HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-12-04, Page 1l _
Established 1565, Vol. 48, No. 2; CLINTON ONTARIO T HURSDAY DECEMBER 4 1913
To Satisfy the Self -Interest of Mali is the End of Successful Advertising. Use The New Era; to be Successful
W. H. Kerr &' Son, Editors and Plablishcrs"
Royal Bark
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Authorized......,.. $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up -... 11,500,000
Reserve and undivided
profits 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS _ •.....175,000,000
With world wide connection\
Interest allowed an Deposits
General (Banking-.busisiess 'ttianI•
CIH' slmas Gills
Larger and better selections
than ever
Ebony and Indian Ivory both in
cases and separate pieces
Perfumes and Colognes
Kodak and Boo pie Cameras
.Gillette and Auto Strop Safety
Pipes and Cigars
Nyle Chocolates
Dispensing Chemist.
Gilbert McIntyre ex-M.P.
St. Marys,
Dec. 1. -Gilbert Mcln-
tyre, ex-11LP. for Perth, and for-
mer Deputy Speaker in the House
of Commons, died at his home here
this morning shortly after 5 o'clock.
Death was direotly due to uremic
111r. McInt'$'re lapsed into uneon-
seioun•sesis on Friday, and remain-
ed in that, ,condition until his
He. was 62 years •old and a life
long resident of the town.
He is survived by his wife.
His only son, George, died three
years • ago while attending college
at Montreal, ince'
The funeral was held on We
day at St. Marys.
Plank on Rails Might
Have Caused Accident
Londesboro, Nov, 26. -Some evilly
dispesled 'person or persons placed
a plank onithe rails of the Grand
Trunk tike other evening, which
luckily :was Ishav!ed off by the en-
gine without damage. A serious
accident might have been the re-
sult. A report) ofithe affair was
sent to' head -quarters by 'Road-
maSter Sampson.
Winer Terni Opens Jan 5th
Gives its students the best business
education and assists then to secure
positions when competent. Write to
day for our large catalogue.
The MoIsons Bank
Incorporated IF55
Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C F. DOWDING, Manager Clinton Branch,
Morpeth Shooter Now Would You dike ' This
Captures Ontario Cup
Council for 1914.
Two -Day 7'.he New Era wishes to make 'it.
Otin•Cluk� has Successful Tw y
easy foto the electors on Nomilua-
Shootwith many Expert Shots tion night to place alive up -to -
dale Council on the slate for 1914.
Here. body
Wye believe that"an excellent
can be picked among the rate -pay
era of the town and with a hearty
oo-operation on . all ; sides 1914
could bel made one. of the best
y ears in the ' town history. , To this
end we have secured various slates
as other trete-payers 51.: It- tar
1914. One Council selected Is com-
posed of the ex -Mayors. in 'town
and gone ex-peevewhich is No. 7.
How -do they ,suit you ;--
No. 1 -Mayor, H. Wiltse.
Reeve, Jab. Ford,
The 23rd annual tournamentof
the Clinton Gun Club opened 'last
Thursday with a good attendance
of ,shooters'. The trade being well
represented, the weather was rath-
er windy for live -bird shooting but
added girelatly to.Ithe .short by
helping sone of the bird's in their
speed, many brilliant kilts being'
njt4ei Thel Doniinipn . Cartridg'e
Company was repro:(ented by J.S.
Boa and G.M,Dunk, Nobles Ballis-
titc, Empire Powder Company by Council, Dr, Thompson,�� Wm.
W.S,Hare, Hercules Powder Coin- Paisley, A'.T:,C,00pp;er, F. Jackr,Fn,
ennan, w, Smyth.
PanY Y
P Moore. PGeo. McL
he champ-
b C'
ionship of Ontario was gine byA.E. No. 2-1Vlayor,: Dr. Shaw.
Reeve, D. Cantelan.
