HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-27, Page 7h1•i6d{l�'" �'�o��x1tz''`+t�+t�tll'f��.,
Mr$ DoelcetteTells of her .•Dis-
tressing ',Symptoms During
Change of Life and How
She Found
Belleville, Nova Scotia,Can. "Three
years ago I was suffering badly with
what the d'oetors
called Change of
Life. I was so bad
that'I had to stay in
bed. Some friends
told me to take Lydia
Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
it helped me from
the first. It is the',
only medicine I
took that did help
me and I recommend
it. ;You don't know how thankful and
grateful I am. I giveyou permission
to publish what your good medicine ne has
for me." -Mrs. S1M°N DOUCETTEI,
Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia,
Such warning symptom as sense of
eufocation,hot flashes,headaches,back-
aches,dread of impending evil, timidity,
sounds in the ears, palpitation of the
heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu-
larities, constipation, variable appetite,
weakness and inquietude, and dizziness,
are promptly heeded by intelligent wo-
men who are approaching the .period in
4 life when woman's great change may
be expected.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound invigorates and strengthens the
female organism and builds up the weak-
ened nervous
eakenednervous system. 'It has carried
_- many women safely through this crisis.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (eolift-
dential),Lynn, Mass. Yourletter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
The Other Woman. -
"1 don't 'see how that woman can
gad abort the way she does and neg-
lect her little children."
"How do you know that she gads
"We get the same girl to take care
of our babies when we're away from
home, and she's kept.busy over there
fully huff of the time. it provokes me.
se to have to be put off so often when
1 want to get away."-Chicngo Record -
era Id.
Children Cry"
Where Ma l:vetse.t.
Little Girl tat n: rte n la -nw tie
strict is yutu:eS 1,ittle Ilo,v-erl'nl.
Little Girl -But she lets you go any-
where you wnut to anti- tittle Boy -
Oh, she ain't strict with me. Little
Girl -Then who is she strict with?
Little Boy -Pa.
. P
Little Liver Pills.
'dust Bear Signature of
See Pee -Simile Wrapper Below.
Tett amen Rad as easy.
to taloa es stigma
ealreun'var IA/STRAW . IATUa
ss�antsIP Joegetable. ee..?{/.ecG
'1I R
131L¢ S,
AWATCH is a delicate piece
of machinery. It calls for
tress attention than most
machinery, but must be 'cleaned
;and oiled occasionally to keep
perfect .t*nie. �>
With proper care a Waltham
Watch will keep perfect time
for a lifetime. It will pay yea
well to let us clean your watdii
every I2 or. LB months.
Jeweler and Optician.
issuer of
t -.L C'1]9S
weraelseaseweeweesewavett ). see.
da rk road, and exhausted bythe
citement 'through which T had passe
•E "en my mind seemed • dulled, and
appeared% useless to thinly or plan.
had riot intended: to sleep, yet drew
gess carie, aud.I lost consciousness.
I know not what aroused me, but
was already daylight, a gleam of su
through,; the windows turning the fe
tooned cobwebs ante golden tapestr
One side of the'' box in which I"In
had been broken, outs and'1I could's
the full.lcngth of the shop, winch •a
peered littered from eud to end wi
all manner of iulplements of hu
bandry, and woodworking and blac
smith's tools. All this T perceive
with my first glance, but it.•vas th
distant sound of a voles which as i
etantiy held mLy attention. At first
could not locate e tit"
es call rnor
p e con
prehend h
the peculiar singsong of tit
utterance. But as I lifted my hea
listening intently, I knew the man t
be beyond the wooden partition at m
right, and that; he was prayjng fe
vently. Somehow heartened by thi
discovery I crept out from the bed of
papers, and stole silently forward t
the narrow door which apparently le
into this second apartment. The vole
never ceased in its monotonous ap
peal, and I yentured to lift the latch
and take cautious glance through th
It was a blacksmith shop of fai
size, fully equipped with all the tool
of the trade. - The roan was' facing Inc
but with eyes closed, and uplifted, a
his lips poured forth the fervent ivord
of prayer. I was not a religious ma
ill those days, yet the faith of m
mother was not forgotten, and their
was something of sincerity about the
solitary kneeling figure.I could not bu
respect. The words uttered, the dee
resonant voice, and above all, the ex
pression of that upturned face, hel
ine silent, motionless. Ile was a ma.
of short, sturdy limb, but great buil
massive chest, and immense shoulder
evidencing remarkable strength. Wh
was this man, this praying black
smith? A patriot surely, from hi
words of petition; one who bad su
fered much, but was willing to sutfe
more. The strength chiselled in the
upturned face, those. deeply marke
features, revealed no common menta
equipment. Here was a real man
with convictions, one who would di
for an ideal; without doubt a radical
ready to go to any extreme where con
'science blazed the •way.
