek in any degree to
interfere with others, and we de-
sire in commonest justice that they
mind their- own business, and leave
us alone, Therefore, 'we fight and
ever will fight prohibition for our -
'selves. The second reason, the un -
'selfish one, is, pity for othersU who
generally are in ignorance as to
what prohibition rs, what it pro-
duces, or the ,superiority of well -
regulated license ]laws. And hence
our unselfish desire to teach them
the truth.
With regard ta• our first reason :
the ,personal liberty idea. Is' it
not about line that men tools a de-
cided stand upon this 'quesition?
Where are we drifting? Where
will we 'end? Up to. now, the maj-
ority have been inclined to let
things go along. Temperancd did
not seem to 'hurt anybody serious-
ly. It did not appeal' to please a
certain faction in our mast. It
looked to some,aI though to this
certain faction, temperance legis-
lation was their religion, 'their idol,
their. everything. And no, as we
isaid, things drifted along, But
they will drift no reenger. Many
are now beginning to see, that this
certain faction we have referred to
are not going to be :satisfied -with
a few laws restricting the sale of
intoxicants being placed in the 'sta-
tute book. And the time, has come
to put an end to ,the actions of
this' faction, Why? Because these
good people, this' certain faction,
say, that they have set themselves
orf tend. nd, an aim, short of
which they will never stop. Anal
that is, the total ,suppression of
manufact ol•
sale and'P
,rm or `a -
tion of acholic beverages•. Ts iha`_
all? At a comparatively recent
meeting in Toronto, of some of
this faction, one dear, misguided
brother, arose in his place, and
moved a resolution to the effect that
t was wrong, actully wrong, to
grow the pernicious leaf of the
obacco plant ! And if our readers
an credit •suck nonsense; it was
arried! Next thing we will hear
1, Will be legislation islatia
n a]s1ci'
le for.
o ;prohibit the production of to -
acre ! At the same meeting, it
Mr, and Mrs F. Johnston visited
Blyth friends on Tuesday. I
Mrs, T. Roberton ,of Clinton, spent
Sunday at the home of W. W. Riley.
Dr Bell of Montgomery, Mich., was
a visitor in the village for a few days,
Mies Bina Kirk left here Tuesday
to spend the winter with friends in
Mrs. W. ,J.i,Coombes and family
moved to London on Thursday of last
week, and Mr •R Young and family
interim moving,into the house vacated
by Mrs. Coombs
The climax of a few weeks mission-
ary campaign was reached in the
Methodist church. on Sunday last when.
collections and-subesriptions were
taken for the Missionary Society, .This
circuit gave last year for mist -inns, in
eluding the W. M. S. nearly $700, and
as s result of this year's campaign, the
circuit will mete Ise this amount, Mr.
A. T. Cooper, of Clinton gave at very
interesting addaess in the morning and
the pastor, Rev. Osterhoutpreached in
the et ening, i
session se s,
on an
d social
will be held by, the Women's Institute
in the Forester's hail, on Thursday at
ternoon next;' Mrs. De Iisonanti Miss
E Hill will give a report of the recant I
Toronto 'convention.
Not .much stir yet in municipal i
Taxes will soon have to be paid.
Mrs. John Lawson spent Wednesday
and Thursday, of last week with .,,�
Auburn friends,
Mr, and Mrs. John Lawson will o
move from here toh t
Au Auburn n r.
n t
where the
orchis h
Y purchase inch
house used'
by Air. blotch:
d was further 'suggested by a bio
them who po's'sessed reason and lo.g
tc,' if. mot good humor ; that if to-.
baceo be not grown, it was equallr.
desirable to' stop the growth of
rye,•' barley and dorm .This' latter:,
idea however logical, sensible, smell
commendable from their stand -i
' point, was too far advanced ton
the majority, so it didn't pass 1 • I0
all this' were :not too is•erious, as'
indicating the insane lengths to
which mean can carry a fad,
would be exquisitely and delicate-;
1 humorous.