McRitchie, of Morpeth, J.E. Canto- Council-W.S.R.lIoimes, J, Tay
lon of Clinton, and J,Huntley, of lor, H. Wiltse,. J. Ford, Dr. Thomy-
Kansas City, Mo., tied for second son, W. Paisley.
place. "- No. 3 -Mayor, Thos. Jackson, if.
High average was worn by IL D. Reeve, Jas. Ford.
' "
The Miss -and -out event was shot Rance.
as the last event .of the day and No. 4-Mayor,A.T.Cooper•.
was won by Huntley, of Kansas Reeve, W.G.Smyth. .
Council-J.Ford, Dr. Thompson,City, on the fourteenth bird. The W.Paisley, F. Jackson D. Cantelon,
scores 'wore; Jos, Copp
Bates', sof Ridgetown, and J Coffey Council W, Paisley, Dr Thomp
son R J Chuff A J Grigg, H. T.
of Port Stanley.
Shot at 10 1c" 10 Til
R. 1st. Diink, Toronto.... 7 11 6-21 N 5 Mayror A T Cooper`
F. Derr Orediton........ S) 18. 0 23 Dr. Thompson
H. L. Taylor, Ridgetown (1, 8 x-14
W. hart, Dresden 3 -11 x-10
J. Huntley, Kansas City 7 14 9 30
13. W. Glover, London0 13 8-27
J.E. Ou.ntelou, Clinton 3
Roland Day, London5 12 7-54
H. Coleman, London, .•• 7 x x-'7
A.E. McRitchie,Morpeth 7 15 8-30
R, D. Emslie, St. Thomas 8 11 0-25
K. Naftel, Goderieh...,.. 5 x x 5
H. D, Bates, ltidgetotvn 9 13
J. Coffey. Port Stanley,. 10 12 9.-31
D, W. Scott, Brussels.....7 12 x-10
Crawford x 7I '7-18
' A remarkably close call from a
double shooting occurred at the
grounds when B. Copp, aged 10,
fired at one of. the, birds. Insome
wide,' n
' d
wayecharge went,
the g .
part .of it penetrated the arm' of
Percy Fleming, aged 10, who w'es
standing in the crowd, and an-
other portion passed through the
hat -of James Carter, just above
his right ear. Young Fleming was
quickly attended by a doctor,but
injuries are not ,serious.
The tournament closed on Friday
afternoons The shooting was at
creases and the coital list ters in- ! Sudden Death ' 'Rimiest
creased byadditional 'shooters find u
the principal event was the long • 9
The December session of Council
was held on Monday night with
Reeve Cantelon in the chair and
Councillors Mason, Ford, 1Vlorrish
Paisley and Thompson present.
. Minutes of the last meeting were
res and d f' d
Dedication Service.
.Bishop Williams Holds Service on
Wednesday Evening.
A :short 'dedication [service in
tivhich the new Owens Memorial
Hall and extension to the Sunday
School building • was 'dedicated to
their manifestedmanifesteduses Was held on
Wednesday evening of this week
in the rcihool `houslet The Lord
iof the Diocese conducted
The Centre Buren License Board the [seBishop rvice, afterwhieh the Rector,
handed: over the fine which ryas Rev, C.E. Jeakins made a few re -
aid ,sloime ,months ago to the marks expressing his gratification
Board instead of to the town ureas at' the completion of the work and
user. his very 'd'eep regte,1t fat heaving
consistin of H.E. the parish. The next 'speaker cal -
Rorke, deputationHenryand , o was Rev. D. W. Collins,
Hy Gould Charles led union
Witts from the Doherty Piano Fact of Exeter, who gave an Interesting'
ory with Mr, Rorke as spokesman, address replete with sound advice,
`asked that the .street( lights, be The next person called upon was
turned on from'6 to 7 in 'the morn- . Mr. John Ransford, who at the re-
ing during the' winter months:'that quest of the Rector • gave a ,short
two lights be placed within a block sketch' of the Anglican Church in
of the factory if possible and that Clinton'. Following are the inter -
the ,sidewalk be fixed. eating items+-
• The Council decided that the First frame' Church was built on
lights be turned on at 6.30 a. m. the site of the Rectory in 1854.
and the Superintendent would 'use First Brick Chuilch on present
his own judgement at what time Church site 'in 1863.
to turn them off after 7 o'clock, Burnt down unday morning,
also that the lights be kept going January 5th 1865.,
till 1 a. m, as often the late train Rebuilt at ones and opened Sun
was not on time and the streets day Nov. 9th 1865.
were in darkness after midnight. Rectory was built in 1873.