As he finally paused, his head bows
low, I stepped forward into the light
confident of welcome, utterly forgetfu
of the uniform I wore. At the firs
faint sound of my approach on the
floor he was upon his feet fronting
me, the shortness of his limbs yield-
ing him a certain grotesque appear-
ance, his deep-set eyes regarding m
Before I
could .
the man's intent he sprang between
'me and the outer door, his hand grip-
ping an iron bar.
"A son of Beall!" came the roar`fi'pm
his Bps, "How came me you here ee
in that
uniform? Are you alone?
"Alone,"yes," and I hurled the scar-
let jacket into the dirt with a gesture
of disgust. "I'
"Plead even en' Forgotten I
wore it. Wait a moment. I heard
your prayer, and know you:must be
with us. I am Major Lawrence of the
Maryland Line."
He stared at' me motionless.
"Then how come ye here?"
"I was sent into Philadelphia by
n -
° reduced tae dose to one tablet at night.
r. „
Says Mrs, Corbett, Are "Freit-a-tives''
"They Keep Me In Perfect Health"
Avow, Oxen May 14th. 1913
" „ d,
I have used d Fruit=a- '
hues orlu Indi-
ton ando
g Constipation with most
excellent results, and they continue to
be my only medicine. I am highly
pleased with "Fruit -a -lives',' and am
not ashamed to have the facts published
to the world. • When'I first started,
about six years ago, to use them, I took
four for a dose, licit I cured myself of
the above troubles and gradually
d Before taking I -fruit -a -fives I took
e salts and other pills but the treatment
was too harsh. I thought I might as
well suffer from the disease as from
be these treatments,
Finally, I saw "Fruit-a-tives" adver-
tised With a letter in which someone
recommended them very, highly, so I
tried them. m. The results were more than
'' satisfactory and I have no hesitation iu
s recommendingthemtoany other person.
s They have done me a world of good, I
get satisfaction from them, and that is
quite a lot". ANNIE A. CORBETT.
50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c.
At all 'dealers or sent on receipt of price
by rruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
'Washington himself, but my identity
was discovered, and there was no way
to escape except across the Delaware.
I reached here during the night, and
crept into your shop to hide. The
sound of your voice awoke me from
sleep, and I knew from your words
that it was safe for me to come forth."
"You may know it, young man, but
I don't," he replied gruffly. _ "We're a
bit suspicious of strangers here in the
Jerseys these days. The minions of
Satan encompass us about. What
have ye to show to prove your story?",
I shook my head, extending my
"Only my word of honor. I had a
pass from Hamilton, but destroyed
that before entering the British lines.
If I tell the whole story, perhaps you
will understand its truth."'
The expression of his face did not
change, yet I thought the deep-set
eyes were not altogether unkind.
"You are hungry, no doubt?"
"Being'hurean, yes."
"Then we'll eatand talk at the same
time. You're only one man, an' I'm
not afraid of you, an' if ye are a Brit-
isher I wouldn't starve you to death.
There's little enough, the good Lord
knows, but you're ivelcome to the half
of it. Make yourseeee comfortable
there on the bench." '
He threw open a cupboard in one
corner, and brought forth a variety of
food, placing this upon a wide shelf
'near at hand. Occasionally our eyes
met, and I knew he was slowly mak-
ing up his mind regarding me. This
silent scrutiny could not have been al-
together neatisfactory, Lor, when he
finally drew up anempty box and sat
down, he was prepared to talk.
"Help yourself," he began gravely.
"It is rough camp fare, but doubtless
you are used,to that. Do you know
nee ?f
I scanned his face again -intently,.
surprised by the question, yet recog-
nized no familiar features,
"No," I replied, with some hesita-
tion. "have we ever met before?"
"Not to my remembrance," and the
man's language and accent evidenced
education above his apparent station.
