HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1913-11-27, Page 6uy this oven -tested flour
Your oven will certainly pro- -
• euce more bread and better bread •
a result of our oven test.
From each shipment of wheat
delivered at our mills we take a
ten -pound sample. It is ground
intoflour. We bake bread from
UFZITYthis flour. If this bread is high in
quality and large in quantity we
• use the Shipment of wheat from,
which it came. Otherwise, we sell
S The baking quality of. :lour
191d under this name is therefOr;
an% exact- certainty. Bu and
• ben!
44 More Bread and Better/ read" and
• 44 I3etter astry oo 527
•=is -it, a i
il Irst €qoice i.
•.. . ... ., t
_,,,,.,,s the snnie as set ond, third,
,15fLit or tenth when it comes to
. .4: cli.itos ing a Cli Hsi inns present.
- 1.Ficst come, best served, is tile pt•in-
eiple al lite stores, \17 hen the best
taken you twist aecept what is
1 moist take what others
4iaave it-tlecteil.
lf you believe that the hest is
e0011g11 ftry ""', Pint wilt get
ithe test ivy doilig your Christmas
' al/04,1411g early. \Vail ing until the
list Ilay moans !hiding depleted
il sloi•las, tired clerks and the discern-
',. fidtt of crowds.
: .4.• you
Save Time t
11 What You Want i
by Buying NOW
, • f
... • • • • • • •
and You Get
family remedy for Coughs and Colds.
dose. Email 'bottle. Beat BinCe 1870,
"Thonhtful Husband.
Site --Are you wearing, those pretty
,), szsaendei•s .1 •gave you fer your birth-
Clear; 1 was afraid the nn 11
using Its a button would rust 'etn,
kdrs Stet esma 11.
'Successful Vinoor.
'TA& Civerielolyn ntly 'Merest
• in young, fellow who stood la the
•'•1 vond serenading tier 111•1111
tine is ant riding Nvitt) the moo
vlui ran over 11110 with an amm.,),
t's o0s.
for *ver
n'ttractIve Scorecaras.
If you want ti) make inexpensive and
handsome score cards buy some floral
wall paber. Roses and carnations are
both very effective. One way is to
paste the floral paper smoothly on wa-
ter color paper, which costs 5 cents a
sheet. When the paste is thoroughly
dry cut into odsh
d apes so tha at flow-
er is en each card. Attach a peneil
and letter with a small brush.
No one would ever suspect that they
were not hand painted.. Another dainty
score card is made by cutting a rose
out of n piece or wall paper, posting
writing* paper at the back and folding
the writing paper beneath, which
makes a leaf on which to write the
score. Attach the (11111 to the dress or
belt by twisted cord of embroidered
silk. These earth may be made from
any pretty flowered wallne
Forgot Himself.
Old Lady (to beggar at doori-Whot's
this soiled paper! You'll have to tell
1331 what it says, for 1 haven't toy
Beggar-Pie:1So, 1011111. it 1311313 I'm
er and (lamb t)tal van 31)11 spare me
a few emils.-Buston Transeript.
Cumulative Possibilities.
"'Don't von think penee would be
?romoto) no puns 131333(1 1)0 persuaded'
to talk things over deliberately before
going 0'1
"POSSibly. tint sometimes the more
von talk things over, the more you find
to tight about."-NVashingt.ou Star.
The ..13" Hoodoo. •
"Don't talk to me about there being
nothing in this 'thirteen' business,"
said the major. "Here's a story or a
man who had thirteen wives, all in one
state, and, as if that were not punish-
ment enough, a judge gave hint thir-
teen years."-Atianta Constitution.
Children Ory
They Are of All Sizes, Shapes, Varier
A nall is a short piece of iron which
13 nnin uses to 111313 at while he is ham-
mering it's thinb.
Nails come in various sizes. A tack
is a baby nail which is fond or stand-
ing upon its head in the dark when
you are turkey trotting around your
room in bare feet, trying in vain tel lo -
11)1)' an electric button. An ad 111 1 011 11
is two ot' three Inches long and comes
113 -hoses are seat to Yoll by ex.
press, upon widen yon have to pay he
harges, W.t.t1 I.1 .111V already been 1.01-
Ten Years.