In regards to the extra lights noth Present Sunday School building
ing would be done until Hydro was was built in 1887.
in use as some other changes were Chancel pulled: down and exten-
needed around the town. ded pipe organ erected in 1887 in
The Knitting Company aro con- Church.
templating Latin makinga change In Sunday i-chool' extended and
their hours during' winter from connected wth enlarged vestry lin
7.30 'to 5.30 and asked for a change 1013.
in rate Of electric xowen. Tlie The various ministers were, -II.
manager, Mr. Libby addressed the C. Cooper who took services at the
Council on the (natter. On mo various homes prior to 1854..
ey and
J. Wilton Kerr,. a lay preacher,
who. conducted services' in . the
first Church from 1854 to 1859,
Rev, Jas. Carmichael, first incum
bent 1868.
Rev. Shem. Du Bourdieu, 1868-
Rev. H. Cantifield, 1870-1871.
Rev. S. B. Kellogg, 1871-1874.
Rev. T. C. Des' Barress, 1874-1875.
Rev. Dr. Henry Wall, 1875-1877,
Rev. C. R, Matthews, 1877-1881.
Rev. W. Craig, 1881-1892.
Rev.J. H..Fainl ey, 1892-1895.
Rev. J.F. Parke, 1895-1900.
Rev. C.12. Gunne, ,1900-1910.
Rev. C. E. Jeakins, 1910-1913.
Reeve,- tion of houncillors , Paisl
Council-J.She nherd, 0.Wailis. Ford the Electric Light Committee
P _
will report on the matter on tlhe
16th. -
The street committee reported
that the work that they had to do
was finished and that the crossings
would be attended to at once.
Tho cemetery committee report-
ed that one line of trees should be
cut down to make room for a road
way and that possibly during the
next few months' men• would be
glad, to get the job '09 cutting
down the trees.
The finance report was read and
adopted and the $100 out of the
celebration .fund was turned over
� wass licit
" ittee who o
to the, comm
far the rink fund.
A letter was received from the
Chief Engineer of the Hydro' Staff
which was accompained by the or-
iginal and duplicate copies of con-
tract with Canadian General Elec-
trical Co. for equipment of -sub-
station at - a cost of ,'$5,260. The
Mayor and Clerk signed the con
Another letter was received from
3. H, Caster advising that theCoun
ell accept the Hydro contract of
the equipment and to hurry the
business' along.
:Bylaw No. 10 was read the first
and second time'. and will receive
its .'third reading after :voting day
if successful. It. is a bylaw for en-
trusting to one poi -omission the
control of all public utility works
owned by the corporation of: the
, .
(� will
town of (Milton. This hylar
have the waterworks and electrics
combined under on a commission,.
The voting takes place on Election
day, Monday, Jan. 5th.
Bylaw No. 11 for the fixing time
of' Bolding nominations and elec-
tion of Mayor, Reeve, Councillors,
Waterworks commission and Trus-
tees and to appoint Deputy re-
turning officers and poll clerks was
read' three times and passed..
Council then adjourned.
J:C.McMath, W.Paislcy, J.D.Atkin
son, Geo. McLennan.
No. 6 -Mayor, W.J.Paisley.
Reeve, D.Cantelon.
Council-J.Ford, Dr. Thompson,
T,Mason, A:J.Morrish, A.T.Cooper.
An ex -Mayor Council.
No 7 -Mayor, G.D.14IcTaggart.