"Rut T have won some repute In this
Cook's Cotton Root Compact
.4 safe, reliable regulating
medicine. Sold in three de-
0005 of strength -No. 1,,21;
No. 2,. a1'
$3; No. 3 $6 p hos,
Sold • all dru$gmta, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
eb` d
pamphlet. Address:
TONONTO, wit (Formerly Weider.)
part of the Jerseys; am ulonglit tlY
name might be known to you. You
would recognize the signature of
George Washington?"
"I have seen it often,"
Ile drew a flat leather Case from a
pocket inside his shirt, extracting
therefrom a folded paper, which he
opened, and extended to me across the
table. With a glance I mastered the
few lines written thereon, recognizing
its genuineness.
"Hamilton penned that," •I said in
quick surprise, "and it is signed by
Washington's own hand,"
The deep-set eyes twinkled.
"Right," he said shortly, "that bit
of paper may save me from hangin'
some day. There are those who would
like well to see me swing if they only
Iaid hands on me at the right time
and place. You know what the paper
"A commission as 'Captain," and I
bent over it again, "issued to Daniel
Farrell, giving him independent com-
mand of scouts -by heavens! are you
'Buhl' Farrell ?'
Ile was eating quietly, but found
time to answer,
"There are those who call me by
that nickname; others give me even a
worse handle. e. 'T is my nature to
make enemies faster than friends. You
know me then?"
"I was with 11ZaxweII at German-
town, the remembrance of the scene
coming vividly to mind, "when you
came up with Your ragged fellows. You
have certainly taught them bow to
"There was no teaching iieceasary;
all the trouble I ever have is in hold-
ing .them back," his face darkening
"Every man who rides with me knows'
what war means here in the Jerseys;
they have seen their homes in flames,
their women and children driven out
by Hessian hirelings, We fight for
fife as well as liberty, and when we
strike we strike hard. But enough of
that. We have sufficient confidence in
!each other by now to talk freely. What
did you discover in Philadelphia? No
Store than I could tell you myself, I'll
!warrant "
I'told the story, while he listened
'silently, his eyes alone expressing in -
Merest As I ended, he slowly lit his
Pipe, and sat there smoking, apparent
y thinking over what I had said.
"Have I Iearned anything of Impor-
tance?" I asked finally.
"For Washington, yes; -but very lit-
tle•unknown to. me. So you met Mis
;tress Claire, eh? The little minx( 'T
is a month since I heard of her,"
Tangling Threads.
My 'surprise at this unexpected ref-
erence to the Lady of the Blended
inose, almost prevented utterance.
What could this partisan ranger know
!M' the girl? How could he even have
identified her from my vague: refer-
"Why do you say that?" I, asked
eagerly. "I did not mention the lady's
"There was no cause for you to do
'so," and the grim mouth smiled, "No
one else In Philadelphia would have
turned the trick so neatly; besides the
fact that your opponent was Grant
'would have revealed the identity of
the girl."
"You know` them both then?"
"Fairly well; ho was a boy in these
parts, an' I haveshod his riding horse
many a time. A headstrong,.domineer-
ing, spoiled lad he was, and quarrel-
"But' Mistress Mortimer," I inter-
rupted, "18 her family, oleo from this
"To the northeast of here, near Lo-
cust Grove; the properties of the two
families adjoineach other, an' I have
Continued next` week.
For .Sale Bills,
For Church Reports
1 c o
For Posters of al kinds
For Bill Heads, s, 141}euros'
For Note '
0 Beads Letter
to I•Ie.'tcls'
For Job Work o£ All, kinds.
sed at- the' coming conference
Lesson IX. -Fourth (hurter, For
Nov. 30, 1513.
'text of the Lesson, Josh. iii, 7-17.
Memory Verses, 12, 13 -Golden .Text.
'Isa. xii, 10 -Commentary by 'Rev, D
M, Stearns,
In outs lust lesson we saw Joshnn
specially commissioned and eecourag-
d as
e Isl el's new t uta leader' The. ' ,
iucl I'
l e of the chs � told t Id of his re-
minder to the Reiihenites, the (Indites
lord t he half tribe of elanasseb, who
had received their inheritance under
3foses on: the east of.tordan. that they
should leave their wives, their 1'tiu>b-
lies and their cattle and cross the Jon
clan withtheir brethren until they, too,
should receive their iuberil'tinee.'