'Weakening the body will never remove
dyspepsia or indigestion, on the con -
all efforts should be to maintain
•Ara increase the strength.
Burdock Blood Bitters will do this,
farad at the same time enable you to
a.c----Aztake .of all the wholesome food re-
•••ined, without fear of any unpleasant
Pater xesults.
Mr. Henry P. White, Surretteville,
-writes:--"I have been troubled
PA& Indigestion for more than ten years,•
i.nd several doctors, •and different
• does, but all without success.
l'...aglieard of the many cures effected
Burdock Blood Bitters, I decided
give it a trial. I have taken one
•dattle, and I feel that I am cured at
.• Asst. .1 can now do the same hard work
Ecrstil.d. before I was taken sick."
•4 Murdock Blood Bitters is manttfac-
, .t.nnzed only by The T. Milburn Co.,
Eadited, Toronto, Ont.
• • Puzzled.
can't understand that man,"
"'Why not?"
"'Mies a lawyer, and a little while
se's he advised me to keeb out of liti-
• gation as Mug as possible." -
-seems to me tI3ot was mighty
good ndfice."
•-*Ineh, I feel sure that it was, but he
...4,11duitt Charge me a cent for it." -Chi -
w.71(1,113 'ilecord-Herald. .
Meted by the express emnpany at (110
mini* Mal. Not being 1)11(1) to 1111(1 the
Itattinter, you vainly endeavor to ex
tratt (hIs 01111 113)11 tailors of its 131011
from the box, both with and xvithout
proYer, until you finally suereed In
wrenching the top off the box with sn.
perlitiman strenuth svidle yoor wife
looks on with superb disdain.
Nails are also used to build Wises,
sinkers on fish lines and, 33 hen ap
1)11(11 internally to the feet, le promote
and foster lo4-130w,
eome in vast roultitities 114
itar4143a1e-111141 depoi'lment, stortn, but
tvhen you want just one to drive Into
the hatlirotmi wall tiering ytnir wife's
31 11S0110, to hang' a razor strop on you
Might as well loot: for a 11111110 133 a
haystael; or a square 410111 111 n stale
"Loogy Lirrulier lifigniSr .41
verely Said good old Parson iingater 03)
a •recent 31unday 'deviling. "What 313115
-3.10 '0114011 for yo' 'sturbin• de whole
cong'egation *last night by snawtin'
dot all way 50(1 den gittin' up and
(30)11 pin' ont'n de church wad 1111 •
ferocity of a blind boss?"
"Illi -well, to tell de (roof, pahson,"
Pnswerecl the culprit., "I's amphibious"
"Whn-what's dot Yo' specified? Ye'
"AMphibious, sal]. I walks 131 3n013
The High Calling of Motherhood
demands the utmost precaution in maintain-
ing health' at high efficiency.
• It is doubly important and nothing -in the world is
so needful as Scott's Emulsion, good cheer and
sunshine. Scott's Emulsion makes the blood
rich and pure: It contains the vital flesh, -
building and bone -building properties
and insures abundant nourish-
ment. It strengthens the nerves
and creates energy and vitality
• during this period.
• Expectant and nursing? mothers
always need Scott's Emulsion.
A long whip never trade a raan
• a good' driver,
A dirty milker is worse than a ••
dirty cook. 1'0 wet the hands
with 1110 milk when '1111131[1g is a ••
.. dirty (11011.
If WO keep stock ertottgb on
our farmS to consulne sur-
plus hay, grain 1)111„1 stn.] w. espe-
daily the straw. the fortility or ..
our farms will not become ex- -tt.
imustmi :13.$0011 ;is it otherwise J.
4. The back yard 134(1(1 (13 not like.
ly to put the COM' 31111 of business
.Nevertheless there is a place for X
1. the 01111c goat.