Reeve, Dr. Shaw.
Council -13 Wiltse, J.Taylor, D.
A.Forrester, :T.Jackslon, W.G.
No. 8 -Mayor, Dr, Thompson.
Reeve, Jas.,
a ley,
: Coo cr, W,P is
Cornell -A T, p
T.Jacksion, T.Mason, W.T. _SO'Neii
No. 0 -Mayor, Thos. Jackson, jr.
Reeve, D.A.Cantelan.
Council, F.Jackson, J.Ford, Dr.
Thompson, W.Paisley, A.T.Cooper,
Will you let us have your, slate?
distance championship of Western
�, Ontario, which was captured by
y�••••••••••••••••••••••• •••O0•••••••0••••••44•••••
• Ordered
s • yifts
Practical •
Should Reach Your
Christmas Lists
Men are practical, and they like to receive prac-
tical gifts. ,A gift • of something to wear will be sure
• to please him. .'' -
• s hurrie.l and
--late selections are always
e are never as good.
time-tomake encSelection
NOW is the best3'
even you are not ready to buy just yet
make Choosing' easyand you can
This List will r
be sure your gift will be especially acceptable
•• Suits $ao to 25.00
• Hats 1.00 to 4.00
Shirts .50 to 2.50
Suspenders .25 to ' .75
t0 5
Hose .25 7
4 Mufflers .25 to 2,50
!I.:010 o
Pyjamas 5 3 5
Overcoats 8.00 -to 24.00
Caps ;a5 to i 5o
Tics .25 to 1.25
4. Sweater Coats .75 to, 5.00
• House' Coats 3.5o to Io,00
Rain Coats... ; 7.5o to 10.00
Cmbrellas .75 to 5.00 `
Just a few weeks to do your Christmaspp g
the stocks
Roland Day l of London with the Coroner's Jury Returns Verdiot of
excellent ,score of 44 out of a pos-
. side 50 at 22 yards. Death Due to Natural Causes
. 6 Airs. J S. Boa shot the entire pro-
weie 'surrounded Hied
the de
tie bei .. ,n Mystery s
erage arl`mlteid in ;at Y Y
• y Bates and Taylor, of Ridgetown; last Thursday -afternoon of id. F
• Kerr .of Crediton and Galbraith. O'Neil, of Milwaukee, aged 50, who
• The:scores were 'as follows in the came to Clinton last S'eptemberand
• long distance championship, took up his residence in-'thehon'ie
• ri street,
4 0 ' Ontario 0
♦ 4 Eam s
Mr. R.B.
B. Day
of 1VI . ,
Bates 37 O'Neil was apparently in:spten-
♦ did` health until a -short time be -
r Halt 41 fore his death. •He was seized sud-
of A, F. O'Neil,
X gram throw h and, considering the
high av-
g' well. The
did ]
Huntley 41
Taylor 43
Kean'; 32
Scott -.... ...C..
Galbraith , i
denly 'with violent; pains in'the.ab
domen, :and although Dr. Thomp-
son was called' and did everything
38 possible, ,O'Neil died soon after-
t•aham ...-.-
possible after
BLl Ch
ill ...... P
' and Coroner
Shaw y
• 36
Naftel ... 36
- The professional average was
won by C. F. Moore of Wilmington,
Del., and was constituted by 120
birds. The scores are as follows;
death the authorities were notified
r Dr. taw anda j
under Foreman Major Rance view-
ed the body and then adjourned
until Saturday afternoon. There
H. Bates107 ,'were no marks of violence to be
• 99 found upon the body.
Day 1.
R. D Ythe inquest
_ nd sittingof q
The [sero
j i Huntley 107 was held on' Saturday after(noon.
• Taylor Dr,J.W.Shaw, 'coroners ,conducted
• J. S. Boa ...... ...... ...... 102 a inquest, and was' assisted by
• th. i ,
• Mer: J. S. Boa lee
Kerr ..107, Crown Attorney Stager, . of G1ode-
Bti. M. Dunk --- 98 ' rich. 'The jury brought• in a v er-
Galbraith - ....-.