The two and a half tribes stood by
their egr(enu'ut a;ltl encouraged Josh
00 with good wools.' It is worth not
lug that the 01'1 quoted text "Ile sura
your sin will find you out'' (Nun)ixxii.
23), is in centre:1i0u with the possible
failure of-fhe two and a half tribes to
help their brethren to find rest. It
may well apply to believers who fall
to carry the Rrcnd of Life to those
who have never heard of 13im, Chap-
ter 11 tells us of Rahn b, her faith in
the God of iSrttet, her kindness to the
tw'o spies, her desire for the safety of
her household aunt her promptness in
lending the scarlet line in her window
11, 11.13, •IS, 21). Tlouorable utentiuu
of bey is found In Ileo_ xi, 31; ,las
23.23. She became the mother of
Boaz, who married Ruth, and therefore
the great-grandmother or David (Matt,
1, 5; Ruth iv, 21, 22).
It is possible that Salmon, her hns-
bieud. luny have leen one of the two
spies whom she hid. She certainly
lied, and her sin is not excused or
overlooked. but` she truly repented, aud
(herr is forgiveness for all such,
Josh, iii tells of the passing through
Jordan, aud elutj>ter iv tells of the
twelve stones set up in the bed or Jor-
dan 01)31 at 111191)11 . We must ever keel)
in mind the reason why of all God's
dealings with Israel, "That all the peo-
pleuf iheeattlt might know the ha.nd of
the Lard, that it Is ulabty. aud that
I hey might rens the Lord Clod of 'sine!"
(lush. iv, 2.1; see also 1 icings, viii, 48,
50; 11 leiugti xis. 10; las. cri, Si.
11' believers were living to Honor the
Lord inure would testify as Rehab slid,
"I know, ` 'p a fur we bave heard,
° 'r ° the Lord your God; no is God in
Mei en shove and in the earth be-
neath" titer IL 2.111, 'The cent rid uU•
Jere of our 1wu Iessou chapters today
is "the erre of the (00000et of the Lord
of all the earth" ILII, 11), nnentiuued
(NItim sinal
t a>Ira'ii '1")) s
( r.teen 11 mos
In c bnplet• 10''Fhe central person is the
living (loci (iii, 10), who is mallett by
that name et hast seven times (Dent,
0, 25; 1 Saul xv ii, 26II Kings 51x, 4;
tlos I, 10; Al lot El' 16; I 'flings 1, 0,
aiid 11) our lesson).
The great event is the crossing
through J 0060 un dry land. The
great human instrument is Joshua,
runeerning whom the I,ord said, "This
day will I begin to magnify thee in the
eight of all Israel, Burt they may know
That Ins 1 was with Moses so 1 will be
with thee" (lib, Tr. Those who honor
The Lord ile will lemur.
• This is :mother third day story
everse 2; see else ii, 10, 22)• it may not
)1)1)001 to some, but to me all safety
mud victory Ore associated with the
greatest third day event in all history,
resurrection of our Lord from the
dead, for if Ile be_not risen ;ill is rain,
Jordan signifies river of .judgment
The twelve stones of GLrgaf suggest
risen with Christ. all reproach rolled
'away (0, 9). The ark of the covenant
Was the most remarkable type of Christ
iu the whole tabernacle, although every
whit of it spoke of Hine What could
be more suggestive of all safety de-
pending upon Christ than the ark upon
the shoulders e1' trbe priests in the
midst ul' Jui'dau utitil everything was
finished end all the people were clean
passed over? (iv, 10, 11.)
The priests who bore the ark bad to
step lute the water before "the writer's
stood up upon a hear) on the one side
nod 1.011 off to the Dead sea' on the oth-;
a0 (verses 1517), This must have'been
0 trial or their faith, unlike the'.aivid-
in;g of the lied sem which seems to
have divided before the people rause
Oct00lly to it.