NOIVadtlyS 11 f:1111101' 1-11U sell a
pair of nudes for enough to buy
automobile, but nine times
out of ten he would do better to
k•cep the mules.
intrecled for breeders
• should he cnrefully looked after
when the cool weather starts in.
• -Diann Journal. • ••
Precautions to Observe to Prevent
Spoiling of Silage.
There is only one way to avoid all
losses or silage on top, and that is to
begin reetting at once, sayS the Kaitsns
loarmer. 'Phis oftentimes is net (le-
sir:WM, and it should be the aim to Ve-
il 11(.0 the amount of spoiling' on .top to
a minimum. 11 possible to so arrange
it some thoronghly gretrn, iteavy 3111)
rorial should be used in lilting the Lop
three or lour feet of the silo. There
Is 11113'1l3'13 11 tendeney for the top to rdry
out at once tt very (1ry time. T•110
appliention of water over the surface
rot. several days after the silo is tilled
will tend to keep the silage Wet on top
formation or a thin layer 01' wet,
slimy, moldy material forms the seal
tually prevents the silage
" from spoiling undertienth.
After the silo has been and
(ramped for 1(13111)1!time the surfnee
should not he disturbed by further
traming. 'Ibis would tend to disturb
(11) layer of moldy material and thus
11 air get down into goed silage
underneath. It' the tramping has been
properly done the silage will not draw
away rrom the wall. In many eases
14 rtovynr,,':1RC)I 1)4:443110
The Jersey bas the finest bones of
any of the thtiry breeds. The odder
of the best type of Jersey of today
Is an ideal one, lona, e1334(5d)ng won
up In front, fully rounded, level as
can be, with teats placed lust right,
and it leaves nothing to he desired
except In' 101110 instances little long-
er teats. The Jersey is the vvrY
emmanntrnt of dairy conformation,
and oho breeds true to type. 'rhe
pure bred ,littlicy ben shown Is a
typical specimen of the breed.
the tendency has been to neglec
tramping and to till the middle. This
'esults in Life center settling. muel
more than the sides, null the si1a131
Intws away from the. wall. allowinl.
dr to pass' down the side five or six
• 'vet. 'flits always means a gre!ft 414.111
of spoiled siloge. Joseph E. Vting or
)1110 ri.ports the use of halt a barrel
.31. 513(1 saran(' over the Sttrflleo :is giv-
ug good results 111 reducing the
amount o1' waste on lop.
\Viten 11 I-‘1110 has been praetivally
tilled with II 11 early crop (ii• one that
must be harvested early in order to
save it the same method of sealing the
surface should be used, When ready
to refill Inter Xvith or other late
crops the spoiled material on the sur
face should be removed, Three 431. rota
different crops may be. placed In tin.
silo in this manner.
The Profitable Pig.
Pigs that aro kept, groxving every cloy
of their lives protium the. weight at less
cost Ulna those that 1330 allowed to
grow along slowly and then finally rat
toned for 0)) 1311113, says the Orange
If'tt 111101'. ' rapid growing pig
prochices a better quality of meat that
meets the t-equiretnents of the present
day consumers, The MOW grCrxing pig
after beim.' fattened for i11rl3et is Kilti.
ply a rim of lean meat overlaid with
fat which has cost heaVily to procluve
The rapid growing pig produces 14 large
amount of lean meat intertning,led with
fat, which is produced cheaply in 11
short period .of dole, 313e-111pid grow
ing pig attains popular market weightS
In a shorter time and can be disposed
of sooner so as to 11130id many risks
which may have to. be met with the
slow growing, pigs, both in the possi
bility of a decline in PliCOS and meet-
ing, with diseases.
• •
• Waycross, Ga., Woman , Found ,
• Relief in Vinol.
Did you ever cough for a week?
Then just think how distressing it
must be to have a cough hang on for
two years.
Mrs. D. A. McGee, Waycross, Ga.,
says: "I had a very heavy cold
which settled into a chronic cough
which kept me awake nights for fully
two years, and felt tired all the time
The effect of taking your cod liver
and iron remedy, Vinol, is that my
cough is gone. 1 can now get a good
night's rest and I feel much stronger
in every way. I am 74 years old."