_.... 94
Burchill .. 98
eie diet of death due to natural causes
Moore 101 A post-mortem was conducted by
• Seats 107 Doctors Gandier and Thom.psun•,
•• it was found there was a grna`_
Graham hue deal of 'fluid on the brain., The
• stomach had be -en .sent to Toronto
• for examination, but' the jury did
• .ducted'that any foul play had]
• en place, and did not wait fon a
• report
We su est an earlyselection. You may leave
. � �g•
- your purchase here and it wilix,be delivered when you •
want it.
sides from the evidence ad=
• not icon to c-
District News.
•O'Nleilis two Ions' an d sisters
• _ from Milwaukee were at the in-
• quest, and in giving evidencestat-
• eel that the deceased was' addicted
• to the dtinit habit, but since com-
•ing to Clinton,in September had
sMiss Till Haze .y o got along very well, with one ex-
• Y -ception,wh•nhewenti'toaneigh-
• boring town and indulgied too free
a ly. His housekeeper gave clear ev-
• and Mrs', T J
Mr. n -
4�d[ence, and no foul play, was 'hint-
• DS ed at, The body was taken for bur
• ial to IVlihvaulrkee, on Monday
Stanley,; and family reside
• Mr. Geo. Baird was in Listowel on
2 Wednesday of last week attending theoCLINTON MARKETS.
funeral of the late Robert Fergus
• Mr. Ferguson taught in No. 10 Stanley Hogs .$8,15
• Brucefield and various other places. Eggs 42-43
• He Haas also for some time Editor of Butter 23-24
• the Listowel Banner: R?Beat 80-83
a. Miss Clara McGregor returned home Oats 30-33
• last week after an extended visit to Barley 50-55
Detroit and Essex County. Peas 80-85
• Messrsedlugh McGregor and Hugh Bnan,-$ 23-$24..
• Gilmour leave this' tceek for Toronto Shod ,�='1$2o.
• with their fae cattle for the show.•
Hazelwood od and bro-
ther Mathew spent .Sunday With
friend's' on the eth con,
',spent Sundaywith the latt'er's
Mr. Albertrewin.
• morning, where 'Mr. O'Neil s wife
This interesting fact connected
with the ministers' from its' incep-
tion to date 54 'years
the average for the stay of a Ree
is "4.2 or about five years.. The
Clinton church has shown
marked progress here and the
Nesv Era . hopes it may.continues in
its good work.
Bigger Stock and
Better Assortment
Than Ever 'Before
Ebony & India Ivory Good;
Eland Brushes, Efair Brushes,_.
Military Brushes, flat Brushes,
Cloth Brushes, Nail Buffers,
Cuticle Knives and Files, and
Toilet Cases, Manicure Cases,
Military Cases, Hat and Cloth
Brush Oases. etc..
Gillette, Auto Strop and Gem
Safety Razors
A brand new assortment of.
the most fashionable Hand Bags
$1 to $5. '
A fine assortment of'Seeley's
Christmas Perfumes 2:ac. up
Our Goods make easy choosing
Our Prices make easy buying
W.c.R. Holmes
Huron Old[ Boys
Hold Annual Meeting
hClothing oi'l'IS
R Square Deal for Every Man 2
•.!S••N►••o•go. ••s••Ire••• 4•ea•eq45••••••••••••••••••••
Baird's Cemetery -A meeting of
the. Trustees of Baird'ss eemc+tery -
was held at the Noire of Mr, Thos. Top quotatiOns this week.
Baird ,on the evening of Nov. 25th.Cattle . .. - --- , .•.: 58.25
Mr.'Wm. Mal ins was re-engaged Lamle3, 51;75
as care -tatter for the year. 1914. Shoop $5.75
The following resolutions was also Hogs 1$8.75
Toronto Markets
Mr. Robert Holmes Elected Presi-
dent at Toronto. -
Over The Teacups
Mrs. M. Macpherson. of Godericn,
was renewing o d friendships in town
this week,
Mrs Thos. Judd and Mrs. T. Trick
are spending
afew clays with
in Seaforth.