As 1V0 go1n llfe's.,jou1ney".out• faith
should be ever increasing,. but He'al-
1aeYs deans with •us ' as we are able,
though longing offti ne8 that 0'e might
have greater faith and grieved by our
little Pal thea1' El e, often was win.) 111:
disciples (llntt 01.;30; viii, 2tj'xi1 i!;
3vl, Si,while the only two who plcaced
LLI(n) by greet faith were the Itoua.na
'elution anti the woman or Tyre and
;sl m, both gentiles. It is profitable
to notice (lint they were towatl•h the.
nrl: that they might know the vvey by
0hirh they'shunld;go (iii, 3, 4), and we
:ire` reminded of 0110 instructions 10
tfeb sib, 1 2, to run with pe
looking' unto Jesus nod tocnasi11cr film
who endured, In the slimmer of 127:1
I heard a Sermon 00 the last ehursa el'
verse 4 at St" CttlbariueS Cunad t
re have not passed this vl'f;) hereto,'
fore which hits been n blessing to
ate ever since.
If iS Certainly good for n new year.<
or eny new demi shire, butit is emielly
:;odd for every clay of life. for every
tar is an Uittrucldeu way, and 1)0 nev-
e hlauw' the way n10i deed to ail knuw'i:
edge film hi all ottrways'Chet tie may
'liri 3) mer Defile. )- ' is
I t for it nut lu awn
watt 3)0110')))to direct his steps (1 rue;
i:k U; del• x, 2 ,.,,i.
Can use
The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for
MI Kinds of Cloth.
Clean, Simple, No Chance of Mistakes, TRY
1T1 Send for Free andColor Cord
and Booklet,
n•Itick ,
T eJo
a 6a.o and onCo. LimIt<
in the Old Days When Children Were
Sent to War.
Among other improvements in the
art of tear as attained by the world In
these later days is the abolition of the
practice of sending children to sea, as
was 'the ease when the eildsbipmen of
the old "oats walls' of England often
were boys of less than fourteen years.
The Marquis of DufTerin and Ava in
telling about the siege of B0marsand,
in the Crimean war, which rte witness-
ed from the frigate Penelope, related
this story of one of these little fellows:
"Whet pleased me most during the
whole business," he says, "was the
gallant behavior of a little midship-
man, a mere child, thirteen or fourteen'
years of age. About the time when the
Ore became pretty hot I happened to
come across him, and, as he seemed to
be as much out of a job as myself, L
touched my eap mid took the liberty of
observing that It was a flue day, to
w'hieb he politely replied that it was.
"Encouraged by his urbanity. 1 ven-
tured to ask him bow long be had been
at sea, to which he answered, '1 have
only left 105 mamma six weeks, but L
ain't going to cry on her majesty's
quarterdeck,' n remark which I think
as worth recording 00 many a one made
by more illustrious heroes. Soon after
this, bowerer, a urian was kilted close
to him, and the little fellow fainted
and was taken below."
t6 if Il
t8kll it haF,F3
t i:f
Weak hack is caused by weal: kiclncys,
and it is hard for a emitter) to look after
her household dt iswhenshe is suffer-
from a weak and aching back, for
no woman can Ise strong and well when
the kidneys arc dot of order.
Doan's Kiducy Pills go right to the
scat of the trouble cure the weak, arhbn;
back, and prevent any and all of the
serious kidney troubles which are liable
to become deep rooted into the system
if not attended to at once.
Mrs, Augustus .1inks, Demorestville,
Ont., writes: -"Fur several. years I
had been troubled with weak back
and kidneys. I had terrible dizzy
headaches, and could not sleep at night.
A friend of mine asked me to try Doan's
Kidney Pills, and I did so, and in a short
time was cured:"
Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box,
3 boxes for 31.25, at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, One
If ordering direct specify "Doan's,"
With .Neither Inlet Nor Outlet 11 Has a
Mysterious Tide.
'1'iirre Is a cOriotlis. Nti'iss 1,ticc, Lake
1t,tr.jelnp, whi,•h at regular inn voids
completely dbsalyu'nrs and tunes not he.
on to relit) ;1tttbl Uie I'ullnwlug winner
or spring. flu Lheee ()ten;ions it emp-
ties itm'lf ,e' repiclty that the lahuue
rises several meters init few hours
atm overflow's its banks.
(Tut It is not uets0ar,y to go to
SwIt erlaud lu nide,' to 111111 11 freak•'
fah lac,:. Ther,' l.; 1e teem to the rentor
Use It'for ecr'esna e(icets,
cold soros. - c,h a p p, r.
hands. pc lsoned woundv,.
piles, scalp sores, and all
skin injuries and diseases;
lies! balm for' baby m
Purely herbal. ,A11 drug-
gists and stores:5oc box.
poi Lung island, 51 the present end( -or',
the Motor parkway, ct111041,Lnke Tion-
korLketna. It bps ueitlmei' inlet 3101' oat -
let and lies at the Leet of 111e hills that
form the backhoae of Loag Ieland.