It is the combined action of the
medicinal elements of the cods' lir.
ers aided by the blood -making and
strength -creating properties of tonic
iron which makes Vinol so efficient
for chronic coughs, colds and bron-
ohitis—at the same time building up
the weakened, run-down system.
Try a bottle of Vinol with the un-
derstanding that your money will .be
returned if it does not help you.
W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist
Clinton, Ontario
Horse Hints.
'' Carefully traill the colt. ,
Perfect Mares only .should be bred,
• If' you cannot afford to buy a stet -
lion' get your neighbor to go into part.
nership with you. •
• Patronize only the best blacksmith
Your horse's feet are of the greatest
- importance and should be carefully
It seldom- pays 20 buy horses from
"gyps." They have so Many ways or,
axing ,np an olcl, broken down horse
that'it takes hp expert,t0 see which is
horse and which is fake.
Per Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature Of
Not Too Strong.
Att. 7
"They say, doctor,
diet for brain food,
me to try it?"
"Yon might 11' you
fish." -Philadelphia
that fish is a good
Would you advise
begin with weak -
Stopped Too Soon.
"Sir," said an irate little gentleman
of about four feet eleven inches to a
six root man; "I will have you know,
sir, that I have be1311 well brought up."
"Possibly," was the 1111133003, "bayou
have not been brought tip rar."-Stray
And President Tyler Found a Place
For Old Jack Dade.
President Tyler had a curious office
seeking experience at the very begin-
ning of his administration. Old Jack
Dade, a character about Washington,
who had been the president's class-
mate at college, went to the White
Lions°, and said he, "jack, I want an
"You do?" sold President Tyler,
"What aim on earth do you think you
are tit for?"
'Why, one o' these 'sinecurees' 1 hear
so much about -no wort: and good
pay," Dade promptly replied.
"Well, Jack," said Tyler deprecating.
ly, "you 131.1030 that I am president
110513 and must have some kind of war
mutt for making an appointment, Can
you get anybody to indorse you? Could
von brine' me a letter or recounnenda-
. s
"Oh, yes, said Dade. m fixed for
that," and he produced n letter of four
pages. written by Tyler himself to
President Harrison, whom he had just
Stratford. Ont.
Students may enter our
classes at any time. Those
who enter now will have an
advantage over those who
cannot enter ttill the New
'Year. Our courses in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Te-
legraphy departments are
thorough and practical. We
offer you advantages not
offered elsewhere in the
Province •.
Get our free Catalogue and
see if it interests you.
D. A. McLachlan,
zwir.s.mwonionaramwearmate-Zi, "SSW
• FOR(
Walls:le' and Riling O1ex
I. H. C. Gasoline Engines
MeC4mick Machinery Pumps
and Windmills.
Milier 1,1111t
Corner of Princes and Albert
= SHAW'S =
• Give Courses in all business
subjects leaditng to positions
• as Bookkeepers or Stenogra•
• phers alnd for Civil Service •
g and 'Coattmercial Specialists'
• e.xamitnations. Them Schools o
bola& the Central Business
g College of Toscani:0, with four
es, City Branch Schools. Stu- n
8 dents mlay enter any time for at
• these courSes. No vahation
• _
• Write for catalogue.
• W.H. SHAW, PreSiclent, 393 _•
•395, Yonge'St, Toronto. g
, + I
• .0
$ovon't 't/th;,
314(I11' I'3133311 111111' l'll(104110) 1)4
11', rtt(.1(., 11 goiid,
yeitti• eye >313341'111 15' lie exi•litlitt
>111 ,
I ferret'• )1t1011) 3,1Y 13
1011531 It ertrt‘fults' 3)13(1 51111'
741111. litiel3Itig
ectlin I 4)11)1(1,I.(itV, 3)13(1 I'll 111)10'
'1'110 lit(gt 11)37' 1'610101 'John 11'. (1(111
413118 3>5111341331 1,:01,11013 11113
111318011 111 tlitt 1 tistrict of (‚0)11130311 -
1.0131tvillt t'ourfer totrnal.
(.3,pprooriate Eactl0e, ' •
-ileforp 1111,r+111ab11311tt13•Ot of right.
:mil viols by jury tvhere
justice. ritold
'.11e tont:JP.,r, tititqa.,ated ul eta'
Min erintes wore tried by w115 tvas
ltitown as 1113. 'orfitstl' Ono of 114'14e
w'1113 (1134 '03(1>133tire.' Ilot !dim-
sliari;s 31'3'1'0 laid sltut•t Intervals
along (1)11 viciiiit's 115(11, and Ihe 'sus
peeted liersoli was blIndfultle11 and
vonipelled to walk over them. If
ttalf crura in doing it without 49110951)113
011 the hot irtais lie was deemed inno-
cent, Ilia if lie reC4,itq't1 (airlift 1)0 \vitt(
ttdjudged guilty. \Vito xvottld sulatti1
to suelt an ordeal new? Johnny, would
•No, sold .1olinliy.
".1.1111 34'I1y
I'd get cold feet."-Cle‘-elatid ['lam
The family remedy for Cough S and Colds
"Shiloh costs so and does no muchl"
In the Fall Hats Women Will Look
In the majority of fall models NVOM-
ell will look older. This is because the
bonnet, mushroom and bell shapes
:lave given woy to the hat with an up-
turned brim, and to be strictly in style
the lain, must turn at the back.
11' you are young and fair to look on,
by all menus wear a chin band OD your
new fall hat. This Call be or velvet
ribbon, taffeta or moire or or tulle and
, , • •
• N.
VII, no.
900 DA05-
Mutilating theroddandlleg ula-
fwg tha5 tumults ancil3owe Ls of
, .
nessandRest.Contsins neither
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
•Nor NAlac °TIC.
a,41.01 0/17/1rSAMLiait7CEET
nmpAin Seed
flaniclIcSitTLr ,
Ado Sad
/12 O14*a55JiJ14
Par acct.?' -
rtnlit I Jug, .
A perfcct licrnedy for Cor tipa-
, Sour Stornattb,Diarrhoea,
Worms ,Convutsions,reverish-
ness andLOSS OF SLEEP.
racSunite Signature of
For Infants and Children.
e1 Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
heiy Years
THE CENTAUR cordrANT, 0313410013130315.
To Jan. isi, 1915, for $1 oo
mallues. It can have a fastening by
menns 0t11 hook and e130, 01' the stream-
ers can be tied at one side, coquettish-
ly, under one ear or just In front. The
thio bond will be noticeable on hats
for afternoon and evening this season,
One "cap" is of velvet, with a puffed
crown and a visor which comes down
in front. At one side is a panache
mounting to .great height and giving a
clashing effect that would look well
with a tnilltory snit. On ft black vel-
vet hat for evening there 15 1100(1 chan-
tilly lace for the 111'1111 :aid for the wired
bow at the haek that holds the turned
up brim. The illustration shoWs an
exceedingly stylish itiece of millixtery-
a jaunty sailor of black velvet, with
fancy quills. The upstanding medic'
ruche worn with this chapeau will add
ultra chicness to any costume.
Daily Edition
[Including the Saturday Illustrated Section]
To farmers on
rural mail
The Globe leads in the
publication of the Farmers'
Market Reports.
This label, on
every bag, iden-
tifies Canada
Portland Cement.
MAKE certain of complete success in your concrete work
"1 by always using
CANADA Portland
We are supplying 'Canadian farmers with the highest quality of Portland Cement it is possible
for human skill to make.
We have reduced the price of Canada Portland Cement until it is within your reach for practically
every purpose. It is the only building material that is not increasing in cost.
Be sure to ask for Canada
Cement, in bags.
- Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal
Jj von have not received a free copy f"What the farmer can do 'with Concrete," write our Infirmation
Department and get one. • It's a complete practical concretecmgclopedia.
• .,
1 t,441A1 MIllOtal4111041r '141:31710'0**ItO1