Mr. 3. K. Macpherson, of Windsor.
spent a few days in town this week.
Mrs. Arthur Lawson and babe, of
Windsor, are spending a few days in
Mrs. A D. Macpherson, of London,
was a
visitor to
town this week.
Miss Verna. McNally of (,lodertch,
annual meetingof the'Huron.
Old Boys' Association drew a fair and
ienee • to St. George's Hail on Elm'
Street. Anelection of officers took
plice, Sir„Tohn Willison being elected
honorary president. The new acting
president is Mr. Robert Holmes,, vice
president Dr. Struthers. The secre
tary elected again was Mr. E. Noddy,
aufl the financial secretary Me. M
G'- ,6ker. Auditors were J. D. Martin,
F W. MacLean and F. W. McTaggart
The following were elected to the gen
eral committee: -Major Beck, Dr,
Stanhury K McLeod, S. J. Poole: R
S. Shepphard, L. L Scott, W. E.
Floody, W. N. Sloan, .F. T. Hodgson,
A. F Johns, W, F. Oastlelou, 'L+'. S.
Hicks, • W. 0. Budham, C. 0. Rance,
L. M. Johnson, R. Q. Rastell, W. Tam
bion, and A. Canstone. `
In regard to the early history of the
county it was settled +hat Messrs.
Johns, Grieves
W. •E.
Rowels end D,r.
Seamy should see
to the matter. -
he four ationh of Butter 25 1028c
monuments that,'
be f built by the care-,
... ..
taker oil, un flex his ,sluppilvis�cfn, Ceese
and that the foundation alter be- , u s •
ing built remain 'for at least two Wlieat
tveelts before placing . the monu-
trent on it.
Thos. Baird Secretary.
Potatoes per bag 1,00
Beans, $1.65 to 1,75
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Our many customers are
always looking for "Some-
thing New." We are ready
for them now with a full
supply of fresh new Fruit fon
Christmas -
New select Valencia Raisins
'3 lbs for 25e
New cleaned Currants
3 lbs, for 25c
Fresh new Figs 8c per lb.
Fresh new Dates 10e per lb.
Fresh new "Dromedary"
Dates, 10c per package
Lenton, ,Orange, Citron
New Shelled Walnuts.
Nene Shelled Almonds.
We have also a quantity of
1912 Raisins, 'while they last
at four lbs.' for 25c.
W. T. 'NIL
Phone 4S
attended the Modelites' At home last.
Wednesday night.
Mr. H. Morris, of Go'erieh was in
town on Tuesday of this week.
Miss Jean Macpherson. of Boston.
was a' visitor with relatives and
friedds for a few days during the past
week. -
Rev. 3. H. Osterhout, of Londesboro
was in town on Wednesday.
Miss Hattie Sutherland of Hensall,
and her friend Mrs. Pierce, of Forest
spent a few days this week with Mrs.
J. McGarva,
Mayor B. J. Gibbings who has been
in the West for the past 5 months with
the 0 N. R. company arrived home
Tuesday night, looking hale and
bsarty, His old friends are glad to see
him in town.once more and: hope he
remains here.
Mr. George Sutherland, 'Postmaster
of Mensal' was a visitor in town on
Sunday. ,
The old friends of Thos. Jackson jr.
are glad to see him down street once
Mrs. Saunders (nee Miss Abbie Glen)
while on her honeymoon trip in Galt
sang in Knowles on Sunday. She is a
beautiful singer. She sang the "Nine
ty and Nine."
Me. Geor Trowhill, of Nia g
ora Falls
is ler ewing old friendships iu and
a'ound Clinton,
Harr Fitzimmons is attending
Show at Toronto this
the Fat St
Listowel Banner -Mr. Wm. Morris
of Clinton was a visitor in- town fora
few days last week.