Roaud lob shores are name' pretty sum-.
mer homes. The trees about it are
'much 'Jhrger and 01000 beautiful than
elsewhere OD Long Islami. The waters
of, the late are very clear and cold. In
some places it seems bottomless.
The strange thing about Lake Ron-
konkoma is that it has a tide; not a
tide like the ocean that rises end falls
every twelve horn's, blit one that takes
seven yeut•s to rise and seven more to
fan. The dtffereuce between high wa-
ter and lore water Intuit is between
thirty and forty feet lelany scientific
men hare.
studied et .til I'1
C curious
nomenon, but no one has found out
what causes this mysterious tide. Nei-
ther' long continued "rains nos severe
droughts effect the quantity of wnter
in the lake.
The 'Indians used to bold the lai:e in
great awe, and few dared to cross It
in a canoe. There is n legend of one
brave who, while iisiling, was drown-
ed In the lake. His body was fount(
OE months fl terw•ard nearly ten miles
away in Long Island sound, -Youth's
They Have Passed Away, Because They
Were Economically Unfit.
As a typical species of American
fauna the liuifalo had his place fu our
history, but take him by and large he
was a rather useless beast, with no
adaptability for civilization. He served
his purpose on the plains when men
led a nomadic life there and existed ou
his rifle. But as soon as the range
land, over which the buffalo "roamed
in countless thousands," became fit for
settlement the buffalo was decidedly
de trop.
Very little of him was fit to eat. Ile
was w0rt1) 0 bullet when there was no
other meat to be had, but a people ae-
eustomed to modern steaks and roasts
would find him not overappetizing
once the novelty wore off. In a word,
the buffalo was economically unfit and
he went the way of the unlit.
Wad he been conserved he might now
be affording opportunity for big game
hunters to enjoy themselves in moder-
ntion. They are really the only per-
sons who have suffered by his disap-
pearance, To preserve the buffalo as
tl specimen in our zoos is proper. life
is a curiosity and has a historical
value. But entirely too many tears
have been shed over his destruction,
Otte steer w'0S and still is worth a
dozen bison: -Seattle Post-Iutelligencer.
Japanese "Movies,"
Even the remotest towns in Japan
have their gloving picture shows, and
to large cities they seem to be nearly
a plentiful s t .utile11
as on this side Of the e. 11; YokohamaI'n-
t a there whole
c is0 toe
street ot them, and, as the pl•ogram of
each le endless and Niel) picture is an-
nounced in huge symbols on a separate
Lbl'^.0Klllen-.:Millner ro,ing. iron 15 0101''.
blitubon p01e, 1111' asineet of 'l'bosntEF1
street is 0)1i(tliuciv (01111)10. 'The put
(ores MO) 1t1ePent:01101ml p11i)lt ,
Irl' fhc I I roghtios 0tarve lite eat) t.ut•oss...:.'
owl at their silts>slave a eart)ui3.!'..,.
(((1510) 3)0' (Lwif.1)1001, 01)11..•1) is 0o-
)'fin nted 11y' the I'm
,l th `t 1500 110e 1M':
arigtinls, 1)')) 1tiere stereotyped ,t6ver
1lstvuaots printed 10 1'1)10 c'eluj:4. 'Ills --
get -es " u1' ivuucleu sandals of Ibe p s-
tutors are tle+positoi) 00 a reek l)e2prsati
thi' )'trtratiro fo a moving picture Ritgen.
tor where other-' 111131e men lift` Liner'
hue the ,tunnuese leave their sbowee--
f'opu In r':1) 'rhe n1us,
Parisian Sage is the P1'opar:atti,sgs..
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Hair Gloriously •
Money back says W. B. S. Holmes
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cate, all dandruff stop splittlnn� t'
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dull faded hair of any lean woman.
or ichad.
Parisian, Sage is pleasant masa'
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you use 11.
Baldness and faded flair are both
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Large bottle at W. R. S. no bees
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In This Rapid Age. -creme - 1
"Mamma's good little boy want si)
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thin„ I'm nearly four years olrrt--.--
C:hirngo Tribune.
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