y'It is no straining on
the imagination to say, that we Wilk
shortly hear of legislation toipro-4'
hibit tier use of tea, coffee, snnuff,,
cerdasl, theatres, meat and what
else? Did we .say meat? A very
favorable argument,; if not their•
one great argument from Scripture
is the saying of St. Paul that if
wine made his brother to,effcnd,,
ho would drank ne wine, The same:
Apo'4tle h.o}vel er also° said, that tfl'
made his hr'otlier to offend,:
he -would eat no' meat. And meat,;
undoubtec:ly does' make many •bro-';
there to offend -so why molt' be re-`:
sonable, honest logical, and pro-
nate the iso
of :neat ash well as
drink? V
ag iarz'zns consider the
use of meat most pernicious. Doc-`
tors, will to
11.'ou if•
v the care i
divulge, rafe'sir x O
s ora" e,•
g p 1 experiences
that easily, seventy per cent of
those who come to 'them "feeling
ill," are simply the Victims of over-
eating, injndicicus, eating, or both;
and that the too great fuse of meat
am,oaig us Ca.nadian,s i an evil.'
'Then 'in the Warne of reason, why
rot PROFIJHOT it? I't's' an evil --
that auto �:
I I 1 ould
Ssu be reason
erougii to apply the sevez'ign cure
' We are onel. o a certain
Tit point
witli.�s�o-eall,erl Temperance people,
We agree with them, that t�he'inls-
Mr. George'`Trowhill of Niagara
Falls,' spent Sunday at the home
of his cousin Mr. Henry Adama.
Mi -ss' Maggie Adams spent a few
days of Mast 'week with hell sister
Mrs. Joseph •Voungblut.
Mine Mabel Lee has return ed
home after spending a month with
her brother' Sant of Goderich.
Mr, Frank Tricket left Per London
on Tues'day where he has a posi-
tion in the iron factory there.
Wm, Carter, Mr. Sanderson and
Albert Brigham served the King as
jurymen at ,('xoderich last week.
Wilson> Sundercoek left recently
or the.lnmberwood-e in Muskoka
here he will spend the wintert -
Mias.Floy: Wi1'liarns,off 'Harnock
s spen�di,ng •a few woeki -With;
rnest , Mrs.
Adar%tis' of Constance,' .
",.and Wire,"Jespente
Mr 14I s. s�eplr Carter
e� ,
vda s ,.
hint week t
S ti ek lY„h thela{i-
etsfriend Ars,: Ferguson of Wal: --
Wm. Vodden and Frank Long-
man had phomes'- installed in their
homes, t
� .las week.
Luellti Cil-trrclrill of Clinton
-spent a few -days, lvith her friend
.lea Ma •
Appleby. plb.
5 p y
Mt Frank
Tazubl 'n i '
s s en'di
few, Weelen with Mr. anc0�jl'Ir
Medd .of ' Leamington,
Bierman Sun'dereack has' •engaged
with Wni. Gray for a year.
,On Saturday while Mr. and Mts.
ugust. Saunders and daughter
Maud were driving to• Blyth they
et a •aarto on anarrow piece of
road and the, horst took fright at
a ,paper .just after the auto had pas
sed and upset the occupants out
the buggy. Miss Saunders is;
l d up with injuries On her spine,
ba •her parents escaped injury.-
,� q iters
.4�Ip-7 dirt
lll, ter
-�,,y Illtlld
Come e and'
See the Latest
It is'
a " r'v' I
1 1 ed a to' show out �3eau '
P g ttlu
Holiday Goods and y,ou'w.ill,• obli e,us b
considering this a..personal invitation -to
-call and inspect our,, new extensive 1 ne, of
Christmas Novelties: '
Why' not Chinaware
for Christmas ?
You will find when you look over our
stock of
Cut Glass and
Brass Goods
there will be no difficulty in getting some-
thing suitable for your Christmas Gifts.
Your Private Greeting Cards.
Prices from $1.00 per dozen up.
eeepER & •
use of alcoholic beverages' 18
horrible thing. They cannot tell u
anything ,about the horror of it
We all know it. We do not neea
to be told. Brit there, at tba
point is where we part company.
for 'we both earnestly desire to do
what can be done to remedyithis
horrible (evil'. And, 'we "istbutly
maintain that prohibbltion isasur•
s'ed- fallacy; a weapon of the Devil,
whereby he blinds' ma'n's' eyes, de-
ceiving them into the belief tilat
in legislating Prohibition they are
promoting, (what he hates') temp-
Next week we hope to have some
thing to say about the 1secondrea-
son m;esntionte.d at'the commence-
ment, and state some of the erects
of , Prohibition.
Before closing, may we express
the hope that our brothel -to of the
Prohibition Party will take up our
challenge issued in ovr' second ra-
per.. Surely'it cannot be that
do not wish their disciples to hear
both' si'du.!
Res' ectful
Huron County Business Men's Assn
JOHN `R.A,.NSPORD, President:
WM, JACKSON, Secretary,
Belleviety Dairy Farm
Teacher Wanted
An experienced teacher wanted for
S,S. ,No. 1,Stanley. y
tail Duties es
to corn
Hen o
c after the Christmas holidays.
Apply to
R. 11. No, 5 Clinton
A Gold Cuff Link between house
and office on Saturday, Initialed J. L,
K. Reward offered.
J. L. KERR, New Era.
Farm for Sale
Being lot 24 and 25, 4th Con. of
Stanley, 70 acres all cleared, having.
(sever failing spring creek. well tented,
frame house, and barn, 80X56 lean to
1X30` stable under 'whole : building,
the stables are cement being put in
one year ago. Small orchard:' Tele-
phone and rural marl 7, acres: of,
alpalftt good catch. " ?ossessinn and*
term t
e n suit
pYl'e , tt•
RR, No. 5, Clinton
Teacher i'Vslinted
For U 12,3 5, No. Hallett and Godes'
rich- townships, (Summerhill school)
applications will he received up till
noon Wednesday Dec. 3rd. Duties to
commenceian 5th, 1014. State salary
and experience.
Secretary of Board
R R No.(
, 1. �hnton
Heater for Sale
From our stock of first-class
cows we are prepared ' to supply
you twice. daily 'with best of milk
and cream, and solicit a share of
your patronage,
Drs. Geo. Et 111. Whitley
"' 1eileman •
osteopathic Pity.
Specialists In Women's and
1 l DisChildreln's Diseases
Acute, Chronoricders, rand Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbury Hotel Friday,
from 1 to 6
Farm, for Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale
improved farm of 160 acres, Lots
13 'and 14, C'on. 17, Township of
Goderich, situated on the Base Line
four ni'Izs north of Clinton,
diol tga;e for Sale
$3,500.00 first mortgage on 100
acres for sale.
For. Sale
Driving mare for sale. Will be
sold cheap for cash or part cash
clad part feed. Apply to
Live Pollitt ;
9 Wonted
2500 Chickens, 1000 Bens. 1000
-- Duclts Ba' ik Week'irbin eilb�v
until J:anuar3'
tileish your'ov
olat} ,have,Wleat, ;Oats.a'But1«,-h
ground for 'fattening pur-
poses, as very reasonable prices.
Strictly 000 dor -
el S icily NewLaid
Eggs wanted each weekdurin
the winter months.' : To- produce
these , eggs we have a full litre 'of
Poultry Foods to keep your layers
in the pink of condition„,
A full stock of Blatin Shorts', 'Feed
Flour, Oat Chop; Barley Chop,
Etc., Etc, 'always an barye;
Tho G � an ls' T
1S CO. ltl 1fe
Art Souvenir Coal : Heater, in fir: t
class condition, $20. Anp''v to The up-to-date Firm= Clinton
W.13,, WHITLEY, 1
Oataria Street N. W. TREWA.RTFIA, W, JENKINS
Phone 64.