The engsgentent is announced of
Jean Ferguson, daughter of the late
Duncan Ferguson_ Macpherson and
Mrs Macpherson of Clinton, to Geo.
14. Monte, M, D., Boston, Mass,, the
marriage to take place in December.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. McLean of Lon
don were guests of dlr. and Mrs W,
R. Counter and other friends in town
over Sunday. They are welcome•visi
BIr. Adam McKenzie, who has
in the West, has returned and taken
up his residence with his family on,
Orange Street, who recently moved
from Blyth.
FORBES-In Clinton on Nov. 28t1i
to Mr. and Mrs, J.R. Fo19besta
• daughter.'
SNIDER -In Brucefield on Nov, 27.
to Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, a
And Return
(Minimum. Rate 25e.)
From stations Kingston, • Renfro w
and west in Ontario
Good Going P.51. trains Dec. 515,
M1 trains December 6th, '715 and SUS
Accoitnt SecondAnnual
Fat Stock Show
All ticketsvalid to return up to and
including December 0th, 1013.
Full particulars and tickets at Grand.
Trunk Ticket Offices.
'C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,.
Union Station, Toronto, Amt.
John Ransford 8a Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 5'>
A. 0. Pattison, station agent
ROSE -In : Chesley on Nov` 30th,
John Rose, formerly of Brucefield
aged 35 years.
McDONALD-in Bowmanville 00
Nov. 30t11, 51155, Helen McDonald
second slaughter of the late Dun-
can McDonald of Brucefield.
MARSH -MANNING -At the home
of the brides sister Mr. Herbert
Mogdrige, on Dec. ,3rd by Rev.
Mr. Wylie, of Clinton, William
Marsh to Miss Bertha.. Manning,
daughter: of Mr, and Mils. John
Manning of Auburn.
Mr, Josh Cook, the well known and
obliging bus man, has been confined
to thehouee for the past week through
illness: His old friends in town and
the travelling public are glad to see
him out again, has been ser
Mr. Thomas Murphy
iously ill at his home on William St.,
from appendicitis. but at prestnt Is
considerably better we are pleased to
Reeve Cantelon is attending County,
Council in Gloderich this`weelt,
Mr. A: J. McMurray is taking in
the Fast Stock Show 'at Toronto
Stock 'Yards this week.
Inspector. Field . of the Public
Schools was in town this, week.
Mr. Jas. Reynolds of Goderich,
0 as in tear✓ on Tuesiday,
Messrs Norman and Wyn She
m ..o -
pard spent; Sunday at the he
their uncle, Mr, John Coleough at
Who will constitute Clinton town'
council- for 1914?
"Canada first and all the time"
is a . motto worth' while living up'.
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Missionary services Mere .held on
Sunday last, The pastor for the oe-
casiou was the Rev. 3. P. Ford, of
Goderich.'who gave excellent cliscour-
es. -
Rev. O. E. Deakins, of St. Pauls
Church addressed the meeting of the
Epworth League on Monday evening.
Next Sunday the pastor will preach
at both services.
The usual monthly' fellowship meet,
ing will be held at 10 a.m.
The Junior League is practising to•
give "The Junior Garden early in the
New Year,
The Church' mixed quartette will
sing at Brucefield next Tuesday night. '
at the Presbyterian Church.
Pastor's subject for last Sunday
morning was, "Need for Constant,
Prayer." Evening, "The Three Be-
e.'-cords. ' Mrs. East sang "Lead Rindly
Light" at the evening ser ice:'
The League was under the. Citizen.
ship dapaitment. The subject was
"The Poets of Methodism," a study in -'
Hymnology, was given by Mr. F. J.
The Ladies Aid are meeting today -
oday-at; the home of Mrs. W. Doherty.
The regular Junior League will
meet eat? o'clock Friday evening, Con
secretion meeting, . The pastor will: